This is Darli Dagger, the latest character added to the Samurai Shodown series...

This is Darli Dagger, the latest character added to the Samurai Shodown series. Do you believe this is a good character design for a female character?

Attached: darli.png (1458x799, 2.28M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Nah, not cute enough. I want cute.

I'd like to get mugged by her if you catch my meaning.

Could be worse. No more retarded than Galford and Earthquake. Dumb name though

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>blue eyes
>lips aren't taking up half of her face
>lower jaw is not protruding forward
>no cheekbones
>no wide nose

Great. Another racist pos whitewashing their black character to appeal to wider audience of white incels.

she looks like she fucks white boys

Japanese incels*

with thick thighs that would be kino

>le stronk black womyn swinging around a giant sword
Just because it’s Japan doesn’t make it okay.

Yes. Now show Iroha & Angelica.

She looks badass and that’s one of the most important things for a fighting game character. Her sword looks fucking cool and I want to see what her specials look like.

whats with japan's obsession with belts?

we'll have to wait how she looks in-game though

>name's Dagger
>uses a saw

Kind of surprised there was no in game footage considering the game drops in 3 months. I would have settled for a minute long trailer that just shows off some specials and a super move

She could be Ethiopian?

She seems overdesigned compared to the other characters. I'll have to see her gameplay first.

>hating based Hendrix
Admittedly, they should have called her Darlin' Dagger but I at least appreciate the effort.

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>Just because it’s Japan doesn’t make it okay.
It's because Japan knows how to make them appealing and not annoying. If it's not your thing, that's fine but don't ruin it for the rest of us.

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I agree about being a little over designed. It’s just concept art and not even an actual render, so the actual model might look a little different. Or at least it might look better in motion

She's horrificly ugly and I expected better.

But whatever, as long as I have Tam Tam


mortal kombat is kill by jap game.

she has a squat and deadlift tummy

She's most likely mixed racist. Considering the Slave Trade at the time and its effects on the Caribbean population, it is feasible.

Also, remember this is the same franchise with people with:
>blue hair - Ukyo
>purple hair - Genjuro
>green skin - Gen An
>9ft tall and 800 lbs - Earthquake
>elemental powers - Rimururu / Enja / others
>animal/human transformations - Tam Tam / Iroha
and more.

A black person with blue eyes is far from the weirdest thing this series has.

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nah m8, this game will play way better and looks way better, but the normaltrash hordes lap up stuff like MK

>mixed racist
Shit, I meant mixed race. God, I'm too tired.

Depends on how well they translate into the game. People forget how ugly things get after the concept art stage. Looks acceptable.

or just used to typing racist

what a pleb.
Saw spear build > everything else

I wish, but it won't happen. NRS has WB bucks to sponsor its games at Evo and other tourneys which will bring the players. It is the same strategy that kept SFV around as long as it has.

SS will see moderate success, and then drop off in a year or two with maybe a few side tourneys. It's the sad fact of life.

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SNK doing god's work

dont like it dont buy it , go play Mk if you are too gay for this .

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Maybe. I have been on Yea Forums too long today.

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Seems like a solid design to me.

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Isn't that just Lani form FF9?

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I'm just glad to see SNK finally put some muscle on their women. I don't need too much, but I don't want noodle arms either.

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Tough brown girl with melee weapon is kinda a thing these days. See also Rinkah from FE.

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>one of the best FF girls
>gets 10 minutes of screen-time

yes sort of, that's why I already like her

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Remember when we didn't have to be constantly reminded that niggers exist.

she's clearly not black. a few shades darker than virgin snow isn't black.

its like calling brock from pokemon black.

Holy fuck are you the most racist guy today.

I like her, she looks cute, could use some baggy pants since pirate and all but i like her giant BB cleaver and caribean pirate is a fun theme. SS characters are all somewhat ridiculous so she fits right in.

yeah looks like the japanese coastal girl trope.

Not all dark skinned people are from central Aftica, you know

why has this site been getting more pussies like you over the past few months

>arguing with we wuzzers

I love her and am glad to see that ugly BL3 man btfo

NRS games usually fall off fast as well. The money just doesn't seem to help. I can see samsho doing well by SNK standards, it fills a good niche.

She looks like she only fucks white guys

I'd unga her bunga

as do all ladies of refined taste.

Design looks more suited for Soul Caliber, and her name is fucking stupid.

Hendrix was overrated.

