Several bosses depend on this particular item

>Several bosses depend on this particular item
>item doesn't even last for the whole fight
>Said item is non-renewable, if you're out of them then you're fucked until you're lucky enough to find some more
defend this bullshit

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git gud

I was pissed at first and I do agree it's stupid but you can buy them infinitely from any vendor later in the game.

They're dropped from the Ashina swordsmen inside the castle (the blue clothed ones).

Merchants sell the infinite numbers of them by the end of the game.

you can literally farm it by killing certain enemies, you fucking idiot

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At what point? I'm pretty far ahead.

I've just been using the bell loot increase to try and farm the guys at the top of Ashina castle, before the dojo. They drop it occassionally.

after you gather all items to severe immortality.

Finished all the bosses in the game but one miniboss in the last area that requires both Confettie and Pacifiying agent. I'm broke so I can't by nothing and I refuse to grind ir farm.

Honestly this game dropped two points for me because of the economics/requirment systems. 8/10. So for me it's:

You can buy it later in the game.
Non of the bosses who require it are mandatory.
The only one who is even remotely mandatory but not realy is easy to kill and takes just 2.

oh yeah sounds to me like YOUR'E A FAGGOT OOOOHHHH

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If you're at the end area, then you can buy divine confetti. Dragon Tally Board allows you to buy it from any vendor.

such as?

The blue Ashina samurai. 5 seconds on google could tell you that.

there's no fight that you NEED them for
enemies drop them
later you can buy unlimited amounts of them from any vendor

What's this? A petition box?

I too was annoyed at the spider boss in demon's souls, but From kindly put a cheesy little bow and arrow spot in the arena for you to kill it easily.

I agree with you OP. Farming those shits for half an hour isnt exactly what i call exciting gameplay

Of couse, but since you thought it was so easy you might as well tell me

Git gud, upgrade the umbrella, go further into the game, git gud.

Only optional mini-bosses require it, though.

You don't NEED confetti for anything but the headless.

You can buy it at vendor, retard.

I cant fight one of those for I am a little bitch.

If you're having trouble with easy enemies than there's no hope for you.

Banjo chick and first Monk don't require confetti

>no fight

Beat the final boss and am at 19 vit 1/4 beads. Did I miss anything?

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You’re not even supposed to fight headless or shichi until endgame, by that time you have 20 of those

Its only needed to damage headless
Everything else only gets increased damage
I did shimichen warrior without it or umbrella

2 are unique to Purification ending

How does confetti help versus O'rin? Does it let you hit her while she's phased out or does it just boost damage?
t. beat her the hard way

>I refuse to grind ir farm.
>dark souls 1 best game ever
>I refuse to grind ir farm

>Several bosses depend on this particular item
Wrong. The item description is a lie. You can kill every boss and miniboss in the game without confetti. It's just Sticky White Stuff, Gold Pine Resin, Bolt Paper under a different name.

So the max is 19 vit 3/4 beads?

First Headless only takes damage while you have confetti active

Did you get the bead in the secret room in Ashina Castle? That's the one I missed.

>hard way
Without confetti? I thought she was quite easy. You can reflect all her attacks and jump during sweep move

There is literally no boss that requires this shit, git fucking gud.

There are some optional fights that are far easier with it, like the curse niggers and headless, but those are completely OPTIONAL, and their drops are pretty garbage. By the time you're going through that content, you should easily be able to buy confetti from the store, too.

It's honestly fucking pathetic to see people struggling with basic fucking enemies like corrupted monk and resorting to crutches like this.

Sadly incorrect.

I did

Headless are all optional

Is O-rin optional?

I know

>I'm broke so I can't by nothing and I refuse to grind ir farm.
It's literally 2 minutes of farming. From the broken bridge checkpoint in the palace, you just run backwards, kill 2 enfeeblers and then run back to the statue, and make 200 sen for 20 seconds of work.


How, just sneak past her?

Do you have any proof of that?

O'rin is both optional AND easily beatable without confetti, she's just a poise fight. Parry her shit and jump off her head and she dies in seconds, there's even a cheese strat where you punch her in the back and get a free deathblow at the start of the fight.

