>best bag can be cheesed at the very beggining
Comfy Outward thread
Where do you even get power cells to legit get that bag?
I don't know, only time i heard of someone looting it, it was randomly put in a chest.
How do I stop relying on tripwire traps?
Stop making them.
You can't, I make a kilometer long carpet of traps for tough bosses every time.
>start the game
>get out of the first city
>have no idea where to go now
>enter some cave and start killing troglodytes
What the fuck do I do, good lord modern games really made me a fucking lazy son of a bitch
Talk to people. Explore.
>Get the piss beaten out of you by skeleton ghosts
>I wake up to a fucking demon
>It says he's on a journey to seek knowledge and understand humans
>Starts going on about stories and said he prefers not to kill anyone again
>Offers me help, wonder if this shit will go downhill
>It teaches me a trick to not get raped by decay
Thank you Immaculate-senpai
>see a big glowing monster
>well time for traps
>assume it's weak to fire due to biome
>it's a miniboss wendigo that hits like a truck
Never stop relying on traps user, always have a few to fall back to when you don't know what you're fighting
What did he drop?
I can get over outdated graphics, but combat looks like trash too, but is it on the level of ELEX?
>miniboss wendigo
They're not minibosses, they're just generic enemies. They die really quickly to ethereal damage.
>but is it on the level of ELEX?
So is this fun? How's the combat? Looks kinda shit
>a fucking dinosaur made of lightning with a canon
You better fucking believe I'm laying down 20 god damn traps bitch.
Oh nevermind
From what I got after playing the game for 15-20 minutes, it does feel like a Piranha Bytes newest product.
It does seem fun so far, I'm a big fan of eurojank so it's good for me
what does eurojank even mean?
A really good one hand mace that has more damage and impact than my two-hander. Also random loot in the chest in his lair and a statue you can either give to an explorer for 100 silver or put near the statue to get a unique dagger sells for 600 silver
Normal wendigos are, but this guy glows and deals half of my health with one hit through plate damage while I'm using a buff that lowers frost damage.
Everything that is not Witcher 3.
>"Eurojank" is an unofficial term for that class of sprawling, verbose, and oftentimes glitchy action/RPG titles originating from Eastern European nations like Russia, Poland, and Ukraine. (At the top of that heap is The Witcher 3, whose previous two games were decidedly less even; more recent examples include Elex, Kingdom Come: Deliverance, and The Technomancer.) And rarely do these games hold players' hands, usually because they lack tutorials or because of unclear GUI elements.
I don't agree with witcher 3 being eurojank, witcher 1 for sure.
whoops forgot to /
Start using bombs.
Games that aren't exactly AAA titles that have some problems, games that appear shit when you first try them out but actually have quite a lot of depth and are generally more fun than most AAA titles.
Famous Eurojank includes:
Gothic 1,2
Risen 1
Two Worlds 2
I don't think the witcher is eurojank period, all the games are good.
Yes but witcher 1 was like a rhythm combat game and had a fucking ridiculous inventory ui that was total shit.
European(usually Slav or German) games that don't hold your hand and are at times seemingly brutal, are very unpolished and buggy, where combat is clunky, a bit autistic, are modern continuation of games from year 2000. Some people love them, some people hate them.
Witcher 1 is definitely Eurojank, 2 and 3 aren't
>when you drop your backpack on the ground and then press the button to put it back on there's a full animation of you picking up the backpack and putting it on your back
>when you drop your backpack with a lit lantern in water and then it sinks to the bottom but your lantern still works and you scoop it back up and it's fine
Hey, can't have it all. At least your backpack doesn't just magically appear on your back when you press the button to wear it
It wasn't rhythm combat geralt auto attacked if you want to know what geralt was doing just look at his animations, you could make him change stance and or cast spells
Ui was literally fine
You guys are off your rocker.
Where was this? I desperately need a new mace.
>It wasn't rhythm combat geralt auto attacked
Timing your strikes maximized damage though, you would attack at specific points in the combo. I don't recall there being much of an autoattack at all.
loot is random most of the time unless it's a unique item.
Yeah, the UI in Witcher 1 was perfectly fine, I'm not sure why people complain about it. It was worse in TW2 and 3.
>first game
>get dabbed on by everything, made it to the swamp area
>buy game, have to start a new game
>fucking genocide everything and get back with my OP bag full everytime
I don't know what those disgusting troglodytes fucks were up to.
Ya'll find this hat yet?
It's in Enmerkar Forest, the dungeon with the faces northeast of Berg. Bring some ice/flame rags/varnishes, a dozen traps and weather resist potion.
Are there any more two-handed sword skills than the one the gate guard guy teaches you? I like them a lot.
Also I'm a total outlier in this thread is my laziness about traps. Instead I just chug potions, wear heavy armor and just hit things with my two handed sword until they die. Heavy Armor feels REALLY protective in this game, it's incredible the difference even a single point of Protection makes to your incoming damage. Still need to figure out who the heck gives out the anti-lightning boon so I can better go toe-to-toe with everything. Thinking of going spellsword and wind fuckery at least, not sure on 3rd unlocked tree yet. I just wanna swing my two handed sword around really fast, possibly with elemental shit on it.
Thanks user. Wish me luck.
I actually snuck around that monster because I thought it was some kind of troglodyte breeder/mother sleeping miniboss. But then I realized they're just cooking her
People keep mentioning a chicken mask you can get early, where is that at? +20% movespeed sounds like good shit.
my god i think im addicted to this shitty game has alot of charm like dragons dogma
You see the chickens running around user? hunt some until they drop one.
Oh, I'd mostly been ignoring them because they seem to not aggro and I'd rather conserve resources. I guess I'll go stab some chickens next time I'm out and about, although they're gonna be more annoying to spot now that it's winter in my game.
I like autistically exploring vast continents (like just cause 2 and larping a traveler in botw). Are there any mounts or verticality in this game?
Mounts, nope. Verticality, kiiiinda? Not much though.
You click, geralt auto attacked.
>Timing your strikes maximized damage though
you only had to attack after geralt finished attacking, it's got as much timing as pressing the special attack button in outward during a combo, only difference is you can't cancel your attack in outward.
Witcher 1 has bad graphics that's the only part you could consider low budget everything else about the game is fine.
What the fuck is this game, you have my interest
>want to see if you can cast spells without having mana unlocked if you have 100% cost reduction
>turns out you can
Fucking hilarious using runes with 0 mana. The game starts to flip out after 15 or so casts though.
>you click
>geralt auto attacked
dude what, do you not know what an "auto attack" is? Even in that video he says fighting is like a QTE fest. You did combos by attacking after every swing when the sword became flaming, aka, timing your blows, aka a fucking rhythm combat game you absolute retard.
Don't fuck with the black chicken
Where can I find spear skill trainers?
It's extreme eurojank. Explore around a mostly empty world as a weak-ass bitch who gradually becomes slightly less of a weak-ass bitch, in a game that does not hold your hand in the slightest and has no problem burning down the starting town if you don't immediately rush to kill some bandits. A game in which the players ability to master the jank is part of the difficulty curve.
Not sure but I think every weapon has only 1 weapon unique skill. The guard at entrance can train you in the spear skill if you had a pitchfork/fishing rod equipped. Other than that I think you need to go to Levant. If you want melee skills then head to Berg.
>a mostly empty world
Everything else in the post had me hard except this. Why have an open world if there's nothing worth exploring?
