Do you still play your Vita Yea Forums?
Do you still play your Vita Yea Forums?
My switch has entirely replaced my vita, even for weeb games.
In the next 2 years the switch is going to become the main platform for weeb shit, mark my words.
I try to, but there's just nothing to play
Do any replacement shells for of vita exist its nice hardware but its ugly to look at
I'm marking your words user. This better pay off.
For original model
Switch is going to be dead like vita in 3months when stadia tablets with good buttons come out
Vita is german and means life!
>stadia tablets
my fucking sides
what the fuck are you smoking
daily, i need a new battery though, thinking of doing the battery mod.
>stadia tablets
Not really but original Switch is going to be dead like vita in 3 months when Switch Pro came with based Xbox One spec released
No because my memory card died for absolutely no reason at all. What a great piece of hardware!
I still wanna play my Vita but then I don't know how long it will last if I shell out for a new card.
>Switch Pro
>Xbox One spec
I bought a silver 2000 off amazon for the sole purpose of hacking but still havent gotten around to it. I put the screen protectors on and boxed it back up.
Haven't played mine in years, but starting to use it again. Ordered my SD2Vita, but I need a new charger. What games from the past ~4 years are worth checking out?
how could I play with something that doesn't exist
Of course. Just bought mine half a year ago and am having a blast. I'm going through all the persona games in reverse order, finished P4G and am playing 3 now.
Fuck off jewgle stadia shill
just hacked it an di'm having the time of life
i had no idea dariusburst was on it
No I sold that a long time ago to pay rent. I'm running out of money and am probably going to have to commit suicide soon when I drown in debt.
I tried to sell it but nobody will want it. So i just went and played P4G for the sixth time. I believe at this point, i'm capable of reproducing every single dialog event almost instantly.
I think i'm gonna give Odin Sphere a chance before going insane.
I have like ten games left to play and besides the Trails of Cold Steel games and Freedom Wars they're all 20 hours or less. After I'm done with them I'll probably never touch it again.
I was playing senran
I am using it as me emulation machine.
It's pretty comfy
Vita is the ultimate handheld
There wont be a other one
Also has the best rated handheld-only game in history (Persona 4G)
Currently playing.
only fifa 15. Kino
It's pretty much taken the Vita's place already. The system's entire release schedule is AA dev jrpgs, vns, and ps2 ports.
>best rated handheld-only game in history
>it's an enhanced port of a ps2 game
it's also a shit game in general
Same here. But ironically I still use the 3DS. I'm playing FE Sacred Stones on it right now.
Speaking of old games, which console is the best for emulating GB/GBA right now?
This is my issue with it, fucking sony and their memory card BS.
Get an sd2vita
>But ironically I still use the 3DS
Of course, because the 3DS is a true handheld you can actually carry around, unlike the Switch wich is just too big.
However, most weebs never leave their homes.
Most people that own a Vita weren't really carrying it outside their home on average.
So really, nothing changes, as i always say what most of Yea Forums wants isn't a "true" handheld, what they actually want is a tiny screen with decent controls they can play weeb shit on while shitposting on Yea Forums at the same time, and (most importantly), something they can carry with them and play while they're taking a shit on the toilet.
A true weeb handheld is an "handheld" that just needs to meet the lifestyle necessities of a NEET, not those of a functioning person.
>which console is the best for emulating GB/GBA right now?
Original PSP, or a 3DS.
So I want the 1000/OLED right?
>emulating GBA on a PSP
What about it?
Any issues with gpSP?
Yeah, the framerate is ass and you have to rely on frameskipping for games to be playable.
Sold mine and I do miss it but I already exhausted everything there is to play on it.
I'm happy with my slim model. You can increase the color saturation of slim models by changing values in the registry to make it more like the OLED model.
What's a Vita?
Vita means death!
>game gets announced in japan for the ps4 and vita
>gets localized to ps4 and switch
How good are they for streaming ps4? offline normal games nothing competitive etc.
There's a To Love Ru game?
I sold it for hentai
i mean esp with the last versions of the 3ds, it is pretty big and works better in your backpack or something than your pocket, all three are basically as portable as each other but the 3ds is the smallest
Based, 3ds is superior. I use the 3ds for GB/GBA emulation, but rather than use an emulator I use one of those 'virtual console injectors', which allows you to port over any GB game with the virtual console's stability. The 4 Mario Advance games are must haves.
How much better would you say is it to use this method instead of emulating?
Is it difficult to set up?
Any issues with firmware updates?
2 games in fact one musou and one VN
They're okay in house. The quality and latency both take a hit but if you're not playing a fighting game or a shooter it's playable. I played the Crash trilogy on it and it felt fine.
It's not better in every way. You have to run a program to convert gb roms into cias, then download them with fbi/put on your sd. They also eat up the 300 software limit on the 3ds.
I prefer them because I find the 3ds virtual console to be far more stable, official software and all that.
I've not updated my 3ds in ages, but I'm fairly certain if Luma is updated first you should be fine. Don't take my word for it though.
Could just be down to preferance. I like the injector because it let's you convert Megadrive roms along with every virtual console system, but if you're running an emulator already it might not be worth it.
Been playing old pokemon games on mine recently.
Feels good playing nintendo games on decent hardware for a change - love the screen / buttons on the vita.
I jailbroke mine recently, so yeah. Been playing games like freedom wars, emulating psp and so on.
Thanks, I am tempted
>harder to jailbreak
>no internal memory
If you have very good network, it works really good.t
Sold mine months back. Don't regret it for a moment.