any tips on beating genichiro?
Sekiro Help Thread: Old Wolf Face App Edition
Relentless assault and parrying. He holds the upper hand in long range due to his bow.
i tend to get scared about atticking him, any tools you can recommend?
Just parry man. Mikiri counter his forward lunge, double jump his sweeps. And keep attacking. His third phase is easy. Just play play play until it's muscle memory. That's the trick of the game.
I'd like to thank these threads, still discovering new things and experimenting even in NG+7
It's a blast going through the game and decimating bosses with parries and bloated attack values
parrying is the best tool, block in the meantime to get yourself used with his moveset
true, i beat corrupted monk one strike at a time
>people have already finished the game 6 times
How the fuck?
how do i beat isshin
I should have gotten into the habit of jumping and blocking in the air earlier. It makes you safe towards everything.
how big is your cock for beating this game 6 times already?
My first NG was like 28 hours
Then the subsequent ones goes by like a flash since all i wanted was to refight more and more bosses and minis alike
5 hours is the standard if i didn't go out of my way outside the main bosses
that's a skill you learn though right?
Very early on.
yeah very usefull, let's you recover posture while evading attacks.
stay loyal oe betray kuro, i don't know what to do
>he doesn't have honor
>he doesn't love his shota master
How the hell do I get to the reservoir at the end of game. The smoke signals just lead to a roof with no way to get across.
I cant be arsed to do the optional shit, I just want to be done with this game.
look below the roof, remember you opened a particular door at the beginning of the game?
so from what i hear, you have the choice between following your step dad or your master is this correct?
yup basically he has a boner for kuro's blood so you have to take a side
right... but didn't dad tell us that he comes before the master?
How the fuck are you supposed to sneak up on Snake Eyes Shirafuji in Sunken Valley?
>You start by jumping down and immediately riflemen start shooting at you
>When you jump up on Snake Eyes Shirafuji's platform he stands there in front of you, immediately noticing you
>If you try to run to the platform to the left he follows and shoot you down when you try to hug the wall and get around
He doesn't even seem all that difficult, but getting that stealth attack on him is fucking hard
bait him to the lower left area, then immediately hook away the way you came from
wait until it resets aggro and catch her when she's walking to her initial middle spot
I'm at the top of Senpou Temple and all I found is the skill tree scroll. Where the fuck is the sword?
hence the "choice", obey the iron code and betray kuro, or betray the iron code and stay lioyal to kuro
Hesitation is defeat
Any tips besides confetti for Corrupted Monk?
I've found the sword in Senpou Temple. Where the fuck is the scroll?
No need for confetti. Just parry
Thanks just after writing my post I parried the fuck out of him somehow
The scroll is at the end of the cave at left of the main hall. Where is the sword?
Which "strongest" skill is actually the strongest?
Shadowrush to Shadowfall
Ashina Cross
High Monk
Mortal Draw
Spiral Cloud Passage
Empowered Mortal Draw
One Mind
Dragon Flash
Just go as high up as possible, and at the top there are three of those fucks with double edged swords or whatever they're called. Right there there's a door you can open, leading you into the building.
Heh.. i got her on my second try kid..after consuming all my buffs, health regen, resurrects with a sliver of health remaining and a few lucky dodges
Anyway, abuse that shield , it's perfect for getting through that valley too, i made it through without damage.
Have a little patience, bait her melee attacks, use prosthetic abilities, her snipe has a long delay, etc
How do I trigger Owl 2?
Just reached Oniwa, an eavesdrop right before mentioned gunpowder messing with horses but I don't seem to have anything that fits, did I miss an item?
Fuck the second Owl fight.
That's as vague as description as anything. I already thought I was as high up as I could go, where the fuck do go to get higher? Any landmarks at all.
Find a Crow Memorial Mob merchant in the outskirts, explore cliffs
>eavesdrop Emma+Isshin post-Owl immediately
>eavesdrop on Kuro once
>progress the incense
>after incense is done, eavesdrop Kuro once more
>rest, agree with Emma on Lookout, rest again, talk to Emma again
>go to Old Grave
>go to Dilapidated Temple, eavesdrop
>confront Emma
Thanks m80
every subsequent playthrough essentially becomes a speedrun.
lmao just git gud OP we le epic from veteran gaymers u suck lmao
Have you beaten genichiro yet?
Doing him right now and gotten halfway on him in two tries. Seems manageable. What did get me mad was Demon of hatred though. I rage enough day to day, I don't need ambiguous hitboxes, impossible tells, inconsistent "can I cross between its legs now or not" and other typical Fromsoft bullshit. This is the first time I just embrace my zen and declare a boss gay retard bullshit in a Soulskiro game and it feels good.
I am very lost please help. I literally have no idea where to go or what to do. I keep looking for bosses but cant find any.
I killed the guy on the horse and some samuri in the tower.
I found some place with riflemen everywhere and theyre fucking me up bad, i dont think its the right spot.
Which of DoH's moves did you find to have bad hitboxes?
I've found him to be the most reliable bosses when it comes countering everything he does.
Muslims still lead the way!
I'm with you on this one sonny
Sekiro's human bosses are fucking loads of fun, but beasts here are practically BB bosses on steroids, holy fuck can't even parry the fuckers
>can't seem to find ashina depths entrance
>look it up
>it's before seven spears behind the gongdude there's a thin wall hidden next to a patch of grass and the edge of the ground
I hate this bullshit
If you remembered the prologue you would know the spot. Think about it. That well is where you were held at the start.
>holy fuck can't even parry the fuckers
You can parry everything monkey has, but why would this be a problem, if you see an attack that looks really big and would cause alot of posture damage to you, why wouldn't you instinctively dodge instead.
Everything From does with big beastly enemies that just thrash around randomly is objectively bad. Hugging his legs makes the camera go apeshit and you get hit by a pixel of his elbow or something randomly, I guess depending on which ambiguous flailing slash he does. Sometimes he stomps once, sometimes twice. The perilous forward flying lunge he does is fast as fuck. It's all FUBAR.
I have. I was just stupid. I already was at the sword so to speak. Who the fuck thinks to look for a tiny bell when he's told to look for a sword?
There's like 3 or 4 entrances to the Depths.
Wait really? Can you name them? Other than the dungeons of course.
filthy neets
CE as well. It was getting passed around in these threads when they were started by some extremely handsome user.
what are you saying?
Kite from the Senpu temple
Reservoir to the bottomless pit
Old grave to Altar to the Gun Fort to the Depths
I'm thinking there's one more, but maybe not.
Demon of Hatred. Tell how to beat this cocksucker!
Cheat engine.
From sunken valley behind to snake to depths, and you can find the pit by crossing the shichimen arena or going through the starting area.
did it in PS4 though, it's why the filename is facebook since that's the only reliable way to share screenshot quickly
i've been putting college stuffs away for a week, now to get out of this escapism
>gametime: 70h
>Old grave to Altar to the Gun Fort to the Depths
So let me get this straight: Dragonrot's only downside is that it halts NPC questlines? It has zero effect on endings, right?
So what if you're at NG+ and have already progressed all the questlines you want? Why should I care if the Memorial Mob merchants get Dragonrot? They still fucking sell their shit even when they're coughing their lungs out. I don't give a fuck about Kotaro.
Why should I care if the Sculptor gets Dragonrot? I already have all my prosthetics upgraded. And it's not like he'll ever die from Dragonrot. Can ANYONE die from Dragonrot?
Fuck man, I kept dying to phase 2 Genichiro and then the one time I actually focus on doing lightning reversals I realise he's a piece of cake. That shit obliterates his posture.
You are right. Only reason to cure would be unseen aid
So I just killed the headless poop ape, what's that I've been hearing about the second one? Did game fuck up for me and haven't spawned it or is it another fight?
If you go down the foresty area near Old Grave (the one behind the bridge, where you eavesdrop about salt) you get to the altar. Just follow along and you get to the gun fort and then to the Depths.
