Does anyone even care about her?
Does anyone even care about her?
Other urls found in this thread:
I stopped caring about FEH a long time ago. That said, I appreciate the cute lolis
I care, I will always care.
Fug. I'm gonna need to do a max score run to stay in T21.
No but she shares a colour with Lewyn who I'm still trying to get after his initial banner, and the 5% banner and the voting gauntlet and all I have is -Attack one
Anybody who voted for micaiah should care about Yune, and since Miccy won CYL 3 i'd hope that means quite a few people care about Yune. I know i'm super happy about my +2 Yune (hoping to get more merges before the banner leaves).
>8 summon sessions
>4 green orbs
What is this bullshit?
Also how the fuck is there no channel or update announcement yet?
Dead game. Dead threads.
Honestly glad to see the game suffer. How can you fuck a literal money-printer up this bad
>color you want doesn't show up
>get a focus 5* of someone else
The worst.
By trying to force people to pay by reducing free orbs I guess.
By being jewey as fuck and in turn turning off a huge chunk of the playerbase because of it. Honestly good riddance, ISIS deserves this shit.
I got 3 fucking Lewyns before I got my Yune.
The problem is this game's abysmal rates and low free orb income, combined with the high prices for orbs.
Seriously, $10 for 20 orbs? That's fucking retarded.
If this shit was 20 orbs for $1 I would have spent a good amount of money on this game, but the stupid high prices make this game a whale only shit.
Also, combined with IVs and pitybreakers, this shit is just designed to encourage whaling and rolling and rolling by buying orbs, or else you get fucked because the F2P orbs are extremely scarce.
Yeah, got one and she's great! Considering burning my 2500 orbs saved for legendary Miccy to +10 her cute bird.
It's about ratios. In every mobage, one full pull on the gacha is worth about $20. In FE a full pull is 5 units, rather than 10 units/doodads/supportcards. All the stuff that would be extra filler cards to cuck you is baked into the units already so they serve double duty as units to use and skill banks to give to others. 6%/3% focus 5* with a stacking pity rate is already outrageously good pull rates compared to other mogabes.
FEH these days is unironically only played by Telliusfags and Echoesfags desperate to shove their games in everyone's faces.
It's still designed for whales only instead of the general public to spend money into.
No, but I care about Special Spiral. So of course I got 2 Yunes instead.
She doesn't even have good fodder.
I didn't even bother with the banner. I free rolled, nabbed a red orb afterwards and got Myrrh, and bailed.
Probably the most underwhelming whogivesafuck legendary/mythic since Hrid, and at least that asshole had DC.
Cute redesign, she was pretty plain in RD.
I wanna plunder Yune's tight little womb
She looks like a taco.
Eat her all out
honestly. yune possesed micaiah was the version of miccy
This banner is bait. The real prize is the destructive forces banner.
>tfw got 17 5* units from 600 orbs
never spend money on Feh. just too overpriced to even consider it.
with random colored orbs , low pull rates , pitybreakers and the fact you need at least 10 5 stars to max a unit..
the value of 5 stars has just heavily decreased , while still hard to get and while high orb prices remain the same
I just heard her voice and it's not what I expected. She sounds like a fully grown woman, but she's clearly a child, isn't she?
She's a million year old shapeshifting goddess.
No. I care about the bunny girls. Saved up 150 orbs. Hoping for titty ninja,
>200 orbs sniping on blue
>get all 3 GREEN focus units when there were no blues
>already had both lewyn and kagero, even if theyre great fodder
>get another 20 orbs from the remaining lego battles
>no blue
>fucking yune pops out again
bros... all i want is a single blue...
>Can shapeshift in to anything it desires
>Decides to dress up as a tiny little girl
What does it all mean?
>32 speed
what a world book 1 was
banner is cruel and definitely the worst when it comes to desire sensor.
I don't even want to know how many orbs I spent to +2 my F!Grima.
Honestly it is so tiresome to even complete all the daily quests in this game, or set plans for my units and what not. I wish AR didn't have it's 5 rewards tied onto a daily basis fuck
not after I got her with -atk
Surely Marcia will be on the next Tellius banner, right?
she is the better miccy in rd at least
got two of her without really going for her.
+ speed and + res
still thinking of what i'll do with her
Would rather have Jill first
Since berkut there has been 3 echoes units added total. They got fucked
That's actually standard if not generous for gacha. And when you realize that such low rates are considered generous, you know you're playing a kusoge genre.
They blew their load on release because they were promoting Echoes. There's really no one left to add but Silque, Tatiana, Mila and Zeke
Literally fucking who. Tiki and Nowi still takes the loli crown for both cuteness and sexiness.
i kinda want to see Atlas and Forsyth. Fernand should be in too
Don't start complaining about literally who's, unless you want more Eirika and Camilla alts
Still waiting for the innevitable legendary Camilla. It will be hilarious.
I can't believe every Eirika looks the same except Christmas.
Did you get your golden ducky, Yea Forums?
>>That's actually standard if not generous for gacha
it's really not generous in any way considering that you need so many copies of a unit and that the 5* pool is so extremely inflated. feh is one of the worst gachas out there.
This. Why were every Eirika alt drawn by the same artist while the artist for Camilla alts changes every time?
I really wanted to summon on this Lego Banner but surprise I'm stuck in a 5.25% on the fucking Idunn banner. I should know better than to try to snipe on this fucking game with bloated pools but whatever. It's kinda incredible how FEH went from being a semi good game to a trash one.
Can they clean up the trash in the 5* pool already?
The gameplay is the same rolling is just fucked now
No gacha has a clean 5* pool.
Even whaling it's still generous. What standard are you using for gachas? FGO has CE and you still need to NP5. GBF everyone saves just to spark and there are weapons. DL makes it so dup charas are completely useless and give a more useless reward while having dragons which need +5 and WP. Browndust has .2%s. E7 just nerfed everything.
>trying for L!Lucina
>have to roll green, hope for special spiral fodder
>oh hey, that's cool
>looking at her stats
If I didn't need any mythic hero I could get for AR defensive teams I'd fodder her sabotage res skill to Deirdre.
I am now out of orbs and still didn't get legend lucina. I don't even like her that much, but she just seems so fun to play with.
>Pull Iduun
>She's so broken, you finally enter tier 21 for a change
You really only ever need 1 copy of a unit or 2 at most if you got a bad IV. The actually bad thing about FEH is that some characters would like rare skills and those usually take a year to get added for "free" so you're stuck rolling for more units.
I'm waiting for a guide.
I fucking love Idunn.
Can we get Null Followup and Null C-Disrupt as sacred seals already? I’m so fucking sick of firesweep cancer, “guaranteed followup attack” cancer, Sturdy Impact/wings of mercy/dancer Tibarn cancer...
I’d be tempted to buy orbs if they were half the price they are now, but the prices as steep as they are so they can prey on whales.
>It's kinda incredible how FEH went from being a semi good game to a trash one.
feh was complete trash in the beginning but they listened to the community and improved. it just sucked that it could never really improve on the gameplay because it was so limited. after seeing what langrisser mobile did gameplay wise i'm really upset over how much potential they threw away with feh because i'm way more attached to fire emblem.
fgo is probably the worst gacha out there. i don't know too many gachas but girls frontline doesn't even use premium currency for summoning and i'm pretty sure azure lane doesn't either. langrisser has a relatively low rate of 2% but one copy of a unit is enough to get it to max potential and it has focus banners in which you are guaranteed a non-dupe focus unit. girls frontline and langrisser also don't have alts which is a massive plus in my book.
i played feh as a f2p from launch till last year in summer or so and pulling one copy felt like pulling no copy. it's just frustrating to know that you can never get the new unit up to where your better units are. i tried to use all my new units and constantly switch up teams but it burnt me out because it just felt like i was trying to force having fun instead of actually being excited about getting someone new. the skill inheritance just made everything so much worse because i could only either do the same shit on everyone or get rid of my one copy of a unit i might want to try out at some point.
