Risk Of Rain 2 Thread

>no risk of rain 2 thread
i've been dumping fucking hours into this game. tell me good RoR stories, either game is fine.

>tfw playing solo for the first time after playing 13 hours straight with my friend
>we discovered the two pressure plates in the aqueduct so i wanna go secret hunting
>get knocked off a cliff on the level with the the shrine where you get Her Concepts as Mul-T and panic dash into it

Also I found a Gold Portal, went into it, and got deleted immediately. What the fuck is that? My curiosity abounds but it's only appeared once

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Other urls found in this thread:


People moved to its general.

avoid that autistic /vg/ nigger jullikas


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>cant see the tp
>tp is on the image

found it
its right there you blind fuck

Are you guys interested in a CE table that allows you to change what you play as?
I've already got the pointer and some values, but I'm not sure if you guys actually want it to be released, since I'm not sure if you niggers will be able to control yourself

it gives access to playing enemies and "unplayable characters"

Yes, sounds really interesting

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I have pirated the game(I don't have steam in the first place), I get occasional quick games in MP, but whenever I add an ID posted here,it's always Invalid, I'd assume the lobby is full, but goddamn it's invalid after 40 secs after posting it

Mega link?

does anyone have the full xml achievement list and would like to share?

>ramming a jellyfish
no better feeling, lads

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Does it have Steam cloud save or will all of my unlocks get wiped if I uninstall like RoR1?

For the initiated

lobby EU, NA works fine

They'll have to differentiate him quite a bit from what's already there. His headshot from 1 is covered by MUL-T's railgun. His single shooter is covered by the Commando, just with two.

First run with Engi and I get this

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>about to quit
>realise turrets might actually finish the job

Okay maybe Engi's pretty based

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do you have pics of this in game

I can't find any games on Quickplay
every time I try it says Invalid lobby ID

>fighting golden golem as merc

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I never realized how much I want Merc edits for MGR until now.

What are you guys looking at, circle this shit.

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since someone didn't know how to link crossboard

I think you might wanna be careful with switching to bandit
got this after launching the game shortly after I played a round as bandit

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/vg/ is where vidya threads go to die, don't do this

If you want, we can try

Just got a Celestial Portal and a Gold Portal on level 7 (second snow) wat do?

Go into celestial then kill yourself at the

gold if you have merc unlocked, celestial if you don't

Anyone managed to pull of the 20 stages in one game unlock challenge?

Update if it works? I've a poorfag friend and he'd greatly enjoy the news that pirates can play with buyers.

is it ok to join lobbies if I suck?

Get on the current prismatic trial guys its great for achievements

What about it

it's not a competitive game, if you're shit it just means more loot for me

>going to the deranged tranny circlejerk board

Yeah, I don't think so.

What are your thoughts about the Artificer? Damage wise she seems decent but her R has no range and having no mobility at all is very annoying, specially against bosses like the pot or titan.

thats because you are matched with the people using the game id that is used in the multiplayer crack. assuming you are using the one everyone is using that is payday 2 demo.
so you only get matched with pirates. and cant join legit players because its a different game id. multiplayer works through steamworks and game ids are used for matchmaking.

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>get the lighting "fuck this enemy in particular" generator use item
>get 6 fuel cells so the cooldown goes down to about 8 seconds
>get 2 soulbound catalysts so each kill reduces the cooldown by about 7 seconds
>add a ceremonial dagger for kicks and giggles
I can now mash the q button and kill everything without it ever going on cooldown basically. this is great

RoR have always had Yea Forums threads
If nintendo games can be up with multiple threads and not pushed to /vg/ then so can RoR2.

If you die I just get more items, user.

Not there, THERE.

Attached: RIGHT THERE.webm (640x480, 1.41M)

Some twitchfag who shilled himself here a thread or two ago was at 160+ on drizzle, it's pretty much impossible to fail

>died both times on the levels that spawned celestial whatevers

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Not steamworks itself but the interface surrounding it. and max connections is 32 i think. there's one other 'max players' constant but it's invisible, you can change it though with set_maxplayers in lobbynetworkmanager

Can someone draw Engi slapping all of his mines on MUL-T

I love getting it as merc and pretending to be MGS4 Raiden but less emo.

posters are mentally ill autists who have been so mindbroken by Yea Forums shitposting of politics and twitter threads that they actively do not want videogames to be happily discussed on Yea Forums. You see this shit in Vermintide 2 and DMC threads too. You never see these cumgarglers bringing up the "rules" of the website in the local trap or twitter screencap thread.
Fuck you nigger

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You can force a win out of anything on drizzle kek

NA East Lobby


Open a game for me to join

I imagine going for the clover is still a chore on Drizzle since it kind of catches up at some point with Downpour

Will there be a healer cumslut class?? I need to ERP.

is this game another one of those things that everyone raves about for the first 5 days or so then becomes insanely stale and dies within the month?

Can someone explain lunar coins to me? I don't think I've ever gotten one after the second teleporter.
What do you get from the lizard when you have 10?
Does the portal only appear when you give one coin to the blue shrine thing>

Hype for Enforcer

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Is it just I who think the second game is far easier than the original?
>play for 5 hours with my buddy
>we do laps around the levels and kick their ass
>go back to playing one after he goes to bed
>don't even reach the final level


MED-E when

MUL-T's moveset is OP as fuck what the hell
M1 is either a stupidly strong pierce shot that's good early and late, or a fast spray that becomes powerful as you pick up on hit items
M2 is a retardly strong AOE stun
Shift makes you stupid fast, ALSO STUNS
Oh and he gets two on use items because why not

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but it's not a slut like huntress (thicc)

Random coins you get for murdering enemies. Probably like a

Best class to go for long runs?

>really shit at this game despite already locking in 21 hours
>join Yea Forums lobbies anyways
>spam M2 Huntress anytime I can
>only items I get is from boss kills
Its still a tons of fun. I love it when only the Merc or Engi is the only one left alive.

depends what they add to the game

Were you playing with artifacts?

