Is FF12 good?
The only Final Fantasies I've played are XV, VIII, VII and X.
I liked XV and VIII a bit more than VII and didn't really like X that much.
Final Fantasy XII
I, personally, love it and think it's the best FF game but it really depends on how much you like the combat
it's one of those things you either love or hate
a lot of people felt it was painfully mediocre.
the main character is also infamously not actually the main character, he's just the cardboard cutout you wheel around behind the real main character.
I've heard the combat is kind of like an MMO, is this true? Is it similar to WoW at all?
no it's just fucking slow and tedius.
there's a reason the fancy updated ports have fucking speed hacks built into them.
Depends. If you like autistic levels of obsessing over the best builds and party combos and Gambit setups (your party is mostly ai controlled by scripts called gambits) then you will like it.
If you enjoyed the turn based strategy of other FF games this isn't for you. If you enjoy story this isn't for you (the story is a mess).
it's more like running around and letting the AI do its job, occasionally actually making people do things every now and then
It’s the best one.
I heard Zodiac Age breaks the games difficulty, is this true?
>2 years ago
>time to try XII for the first time
>download IZJS
>it's great
>gambit : steal nearest
>gambit : attack nearest
>gambit : heal at 50%
>cure spells on everyone
>fight everything i see
>become naturally overleveled just by going places
>'s a little boring but it's great
>discover fast forward button
>carve a path of destruction across Ivalice at the speed of Benny Hill
>been stealing a little something with every monster
>discover i can sell that shit
>millionaire now, invincible, bored as fuck
>infinite supply of remedy
>what is magic, what are status effects, what is strategy
And that is the story of how i dropped this game. I tried to like it but fuck.
Kill Yiazmat, you lazy prick.
It's the ATB from the PS1 games, but characters and enemies are free to run around instead of being locked into battle, and you can program your party to execute basic combat inputs by themselves so you no longer have to manually input "Attack" a hundred times in bossfights and shit.
Post WEBMS of this working on Yiazmat.
>turn based strategy of other FF games
Excuse me, the WHAT?
Did game ever explain why princess of Dalmasca dressed like a whore?
Her husband died without giving her an heir, so she needed somebody to come along and stick it in her to continue the bloodline.
It's hot in Rabanastre. Most commoner men are shirtless
play FF9 first if you want a good FF
Sells more copies.
I probably dropped it before that, the story and characters didn't entice me anyway and that's the prime reason to play final fantasy.
Ashe was great, Bash was great but everyone else even Balthier i had a problem with them let me elaborate.
Vaan/Penelo who cares they're shit and don't fit i don't understand why the fuck they were allowed to stick around on this quest to restore a throne.
Balthier though, why is he sticking around, what it's in for him he's a pirate right? He and Fran keep diving into mortal danger for seemingly no reward, hey airship fuel isn't cheap you assholes.
But i read he's a judge or something so i don't know maybe his motivations become apparent later, i didn't make it that far. All i remember is me constantly questioning 2/3rd of the cast's motivations in this, why are they sticking around. That's not an enjoyable question to ask yourself when reading a story.
Did you even get past Raithwall's Tomb?
Honestly, if you liked XV consider playing XIII.
Honestly dont
Kinda. In the original everyone had the same abilities, in the International version you could choose 1 job and in the Zodiac each character can have 2 jobs, so you have more combinations to work at your favor. But it's not anything major, personaly I feel like a good update, but that's just me.
I think so? The snow tomb?
When i quit i had to travel to some imperial research lab, in any case i dropped the game.
I couldn't find any strategy in the combat and i didn't like the characters. They kind of fucked up the game because Adhe and Bash had real strong motivations to do what they do. Balthier/Fran are cool but i mean did they want to help or something, because they were nice?
hes probably talking about FF tactics that take place in the same world as FFXII.
It does. Zodiac Age is based on the old Japan-only rerelease, which changed things around to make the player party stronger but more specialised. Well, in Zodiac Age you get additional benefits on top of those old buffs but the enemies were not adjusted to account for those buffs. So in the end your characters end up being as versatile as in vanilla XII, but their strenght is now multiplied. The enemies are only as powerful as they were in vanilla XII.
As long as it doesnt make the game piss easy, I can dig it
Whats the bottom line experience? If its still a little challenging and enjoyable, I dont mind. But if it's become mindless Ill pass
if you find that the game is too easy just don't take the second jobs on your characters and you will be fine.
I repeat, the enemies are only as powerful as they were in vanilla XII. However: lategame equipment is stronger, spellcasting is stronger, stat bonuses are more plentiful, there is no damage cap, quickenings are more spammable, money becomes easier to accumulate, grinding is faster...
