
Attached: ac96c5n8npg21.png (2048x1024, 1.1M)

Other urls found in this thread:


both look like garbage

I can fap to both, tbqh

I'd boycott left and buy right. What's right is right.

What was the artist thinking with the left one? It's actually distracting, that's not a good character design. That's not an average woman, she's actively made to be ugly.

I actually like the kike, it’s ellie’s inflated gas sac of a forehead that’s so offputting. Also that she somehow has smaller tits.

The artist is antisemite. It should be illegal to depict jewish characters with such horrible comically big stereotypical noses. I never thought I would see the day Naughty Dog goes full neonazi.

She's not even Jewish.

It’s hilarious how triggered you guys are

It's boycotted either way. Western media continues to promote degeneracy while marriage and birth rates are plummeting. It shouldn't be supported.

Isn't the wristband she's wearing in the trailer have a jewish symbol on it?

But she has a big nose?


Attached: jew.jpg (720x789, 152K)

Dina is Druckmannnnn's self-insert

Attached: 1459866125923.jpg (400x480, 47K)

Why didn’t the nazis make their own shadow government and rule the world?

Attached: 3FFC0044-9314-423E-B68E-A81C1404EBFA.jpg (399x351, 67K)

Her nose is her only characteristic.

Left is original? Looks more like a /pol/ shoop

The face actress is italian, don't have a pic though

oy vey

Why didn't they just use the normal faces?

Attached: nose.png (800x417, 532K)

You wish.

>videogame should solely cater to my personal taste

>developers try to be 'progressive'
>its EZ mode lesbians
when will these cowards grow some balls
at least Blizzard had the balls to make their CoD character gay, but thats nowhere in the game since its not a story game. I'm sick of these 'diversity' supporters talking how they want to represent but conveniently only push what would make the main audience's dicks hard. They're all marketers at the end of the day.

Attached: rage-png-.png (300x309, 55K)

Southern Italians are basically Ashkenazi Jews.


Attached: Untitled.jpg (628x843, 181K)

Two manly men kissing is something "progressive" AAA devs are too chickenshit to ever put front and center.

Cascina Caradonna

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I don't understand why Yea Forums is whining about this. She's a total 100% qt3.14

make one a twink. even dudes expressed desire to fuck that Connor character from Detroit. With appealing enough character design, anything is fuckable.

because half of Yea Forums are racist fuckwits who think big nose = jew

Attached: 1538257520852.jpg (546x700, 136K)

SHE is but not the in game dyke

This depiction has been exagerated on purpose to try to prove a stupid point.

because they put no effort to the in-game modeling. she looks great in real-life, but mocap isnt some fucking magic bullet where you just capture it and are done. naughty dog is lazy.

She looks pretty much identical to her mocap actress with no makeup on.

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I have a nose like that girl and am not Jewish, stop bullying

Kys kike


Have sex

t.Israel Jewberg

She's actually kinda qt.
Maybe hitler was wrong?

this, he has a trap fetish, he wanted his whole life to become a girl and fuck a white girl.

Attached: índice.jpg (258x196, 9K)

no, she doesn't.

>tfw I've been using the international woman's day theme on my ps4 every since it released

Attached: 1541892237640.jpg (153x250, 4K)

People like you would've been among the first ones to be killed by the nazi regime.

It's okay to be proven wrong every now and then, user. It happens.

it happened to you


"balls" there was never anything even hinting towards 76 being gay and all of a sudden he is? It's a pretty blatant attempt at being progressive so people will pay attention to the game again.

Hey now wait a minute-
I dont see a single black person in that group photo
Dont tell me Naughty Dog forgot about the most important minority with all this PC shit they shovel around nowadays

Pointing it out would make you a racist.
The artist on the left knew what she was doing.

Have their been any cute women from Western gaming lately?