Designed by a woman, Yumi Saji

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Jesus christ, of fucking course, why cant western women have fun like they do?

why is Yea Forums so obsessed with the race of characters? can't we just enjoy ass regardless of color or ethnicity?

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I’m hoping it sees enough popularity to get a good DLC push. Might be wishful thinking to hope it gets at least 8 new characters like KoF14, but there’s a lot of classic SamSho characters that didn’t make the cut I’d love to see

Identity politics and victim culture happened, and now everyone is on the defensive about things they like.

Did they not have a pirate already? Or is it one of those snk games where they only add 1 new character every 2 games?

Also is 2 the gold standard or should I play the later games? I heard 3 wasn't so good

I want to have sex with her

2 is the gold standard

Obsession with realism. Holds everything back

Is not realism. You could find some women arround the world with that body build.

For SamShow? 4/10

Other than that it could be pretty neat. Tall, tanned, muscle-toned girl makes lot of sense if we take into account that big fucking sword

it's not a sword, it's a wood saw

>Yea Forums thinks every dark skinned character they don't like is a nigger even if it's shown they're not
>Yea Forums thinks every dark skinned character thry do like is some type of Indian or Okanawin even though they don't get that dark at all or has
Do we still argue if Sheva and Elena are black?

yeah sure it can do
its not like tam tam doesnt send his enemies to his alien overlords dinner table, one guy is one handed cannibal demon, then theres the suicidal flaming faggot and also the christian homosexual villain, weaponized dog, giant fat ninja and japanese clown

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2 or 5 Special

Maybe anons just want to talk about vidya instead of blacks for awhile

For fuck sakes why does every game now need to have a black woman in it? Fuck you SNK.

All races who have dark skintones among their race have at some point had african ancestors, this is fact. India, China, Japan, North America, all have had african populations at some point mingling with the others.

Black people aren't going away anytime soon.

There wouldn't be any talk about niggers, if there weren't any niggers. Simple as.
Want to talk about videogames again? You'll have to kill all niggers, faggots and trannies first.

We're at a fucking war for survival here. There's no time for leisure.

I cant think of pirate but samurai shodown sen had viking character and some wild west guy

>There wouldn't be any talk about niggers, if there weren't any niggers
So then we should talk about Hispanics then since they're coming in and fucking the country and literal children

so let's talk about them later

looks like a monster hunter character
I like

Spics are just midget niggers.

>There's no time for leisure.
>posts on Yea Forums
>reddit spacing
no balls cuck afraid of getting his hands dirty

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Nice belts.

Needs more zippers though.

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Who cares, you can bisect that slut with the fat fuck anyway

Spics are Hispanic in origin

shut up nigger

>being not racist is more racist than a racist

Is she black?

Don't fist my wife.

*jazz hands*
Yaaas queeen! All black female characters should look like this! Those fucking slants and the colonizers will pay for whitewashing our media representations.

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yeah I need to know if its safe to jerk it to her or not

>calls out leftypol faggotry as the racist bullshit it is
>lol u pussy
I'm not even the dude you were replying to and I can tell you're a fucking fag.

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Underaged /pol/cucks brainwashed by russian bots are too young to remember that black characters existed even back in the day, especially in fighting games with huge casts of characters.

How old are you? 14? 16? You can't possibly be an adult and write shit like that, I refuse to believe it.

AIDS, diabetes, and murder statistics disagree with you.

Have sex

looks like they ripped off Monster Hunter

2, 4 and 5S are the best.

She doesn't look black to me. She's got blue eyes and white facial structure. Maybe she's mixed race.

Lol shut the fuck up. Japan does it because it's cool, not because shes black.

She's not a pirate, she's a shipwright.

black women aren't cool though

>he's unaware that Caribbean Hispanics rank among the most attractive browns
>with Puerto Ricans being ranked the most attractive females in the world, at one point
q triste

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why would you want the world's best form of biological humor to go away?

She's okay for a mandatory niggerbitch in my every game and movie and show.

Why do you faggots always say this with anime? Is Elena not black now?

Reminder that Iroha will be in one of the character pack and will get a redesign, so be prepared to get a cool fighting maid instead of a simple sexy maid.

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japanese black women are cool, retard.

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Can't wait to slice her in half

>purple dreads
Darliington Dagger

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Like her weapon. Would play her if she is fun.

I'd kill for a NMH fighting game. The more kuso the better

Iroha a shit.

If they wanted a sex appeal character they should've just went with Shiki.