>go on AR
>beaststone defensive team
>tfw 3 mov flying dancers
>tfw galeforce tibarn
This is fucking stupid.
Is there really still not a F2P one out?
got 2 of her looking for L!azura dupe
PM1 has one if that's what you want.
I'm a f2p too. It's annoying to know your unit is "the best", but that's literally every gacha game. FGO if you don't have NP5 you are doing as much damage. Dragalia if you don't have MUB dragons you're fucked in HBH. Etc.
At least in FEH I can still clear all content with my day 1 units.
But GFL also has a big pool of 5*s and you still need 5 of your girl to do it and you need weapons too. Also
>try to play GFL
>it updated
>go update it
>the game requires Camera permissions for some reason
Chinkshit, not even once
Jesus fuck that auto correct.
> It's annoying to know your unit isn't "the best"
>FGO if you don't have NP5 you aren't doing as much damage.
all the gacha is through non-premium currency and the duping can be done without every pulling a second copy. also i've pulled during a rate up and i got so many 4* and 5* units i could barely keep up with the space and had no idea what to do with all of them.
like i said fgo is probably the worst out there. i didn't play dragalia.
yeah, i did like how you can beat content with mostly whatever unit you like and the puzzle like gameplay was pretty fun. if you want more authentic fire emblem gameplay i'd recommend giving langrisser a try.
>DL trying to rein in FEH bucks
That red mage should've killed Nino. Is she overleveled or what?
From what I heard Langrisser has even worse balance issues than FEH and people have quit in droves. Also,
>Shitty mobage
>Requires phone, contacts list, microphone, storage, and camera permission
Fuck off, Chang.
i don't know what you heard but you can get very far with just the starting units. a chinese guy clears all content with them. there's a pc client but if you don't like it then whatever.
>No one with 100 wins
Easy mode I guess?
I was interested at first, but like I said everything about it screams botnet. I'll stick with FEH for my RPG fix, thanks.
After DB3 and WTA, she's attacking a green unit for 63 damage. Base Nino has 61 bulk against magic. Not hard to find 3 more Res to survive, in my case she had Res Tactic to further boost Gronnblade damage, which was required to be able to kill that mage on counterattack as well, along with an unnecessary Distant Def seal.
But yes, mine has some investment.
It upsets me how there are Year 1/2 skills that are still unobtainable in the 3/4* pool. It's absurd
I want to merge with Sharena.
QR3 fucking when?
Games fucked. IS is doing the exact opposite of what the community has been asking for. They've proven that they're only interested in making new modes and features if they can force the playerbase into p2w to be competitive. Arena has been shit since the bonus unit update, AR is p2 compete, they refuse to make GC interesting despite it being the perfect mode for guilds, FB has fucking conversations for rewards, TB is even more useless now that they've reduced the free orbs, TT and AA are the only reasonable modes to play. It's like they're doing everything they can to kill the game.
Name me a better theme in FE history.
Dumb illiterate.
The only way I could see them show they're actually listening is if they finally demote more year 1 5 stars and also demote at least two of the current banner units. Also, without update news this whole week has been very boring with nothing but just TT grind. I don't even have merge projects at the moment so I'm kind of stuck.
The game will still survive enough, at least until they can start shilling TH. Because I definitely want Sothis.
Imagine fucking her vaginabones.
>AR is p2 compete
I haven't dropped a single dollar on this game and I'm T21. What's your excuse?
>yune instead of Mila
>yune instead of the crusaders
>yune instead of the heroes from 6-7
>yune instead of ashera
>yune instead of dheginsia
Gee I wonder why nobody cares.
Doesn't make him wrong, though. Aether Raids went from a really fun mode I really loved to an insufferable piece of shit in just a month, where at this point I can only bother doing the bare minimum just to gather rewards and not drop tier. They only need to limit teams to one dancer per team, that's all they need to do to improve this turd, but no, of fucking course no.
Fuck you, now I'm upset.
I checked the announcements recently, and I notices that nearly all update notifications came out in the first 10 days of the month, so we should be getting an update notice soon. Hopefully my waifu gets a refine.
>all of those literal whos instead of based god Yune
Who's your waifu, user?
I'm still waiting for one for Peri myself.
I still really like this one.
I want to abandon Yune in the dune.
>Doesn't make him wrong, though
Why doesn't it. He says you need to "Pay 2 Compete", which is complete non-sense since plenty of F2P have made it into T21.
Demotions is another thing they need to do as well. The amount of useless 5 stars in the pool is ridiculous.
I couldn't care less about your rank. The philosophy behind the mode is "summon these specific units to climb tiers". Making people think they need to have specific tools to compete is extremely damaging to a game. You can reach tier 21 in arena too with easy to get units, but that doesn't stop them from putting the latest banner units as bonus ones.
So we all agree that if there's anything FEH did right, it's the music?
I've never played FEH, what the fuck is going on here
I couldn't care less about your incessant whining. Not liking AR is fine, but saying it's p2 compete is bordering retardation.
oh wow this sounds a lot better than on my phone's shitty speaker
>insert literally all of fate's soundtrack here
Pretty much, yeah.
Considering we're getting a new heroes banner in the 9th if I remember correctly, I expect them to drop the new info tonight or during tomorrow's reset. I currently got over 260 dew so let's see who from the units I have gets a refine. I really hope one of them is Nowi, and I really hope she gets a QR refine.
Because the higher you get, the more investment in mythic units you need to remain at a proper lift to get to the higher ranks. Unless you go full e-sports like that faggot Akariss and only roll exclusively for mythicals and cookie cutter teams, nobody's ever getting into the higher tiers.
That applies to all the games though, except maybe awakening and even then it has a few good tracks.
>Anybody who voted for micaiah should care about Yune
Nah, I actually quite dislike Yune due to their connection. It was ridiculous how in Part 4's tower stages during all the intermission dialogue Micaiah was just an outfit for Yune.
The one time you think you're actually getting a conversation with Micaiah... it's just Yune pretending. Like, what?
Micaiah still got dialogue during the battles, but that whole thing left a bad taste.
Then don't reply you stupid bitch. You haven't made an argument for why you think it's not a predatory mode. Your anecdotal experience means nothing.
Galeforce memes. Mia and Nephenee have Brave weapons so they get to attack twice when they reach the Galeforce cooldown (which is 5 attacks). Linde is just there as a buffbot and to Smite Nephenee so she can reach the cavalier, and after she attacks and ends below 50% HP, Mia uses her B skill, Wings of Mercy, to teleport next to her. Nino meanwhile has a Gronnblade+ which adds all the buffs she receives to her attack power. Tactic skills give +6 per stats so she effectively gets a +24 to her attack, which gives her enough power to both tank a red mage who's effectively stronger than her and so she can kill on counter by activating her special.
>Then don't reply you stupid bitch
Why not? You made a factually wrong statement so I corrected you. Or are you trying to move goalposts now?
This is so fucking out of place and I love it so much.