Couple of doors might be locked depending on if you killed Genichiro, but i remember finding this path naturally and then realising the game wanted me to drop down the bottomless pit behind the reservoir.
I think you're just a baddie desu, everything is well telegraphed, two stomps if he starts with his left leg and one stomp if he he starts with the right.
Well, if you're not dying or if you already have all your skill tree shit unlocked, then Unseen Aid is useless. Not like you should be ever relying on the 30% RNG probability anyway. That's disappointing. I think FROM chickened out at the last moment by not allowing Dragonrot to kill NPCs or affect endings. Dragonrot would truly be punishing if it could kill Emma and the Sculptor or merchants.
Go back to the poison pool idol and go down into the hole instead of going up.
Doesn't that gun fort door lead to sunken valley instead?
They're between a rock and a hard place, look at the absolute state of trophies, 9% of people who bought the game cleared the end boss
Imagine if permanent death was also a thing
So, I just beat Chained Ogre and the Drunkard. Where to next? I tried to go against Lady Butterfly where I managed to get her down to 20% health on the first try, but then proceeded to kick my ass around 10 times. Where to next? Do I keep going against Lady Butterfly or do I go somewhere else?
The locked door in the back of the gun fort leads you to the final area of the sunken valley, not the depths.
Hit him until he deflects then you deflect and start hitting him back. If he doesn't jump backwards for the bow or do the jumping attack you just attack. The retard will try to slide around you and get on your side but if you just attack him he will just get knocked out of it.
I would suggest to keep fighting her until you get burned out or you beat her. If you get burned out go fight the Miniboss right after the Ogre.
Proceed forward after the Chained Ogre and kill the boss there, he is probably the easiest in the game
Did you not find the area behind the chained ogre?
You can get where you want really easily with grapple and there's no point in killing every enemy and exploring everything again.
What do you all think will be the DLC?
I bet it's going to involve Tomoe as a boss. She's the one who gave Genichiro his lightning attacks and who Ashina Isshin fell in love with.
I'm hoping for the Centipede Queen DLC AKA How i learned to stop worrying and love the Divine Loli
Tomoe is a good guess, plus a decapitated Takeru bossfight.
It'll probably be set in the three year gap between the estate fire and the present.
2moe is definitely going to be maria 2.0
pls gib Old Isshin's Bell or Orangutan's Bell
play through the heydays, slightly happier days with Tomoe being the strongest of the bunch
the bunch being
>Owl, Isshin, Tomoe, Orangutan, Tomoe, Takeru, Dogen, and possibly Kingfisher
it's foreshadowed well, too. Dragonspring Sake on both Orangutan and Isshin
>return ending
>Sekiro travels to the west with his cute loli master
The hentai doujins just write themselves
>Nearly beat miniboss on 5th attempts
>Pulls out some fast as fuck combo that he's never done before and fucking wrecks me
Also we need backstory on Lady Butterfly. Who was she? Owl's lover?
Hopefully Tomoe will actually be a good and challenging fight instead of being a trivially easy parry bait like Maria.
Interior Ministry DLC featuring Date Masamune the One-Eyed DRAGON
Just what enemy is the spear even able to remove armour from? The game keeps going on about it like it's very important, yet I've never used it.
Haven't started Sekiro yet but give me a quick rundown on the dragon rot or whatever it's called.
Those tall fat guys with the chest armor on. Press CTRL > CTRL. I don't know the input for the spear pull on consoles.
Can someone please make a macro of all the beginner shit so we can post it once for people like this? He is either a troll or late to the party.
Dragonrot means nothing do not worry about it at all.
First two dudes with strippable armour that come to mind are the bell fatso that guards the dungeon with his dogs and Shigekichi of the Red Guard.
It's an underused function either way, much like the Axe's shield break.
Tips for Mibu Corrupted Monk?
Doesn't matter. Use revives whenever you want, I'm serious.
Just a long time shinobi. It sounds like Butterfly had a part in Wolf's training so maybe her and Owl are acquainted but most likly only on a professional level.
Snap seeds
There's one a few help threads back
I love this fight.
Pause on the platform right ahead of her.
Wait for all aggro to settle down.
Jump up and start the fight but immediately run to the left and edge across the wall. You won't get shot down.
Proceed with the rest of the Gun Fort and wipe everyone out. Heal at the statue. Go back and wipe out everyone from behind. When you get back to the Snake Eyes you can sneak up on her.
Apply Yashiraku's Sugar
Apply Divine Confetti
Use Snap seed
2 attacks
Use Snap seed
2 attacks
Use Snap seed
2 attacks
Use firecracker prosthetic
2 attacks
Use firecracker prosthetic
2 attacks
Use firecracker prosthetic
2 attacks
Use firecracker prosthetic
2 attacks
It should be dead by now, so Shinobi Deathblow.
If you don't have any spirit emblems left for the firecracker, use a fistful of ash.
Shh, he's sleeping
I'll make a FAQ for next thread bros, gotta go visit my grandma first though.
Send me questions and I'll have them ready by next thread
You can get to the poison pool idol not from the top, but from a liff right near it, but i can't seem to remember how i got there from the gun fort.
Yeah i remember. Sad that the guy stopped posting it.
>It sounds like Butterfly had a part in Wolf's training so maybe her and Owl are acquainted
Butterfly calls him 倅殿, which implies they're either more or less "relatives" or she's poking fun at how Sekiro is Owl's adopted son and pupil, which I doubt since 倅 is a term used to refer to your own child and Butterfly is implied to be part of Owl's entourage.
Sekiro also addresses her formally so it's possible she was more or less part of his "family" or one of his mentors.
You forget, Wolf is only killed by Owl after he kills Lady butterfly. There is something more going on there.
I want to fuck Japanese Big Boss!
snap seed for the apparition monk?
The place where you get the dried fruit leads back (one way) to the poison pool.
Demon of Hatred was annoying because if you were ever not nicking his taint then that meant that you were at a range where you just had to wait for him to do one of his gay flamer moves. If you didn't respect him at mid to long range then you're basically guaranteed to take a hit if you take an aggressive approach like the rest of the game taught you to do. Cock & ball range however, he only has like 3 options, two that can be dodged and the other can be parried.
He's really just a shitty Soulsborne boss.
I think that's reaching. It only happens that way because she's the final boss of the area.
Yes. It doesn't work on the real monk though. But on the Mibu Village monk, it does. 10% damage per snap seed, so it's a total of 30% damage on her for 3 snap seeds.
How do these centipedes conceal themselves?
What isn't reaching though? We are speculating on lore, everything is going to be reaching in one form or another.
>no official candy merchandise resembling the game's sugars with instructions on how to make the autistic poses while eating them
From really hates money
Ask their Queen, the Divine Loli
You'll be surprised at how much space there is in a human body, especially for what is technically a zombie, Hanbei was very possibly an empty husk like the mummified monks in the Senpou temple.
For any attack that has huge blockstun (whether it's an attack from a giant beast or from a human enemy) you can simply either use Mist Raven or the Iron Fortress to negate all blockstun.
Just beat it
can't bring myself to do another playthrough unless I use a trainer
This monkey is pissing me off, is there any other areas I can go to after genichiro? I feel like I must have missed an entrance somewhere, I also got a key for an aquaduct or something? IDK. Isn't there some dungeon or mibu village or is that after stupid ape?
Are the centipedes and the rejuvinating waters connected somehow?
They breed in the waters there.
Why did I get shocked at random against the Eternal Dragon? I tanked through them but sometimes zipping to those pillars just shocked me instead.
Anyone else feel the NPC sidequests are undewhelming as fuck?
The mother and son just die after you beat Hirata Estate. You don't even get any rewards from them. Jinzaemon (aka Siegmeyer 3.0) gives you a useless Jizo Statue. The old hags give you nothing when you give them rice. Kotaro gives you a useless Persimmon.
The only ones that have any kind of incentive to complete are the merchants, like Anayama and the Carp Merchant.