Attached: Shiki-ngbc.jpg (768x1024, 357K)

Shiki gets no where near the same level of fan art

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She looks more like a dark-brown gypsy woman me. She reminds me of Disney's Esmeralda.

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She is already in, retard.

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Then there's no need for a shitty waifu character like Iroha at all.

I mean, it COULD happen. Capcom redesigned Sakura and she's cuter than ever. Plus, it would allow them to sell more figurines.

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>Plus, it would allow them to sell more figurines.
This is the more likely reason. A slight change to her design means they could redo a load of merch

and her original costume as DLC

yeah they could add in more popular option like cham cham

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Made for mpress and bisecting

According to who?

Her bro is already in, so it would be nice if they added her as well.

Little heavy on the belts but looks alright otherwise.

That's because the Japanese do not know how to draw black people. They either come out looking like a dark skinned European/Asian person, or they come out looking like a hilariously stereotyped racist caricature.

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I can do you one better by removing a single letter.

> looks more like a dark-brown gypsy woman
>looking like a dark skinned European
In this case that may very well be justified. If she's a Caribbean pirate, she's probably hispanic not black.

She sexy. But no Iroha, no buy.

But it's true, different races have different facial structures and this is most prominent with niggers.

I can do you one better by removing a single letter.

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Hispanics are always drawn with Luchadore masks. If she was Caribbean she could be afro-latina

She is a good waifu. Your waifu character is forgotten garbage. Iroha and Cham Cham are the two that deserve to be in next.

>Your waifu character is forgotten garbage
Yeah, Shiki is so "forgotten" that they added her to the game and not Iroha.

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I think he's saying claimg any race can have only one set of facial features especially when it comes to anime is retarded.

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Is this man black?

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They don't even have the same skin tone as the woman in the OP but is this woman black?

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I had to google her because I thought she was hispanic
I dont know.

user you may just be retarded.

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>had to google Elena
do you faggots even play games

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>Yea Forums
>playing games
Are you new here?

Who are you going to main?

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I dont bother memorizing species of the characters
she also looks like one of those figure competition people who dunk into pot of oil to show off their muscles

Don't know if I'll stick with either of them, but kinda looking at Kyoshiro and Tam Tam right now. Interested to see what that tengu character is all about.

the guy in front
I will use strong slash and pretend I am good at the game

>implying the black people we get from the west arent the same thing

look at mk11 jax's daughter and tell me she also doesnt look like a stereotype

Galford or Ukyo

>Underaged /pol/cucks brainwashed by russian bots
>russian bots
Is this bait?

how much of a low IQ nigger do you have to be to not be able to memorize the species of a character
do you play RPGs and get confused when not every animals are dogs

Shiki, Yoshitora or Ukyo since Kazuki is not in it.

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>Darli Dagger
>is clearly wielding a giant saw
Call her Sarah Saw or something.

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It's probably a Hendrix reference.

>Called Genjuro
>Doesn't wield Gen from SF
wtf? Call him Katana Ken

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Who's your main? For me it's Spiky Sevenkats

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>no character where you can beat a mother fucker with another mother fucker

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Shinobu isn't black, she's half white half okinawan. Look at her facial featues, her nose and lips and eyes are white.

I prefer Sammy Scimitar and Boomerang Betty

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>look at mk11 jax's daughter and tell me she also doesnt look like a stereotype

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Ferra/Torr kinda did that in MKX. Could actually work quite well

the oni girl from Skullgirls was supposed to play like that

too many belts
as always

And try my best to bisect, behead or cleave waifu players with my trusty chained kama.

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People keep saying this, but they're practical fucking belts. They carry her ship building tools. It's not even kinda like RPG belts and zippers.

do you think it will actually pick up
seems like SS was always too different to kof/sf

>no robo legs

>do you think it will actually pick up
In like a SF or Tekken sense? Nah, game is going to be niche. Could it gain something of a following? Quite possibly, the series is easy to pick up and really entertaining.

it'll fail when people realize it doesn't have 30 hit long combos

but the moneyman will look at numbers where sf has 10 and this has 2 and be like dis stinks


She looks like she kidnaps cute and naive young boys and makes them men

I'm sure SNK moneyman sets the bar very low

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It's your typical niche fighting game who will steal the spotlight at Evo but nobody will play the game after it.