>A literal god
>Her ENTIRE role in the story is being a gigantic fuckup who agrees the best thing she can do is nothing and fucks off at the end of the story
>All while being talked down to by mortals
She very well may be the biggest failure in the history of videogames.
You can get to T21 without any investment in mythic units. I only have 1 Eir and I regularly hit T24 during her seasons.
You sound like the same people who say you need +10 units to beat abyssals.
I'm trying to figure out why you're only picking out parts of my posts to respond to and using buzzwords instead of coming up with an actual argument. By now I know you don't actually have one.
No bully.
If it’ll sate your autism, you could settle at “spend orbs to compete.” Most people would rather save orbs for units they like, instead of having to roll 2 copies of a mythic unit for scoring. There’s also meta units/skills to consider, like the Null skills, Tibarn, Ophelia, etc.
Not to mention that you’ll need TWO sets of teams because of how blessings work. My best teams can barely survive the bullshit that’s out there on Light seasons. I’m not going to divide my roster in half (and roll for 2 mythics) just so I can compete in Astra seasons too.
>tfw I managed to get to AR T21 with 1 Eir and 1 Light-blessed unit that I rarely use
>I'm trying to figure out why you're only picking out parts of my posts
Because that's the only part that was objectively, factually, inherently wrong. I don't like when people spread something as truth when it in fact isn't.
The rest of your post is meaningless since gacha games are inherently predatory by design. Singling out a single mode in a kusoge gacha to get upset over is not only silly, but quite frankly kind of stupid.
>If it’ll sate your autism, you could settle at “spend orbs to compete.”
Nope. I got to T21 using Fae, Reinhardt, Dancer, and Eir. Again you don't really have to spend a dime to "compete".
However I will agree that Astras are going to suck. But again once you're in T21 you're gucci.
>tfw I managed to get to AR T21 with 1 Eir and no bonus unit
You're in the middle. I talking high T26-T27, the actual competitive scene of AR, where you damn well know you ain't even getting close unless you get a perfect 0 loss defense week, and yet you'd still need to invest several merges on Eir just to have a chance.
And what happens at that point? Your team stops being your team, you're just building a cookie cutter easy-mode party just to deal with the cookie cutter easy-mode defense keeps from whoever's at the top. What was attractive about AR was pretty much creating your own GHB with whatever unit you had at your disposal. I spent so many weeks trying to perfect my defense team, changing maps and units, foddering a lot for skills (literally six Sheena just test a full armor team with Svalinn Shield) and even if now it felt like a waste, before it was a very fun experience. That's of no importance anymore because IS is forcing everyone to spend orbs (and mind you, I never said money) just to get their new special snowflake mythicals to have a better chance at remain competitive because two very useful items they have recently released, grails and dragonflowers, are locked to that single mode. So get off your high horse like it's an accomplishment to get only to T24 as a f2p.
>you know what our lighthearted game full of lolis in bathing suits needs? Death metal and jello skeletons
The fuck were they smoking when they made Book 3?
I already loved that track when they played it while they showed off the weapon refinery, really good track
overused as fuck though
I honestly had no idea who she was despite finishing Radiant Dawn. I completely forgot she existed.
I'm not sure but I damn well want some too.
Huh, don't know of many people that waifu Athena. Still, she probably deserves one given that nobody bothers with her after Mia.
No other mode gatekeeps a player the same way AR does. Your t21 out of 27 isn't enough of an achievement to lean on and you have yet to make a single counter point besides "If I can do it anyone can".
>I talking high T26-T27,
Sure, but that doesn't mean T24~ isn't competitive. Or do you really think a difference of 4 dragonflowers is worth spending thousands of dollars? Every single gacha game is like this, FEH is no different. The son of that oil baron who whales for all the top units and items and resources will always do better than you. Even in games with no PvP like FGO they will still do more damage and clear content quicker. It's a strange thing to get upset about when you should know what you're in for by willingly playing a gacha game.
>No other mode
You're not hitting top 1k in Arena/Assault without whaling for a 185~BST team. I don't see why you think this is an AR exclusive problem.
>"If I can do it anyone can".
Literally anyone can get into T21 though. If I did it with YEAR 1 launch units there is no reason why you couldn't. You're literally crying over nothing.
>literally six Sheena just test a full armor team with Svalinn Shield
>you'd still need to invest several merges on Eir just to have a chance
>IS is forcing everyone to spend orbs (and mind you, I never said money) just to get their new special snowflake mythicals to have a better chance at remain competitive
>get off your high horse like it's an accomplishment to get only to T24 as a f2p
So you're only a good f2p player if you spend orbs specifically for the purpose of AR?
I've never felt the need to merge any of my units. I just want a copy of the characters I like.
Unmerged fast bladeflier crushes everything, and flying dancers are available at 4* now thanks to Reyson
FEH has my favorite music. Granted I've only played the NoA approved FE games.
>So you're only a good f2p player if you spend orbs specifically for the purpose of AR?
Ask Akariss.
The problem with AR isnt that its unfair or p2w but that its a total chore to play and they keep locking shit behind it instead of fixing it
Same. The necessity of merges is vastly overrated by bad players looking to excuse their poor play.
Meh a high res green unit who can be killed by any bow user, and that's it
If I want high res then I would use someone like Wrys
Also the stupid VA ruined her for me, even in the Japanese dub she sounds like a middle age girl instead of the forced loli shit
You literally don't understand the point of my statement. You /can/ get high ranks in Arena with easy to get and merge units such as Sheena, Effie, Draug etc and we have a combo of free units and easy to get units to use as bonus units. You can do the same in AA with more easy to get units such as Reinhardt, Cecilia, Fae and Nowi. It's possible in every other mode as well to get to the highest ranks using these units as well. You don't even need a legendary unit to do Blessed Gardens. But in AR you /need/ a mythic hero to push your score as high as possible to reach the highest ranks /and/ reduce the loss you get if your defense fails to win a match. You can get as high as 17 or 18 without a mythic hero, as high as 21 with 1, but past that, if you want to continue being competitive, you need to continue to invest in those mythic heroes and the units around them. No other mode requires you to have a specific unit to be competitive at the highest ranks. The closest thing is Arena, which needs you to have those high BST units to get into and stay in t21, but that's easy to do with the units I've already mentioned.
This why no one summons when there's a green focus unit,from all the orbs these are the ones who literally doesn't show up,also you can get cucked in this banner
>Go on AR
>3 dancers
Getting to tier 21 is easy after the change in required stamina, escape ladder, fountain upgrades, etc. What we should really be concerned about is ranks, since that’s where a lot of our grails will be coming from. Once we get an Astra mythic hero, I doubt it’ll be possible to make top 10k without rolling for 1 or 2 of them.
>Used Cavs back then and only had one unit that could reliably one round her if she didn't have a speed buff
>Now I have things fast enough that Veronica would need L!Azura Tactics just to break even
It was a different time.
I poured every orb I had into it and just got my 3rd Ophelia, a -Spd BLyn, and 2 of the same IV Llewyn. Just like with LTiki and Duma. I did get Duma by dumping a big load of my orbs into that vote banner though, had to because fuck legendary banners.
RD is my favorite FE.
All the music in FEH is great aside from the enemy phase theme and the Hel boss theme
Fuck I don't even care enough to rise up again and I only lose a round for the daily rewards
I wish this mode came out earlier when I was was invested in this game I genuinely think it's a decent mode
Which units really benefited from Weapon Refinery? Pic related, Celica is a nuke in this game, holy hell.