All of Japans rejuvenating waters washes through centipedes ass and balls.
sekiro and some others are immortal due to the real dragon shit
centipedes are from others trying to create immortality and I guess it involves parasites taking over your body
Because this is not a "souls" game.
redirect the shock
You're supposed to go through the swamp place
Go to the shrine just before the castle u fought genishiro in and take a left where that old lady was pointing
nice thanks
It's reaching when your hypothesis is based on none existent evidence or speculation. Owl and Butterfly being know to each other as two old time shinobi is a more credible assumption than the idea they were lovers. We have evidence in game that implies Butterfly had a hand in Wolf's training, which is then reasonable to assume that Butterfly and Owl must be acquainted. Without more evidence to think there's something more than that is reaching.
It doesn't have to be a Souls game to have rewarding and satisfying NPC questlines.
It's not random, the pillars that the lightning is going to hit will have flickering effects on it.
yeah it honestly makes dragonrot completely null and void. Blackhat's quest has been cool so far. Who knew that the midgets could have children and feel bad when they died. I just can't find him at the castle after The invasion.
So what does the bell do? Will it fuck up the rest of my playthrough? Did it carry over to ng+? Are there any rewards for ringing it?
Phase one and phase two are the exact same fight with less punish opportunities and a flaming owl. Know that and it's a cake walk
The waters got infested by centipides over time and them laying eggs leads to centipide immortality. But its more like a 50/50 chance to get centipided indtead of gaining regular immortality as seen by the small number of centipide immortals and regulars like Genichiro.
I can't beat the first owl fight. I do no damage and all the tools seem useless
He's near where he originally was, except instead of being in the building, he's on the ground nearby the cliffs.
What's malcontent good for?
Stunning Headless and other ghost-type enimies for a bit.
>The mother and son just die after you beat Hirata Estate
Makes sense, their story was already over when you meet them in the present.
>Siegmeyer 3.0
He's nothing like Siegmeyer, but yes, his reward was kinda crap.
You can send him to Doujun though, which is nice since it gives you two quest branches for him.
>Kotaro gives you a useless Persimmon.
Persimmons are an absolutely busted consumable and his unique persimmon gives you a special conversation if you give it rice loli.
Kotaro has also three possible quest branches.
>The only ones that have any kind of incentive to complete are the merchants
If we go by incentives then the vast majority of modern Fromsoft's questlines are crap since they give you nothing but trash most of the time.
Hey anons who've beaten the game a gabillion times, I have a question. The second time you fight ape, if you spawn above him(at the forest idol), can you stealth attack deathblow him? I killed him from the poison pool entrance and was just wondering. Thanks
>I just can't find him at the castle
On my play through I got jumped by one of those little goblins around the old grave area and after he died he had some voiced dialogue, really spooked me.
Don't think it was actually him though.
Stop running around and stand in one place and focus on parrying his moves.
There's a few of them you can reliably punish, like shuriken into overhead slam and any unblockables and his anti-heal bomb if you're feeling lucky.
He's really a pretty straightforward boss, just learn his moveset and chip away his health until he can't regen posture no more.
Does Sabimaru work on bosses? If so, which ones?
So now what?
>bridge intact
Go to the gun for and proceed from there.
Come back later after the snake breaks the bridge
Look up how big tapeworms can get.
pic is probably the coolest shot in any miyazaki game
Ok lads, I've got all the required shit for Kuro, now the idols are locked. Where do I start? Any new bosses popped up in Outskirts? Or do I go straight for the castle?
I came back here aftrr I got the "dried fruit" and there's the cunt snake down here now. Haven't proceeded further yet
jump and kill the snek
What is Kuro? Where does he come from?
Is it a Dalai Lama type situation where a random kid has powers, or is there a dragon bloodline? Where does Geni get him? And why are you the only one who cares that a demigod was kidnapped?
>Attack Power 72
user, what THE FUCK?!
Literally play the game
Theres a bloodline. His predecessor was Takeru.
It seems like Kuro is manipulating Sekiro and his undying loyalty in the same way that Rice Loli is in my opinion. We never get clear reasons why though.
How the fuck do you get your Attack Power to 72? How much Dragon Dancer's Mask skill points did you grind for?
So was Takeru his father? He never refers to him as such, and it sounds like Takeru was way before this time
it's his 6th playthrough
>just realized I never checked the way the hag was pointing in front of Ashina
>I missed the entire actual Abandoned Dungeon which is why the Abandoned Dungeon was a one-room cave up until now
Doesnt seem so. Its just an unspecified predecessor who's probably Yamato Takeru.
>The battle memory of an extraordinary foe.
>Commune with a Sculptor's Idol and confront memories of battle to permanently increase attack power.
>The battle memory of an extraordinary foe.
>The battle memory of an extraordinary foe.
>The battle memory of an extraordinary foe.
>The battle memory of an extraordinary foe.
>The battle memory of an extraordinary foe.
This picture would have been perfect if the artist didn't make Emma have a receding hairline.
Really nigga? You've never bothered to go back to the well from the begining to get that item on the ledge?
Literally harder than Orphan of Kos.
is there any way to beat chain ogre without cheats or coming back later in the game when i'm stronger?
I thought i was going to get to fight the bosses again so i saved them for a little not realizing i was being an idiot. I hope they add newer fights. Maybe fighting Lady Butterfly and Owl in their Prime?
The monkey's themselves may not have been great warriors, but the puzzle solving and utilising the necessary techniques in a strange situation is no doubt worth reflecting upon. Besides it's Wolf's own mind that's gonna decide what challenges are helping him grow stronger.
What if Kuro is Takeru's reincarnation?.
They said that Takeru and Tomoe failed in their mission to cut the ties of immortality, maybe this means it doesn't matter if you use the mortal blade to kill the divine heir, he will just reborn in the next generation.
Why can't you? just take potshots of stabs after his attacks
It's how i did him in, before even getting the vent.
You already fought Owl at least in his prime.
>The foster father confronted in old memories was a man in his prime.
>Another Owl fight
Give some space to the side characters like Tomoe or Orangutan.
What was the white one supposed to be anyway? Combination of the other 3?
Okay tell me, what was your least favourite area?
Personally, the last one, the setting was pretty kino but the ennemies were just too annoying
No, I went back to the well, that's the problem. I never went in the other way.
Does the attack buff from Ako's Sugar stack with the attack buff from Yashiraku's Sugar?
I try to do this but then he gets me with his grab even though he barely touches me. how do you avoid his grab? are you rolling or jumping away?
Either the dungeon or chinese blighttown.
You have no idea how long I spent throwing myself off of this pole trying to grapple up to the tree or something. There really was no indication you can get there too early.
I felt like Mibu Village was disappointing for an area that was basically Fishing Hamlet 2.0.
Yeah i fucked up the eavesdropping and didn't get to fight Owl2. I somehow missed something.
Post source please. I love pregnant women.
So are you all completely ok just going with 'he has unspecified predecessors'? I mean those people must have also been immortal, where did they go?
And if Kuro is an heir to the entire Japan, it makes no sense that his powers come from a being local to Ashina and bodyguard is from Ashina. It's also questionable that Geni would be able to kidnap someone from central governance when they are so much more powerful, and why would it take so long to retaliate.
>Post source please.
it is linnjacobson on instagram
or Kingfisher
only used the skill to attack thing twice, rest are bosses
NG+ bosses are pure fun to fight, completely skips over the NG bullshit of learning patterns and just clashing swords
Best way to farm skills? Its the only achievement i have left and im on ng+4
The place itself looks great, but what dragged it down was its reliance on infinitely respawning enemies to create difficulty.
>in his prime
>went out of shape in just 3 years
jumping away, sometimes twice for grabs. even sprinting away. for the rest, dropkick is stepdodge, handslam is dodge away
How powerful do your swings get with 72 attack power? Can you literally one shot bosses?
castle outskirts after ashina burns
backstab literally everyone from your path to the bridge
nets me 45k exp on NG+5
No, all sugars replace each other.