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Based Quake solving the ship wars by giving one part to Haohmaru and ther other to Galford

>Pack 1: Amakusa + Mizuki + Basara + Shizumaru
>Pack 2: Zankuro + Sogetsu + Kazuki + Iroha

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how come so few people pick up on the facetiousness of this post
are there really that many imports from reddit, etc

you should apologize for posting such a garbo comic

>no cham cham
I doubt it.

>no mina
literally from the new game itself

i hate people who post stuff like this without paying attention to the news of the game
actually look at the content of the game before you post
this lack of attention is just another example of the decadence that our board faces, besides migrants from gamefags, meddit, retardera, etc
at least presjw somethingawful migration was tolerable since that's where most of the og users came from

Is it just me, or is the perspective really fucked on his arm?


I'll probably start with Jubei or Charlotte first and go from there. Fencers are always a fave of mine, but I like Jubei's traditional design. Nonetheless, I gotta get a feel for them first before I settle on one.

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I'm ready to absolutely destroy and dab on each one of you shitters that thinks they're so "counter-culture" and "based" for picking the ugly fatshit character.
I destroy K. Rools in Smash and I will destroy you too.

She looks like she fucks demons

Doesn't Hoahmaru already have a wife?

Don't mention that less the Nako x Dead beat husband shippers will seeth.


But it's in character for King to have noodle arms.

Haohmaru abandoned her because he wanted to keep the fighting hobo lifestyle

100% Charlotte.

Maybe Tam Tam as well, he's a cool nigga.

Maybe Shiki because she's too cute in this game, but I'm trying Yoshitora first to see if he has the move that he can only use if you hit all of his other moves before.

Haohmaru or Galford. Normally a big body guy but Earthquake never did it for me. Haohmaru is satisfying as fuck in the games I've played with him (SamSho II & CvS2) and Galford was pretty much my first "main" in any 2D fighting game, since SamSho II was the first one I ever bought (I grew up playing Tekken 3 & Tag).

That said, Darli has a really big saw as a weapon so I'll probably try to play with her some.

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I hope Yoshitora still has all his gfs, and that they give him a super where each comes in and uses their sword

Fuck you.

If I want to give SamSho a try, what's a good Neogeo game to pick up?

II and V Special are the ones to play.

>pirate/thug type
dick status: EXPANDED
seems fine, be curious to see some gameplay and animations in general

4 is fucking great too.

>what's a good Neogeo game to pick up
NeoGeo Turf Masters

windjammers is good and also on ggpo and ported to multiple platforms

Not really.

>a bunch a belts for no reason
>have to put a pirate signal on the sword so people know its a pirate or else people confuse her for a cave woman
>has to put hammer in the pirate simble so people know shes a blacksmith or something because the screw drivers on her belt don't read too well
>has to rely on sex appeal to make up for all these flaws

I need to see her in movement

nails in her mouth so you can punch them in

Did people do crunches back then?

What's different between V and V special? I was thinking about getting one of the Arcade Archives.

>else people confuse her for a cave woman
Cavewomen generally don't wear bikins or bandannas

> something because the screw drivers on her belt don't read too well
You mean you didn't notice them before you wrote that sentence. On the clearer image they stand out well. Also did you miss she has a giant saw?

>has to rely on sex appeal to make up for all these flaws
MK thread is thataway buddy

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Japan does it because it's sexy or cool, not to meet a diversity quota, thus making it okay. It's the same reason we like Marina.

I'm literally shaking right now. This is sexist and unrealistic.

You simply wouldn't show this much skin in combat. I need to play some MK to settle my nerves. This kind of problematic character design should be banned.

V Special is the one everyone plays. Dunno the difference, but get V Special.

She should go with ankle braces instead of shoes.

All races have at some point african ancestors retard. Nothing prevent some race from getting whiter and then darker again.

should have been part of the team from the get-go.

This is her character designer

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>no rimu or shizumaru

Also I'm salty af about Charlotte's ridiculous design aside from the great hair.

Why is everyone pissy all of a sudden when it comes to Charlotte? All they did was slightly shorten her sleeves/leggings so you can see a tiny amount of skin, hair aside.

She's supposed to be black. She doesn't look very black though.

Darli Dagger.
Or Cocaine Caffeine is they add him.

She was already sexy and elegant without having to shorten her skirt. It looks off to me, like something you'd see in DOA instead. She didn't need this type of sexifying.

>You'll never be a Japanese girl drawing sexy women
why live?

2019 best year for gaming

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Well have you tried being a Japanese girl drawing sexy women? Don't be a quitter, user!

