Grim Dawn

Play Grim Dawn

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boobie is good and all but where is the peepee?

Already do, just finished Forgotten Gods.
Surprised that it was that short, but then again the humongous areas of AoM were just too big.
Have to do a few more sidequests but that's about it.

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SR is tough as shit, none of my builds are meta af so I'm scared of what awaits me, some boss combos are nasty.

Attached: Grim Dawn Screenshot 2019.03.31 - (1920x1080, 1.42M)

I wouldn't push too far into SR on HC, especially since nullification works in there. If you encounter grava, chances are you're gonna die

Haven't seen any nem yet, I'm gonna push to 25 at least then I'll work on a build dedicated to it.

Any good mods?

I.. I.. okay.

grimarillion has a small community within the GD community. Never tried it myself though

does it do anything to differentiate itself from the boring slot machine simulators that make up its genre?

Looking good.

I decided to do a blank slate playthrough for the expansion, doing vanilla -> AoM -> FG in order from scratch.

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PoE is better

Is Rune of Hagarrad still a good single target skill or was the nerf too harsh on it

Anyone got a quick list or guide to Devotion Shrines that are close to riftgates? Been playing on Ultimate and I am thinking about going back to Epic and Normal to grab some shrines.

A dumb question maybe, but when you get the Kraken constellation it says it gives a bonus to all damage, but it only works with two-handed weapons.

Does this mean it only gives a bonus to the damage of the weapon, or does it also work on spells that don't have a weapon damge component as long as you're holding a 2-hander while you cast it?

It affects you while you have a 2H equipped, not the 2H itself. Check your character page after assigning it and you'll notice all your damage increase stats go up
It applies to spells you cast therefore

I am.
Almost got my inquisitor/shaman to 50.
Can't wait to start getting sick items and shit lightning over everything.

I've been trying out GD with a controller and it's really good but is it possible to make it so vire's might always goes the max distance instead of stopping at the first enemy?
The path of fire passive is kinda useless if you can't charge through a pack of enemies.

im playing this game now for the first time. how the fuck do i into devotions? i dont get it.

what's the ideal build for optimal spin2win?

kek. are you being serious? i didnt know this was a thing. pretty much describes my playthru of Dragon age inquisition. human warrior class spin o rama.

I'd say it differentiates itself in our day and age by being completely bullshit free. You buy game, you play game, no other strings attached.
But game-mechanically, not really I suppose. If you're fed up with ARPGs, GD will not be the fresh take on it that makes you reconsider. It's as formulaic as they come. And for some of us, that's a good thing.

They very recently updated the sign to give a bonus to casting speed too, so I see no reason it shouldn't apply its damage bonus to spells as well.

Thanks man

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the new class in this expansion adds a whirlwind-style skill

anons help me out I always wanted to enjoy grim dawn but its leveling system is something i still don't get

Every time i try it out i usually get bored because i just never seem to actually get skills and usually stack passives. i need buttons to press, you know?

>i need buttons to press, you know?
It's all in how you build your character. If you take nothing but a basic attack replacements, a few toggle buffs and the rest all passives, you can end up with a very viable character but of course that's not going to be interesting if you don't want to just hold LMB all day long.

Try playing a cooldown-based caster build, those tend to use a lot more active skills than basic melee/ranged builds. Some combination of Arcanist, Shaman, Necromancer, or Occultist would probably serve you well depending on what you want to accomplish.

you'll unfortunetley have to power through early game to get to that point. Many end game builds have a whole bunch of buttons to press and some even have way too many. I avoided playing an aether spellbinder just cause it was too much like a piano simulator

I havent touched any mods yet and just unlocked elite. Is there any way to share my stash between characters and maybe make a character that can go into elite immediately? I dont wanna go through normal again/anymore

In stash, there's "shared stash" where you can put items that are shared between all your characters.

I couldnt even stomach to get thru the first 15 hours of the base game like half a year ago

sad times lads

>maybe make a character that can go into elite immediately? I dont wanna go through normal again/anymore
go kill warden and travel to the forgotten gods content and buy a elite unlocker merit at the vendor and use it on your new character

poe can kiss my black ass with its overprised cosmetics. that sucks out like 95% of the enjoyment of the game

look at the biggest ones around the outside, they have the strongest abilities
usually you can only collect enough points to get one or two. pick ones you like that look good for your build, and then complete smaller constellations (again, pick ones with procs/stats that benefit your build) which will give you the right coloured points to reach those big ones
also always get turtle because it only costs 1 yellow and it's so fucking good no matter what build you're running, that emergency HP is no joke

the whole point of these games are to look cool and get new gear

Game comes out where its locked behind microtransactions


Thanks user. This is good advice

Did they unfuck the stash already or do I need to get that mod if I actually want to have stuff in my stash?