Do you, you fucking retard?
>Even in that video he says fighting is like a QTE fest
He doesn't, he literally says spamming clicks cancels your attacks and comboing hits does not, and all you have to do to combo hits, is not attack while geralt's in his auto attack animation. Calling it rhythm based or QTE is grossly exaggerating the combat, Click, Geralt auto attacks, Wait for him to finish, Click again. wow so fucking hard this is some OSU QTE levels of difficulty.
Anyone here done the treasure hunt quest yet? No clue where to even start, I checked all the bits of debris on the beaches on the first map and nothing was what it considered a ships cabin. Dunno what I'm missing, is it in a dungeon somewhere or something?
>Not sure but I think every weapon has only 1 weapon unique skill
That's not true at all. Even the first skill trainer by the docks in the first town has two axe skills.
what fucking bandits ? The ones where there is the big bag i hope ?
This is pretty good description, unlike usual games you don't have experience and you get stronger by getting better equipment, preparing for specific encounters and gitting gud
I mean, there's stuff worth exploring, there's just a huge amount of empty space between the actual points of interest for no fucking reason. If you played Dragon's Dogma, it's that kind of map design where there ARE cool interesting places but a huge amount of the map is just fucking nothing.
I know the skill that lets you cripple opponent, what's the other one?
>auto attack
Is this some ESL shit? Are you used to playing MOBAs or phone games or something?
I think only SOME weapons have multiple weapon skills.
Stay mad witcher 1 is literally free of jank mate
Die on that hill alone and afraid my man.
>try to climb that mountain to get mana
>ambushed by bandits
>now I'm a slave in some mine
>can't find my gear, figured they looted my hit
>escape from that hole
>now some user told me my gear was there somewhere
Is there even a point in coming back to find it, or is it gone forever?
God this game gives me so many mixed feelings
You can get back, it should stay for like 7 days. Also your bag is shown on your compas when you get enslaved/whatever.
meant to reply to
this its like going back to the 2000's when those austic customization rpg ala gothic and dark messiah were being released
>Im losing the argument so i better eject
yeah just stop replying then fag, it's anonymous don't worry no one will know you're retarded if you just post again later, well until you expose yourself for being retarded which is bound to happen.
I was just saying this means more to you than it does to me dude. you "win" user. Your opinion is right. You're a winner. You did it bud.
yea that's why you keep replying bro, because you so not invested at all and your above it all, not because your ego's been bruised so much you literally can't walk away, so you just post about how you're going to walk away.
kek gotem dude.
I don't know the subject a lot but I'd say the term Eurojank is transcending to something less pejorative.
I don't know if it could become a widespread popular term tho. I guess it would never go besides typical RPG fanbase.
You mean Black Cock?
Well I did love and hate dragons dogma, maybe I'll try remember this game and give it a shot.
game good
game bad
What does the alien in the cave give you besides the shitty adventure backpack?
A boon that gives you resistance to decay
a tent and a waifu
Guys, just found out that you can roleplay as spooky skeleton. The needed items are all in the starting town. Problem is, that they give you no stats.
Keyboard & Mouse or Gamepad?
Kb+m. Controller is servicable but quickslots are worse, using bows is horrible and no autorun with controller
>get out of bandit's fort
>caravan guy is waiting for me
>can sell my loot and go on
>tfw when nobody to coop with
does anybody else want to try it?
I like gamepad because its comfy to be able to lean back, keyboard and mouse is more efficient probably. The game works fine with either
Help, why everytime i roll the bag icon appear? Any tips for newbie?
Take off your backpack.
Play sickomode when you fight enemies
>to unlock a full tree you need 1850 silver
Thank fuck I hoarded my gold bars like a dirty jew
Where do people keep getting gold bars?
by selling stuff
Why even bother if you have to buy them?
What? Do you not use a big backpack + the storage at your house?
Yes ? But when you have fuck you money, it actually weights quite alot you know.
100 silver = 1 weight
1 gold bar = 0.1 weight
Gold bars always sell for 100 silver
>have two monitors
>forces split screen anyway
but why
A backpack holds 100 lbs and your pockets hold up to 20. Are you carrying around 100+ lbs of shit to the point you can't hold silver in your pockets?
>100 lbs
>when I have 35 gold bars, 3500 silver or 350lbs
Not everyone has a 100 weight backpack or 20 weight pouch, not everyone wants to walk around with 100 weight of shit.
There's literally no downside to only carry gold bars because it's objectively lighter money.
the best backpack holds 110 lbs user, and yes my backpack is nearly constantly full of shit. there's no reason to carry silver when you can carry gold and gems
How the fuck are your backpacks full of anything?
If it's not unique, break it down. If it's required for cooking/alchemy/crafting throw it in storage where it can't decay.
I think I leave town with like 30 kg worth of shit including all my medicine and buffs and food/tea. Where the fuck are you guys getting 100 kg of trash to bring back? I cleared both the marsh and the fucking cierzo fields and never found anything worth dragging back home. I think the heaviest thing I ever bring back are shields because they have a stupidly high sell value for 5kg.
I don't even wear a backpack bro, that shit's literally for pussies.
>100% mana cost reduction
im glad i heard about this before buying the game
What do you think about it?
I have storage in cierzo, berg and now monsoon filled with alchemy ingredients, scraps, line, potions, varnishes, rags and who knows what else. That's around 80kg of this shit in each town, maybe more in Cierzo. Whenever I dungeon crawl I'm usually completely full and have to go to a town straight after.
I don't even bother picking up low grade gear , but brutal/devastating weapons sell for around 75 silver so I pick them up if I can. Obsidian Club you can get from those firehorse monsters in the forest sell for around 350 silver.
A lot of times I just leave stuff I can't pick up, but if it's valuable I'd rather crawl to the town than leave it behind. It would be literally impossible to carry all that silver with you unless you're dirt poor.
I think it means if i want to play a mage in this game i will have to not be a mage at all untill i can get 100% mana cost reduction and then obtain one (1) mana point.
This does not appeal to me. Proper mage is glass canon. This game offends me.
I don't think I've ever made a purchase over 1k silver, and as a result you don't need to carry around your entire fortune. Use those chests for money hombre.
> Proper mage is glass cannon
It is though, I agree the 100% reduction is a bit silly (but i mean so are a lot of things about this game, the balance is all over the place) but all you have to do is hold back on minmaxing, it's a single player game.
well.. how?
>I have storage in cierzo, berg and now monsoon filled with alchemy ingredients, scraps, line, potions, varnishes, rags and who knows what else
Why? Why are you autistically keeping all this shit? 95% of it is worthless or you'll make maybe a potion or tea before you just have clothes/spells that do what the potions/tea do. You wouldn't have weight or money problems if you just sold your alchemy results.
>Why? Why are you autistically keeping all this shit? 95% of it is worthless or you'll make maybe a potion or tea before you just have clothes/spells that do what the potions/tea do. You wouldn't have weight or money problems if you just sold your alchemy results.
how the fuck will i know what's worthless user? I'VE GOT LEGIONS OF SHIT in my stash HOW DO I KNOW IF I WONT NEED IT FOR CRAFTING LATER I NEED IT ALL
>hold back on minmaxing,
The entire purpose of playing an rpg is to minmax your character
This is why, for example, in fallout people always rush to get the +1 skill point at a low level.