Mul-T is the strongest character in pretty much every category

if you're still looking, stop looking for the teleporter itself and start looking for the orange particle effects that surround it
it's easier to find the teleporter this way

They just...drop occasionally. You need 10 to unlock the Artificer. Beyond that, they're used to open Lunar Caches in maps which give you a random blue item, can be used on a newt altar to open up a portal to the new shopkeeper, can buy blue items from there for 2 lunar each, and can be used on order statues (don't).

Blue items come with powerful effects but serious drawbacks.

Someone gift me this game

>Is it just I who think the second game is far easier than the original?

Well of course its more easy, artifacts that made the game hard are missing, if you want a challange you have to wait for them to be put in the game

Yeah everyone's gonna burn out of this within a week, but Hopoo are quality devs and they'll keep updating the game.

It's a quality game and it's currently at a roughly 70% solution according to them. It's worth the $20 it costs IMO, you'll get that value out of it definitely and within 6 months I imagine the full release will happen and you'll have a great game on your hands.

It'll just be dead by then.

I feel like it's the other way around with how easy it was to turn into a gigantic powerhouse that shreds through everything in the original compared to this.

RoR2 is honestly so disappointing. It just makes me want to play more RoR1 and wait for it to come out of early access. It's painfully apparent that this game needs a LOT more work to be as good as the first.

Need 1 more

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He also has more base health than anyone, and more health increases than anyone. I'm not sure what they were thinking, but he's definitely getting a nerf. Enjoy it while you can.

I imagine it depends on how often the game gets updated with new content,but people have talked about the original game on Yea Forums for years and still made threads for it up to the release of this one.


A Medic character could unironically be pretty cool.

Characters' theme songs:

Attached: 69f.jpg (354x286, 15K)

and considering how much money they're making off of it, it'll actually get the budget it deserves.

>I'm not sure what they were thinking
They overestimated how much his larger hurtbox would effect him and overtuned his base stats.
Hopoo has said this.

I don't think it'll be dead. Killing Floor 2 was in early access for three years, and do you know how many players it has right now? 22k. RoR2 is even more pick up and play than KF2. I think it'll find a steady population of at least 6k by the end.

It is quite barebones but the core gameplay feels really good, I don't mind waiting for the actual content since it can only get better.

Funny that you link the EDF songs given mul-t's whole moveset is inspired by the Fencer.
God I love EDF and ROR2

Risk of Rain has been a staple on Yea Forums for years you fucktard.
This game though is going to get stale because it's like 20% done but its still better than most of the shit this year.

Commando is perfect, the rest are shit.

>EDF songs
my nigga

steam id?

>given mul-t's whole moveset is inspired by the Fencer.
Is it? Or are you assuming based on coincidence?

sent bbyckes

sent ;)

Yes just git gud

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And KF2 had a horrible reception when it was in early access. People were proclaiming it dead for a long time, even when it came out.

This. I want to try before buying it with my next paycheck

I know you're shitposting but artificer has the least fitting of all of these
She gives me Bionicle vibes for some reason

need one

EU lobby

how game lag hand

kf2 is also free right now, but yeah it's still doing better than ever

get in here, boys

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Small time.

Acrid when? I want my son back.

I just want muh boy Acrid back.

Too many coincidences for it not to be.
>both have a basic minigun
>piercing lance gun practically identical to the Fencer lance in every way
>being able to NYOOM at supersonic speeds, irregularly for a heavy/large character
>The concept of being able to switch between two different loadouts on the fly
I'd ask hopoo directly but i'm 99% sure at this point

Just ask him senpai.

hmm, where should I ask? I know they respond on tumblr sometimes


Twitter maybe

I fucking hate those mortar faggots that blend so well in the level. FUCK and they're fucking hiding away from another galaxy while obscuring your vision and screen shake.

I think I might have finally gotten the 6 players mod working this time, maybe
grab the DLL: ufile.io/cdzg6
extract to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
and then join lobby: 109775240985319966

if you get invalid ID, _please_ open the console with ctrl+alt+~ and tell me what it says. thank you

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Can someone remind me if workshop support is planned for this game? How about other platforms?

>tfw I made a twitter account once and was banned within a week without even posting anything
i'll figure out a way to ask
Those fucking fagcrabs completely nuked my turrets countless times when I was playing engineer on second loop. Luckily they can't do anything when you get in their faces

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He's more like Ranger from Quake honestly.
>'Nade Launcher
Also the whole versatile weapon swapping is a staple for old shooters.

>haha, dude, just grab this DLL, haha, what do you mean it might be dangerous, stop being gay user, haha

are you talking about the hermit crabs? just watch the sky and look at where they're shooting you from

anyone have the mod that removes artificers backpack and cape?
asking for a friend

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reminder that if someone on your team has a rusty key, anyone can access the rusty lockboxes, so if someone on your team already has one let him take any additional ones to increase the rarity of the loot in any.

>Commando Rainstorm
What you posted
>Commando Monsoon

Holy FUCK I love Merc but my God burning characters just fuck my shit up.

Surely there's going to be some sort of way we can still damage enemies that are burning without getting insta-gibbed once we get to max difficulty

there's actually 3 DLLs and I think people have the common sense not to download shit from the chans without an antivirus

>mfw yoinking lunar coins from slow faggot characters as mul-t

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I hate clay dunestriders. Fuck their bullshit tracking on their black blob attacks.

It doesn't improve the rarity, it just spawns more boxes. Otherwise it would cap at like 4.

Well the part that really sells me on it is that it isn't just swapping out a weapon, it's the use item as well. And Fencer is known for that kind of on-the-go flexibility in their loadout since they have two slots for each arm.
Good catch on the nade launcher though, I completely forgot about that. Though the Fencer class also has comparable mortars too

personally I just focus on the non burning enemies, and if the burning enemies survive the procs (missiles, explosions, etc.), then i'll use my active item on them.

Yeah, that's the case, thanks.

Have the devs released any kind of update schedule or anything?

>friends are slow as fuck and I have to mark out all the items on the map so they can actually pick some up and not fall behind
Any chance of them adding different optional loot modes?
Every chest dropping 1 item per player but costing 4x as much would be nice


>No weebs. EU

A patch this week is all we got so far.