Only if you don't follow afro samurai questline.

Just run past her, she's slow and doesn't put up fog walls or anything.

You probably missed one in Gunfort, it's very well hidden - go down in the temple where you fight Giraffe Centipede and look for grappling places, there's a place with lots of little giraffes and geckos with bead in the middle.
OR the one on the top of big Buddha head in poison pools

Sekiro is easy once you learn you can just spam parry and kill everything. the only thing that makes the combat somewhat difficult is the lethal attacks you need to counter, but enemies tend to have a pattern, at least the bosses do.

You should be 19 vit 2/4 if you didn't do hirata 2.0

Where is this secret room?

How the fuck do you do the underwater double headless fight?

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they change pattern accrodingly to you. If you eat one pattern too much they'll gonna abuse it. I noticed

The room with the bar-windows and a hole in the ceiling you use to get behind the locked doors, it's between the two armor displays.

meant to reply

the one closest to the wall has less health, and there's a safespot behind the wrecked boat next to the other headless.


Fuck you shits

thx for the replies boys
it was the hidden room in the past.

You only do close to no damage when you try him right at the beginning with base attack power. He definitely does take damage normally.

Only optional minibosses require it though, so that's entirely your business whether you need it or not.

Corrupted monk was literally the second hardest boss for me behind Emma/Isshin. Might be because I fought him before Genichiro and didn't know you could use confetti, but still, he was pretty fucking hard.

>none of the bosses that require this are required bosses. They are all optional.

Corrupted monk was literally my favorite boss in the game, by a considerable margin.

No other fight in the game requires you to actually get good. Sword Saint is hard at first, then you realise how incredibly weak he is to the same strat you can use on almost every other boss, which is to just spam attacks until they throw out their counter-attack after a parry, which is almost always one of 2 very simple patterns you can easily memorise. It winds up just becoming a very bland fight where you progress a little further and learn to parry another move or two every time until you finally beat all 3 phases in a row.

Corrupted monk could not give a FUCK about poise damage for the first 80% of the fight. You literally just have to fend off attacks while slowly chipping her to death.

>Corrupted monk was literally my favorite boss in the game, by a considerable margin.
>No other fight in the game requires you to actually get good.
How do you not beat the monk first try, you fucking tard? How do argue that the monk is a git gud fight but Owl (father) or Hatred Demon aren't?

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>How do you not beat the monk first try, you fucking tard
Another user here. I had a much worse time with ghost Monk than with these two.

Owl (father) was too filled with absolute jank for me, having to sit through the first phase every time was just fucking annoying, and it's ultimately the same problem Sword Saint has.

Hatred Demon was just an optional cheesey hit and away fight that can't reasonably be handled any other way because of how poorly these games handle large opponents.

Maybe if you face the monk at the point you're "supposed" to with practically maxed out attack power, it's a dull fight. But if you fight it early it's great.

You get buy them from the merchant in the Dilapidated Temple after you beat the Foutainhead Palace dragon

Just dodge in and out
The underwater ones are much easier than the ones on land because there's no slowdown shit

>Banjo chick
my sides

And the two shamisen shamans if you don't have the insta air gib skill

I haven't sent anyone to the sketchy surgeon because music lad and manchild monks are bros, should I have done it?

Just send the samurai in Ashina reservoir, you're gonna have to kill the fatty either way

what happens to him?

Plottwist: said item can now be purchased in a real money shop


The music lad once you send him to the surgeon

It's an artificial roadblock that is probably the worst part of the game. But after killing 1 headless, the others go down easy. Purple shield and gourd make this easier

He gets analysed by the surgeon, user :^)

Is it worth it? I don't want innocent people dying horrible deaths because of me

No, it isnt worth it and you miss out on a unique item

I found Corrupted Monk quite easy compared to other bosses. Her attacks have a long windup and leave her vulnerable, so it was easy to just stay out of range and sprint in to punish her. One of the few bosses that didn't require Deflect spam

you can kill them just by deflecting, I killed 2 of the 3 like that before figuring out that confetti makes them trivial

After defeating the true corrupted monk

Looks like strips of lsd holy shit that's a lot in that chest.