You can not separate character optimization from video game. Your character optimization must be enjoyable, else its a shit game.
This game has unenjoyable mage optimization, thats what it has. Therefore this game is shit if you want to play a mage. Nothing else can change it, as this fact blocks off any further consideration.
>+1 skill poin
+1int* (for skill points)
you can reduce stamina costs by almost 100% as well, its p great.
Besides, further, ill add, that optimizing mage in this game (minimal mana and 100% cost reduction) is the cheesy thing. The more normal 'role play' thing would be for a mage to simply dedicate itself to magic and obtain all the mana possible.
So even from the angle of saying 'just dont min/max', the non min/max thing to do would be to min/max in this situation.
Overall this is terrible, i am quite upset.
I didn't know that, do you sacrifice defence to achieve this?
I understand your frustration and find it hard to retort because you are right, rpgs are about minmaxing. I can only assume 100% mana is an oversight by the developers or the enemies you fight later are difficult enough to justify the power creep, but i have my doubts.
Because I don't know what some crafting recipe for some shit I'll need a few more hours in is gonna need, and I'd shoot myself if I knew I sold all of that valuable shit for peanuts.
Also it's good because you can whip out whatever you need to cook/brew when you're passing through the town instead of scrounging through the wild like a gypsy. Why not store all this instead of selling it all for around 200 silver in raw ingredients, when it's worth infinitely more?
Well as you can see in the few posts before I had to spend 1850 on a whole talent tree, also made some purchases for around 250 more silver. Of course I'd rather carry my entire wealth on me than store it somewhere 2 maps away. This is why you have gold bars in the first place
Are there guns?
Any tips on where to go? also how do i get 150 slivers in 5 days?
Yes, Flintlock pistols.
I'm assuming you'll still need to play through a good portion of the game before you can go mana free? And even then you'll be limited and dependant on that exact armour setup. I don't know because I only took like 40 mana for buffs, but there's nothing wrong with the mana reduction. It's cheesy, but this is like saying you won't play Morrowind because alchemy is broken and you can turn into a nuke slinging god
Take some bandages, under your home there's a place called Cierzo storage, it's like a mini dungeon. Go through it, get out on the beach and just follow it. Dodge the pistol shrimps and you should see a guy sitting, give him a bandage and he'll give you a get out of denbt free card. Then talk to the old woman and you'll be debt free.
I'd tell you to explore and enjoy the world because that's the best aspect of the game, run around town talk to people pick everything up do quests, although there's only two you can realistically do at the start if i recall.
Kill bandits, Kill animals loot their shit
If you really are worried about the lighthouse,
Go to the beach on the eastern part of the map, directly south the town
Be careful though, the beach is crawling with PISTOL SHRIMP
Everything is zone based. All of the crafting. All of the recipes you'll need are in the same zone as the ingredients you gather. Sure, I'll agree that if you straight up don't buy recipes and are blindly hoping to find them then yeah things might turn you into a hoarder. But when the fuck are you going to need to cure indigestion? Why would you want to make bad food if you can already make good food? How often are you making fire paper now that you can make fire stones? etc etc.
At some point you have to let go. And at the absolute end of the day, if you really need that weird cure for something or some kind of specific buff, the fucking merchants have them en masse at virtually every town.
>I'm assuming you'll still need to play through a good portion of the game before you can go mana free? And even then you'll be limited and dependant on that exact armour setup
but this just means its more of a hassle before you can start being a mage if you are maging optimally. It is the oposite of making it better, it becomes a situation not that justifies being a mage, but one that make sit more frustraing to properly make your mage character.
The endgame nature of these items just means that if you want to play an optimal mage you need to not be a mage at all untill endgame.
In morrowind you end up with 100 in everything and full sanctuary enchanted armor anyway and are literally immortal. Indeed morrowinds system is garbage, but at least you could build pillow forts
>The endgame nature of these items just means that if you want to play an optimal mage you need to not be a mage at all untill endgame.
This is one of the most stupid posts I've ever seen on this board. Are you not going to use melee weapons because there are dope uniques at the end of the game?
Redpill me on rune magic. Is it worth the skill chain thing or will I find better options in the other regions?
well since being a proper glass canon studious mage is out of the question, and ive thoroughly exhausted my desires in bow-usage for now through other games, and brute fighters are always boring, how is being a sneaky thief character? Can i go around with short swords and daggers sneaking my way past most enemies and stealing their panties?
I want to eat souls and shit. Where do i go ?
>Are you not going to use melee weapons because there are dope uniques at the end of the game?
Using a melee weapon early game does not exclude you from using one late game, or using anything else late game.
The nature of mage is permanent sacrifice of general combat ability for mana. this can not be undone.
>The nature of mage is permanent sacrifice
No, it's not permanent at all you retard.
you do. and you can onyl really get running down that low, everything else is at 50%. There's a buff you can get from the holy nation faction questline that cuts all stamina and mana by 10%, and then with the right get you can get another 20-30%. Then all you have to do is drink some water and eat the right food and you'll regenerate stamina faster than you use it. If you get the mercenary path that reduces run cost you can literally run forever at sanic speed too.
Through the Ghost Gate, have fun
you find different options depends what you want to do or specialise as.
i don't like being a bow user in outward anyway game forces melee in tight spaces occasionally doesn't feel good to be a bow guy then.
> brute fighters are always boring
Yeah it's the same in outward
>Can i go around with short swords and daggers sneaking my way past most enemies and stealing their panties?
You can be a rogue and user dagger skills but daggers only go in the offhand, there's a rogue trainer in levant that has skills you'd be after, sneaking is correlated to light and if you are crouched, you can sneak and backstab but backstab does triple damage it's not a one shot like sekiro. you can take food and positions to help your stealth as well, but i don't think you could do the game as a rogue purely backstabbing eventually you'll run into an enemy that will turn around and you'll need back up plan.
You niggers lied to me, i ran past shit ton of LIGHTNING SHRIMP and didn't see anyone
you went to far baka, search the beach again and this time stay close to the ocean.
He's near a rock formation, usually a shrimp patrolling very close. If it was night he's easy to miss
>my laziness about traps.
I would rather just hit things. All my resources go in to crafting traps.
I trapped a bandit but I guess I misjudged because I went back to get the traps that didn't fire and two bandits had spawned in his place. I was in sight distance of their spawn the whole time.
>when you're too much a kike to dish out 25 silver for a room
the game does have polearms it seems. thats the only acceptable kind of fighter
maybe i will buy it and play a polearm fighter
ah fuck the Shrimp killed him, time to restart
>get my mana
>oh a nearby fort after I get out
>they seem nice
>suddenly a slave
well shit.
would've been nice not to lose all my loot I guess but I achieved my outings main goal of getting my magic
now what can I do in the vendavel fort mines? looks like a few recipes live with the slaves I guess?
Oh that sucks I didn't know the rescue mission was on a quest timer like that.
Your gear is nearby, you can either grind the money and bribe the guard to let you out or you can fight your way out. Some neat loot there, also mage robes on a mini-boss
>bow disappeared after i dodged with it
>kill all the chickens
>literally run across half the map [my 5yos play without bows] to get them
>at least 7 games in start area
>probably 30 dead chickens
>no chicken head
it has polearms but the range doesn't seem to be much better than a 2h sword imo. I wish someone would range test the melee weapons and see if there's a difference between the 2h and even different weapons of the same classification, some swords look longer than others but i'm not sure if the hit box is different.
but yeah
there's spears which have a lot of thrusts.
and polarms which have a lot of slashes
this isn't so bad for being a slave, I'm learning a lot of little recipes.
