Oh, you think Sekiro is difficult? Heh, that's nice, kid

Oh, you think Sekiro is difficult? Heh, that's nice, kid.

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honestly, not that hard
i remember when i bought it some time ago, i beat 4 of the chapters (+ retro levels) in 6 hours

>super meme boy

Indie platformers are garbage.

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I honestly couldn't beat all the pink female meat's levels, I forget her name

Zoomers can't handle repeating levels or restarting games so they need checkpoints every 10 seconds which leads to level design you see in your pic. At least games like Super Cloudbuilt exist, much better take on the modern platformer genre.

What other indie platformers even do this aside from Super Meat boy? Shovel Knight, Shantae, Cuphead, and Blaster Master Zero don't do this. And I can't think of any modern AAA platformers that do this either. This seems like a specific complaint to Super Meat boy but thrown at every modern platforner for some retarded reasons.

>What other indie platformers even do this aside from Super Meat boy?
Celeste and every other indie platformer besides the ones you mentioned.

I guess I don't play enough indie platformers, but it's still a really retarded hyperbole.

But Celeste has game journalist mode so all is forgiven

Well first off Cuphead isn't a platformer it's a boss rush run n gun with some minimal platforming. Neither is Shantae it's a metroidvania, basically an adventure game that borrows some stuff from platformers. Shovel Knight is the only proper indie platformer on your list. Anything challenging like Dustforce, VVVVVV, Celeste, N++, AVGN Adventure games, all the runner games & more.

Oh, you think Super Meat Boy is difficult? Heh, that's nice, kid.

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I've only heard of VVVVVV, Celeste, and the AVGN games, the last of which I'm pretty sure is meant to be intensionally shitty. Also Shantae isn't a platformer but the runner games are? Okay.

One is about exploration and is meant to be easy, the other is a focused game all about jump timing. Cuphead has jumping and some platforming too but the focus is on shooting and boss fights. And how the can you not have heard of Dustforce? It's mentioned in every platformer thread, and N inspired games like Meat Boy to begin with along with being one of those flash games everyone's played. Are you just underage?

I'm practically be a Nintenfag so I might as well be underage.

I don't think he's referring to the first 4 chapters.

Giana Sisters

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difficulty or no, SMB is simply a boring newgrounds-tier game

Why because it doesn't have gay rpg mechanics or an open world?

This meme needs to die and so do you

>wishing death on someone because they outed you as a lover of asscreed tier games

I wasn't even the same guy, but I unironically wish death on you for parroting the absolutely retarded "MUH OPEN WORLD BAD" meme. Wow, all the other contrarian faggots here on Yea Forums are really impressed by your contrarian faggotry and super cool taste in video games. Literally kill yourself.

HAHAHAHAHAHA I was just being provocative for the sake of conversation but it actually turned out to be fucking true lmao go suck some more corporate cock you no tastes shit for brains pleb

>lol I was just shitposting bro!

What a brainlet conformist retard, literally falling for the shitposting and letting it shape your """"""taste"""""" in games. Try thinking for yourself for once, mongoloid. You're still not cool for hating popular shit, just so you know.

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>ur just sheeple!!!
>all while gobbling down the most trite homogenized shit AAA devs shovel into your throat via marketing hype and getting super defensive every time it gets attacked

Can't make this shit up lmfao

Not that guy, but suddenly bringing up open worlds and RPG mechanics in a discussion about SMB of all things is retarded. You're just going for the lowest tier strawman there is. Oh no, someone disagrees with me? Better bring up the flavor of the month meme on Yea Forums as a retort! You should have called him a zoomer too and sealed the deal.

The first SMB game is shallow and dated as fuck, especially when compared to SMB3.

>all while gobbling down the most trite homogenized shit
>muh marketing hype

You have no idea what I even play, you literal retard. Your whole fucking existence is just one giant straw man argument, apparently.

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Nice wall of text defensive cope in lieu of actual reasons or arguments. What an insecure faggot kek

hollow knight

You've already demonstrated that your tastes get threatened by mere implications that open world games aren't good, you producing a list of games would just be details at this point. Or is it just a coincidence?

>wall of text

Sorry if that's too much for your ADHD brainlet mind to handle. My argument is that you're retarded for talking about open worlds and RPG mechanics when discussing SMB, a platformer. If you missed that, you're just beyond help. Stay retarded I guess.

Pic unrelated i guess?

It was just silly provocation to get some actual discussion going as I said but it turned out to actually be fucking true and sent some retards on a spastic fit, that's the funny part

There's literally nothing inherently wrong with open worlds in video games. It's just a Yea Forums meme that you mistook for some holy truth about video game design. You're so stupid it hurts to read your retardation in text form.

>it turned out to be true

What turned out to be true exactly?

Okay kid

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>get some actual discussion going

Yeah bro, literal shitposting is the best way to get some great discussion going.