Actually, at some point the villagers stop respawning, I take they have around three or four "lives" each, not counting the big guys who die once.
>jumping away, sometimes twice for grabs. even sprinting away. for the rest, dropkick is stepdodge, handslam is dodge away
thank you so much bro
Don't be ridiculous. I had 46 attack and the damage wasn't even noticeable.
Demon of Hatred is obnoxious because he's a Souls boss instead of a Sekiro boss and he plays like shit because of it, he just tosses most of the mechanics out the window. Only good thing about him gameplay-wise is that he can be stunned with Malcontent and gives a reason for the fire-type umbrella to exist.
Do enemies not scale with ng+'s?
So how exactly did Wolf end up in that ditch/well at the bottom of Ashina Reservoir at the start of the game? The game doesn't answer that.
It clearly wasn't from his father backstabbing him, since that took place 3 years before the start of the game.
No. the damage increase is slightly noticeable but overall it's only a slightly easier NG experience i'd say
Enemies also get tougher with each playthrough, user
Again, play the game, and pay attention this time around.
Oops, missed a bit, addressed to
Fuck thats so far away. I just started ng4
Lost hope and just found a hole to wallow in. That's it really. His Father and Master were both gone so he had no direction.
>beat the the butterfly lady by spaming Nightjar slash in 3 tries
Is that baby going to come out ripped as fuck
Enemies already do fuck huge damage in NG+1 I hate to think how stupid it gets by NG+3
Owl is the easiest of the big boss fights so far, but it's causing me by far the most rage. Every single death I get is from some absolute horseshit like the anti-heal or Owl warping from a different animation to the counter while I'm doing a stab. I fucking hate this game.
We've been over this
>I hate to think how stupid it gets by NG+3
Expect instakill grabs pretty much like Master Ninja NG.
That fucking sucks. I was hoping to be able to stack damage buffs.
A man can go from fit to fat in less than 3 years by simply not exercising at all.
He isnt a heir to entire Japan or he'd be at the Imperial Palace.
Well, that's good to know. I only have my Attack Power at 13 right now. I'm glad that Miyazaki didn't turn the Attack Power into an RPG thing where you can overlevel and oneshot everything in the game like in Souls.
>the bitch had 2 holes drilled in her finger that she could blow through somehow
Nani the fuck?
White was invisible one. There are pictures for every monkey except him in begining.
Best and worst bosses/mini-bosses of Sekiro?
1. Sword Saint Ashina Isshin
2. Owl (Hirata)
3. Genichiro (second fight at Ashina Castle, not the prologue one)
4. Emma
5. Guardian Ape (the first time you fight him, not the lazy 2nd time at the cave)
1. Headless (all 5 of them)
2. Shichimen Warrior (all 3 of them)
3. Blazing Bull (and his purple clone)
4. Ashina Elite dude (I beat him first try in literally 30 seconds, how the fuck is he a mini-bos)
5. Mist Noble (I backstabbed him and then R1 mashed him to death)
It's more that each NG+ massively boosts enemy HP and posture so it's REALLY hard to catch up with raw stats.
>I'll try a stab
>Ok I get countered, maybe next time it will work better
>Proceed to stab and get mikiri'd everytime
user do you not see a pattern here
And then we blow the same mummified half digested finger we pulled from the ass of an undead ape.
Her fight was terrible.
Spirit emblems is a bad mechanic. Prove me wrong. Just encourages you to stick to R1 spam.
She used her ring to change the pitch like a fucking flute. What's so hard to understand about that?
Why are the so called "best" skills so shit?
One Mind sucks ass. Even Dragon Flash.
Yes, but what is he meant to represent?
See no evil, speak no evil, hear no evil and.... look not evil?
I've lost my will to play. I spent like two days trying to beat the gorilla. Finally, I go back, go down into the bottomless pit, fight some mini boss for an hour, and now... now there's TWO FUCKING GORILLAS.
did these fucking spirit dogs just shrinked my healthbar and make me age like a 100 years?
Do no evil
It's like Weapon Arts in DaS3. They're all shit. They look cool as fuck though. Thankfully, the prosthetics are broken as fuck, so that makes up for the lackluster Combat Arts. A shame you can't equip more than one.
I just sprint through that part.
Fuck playing MGS.
Why the fuck do I have to beat Monkey Trouble but this time Double??!? Who the hell thought that the most boring and obnoxious boss would be good to fight again with a buddy?
Also, I thought the finger whistle would work against them but it doesn't do SHIT.
Well, it might make a difference on NG but the amount of attack-ups you can get per cycle is finite. On NG+ and beyond enemies scale with you so it only looks like it makes no actual difference.
Agreed. You should have a larger pool that restores at shrines rather them being finite items. There is a point when you have fuckton of emblems to its stops being so much of an issue but for most of the game it's too restricting.
Not him, but I fucking hate that part as well. Terror was bad enough. But at least you can revive yourself. Enfeebled status is just worse. You can't even revive yourself after that.
Double Ichimonji is the best one, most others are outright useless
I'm on NG+2 right now, and the game showers me with so much money that I never have any less than 800 spirit emblems at any given time.
Focus the one without a sword first, you can usualy separate them enough so that you only need to worry about swordape's lunging attack, which is relatively easy to parry
I liked Mist Noble just from how funny it was. Creepy mysterious area full of invisible enemies, hard to get into house, looks absolutely alien and threatening...
I was just staring at him for a while, gaining courage to drop down and fight. Once I did I mashed attack like a loonie, waiting for a cue to start blocking. Never came, he died in seconds. I had to bust out laughing. What a bait and switch.
Agreed. You should just have a certain number available that get restored when you rest. Having to grind for them between boss runs isn't hard, but it is annoying.
Nigga just hit them back
I cleared it out yesterday, killed everyone until they were actually dead. Took like an hour.
Buying them is not the problem. I'm talking about your stock while you're fighting someone
Combat arts are mostly shit because the button press to do them is also the secret input to make enemies stop guarding and do their quickest attack.
That actually sounds great. So it basically means that enemies can never feel too spongey or too weak because of how they scale with you, right?
True, but if you could use the tools without any limit they'd be broken in their current form so they'd have to be rebalanced to the point of being almost completely useless.
Cheese him with shadowstep. He tends to get stuck into moving animation when you do that. Even if you dont have any spirit left he still wont punish you if you use shadowstep. Good luck on tomoe though, shadowstep doesn't work on that undortunately
Oh yeah, definitely. You should be able to carry more than 20 maximum spirit emblems for sure. I think 40 would have been perfect.
Both Isshin
Corrupted Monk
Juzou the Drunkard
Both Owl fights
Divine Dragon
Centipede Kyrin
Blazing Bull/Sakura Bull
Vile Hand/Shadow, mostly because they're named mooks that get old real fast due to how much you fight them
>Butterfly lady teaches me to deflect shit
>Horsedude and Genichiro tell me to stay aggressive and attack>DEFLECT>attack instead of dodging
>Ape just thrashes around
It looks like I need to just dodge and kill him through his hp but wtf does the game want to teach me here
Run in a circle and bait&punish his bellyflop and four consecutive stabs-move. About half the time the brown ape won't attack when gray out of commission. It'll take half an hour each run though. Also, firecrackers if you ever get the time to use them.
I just got my arm cut off, I didn't miss an ending or achievement but not beating that boss, did I?
Where do you get feather prosthetic?
I've already beaten the game and it's one of the few prosthetics I still miss.
Stop spamming your preggo shit.
Can confirm ogre grabs doesn't oneshot me at NG+7
desu i find the bloat scale really well with how many attack power you're supposed to have each NG (assuming you beat all optional bosses) that i'm a bit dealing higher damage than my NG0 counterpart
>Corrupted Monk
>a top 5 fight
Say hello to my Firecracker prosthetics and my complete disregard for your first two phases.
