Why did tera online never catch on like ff and wow?

why did tera online never catch on like ff and wow?

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what do you think she meant by that

I just want someone to love me

Pay to play in an era where people were reluctant to pay for MMOs, by the time they went free to play it was too late and the constant changing of hands in ownership led to a really fucked up predatory cash shop.

wow had a good lore behind it and was in the right place at the right time, it had a strong lead that let it take off with a running start and kill its contemporaries and then have its contemporaries copy them, blizzard are a huge company with huge marketing and advertising.
Tab targeting is boring combat system

FF died but then yoshi p saved it with a realm reborn, it's got better combat than wow but it's still tab target and is still a slow game over all, it attracts people who like playing dress up with attractive characters as wow looks cartoony and blizzard models are shit most of the time.

Tera has better combat than either, I think the reason it never picked up was maybe bad advertisement, poor mismanagement, censorship and it's pretty boring outside fighting.

I'd rather be taking pictures of her c*nny

This webm is pretty cute and funny


Story behind this webm?

Shoujo ramune

bad game, thats why.
made like shit.
plays like shit.
everything is shit.
there is no game, because it's korean-made.
only pedobait and soft porn for morons.


Baraka > El*n

What did she mean by this?

... I feel like I know this, and I'm not sure how to feel about that.

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It wasn't even nsfw

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I want to say the C word

Never played it far, but back when it was fresh people complained about the fucked up enchanting and bad end game.

I think they failed to tweak the numbers for western audiences.
The combat was apparently pretty good but I never had the patience to get past the boring to tears leveling where nothing posed an iota of a challenge.

Asanagi's art actually looks good here, but knowing it's Tera means it's ages old.

It was actually really good until the endgame. Combat was fun, fighting BAMs was fun, story was surprisingly good, final boss was visually impressive, world was incredible. Only flaw was that once you'd done everything there was little reason to stick around unless you wanted to try and make your numbers bigger through an arcane and tremendously time consuming grind.


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TERA's skill ceiling to this day was the highest I'd ever seen in an MMO for dungeons/giant monster fighting, and PvP. It was so high that players who weren't in the top 1% skill level were kicked out of participating in PvP because they didn't want to deal with noobs or even moderates of any kind, and there was nothing people could do about it because a regular player in the best gear in the game could still get absolutely destroyed by a good PvPer wearing starting gear. This killed the PvP scene pretty fast as it was essentially a pro-only territory, and the dungeons had a similar fate. Hard mode dungeons were insanely difficult that a party of 5 average gamers in the best gear would BARELY be able to clear them. 1-2 pros per party would often carry dungeons, and if your party of 5 had just 1 bad player with the rest being just "average" you'd likely never clear the hardest ones.

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>able to get past the panda for years now
>suddenly I'm getting the panda again

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That was from 2017

Thank you! I think I'll save it for later though.

You have to re-login and do the process again. It does this periodically for me.

>Asanagi's art actually looks good here
His art is always good you faggot

When was a Korean MMO ever planned/made with continuity in mind? Apart from Lineage 1/2 most of them are quick money schemes where the next game is at the starting line when the previous one fades into oblivion. They don't have a franchise, fans or legacy to care about.

Why should I commit to an MMO that's going to be dead or ruined with MTs/cash shop in a year or two?

delete cookies on panda
close tab
open new tab, login to regular site
open new tab with panda
panda should be gone

kys pedonigger

I want c*nny

>Webm deleted but not the thread
Based mods.

It's Korean garbage
Do you really have to ask?
Also Elin are ugly as fuck in game

Because it was literal loli porn

Thanks bros, it wasnt letting me sign in so I had to reset my password

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The golden age of MMORPGs was long over.

It was fucking p2p. No one wanted to pay, so it had almost no users right out the gate in the west. They slowly buckled, adding a trial, then making it permanent, then finally f2p, but it was too late. If you don't keep up with the times, you'll fuck it up permanently, the west isn't a market that's willing to give things a second chance. Same reason wildstar failed.

Anime girls cannot eat food properly

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Truly, Loli is the biggest expression of Freedom in this earth
Bootlickers can't contain their slave mouths when they see loli and need to call it out
Truly, God's most recent gift to humanity

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That's disgusting.


>Girls eating ice cream is porn
Yeah, whatever you say nerd.

It doesn't help that the golden age of MMO is long past like said. As for second chances, games like FFXIV and Guild Wars 2 got second chances. In GW 2's case, i don't even know why they got second chances.

TERA is literally the only MMO to remove non festival content on an update, for a game that is starved of content as it is. I tried playing it but after you reach cap there's just not a lot to do. Most of the zones become worthless because they're just for leveling/questing your way up and there's only a few dungeons relevant at cap at any given time, and they remove dungeons and recycle old dungeons ugraded to a new cap/tier of gear.


