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Why don't they just kill people like this and people like OP?

Oh no.

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oh damn, literally who has an opinion, thanks for reporting OP

Hasn't this been out for years on Steam already

Why don't you take a 3-day vacation?

>its another random twitter post thread
should be a bannable offense by now

Steam literally sells porn, it's not in the same bag as a family friendly console

Why am I not surprised?

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Think of it though if both of them were gone, what would be lost in the world? Nothing. It would actually benefit everyone if they were gone.

Prove me wrong.

but he has a checkmark
that has to mean something right?

Now I'm interested if a Super Soiyan wants it banned. Show me more!

games have ratings, user

Don't shill your shit here.

>Steam literally sells porn
Just like the Switch then

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It means he sucked off some one at Twitter. That's all.

who cares

>SBFP played this 2 years ago and thought it was cool
Whys this suddenly getting attention now? Just because some pasty white soíboy "journalist" got offended?

oh hey i love sbf and totally forgot they did a playthrough

Is this a shill thread or what?

Are we going to pretend to be outraged by porn in an age where basically every young male is addicted to it? On Yea Forums? Really?

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>You can play as an abusive cop or a good one
That's fun. I guess critics don't like that because for them video games are escapism from the awful reality.

I mean would they rather pretend this shit doesn't exist? They sure talk about it in their reviews enough about how games have HILARIOUS political commentary.
except when it's about how cops are sometimes shitheads. I thought they didn't like cops either, what gives? Can they not make up their mind? You have the choice to be a good upstanding cop or a racist dirtbag, it's entirely up to you.

>80's inspired setting police game
>contains sizeable amounts of racism and sexism
Yeah seems about right for the setting, not quite sure what he's complaining about.

I agree. One is a game journalist and the other is a 4channeller. Both are lower than worms.

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$100 says that his actual problem with the game is that you can be a good upstanding cop. Highly unrealistic according to him and his circle of window smashing, Antifa friends.

It discriminates against anyone with good taste and functional eyes tbqh.

>I mean would they rather pretend this shit doesn't exist?
Less that and more that they don't want games to even give you the option of doing bad things or exploring the topic of characters doing bad things, because bad things are bad.

how many kids did he fucked?

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Sounds like a nice game

I mean it looks like a shit game, and probably poorly written as fuck, but I don't want it removed and don't know why anyone else would just because of that.

>ITT: Yea Forums shows their undying support for sexism and racism
quelle surprise, I hope all you bigots die in a fire

There should be a report option for Twitter screencaps.


Didn't knew it was out, have been eying it for some time. How is it?

His leftard crush is probably in his followers
These type of guys really have to endure in mental gymnastics to get laid
Poor lad

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I like saying nigger around guys like that.

>came about cops being racist/sexist shitheels
>the crowd that constantly spergs about politics and how much they hate cops complain about the game and why it's bad for depicting cops in the same light they do

These people really don't get it, do they? They think you can't do anything in a game if it isn't sunshine and rainbows. Someone show these faggots Kirby, it's more their speed.

>have a group where half the woman are fat
>always laughing at fat people on it
just kill yourself OP

Same, I bought it not too long after.

It was ok, but I was super bored by the end. The novelty wears off after an hour or so. Also it was really buggy and glitched me out of some of the endings.

So is this game any good? I'm not gonna spite-buy it because of some literally who on twitter but since everyone keeps going on about it, it's got me curious at least.

You're probably thinking of This Is the Police

I really like the comeback doge is making

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It's about framing, innit

Doe the game ever anywhere suggest that racism is bad

So what if your entire neighbourhood decided you were not worth their trouble? Would you be ok with getting killed because you annoy certain people?

DSA member confirmed

>zoomjap meme

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Interesting but repetitive and too long, doesn't feel as good as Papers Please. Controls are also quite miserable. Overall a 6/10 maybe.

It should include, a scathing critique of offensive behaviour, otherwise some white racist might get the idea that it's acceptable. Considering how prevalent racism and sexim is in our society, it should be a necessity by law.

he's married, not everyone is a loser like you

I played the demo on android. Its pretty good for a pixelshit game. Basically youre a beat cop but you need money too so you either just wait for your own salary or help the bad guys (italians/niggers) while also solving a murder on the side

I think it's not about the cops but those poor minorities doing bad things and you have to arrest (beat) them. We all know how those blacks and latinos are all good bois and and the police is just prejudiced towards them.

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I don't know if you're baiting or not but none of that is needed in a video game. The repercussions of such actions should really just be reflected by the responses of the characters in-game to your actions really. None of this needs to be mandated by law.

Holy shit I've been here twelve years and have never seen the original of that comic until now.

if i were intentionally being an annoying little bitch and shoving unwanted politics down everyone's throats just to get brownie points i'd probably deserve it

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as long as the threat of white supremacists is looming over us it is necessary, I understand that you like freedom of speech and all that, but too many lives are at stake, it's irresponsible to risk it all so you can feel good

I'll just play the better cop game, made FOR us Police Officers

( ´_ゝ`)


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It's honestly really shitty. Tried to capture the same vibe of interesting backstory/sidestory vibe as Papers Please. but it dumps like 40 minutes of exposition before you even get to the gameplay and then base gameplay is absolute dogshit

The racism the who in the OP isn't even done well. It's just random NPCs using slurs

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