He asked for the bottom line dude
A bit? for instance, in the original the damge cap was 9,999 so black magic and the weapons with the highest attack were pointless because all that mattered was high comboing weapons. In ZA the damage cap is 99,999 so black magic is MUCH more powerful if you gambit in weaknesses. Also in IZJS you picked one class and the game was balanced around that, in ZA you get to pick a second class so you can cover your weaknesses but enemies were not buffed to reflect this so you're way stronger with no downside.
Its sill much more fun than the original though and is a fun game overall. If you're cautious wait for a sale
There's challenge, but it's a double-edged sword. The game is very generous in letting you access non-linear areas and optional bosses fairly early on, and you absolutely will get stomped and encounter game over screens, but they contain rewards that make the main game far too easy, not to mention how quickly you will gain levels if you manage to kill mobs in those high level areas.
>In ZA the damage cap is 99,999
It's actually infinite.
>Balthier/Fran are cool but i mean did they want to help or something, because they were nice?
You know dropped it right before this was explained. The leading scientist of arcadia is balthier's dad who has gone mad with the knowledge of the ocurria and nethicite and balthier has a vested interest in stopping him. The only really disconnected people are Vaan and Penelo.
Even if it's explained later, it still a problem.
Why Bash, Ashe or any other party member didn't question Balthier/Fran motivations? I mean, if I were at thier places, I would be at least curious about it.
Ashe tried to steal Balthier's airship and then begged for a ride with flimsy promises of treasure.
They should have played Balthier's roguish angle at least until his true motives are revealed.
They should have told vaan and retard to fuck off too, right at the beginning.
Read the wiki to learn concepts you don't understand, the story throws lots of "adult" stuff related to real world politics, I remember not knowing what a Senate was when I first played it
Vaan is not the protagonist, that's Basch and Ashe, Vaan just follows the party because he has nothing else to do, Penelo follows because she's her friend AND she has nothing better to do as well. If you play with this mentality it kinda eliminates the "Vaan is a shit protagonist" issue, also it helps if you make Basch the leader after he joins you so you'll be controlling him everywhere but towns.
If you're playing ZA don't activate the second licence boards or else the game will be a cakewalk and with zero challenge
Fill your healer with gambits for the different situations you'll need her/him to do like healing, reviving, remove perjudicial status but keep the other two party members relatively gambit free, it will keep you on your toes and it will feel less like your typical automatic mobile game
Buy maps from moogles and put them in front of you all the time with L3, this was one of the best additions in ZA
Have one character in your party with an Enemy=100% > Steal gambit , you'll get lots of useful items that you can either equip to your characters or sell for money
Play with with English voice acting even if you're a tryhard weeaboo that wants everything in its original language. It's surprisingly that good
And yeah, it's a good game, way better than XIII and XV, being better or worse than X is subjective though.
The combat is quite literally the FF11 system, except with all the fun removed. It's based on auto attacking but they didn't add anything to build up to like special attacks or team ups.
>All auto attacking and healing/debuffing
>The latter can be handled by gambits
>No real positioning so characters constantly fiddle around
>Limit breaks are weird as all hell
>No real abilities, skillchains, or any sort of combo potential, all you do is auto attack
>3 person party means you can't run the pseudo mmo class system properly
It's not a fun game gameplay wise, it's why they added in not one but TWO fast forward speeds.
Vaan had the magic rock that everyone wanted. And Basch felt responsible because Reks died under his command.
They probably had bigger plans for the combat before Matsuno imploded.
After the 2nd time the magic rock is brought up, it's pretty apparent that Balthier doesn't give a fuck about it. At least not to such extent.
Balthier's not in charge, Ashe is. Ashe doesn't kick Vaan out after the stone loses its power, because she now knows that Vaan can see Rasler's holo-ghost.
Probably, I mean the FF11 system was a lot of fun and if you could translate it to a single player game it would have been great, but they added in auto attacking and gave up.
It's a shame too because gambits are such a cool mechanic and with a much more in depth combat system they really would have shined.
>that's Basch and Ashe
I agree mostly but Basch is most definitely not a protagonist. He's central to the first arc of the game but it doesn't take long for him to become little more than a sidekick. The strong first impression may trick you into thinking he's the protagonist but that spot is reserved for Ashe first, Vaan second. Despite Vaan's irrelevancy to the plot, a protagonist is decided by the narrative, not the plot. Since the narrative puts so much emphasis in showing you what Vaan thinks, what his values and ideals are, it would be safe to say he's a protagonist to the story, again one that is barely relevant to the plot. This bothers people with a high-school understanding of literature, but FFXII's plot and narrative have bigger issues than Vaan.
>Is FF12 good?
Yes, as long as you play the original version