>no rimururu


I can't jack off to gundams, user. Sorry. That said, they've said that the games a reboot. Considering that alongside SNK finally using 3D models, there's a good chance she'll either get her OG outfit as DLC or she'll at least get it in a sequel to show how she's maturing as a character.

So a SamSho collection just got announced, 1-V/V Special. All have online play. Fall 2019

This is what happens if you try

This is how you spend your Sundays. Sad.

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I really hope people keep playing it after.

>no Nicotine

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Her name is Scarlet Jacobs.

Look at her fucking face and skin color. She is voiced by a black woman. She's black.

She is a fucking hot as fuck new addition. SNK knows how to make babes
Hey don't talk shit about my wife. King is perfect

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oh fuck whyd you have to make me realize she has stick legs user
the design was fine until I noticed that

>Cavewomen generally don't wear bikins
You mean historical? maybe yeah, but if that's your point, pirate women generally didn't wear them either. In character design you can actually push a bikini into most female designs if you don't want to think too much about it.

The bandana and the tattoos are good tells that shes a pirate but its not enough. And slapping a version of the skull and bones on the saw is just too obvious of a tell, it like they are trying to make up for the designs poor reading.

>On the clearer image they stand out well. Also did you miss she has a giant saw?

Nah they still get kinda lost. If they where a bit more noticable maybe i could associate the giant saw to the other tools, for me it just looked like a weird giant sword.

>MK thread is thataway buddy
No, fuck MK. I have no problem with sexy looking characters, its bad in this case because it is used as a crutch for the designs flaws.

And i actually like this type of big strong big sword welding characters. If i had to say something good about the design is that you immediately know how shes going to play.

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>A basement comics
Does these comics have nudity? Lewds?

I like thicc but her legs are fine.

i wouldn't know i just search up cavewoman on google

I see nothing wrong with her design. It is vibrant and pretty cool. I don't see any "flaws" that need sex appeal to make up for. It is like you just saw she has skin showing and ignored everything else.

why they have to give shoes with heels to almost every female character? Even woke as shit MK11 does this.

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No i already pointed out why i think its weak. If she was all covered up and still needed to have a symbol on the sword saying "hey guys look, its a pirate!" i would have even more of a problem with it. I'm not saying showing skin is bad, is that in this case it seems like it is being used as a crutch.

I know the sjw are out to get us and all that, so i understand if people feel the need to be overprotective of sexy women in their videogame, but can we stop thinking with our dick for a second?

1. Heels are distinctly feminine without making anybody mad that they're being worn, even if it's definitely not the kind of thing you'd wear in a fight.
2. It could be a gameplay design thing so that they can design women fighters that aren't all short; Charlotte and Darli seem to be average height because of their heels despite probably having official heights shorter than the men.

>You mean historical? maybe yeah, but if that's your point, pirate women generally didn't wear them either.
But the design isn't even like what you'd see for a cavewoman. It isn't an animal skin, the belts would also not work for a cavewoman

>The bandana and the tattoos are good tells that shes a pirate but its not enough
But they do when combined with the bikini. She also has the beads and those braided colourful string. It all works together. Plus I don't see why having the skull and crossbones is bad, especially when they didn't just slap a generic one on it. Also while I haven't seen it confirmed, apparently her shipwright crew are all female. Which if true the hearts for the skulls eyes are a great touch. This comes off as you looking for reasons to call something a crutch, when a logo is a fine way to help sum up a character. You can't deny all the elements are here, you are just sidelining them

>Nah they still get kinda lost.
They take up most of her leg. And the saw is, well a saw. Again this just comes off as you not noticing despite all the elements being in place

>its bad in this case because it is used as a crutch for the designs flaws
But judging from other SNK designs they'd make her sexy regardless.

Charlotte is the 3rd biggest character after Earthquake and Tam Tam unless Darli is taller than her ingame

then why use the "Sexy as a crutch" argument when it isn't even true? One good look at her and I can tell she is a strong, yet fun loving type. The look on her face conveys that. Her clothes do a good job of conveying she is an islander. The Bandana and the symbol on her saw blade show that she is a pirate. Bitch about the skull and crossbones all you want but it is a good way to say pirate. Hell her own skull and bones symbol is unique to her with the pick and saw being her crossbones

And all this good without even looking at her sex appeal, which she does indeed have in spades.

Nak has uggs on. I at least appreciate there are some differences in the styles heals here, even though normal boots would make more sense. I guess they are a bit more booty with the turned up tops.