>It doesn't improve the rarity, it just spawns more boxes. Otherwise it would cap at like 4.
stacking the keys on one person does improve the rarity. 6 key for example always yields a green item with a chance for a red item. i believe 12 is the cap and always yield a red item.
however a box spawns for every person that has a key. so 4 in total in a full group where everyone has a key at least. individual rarities still apply.

post your hours

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Anyone want to play RoR1

Imagine being this salty about that user in the last thread.

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>update schedule
Just pray that it gets done at some point.

>• Noting people like going fast
they know that we like to go FAST

But what do you do when you get to the burning abyss or whatever it's called (the dark one with chains and lava looking shit) and you've got magma worms spawning left and right while elder lemurians are breathing fire in your face and like half the enemies are burning. There's so many I think it's like impossible to avoid getting hit at some point

no one?

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>when you have FIVE wings

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>6 key for example always yields a green item with a chance for a red item

I've gotten a white with ten keys before

Why don't you try doing this shit in the discord? You'll find people who actually care about that kinda modding there.

I'll try

post good risk of rain images

which discord


in that case I focus the magma worms with dashes and try to not get hit
usually when that many bosses are spawning at once there will still be a few trash mobs nearby, and I'll have enough alternative ways to deal with them like 8x fuel cell missiles or pets like drones/happiest mask/beetle. generally i'll have multiple reds by that point which help deal with the problem, since there are multiple legendary chests on stage 4/8/12/every other loop of it

in the worst case you can just sit in the corner with your active item.

>These items all dropped on the first stage
It only got more insane as the game went on

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eh it's not worth it anymore. we're not gonna get more than 4

Without the HUD and damage numbers, this would be a great wallpaper.

post good risky rain images

Well this happened

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The chain bullshit has a semi predictable pattern. Go in and unload your eviscerate and however many M2s you have, then dash away and focus on another enemy.

the second you get chained you should eviscerate and dash through the other enemies to get away

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The official from Hoppo

what the fuck does the rusted key do

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There's just a lot that feels really thoughtless.
As an example, why does the Huntresses blink teleport her in the direction the camera is facing rather than the direction she's moving like in the first game? That's actually a REALLY serious change to how she works and it's incredibly frustrating to play.
Instead of the character all about moving and attacking effectively at the same time being able to kite enemies uninterrupted, you have to flick your camera to the side like a spastic if you don't want to blink towards the enemy you're shooting. In the first game Huntress was a certain type of character, I don't understand why they would change that in the transition to 3D and change it for the shittier. If they want to maintain the vertical mobility, have it work that way when she jumps but work the more reasonable way on the ground.
Why the fuck is movement painfully slow on these proportionally huge 3D levels?
Why, instead of making the movement speed more reasonable, did they add a sprint mechanic? Why do you have to constantly press the sprint key to move at a reasonable pace while almost every action cancels sprint? Why is sprinting so fragile that you need to press the button again if you move to the side too much? Why can't I sprint directly to the side?
Sprinting feels like it should just be the default movement speed. It's a pointless addition that actively detracts from the game experience, especially because in order to move, sprint, and use my mobility skill at the same time, my hand needs to awkwardly crawl across the keyboard just in case the game forgets I'm supposed to be sprinting.
Enemies often just walk through Engineer's shield and don't trigger his mines.
I've experienced many desync issues where my friend can see the teleporter and I can't, or vice versa.
Just the general feeling of a lot of this game screams that it's unbalanced, untested, needs work, basically it is painfully early access in its current state and

No hide hud options unfortunately, you can downscale it though

why is the gw2g bot in there?

Merc is so much fun if you get Glass

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I had this for a while and it was melting bosses. It's a shame I'll never get it again.

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US lobby where?
or it's too early?

Right now the big thing I want from this game is just to give specific colored outlines to the different chests so you can see them better from far away.

Chest hunting gets real tedious if you don't have a dedicated Q radar-bro. It would be much better if you could easily see them from farther away (and differentiate them)

not sure they would approve

EU lobby here

Spawns a sneaky free chest on each stage. More keys = better rarity.

>As an example, why does the Huntresses blink teleport her in the direction the camera is facing rather than the direction she's moving like in the first game?
fuck you thats a good change. it means you can dash into any direction.

Artifacts. Presumably the one that makes chests no longer spawn and items drop from enemies instead will return.

>died 12/16 times

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The reddit has clips of Bandit/Han-D and stuff and they promote it inside the game, I don't think they care too much.

any hosts?

I desperately want them to bring back this level. Would be wondrous to scale the cliffs onto the bridge in 3D to get a real sense of scale.
>ou have to flick your camera to the side like a spastic if you don't want to blink towards the enemy you're shooting
Your complaint is that you have to be more hand-eye coordinated?
>Why, instead of making the movement speed more reasonable, did they add a sprint mechanic?
To balance between shooting and evading.
>my hand needs to awkwardly crawl across the keyboard just in case the game forgets I'm supposed to be sprinting.
Rebind your keys.

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anything can be masked. absolutely anything. even overloading magmaworms.

How to not suck with Merc? Seriously I got the upgrade that gives you stackable dodge and was able to stay in the air forever as him but still died on the 2nd boss on monsoon.

Shit, meant to quote:

the mask can also give me bosses as a temporary partner. like so

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How many shrooms should I print?

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Got Dio's Best Friend in the Bazar and spent everything I had for it.

Of course you're not going to see shit with 14 sunglasses on retard

Two questions here:
1) Do the items you pick stack the effects if repeated?
2) Does the number of enemies scale with the quantity of players?

you are a fucking faggot and all your opinions are stupid.

I honestly think having sprint activated is a good thing. I get to the point sometimes where I'm sprinting incredibly FAST when I sprint and if I was moving like that constantly I think the game could be unplayable

Gotta go fast

>2) Does the number of enemies scale with the quantity of players?
Don't they?
>1) Do the items you pick stack the effects if repeated?

my penis explodes when enforcer finally out

yes and yes

yes to both. check the item log it tells you how items stack.

Yes and yes.

You can go to the logbook to see exactly how each item stacks.