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Is elite difficulty manageable for a level 1 character when you do that? What if i dont have forgotten gods content

>there's only one MI that boosts spin2win and it's a fucking 1H sword that drops off fucking kymon

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>people think this is okay

Tell me again why should I subsidize poorfags from shithole countries instead of just pirating this shit?

It's apparently somewhat larger but obviously not suitable for proper hoarding. Just make it infinite already ffs.

Why would I? Its just a worse PoE.

For a while it was a better PoE
I heard GGG completely overhauled the syntheshit, is it actually worth it to run now? Since you've obviously tried it you can tell me

Finished FG on a second character yesterday and ran through Shattered Realm a bit. I need to start powerleveling some alts and figuring out what components/etc I need to make them not squishy pieces of shit in Ultimate.

The epansion content was really fucking short it seems. Like, 2-3 hours? At least for quests/side-quests

fuck off POE is godawful now with all it's bloat. I've been playing since closed beta and over the past year or so the game has gotten more and more boring as everything becomes a massive dps race with no real interesting choices to be made. At least in Grim Dawn being tanky feels impactful and rewarding

Is there any way to change classes or do I just need to restart?

Also how does Oathkeeper pair with Inquisitor? I want to be a Paladin.

It's gonna be harder for sure, especially if you don't have a stash filled with crap you can use. If you don't have FG then you're shit out of luck though

I wish the attack animations were better in Grim Dawn. The art style and setting are great but the weapon swings...they could be a bit better.

What? They literally updated the attack animations in a patch before FG release

Fucking Grimtools stop maintenancing already.

me and a friend bought this some time ago but never figured out how to actually play together, how does that work

>some guy on GD forums made a 34 page guide to the secret quest

From the main menu, click on the Single Player button and change it to Multiplayer. One of you needs to be the Host and the other needs to Join their game.

Wait did they really? That's fucking incredible reinstalling now I had no idea. That's such an above and beyond thing to do for the game what fucking legends I never expected this.

It's nothing super drastic, but it does look better than before

for someone whos never played a game like this, is it fun, is it fun in the first few hours, and how much min maxing and build learning do I have to do

depends on how much you want to, there's always the option of looking up build guides and following them no matter how brainless it makes you

>Single player only
Yikes, hard pass

>is it fun, is it fun in the first few hours
It's impossible to say whether you'll enjoy it especially since you've never played a game like this before. I enjoy the game a lot, but someone else might not find it fun at all. There's no way for someone else to know what kind of things you think are fun.

>how much min maxing and build learning do I have to do
On Normal/Veteran? None at all. Just pay attention to your damage types (for example, don't both with a bonus to lightning damage if you're mostly using fire damage) and make sure you keep your resists at a decent level and any build can make it through the basic difficulties. On Elite and Ultimate difficulty you'll have to pay more attention to your build and your items, but by then you're already pretty deep into the game so it won't be very hard to figure out what works and what doesn't.

Still doesn't feel great. The memory nexus was a horrible idea. GGG won't allow people to flip and rotate the puzzle pieces because people might actually have fun with the league mechanic.

But it's not single player only?

lol wrong thread buddy

Please go back to one of the 20 different Sekiro threads.

>tfw you click the wrong image and shame yourself in front of your ancestors

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Wait they're still basically the same from what I can tell? Even the patch notes say they didn't really alter the animations just the timing to make them feel more snappy? I was hoping for a real re-tool to make them more fluid and to add more frames to them. As they were (and I guess are?) they're more like incredibly short and unsatisfying "chops" than they are slashes or swings.

>was hoping for a real re-tool to make them more fluid and to add more frames to them
That's literally what they did though. It was weird seeing my DW melee chars swinging their weapons all over the fucking place compared to just doing this half assed chop

>tfw when no big tits mommy sphinx statue gf

Is it in the trailer for the new expansion? Someone help me out here and drop me a yt link to it I may just be retarded.

i recorded the old animations prior to the patch, i'll see if i can't upload a webm of the old ones and new ones.

Wow you're a literal God user thank you so much even if you can't do it, just the attempt alone is wild.

looks good

>level 49 and leveling already feels like a chore
everything is so slow

Old animations

Attached: Old DW animations.webm (554x344, 3M)

new one

Attached: New DW animations.webm (554x344, 2.6M)

What's the most engaging melee build? I want to be running all over the place and detonating shit as I go.

Also are there any devotions that make dual pistols cuhrayzee?

You know what...that's actually pretty good. I'm not mad at that. Thanks again for going through all the trouble user you're a real one!

What's the end-game like in Grim Dawn?

Should I mess around and experiment with builds on my own, or look something up to avoid screwing myself over in the long run?

