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>he hesitated

First phase is okay, just primarily stick to your left/his right. His standard strikes always come in groupings of three and he'll ALWAYS hit you if you try to heal within several meters of him. Second phase is just a matter of staying at mid-distance and playing conservatively so you can bait out his jumping strike that's easily punishable. Third form is a lot easier since his lighting move is easily counterable (and it'll give you a few free hits) and he'll often pull out that windstrike projectile move that's sidesteppable without any trouble.

Once you've tried him a few times and have worked out his moveset roughly, he's probably easier on the whole than Gerhmann.

>he's probably easier on the whole than Gerhmann
Gerhmann took me like 3 tries, and that was my first souls game.

Don't bullshit me user.

stop hesitating

>he's probably easier on the whole than Gerhmann
lmao kys

don't hesitate

He was for me, sorry user. If you can do the Demon of Hatred, you should be able to do Isshin without any trouble.

Laurence is worse than anything in Sekiro

demon of hatred is quite a different kind of fight than isshin. he was way harder for me

>he's probably easier on the whole than Gerhmann
You must not have played Bloodborne then. Gehrman isnt even the hardest boss in that game. Isshin most definitely is the hardest Sekiro boss.

Learn his moves and parry/mikiri counter/dodge/fotstool him. It's like a final test of can you use those techiniques and do you know when to use them.

>If you can do the Demon of Hatred, you should be able to do Isshin without any trouble
Those fight require ENTIRELY different playstyles and strategies to beat. They arent comparable at all..

you're retarded. DoH is typical dark souls boss with running around, Isshin all about parries, 100% Sekiro exclusive boss

>1st phase
Hardest, but not as hard as owl
>2nd phase
Easier than 1st phase, about Genichiro
>3rd phase
Easiest, flash and style over substance

In my opinion he is easier. Isshin, Sword Saint only took me 8 tries. I spent a lot more time on Gehrman
Isshin was like in between medium-hard difficulty boss for Sekiro bosses

>Deflect most attacks. Beat him with posture damage, not vitality damage.
>When he starts walking sideways there's a chance he does a thrust. Mikiri parry that shit.
>Jump over the whirlwind attack with white particle effects. It's very slow and can easily be reacted to. You have to delay the jump quite bit but once you do it, you get couple hits in. Try to hit from the ground and not in air.
>If you parry the first ichimonji from him, he'll do the powered up version which you can sidestep to the left and get free hits in. If you fuck up the parry, just try to parry the second one and get a hit in.
It's a good idea to use Ichimonji yourself on him when you get the chance. It does shitloads of posture damage if charged up. As I said, vitality damage doesn't matter in the fight. Also if you are really struggling, use statues to restore restoration nodes. The cooldown lifts after each deathblow so as long as you survive each phase with only one death you should be fine. If you die at Genichiro, might as well restart it.
>sword saint
Shoot a pistol

opposite for me
>1st phase
easy, just be aggressive
>2nd phase
>3rd phase

Hesitation is death

Attached: Sekiro - last boss phase 2.webm (782x440, 2.94M)

wtf is that move at 19 seconds? whenever he did that for me it was just a huge slash forwards with SHOCKWAVE

Any boss that can be lightning counter can not be considered hard.

he has some variations on his moves

must be rare cus i was at this boss for a good 60 minutes

You gotta bumrush him since he regens posture pretty fast but has fuckall of it.

Attached: 1523576447677.webm (1280x720, 2.9M)