The only games I can think of that do this on a regular basis are IWBTG fangames, which I guess are still indie platformers, but I don't see what this has to do with Super Meat Boy since Super Meat Boy doesn't do this aside from the IWBTG unlock levels and maybe some cotton alley levels.

I finished this game but quit sekiro at third boss.

See this is a pure brainlet analysis. Open world is a style saying "there's nothing wrong with it" is just stupid as fuck since as any style it comes with its own pros and cons both in concept and implementation. Try actually thinking instead of having a kneejerk reaction, especially since I never even said it's bad just mocked the original post for its lack of actual reasons or arguments given. A discussion you derailed by being an insecure bitch with garbage tastes lmao

The thing about celeste is that the movement feels really fucking good and every few levels new mechanics and new ways to interact with the level are introduced. Although there are a lot of "spikey death levels" its a far better designed and engaging than SMB.

t. conquered

>Shantae, Cuphead, and Blaster Master Zero

Learn to follow the post chain idiotic cunt

If it has pros and cons like any other approach to game design than that makes them equal in a sense, so bringing open worlds up as an object of mockery is just 100% pure shitposting. Again, shitposting never leads to any discussion because you immediately outed yourself as a retard and even described your own post as blatant provocation. And now you're talking about how it was all a means to spark some great debate. Fuck off with that bullshit.

It's kinda weird how Super Meat Boy was advertised as an ultra-hard game when in reality it's really not that hard outside of later dark world levels and cotton alley, both of which aren't mandatory to beat the game.
Also, people who hate the game are either contrarian faggots or people complaining about a game of a genre they don't like in the first place, but this is Yea Forums, so that's a surprise to nobody.

Oh, so you're just making shit up now? Nothing about your post turned out to be true? Cool, gotcha.

It's a jump'n'run game.
You jump, and you run.
What more do you want?

>Platformer has a series of jumps with obstacles between them
This is bad game design because..?

Yes Marx design approaches are equal I won't dare to even IMPLY that I have standards next time especially when it comes to a specific genre. What a worthless time wasting retard you are

So, are you now admitting that nothing about yuor posts is true?

The implication is that it's bad because it lacks any depth, you either perfectly execute a series of jumps or you don't which means it's pure execution with no room for strategy/tactics and a small skill gap between average and good players.

Are you saying that open worlds are inherently worse than other design approaches or what? What the fuck are you even saying exactly? Do you have an opinion or is your entire vocabulary shitposting, strawmanning, buzzwords and flavor of the month memes? You've yet to actually write a single post that is a set of coherent thoughts and not just parroting the shitposting of other contrarian faggots.

The End is Nigh does this, but instead of it being super hard it's just super boring because the game's physics engine is super basic and it's really fucking obvious how to do every jump in the game.
At worst you might have to make a really tight squeeze but it's just sort of an annoyance rather than being an interesting challenge since it's the only thing the game really throws at you beyond the occasional gimmick that gets used once or twice and then is never developed upon.

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>look at me, I don't like popular things!
>am I cool yet guys?

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People are just tired of you kids thinking you're the shit for hating mainstream things. Go to youtube and post comments about being born in the wrong generation, kiddo. Your fellow zoomers will give you lots of upvotes

>I played asscreed and didn't like it and that means all open world games are shit

every time

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>all games have to be complex
kill yourself faggot

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Tetris is extremely complex.

>MLP and crying that I attacked open world back to back
Holy fuck lmao
I dunno how about you start thinking on your own for a change? Think about what the actual flaws of an open world design are and how they can get in the way when designing games in specific genres such as challenging speed focused platformers?

Nonlinear progression for instance tends to completely fuck over a smooth difficulty/learning curve, designing for heavy nonlinearity means developers have to consider different angles of approach for levels and potential backtracking simplifying their design, then you simply have the quantity aspect that comes with building an actual world rather than discrete simple levels which takes up manpower and resources. You also should keep in mind that I brought up RPG mechanics because those are especially cancerous when combined with open world design as they add character progression into games which even further demolishes any tight difficulty curve along with shift focus from challenge to collecting shit.


it's really not.
learning the best patterns is easy, the rest is just muscle memory and reflexes.

It's not hard once you get used to the shit controls.

Came to post this, primo taste user. I still never managed to beat it though Fuck hideout

>I dunno how about you start thinking on your own for a change?

How about you do? You've literally read shitposters here say how open worlds are bad and now you keep parroting it with no actual arguments to be found for miles and miles. Thinking for yourself would be judging games on a case-to-case basis and seeing the merit of each one individually, not just shitposting about "muh open world" because other shitposters do it too. Rejecting the status quo while mindlessly following what jaded contrarian faggots on Yea Forums say isn't thinking for yourself, you fucking retard.