Why is this game so much more elaborate than any other FE games?
I really like Catria's and Est's.
I got both Lewyn and Kagero from the banner. I would have loved to get a Yune instead of one of those.
a lot of the standard map themes suck, mostly the ones selectable for the MyCastle
Anything this banner’s sCelica is good for?
Giving DB4 to someone.
A better question would be which didn't? Even shitters like FRobin or Sophia now have some really good niches. I think characters like Leo are who got the shorter end of the stick.
>Weapon triangle actually matters, divided in colors instead of weapons and giving a flat 20% increase and decrease in attack and defenses so it's also easy to calculate
>No Str and Mag stats, all combined in one single Atk stat where weapon types determine if your character aims at the Def or Res of the foe
>No crit or hit chances, removes RNG completely during combat and makes every decision you do actually matter and completely linked to your own knowledge and ability
>Crits replaced by specials which are fully controllable, allow for smarter building and can be selected based on your character's role. Make noodle arm characters like Gwendolyn hit really hard when they attack with a skill that increases their Atk by 80% of their Def, for example
>Several Infernal difficulty maps are way harder than anything the whole series has had to this point
Those would be the first things that come to mind that make FEH's combat superior to mainline FE games.
>Finally pulled H!Mia
This banner is good in my book
She's still an excellent, powerful unit if you want to use her, despite the oversaturation in the sword infantry pool.
DB4 otherwise since the 4 inherit update makes it easier.
>No crit or hit chances, removes RNG completely during combat and makes every decision you do actually matter and completely linked to your own knowledge and ability
>knowledge and ability
and the capacity of your wallet.
Green is a blessed Color for me. I gotten stuff like Amelia off her debut banner in 3 Orbs, got two Winter Lissas and no Chrom, and 3 LA Lilinas and Hector. Seasonal Chrom tends to be a sign of a good time. Only trouble I've had with them was with HHenry. Blues on the hand fuck me up for making me wait months so I can finally get Lute and FMorgan.
Ok I might try and make her work and if she doesn’t I can just feed her to Ophelia or Reinhart. Thanks for the help.
I’m still fucking pissed that none of the subhumans dropped. I guess it’s a miracle reyson, a green unit, did at all.
>green flying dancer with a 3 move transform ability
It is good that he dropped because he's basically the best 4* dancer unit in the game now.
I was really expecting Kaden or Velour to drop.
>really hoping Velouria would drop because of no actual premium skills, even if she had really good stats
>still knew Kaden would surely be the main demote, but that maybe we could get another Ares situation
>no demotions
I don't even.
Who are you hoping gets added soon?
Also Farina and Neimi.
I did a theme team clear on Infernal since I'm too smooth brained for Abyssal theme clears
DB on Ophelia is worthless, give her LaD. Rein is a solid choice for DB4 though.
What's the theme? Nohrian blondes?
Just Nohr in general
Hopefully I can sell my account to some poor sap for some pocket change
I just hope they don't add more green dragons, seriously what's the fucking point when falchion users exists?
I can't give two shits about PvP content because of that. Eventually you'll always see the same 4 units with slight variations in the team constellations.
That's something I really fear with Nah. I already have a +10 Fae, a Grima and I'm saving for W!Fae merges, that and I ain't replacing my +10 Nowi ever, so my best hope is that she's red when she's released.
>seeing dragon killing sword users at all
I'd grant the occasional LMarth or LRoy but it's difficult to find anyone using Chrom or the like.
(You)den and Ezelith
She'll likely be a green infantry with powercrept stats that make her equal to MGrima.
Shut up!
I use horse Chrom granted he's not finished yet (still need brazen atk def), in a FRobin harem tactics team.
The Tikis are popular, especially ATiki and L!Tiki. Vanilla Marth is also an excellent buffbot with very good offensive stats. Then there's Julia with her new refined Naga, and all this is without counting the seasonal anti-dragon weapons like the bucket. There's a lot of anti-dragon nowadays.
You know that they'll make her as cancerous as they can. Just be happy that FGrima came out last year, instead of this year. Because otherwise she would have been pure cancer.
No it doesn't. FE constantly has shitty music
Yeah but chrom is 4 so it's possible,also if you where playing this game from the beginning you already have a +5/6 "Marth" who can be upgraded to +10 with the grials, that's why I don't get it,when they are going to add something to make dragon users not vulnerable to falchion users? Only Garon is immune to that shit
Only Marth fits with what I was talking about user (and he's garbage, I've seen him like 3 times on AR defense at +10 and he can't even dent a normal Surtr). None of the others you listed are swords.
Honestly Aida, just to make Arvisfags over at Reddit and Serenes extra mad.
What do they have against Aida?
>and he can't even dent a normal Surtr
To be fair, it's really hard to dent a Surtr without him handing the ass of whoever dared attack him during the last turn, that's not exclusive to Marth. Also, ATiki is a red, so there's that also.
Because Falchion users genuinely aren't that big a threat to a proper dragon team. Hell for non-falchions, they had to add refines to Julia and Deirdre to make them worth a damn when it comes to their singular gimmick because they were basically worthless vs a built mixed non-Legend tiki. Unless you're fighting a team of
>dragon-killing dancer
then you'll be fine. It's like how armor teams can usually handle armorkillers just fine without Svalinn Shield.
They don't like being reminded that that Arvis's relationship with Deirdre wasn't his first, or that Arvis was a shitty a father (and brother and potential uncle) as his old man.
You really couldn't beat the Bitch Knight?
He's just like any other average red sword when being fought. Because his focus is on buffing, he's only effective when player controlled, because the AI is clinically retarded and always ignores that shit.
Speaking of Tiki though, I can't bring myself to give up DC on ATiki when I've made her for mixed tanking. Not sure if it's worth investing in this +1 YTiki now.
With smaller maps leading to less enemies that can be in a battle at any point in time in comparison to home console games, there's a lot more focus on unit builds and team composition.
>want to enjoy gacha
>anyone who does cheats or buys and acts like they dont.
>FEH especially
Most of these aren't actually positives though
>>Weapon triangle actually matters, divided in colors instead of weapons and giving a flat 20% increase and decrease in attack and defenses so it's also easy to calculate
WT changes are actually fine, no real complaints about them.
>>No Str and Mag stats, all combined in one single Atk stat where weapon types determine if your character aims at the Def or Res of the foe
Less character build variety as a result, skills like Imbue and Awakening's version of Ignis can't exist under this system
>>No crit or hit chances, removes RNG completely during combat and makes every decision you do actually matter and completely linked to your own knowledge and ability
Also means strategies never need any redundancies for unforseen outcomes because everything is completely predictable. RNG isn't a bad thing in strategy games and people who complain about it are usually just shitters.
>>Crits replaced by specials which are fully controllable, allow for smarter building and can be selected based on your character's role. Make noodle arm characters like Gwendolyn hit really hard when they attack with a skill that increases their Atk by 80% of their Def, for example
Skills existed alongside crits just fine in the last 2 non remake FE games. I wouldn't be against seeing a few cooldown based skills in the main series, but skill% skills shouldn't be removed just to add them.
I don't and never have, but I also am playing this game a lot less now.
I payed when I started to try and get a foothold but I’m trying to stick to free orbs now and mostly rolling on the b8% banners.
Sanaki needs her mother figure in FEH already.
never noticed how much of a manface Sigrun has
I don't see it.
When are they going to add an anti-dragon blue weapon?