Slave is secretly the way to farm money since you can breakdown the pickaxes and shit around there for iron scraps which sell for 5x the value to the vendor there.
Does anyone know where/when the Warlords of Vandeval or whatever start (the one where they burn down the town)?
breakdown the pickaxes? really? how do yo do that?
>throw it in storage where it can't decay.
For anyone curious, the cleric that you have to find in the desert isn't really to the "southwest", you can find what you need by the giant hive in the south. There's a couple of guards standing by a hive prison, what you need is in there.
>opened the door with power coils like a chode
I'm going to be exactly two coils short for some huge upgrade in the future.
you can buy them in lavant
Break down iterms by putting them (1 at a time) into the manual recipe and craft.
Teach me the ways of the JEW.
I haven't played much of outward, but i joined the blue covenant and risa told me to talk to burac in cicero because he was worried. I think he then gives you a quest, problem is I don't think her just saying it to me gave me the quest, it was just something she said to me and was like yeah you should go check it out
what's more weird is because i had already killed everyone the second i talked to him, he went into dialog about how he was worried about the attack and it auto completed, but after i talked to him again and he said he was worried about the impending attack. so maybe don't clear vendaval early no idea how that sequence is meant to work out, so i think a npc is meant to randomly mention it to you and you must follow up, I also think it's possible that if you go somewhere else it won't trigger or rather you'l miss it entirely
You took too long. Happened to me before I knew to go there first.
There's a huge different in range, spears are very obviously the longest range considering you can prod the enemy without ever getting hit. Axe on the other hand is very close and personal so you won't outrange anything. Twohanders are a bit of a mix, the heavy attack has nice range and you can set it up nicely but the slashes don't. Halberds on the other hand are pretty fucking shit
>For anyone curious, the cleric that you have to find in the desert isn't really to the "southwest", you can find what you need by the giant hive in the south. There's a couple of guards standing by a hive prison, what you need is in there.
Did you find him? I kept looking and running around for him in the dessert, then I had to go back to town to resupply after killing shit in that rose cave, i investigate a random scroll in town and the part to find him in the desert auto completed and said "YOU'VE FOUND THE CLUES, GO TO THE HIVE PRISON" I was really upset and confused because it felt like the questline just skipped several beats with little to no explanation.
Stuff in storage doesn't go bad, or rot. You can make a sandwich or throw berries in there etc and it lasts forever.
>Halberds on the other hand are pretty fucking shit
how disapointing
they should be the best weapon
I think he meant spears vs other spears and so forth. Not weapon classes vs other weapon classes.
Do not let that user get you down. Halberds do fairly high damage and have decent range while also having the 2nd highest stability damage of a weapon class. Couple that with big wide swings and a dodging stab special attack means they're pretty great.
After I explored around the rose cave and those ruins and everything I eventually just made my way to the hive since it was the last thing in the south I hadn't been to and sure enough thats where I found it. I didn't know there was a scroll in town, probably wouldve saved some trouble.
I only used them for a little and even though they're kind of shitty you can probably master them and make them work if you really want to. But the heavy attack is a shitty prod that has no range because you also dodge backwards. It's supposed to be used when you get charged or attacked so it can be used as a dodge+attack but that's hard to set up so it ends up with you constantly missing
Post stat screens plebs
eventually every melee weapon does stupid damage and you just use the one you like. The greataxe is still my favorite but halberds are fine. this is just a one handed axe for reference on how much damage tsar weapons do.
Perhaps I didn't explain myself properly.
I did not mean between 1 Handers and 2handers, The ranges I'm am inquisitive about are between the handers themselves like for example, I feel like a two handed sword has the same range as halberd, and The spears have a sweep that looks like the same range of a halberd slash.
I was also wondering if different weapon classifications spears for example, had different lengths depending on the item.
I ask this because while it feels like the spear has a range advantage, which it very well might, it could just be due to it's thrusts being the advantage, and that other weapons that could thrust using the special would achieve the same distance.
Mostly though it's me being salty about polearms feeling like they have the same range as a sword, that really irritated me.
Yea man , it's really fucking disappointing.
>I didn't know there was a scroll in town, probably would have saved some trouble
I think what's meant to happen is you talk to him or find him or save him or whatever and he tells you about some conspiracy in town and you look for clues. But the items that he'll tell you to look for exists without him and are unironically easier to find than he is.
If you skip the you owe blood debt dialog with the crowd it restarts until you mash through the whole thing.
If you skip the rissa I did what I could dialog on your porch she starts it again when you return with money or favor and you have to go through the whole dialog to the end then start again to get the pay/ favor option.
In short there is evidence the dialog is entirely serial regardless of events.
R1 to fire your bow (I also thought X was the only choice at first) and click L3 is the autorun
I must be accidentally putting near rotten things in storage then. I just sold a stack of eggs because they were down to a tiny bar (I realize I should have checked the stack)
Do they maybe rot when you're in town or in the house itself?
why would NOT make traps?
They're your life savers and having a place booby trapped with pressure plates and tripwires are great especially when your in dungeons with low light. Fucking bandits would backstab you and the only way to go is to lure them into the room and watch get killed. Also, best way to cheese bosses are through traps as well.
its actually fucking great how the traps are in this game
>only one breakthrough point left
>thinking about going spellsward because weapon enchants are too good and it's nice to not have to carry items with you
>decide to join the holy mission
>elaat gives you power to enchant your weapon with lightning
Thank you BASED god
X is manual aim but the range is ass, might as well melee. Especially sucks for dagger/1h I'm using 360 controller
What is L3?
>get chicken mask
>shit crashes
>lose chicken mask forever
thanks game
Eggs last like a day tops. I use my storage as a way to pile all my alchemy stuff together and then just leave an alembic at home.
>find bandits
>kill bandits
>use their weapons as traps
>make tripwire
>place fifteen traps for a single camp
>in the entrance
>make traps until place is filled with it
>rush to where the bandits are
>watch them get skewered by wood spikes
heh good I am behind fifty tripwire traps
>there are people in this thread who got SLAVE'd
literally fucking how
>leave first city
>head to beach cause dude said theres a cache there
>2 wolves
>they 2 shot me
what do I do
dont get hit bro
If you're going melee I really recommend going to Monsoon first to get the monk skills, makes melee actually fun to use
every time i attack they hit me
everything in this game can be solved by just placing more traps you dummy
there are literally supply chests that supplies you with tripwires and iron spikes. and if there aren't anything then use one trap to cheese a bandits then use them as ingredient for more traps
That cache is on the completely different side of the map and you should honestly not bother with it until you pass by. There's 30 silver and some shitty loot there
Very Based and Monk pilled my friend, going to take your advice.
>That cache
Bruh there are like 20 caches on every map.
He meant' the one yzan tells you about and he's not lying it's literally on the opposite side of the map yzans kind of an asshole for nothing saying it more plainly.
Can I be a dickass thief/rogue who dabs in archery/daggers/1h magic?
There is something so charming about this game
Oh, my mistake. You are correct.