Plus you can still fuck something you don't love, especially if it's a little boy.
>wtf does the game want to teach me here
To use your combat arts and prosthetics.
The pagoda with the purple ninja on the roof
I think the fight times out after so long any way. I almost took his first health bar in NG+ and the fight randomly ended.
i think it's in hirata estate near the purple ninja guy
No, you just get a slightly altered cutscene where protagonist defeats him but gets distracted by a shuriken and his arm gets cut off anyway.
Hirata estate, there's a secret passage at the end of the river, it's right below that bridge that leads to owl
ok i deleted it man. im sorry
wtf prosthetics and skills are useful?
So how would you all rate the overall difficulty of Sekiro?
I'd say it's harder than all the Souls games since you can't co-op cheese or use other forms of cheese like overleveling and OP magic/ranged builds or high stability shields.
But it's not as hard as I thought it would be. The prosthetics and items can completely destroy the game. I'd say it's a 8/10 in difficulty if you don't use prosthetics but a 6/10 if you do.
I'm so close to obliterating my fucking controller
Thanks m8
Easier than Souls.
It's only the beginning of the game and late game that is difficult.
For some reason entire mid game is a complete joke
The tipping point for me was Genichiro. Before it had no fun playing and found it really hard until I started to parry properly. The game got easier but was also fun.
Literally the hardest game I've ever played and I haven't had a moment of fun in any boss fight nor do I get any satisfaction beating them, knowing the next one is literally around the corner.
>So how would you all rate the overall difficulty of Sekiro?
I don't if i just adapted really quicly but i didn't find it insanely more difficult than, let's say, bloodborne, as a matter of fact i'd consider bloodborne harder than this game. Again maybe the game clicked more with me, of course that doesn't mean i first tried all the bosses or anything but i never came across a "wall" of difficulty that made me rage or realize that the game was super hard.
It's nonetheless a great game and i had a lot of fun with it, i just enjoy the gameplay being more stripped down of all the rpg elements that made the souls games so cheesable.
anybody else have a way harder time with the drunkard than butterfly? legit took me like 20 tries to kill that fucker but butterfly was dead on the 2nd try
Any overpowered early guide?
Prosthetic tools, arts, beads and seeds I could get earlier to rekt some bosses?
>But it's not as hard as I thought it would be
Not to be that guy, but Sekiro is a lot harder than most stuff around and definitely harder than the other Souls games, the problem is that it doesn't easy you into it and start already at max difficulty, forcing you to get good immediately, which is why you end up finding little challenge if you actually listen to the game.
Last Raven suffered from the same problem, it's FROM's usual lack of foresight for their hardcore stuff, the game ends up feeling a lot easier that it initially was due to making you master it ASAP, which leads to inconsistent levels of challenge and a weird impression.
You'll hardly find action games harder than Sekiro if you look at this decade's releases, not to say that there aren't mind you, but saying Sekiro isn't hard when it objectively gates most people around is just the usual Yea Forums tier anonymous e-peen stroking, just look at all the bitching in these threads.
Literally a kidney stone, right?
FOV slider is a godsend.
I can't understand how anyone can play this game with the default FOV. The camera is way too close.
It is extraordinary in that it required you to in theory use your brain instead of parry dodge parry punish.
Just wondering before I start using consumables. Are there any that I can never grind and buy? I'm more talking about the defense and attack power sugars. Also do fish respawn when they run away?
Probably smells like pee
Ako and Ungo you can buy infinitely under certain circumstances
Ako you have to do Anayama's questline
Ungo on Info Broker lategame
you still get memories in ng+ its not only the dragon mask upgrades
It's a kidney stone made out of the magic found in the fountainhead waters
One questions why they couldn't've just distilled the water and crystalise it that way.
>which is why you end up finding little challenge if you actually listen to the game.
I'm surprised the Soulsfags haven't made a bigger noise about the umbrella and mist raven prosthetics.
The umbrella deflect provides ridiculously lenient parry timings and the mist raven dodge probably has more frames than dark wood grain ring.
Whoever passed it must've had a huge kidney.
And dick.
Huh? Where is that? Can't find it under camera or game options, not even graphics
do exp needed for skill points reset on NG+? If not I'll need to farm some skill points while I still have enemies that give some.
It's a mod
Each headless gives you a renewable consumable with the effect of the sugars
There are certain optional minibosses that give you an infinite use version of those that costs Spirit Emblems, you'll be fine. And yes, the fish will respawn until you actually kill them.
Is the 2 apes fight mandatory? What happens if you go to Ashina Depths before killing guardian ape? I did the other way around
Also, what do I do with all these booze, are they like gifts to increase your social links?
dad tells him to listen to dad first
i'm pretty sure shinobi has to side with lord always once he makes pledge
No. Nothing.
Increases item drop rate by a decent amount, you can turn it off and re-enable it at anytime. It also increases game difficulty from barely noticeable to a lot depending what you're fighting. So certain moves or combos that would've left you near death are a one shot, light combos are now near death while their health and posture also increases. No one lists it but it also seems to make their AI go overdrive and they spot you from distances almost instantly. Test it out on some of the more dynamic enemies or groups of mooks. Enemies will stick to you like glue and even some of the weakest guys are hyper aggressive and use some of their combos or command grabs more. Like normal Rats = non threat, Bell rats will never stop jumping and doing running dash attacks.
I went to the depths first. You get blocked out of your idols there once to finish the ape, so you have to walk to the second ape fight
>I'm surprised the Soulsfags haven't made a bigger noise about the umbrella and mist raven prosthetics.
Soulsfags have been literally too dumb to actually use prosthetics or combat arts in this game, which is why they constantly bitch about the game being a parry spam shitfest and prosthetics being supposedly useless.
>The umbrella deflect provides ridiculously lenient parry timings
I'd say the broken part about umbrellas isn't the more lenient parry window, but rather the non existent emblem cost and the massive damage they do when charged, even a normal umbrella follow up is devasting, a charged one is overkill, or the fact that they lower your hitbox on activation, which doubles as extra dodge for a lot of stuff.
There is no idol in that room until after you beat 2ape. It only gets greyed out once shichimen spawns.
Where can I farm sen? I'm out of the stupid prosthetic things and the bosses im stuck at, ape and some magic faggot, last fucking forever without those things. yes I know they can be done without them but I'm tired of fighting this stupid ass mage for 30 minutes
Do I have to chose an ending right after killing the final boss? I've still got to kill the demon of hatred but I feel i've hit a wall.
there's one area in the depths, in the poison pool, opposite side from the gorilla arena entrance where there's a ledge but it's too high to get there, how do i do it?
You can fight DoH after you beat the game. Just don't go to NG+ immediately.
I did it guys. Finally beat Genichiro without taking damage
true, I might have mixed that up
Who stabbed wolf in the cutscene after you beat the butterfly hag?
Firecrackers is the crutch for shitters.
Here's some Sekino for you, this game is really good at making dramatic fights.
Having to catch the apes somehow reminded me of Goku trying to catch the cat guy in original DB
no you can't. shota are for pure love only.
Father Owl
He looks like Mr. C
Now do it on normal difficulty.
someone pls?
I'm doing the shura ending in NG++ but I'm having trouble killing isshin, I feel like he's different compared to the younger version, any tips?
What do you mean?
After you beat the game for the first time you get an option during the prologue to return to Kuro protective talisman he slipped into your possession while you weren't looking. Doing so will make so you only get 100% damage reduction on deflects, but not on regular blocks.
Fire umbrella.
If you clash with decent timing, anything they do can be punished with a charged Ichimonji before they can react. just spam that shit.
While going to the 2ape room look up and left and grapple there.
Alright, now that's too much for my autism. I don't think I'll try that.
Is DSP right? Did From lie to our faces?
The one near the idol? That's the escape route from the snake shrine in the sunken valley cave. After it traps you in the building there's a grapple point out leading to the depths.