>Why, instead of making the movement speed more reasonable, did they add a sprint mechanic? Why do you have to constantly press the sprint key to move at a reasonable pace while almost every action cancels sprint? Why is sprinting so fragile that you need to press the button again if you move to the side too much? Why can't I sprint directly to the side?
>Sprinting feels like it should just be the default movement speed. It's a pointless addition that actively detracts from the game experience, especially because in order to move, sprint, and use my mobility skill at the same time, my hand needs to awkwardly crawl across the keyboard just in case the game forgets I'm supposed to be sprinting.

It's a fucking retarded change.
She's supposed to blink where she's moving. Like I said, you can have her blink work like it does now while she's in the air, but her grounded block shouldn't require you to flick your mouse like a spastic in order to kite. That's already what you do with commando and the entire point of huntress is to be able to kite effortlessly in comparison.

damn son you got 10. how many you need? gonna need a why can't I hold all of these shooms on engineer pic asap

>forsan buying RoR1 because of RoR2
more sales+attention inc

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>try that multiplayer quick-play thing
>fags hogging all items
>they're also super bad
I don't know what I was expecting
back to sp I guess

10 is definitely enough

playing as pic related while blasting mgr music is so fucking fun

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Alright, thanks.

you can download the dll, decompile it, decompile base game's and compare the two

host and post ID

Why are shrooms good on engineer? I just got him. Someone last night requested them all so I was pinging them for him

>but her grounded block shouldn't require you to flick your mouse like a spastic in order to kite
Your complaint is that you have to be more hand-eye coordinated?
>the entire point of huntress is to be able to kite effortlessly
You think moving the mouse takes effort? This is such a nonissue, are you 60?

I recognise that smut

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turrets get a copy of your items

Turrets get the AoE heal and are always stationary.

lagged super hard.

Because your turrets inherit items, and your turrets also cannot move. Do the math

what's with this lag

Engineer’s turrets benefit from all his items, and they constantly heal with fungus. Stacking them makes them almost unkillable.

>Why are shrooms good on engineer?
all your items affect your turrets as well. That means that shrooms also work on turrets turning them into health dispensers.
Now if you put your two turrets inside each others healing spots they heal each other like crazy, making them almost unkillable

Stacking Glass is the true way of playing merc.


Imagine still defending glass and command after playing RoR 2.

Attached: gLASS MODE.png (366x280, 140K)


??????? Glass would be fun for RoR2.

That is awesome. Thank you

I like how everyone here complains about the /vg/ thread and says that the Yea Forums threads has always been better when the Yea Forums threads has always been just a few people circlejerking each other.

I second this

US East Rainstorm


any sea/aus lobbies?
why does quickplay have so many random dcs?

I got that and I haven't even tried to play bandit

Risk of Bullet Sponge

>103 ips
>just a few people circlejerking
I'm 99% sure it's because the host quits their game.

It gets even better if engie gets the red that makes you fire a homing skull whenever you get healed.

Is bandits R supposed to be poo or is it just unfinished?

>Is this unfinished character that I had to mod in because he's not in the game unfinished?

Attached: DK.gif (284x223, 960K)

>mfw picking that glass-like lunar item
>mfw it might be stackable

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>no sound effect or animation
What the fuck do you think?

I was obviously talking about the threads before RoR 2.


I'll try hostn


US East

>bandit fully reloads his ammo after you empty it
>artificer reloads one at a time
It's not fair

I'm in Aus and just join American lobbies, ping is perfectly acceptable

it is.

You should be energy balling, snapfreezing, or flamethrowing.

You’re supposed to be casting with artificer, she’s the caster character.

I've got a lobby going lads 2 slots left


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>tfw an hour in on monsoon

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>rather than the direction she's moving like in the first game?
because that allows you to teleport on a 360 degree axis, which means you can also teleport upwards. It's an upgrade to her 2D incarnation
>but work the more reasonable way on the ground
that would be fucking horrendous since now you have an awkward inconsistency.
>movement painfully slow on these proportionally huge 3D levels?
get some upgrades you moron. risky1 was just as slow without items
>did they add a sprint mechanic?
it's a defensive mechanic and fast traversal outside of combat. If you use it defensively you trade movement speed for attacking
>my hand needs to awkwardly crawl across the keyboard
rebind it then you fucking idiot
>Enemies often just walk through Engineer's shield
because that's not the point of the shield. The shield is there to protect against heavy attacks
>don't trigger his mines
werks on my machine
>it's unbalanced
duh. that's why it's in early access you mongoloid
god fucking damn

Still open

Two slots left here.

How do we fix Commandbro?

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I think the final version of Bandit's R will be an explosive grenade that applies DoT in an AoE and the "current" version is a test for the DoT to see if it'll stick and work.

Probably a Molotov.

I'm kinda mad.

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Desu it sounds like one of the old Risk of Rain 1 fags who frequented those threads. A few of those guys are insufferable.

Why are the people playing Huntress huge animefaggots?

>grind 11 lunar coins
please tell me we can edit the text files and just unlock the artificer

Bring the meatiness back to his skills. Fucking dumb pulse instead of the railgun.
iframe his rolls.

>Fucking dumb pulse instead of the railgun.
I just realized it doesn't push enemies back like it does in the first game. Wtf not.

If you want to have to flick your camera like a retard to kite enemies you can already play commando. Huntress is the character who is explicitly meant to teleport in the direction she's moving while she can continuously attack enemies.
What's so fucking hard about preserving the movement-directed teleport that the character has always had?

Sprinting is such a lazy solution to the movement problem.
Instead of actually balancing combat around a reasonable movement speed based on the size of the levels they've designed, they just give you a manual gimped version of being able to move at the speed you really should be moving at in the first place. If moving at a reasonable speed breaks the combat then that should probably be fucking fixed, the solution isn't gimping the player if they try to strafe.
Hell, they already made it so that fast melee enemies from the first game are just more projectile cannons in this game, it's not like they have an aversion to big combat changes.

Thats what I'm hoping, the lack of aoe feels bad so I was praying this wouldnt be the final version of his R

>try it
>use some comparer program
>marks every file as having a difference
well fuck
did you use something other than dnspy or some shit?

rework M2, make it a powerful charge shot with a stun
keep momentum with shift, maintain sprint after using it
do literally anything else with R


What does the ukulele do

Fix his 2, he doesn't even necessarily need I frames on his roll because of 3d environment.