He's talking about the chest where you need to pick moon and star to open
The guy can't even captain a boat without slamming it way the fuck up into the beach. You really going to trust his directions?
not to mention the loot is somewhat random.
seriously is everybody so used to fixed loot in games
I just realize that you can pretty much just turn off the HUD and still do fine. If your stamina is low then the screen will just vignette and if health is low then red vignette and even the compass really doesn't matter if you noted all the landmarks.
>game tries to bait you to explore
It's really comfy, amazing how they made a swamp city actually nice for a change instead of sticks and mud huts
how cute cna you make waifu in ths game
t. yzan
learn to read a compass and maybe you wouldn't crash ships
Auto attacking implies you attack automatically. You press attack, it plays an attack animation, you attack again near the end to do the next piece in the combo. This is not an auto attack and if you think it is you haven't played the game.
And calling it a rythm game is pretty on point until you max spell damage to just skip combat
>it's the fucking lighthouse reeeee
The king of the sand town has a unique spear counter skill. Might only be able to get it if you side with them/sided with someone since the dialogue only popped for me after joining
You can learn that skill from the gate guard if you have spear type weapon equipped when you talk to him
I have a tuanosaur great axe that hits like a truck and can kill wedingos in one combo but only if I attack it from its back. Later replaced it with pyrite hammer that has 71 impact damage which lets it basically staggers all enemy types in one hit
How/where do you get that bag?
yay i finished the tutorial i think? Now i have to go to one of 3 places.
Should i explore some more or make my journey now?
Also is the Scourge like the Blight in DA? if so i will go for Holy
in the bandit camp closest to the starter town. its behind the door that requires two power coils
How is it on ps4? Is it at least playable? It has a one star rating on the psn. I have never seen such a low rating
Are there power coils there or do I have to stop at the desert?
My friend told me that in his game, he found him with a gun at his side as he had taken his life because no one came to rescue him.
thats kinda gay man
>want to go back home
>store items in light house
>go home
>all burnt down
what the fuck
Just build plant tents in each city user, it cost like 6 silver and does everything an inn bed would do
Yes it is
lo lwhat the fuck is going on
The village burned down?
is infuse wind better to get or sigil of wind?
You had one job
gotta stop at the desert. its meanto be a late game thing.
>turkish oil wrestling is a sport in which two contestants cover each other in oil, traditionally olive oil, and then wrestle in a field. the goal of the sport is to reach your hands down the other man's tight leather shorts and grab him by the scrotum or taint to reach victory
infuse if you have plenty of stamina and use melee weapons, sigil if you just cast spark repeatedly.
you DID took care of the bandits right, user?
so this is a good game?
I'm really not sure which way I wanna go yet, I only put 2 into channeling mana, I guess I'll hold off on this until I more know what I wanna do.
No. But it’s a fun game especially in coop
Yes, and i'm playing alone.
I'm having a good time but the start is pretty rough until you get the hang of it.
It's unique and IMO fun, but not good and definitely not worth the asking price
yeah its a good idea to look at all the skills first. it took me almost 20 hours to decide to try just going full mage and dumping all my points into mana and what a fucking mistake. whatever you do dont get more than like 10 points, thats still 100 mana and its easy to get 100% cost reduction if you want, or even just go to like 50 and still have heavy armor. and the magic can be hit or miss anyway
so what do people reckon is a good use of your three breakthrough points?
based high iq poster
do you want to play with a fren user?
I think the most fun would be the 40 stamina, the move speed increase and the 40 health. you could zip around like a maniac forever and have tons of awesome melee skills. itll probably be my next character
>edible tents
>cold torches
I like this game.
My brother is considering getting this game for the both of us, but he’s a pleb who I doubt could handle the jank
Should I let him do it?
depends. if you want to sonic your way through everything then get stamina skills and if you're a filthy dodge fag then get feather dodge and the sprint one, and then spellblade
yeah I can see that, but the mana regen is rather tempting.
Yeah, found the rest of his body too.
If you doubt he can handle the jank then he probably can't, so tell him not to buy it unless you wanna play alone after he quits
it is, but eventually with how much cost reduction you can and how easy it is to just carry a few dozen astral potions it gets really redundant. the chakram stuff is kind of neato though ill admit
Do plants beds provide a stamina buff?
hows spellblade for general use? looks like a nice bit of everything?
Never heard of this before, it looks pretty neat
btw if you activate all wind towers you get a skill that allows you to zip through the regions
>Have pure mage
>Have bully two handed caveman
Kinda wanna make a rogue now. Focusing on daggers, traps, and pistols or bows.
Yeah its pretty fun. It provides a nice balance between everything and lets you use some cool magic without needing to invest super heavily into stuff. It mostly just gives you something to do with mana and buffs melee that much more
Where do I get a better backpack? This 50 units one I got in the first city isn't cutting it.
You got a 100kg one in Monsoon in the Hallowed March, but it gives -10% to walk speed. Not that you should care because you're gonna crawl anyway when the 50kg backpack gets overloaded
Is the Holy Mission quest worth it? I want the same blade that Elaat has.
Slow and rough start, gets better as you get the hang of it, overpriced.
Anyone know how much stamina bonus a luxury tent gets you?
You can craft a 60 backpack that doesn’t affect dodge as well. Recipe is in the swamp at giant village
Are there hyenas in enmerkar forest? I managed to find and kill one armored one I separated from a bandit. I'm trying to make a fang sword and didn't get the drop on that one.
No, it's got elk and they're much worse.
i've yet to see one
But I'm in the Berg area, Are all the backpacks in the swamp?
damn, sending me all over the place, If I could see the future I'd have gotten them before I came for the blue whatever faction quest
theres unique backpacks scattered around the world, the swamp just happens to have that recipe
Backpacks are pain in my ass. Fine, I'm going to explore forest then.
>climbed purple mountain
>get rusty great sword
I was hoping it would give me a magic ability when I reached the top or something.
okay how do I get rid of fireflies, these little bastards make every lizard in the swamp hyperaggressive.
>Oh boy!
There's these red/orange sarlacc pit-esque plants scattered about that eat the fireflies when you walk near them.
You can do something with that sword, but it's hard and not explained from what i understand. To get the magic you have to go INSIDE the mountain.
Try reaching the bottom instead.
You can buy a 75kg backpack in Berg
You can but it sucks ass.
How so?
What weapon should I leave the village with bros? guy is offer me a skill but i don't know what wep is good
>play as gunwizard
>use seven pistols
>load them prematurely with iron scraps
>look for any enemy
>shoot them
>breaks their stature
>have seven of them so enemy can't stand
>can even go blood bullet on them
shit is too ridiculous and you need to buy a lot of ammunition
what the fuck am I watching
how do you equip all the pistols so fast?
Spear is good weapon but that skill is kind of meh although it probably gets good later when it's nice to counter enemy attack, Axe skill is pretty good but kind of clunky because the game won't let you chain it properly and some enemies get up really fast. Just pick whatever you want user
>b-but gameplay bad !
I hope the game will be on sale soon
In levant there's a mastersmith in a barrel, he wants me to bring him some toast, cant find any or a reciepe. Help plz
>breaks it's posture
>dino jumps back up like he's on a spring
the posture system is kind of dumb in this game not gonna lie.
Has this yurojank been cracked yet?
what the fuck is yurojank
Yeah, like at minute one of release.
Is playing a mage interesting? I can put up with jank and shit if the magic is interesting, as with Two Worlds 2.
janky european garbage, what is this your first week on Yea Forums?