If you're on the basic difficulty, just mess around and see what feels right to you. Respeccing is cheap and you don't need to be very optimized to just clear the storylines on Normal or Veteran.

Old 2h

Attached: Old 2h animations.webm (840x528, 2.74M)

Oh shit, so this is a thing

Attached: Grim Dawn Screenshot 2019.03.31 - (1920x1080, 1.42M)

new 2h
The rest of the weapons like ranged, dw ranged, 2h ranged etc also get a lift up. As you can see it looks much better now

Attached: New 2h animations.webm (840x526, 2.78M)

give me fucking sphinx gf

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Those set bonuses honestly kinda suck except the stun resist and the +1
I's like to see other bits from the set though and I wonder what Shatterguard does

The only thing that isn't respec-able is class selection, and even that can be changed with third-party tools. Experiment away.

>I's like to see other bits from the set though and I wonder what Shatterguard does
Grimttols senpai.

Wow, that's actually boring as shit
Amulet might be something nice you can slap in any build that's not already using the slot though

Furries get out.

Yeah lots of people were disappointed with it, but it was stated that the set was literally just an all-around, non-specific set.

So the full set maxes out stun resist, gives +2 to all skills, and procs an offensive/defensive buff at 50% health. Pretty bland, but it covers a lot of bases.

>the sphinx from CoC
Wew lad


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me in the back checking out that sweet fat sphinx booty

I would, if it didn't cost so much.
Same case with Cities: Skylines - can get base for cheap every other week, but collecting all the bs DLC is above whatever I'm willing to spend.

PoE was amazing pre-Tencent.

>tfw been playing since act II beta
what a ride it has been

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>big tiddy goth cult mommy gf
>big tiddy sphinx statue mommy gf

What's next in store for the big tiddy gf line? Also, is Commando still viable?

Every game is amazing pre-Tencent.

Unless you want to play one of the DLC classes, you can just play the base game and decide whether you want the DLCs later on, since you can just continue with the same character.

Also the Crucible DLC is a separare game mode which adds nothing important to the base game, so you can just skip it unless you really want more endgame grind.

So has anyone beaten the secret superboss yet? Shit's hard.

Of course. But it's on the weaker side compared to the other class combos. I think the only commando i still have in my 60 character line-up is a fire forcewave commando that can compete with his tactician fire forcewave brother.

>.that's actually pretty good

which one?

The Crate. I fucked up the first time by picking off the little ones. They multiplied and then I had a swarm of them waiting for me at the warp point and got instagibbed every time.

big tiddy playable character

A lot of poor countries get shanked and have to pay the US price. Steam's policy is absurd

Can I make a big titty character and dress her in skimpy armor?

>big tiddy playable character
since they made the model maybe some modder will be able to swap her model with the female pc

Gimme a link then

>aegis, grenado, canister bomb
>all with a chance for no cooldown

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literally just happened to me, killed a maggot and now i get one shot just trying to run pass them.
I'll try again later

This new lootfilter makes the game so much more fun to play..
Not spending 15 minutes lookiung through mostly trash greens speeds things up a lot.

Anyone have any experience with ritualist? Is it really that much worse than cabalist?

For pet builds? Yes absolutely. Don't know if that's changed since FG.

damn I used grimarillion and gd stash put out some errors, shit I guess I'm sticking with these masteries then

Oh shit I forgot about tactician, are runetician build still viable? That build is my favorite since watching hordes of monster die to magic graffiti floors never gets old.

I think there's a new set for ritualist in FG at least.

Would be kind of pointless unless you plan on either modding all armor to fit the new model or to disable armor entirely.

wrong quote, meant for

I'm currently running a Ritualist and it's great.

It's a Vitality caster though, not a pet build.

it's probably not what that guy's experiencing, mine is when I import the database

Better off going a vindicator or infiltrator if you want to rune.

you mean like this?

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bruhs playing arcanist/occultist and i want to play a melee or ranged character now

whats fun?

So how is the forgotten gods? I'm planning to pick up this expansion in May.

yeah that's exactly it, no idea what causes it, maybe because grimarillion's not updated?
I have a feeling it's not because of my end

Really? how so?

It's good but pretty short.

yeah see you can literally just fucking ignore those errors and it'll still work fine user. Unless they are a red !, you can usually safely ignore them.
I mean i already get a whole bunch of errors just importing database to my vanilla game.

I tried a pet build and I kinda regret it, bosses usually make a beeline for me and ignore my wall of minions

Don't worry about it. It always has something to say but it should still work.

a huge amount of the game is building and tweaking a wide range of abilities

Because infiltrator has access to cold -rr% and shaman has access to elemental -rr%.

you could try the different targeting system in the settings but thats all I can think of

by level 5 as demolitionist you can have like 3 actives and two passives

Turtle is really good but there's plenty of builds that can go without it.

no thanks brah
gameplay is trash
so is the animation

Make a build centered around Occultist or Arcanist (or both) and you'll have like 8 active abilities to juggle
Caster based Shaman setups can end up like that too, usually paired with Arcanist or Demolitionist.