Wait, I mixed it up with the bead on the Buddha's head. The area you're talking about is the way out from the snek shrine. It really is just a way out of a trap. It's one way only.
>any tips?
In the first phase he has the normal 3 hit delay combo of young Isshin.
He has the same judo grab Emma has, but with smaller range and higher power.
Sometimes he will do a small sidestep feint into a horizontal slash while evading your blows, he has hyperarmor on that so DO NOT TRADE, deflect or jump over it.
He has a feint double Ichimonji, but if you deflect the first hit he'll stagger out of that.
Outside of that, he's mostly the same as young Isshin, ashina cross and all that.
Second phase is tougher since he has three different new attacks.
The first is a Ichimonji into a fire carpet with a frontal fan AoE, you CANNOT parry the fire carpet, even if you deflect the Ichimonji you'll still eat up the follow up for massive damage so evade that, do not try to take it head on.
The second attack is similar to Demon of Hatred's second phase fire slam, this will create a linear carpet of fire in from of Isshin, very long windup so you can recognize it and avoid it.
Third attack is a fire carpet that covers 99% of the arena outside of some blind spots, this is followed by Isshin rushing forward to perform a judgment cut on you and then follow up with a strong horizontal slash, jump over the fire carpet then whip up your umbrella to parry the judgment cut+follow up, punish with the Umbrella follow up.
As for the rest of his moveset he has access to all the stuff from his first phase.
>have trouble with Sword Saint
>backtrack and find a completely new fucking boss that's even worse
Deflects? I though it was perfect deflects. So if you deflect you still get chip damage.
It literally tells you how to dispell it once you get the demon. Read, nigga, read!
Deflect = perfect.
Block, guard, whatever = chip damage.
No they just didn't say anything
Help Kuro
Obey the Iron Code, protect Kuro
Does this just affect the endings?
wtf bros how did they get away with this, gamers shouldn't be treated like this!
You don't actually have a choice the first time.
Come one man. You are better than this and you know it. Even ironically following lolcows is still following them.
On a side note he is somewhat right but youtubers who got to play the game explicitly said that the game requires you to learn the combat mechanics.
You can't break the Iron Code there, it's a fake choice.
beginning of fight bait the two arrow shots by jumping back and left. then stay close to him. stagger your attacks so you can react when he parrys your attack. when he parrys your attack, parry back will work for most cases. after about six reps of swings he'll do a jump attack. parry it, then he will most likely do a thrust attack. mikiri counter it. if he does the sweep, jump then punish. if he does a basic attack, jump while guarding then punish. if you parry that attack he will do a thrust attack with fucked up timing that is hard to counter. rinse and repeat. phase 2 just bait out his jump in attack and lightning attacks.
Okay, that was sSstylish
>this fucking nigger
Never was Sekiro advertised as another souls game, he's THIS far in and he still complains you have to parry and can't treat it as souls??? How do this retard even breathe. jesus
Did he drop the game or something?
No but Gorilla ape gave him a nice beating yesterday.
Yes, retard. Did you pay any fucking attention to the story at all?
What the fuck is that first attack?
Nah. The part where the rope dude crushes you while you're in the cave is better
>lone shadow swordsman's arena camera
Ok that's gonna be a yikes from me
Its not a from game if there isn't a boss without camera fuckery
>From Software didn't say Sekiro was going to be hard
Enhanced mortal blade
>complains about parrying at the one boss you have to treat as a souls boss
>even then the 2nd phase is a mixup so a soulsbab can learn to use dodge+parry in one fight
>DSP being so shit can't do this so he calls out the marketing of the game
They always were but people were too boring to really experiment with them and just lazily parry and r1 spammed then wondered why the game felt tedious
You do realize NG+ is just boss rush mode, right?
The camera isn't very good for learning the fight, but once you know the enemy moves, Sekiro turns into a rhythm game, so you don't need eyes to see where we're going.
The hell is he on about? I thought I may get an option to do something with the mortal blade or whatever but nothing
I blame spirit emblems
>sword saint
>uses a spear and a fucking gun
That said, best boss fight, holy shit.
>Ever since I beat Genichiro I've been first trying most of the bosses and minibosses since
Is this the gitting gud?
You need the fan prosthetic.
Use Divine Abduction on him.
Wait for Ape, cocky child.
They'd be pretty OP without them though. Even Weapon Arts in DaS3 took FP to use. Emblems should just have rest regen like FP.
I’m so sick of grinding bosses. I enjoy exploring the levels and shit but probably half my playtime has been dying over and over to bosses. This didn’t bother me much at first when they were spread out, but towards the end when I had to fight guardian ape, then Owl, then corrupted monk 2 with like nothing in between it started weighing on me.
I’m finally at sword saint and I’m just tired of the game, I don’t have the energy to memorize which of his combos lead into which unblockable, especially since I’m sure each phase will be different. Also fuck the fact that he has three health bars and you have to start with genichiro each time
Does the game end if I beat Demon of Hatred? I want to beat Isshin too
I'm well beyond Ape, all Ape took was patience.
How do I unlock the route where I can share sake with Rice Loli?
How the fuck does divine abduction work any how? From what I understood it flips enemies and makes them forget you're there so you can get deathblows? I can never fucking get it to do that though.
Nah, you can do both in one playthrough
Get some sleep and come back later. You already know you will so what is the point of this post user?
You get so much money in this game Emblems are hardly a problem.
Lolis can't drink alcohol, you silly shinobi.
take a break user, it's the usual From symptoms of tilting after playing the game for hours
Coming back after it you'll have much more clarity and composure, trust me
Cool thanks
How do I get the ending where I fuck Kuro forever and ever due to our never ending lives.
>I don’t have the energy to memorize which of his combos lead into which unblockable
Sword Saint Isshin has no unblockables.
>Struggled against Sword Saint for hours
>Gave up and went to sleep
>Next day beat in within 5 tries
It actually works
You should realize that normal people tend to not be pedophiles, so they view the Divine Child as an actual child and not a sex toy.
You have to use it once so it wreathes you in the winds and shit, then press it again to release the winds and flip em around. If you get hit while the wind is swirling around you but before you release it, you lose it.
Do the red lumps I got from the surgeon's questline do anything special or did I go through all that bullshit for something that does the same as the normal ones with a different item description?
When is the right time to use the dragon rot cures? I have 2 cures right now and never used one. Only the scultor and the bell mom are sick. Am I still fine?
I'm making damn sure to never die more than twice, but I have no idea if it's worth it
I just killed Gyoubu the guy with the horse first try, shit was so hype
>Do the red lumps I got from the surgeon's questline do anything special
Nope, but they add lore.
Rule of thumb is to use once you've beaten the boss and if people are infected.
Where do you think we are
Right but early on or if you hit I can understand if you're reluctant to use them. You get so many just from drops though, you won't even need to buy them. I got so many emblems farming for money from the Gun Fort shotgun guys, even with using Bloodsmoke. The first guy would always drop like 5-7 emblems.
I don't need help, just wanted to gush about how fucking tight the combat and movement is
Using the grappling hook feels so fucking good
On bosses like that I've just fell back on Souls conditioning with them and it works. Can't pull that shit on most of the blade wielders, have to actually stick to the deflect and countering system.
Gee user, it's almost like prosthetics are useful or something, hmmm, who would have thunk it.
the umbrella is the best prosthetic in this game imo. a fantastic tool when coupled with projected force for the final boss too.
Parrying his shit does no appreciable posture damage though what the fuck
I hate how minibosses are harder thqn actual bosses
Really? I wanted to try it but didn't have enough materials for final upgrade, good to know it's worth it
Does anyone have a save file just before the owl or the corrupted monk? I'd really like to fight them again, but i don't want to start a ng+ just for them.
The bull is still the hardest boss in the game.