Cute as a pile of vomit.
it's what yankees call "indie games" from europe to feel good about themselves.
what does infuse wind do?
I only see AAA talked about Yea Forums
ah I see it's an indie game got it.
The trap and movement bonuses are Godlike. Backstab does a lot of damage (If you can get the enemies backs with the way AI works). The rest of the skills are lackluster and the lack of consistent impact damage and range will ensure that every time you try to engage at that range you will either trade or take more damage than you deal. Enemies rush you swinging like mad retards with complete disregard to their own safety, you have to land multiple paper range skills to do your "big" damage.
is there no way
should i just play dragons dogma again and get the thong armor?
hotbar would be my guess
Man sword and shield in this game sucks as, they should of given the shield some sort of parry system as it stands now i don't know why the fuck i'm not just using a two hander.
>make a fire
>put a bread
>do craft
for real, how do people like you function in life without quest markers?
Thanks I went sword and shield, here's hoping i don't get stomped.
So I'm going for a sword and gun build, the pistol is really sweet, great for finishing people off, are there skills or upgrades for it? Or better pistols and bullets? I'd hate to invest too much time into it if it's going to become worthless later on.
Shields give you extra impact resistance so you take less stability damage, they have their own durability so your weapon doesn't get damaged when blocking, and they have shield exclusive skills.
>fucking swamps
>get assraped by hyperaggressive lizards and lol surprise bandits
rip all my sh-
>get dumped back at mansoon and only see white armour vanishing into the crowd
maybe I should join the paladin guys afterall.
no, the only good spell is laying magic traps on the ground and watching the stupid ai walk over dozens of them to death
It's extremely annoying but it's completely different with every enemy, dino is the only one that outright ignores it
this is as cute as it gets fampie
Imagine a game with this philosophy but ten times the amount of developers. There are so few games that go for a genuine adventure and struggle.
Definitely made better by the lack of a quick save and load.
is this game made in unity with nothing but bought assets or something
If you put bag over her head, she looks cute.
>and struggle
this. peeps keep complaining about the open world but the running across a vast space and
>oh shit what is that is it going to kill me
feel is so rare in handholdy games.
there's a trainer in levant that teaches you to be gunwizard basically. Blood bullet and stature breaker is really good. though you're going to need the movement skills since you need great running skills
Just put some helmet/mask on that shit and it's perfect
literally ten developers. I recognized most of the trees as well
Durability is rarely a big deal seeing as you can repair whenever you want, it certainly doesn't feel superior to the reach and impact damage of a 2h. I'd have to check out the skills but if you means the one in the starting village, they didn't seem all that. blocking seems like a waste as well, as it' doesn't give you an opening to attack side stepping, dodging, or just free running away out of attacks seem infinitely more useful to me.
if you could time blocks with a shield and it would then affect an enemies posture then maybe it'd justify taking up an enitre slot, but as it is, it feels like using a 2h or some trinket offhand is better, letting me block more just isn't enough because i don't think blocking is that great by itself.
>AAA full release
>can't even put bag over head
>fuck this shit refunding all five copies I bought for co-op
Oh sweet alright thanks user.
Try the shield skill from the trainer in the city, I never used it but it might be a nice opener. You can switch weapon whenever you want though, you won't have the skill to use until you play for quite a bit and find a trainer but most specific weapon skills are shitty anyway. If you really want a shield try using a mace with it
Give her a kettle helmet and it's alright.
a lot of the assets look out of place so probably.
Shield is great if you don't want to drop your backpack every time you fight. You can also attack then block immediately after, it's fast enough that enemy wont hit you, basically infinitive loop of you attacking enemy and them counter attacking, depends on the enemy.
>witcher 1 is literally free of jank mate
stop breathing
It's not great. Blocking should only be used if you can't dodge properly. If you intend to go melee without magic I strongly recommend using a high impact 2H weapon. Enemies later in the game will not give a shit about anything less.
Also on that note, shields let you block things that you normally wouldn't be able to. Like arrows and magic.
Now imagine if they make a second game with that money. They keep the same idea but actually get a bunch of dudes to make a solid fight system and nice assets.
>Definitely made better by the lack of a quick save and load.
I think this is the main thing that makes me really like this game, everything you do really feels like a choice that has consequences. Dying and getting teleported across the map is annoying, but it gives you being careful and planning ahead actual worth. Imagine quicksaving every time you see a Wendigo? Would make the game completely worthless
jesus is my fang axe supposed to be useless against all these lizards in hallowed marsh?
fucking chip damage, I want to leave this swamp.
> is my fang axe supposed to be useless against all these lizards in hallowed marsh?
Yes, it's upgraded first tier weapon.
You can make a better axe out of their alphas.
Not him but where do you get a fucking actual weapon then ? I still have my upgraded spear
>and magic.
citation needed is this a special shield?
Do I have to learn magic?
Game tells you that nothing protects from magic, no even shields.
Blocking with shield also doesn't eat up your stamina, with a weapon it does. This actually matters because I'm sometimes very stamina starved if I have to fight more than 1 enemy at a time and am forced to block or constantly dodge. There's also some really nice shields you can find in Chersonese I'd never trade my two hander for a shield though
how am i meant to kill anything? to make better weapons if the guys who drop what i assume to be tier 2 parts, laugh at tier 1 weapons?
Why do I feel scared when I see some glowing motherfucker and I have zero traps?
how the fuck do I kill this fucker now that I literally spent my traps on bandits. I don't even have a proper weapon other than the brutal spear
I don't use shields much so I can't speak much on it. But I was able to just stand still and block the gold lich's attacks. It could be something specific to him rather than magic in general though.
You pretty much have to dedicate your times and your stats to be able to use magic. It's not just "lol i'm gonna roll a mage easy", even if after your first run it will probably be quite easy. The actual path to become a mage is really nice and immersive if you ask me.
just use traps you dummy
Can I just sell diamonds I find or are they gonna have use in some crafting things later?
>go beneath big tree
>smashing these dino dogs with my sword
>what the fuck is happening I'm doing no damage
>I'm sure I killed these fags before, maybe this is an Alpha version
>turns out my sword was fucked up from hunting the dinos outside and I did 7 damage
Check your weapon durability it could be the lower the durability the less damage you deal
come back with traps and potions if the nigger is glowing he might be tough or CIA
Merchant next to the blacksmith in Levant, the desert city. He also sells a lantern powered by them
Dinos drop tier 4 parts, but only the alpha does. Your axe is tier 2, you've got brutal axe which is tier 3 and from brutal axe you can craft the dino axe which is actually tier 4. Just use the brutal axe, works fine against them you can find brutal axe on random bandits, i also found around 5 in the forest map as random loot
No, but even if you're a warrior a little bit of magic is very useful. 10 health and stamina for 40 mana is a pretty good deal
Now that I think about it that could be an interesting thing to test. I was planning on trying out daggers but I think I'll make a shield guy instead.
>encounter spooky captain skelly dude
>put like 6 traps and finish him with my spear
nothing personal, kid
how to make money early
learn brace from the monk in monsoon and you can do around 50% stability damage and physical damage boost from one block. The shield charge you get in cierzo is also good for gap closing while doing damage to both HP and stability.
Kill heyna's and sell their fur. Make Ice/Fire Rags.
makes you attack a little bit faster but you use up more stamina. not really worth it unless you have well over 100 stamina, and even then its not that worth it
Is fitness worth it?
