FINALLY! a reason to game on PC

FINALLY! a reason to game on PC.

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>caring about being straight in the year of our lord 2019
I pity you

sleep tight, aniki

the tiananmen square massacre 1989

>TFW being attracted to femininity
>tfw men are more feminine then women
I would argue that it's not exactly gay when women are manly and men are feminine. You are still attracted to femininity.

theres nothing wrong with being straight or gay just dont lie to yourself :)

What the hell is this?

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>its ok when japan does it

>discord trannies are shilling this thing like it's Yea Forums culture

trannies have nothng to do with their lives? all they do is ttry to recruit other trannies to validate their choice

>men are more feminine then women
Only basement dwellers think this.
You never see Chads say shit like this and you never see Chads with cross-dressing boys.
You're just a beta who can't attract girls so you do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that fapping to men in skirts isn't gay

>wants to fap to boys but still insists that he's straight
That's pretty homophobic, why are you so scared of being bisexual?

>You're just a beta who can't attract girls so you do mental gymnastics to convince yourself that fapping to men in skirts isn't gay
It is technically gay, doesn't change the fact that you are still attracted to femininity. And women being manly is a fact, most of them abandoned their femininity for pursuit of career and money. Pickup artists are there just for sex and they don't care about long term relationship so the actual character of the person doesn't bother them.

>doesn't change the fact that you are still attracted to femininity
There's nothing remotely "feminine" about a pasty nerdy white dude wearing a skirt.

Traps do not exist in 3D.

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Don't be transphobic user, it's true that most trannies are disgusting wannabie females but some of them are really cute.

>some of them are really cute.


maybe the devs are shilling? I don't see it on my store page.


Remind sodomites will burn in Hell unless they turn fr their sinful practices

Attached: BEPIS12048105.png (1280x1288, 671K) looks like this

I want you to talk to me like this while I'm sucking your cock

Salty roastie spotted.

he uses enhancedsteam extension, that adds a lot of feedback, normally not avaliable on store page

Die you degenerate

Imagine what your father would think.
Oh wait knowing you're a faggot he probably wasn't there. Literally nigger tier.

It’s not gay if she has a feminine penis

>trapfags eventually assassinated him for stating the truth
you left us too soon, aniki

it's not transphobic to call ugly things ugly user

they are ugly, just that

Never heard of this, thanks.

People who get disappointed when the "girl" is actually a girl and doesn't have a dick are literal unironic faggots.

When people ask "traps are gay", do they mean that being into them is gay or the traps themselves are gay?


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this is NOT ok and is hatefull of trans people

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Japan's faggots are more feminine both physically and mentally than Western women.
Western faggots are ... just faggots.

Why does he still have a beard?
At this point you can get rid of any body hair you don't like at home cheaply.

they just procrastinate or what?

faggot don't even brush his teeth

he has some serious issues

Traps are not trannies

too soon

Is there a Reverse Trap Shrine perchance?

>No sonichu medallion


Call me back when we get a Reverse Trap Shrine with similarly aged characters on Steam

>protagonist is not a trap but just the typical self-insert, which makes the traps gay

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not even a scene where he cross-dresses that's a yikes for me there always should be one dominant trap