Remember when you would know the game was going to be good if you saw this logo?

Remember when you would know the game was going to be good if you saw this logo?

Attached: 1552474481217.jpg (480x360, 9K)

that never happened

not that I usually paid much attention to logos and who published what 20 years ago, maybe there was something then, I wouldn't know

>not that I usually paid much attention to logos and who published what 20 years ago, maybe there was something then, I wouldn't know
>maybe there was something then, I wouldn't know
>I wouldn't know
Exactly, you fucking zoomer.

Uhhh no I remember it meant I was playing fucking Madden for some reason or Harry potter which sucked after the first one.

Yeah OP, on those few RTS games that weren't terrible. I'm nostalgic for those couple of years too

>was playing video games over 20 years ago

>Boot up sims 2
>"challenge everything"

Attached: 1538315661386.jpg (250x226, 5K)



more like ‘zinder game’

No, but I remember when I knew a game was going to be good if I saw this logo.

Attached: ra2 intro.webm (480x360, 2.38M)

>A S S
>It spells ass


Attached: Best JRPG developer.png (626x150, 28K)

There are better games published under EA than there are under Valve or any other of your favorite publishers. Seethe harder.

No, EA had a few good studios back then but they also made a ton of shitty games too. Basically ur dum OP.

>that never happened
>I wouldn't know

Attached: 1553637848074.jpg (497x427, 44K)

>Boot up Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban on PS2

Where did it all go so wrong?

Attached: 1508592215863.png (154x154, 44K)

if you shit out 5000 games at least a handful of them have to be good right?

Shame EA takes those few good ones and milks them dry destroying the series in the process

Andrew Wilson

>007 games
>Command & Conquer
>The Sims
I think half of my games from that generation are from them
And this generation I think I only own Titanfall 2

Attached: der zoomer.png (434x327, 32K)

That wasn't my argument. I'm saying companies like EA or Konami are responsible far more games than reddit's favorite publishers like Valve despite all the drama surrounding them. People are literally too young to remember or they are lying.

>ywn see Westwood logo paired with the "proudly presents" line in an intro ever again
True suffering

>B I G

Attached: EA victims.jpg (995x1928, 131K)

except in the OP where you said you would know it's a good game when you saw the EA logo.

>it's only game bro, why do you heff to be so med?