I've gotten 9 in 15 hours and like 3-4 at least of that was fucking around with locked classes or sitting in menus

they literally added a glass item into the game

fuck off. You were the faggot who shat on us for playing the game with our rules

25% chance to do an 80% dmg lightning chain between enemies, radius and number of enemies hit increases w/ stacks

If you've played dota, literally maelstrom.
Otherwise, chance to shot a chain lightning on hit.

no, just dnspy. Why?
also I can't get enough players unfortunately
It should just change 3 DLLs. There are 3 DLLs in the 7z

Usually its ok, but youre a faggot for pirating this game.

Because RoR1 Huntress was the most mindless class in the game and Huntress mains became very full of themselves for beating the game three times as slow as everyone else because "I didnt die haha!"

RoR2 newbies are just faggots because she's a thicc girl and easy to pick up.

EU join.

>because that allows you to teleport on a 360 degree axis, which means you can also teleport upwards. It's an upgrade to her 2D incarnation
you could still have this if you took movement inputs into account
if I look somewhere and use the teleport dash while holding right, I expect to teleport in such a way that it's effectively strafing to the right

>mfw remembering how autistic some mains were in ror1

>mfw realizing banditshitters are gonna get mad because ror2 bandit will actually require skill

Attached: 16491659016095.png (241x264, 121K)

Flick is supposed to be a move that you use sparingly to evade very dangerous attacks you idiot

>tfw you get a bajillion drones just for a wandering vagrant to spawn

Two spaces open.

post merc webms

Have you changed the sv_maxplayers variable in the console?

How long will it take for the RoR 1 circlejerk to ruin these comfy threads by making lobbies with arbitrary rules and stuff that favors the gameplay of their favorite characters?

>you could still have this if you took movement inputs into account
no you wouldn't you moron because then you're only have 4 directions for dodging

Some say killing this very dangerous enemy as a mercenary is impossible, but in this webm you can see what one user had to say about that

Attached: 1554032746429.webm (1920x1080, 631K)

Good morning to you too.

Attached: Desktop 2019.03.31 - (1280x540, 2.86M)

the worm god is real

Attached: 20190331155526_1.jpg (1920x1080, 294K)

You can preserve her vertical mobility by making it work like that in the air. Easy fix to a totally pointless change they've made.
You blink in the direction you're moving, but if you're in the air you blink in the direction you're looking like you do now. How the fuck is that awkwardly inconsistent?
>risky1 was just as slow without items
No it absolutely wasn't you mong.
>that's why it's in early access
If you actually paid any attention to the reply chain you'd realize that's what I'm talking about in the first place you fucking retard.
It's painfully early access.

>enemy whose attacks explode on the ground
>made 0 attempt to jump

Needs to be thicker and it needs a roar

Fuck me I didnt realize they are account bound

Thanks user

US Lobby

yeah. but we're not gonna get more than 4 players. which is a shame. maybe someone with willing friends could carry on the work

We have one, it's called Engineer + Bustling Fungus.

hey faggots
don't forget to take a short rest between runs :)

Attached: 1494282400877.jpg (500x500, 36K)


Going back to 1 after dumping 20 hours into 2 this weekend just makes me want to play 2 some more. Just a straight upgrade for me even with less content and the EA jank. Movement and exploration is so much better in 2 it's not even funny, by comparison it felt like I spent 99% of my time in one just holding left or right and occasionally up when i got to a ladder.

I can be your 5th if you got people

Blink is her core mobility skill and if it's meant to be used sparingly to evade dangerous attacks, maybe you should be able to use it to strafe so you don't lose sight of whatever is attacking you

>If you want to have to flick your camera like a retard
You keep bringing this up. Are you playing in front of your grandchildren and don't want them making fun of you?
>Huntress is the character who is explicitly meant to teleport in the direction she's moving while she can continuously attack enemies.
I didn't know I wasn't continuously attacking enemies when I sprinted around the Titans, Clay fuckers, or groups of lemmurians, flicked and blinked and aimed back to keep attacking in less than a second.
>Second paragraph
You know what, I actually like it. It's a literal transition of Risky 1 into 2. I hope modding is possible and allows what you describe.

>hit two mountain shrines in hell because I have large testicles.
>what's the worst that could happen?

And then The Reminder spawned and killed all of us.

Hopoo was made aware of this. They'll no doubt patch it out.

Right here.


Attached: 5c116ceea8abd90012df93f0_fungif_6___good_feathers.gif (415x359, 160K)

Attached: 1551654405218.jpg (480x390, 31K)

>No it absolutely wasn't you mong.
Go play it again.

we have no peeps unfortunately
5 players to test is a bit impractical it seems, but it's steamworks, so there's nothing else I can do

Attached: 82975001.png (858x725, 361K)

Learn to triple dash, and cycle while in the air
eviscerate, dash dash dash, whirlwind, if you time it right you should be able to whirlwind again and then eviscerate, starting the combo over again. also, protip, stand ontop of wandering vagrant, tank the AoE and its ez

>How the fuck is that awkwardly inconsistent?
because then the skill is not consistent in its function and it can lead to awkward shit where you run off an edge and try to strage blink but end up blinking in the direction you're looking.
and aside from that this would be pointless anyway since mid to lategame combat revolves mainly in the air anyway, making this shit even more pointless
>No it absolutely wasn't you mong
yes it fucking was when you played at default window size, ie the way the game was intended to be played
>It's painfully early access

merc's early game is so damn painful

are you retarded?

Spam Nothing Personnel on every enemy.



Attached: 1553343228669.jpg (576x507, 33K)

*strafe blink

>so you don't lose sight of whatever is attacking you
are you 60? it takes less than a second to flick the mouse in a direction and back

do clients need modified files?
if so, it might be simpler if you simply say what changes need to be made in the files so people aren't afraid of getting hacked

as far as I know it should only be a few values here and there

wheres the salt


god why is enforcer so fucking cool

Attached: 111769890+_8f02e2f1e754b9002e9266e5cf706461.jpg (359x305, 121K)

are lunar coins more likely to appear in a level if a portal is set to spawn?

I like RoR 2 so I sicked the bot at it. You guys are nice

Can I get a rundown on how to play Mul-T. Should I just be switching in between firemodes and stacking crowbar.