Guinivere should have been the GHB instead of Rutger
Bro, save your orbs. Save 2500 and mass pull on a Legendary banner and you'll be set for the year.
Just put a Splashy Bucket on ice loli.
Probably never they like Tiki way too much.
what do you think was FEH's biggest mistake so far aside from alts?
personally i hate how all dragonbreaths negate mages as a viable counter unless they give up their premium B slot for a rare as fuck skill.
Cut out her face and she looks like a dude in her official art. It's mostly because of her mouth/lower facial features.
She just looks flat out bad in that Cipher card though, the fuck is up with that face? It looks like they cut it out and glued it back on, and the sharp chin could cut glass. The Pegasus looks fine though.
Divine Mist is an anti-dragon blue weapon.
Prf though.
unironically skill inheritance. it takes away from the variety and the individuality of units and ruins balancing.
SI is the only reason to keep playing this game though
Customizing units with greater variety than in most phone games. I don't want battles to be like the stupid ass skill studies.
>red dragons
I kind of agree with this. Jagen and Gunter having bad stats made sense when they were the only hone/fortify bearers. Also it was fun how distinctly each unit played. I don't think they could've kept the game going like that though, Powercreep would feel 100x worse without SI in the game.
The 4 map chapters contract nonsense, instead of actually introducing the characters to the players so we could learn and hopefully become interested in them and the games they come from.
Skill Inheirtance while the idea was good on paper it needed more limitations. PvP was also a big mistake. and Legendary Heroes being so so mediocre.
acting real high and mighty from all the way over there, lets see you try that on that same Idunn but with her having DC equipped.
that's a really good point i often overlook. the entire story structure of FEH is pure shit where they release one chapter a month at a time that's split up into 5 battles. whereas FGO releases something like 20-30 chapters all at once every 4-6 months and the story is way better for it.
Funny thing is if they had a better story structure centered more around the characters rather than "muh contracts" I think that people would be more willing to pull for the characters that show up even the ones that have shit stats, simply because they like their characters. And be even more excited whenever the character gets a focus banner.
Those people are pretty insufferable the few times I've gone to the forums. They're almost as bad as Griffithfags in terms of "He did nuffin wrong"
How can other FE girls compete?
Grey and Luke being in the 5* pool is insulting.
Too bad they seem to value Valor skills highly so Gray will probably be there forever.
Arvisfags are very delusional they actually see nothing wrong with Arvis and Deirdre's relationship other than the fact that it was used to bring in the anti-christ, and conveniently ignore how she was kidnapped and stolen away from her family, and how her son had to grow up without his mother, because Arvis couldn't get over his mother leaving him and his father. Or that Kaga himself pointed out that the relationship isn't a positive one.
Or that the second gens suffering was because of him.
Infantries having 2 movement was a huge flaw from the start. Because of that skills like reposition were insane early on and still sometimes are, because they can pull mages out of melee units harm after attacking. Armored units also had to take at least one hit against ranged units until armored march, which is jsut dumb. Not to mention Reinhardt being oppressive because lol 3 movement + 2 range for effectively 5 range compared to 2+1.
That's another problem with Heroes, 5* pool shouldn't be the most saturated pool, and yet it is because IS is afraid of demoting units. Their attitude towards demotion should be their attitude towards the 5* pool.
If they have a 3 unit banner then 1 should be in the 5* pool, if they have 4 then 2 should stay as 5*.
it's been a whole year of adding trash into the 5* pool since the last demotion wave, and even then, back then they didn't demote everyone who needed to be demoted.
>Sanaki got her refine for Sigrun and Tanith synergy
>both STILL haven't been introduced to the game
The only thing ISIS needs to do is to fix the 5* pool. This shit shouldn't be a 5 star in 2019.
Is it just me or are all of those pure shit? Like really, which does deserve to stay as a 5*?
it's not that they're shit. It's that they don't have any good skills worth being 5* for.
I remember they got mad at Deirdre in the Oosawa manga cause Arvis wasn't in her thoughts as she was being killed by Julius and had to get Julia the fuck out of there before she died too. Let's be real here, there's probably a million things going on through your mind other than your sham marriage.
Gonna repost the RD hm farming strat if you don't want to use Sergs' strat on youtube.
It involves:
>Slot 7: A melee cavalry that can stay in Pass range after Kaden attacks. 5* Xander works perfectly even with Pass 2. They need an assist skill like Reposition/Draw Back/Swap as well.
>Slot 8: A strong infantry mage with just their strongest weapon in order to manipulate the Laslow into warping over to the other side(I'm pretty certain that's what it's over).
>Slot 5: A WoM flying dancer
and either
>Slot 3: A 2 range flier that can survive Subaki and get into Escape Route range
>Slot 4: A 2 range cav that can survive Subaki and get into Escape Route range
Depending on how much damage Subaki does you may only need Escape Route 1/Wings of Mercy 1 but just have all 3 levels inherited just in case.
It's just you, unless your definition of "pure shit" = "Not #1 of their move type/weapon type".
Mine deals like 17 damage to him, but yeah fuck surtr.
When are they going to add anti-melee weapons? We still don't have anything that's effective against sword/axe/lanceshitters.
I got her, though I was going to the purple-hair girl
They also got mad that in the Oosawa manga the conception of Julius and Julia is treated as basically rape. Even though in the game Deirdre's her last thought wasn't of Arvis, and that when she did find out that Sigurd was her husband and not her enemy in the game, she wanted to die for betraying him.
>singlehandedly makes Axebreaker a viable skill on some units
>can't even say "again" because it was never good before, not even when Hector was king
goddamn he's so disgustingly op
Glad I snagged two off his debut banner.
fuck, I thought this was /feg/
And the hilarious thing is by keeping some of them in the 5* pool they become less viable and eventually forgotten once the next powercrept unit comes along.
What I care about is whether Athos ever gets added, which he won’t because waifufux and lolinigger degenerates make the devs cater to them because of their sheer numbers. The day of the rope will come soon. Waifu genocide best day of my life. You will 5.56 magic
>Not wanting the Chad
GBAbabbies should be gassed
>Less character build variety as a result, skills like Imbue and Awakening's version of Ignis can't exist under this system
Unironically what GOOD examples of improved builds can you picture from them adding a second attacking stat(which would go unused entirely outside of prfs which get replicated in other ways)? Like can you look at Odin and go “oh yeah man, him having 21 attack makes his 22 mag not complete ass”. You list ignis as an example but how in a situation like this is something like draconic aura not functionally the same? I guess you could argue magic weapons but fuck dragons and fuck adding magic weapons to feh.
Nobody gives a fuck about Chad.
>there are dumbasses that still struggle against dragons ITT
You at least have an excuse of being braindead retarded last year when ISIS finally stopped neglecting dragons
>having trouble with Surtr
Just bring a summer Miccy. Bunny Palla also works.
I have Festival Miccy on my AR team almost 100% of the time, simple because she's the best at dealing with every one of those retarded "Box a WF armor in the corner far away from everyone else" maps, she oneshots everything armored but legendary Tiki. I just mean that he's ridiculously good as a unit.
I stopped playing FEH because of both the orb pricing and gacha system.
Comparatively I've been playing another gacha game for 3 years, two of which were completely f2p. Only recently did I do a bimonthly 9.99 deal that delivers rewards every day for two weeks because of how good the rewards are.
I have most good units "+10" and I'm even able to compete with the top 1% of whales in arena. They throw out rewards all the time, new players get showered with stuff. Probably gonna keep playing this for a long while.
