>best bag can be cheesed at the very beggining
Comfy Outward thread
Where do you even get power cells to legit get that bag?
I don't know, only time i heard of someone looting it, it was randomly put in a chest.
How do I stop relying on tripwire traps?
Stop making them.
You can't, I make a kilometer long carpet of traps for tough bosses every time.
>start the game
>get out of the first city
>have no idea where to go now
>enter some cave and start killing troglodytes
What the fuck do I do, good lord modern games really made me a fucking lazy son of a bitch
Talk to people. Explore.
>Get the piss beaten out of you by skeleton ghosts
>I wake up to a fucking demon
>It says he's on a journey to seek knowledge and understand humans
>Starts going on about stories and said he prefers not to kill anyone again
>Offers me help, wonder if this shit will go downhill
>It teaches me a trick to not get raped by decay
Thank you Immaculate-senpai
>see a big glowing monster
>well time for traps
>assume it's weak to fire due to biome
>it's a miniboss wendigo that hits like a truck
Never stop relying on traps user, always have a few to fall back to when you don't know what you're fighting