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>Character uses flowers while fighting
>It's a rose

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That design is trash. Right there with Cham Cham, Mina, Iroha and the entirety of fucking Sen. Don't @ me because you know I am right. Fucking chinks ruin everythign fuck


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>Don't @ me
Is just mad there is still no porn of her massive black dick.

It more a rapier thing. Japs assimilate rose with that weapon.

Fact: Charlotte and Nakoruru are more attractive because their designs are more sleek and reserved. Even Shiki is classy (heterochromia notwithstanding) in what she is. This is just cartoony trash.

>that one cover with the gorilla
you just KNOW

It’s good for my dick, and that’s the important part.

If iroha is DLC I'm not buying this shit

>Heels are distinctly feminine
Wrong you faggot. It's originally a man thing for the feet to be more stable in the stirrup. That's why when you look at old paintings all men have heels.

I want to say there are occasional nips. It's been a while since I read any tiddy comics.

Is this a bug?

>But the design isn't even like what you'd see for a cavewoman
After you look ar it for a while yes, i agree that's true, but initially you get kind of a tribal from her.

>But they do when combined with the bikini
Yes, i like her top, actually i would prefer to keep the top and haven't her pirate symbol as cool back tattoo instead of having it on the sword, which makes no sense. Make it subtle, the whit tattoo on dark skin is a good touch too.
I guess i have a bigger problem with the lower half of her design. Personally i would cut on all the the belts and make just one big and noticable tool belt with a hammer hanging on to the side or something. I'd give her some rugged baggy pants, not because i want to cover her skin because shes too sexy, but because it signals that she is a pirate a bit more. And baggy pants and top ALWAYS works, you can ask SNK, look at pic related, simple, clear and sexy, that how i want it to be.

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>She didn't need this type of sexifying
Admit that you are just a bare thighs lover.

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They have reasons for how they dress, stupid. Nakoruru wears her traditional tribal clothes and Charlotte is a motherfucking Knight. Darli is an island pirate. She is actually dressed pretty sensibly for someone from the tropics. Or do you want her to cover herself completely and constantly get heat stroke

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She looks out of place in the setting. Female Jack Sparrow with a giant sawblade sticks out like a sore thumb in Sakoku and is probably more unrealistic than Garfold, Earthquake and Sieger together. But those three are cool at least, this is just wank fodder.

In this case it's because she's a pirate and pirates wear dramatic boots with heels, although not normally that tall obviously
Realistically she should probably be barefoot most of the time, historical shoes had terrible grip on wet ship decks and were crap at climbing in the rigging, but footfags are scum and don't deserve that

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If you go everyday barefoot on a wooden ship, your feet would look like stone. Not something footfags likes, I believe.

>barbarian bitch bearing a big blade
>not cool
Get some taste.

Pirate Carpenter Waifu is an odd choice as far as newcomers go, but I'll take it

She's cool as fuck even if you remove the sexy way.


A shipwright with a giant saw is more unrealistic than a German with a giant mechanical glove with fire power?

>A pirate looks more out of place in the late 1700s AKA THE AGE OF PIRACY than an American Ninja and a morbidly obese man with KISS makeup
Yeah ok, buddy
Not to mention she looks cool as fuck. Even if you remove the sexy she is still a badass looking chick. I cannot wait to see her in game
Exactly. Thank you

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Not even best girl in her own game.

>10 belts
You have to be 18 to post on Yea Forums

dat gyal ovah deh so a peng ting, rasta, fi real

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Go to Final Fantasy General if you wanna bitch about belts. At least her belts actually serve a purpose

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It's ok but nothing too special or terribly interesting.

Too many colors and too many belts. The design is a fucking mess and is busy as hell.
That being said there's a good design hidden underneath all the extra shit that's been stapled on to her.


He needs to be dlc


Belts exist and are useful you know.

I only see 7, and they all hold something.

Her abs look funny.

im just thinking it would be very uncomfortable to run in high heels

>a bunch a belts for no reason
Carpentry and shipwrights go hand-in-hand
>>have to put a pirate signal on the sword so people know its a pirate or else people confuse her for a cave woman
Pirates would be mistaken for sailors a lot of times as well. Never heard of false flags?
>>has to put hammer in the pirate simble so people know shes a blacksmith or something because the screw drivers on her belt don't read too well
>t. never seen a carpenter
>>has to rely on sex appeal to make up for all these flaws
ok retard

>too many belts
her belt level's too low, here's your real SamSho protag and DLC character

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