>massive vitality and posture damage even through deflects
>never stops attacking
>his attacks snap to your model from 20m away
>is a beast, not a swordsman, so it regenerates posture way too fast
>has to hit its vitality, but there's little to no opportunity to do so unless you just sprint around it, getting a hit once in a blue moon
On NG++ and still have no idea how to fight it "properly".
>Isshin does his big overhead leap
>turn to face him to dodge and punish
>lock on breaks right before I dodge
>can't turn the camera fast enough to re-lock on and block
>hit again
>takes five fucking skill points to use statue
Goddam that’s like 60k xp for me at this point. I’m considering making a new file where I just get mikiri and then hoard skill points all game since almost every other skill I’ve learned in the game has been completely worthless. I only ever use the first combat art I got anyway.
I do but i do not know how i would be able to send it to you. I also have a pirated copy that came with viruses so idk if you would want to risk it. It is literally right before Owl.
You fight it like a Souls boss, just play keep away until you see the opening to deal damage.
>You should realize that normal people tend to not be pedophiles
I'm like thirty minutes in and some guy just cut my arm off
Should I restart? Fighting with one arm doesn't seem optimal
I actually want to die right about now.
Ah thanks.
About the Mortal Blade though.
>Just remembered these insect puking immortals that have to be among the most disgusting things From has ever created
>Wonder if From would actually think it through enough to have Wolf use the Mortal Blade on them once he carries it
>Fucking does it
Yeah, you won't be able to use the prosthetic tools, you need to beat him if you want that
>fighting sakura bull
>been slightly cheesing it by just running around behind it the entire fight
>chip him down to ¼ of his second health bar
>suddenly I lose aggro for no reason and he runs back to his spawn
>oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck
>catch up to him
>he has full health again
fuck that
No you get the devil breaker in a little
I'm not quite done yet and it's unexpected but i think this is GOTY.
I completely misunderstood the beginning and got beaten to a bloody pulp so much i nearly had forsaken the game.
Decided to keep on playing and look at me now, today i killed 4 bosses in no time.
This game rewards you for surpassing yourself by introducing sweet upgrades, areas and skill trees.
I tried some older games again and noticed they were much easier to play.
Thanks for gitting me gud Sekiro.
It completely blocks all of his attacks. It's worth it
Just in case you didn't know, after you spirit Kotaro away with the fan you'll find him in the illusion hall were the monkeys were.
Yeah, but there's no opening, Not unless you just sprint and sprint around it trying to catch it with your sword, while it does a U-turn. This thing has tracking of DS2 salamanders, so it's not an easy task to even enter its blind spot in the first place.
There's got to be a better way to do it.
Empowered Mortal draw hands down.
Exit samurais door and grab the roof ledge above to advance higher.
Also go kill butterfly too.
Well i'm playing on a pirated copy too the codex one
The save is located at C:\Users\your_username\AppData\Roaming\Sekiro
You can just upload on uploadfiles. I would really appreciate it, user.
>enemy uses a powerful jump attack
>you will take heavy posture damage even if you deflect it and possibly be knocked back unable to counter attack
Do you still deflect it to build more posture damage on the enemy, or do you dodge and attack their HP?
Don't know about Spiral Cloud but Empowered Mortal Draw seems to be the one with the most damage if you pull off both hits, Shadowfall is perhaps the easiest to hit with though, not to mention you can mix it up with your axe and other shit if you don't do the air follow up, really good combat art, possibly the best in the game if Reverse Nightjar didn't exist.
One Mind is the coolest though.
There has (quite literally) never been a worse game mechanic than "HAHA U GOTTA FIND/BUY THIS FINITE ITEM EVERY 30 MINUTES JUST TO KEEP ALL THE NPCS ALIVE, INCLUDING THE CRUCIAL ONES!!". What a load of tedious horseshit with absolutely no purpose other than
They've been saying it's the hardest souls since the beginning, but no one really belied them because, muh activision, muh resurrection mechanic
I don't remember seeing this model from the trailer
I prefer to dodge heavy attacks whenever I can, they usually leave the enemy open for a lot of punishment, I don't know if that builds more posture than a perfect parry though but it helps in the long run since you damage their HP so their posture regenerates slower
Dodge and attack assuming then being in the air doesnt break your targeting forcing you to be hit like every air/jump attack in the fucking game.
Where do I get this ability? I NEED to Judgment Cut somebody. Already beat the game and never saw it.
There is, You poke its head instead of its ass when it turns. No joke you can beat it in under a minute that way.
Juzou is fucking awesome
>Great visual design, straight out of something like Ninja Scrolls
>Sumo moveset mixed up with dramatic nodachi sweeps Noh style
>Drinks and spews poison like a jidai geki movie
>Former sumo champion turned into bandit leader
It's pure Sekino.
>eavesdrop Emma+Isshin post-Owl immediately
>>eavesdrop on Kuro once
>>progress the incense
>>after incense is done, eavesdrop Kuro once more
>>rest, agree with Emma on Lookout, rest again, talk to Emma again
>>go to Old Grave
>>go to Dilapidated Temple, eavesdrop
>>confront Emma
how the fuck was i supposed to know that shit?
I just fought the corrupted monk can i still unlock owl 2?
People dont die.
Also you find like two and can buy like 10. They're super cheap. I am an extreme shutter and I've only had to use 2 and I'm at the ending basically.
I think it's one of the 4 you get when you master Ashina style but I'm not totally sure.
what is upload files? Can you link me to it? I'll do it but do not blame me if i infect your computer. I got the Codex one as well but as i said i infected my computer. The only reason i haven't reset it yet is that i haven't fully beaten the game.
too bad he's reskinned 4 separate times taking away some of the uniqueness
You need to beat Isshin in the Shura ending.
He'll use his own busted version on you
>every thirty minutes
Wat. I only ever get rot when against a hard boss, then you just wait and use the item when you beat them. You haven’t been wasting those items immediately on getting rot and then returning to griding, right?
This is the fun version of Micolash
That's fucking funny dork because dragonrot does nothing to people except give em a cough, you lose your unseen aid too but that's unreliable anyway.
Is there a speedkill video? I'd like to watch someone fight it the "intended" way.
They literally never die and the only side effect does almost fucking nothing you absolute mongoloid lmao
Thank you, I beat his second fase in my first try, I actually had problems with his first. Now I'm missing the good ending, all skills and it's 100%ed
Thanks but, what boss? There's so many bosses in this game
someone please tell me
On my last 5 deaths i have gotten no dragonrot and unseen aid has popped off 3 times. My ancestors smile on me, Imperial, can you say the same?
Genichiro DLC about getting the black mortal blade when? Seeing as Sekiro is more aking to a MGR action game, I'd be fine with Sam type different character DLC.
You can, Owl only appears after you get mortal blade+shelter stone+lotus of the palace
then do as greentexted
I beat him first try just by taking lock on off and attacking him on his side. He kept spinning around me doing not damage at all while I just sort of pushed myself into him. I had to dodge a few times to get back into position and use a couple firecrackers, but other than that he's very avoidable.
any boss that gives you a memory.
even then, I think I only ever used 2 in my first play through and still got the "good" ending
they use firecrackers and the stealth candy and ring illusion bell if the monkeys get away
So why did the sword saint isshin come out of genichiros body again? he said something about that being his last wish.. did he collect all the dragonballs or what?
I see, thank. I'll hold off for now
the hardest part about him is learning what's actually a fucking attack and whats not.
He has some crazy moves that look like they'd hit you but actually do nothing, and some that look like he's just walking but have a hitbox the size of a truck.
The first monk or the true one? This is all post first owl fight.
those are just those old monk dudes sitting around in the temple. when you get close to them the centipedes will appear
I killed it on first try too, but it wasn't graceful, at all.
Dude what?
The black mortal blade opens a portal to the underworld or some shit. He just fights you because, Li Shuwen style, when he sees someone strong he can't help it.
>"man senpou leaping kicks is worthless"
>try using it to punish sweeps
Fucking hell it just murders their posture, is the ultimate monk move better for it?