I really wish the characters looked better in this game and wish we had better customization. Because those faces and hairstyles are pretty fucking shit if you ask me
nvm i got killed and now in some marsh rape dungeon with spiders guarding the road and I have no weapon whatsoever and I have indigestion and a cold
is this game worth a pirate
what the fuck i thought this was a comfy adventure like fable, what the fucking is happening.
do you need any mana to do any of the other 3 spellsword effects? I'm about to crack purple mountain and already unlocked the chain for spellsword but haven't bought any spells
Starting on a fresh new character, I'm able to block the electric balls from bullet shrimp. Maybe that's not classified as magic though.
Loot everything you can and sell it. especially alchemy ingredients because you don't know the recipes and they'll just rot away
fuck yeah it is, 50 silver is peanuts
Can I play a Druid though
Is there nature magic lads i need to know
fuck no
why not
well there's no permadeath so you get uh... events when you go down.
worst case scenario you lose all your shit and time advances potentially fucking up time sensitive quests.
The fuck
For a game where 90% is forest I figured you'd have nature magic
Hopped on a further along character and did some testing. It seems like you can block anything that hits a single target but aoes go through everything.
So satisfying to murder these fags after they bullied you when you were still in rags
No gay shit in this game bruh
yeah you need mana for them. but dont do more than like 4 or 5 points, you can get mana reduction pretty easily and youll rarely die because you run out of mana, youll 100% be fucked when you run out of stamina.
I need a game like this but made by proper developers, at least double-A devs will do a better job at making better combat and graphics.
read the fucking thread. jank combat worse than any game ever released, empty world, no quest markers, pirated copy you can't even sleep it's 100% AAA bullshit, just stick to fortnite bro
your welcome
this game looks great should i get the ps4 or pc?
that's what happens to people who forgets their traps
always make sure to have enough spikes and ttraps or else you'll get slaved by bandits or trapped in a rape dungeon filled with spiders and walking hives spitting up exploding flies
that's why you pay the people who have the integrity to make a game like this instead of bethesda. jesus christ how hard is it to figure this shit out
>pirated copy you can't even sleep
works on me pc
wow, sounds great! thanks for the recommendation, I cannot wait to start playing and partake in these threads with you. thanks user :)
Thanks bro
>Mountainous, Marsh, Desert, and Forest regions
>90% forest
Proper developers don't nitpick their audience, so instead of making a janky but fun game they make a soulless mess that only appeals to double digit IQ morons who can't handle the game not holding their hand
But I agree with you, I'd like game like this just much higher quality
bethesda made daggerfall, morrowind and oblivion though
yes but the 10% that is desert is REALLY big
>who are fromsoftware
each one worse than the last
I can't get that fucking bandit hideout music out of my head, I can even hear the fucking melody in my dreams please make it stop
works on my machine
outward 2 will be worst than outward one, and by outward 3 they'll be triple A
Is this game worth 40 bucks?
Why are you posting my picture to shitpost with?
They're the only ones who actually did it and have some really nice mechanics, but I'm not too optimistic anyone else is gonna risk it. Besides fromsoftware already released the same game 5 times now
use your eyes user
The amount of time I put in it probably is, but it's honestly worth maybe 20-30
I pirated it btw
Which weapons should I use as a melee char?
Also, where the fuck do I find palladium in the starting zone?
m+kb or gamepad?
Lost to the (big black) cock again.
you have all the runes and you still lost to a giant fucking chicken
A shame I can't get coop to work, pirated
We join the game, but as soon as we leave the starting town, connection is lost
I was overconfident, thought it'd be a cake walk with just my sword.
water + oil = 12 silver
>pirated copy you can't even sleep
Run as administrator
Not joking. It fucking works.
Greatswords have a parry skill, moderate damage, moderate speed with wide swing arcs, and have a neutral heavy attack with far range that doesn't move you forward, Their combo heavy attacks move you sideways which can cause you to dodge things sometimes.
Spears are low damage but attack decently fast and have the farthest reach. Their heavy does an extremely long range thrust. They have a parry skill that still does an an attack even if you fail it.
Greatmaces are slow but have decent range and bonkers impact damage. They have an extremely have neutral heavy attack that does a lot of impact damage and two heavy attack combo variants. Their skill is a super armored swing that inflicts a status effect. Can't remember what
Greataxes have short range but do a lot of damage. Their heavy attack hits multiple times and can be chained into another heavy attack or into normal swings. Their skill is an execution attack that does double damage on prone targets
Halberds are slow but have good range, damage, and a defensive stab heavy attack. Their skill is a spin2win.
Maces are slower than the other 1-handers but have high impact damage, moderate speed, and have a follow up to their combo'd heavy attack. Their skill lets you absorb magic to get an infusion.
One handed swords have high speed, low damage, and low impact. They have a defensive thrust for their heavy attack and their skill is another thrust that does extra damage and inflicts pain. I personally think they're shit.
>both of my friends leave
>talk to the girl
>she's going to join the holy mission
>think to myself ok i'll do it too
>you have to do the pilgrimage
>get to the marshes
>on my way get knocked out
>some kind soul brought me the whole way to moonsoon
definitely joining them and helping
>doing quests in desert
>return to starting town to drop off valuables before finishing up a quest in marsh town
>town in on fire
>*Greatmaces have an extremely fast neutral heavy attack
whats the spell on the far right?
where do you get more oil outside of purple mountain
Call elements
I never imagined a game this hideous looks could be released in the year of our lord 2019
>be a total fucking newbie
>exit the starting town
>head north towards the bandit camp
>find a cave instead
>fucking troglodytes
>pushing their shit in with my 2h axe but I'm getting hurt more and more
>it's a fucking maze and it's dark as shit
>I've no idea where the exit is
Man this game is fun
Leveling in this game feels so weird, I made it to the desert area but so far the dungeons all rail my poor boy asshole way too hard to do anything
coop doesn't even work properly and your partner loses their shit
that's the only fucking reason to play this over something like dark and light or conan exiles, and they can't even make it work
>tried manipulating FOV
>ended up with first person view
>enter dungeon
>switch it to normal
fuck that
>upgrade my iron claymore
>it turns into a katana with bones strapped to it randomly
use some traps to kill enemies and then just loot a big dungeon and sell their shit. Or craft some weapons with animal parts you get. There's a lot of ways to get better gear. Then just save up for a couple of skills
Just think of it as a game designed by jews. Instead of xp you level up up with money and possessions.
Bros, are the guys saying to play with kb+m trolling me?
Also, do I always need to have an infusion to use magic?
How do you upgrade gear?
kb+m is total dogshit. The only saving grace it has is autorun if you're a sperglord and didn't unlock fast travel. some user tried to meme it was better if you had lots of skills but that makes 0 sense.
This guy is retarded, m/kb is infinitely better.
doesn't matter if m+kb or controller
mouse gets inventory management done a lot quicker tho
Die, shills. Your game is shit, you are shit. Keep on polishing it though, there are some good ideas.
iron weapons can have some linen and fangs strapped to them, blacksmith has the recipes.
I'm only playing m+kb and i don't see the problem ? How do you even manage to use your bow with the controller, the auto-aim is dogshit after 10m and if the dude is that close you may as well use a melee weapon
Of course kb+m is better. In any game where you have several hotkeys, kb+m is better.