I just log on FEH to collect my free orbs and the occasional Bond/Tempest event because of how greedy IntSys became with orbs. Not to mention the power difference between f2p and whales.
I need a new red cav.
Hrid, or Ares? I can +10 Ares, but building him would kill said Hrid.
I just realized distant def + close def combination is the same as just using steady stance A skill and warding stance seal, but much cheaper.
Ares, he's better in every conceivable way.
Hrid's gimmick is useful in a lot of maps especially when paired with Veronica. Ares doesn't necessarily need DC because he's got even worse res than Hrid and is ultra easy to oneshot with a magical unit.
You can make both.
They’re clearly a problem when you have to dedicate entire refines to fucking dragons over because their special snowflake weapon bypasses the ranged units only good defensive stat.
When will my friend list be useful for more than 6 days a month?
Bunny Palla feels like she exists solely to hard counter Surtr.
Ah right, fair enough. Surtr is the reason I almost never use my +10 regular Eirika anymore. She can't even scratch the guy despite having WTA.
Literally just end turn with any melee and WTA
Where are all the dragons shitting up Aether Raids? All I see are ranged units being absolute cancer. They deserve to get nerfed multiple times after the illusion of the BST restrictions have been lifted.
Give her an armorsmasher like 60% of the other infantry swords in AR (I usually see Brave Celica wielding one if I see her). Maybe Axebreaker for good measure.
Bunny Palla and Idunn were both made entirely to counter Surtr, it seems.
She hits like a wet noodle, but she’ll make a pretty good res tank in AR.
this looks pretty good what's the problem
How does that address what I stated at all?
>abysmal Def bulk
>flying unit with no Def, dies to a single arrow
>Chaos Named only targest the highest stat of the foe, Ploys are more optimal
>low Spd; combined with her prf, she cannot be completely offensive otherwise she dies
She's not complete garbage, but having Res as your biggest stat comes with some drawbacks
That looks fine, but I already have a +Atk B!Sanaki, also if I wanted another flying green tome I'd go for Bunny Vero.
Her damage comes from doubling and debuffing Res, pair her with Aversa and she'll hit hard.
Abysmal def isn't that big a deal for a unit like that and pretty much only the shittiest of archers doesn't kill a flier (unless that flier is Myrrh with Iote's Shield seal). The point on Spd is right though, and Chaos Named could possibly target a useless stat for her like Def.
She's certainly not a trash unit though.
Man I wish I had her. I'd trade both these Llewyn for one of her, even a -Atk Yune.
The problem with Heroes isn't the 5* bloated pool. It's the complete shit 4* pool and lack of demotions.
Why the fuck are all the 3* shitters in the 4* pool? No other gacha has this. Even if 3* had the higher rate, if there were more unique 4* I wouldn't mind.
In my last 10 4* greens, 9 of them were Gunter. GUNTER. The guy was dogshit on release (powercreeped by fucking Frederick). I rather get black keys in FGO than see that old fuck ever again.
I'm having pretty good luck using a Desperation build, although that giant res build is probably more optimized for Aether defense than mine is.
but hone cavs is great
Why not use some literally useless trash like Raigh as your example?
>need more goad fliers
>haven't seen Palla in months
>using lolki for goad fodder requires spending the currency that's getting dripfed to us.
>want to build OG Camilla, could not find one that has a good boon and not awful bane ever, to the point where they changed the way merges work before I could find one.
Just split the pools so we have half of the bulk switching around.
>only unit in the game with hone cavalry
he was bad, but he certainly wasn't worse than frederick.
used to be like that until they took the wrong end of the stick when demoting 5*s and moved the entire 4-5* pool down a peg
>Roll blue
>"Ah, Summoner. Ice to meet you."
>Gunter better than Frederick
Yeah those 4 points of res sure makes him way better!
You just know they’re going to put Nailah with Fjorm and Yglr next month so that everyone wanting Null C-Disrupt will be forced to get their shitty OCs instead.
Be thankful your hone cav fodder is a 3-4 star.
t. flierfag who only had hone fliers as a 5* exclusive until hot springs camilla, 4 of which were seasonal 5*.
At least sonic loli is a fun dagger, so that's not so bad. Also dem legs.
Not everyone cares about dedicated emblem teams. And once you get Hone Cavalry on enough units getting him after that would be annoying. It's not like if you constantly rolled Shannas where you'd be happy to have excess Desperation fodder. Excess Hone Cav fodder is stupid
no, you blind retard. it was the +6 atk/spd he gave my other horses that made him better than fred and his shitty +4 def.
stupid namefag can't even follow a conversation for two full posts apparently. here i'll spoonfeed you.
>The guy was dogshit on release (powercreeped by fucking Frederick)
>on release
>powercreeped by fucking frederick.
Now explain again why "on release" frederick was better than Gunter.
Your post has been discarded due to unnecessary utilization of a secure tripcode and poster name.
Have a good day.
>No crit or hit chances, removes RNG completely during combat and makes every decision you do actually matter and completely linked to your own knowledge and ability
That's not a good thing though. It makes combat completely static as opposed to dynamic
She's so fucking mediocre, especially considering regular nino exists
Except, combat isnt static outside of PvE, because in most modes you're fighting completely different teams of units with their own builds and the like. Adding hit rate to Abyssals or AR would ruin the entire thing
Frederick has straight up better stats which meant he functioned a little better, especially pve since that definitely mattered in the early days. Since arena score was based on “stats” instead of bst gunter’s silver axe actually put him on relatively equal terms to Frederick if I recall correctly.
I can't say I prefer it regardless. There's only so much mitigation of risk and contingency plans one can make before quitting because your best unit was executed in a single crit that it would have survived from a 1% chance of getting hit with a 2% chance of getting crit on that hit.
It literally because you know the outcome. You can literally file in stats in a application on your phone and see the whole results. Your plans have to change based on what actually happens and not on what's exactly going to happen.
Say you try to enter a fortress and your sword unit and it is attacked by another sword unit. Without RNG, they hit each other. But with RNG, your unit could hit while they miss, or they hit while your unit misses, both outcomes drastically change what you're going to do with your unit after that turn. It's not better than mainline on these points.
Git gud
You do realize this isnt actually designed like an FE game, right?
Its based around skills, and raw stats, and the game is balanced around that, and its FINE that its balanced around that.
I don't think you understand what is being said here.
>send home
>1000 feathers adds up with other 19000
>finish 5*+10 Corrin merge project
>git gud
>literally random and in the absolute lowest possible chance in game, player has done absolutely everything they could to mitigate it
I hate this in FE, I hate this in XCOM, I hate this in Pokemon even though that's not a TRPG. Fuck RNG. Mitigation is worthless, it'll always fuck you eventually.
I wish I had the motivation to heavily invest into meme teams. I'd like to eventually make a Black Fang team and a "Serra's Fan Club" team.
Has anyone else invested into any meme teams?
>not keeping her around for atk/def bond fodder
>being that desperate for 1k feathers
not having a plethora of units with enough HM built up to get 500 feathers from a tap
There’s an old FE tradition where you start with an old veteran character that has great base stats, but shitty growths. There are also young/trainee characters with shitty stats but great growths. FEH continued this tradition by giving Gunter and Jagen a lower BST than other cavs, while characters like Fae and Donnel got a higher BST than others. Since leveling a unit to 40 these days takes about 10 minutes, the veteran gimmick is wasted.