It's random
I got 15 in less than 10 hours
I didn't play ten hours straight

+1 join

Huntress was the only character in the first game that could move while firing/general attacking. It differentiated her, yes. What differentiates her, here, is the sprinting while attacking and the incredible usefulness of the Blink to allow for travel and evasion. Now, everyone can move and attack. even while moving backwards, just like the Huntress in 1. If you want to replicate that feeling, collect hooves and then you can kite to your heart's content, provided your peripheral nerves are up to snuff in flicking your wrist to turn around and blink to avoid damage.

Attached: Paul.gif (215x201, 507K)

Any tips for toasters getting fps problems in >30min games? Which ingame settings have the most impact?

My entire problem with the huntress is that what she's supposed to do is teleport in the direction she's moving. The transition to 3D doesn't necessitate completely discarding how her blink used to work, and doing so is a pointless and negative change.
The Merc's dash is meant to actually hit enemies, and dashing where the camera is pointed makes sense because of that.
Why CHANGE Huntresses blink to work the same way as Merc if it's meant to be used for evasion instead of offense?
All it does is make you have to compensate by flicking your camera around instead of being able to move around without pointlessly needing to do any of that, I already have to with the other characters anyway.

Everyone says this, I don't get it. It's less of a slog than most characters. He has two dashes to get around the map faster which puts him on the same level of Huntress in terms of speed. Triple dash handles crowds faster than most characters. Bosses are ez as fuck because the only hard ones are Worm and Imp and they basically never spawn until you already have some good items. Not sure what people find hard or boring about his early game.

Attached: yeahok.png (1680x1050, 1.83M)

Cool. Just unlocked that. Trying him now. He's so cool looking

It's random afaik, but higher difficulties and online play might improve spawn rates. I got two in a 20 min session in multiplayer, normal difficulty. Meanwhile I played on normal for two hours and got the same amount.

Two spots open again.

Literally just play Commando if you want your mindless kiting with omnidirectional i-frameless movement from RoR1.

Inability to accept change is a symptom of autism.

I think I found a lead

Attached: PossibleAnswer.png (666x73, 4K)


EU west lobby

US East

you can also throw in a quick vertical slash between dashes if you're cheeky

Yeah, I get it. It's just such a nonissue for me that I don't think there's anything left to talk about.

I found they dropped more frequently in MP, probably because anyone can pick them up

I never noticed any change using any of the in-game options, even setting everything to as low as possible. So far the only thing that's improved performance for me is lowering the resolution

Fucking do it. Oh man.

Attached: mfw9.jpg (662x566, 88K)

grats every basic enemy dies.

Two slots open

Turning off shadows and textures to 1/8th gets me good. I'm too stubborn to lower the resolution, but the resolution is absolutely the prime factor if you want more FPS.

Never go to /vg/. DMC threads avoided it and their threads are great while the general is discord central

I've lost all control over my life

I was copybegging here and someone asked why I didn't just buy the game so I could give a copy to my brother and play together like we used to in RoR1. Did just that and we've been having a blast. All of these hrs are with him. Thanks for setting me straight, user.

Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-31-10-29-19_crop_720x209.jpg (720x209, 41K)

What do the blue sparkles on a rock do in swamp?

Merc's dash and Huntresses blink shouldn't work identically.
Everyone can move and attack now, why does that necessitate changing her blink? You could maintain her vertical mobility along with not changing the fundamental function of her blink very easily.

>five ukeleles
>press R
>clear the whole map

there's also some other subtle '4's in there as well. Incredible find, well done

In fact I guarantee Huntress's blink being the way it is now is to avoid redundancy with making Commando's roll work in 3D.

And it made Huntress a better designed character as a result.

>if you don't love every pointless change that means you're autism
Why is Commando now the kiting character instead of the character built specifically around kiting

>Yeah, I get it. It's just such a nonissue for me [to turn and flick] that I don't think there's anything left to talk about.
You can email Hopoo, I suppose. Maybe he'll heed the advice?
>I don't think it was necessary to change way the Huntress's blink functions. She should have constant mobility that isn't hampered by the need to stop sprinting now and then etc.
Now this is a man after my own heart.

>Runs end because of an invisible one shot kill death from some faggot off screen
I don't remember it being like this in ROR1. I just remember being swarmed to death by shit loads of enemies. Does this need to be addressed? Shit's fucked up that it's completely out of your control if you lose your run.

>look down
>press s
>go up
Superior huntress blink

What does the gold portal do? I entered it, beat the boss after activating all the pillars, got the item and left through the other gold portal. Nothing happened.
Also do you unlock Merc with the sacrifice altar in the later blue portal? I did that and the Fate unknown.. message threw me off

As of now it does nothing. Just an extra challenge. Yes.

How do you get to obliterate yourself?

I've done multiple 50+ min runs without ever seeing the option.

Teal portal opens up.

>be South American
>my gaming bro is from EU
>buy game
>my copy is region locked so I can't give it to my EU bro
feels bad
if anyone wanna "swap" (get my copy that works in South America and give me an EU copy so I can give it to my bro) I would be very very thankful.

Attached: 1544426791731.jpg (480x360, 16K)

how the fuck??

Portal that appears on 7th (I think) level.

>pirates can only play with pirates


Loop to 7th stage


When you kill the boss at level 7 a green portal apears near the teleporter. Take it to go to a zone with an obelisk and there you can obliterate yourself

what's the most optimal merc combo? im just using everything randomly if it's not on cooldown

Are the fire elites bugged or something? they seem insanely strong and they keep ganking my runs with random oneshots

I know your pain, my gaming bro's from Canada, so now I have another south american copy just sitting there.

Artificer is probably my most favorite character. If you can get some feathers, speed boost items, and extra DoTs, you become a fucking super saiyan, it's so fun.

There are a lot of damage sources that are harder or impossible to avoid how the game currently is.
The philosophy seems to be more about more enemies throwing more projectiles at you. Personally I think you should have more melee danger to worry about than just imps and cows. It seems kind of shortsighted for them to have made almost every melee enemy into a ranged threat instead of trying to preserve the terror of getting too close to a golem.