This game is only hard because of how the way your character handles

I beat smb 100% but I didn't get past the first skeleton enemies in dark souls. Not saying that smb is easier, it's just that these genres aren't really comparable

You fucking fags are conflating complexity with depth, games can be simple but deep which is what Tetris is. It has very simple intuitive mechanics that are pick up & play, but a very broad range of scenarios you can get into, and high variability depending on skill level. It depends on the version, but it potentially has no cap on how fast you can go besides human limitations. A skilled Tetris player can better react to randomness, they stack better, they more easily keep track of the piece previews, they can pull off advanced techniques and they are all around faster compared to the average player. There's tactics, strategy, improvisation and execution. A great player of the platformer in the pic we're talking about would simply complete the same challenge in the same way except fuck up less and maybe a little bit faster.

You can make the point that DEPTH doesn't make a game good but then your examples should be something like rhythm games, not Tetris.

lol I knew you'd reply like this despite me providing you a pargraph's worth of reasons, you fucking blind clueless troglodyte. You're exactly like the parrot kiddies you complain about, you don't actually make arguments or think you just spew "d-don't insult open worlds" over and over like an automaton. Do the world a favor and neck yourself kid

by the looks of it,you are the cancer of this board,the other anons are right on his assumptions

>lol I knew you'd reply like this despite me providing you a pargraph's worth of reasons

You've demonstrated previously that your bullshit posts aren't worth the time of reading them all the way through. You're a self-admitted shitposter and provocateur pretending to be looking for "actual discussion". Like I said, you'll never get any actual discussion when you start it all off with pure shitposting. Let this be a lesson, kid.

I've provided "actual discussion", what did you provide besides whining? Before you stop responding and go cry in a corner, are you a nintendo fan?

>I've provided "actual discussion"

lmao sure you have.

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>user says SMB is shit and imply he's a retard
>Now implying he's a Nintendo fan
Pick a narrative, user.

Git gud lmao

You're a complete joke. You keep proving again and again that your entire internet personality is comprised of buzzwords and memes that you picked up on Yea Forums. It's almost sad, but I'm happy I didn't end up like you.

Just a hunch, and SMB means super meat boy

It doesn't stop being discussion because it hurt your feelings, gayboy.
Which buzzwords or memes did this post contain? You lose your ability to see any points or arguments as soon as someone used a meme that offends you... sad.

Oh. They're both shit games anyways though.

True, soitendo's yet to make a good platformer

It stops being discussion because you're a stupid shitposting faggot lol. Stay mad

>Only beat the first four chapters
Yeah no those aren't that hard, especially if you skip over levels.

Now try completing ALl the levels.

SMB3 alone is better than Super Meme Boy. Fuck practically any noteworthy play former of the 90's is. Even god damn Sonic CD.

You're such a volatile faggot user

you again!

Super Meat Boy is a legit casual game

>its a "Yea Forums argues about which mildly challenging game is harder" episode

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no u

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Yes your casual baby game is better than a game with a proper indepth physics model that devs still have trouble recreating and improving upon...this delusion

Who in their right fucking mind would try to recreate Super Meat Boy's physics? Do they want to make a shit game?

I beat Meat Boy on launch day, it doesn't even come close the Sekiro.

Trail and error isn't good gameplay without a tiny amount of depth. Mega Man and Castlevania do "trail and error" significantly better and they have depth. Not even mentioning better character design, world design, and music. SMB isn't even good by indie standards.

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Sekiro's just longer that's why it takes more time

I'm talking about the blue bomber himself Sonic not fucking Super Meme Boy cmon

As a Semi-Sonic Fag CD is good in everything but gameplay but it's still better than Super Meme Boy.

sure, but try prinny game

Blue Bomber is Mega Man. Sonic is the Blue Blur.

Thank fuck someone actually understands the difference

i fucking despise platformers but super meat boy made me want to platinum it
>the smooth perfect controls
>the tight wall-bouncing
>consistent gameplay that just adds more obstacles
>if you die, you immediately restart
>the music
>simple premise
such a good game

>both of which aren't mandatory to beat the game.
It's not mandatory but it's clear that's what they want you to do right afterwards, even cutting off the actual ending to the ending cutscene and telling you to play the dark world to get the full ending.

that's true but i feel for most people beating the game light world is good/fulfilling enough. Dark World and bandages always felt like they were made for hardcore and autistically skilled players.

I may sound like a boomer, but nothing, NOTHING compares to a Serious Sam 1/2 "Mental" difficulty. It's a torture of a game.

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Oh, so you think Sekiro is hard?
How cute!

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If you can't beat the dark world you can't claim the game is too easy. I've unlocked the kid but I can't beat the dark world.

This. People unironically just beat the basic game and claim it's not hard? How ridiculous. Might as well just play everything on easy mode and claim that you're a god at every game.

I love the excuses you casuals make because you're not good enough to play good I wanna be the guy fangames. Keep coping.