Can someone explain to me why this scene sets so many off to the point of obsessively shitposting it every day. Is it guerrilla marketing or just some autist with too much time on his hands

>Othered for being Middle Eastern
>Fungal Zombies
>World is fucked
>Muh racism is still relevant
Isn't there more important shit to deal with then fucking race?

Typical /pol/ bait thread, sage and ignore it.

Mary Jane

Snif this Snoyfags

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The fixed design doesn't work either because the face was built around the huge nose and looks weird and unbalanced without it.

>naughtydog still living rent-free in Yea Forums's head


Why did they make Ellie's gf so ugly? The actual woman they modeled her after is actually decently attractive. She's not a fucking supermodel or anything, but she's much better than the monstrosity they made her into

Attached: IMG_3953.jpg (1280x720, 82K)

>gamer friendly design

What does this mean again?

i'd bet 50% of users here have a hooked nose

Rate my nose, Yea Forums

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Her in-game model's face is -way- too fucking short and squished in, front-to-back. Add an inch or two to the model in that axis and I guarantee it'd look a lot better (or at least, human)

Meaningless word.

Damn. Is this what Elias has been up to?

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6/10, but can become an 8 after some rasping.

I have my father's nose. Apperantly he had a nose job when he was younger and straightened it out. My brother has it too, though its much more egregious on him

>boring samey eurocentric features


Dear G*d this is like another shoah

You just know they were so proud of themselves when they put that nose in.

Attached: jews_image39.jpg (500x510, 85K)

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (1417x999, 398K)

Considering she isn’t jew, no. Pastabros are ok, pastagals are super cute.

apparently not if your a sheltered lefty

ever see a couple of whites try to eat spicy food? rofl

you kidding? soy_boys are obsessed with spicy food

But jew nose for a progressive check is also soulless. Here I put some soul in it for you.

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leave now

Attached: jews_image46.jpg (347x600, 146K)

why dont you use toilet paper you fucking shit skin?

Just don't buy the game.

Lesbians are awesome in concept

But fail in implementation. Why?

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Honest question, Yea Forums.
Why is it a problem that you don't find her attractive?

Ever see a shitskin drink milk?
Not pretty, lemme tell you.

women need men
without men, women in a lesbian relationship essentially have one roleplay as a man. But they fail at it. And as a result, they tend to have much higher rates of domestic violence because women are insane.

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Because there are no lesbians. It's a myth, a phase, a fad.
Bisexuals are the high test. Fuck what you want, when you want, without having to be a contrary hypocrite (which every gay/lesbian is).

I want to be in a three-way relationship with them.

>because women are insane
is this what men really believe

Look up bed death. It’s why you old lesbian couples look extra shit

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Tell us about your healing crystals, coffee enema and today's horoscope, sane person. Your appointment with your fortune teller is today too, don't forget that.

Have sex, pathetic faggots.

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based yotsuba

it's not just the nose, long nose can look attractive on some women but she's oily and grissy as well and the hair looks disgusting too, it's like they were trying to make the happy merchant meme jew, maybe they are anti-semitic.

you are really weird

>incel crying about marriage and birth rates declining
this is rich

>coffee enema
What have I missed?
What kind of enema does guys use?

True lesbians are very rare, most women have sexual preferences rather than orientations, most women who identify as lesbian are basically bisexual. Most who identify as straight are also mostly bisexual. Lesbian culture is also incredibly hostile to bisexual women and ""lesbians"" who've been found to be taking cock on the side, forcing them to repress their appetite for cock, which gradually eats away at them until they inevitably find some hairy, sweaty, heavily muscled gym rat to fuck the shit out them. That's a pretty consistent thing i've noticed btw, when they inevitably give in it's never to some androgynous skater/emo type like you might expect, it's always these ripped pinnacles of masculinity that are usually only attractive to gay men.