High Monk. Trivialized the final boss or any boss that sweeps.
Shadowrush to Shadowfall is amazing as well.
the leaping kick is literally the key to most the hardest bosses.
>Bill your game as hard
>People take pride in beating a "hard" game
>You can revive multiple times with 0 consequences or costs, even during bossfights.
Jesus that did little damage and almost no posture damage.
What a shitty but cool looking art.
>I missed the entire actual Abandoned Dungeon which is why the Abandoned Dungeon was a one-room cave up until now
What? It isn't just the room with the creepy guy and bugs?
I feel the leaping kicks part of High Monk has better posture wreckage than the singular counterpart.
People has been sleeping too much on combat arts, seriously
Tfw want skills but also want atm power
the one on the bridge
Shame the attack power scailing becomes pretty shitty, capped Attack Power and it still feels pretty much the same
tomoe will be that spanish chick from Nioh.
Yeah it sucks that almost all the arts do the same amount of damage as a normal attack, it feels like the game needs a DMC style meter or some shit, cause most of the cool styles and prosthetics are completely worthless
Spoil me: will I eventually be able to grapple enemies? Because I feel like that would be the tightest shit.
For the user who wanted a save right before Owl.
only special ones that give you a prompt.
Tomoe is an Okami woman, this is mentioned multiple times.
>finally beat Lady Butterfly
>second phase starts
And even on those it isn't worth it most of the time.
What's the point of making a great game if you purposely hide half the content behind such high levels of random obscurity that even the above average player will never find it without using a detailed guide? After playing Dark Souls 3 I discovered that I'd missed massive chunks of the world which were unnecessarily hidden away, and I swore to never play a Fromsoft game again. I've been watching playthroughs of Sekiro and this game is even worse in that aspect. There's simply no appeal in purposing limiting a player's first playthrough, especially since most people with actual balanced lives don't have the time to do multiple playthroughs.
Any tips for demon of hatred?
Just got the finger upgrade, the umbrella upgrade and i'm trying to get the projecting force skill
Can I deflect this shitter stomps?
Because when I try to dodge he tracks like crazy
Ah, fuck. That's too bad.
>try to fight Genichiro MLG style, mixing up well timed parries with dodges and shit
>get my ass handed to me
>nothing helps, not items, not prosthetic tools
>read on the internet that I'm just supposed to whammy L1 like a retard
>deflect him perfectly every time
>kill him second try with no items, no tools, and half my estus remaining
My life is a fucking lie.
Later bosses better not be this dangerously cheesy
People figured the secrets out on their own just fine in the first place for there to even be guides, you are making excuses for yourself.
>kill snek
>the other snek in the underground cave temple is still there
How many giant snakes can there be in the land of Ashina?
You can deflect the stomp he does after he swings his arm around and then stomps on the ground
This is the thing that pisses me off the most, actually seeing that i've missed a fuckton of content because i don't know the game by heart, why are from always so god damn cryptic about questlines and unlocking requirements for shit you don't even know exist in the first fucking place?
There will be a Sekiro 2 and will be a prequel.
Tomoe will be showing up.
>finally killed the corrupted monk
>can't kill the guardian monkey now
He literally is RNG.
Someone on plebbit datamined his moveset and found that he has 700 combo different variations of the 3-4 moves that he has, making him incredibly random.
I'd rather have a pseudo sequel set in the Meiji era or something.
i sent him to the doctor.
From AP 12 to AP 98 it only doubles, where-as 1-10 is a triple increase
they are. Everything in the game can be L1 spammed except for the bull and a few other apparition enemies
Demon of Hatred
Genichiro doesn't have any tools to get away from you being max agression on him
Owl and Isshin won't give you the same problem unless you can counter their counters
Just stay on his ass and only deflect the stomp, if you stand in front of him for more than 2 seconds when he's in close range mode you're gonna get fucked
I have to imagine is because they really don't expect you to do this stuff on your first playthrough.
You wouldn't know or care if you didn't see other people talking about it, and then when/if you played a second time and found new shit you'd just think "holy shit cool", and probably start looking for more stuff
That's the bad thing about Combat Arts. They look cool as fuck, but do about the same damage as 3-4 regular sword swings. Underwhelming as fuck.
>>nothing helps, not items, not prosthetic tools
Genichiro can be curbstomped with every single possible prosthetic bar the fan and whistle, let alone things like ashes, maybe you just suck at the game.
If you don't enjoy the game, then the missed content is no real loss. If you do, then it increases replay value. As I see it, that's the appeal.
Not sure I understand your comment about 'balanced lives.' Most people don't binge through games. They pick them up and play for an hour or so between school or work, and just stop playing/replaying them when they're ready to move on.
You don't have to 100% it, user.
Is there any way to hit them and surprise them while they're up there? Like, if you use the monocular and aim one of your shurikens, can you actually hit them?
The game needed more time actually developing the story of Owl in order to make the fight between him and Wolf meaningful. There should have been flashbacks to when Wolf was being raised as a young boy to establish the bond between them.
>He's not an OCD gamer who has to 100% every game he starts playing, even if it becomes unenjoyable in the process
No one told me Atomic Samurai is in this game
and also "learning" the game is a meme, I tried to implement what the game has taught me for 15 tries, parrying, countering, weaving, using ninja arts and gadgets.
But the truth is that the surest way to victory is to just cheese the shit out of the bosses, like this cunt whom you can just dodge to the left over and over to get a free hit, and pocket ash him too.
Yeah, i find i don't really care about my own father whereas i find Isshin and Anayama to be a total bro and feels sad for them during endgame, Owl has 2 encounters yet he doesn't generate any worthy buildup.
>to establish the bond between them.
What bond?
Owl is just using Sekiro as a puppet, have you still not realized Owl and Sekiro are pretty much Gambino and Guts?
>learning is a meme
perfect parrying bosses is the most fun the game can offer, why deny yourself it?
Is Anayama the bandit merchant? or did i miss a merchant?
I dunno if you're supposed to feel that way about his fights. What I took from Owl is that he was always just kind of an opportunistic and cold cunt from the way they showed him. He probably didn't have much presence in Sekiro's life aside from training him. Kind of an absentee step dad.
Owl is still impressed by Wolf. Each time you kill him, he gives off the impression he's proud of being killed by him.
It's clearly not just Gambino selling Guts off to black rapist dude.
Why the fuck did they put the final fight in tall grass? I can’t see what this fucker is doing with his arm half the time so I can’t get the right parry timing
This isn't even mentioned once. Stop trying to spread your headcanon pretending to be actual canon.
>Don't you remember, You killed me
>It's too late for that guts You should've died You should've diedYou should've diedYou should've diedYou should've diedYou should've died
Hits me every time.
forgot the pic
Yes, his questline is great if you follow through until the end. Great rewards too
>that interaction between Wolf and Kuro when he makes you the rice ball
>apparently Sekiro didn't know rice could be cooked
>Owl just gave him raw rice and told him "fuck you eat"
I sent Kotaro to go be with the children and the black dude ended up with O'rin (i heard you can also send him to the merchant if you do the merchant before talking to him) so i'm locked out of his quest.
Where is the Emma porn
that is true in some cases, but some bosses like and O'Rin the wet bint have such microscopic parry windows I would rather suck of a cactus than fight them fair.
>Self proclaimed "pro" dark souls players getting filtered left and right
>This isn't even mentioned once.
>Tomoe was an outsider who crossed into Ashina
>She was a fierce warrior who knew threw lightning and shit
>Okami women are the ones who came up with lighting shit
>Genichiro was taught lightning shit by Tomoe
>Spiral Cloud Passage, a technique used by Tomoe, is the only scroll which depicts an Okami warrior performing the art
Kuro eats the rice if you eavesdrop on him right after you get the rice. I legitimately think something is up with the rice and it will play a part in the next iteration of the game, be it DLC or a sequel.
I think asians are just autistic about rice in general, it's a folklore thing.