>been exactly one month
>still have no clue what to do with this Bonus Doubler shit
There was that Legion user in /vg/ with some very fun sets.
yep, but at launch the veterans in FEH actually had good skills (Hone cav, and fortify cav) unique to them in an attempt to give them an interesting niche. this probably would've worked too if SI hadn't come out and completely eradicated any hope they had of ever having a unique niche.
>what is luck stats and bonus supports?
>what are bronzes weapons in Fates?
>FE fans: Luck is the worst stat, you should never invest in it
>also FE fans: RNG is bullshit it always fucks me over.
It’s perfect for Nino. Give her Odd atk wave to go with her tome refine, and she’ll have +18 attack every turn.
Build a Nino.
If you have L!Marth you should give it to him. It stacks with his weapon skill of the same effect and he becomes unstoppable, especially on a tactics team.
>has been playing for a month
>still manages to have more ayras than me.
Mitigation, which is fucking worthless you fuck.
>oh man I lowered the chances of getting hit to 1% and lowered the chance of getting crit
>and also I have a 99% chance to crit them and to hit, plus a 67% skill trigger chance
>misses, they hit you and kill you
wow I feel so good knowing I did everything I could to avoid that outcome. This happened to me in Conquest with Beruka actually, which is why I'm always so fucking angry every time someone says "hurr git gud RNG is great."
>implying I picked a Luck bane
Okay but let’s assume I don’t like Nino and don’t have an L!Marth, what do I do then?
It's not you are just bad. You outright removed the abilty for enemies to crit with bronze weapons. It's all your fault.
Perish. Nino is love. Any unit with bladetome is good. Also Laevatein.
Well, you could start by apologizing.
Put it on whoever you use the most that could also make use of all those stats. As long as they're getting blue buffs they'll rip through anything.
Incorrect, Critical Evade+10 doesn't make it impossible and only an idiot would treat it as critical immunity. You're just a retard who didn't play or was never fucked over by RNG before so you love it. Only game that it was fair in or at least truly preparable for was Radiant Dawn, in the form of the Fortune skill and the way it rolled RNG.
Those deals that make it a login bonus are so scummy.
Got her with five stars on my first pull, is she rare or something?
Don't even really play the game anymore
>stupid pauldrons
>stupid ugly lance
>terrible unique special
some other unit that has uses blade tome or Laevatein.
Yeah crit evade -10% is all you fucking need unless you are facing someone with a killing which is the rarest fucking thing, not even including how pair up gives a additional 5% and luck tonics give +8 gold doesn't even matter in FE. You get fucked over by because you suck at easy games and can't think properly. Also the Fortune skill is shit and can only apply to one unit.
i have multiple nino but just cannot get a +speed one
any units you anons want to build but cannot get a good boon for ?
What's the best AR baiter we can make with a unit from the 3*-4* pool? Buffed by:
>2 eirs
>+7 hone legendary azura
>corrin with drive def/drive res
Marth, I'm still looking for a +Spd to +10 him.
God I'm so fucking happy we don't have to care about flaws anymore.
From what I’ve seen, it’s that Nowi but with sturdy stance 4 and QR seal.
QR seal is important because it lets her counter sturdy blow/wary fighter units twice if she outspeeds them. It’s saved me from Galeforce Tibarn a couple of times.
Pair her with S rank M!Corrin and Kaden and you’ve got an easy win.
No it isn't. Even a single % is enough to completely fuck you and screw up the whole run. I get that you never got fucked over because you're lucky and can't believe someone ever got crit while using literally every way they could not to, but I played through it, unlike you, and I'm not a lucky person. I'm not saying it's a bad game but it's an incredibly crushing feeling to lose solely because of a miniscule RNG chance you had a 99% chance of not triggering because you prepared, and even had her supported to boot. An unfathomably shitty feeling when you miss a 99% hit chance and that unit you missed goes on to fuck your other unit over. At least Fortune is a 100% guard.
You posted her. I'd keep mine with Warding Breath because Aether is just too good on her.
only just got a plus attack lilina after a long wait
>FEH these days is unironically only played by people who truly care about the series and don't just hop from game to game like normies do.
She does a shitload more in a few chapters than Micaiah does in the entire game.
Okay that's cool but a single percent won't happen why are you lying. You literally have not touched the game. The only unit that going to have a crit against bronze weapons while factoring in your luck stat is a sniper against fuckinh Arthur. No wonder FEfags love FEH so much. They don't want to actually think.
jello skeleton isn't wearing any pants it's lewd as hell.
No one with self respect would willingly play casualized FE turned into gachashit
Don’t respond to it.
Mate, I have over 300 hours on the special edition cart, you haven't even played through it on Lunatic I'd bet. It was the most memorable moment of that playthrough, I was comfortably about to secure a victory and probably could have done so if I accepted the character dying, but I was so fucking mad I ragequit and only came back a month later. Go fuck yourself and your RNG laddie.
Again you clearly haven't played it because Lunatic doesn't increase enemy stat gains so bringing it up is pointless. It's impossible to get crit in any game, but that's natural for FEfags to be literally fucking retarded who complain about nothing like the shitters they are.
I was bringing it up merely as to say you haven't played the game, and on top of that if you had it wouldn't have been on a high difficulty. None of what I said even relates to that playthrough being on Lunatic, which it was but I digress. You can tell me what I played didn't happen but all that does is cement how little you actually know about the game. Your posts read like you're copypasting info off of Serenes Forest and Gamefaqs my man. RNG is and will always be garbage.
You know zoomed out I thought this was a yandere lilina
Which IVs are better for Surtr Yea Forums?
does this make it less bullshit for paired up Ryouma in Birthright to be instakilled when he's hit by an an enemy with a 1% hit chance
or does it make any 1% chance less bullshit?
Stop responding to it.
You are living proof of Yea Forums talking about games they haven't played. The fucking state of FEHshitters. Rng is "garbage" because you are bad, it's a fact you can't change.
>It's impossible to get crit in any game
Shut up already. All if this just because I mentioned that no crit or hit were good in FEH. Not only now you're going all the way to insult a whole playerbase but you also ignore how shitty it can be to have a whole chapter ruined because of an unlucky crit.
You want another example? Echoes Hard Mode. There was a point when I'd be scared to even fight because a 2% crit could easily ruin my whole playthrough. This was even worse in Thabes Labyrinth where almost nobody bar Alm and maybe Jesse could engage with a 0% crit from an enemy. You have no idea how frustrating it is to die to a terror crit at 2%, doesn't matter how careful you are, or constantly miss attacks at 90% hit just because the game felt like it.
Echoes is fucking garbage. Who cares? No hit and crit is bad and why FEH is casualized garbage.
I can screenshot my goddamn play log you retard, you really want to go there? I've replayed Conquest at least 4 times, the first on normal, the second on hard, and the last two on Lunatic. If this bullshit didn't fucking happen I wouldn't be insisting so adamantly that it did. I had invested so much into that fucking Belka.
Go ahead. I want to laugh at a retard who can't use basic tools then complains.
Don't they use the same RNG method? Not him just curious.
They do. I could also post Shadow Dragon examples but why bother when the faggot seriously thinks a luck-based mechanic is based on a player's ability? He reeks of CQfag, no wonder why he's so adamant, so I won't bother anymore.
Echoes uses a 1rng roll like FE 1-5. 6-12 use 2rng. 14 exclusively uses some weird hybrid roll thing, but also has hit rates below 50 use 1rng. Such a strange system.