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Attached: nose.png (2048x1024, 1.22M)

Have reproductive sex

Attached: Dina looks like that.webm (1920x1080, 1.14M)

Yeah, and before that she fucked dudes.
She's a hypocrite, trying to fit in to further some agenda.
Nobody fucking cares who you're fucking. Stop pretending to be a part of some elite homogenous club.
She came out as a retard who can't act.

you clearly never saw anjelica houston in that witches movie, or the addams family

It was likely made after the director had already agreed to the actress. It's too similar for it to have been made before.

>letting lesbians exist.

Attached: 1551292770018.jpg (480x300, 26K)

if you don't find this attractive, you're anti-semetic. and that's a problem.

Attached: jenny slate.jpg (663x1000, 80K)

>Lesbians are awesome in concept
As if you didn't have enough women rejecting you in your life and now you want to give them to other women.

Here's the real fix

Attached: Fixed.png (2048x1024, 1.37M)

What if she stays female but has a dick? Would that be enough?

Seek help. You're paranoid.

Attached: 1545142415387.webm (720x405, 2.53M)

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they are really close but the small difference that honestly pushes it over in the tip of the nose loosing it's definition and the lack of nostril width to even it out, compared to the original.

This is why if human taxidermy was even legal in most areas to be used on people who consent it still wouldn't even catch on as a gag when people saw the results. Tiny stupid little details can fuck over the way some look entirely and it's near impossible to achieve that level of perfecting when recreating someones facial structure.

Attached: 1553448415438.jpg (1462x1462, 189K)

oops forgot pic

Attached: Untitled.png (893x896, 1.57M)

Love nose no (((bounds)))

>people whitewash a character
>all these jewwashed qts
>par for the course

both of them are shit

stop promoting homosexuality to little white girls you fucking demon

Wow, lesbians are truly amazing

Why are they putting german WW2 propaganda posters in their game?

Why do westerners hate cute girls in their games?

Attached: 1552978218439.jpg (960x1379, 872K)

>Thousand of cute italian actress
>Choose one with the most ridicolous name that no one ever heard
Ah dio porco

look who controls the industry

Attached: WesternGamingLOL.png (729x743, 295K)

Makes a Jew gay. Not knowing the God of Jews hates homosexuality.

Can western studios just end?

They have unrealistic standards due to easy available porn.

But porn is full of ugly 40 year old women
Hell, the only reason I went for anime is because porn actresses repulse me

I really hope Dina dies a brutal death and ellie is forced to watch

I love how men's day is literally 2-3 days later and nobody says a word about it... no celebration, no talking, silence all the time.

is this ben shapiro's sister?

every other day of the year it's men's day user
there's woman's day only so they can shut up for the rest of the year


Attached: abigail 1553377301082.jpg (400x600, 80K)

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No, Ben Shapiro's sister is actually noice

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literally based and redpilled

Because face-scanning is a shitty underdeveloped technology that ALWAYS makes women look uglier in the game than they are in real life.

Ada Wong is the only exception I can think of and I'm only assuming that because she looks hot in the game and I haven't even seen a model she was based on and she could be even hotter in real life for all I know.

Attached: 1550322608410.jpg (579x584, 34K)

Oy vey.


looks like a 6, 7 if she has a nice voice

she's 6/10 at best

it's Mediterranean/middle-eastern

Glad to know the Japanese are on our side.

eating spicy makes your cum taste bad

i like how the only 2 other character there just happend to be a nigger and a gook

Attached: not far off the last of us 2 kikes.jpg (1417x999, 83K)

i hated the dlc to because her gf was a nigger
couldn't they have made her asian

Because Yea Forums has stupidly high expectations when it comes to women.

>Waaaah nose too big it's uglee!
Why are you retarded faggots discussing this stupid shit when the problem is that THERE'S FUCKING DYKES IN OUR VIDEOGAMES?

Homosexuals and all other degenerate branches should be publicly executed by the guillotine method.

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Oh God, oy vey gevalt! This is like ANUDDAH HOLOCAUST!

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