I know, feels weird when you wipe the fuck out of bandit camps, dinosaurs and golems and not seeing your stats increase
i prefer controller, but im sure some people prefer kb+m. it controls like a souls game, so i guess if you like playing that sort of thing without a controller good on you.
weapon crafting recipes take a normal weapon like a steel or iron sword and make them better with animal parts. you can buy recipes from blacksmiths or just look them upo
I can't imagine playing the game on pad. Inventory management and busing spells that aren't in a quickslot must take you years.
imagine getting paid to talk about this piece of shit on a mongolian goat fucking forum
Fuck off retard
>using a bow
dude what
Yeah it's annoying when you don't feel a sense of progression but at the same time it's nice that things don't end up becoming too trivial because you got stronger.
>Inventory management and busing spells that aren't in a quickslot must take you years.
Why do you think this?
winter really makes nighttime easier to navigate...
nice autism wall of text, just like to add two things you forgot:
swords are indeed some of the weakest weapons in theory, but they have some versions (assassin sword and Crystal brand for example, that apply two status effects at once which more than make up for the shortcomings )
you also forgot 1h axes, the skill applies pain (+DMG taken debuff) and hits a really big horizontal swipe, I manage to hit 3 enemies at once with it often. and the heavy attack is an actual triple hitter
>not using a bow
dude what
Why would you use a bow when you have both guns and magic to pick from?
>one thread with people enjoying a game
>9999 threads about shitposting or e-celebs and other cancer
>somehow this thread is the wrong one
fuck off retard
Seems like you're just a stupid fuck to be honest user.
Because i didn't had the chance to find a gun yet in this game
That's kind of true IRL too as long as the moon's out.
I was honestly not expecting this when I thought of a city on the swamp.
Is this game good? Please respond.
My condoliza rices user. I've never felt more alive than when I'm unloading all seven of my pistols upon an enemy.
>seven pistols
was about to call you a scrub but then I realized you need the 8th skill slot to even fire them
>when you finally get to buy the special pistols in levant and knock down every enemy forever
>jank combat
Bet you love Dark Souls though, faggot.
What are good ways to regenerate health early game? Bird eggs seem good when cooked, with the odd bandage thrown in, but doesnt feel like enough
does the coop in this work? or is there some caveat like only 1 getting rewards or some shit
Is there fast travel? I know I unlocked some wind bullshit by touchng a totem like 30 years ago, and I'm not toally adverse to traveling for 50 real world days to get back to hometown, but it'd be ncie if there was something that sped it up a bit.
that's pretty much all you're getting early game
cooked eggs, meat stew and jerky + bandages
the food heals are slow but last very long and are worth it
>fast travel
wait what
nothing, strap on your master trader gear and börd mask and move those feet
(there is 1 button fast travel in the dev menu that you can unlock with cheat engine, but I advise against it, it's impossible to go back to playing normally after you go down this slippery slope)
>11k ingame right now
These are some good numbers
Hope the devs put them into good use since they are a small team
Is this game fun? How much crafting/survival dependent is it?
Does it run well for you? I checked out some youtube videos and the framerate seemed really low in some of them.
so I got wasted by some bandits near the start and end up in their camp, is my stuff gone forever, or can I get it back somewhere?
>get my ass kicked by bandits
>wake up in some shed
>regain my bearings and head outside
>bandits attack me again
>low on health so I get oneshot
>wake up by some campfire as apparently some dude saved me
>I lost all the things i had in my pocket including money
>it's day 4, I'm new as fuck and got no money
What happens when I don't pay the 150silver?
Yeah once the convenience hits you the game would fucking tank I'm sure. It'd just be nice to be able to visit the original town every once and a while without mkaing it like, an actual ordeal to get to.
nvm found it that was pretty dumb
if you like eurojank like gothic, and if youre the kind of person to install survival mods on skyrim then you'll love it. if either of those sounds questionable then you wont like it
>is this game
There's your answer already answered 5 times in this thread
Host gets all rewards from quests, otherwise you're both fully independent and can share loot etc. You can even bring your coop character out to your own game and you keep your inventory/skills etc.
is the beach cave the only place to get blue sand? there was only like four in there.
It's on the beach itself. little blue swirlies you can loot sand from. Easier to see at night.
will the land being covered in snow complicate this?
Oh, possibly. The blue effect is just barely above the ground so it might actually be physically covered by the snow.
If bandits attack the starting town, is it gone for good?
They stash it somewhere
fug, there goes my stash
That's it bro, game over. GAME FUCKING OVER. You had ONE job and you couldn't do it right
info on this? I haven't joined a faction yet am I at fuckin risk here?
They repossess your house.
>friend plays tank+trapper and loots all non expirable materials
>me playing mage+alchemist+cook and looting all fresh ingredients into my portable fridge backpack
this pleases my autism
I don't know when or how it triggers but I left the starting zone for a while and when I came back the place was destroyed. Reaching the front gates added a (completed) quest that I wasn't already on about killing three warlords I didn't even know existed.
you have to kill the bandits in the big fortress that take you prisoner if you talk to them or theyll eventually burn down the town
I couldn't beat two bandits at once when my health was low as fuck. I got beat up again and woke up in front of Cierzo but I still have no money, and my character is bowing down and is hurt all the time
Can I get it back?
The guard at the town gate in the very beginning of the game tells you about the bandits if you ask about "the area around cierzo" He says that there are three main bandit clans who have allied together to fuck up the town.
Yeah, for 300 silver according to other anons.
I don't know if I talked to them, I once got put in a slave mine in that southern fort, does that count?
join my game. It's FRIEND
no you have to kill them all. when you go back to town theyll congratulate you and give you a key
>randomly try to join a game
>type "h"
>join someone on another city where I never wandered
>it's a female char with a princess dress
>disconnects as soon as I start spamming block
This while playing pirate copy
It was fun while it lasted :^]
I mean does that count for triggering a countdown of doom for no reason.
Love the game, but have had my backpack dissapear and fall through the floor multiple times now effectively fucking me.
So what's the best course of action after having payed (or rather failed) the blood price an being given the choice to join one of three people? I don't feel like I have the equipment, skills and wealth to leave the current area, it's snowing now and I think bandits are coming for the city soon. What do?
Can confirm Monk + Hunter as rad as hell, still have my 3rd breakpoint available.
Haven't even been to Levant yet, if there's someone who's giving me stamina reduction or more stamina then that's instantly my thing. 2h axe heavy combo demolishes my stamina as it does enemy's impact bar
>in the desert
>have to go back to the first zone to unlock my fucking magical hole
>scour every speck of blue sand from that fucking beach and cave
>one short for finishing my armor set
what do you think about the games anons?
Rogue gives you 50% less cost on dodging while Merc gives you 40% less cost on sprinting.
you can sometimes get bluesand from fishing.
>big backpack
Is this the camp with Guts in it?
monk and Hunter are shit choices if you wanna dabble into magic though
mercenary class in levant gives +10% movespeed and 40% less stamina used while sprinting, I imagine that might be up your alley
>pay the fine, about to wander into the world
>load saved game
>lose all items
Ok, what the fuck
there's a small cave on the beach, if the tides low you can get a couple blue sand in there and smash a pistol shrimp.
how do i know if it's low tide?
Why hasn't there been thread started in /vg/?
you walk in and if it's high tide it's full of water, clean water mind you incase you need a drink.
same reason the sekiro help thread is post here instead of posting in /vg/
You can play online with a pirated copy?
answer it again fuck boy