Why is IS so damn lazy with FEH? Langrisser mobile proves they can do better.
I kinda wish seasonals wouldn't be given out as TT rewards. Now I can't spend grails on characters I like without the fear of a seasonal of a unit I like more coming out in the future and having no grails to spend on them.
I still wonder why they haven't adopted the bigger maps as the main ones.
Here you go. Loved the game enough to put this much time in, never finished revelation though.
>wahhh I can't use the basic tools the game gives me since I'm such a fucking retard!!!
FEHshitters are fucking pathetic. No wonder they think this casualized trash is better than mainline games.
Aside from the ugly UI all over the game, Langrisser is literally more Fire Emblem than FEH.
I'd play Langrisser, but the ugly big head chibi art ruined it. I played it for a couple of weeks, then I didn't log in one day and never felt the urge to go back. I even got Leon and Lana. It was just hard to look at.
Dude's probably the kind of guy who thinks bingo is based on skill. I guarantee you're probably right, he posts the same way. If I asked him about his opinions on something he'd probably spout that they're objective or some bullshit like that.
I just wanted to make the stupid ice joke don't bully the sick
I feel like +defense is the way to go, he still ends up with a respectable attack of 55 I believe and he’s an amazing wall.
Mine is +res and with distant defense he’s extremely hard to put down.
Cool, then next time uses bronze weapons retard.
Langrisser is actually good unlike FE
I give every physical weapon wielder one except for Effie actually.
I wouldn't play gacha at all if it wasn't FE. I care about FE not gacha, so it's a shame there's supposedly better then the feh gameplay but idc
same here, i'm just in for Fire Emblem
Most fanservice we've gotten in years for fans of the older games, apart from Cipher but that's japan only
You clearly didn't since you can stack up luck so high it's impossible to not have 95%+ against everything and 0% crit.
>thing has a chance of happening
>no it never happens you stupid faggot
It’s especially retarded to claim this in fates where on the lower end it removes the rng fuckery to be less generous to the player.
It can't have a chance of happening if they give you every single abilty to remove that chance.
don't bother with other gacha
Def because his main job is to fucking tank everything. Who gives a shit about three damage when he passively deals 20 damage every turn and gets up to 8 bonus damage from his c skill?
Wait what do I miss out by not doing this tap battle rerun
Just do the first floor for 10 sacred coins.
Absolutely nothing. Just do the first floor for the 10 coins, the rest are just badges and crystals, is completely worthless and only serves as an accessory rerun.
Yeah it's not much but the fanart is great that celica douijin fuck and the memes are really fun too. I will enjoy how forging bonds will play out for any future new releases seeing as though they're actually trying with the storylines now
I clearly remember buying a good stock of them simply because of their cheapness, so yes, I did.
God I can't wait for a Vantage seal.
If anything, FEH has been amazing to introduce new people into older FE games, along bringing lots of characters from obscurity along giving us some tidbits and some little extra development not show in the original games, like how Grima wonders how would his life had been if he hadn't been born as an ungodly abomination. It's not crazy to think that IS could consider doing remakes of the SNES games after they're done with Three Houses.
Yeah, I enjoyed how they handled Idunn although I usually don't watch all the stories.
augh that'll be horrible
> +hp -atk
how is it even possible to get something like this
Thanks lads
You clearly didn't as -10% + pair up which gives -5% is 15%. Not factoring in unit stats a tonic gives a additional 23%. Not a single enemy in the game has crit percents higher than 23% unless they have a killing.
I just got a +hp -speed Sigurd to merge into my +hp -attack sigurd. So glad the merge update is a thing
Oh well I guess fuck me then for not slapping a Luck Tonic on all my units then, right? I had some in my storage. But they did have bronzes and I did utilize pair up.
It’s the most unfortunate combo and probably the one I see most.
>Ares spiral vantage cancer now available on everyone
How does one reliably get Ares's HP low enough to proc vantage without him getting oneshot?
Simple. Ares meme build only works on player's hands.
Should I give her DC and make up her low res with +res refine and berkut's lance or ignore res and go all out on defense and close range only?
Considering how not only are they cheap but insanely useful, yeah
I've had good success nuking him down with tactics team Laevateinn or just ranged shenanigans since they usually don't give him DC.
People should be giving him Warding Stance seal now that it's a thing. Better than distant or close defense.
I care. I have every RD character so far and blew through all my saved up orbs and got jack shit besides a LAzura and Eir.
I would not bother with her, she's nothing special as a unit but I'm assuming she's your waifu so go Berkut's with Def refine if she's getting DC. As long as she's not getting doubled or hit by effective damage she should be pretty bulky with that setup and realistically she'll probably see more physical combat.
Personally I'd just make her more player phase oriented. If you really want to make her an enemy phase unit, though, personally I'd just make her more of a physical shield since I find it hard to imagine you don't have another unit on your team more capable of tanking magic.
>tfw you never bothered to go beyond tier 19 in AR
I'd say that they've invited some interest, but they could do a lot better with getting people invested in the other stories and characters that would garner a much larger demand for the remakes.
But with the way how FEH is forumalized it won't happen.
>wasted 118 orbs
She fucking spooked me, when I was trying to get Kagero.
they give out 10 free orbs every month, which you have to grind the training tower for, plus the free orbs every saturday and sunday, then there is the monthly voting guantlet, and then tempest trial, and now they give out 14 with that new bonding event. The the free 4 every week along with the one given on the third win. you can grind 30 a month easily
Does anyone know how many orbs we got this month? I kinda feel it was lower than usual.
It is lower. They've removed orbs from the monthly quests and tap battle. The orb count has been fluctuating for a while now. We'll have to see if they plan on continuing to reduce the free orbs or if they're just randomly putting in and taking away.
There were like 42 from TT 14 from forging bonds, 10 from training tower, not sure how many from GC though.
ok I guess we cleared that up then
I would have spent money on this game if they allowed you to buy characters outright instead of doing this rng lootbox nonsense.
As it stands, I quit after spending precisely 0 dollars.
I just googled the amount: 287 orbs in total this month, compared to February's 340 and January's 405. Wow, what a shitty month.
Started playing 2 days ago, got some 5 units but not sure who to level up next to 40, I have Morgan, lewyn, fae, dream corrin and ike
Also how do I get that + Mark on some level 40 units?
Dream Corrin is pretty good and you get the mark by merging your duplicates.
To add, this has been the worst month in terms of orbs since November 2017.
What are the best IVs for regular Marth?
Happy Anniversary and April Fools
You get less orbs because anniversary gave more orbs, enjoy goys (lol
Is -Res a good bane if I don't plan on merging him?
I'd go for -HP since his defenses are overall ok.
I'll consider that, thanks.
>Tell me...who created this world? They may be nearer than you think... Take it from me
Please don't tell me it's Feh.
Askr and Embla, quite literally. The dragons that is.
>implying Kiran isn't god
>inb4 Mythic Hero Askr and Embla
Oh right. Forgot about them. Guess that makes Nifil and Muspell small time in comparison?
Well, from a point a view, we are. The Avatars are our "vessels" in a way.
it's anna
feh is just a get rich quick scheme
Nowi and Fae do a good job, with a caveat: they can't kill Eir. Most of the time, Eir will survive at low HP and enable WoM shenanigans for the enemy team. Considering she's a free unit everyone has and uses due to bonuses, it's something to be wary of.
Merged up Roy and Fir are pretty good as well.
They have their own divine beings that can grant invincibility and the ability to counter it