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It was made with p2w in mind. They just weren't as blatant with it like blade and soul.

The steady casualization just cemented it in. BAMs used to take 20 minutes to solo. Now it's just a big fat mob.

Cute feet.

Afair it was butchered by publishers on western side release, and never picked up from that.

normies fear the chad lolicon

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the golden age of mmos isn't gone, the issue is they launch games with delusions of grandeur, thinking they're better than everyone else. figuratively EVERYONE subbed to fucking WoW at some point, and most people were well past the point of their lives where they wanted to pay money to play the game continuously. tera having very little content and very little polish didn't help it at all. They went f2p so fast after launch that they ruined the rapport they'd had with their paying subs, and lost them, and had to basically start over, now it's just elin baiting shit.
>hurrdurr it didn't fail
I mean, bluehole literally had to sell the IP, and live service to nexon in korea just to be able to survive. Pretty big fuckup. Nexon's taking pretty good care of it, if you consider the elin spam garbage good care, at least they're listening to their community and making money I guess.

ff14 got no second chance, 1.0 failed miserably, and 2.0 is an entirely different game with 0 things from 1.0 in it, other than the name.
GW2 I don't think I've ever heard about since launch. It's still around? Not saying that's it not getting a second chance, just personally I forgot it existed, and assumed it just disappeared. Good on it if it's still around.

Anyway, MMOs are more popular and successful than ever. There's also more competition than just WoW or everquest (or ff11), so it looks less inhabited when there's more people than ever, just spread out more. Maplestory and DNF account for over 200m unique players worldwide (With china included, of course). dnf is more profitable than the box office gross for all star wars movies combined. Yeah yeah, I know, toys, but still. That's still pretty god damned impressive.

found the normalfag

>the golden age of mmos isn't gone
Only someone who never experienced it could claim that.

Pvp is shit, Elins sound annoying and there's no way to regen hp outside of pots. The only redeeming feature are BAM fights and that gets old pretty fast.

Socialization does not equate to mmo quality.

>GW2 I don't think I've ever heard about since launch. It's still around? Not saying that's it not getting a second chance, just personally I forgot it existed, and assumed it just disappeared. Good on it if it's still around.

It's still going around and still have a lot of people playing it. Despite the fact that neo Anet is trying their best at killing dungeons, WvW and pvp in general.

to be fair, the girl in white does proceed to masturbate after this, but yeah I guess the webm isn't porn

I just want a cunny mummy bros

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korean grindfest that the west doesn't have the patience for

Because it’s a shitty mmo filled with nothing but erp

>ruined with self-insert male mc shit
Only fucking trannies enjoy this shit.

Because TERA is actually just another dumb korean grinder like Aion was but somehow people got invested, probably because of the fat thigh underaged girls in the game.

literally delete a single letter from the cookie (delete it first, re-login in e-hentai or what was that original site's name)

It did, for a time. It just died a lot sooner.

Combat was fairly refreshing. Somehow I think it seemed better than BDO. But outside of that I guess it was still just sort of the same grindy shit indeed.
Kind of disappointing more mmo's didn't try to go in that direction.

Yes the combat was refreshing and something new especially due to the F2P aspect, I will never deny that. But there were also other factors like Nexon being in charge and EU Nexon being complete dogshit while US Nexon was limping behind several updates.

Korean shit that gets released in the west is always bad in the terms of updates, functionality and content. Western players get different shit than what was intended for the game and therefore korean shit is usually bad. I am not saying don't enjoy it but don't get invested in something that will eventually turn sour and has you moving on.

For me the game died when they toned down the difficulty. Before you actually had to use your brain when fighting BAMs or doing dungeons. Fighting a random BAM for the first time was one of the best MMO experiences i had.


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unironically I had more fun playing tera on it's console launch when it wasn't totally fucked gear wise than I have on pc tera in years. It was a blast going through lilith's keep with randoms, and there were people playing 24/7. Not so fun doing fire horsey since no one knew how the ring shit worked except for me and I was tanking, but still, enjoyable if we got past it.

It does though. Do you understand what "multiplayer" actually means? It means there is a requirement to socialize with other people to play the game.

>requirement to socialize
then WoW never would have succeeded in the first place. the games can be good games without having a heavier social requirement imposed upon them. dungeon fighter, ff14, wow, all extremely popular titles that have lfg or let you do shit tons of content without anyone else.

patrician taste

because in every new content patch there's not a lot of new stuff to do and the latest patch (level 70) is a lazy effort to keep you grinding