What do these guys have their own skills or is it just a model swap?

also I forgot to post steam ID like a retard
my copy works at pic related countries

Attached: 1551970351362.png (345x422, 154K)

10 sunglasses for 100% crit (and then more if you want since they scale), lots of magazines, Hardlight Afterburner, 3 Predatory Instincts, lots of ukuleles. Become Raiden.

>Engineer can place mines on enemies

whirlwind first to put it on cd
attack or whirlwind inbetween dashes
whirlwind after R

My friend moved to Germany and I thought about giving the copy I received to him, but then I remembered. It sucks.

Doing a test lobby, anyone joining would be appreciated
It's a test for a 6 player lobby

Attached: 1461895659995.png (1920x1080, 85K)


>play mercenary
>get magma worm
>the level now takes 10000x longer

Attached: 1553295273759.jpg (196x196, 8K)

I do dash > m1+m2 > dash > m1 > dash > r
Sometimes just m2 between dashes if I need verticality or horizontal closure.

Has anyone else seen a cloaked chest?


grab the DLL: ufile.io/tknde
extract to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
and then join lobby: 109775240985451760

Attached: 1541232832440.png (750x654, 470K)

the absolute lack of dps?

>Put all the graphics on the lowest quality
>Still won't run properly

I can't take it anymore bros
I just wanna play indie shit and I can't afford a computer right now

Attached: stolen.png (484x312, 171K)

Playing Merc. How the fuck do you deal with wisps?

You're this guy?: Please tell us if it works.

US East Rainstorm, Need 1 more


if you could see them they wouldn't be cloaked

Ignore this Please do this

Every enemy in the game is it's own playable character. You can see in , that guy is a magma worm.

hopoo actually addressed the "grindiness" of magma worm in their latest post. It's hilarious that engineer can either destroy the worm within 10 seconds or have their turrets get instafucked and merc vs worm is so bad if you aren't completely OP

i legitimately feel like if i get magma worm in the first cycle i'm just not going to bother continuing that run, it's so fucking agonising trying to kill it

items can provide enough mobility


What are the best items to get for merc?

2 open
US East Rainstorm


well that was something

Attached: uvbfs0.png (1495x940, 1.86M)

Just unlocked merc and god damn he's fun as hell.
Hopoo really nailed the character unlock progression with unlocking more crazy chars over time


Attached: MOTIVATED.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

I'm in it, I see 4 names and none are mine.

>Engi gets a massive fungus aura
>it heals mask ghosts and keeps them around

Oh fuck that’s so cool I’m so bad at this game can’t get past the 4th level but I’m totally gonna go mookquest

I can't join any server,after clicking "Join Clipboard Lobby" it just freeze.
Already tried port forwarding and adding an exception in firewall setting,fuck

Did it work? Also will this fuck my saves?

Attached: g0c24i.png (258x76, 39K)

Should his 4 do shit like ricochet and hit a second target?

any EU hosts?

Attached: this-is-totally-not-good-28366114.png (500x506, 135K)

Are you guys ingame?

Attached: MyScreen.png (1913x1080, 1.53M)

Well? Start. I'm in the lobby.

Can you fucking imagine a versus mode? loads of people playing the special enemies vs characters. Like L4D did

no we're in lobby
in character select
could you open console?

>get a dunestrider ghost
>its health slowly ticks down
>descends and WHIRRRRRRRRS me and all my drones in

most likely you paid less for your copy than others, as such, it's pretty likely nobody will give you a full cost copy for a region locked lower value copy

Yea, what about it

>I'm not on that list
It works, now fucking start.
I'm not at character select. Still in lobby.

Attached: 1515735303291.png (299x289, 41K)

where are these posts ? on steam ?

If someone is planning to give their gift to a South American person, they would have nothing to lose from trading with me. But it is very difficult to find such hypothetical person unfortunately.
Everything indicates I won't get to play with my friend.

Attached: 1528168280624.png (200x200, 48K)

Attached: 20190331075711_1.jpg (1015x839, 153K)

Yeah, someone linked it in thread.

Attached: 20190331075737_1.jpg (595x798, 104K)

Could we theoretically have more than 6 players? Also when I join it says invalid ID so maybe it's full.

>Start portal timer on Abandoned Aqueduct
>Blazing beetle guard spawns

>can't join without changing files
also why did you cap it at 6 and not 8 or the max (16)


Four in the character select, two in the lobby menu. He asked for the consoles to see what he's missing.

>tfw your music was electric

Attached: Nice hiss.jpg (357x524, 33K)

in the files it says the absolute max is 16

>no mention of where the fault comes from
shit game devs

Is anyone else having a problem disabling bloom or is my download just fucked

>play merc for the first time
>wow he's shit and too slow for a mel-
>2 minutes later with 5 syringes and boomer juice

how do you open console?

well that could be anywhere
this could take a while

user didn't expand his console window: I looked in there and there is no autoexec cfg file


get in EU lads

Nigga's literally a powerhouse. Get good.
Dash at them, reset the cd, that'll get you at least three, more if they're bunched up. Eviscerate to clear up one or two more. That combo is off CD every 6 seconds so just do it any time you think the Wisps are getting dangerous.

Best item

Attached: 1522556726029.gif (256x192, 346K)



Well then, to add to this
If anyone does the trade with me I'll also give you Antichamber and 100% Orange Juice as a bonus. All locked to latin america though, mind you.

Attached: 1525422343873.png (376x314, 270K)

>buy the game
>go online
>stuck with slow ass commando when everyone else if flying around with swords and jetpacks
Well this is just miserable.

>TC-280 is so big it gets stuck in the corner
Hopoo pls

Attached: 20190401000020_1.jpg (2560x1440, 314K)

Since hopoo got success from RoR 2 so quickly, would he mind if he could at least add lobby system on RoR 1?

>tfw played 2 long run of mercs without knowing how his dash work
Holy shit this is the most shounen shit i've ever seen

Attached: 1532901653261.jpg (640x632, 212K)

Attached: Screenshot (114).png (629x826, 305K)

I was thinking the same. Gonna raise a stink about it on the discord.


3/4 EU

get in here

Real talk is gasoline the best scaling damage item in the game? It stacks damage and AOE range, every explosion stacks on itself so every enemy causes stacks within stacks to explode leading to a chain reaction of death. It's only weakness is that explosions don't trigger other on-hit effects.

is there any type of notification when a lunar coin drops? it makes me not want to pick up drones or place down turrets because i may miss them

What would happen if you used that cheat engine thing to play as a boss online? Ban?

I don't think they can really add anything anymore to RoR, I recall them saying the code was a mess and to add features they'd rather build the game again from the ground up than try to make it work with the state the game is in currently.

The sticky bombs scale the best on a pure numbers basis, but I haven't factored in the flame damage of the gasoline.

people have already done it
my real question is, what if you hit the leaderboards with a glitched character, would everyone see the icon for it?
would you get banned for THAT?

are you sure it stacks on itself? do enemies actually burn twice or does the dot duration just reset?

>four backup mags and two alien heads as merc
I literally cannot stop fucking spinslashing.

Attached: overloading.png (714x680, 455K)

I die at 30 minutes :(

Hopoo let's you unlock everything in the original RoR1 since 2013. He doesn't care much.

then why did he get that steam guide on unlocking characters through files removed

Indeed the flame damage stacks with each stack having it's own timer for EVERY enemy that dies, It's real obvious on bosses as 5 damage per tick turns into 200 damage per tick and.

That's a shame. Would love to just pop in for good ol' 2D Risky now and then with randoms.

Is it worth sacrificing myself for merc?

My run is fucking amazing at the moment.

if you like melee then yes, it's a great character


yes merc is fun, and then if you get another good run you won't have the dilemma again.

it seems clear to me now that i've been overlooking gasoline

yes, its either get bored or unlock a great character

I bet you haven’t even looked in the cave

Judge my run fellaz

Attached: 20190331012200_1.jpg (1920x1080, 238K)

What region.


Attached: i am cummmmmmmmmmmmmmming.jpg (1280x720, 74K)

>mfw it's a literal pun for shifting into maximum overdrive


Attached: Just like my Japanese animes.webm (888x500, 2.95M)

difference between using unusable characters and unlocking characters early
I'm fairly sure people ahve gotten banned for cheating times already (most likely since it's visible)
so as such, cheating your character on a publicly visible leaderboard likely also leads to punishments


Spoonfeed me pls, what do you do with these?
does this mean that there's hope for my boy providence to become a playable character?

Attached: 1537722030760.png (1265x1000, 767K)

do you like platinum games?

Merc is really fun. You'll get more good runs. It's not like there's an endgame, so you'll just play until you die anyway.

US east
1 spot

Taking requests for drawings, memes and edits.

Attached: f39db51ab3f44cec6c7bc51fd6ba2898.png (864x489, 188K)

>didn't get hit even once

So I just beat the gold shrine area, you don't get any unlocks from it? Just that shit passive you also get from queen boss? Laaaaaaaaame

Attached: 1238646851465.png (548x613, 305K)

Draw r34 with huntress

pls someone

>game keeps resetting settings every time i launch it
fuck off im on pc to tailor shit

Describe your best run with a single image.

Attached: JehutyZOE2.jpg (310x436, 30K)

Huntress as limes guy trying to hold glaives

Attached: limes.jpg (450x600, 34K)

Anyone know what "The Silence between Two Strikes" does?
It goes in the equipment slot but pressing the button to activate it does nothing. It hasn't appeared in my log either. Googling just brought me to another Yea Forums thread where some other user was asking about it, but got no replies.

merc slaying the fuck outta metal gear

Attached: initial T.png (629x357, 175K)

Artifice (my wife) burning a Clay Dunestrider while a beetle is peeking under her skirt and she gives a chastising, but blushing look.

They don't work exactly the same, they're as different in this game as they were in the first.

Sideways teleport - sideways dash attack with combo capabilities
Any direction teleport - any direction dash attack with combo capabilities

His R makes it so he cant be hit for the duration.

>no lobbies
>not even quickplay
dead game

>Game not coming to and end kills my drive after 9 exhausting stages on normal, quicker on Monsoon.
>This fuck Hopoo is already going to nerf MUL-T, showing that this is a "nerf players for difficulty" not "buff others for stability", game.
>No Acrid

yeah but he did the R at 00:06, i would be at 50% hp at that point already

>15 syringes with engineer

Attached: primary__20_20_20_20_20apoc-thumb-400x211-30117.jpg (800x422, 38K)

Attached: Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.png (738x590, 89K)

it was even higher than sekiro at one point

Open again
US East

Those dunestriders were already dead once he jumped in, those explosions were just their death throes which does no damage.

That's cool but there are still nop blobbies

>unironic MUL-Tfags


grab the DLL: ufile.io/zdaq8
extract to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Risk of Rain 2\Risk of Rain 2_Data\Managed
and then join lobby: 109775240985506845

Attached: 325082001.png (1920x1080, 1.49M)

>finally farm 10 lunar coins
>blue portal never opens
why has god forsaken me

This is neither here nor there, but I'm floored a "traditional" singleplayer game game is doing that well. Every other game there is multiplayer.

Do you have a pic where I can see better what glaives look like?

no and i think it's the only mechanic in the game im not a fan of
gave myself 9000 of em cause fuck it
not even that useful besides getting the character

They're pretty much my exclusive run ender. I barely die from anything else.

Actually maybe there are since

I'm US east yet both times I've joined this it closed me out to main menu
So maybe lobbies are broken

is this a new DLL or the same one from the last post?

what changes need to be made?

Multiplayer is fucking pointless. Play solo if you want the godmode experience unless RNG dumps on you, play multi if you want to get yellled at by mongoloids because you stole their loot, or hit the teleporter too early, too late, or get sick of autisticallly waiting 30 minutes a fucking stage for post boss cleanup.

there are newt altars on every stage where you can pay 1 lunar for the portal to open

>I'm US east yet both times I've joined this it closed me out to main menu

Gimme a minute

I'm the only one here?

>run went to 98 minutes.
Even if it was on piss-drizzle, I don't think I've ever played a game that had me hooked for that long in one go, excluding R.O.R 1.

Attached: R_O_R_2_(04).png (1809x1012, 1.92M)