Yay, I've found my first double rare MI since the release of AoM.

I wish it was any good though.

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how do you this colors

Is this broken or am I doing something wrong?

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I got a double rare 2H Axe from the Ascendants and it's fucking ridiculous, even at only level 70ish it's got like +300% Electrocute and a bunch of other shit.

you need FG and a character that beat normal already.
what works best for new elite character is start the crucible dlc until about level 15 and youll get a handful of devotion points to buy tortise or ghoul or something else helpful immediately
whithout crucible, you should try to get some levels and shrines on normal to get a head start. I had 7 devotion points and a level 18 start crucible and hes doing pretty well so far

Not him but he probably uses GrimInternals.

is there any else useful?

Import database first user.

Go to the settings tab and hit "import database", make sure to select the correct mod if you're using a mod.

Configuration -> scroll down -> press Import database

It's not. It's Grim internals is a hook that you need to run the exe through, color code is just some ini files you add to the gd directory
Has auto pickup components and hp bars that you can toggle and tweak how you like. And a bunch of other features

inquisitor is just a dps powerhouse with some crown control help
itll pair well with any elemental class, even chaos and aether

oh auto pick up components is really nice, i asked about this yesterday but nobody replied

oh yeah I forgot about wind devil. Kinda interesting, would you recommend ranged or melee Vindicator?

You can easily put components in items that give you more active skills


Inquisitor Rune is one of the best defensive skills in the game

Cool, there were some errors but it all worked out in the end

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>would you recommend ranged or melee Vindicator?
Both 2h ranged and melee vindicators were monsters pre-FG. They probably are still very strong. If you want to go runes then
grimtools is in the description. You'll have to wait until grimtools works again to view the builds though.

>make arpg
>make normal/veteran ultra boring with no set or legendary drops
>even on hc there's no real danger of dying unless you're retarded
Only Elite/Ultimate should be in the game.

the first hour is meh b/c your guy doesnt have any abilities. the first couple hours after are fun but not a wild experience as you wade through low level gear with the bones of a build. After that is just a blast as the enemies get bigger and more numerous, you get lots more gear to choose between, and you have enough points to make your build special
if youre a lore junky then youll have fun in the first fifteen minutes
you can clear the whole campaign on normal with a casual mindset as long as you put some effort into your build

I finished the game twice (gd+AoM) and got really bored with the game specially AoM
my character was a rogue+occultist that relied on autoattack and teleports basically
I want to make a wizzy probaly for this expansion, what should I do?

wew I made it

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it says "update to last version", although i downloaded last one

what do?

old animations arent too bad. they have that campy indie rpg feel
new animations are sweet though

How is the level scaling in higher difficulties now that you can unlock them early?

you could do nightblade and arcanist and have like 4 AOEs
or you could do 2handed primal strike shaman, probably with another elemental class or soldier

I like how every unique item in Grim Dawn has that Burning Crusade aesthetic and is never boring. Probably the most interesting looking loot in any ARPG.

that was my first character ever in GD but I saw in a bunch of places that it was shit

For which one? Grim internals or the color coded loot?
starting ultimate from level 1 without a gear filled with stash to twink is extremely brutal. You're gonna have a bad time

grim internals

there are bosses and dungeons that have some specific loot on 3 levels of difficulty
then there is the repeating random dungeon and a wave based arena mode. the latter are DLC
typical arpg endgame, the real endgame is making new characters though

It is shit. Well it's not really shit in the sense that you can still get through the game and do stuff with it. It's shit in the sense that any other build will run circles around it in terms of killing speed and sustain

its so generic that the only class I can see choosing it over a more specific set is a total tank soldier, and even then you'd have to be dry on gear

As an oathkeeper, Is there a reason why I should pick demo or inquisitor over soldier.
The first 2 only provide like 2 decent skills such as blast shield and that fire weapon buff, meanwhile soldier has 8 excellent passives worth taking, field command for even more damage and warcry

alright thanks, rune and totem is my favorite part about GD

I dunno user, are you playing a pirated copy that doesn't have hotfix 2? Cause it works fine for me on steam

looks like this is it

I thought they buffed the laser a while back. Did they not buff it enough to make it good?

Pretty sure you can melt bosses faster than anything else with 200% cast speed and damage conversion on the Aether Ray as your main active attack. has an upload of griminternals that doesn't check GD's version.
I haven't used it so far though, so no idea how dangerous that can be to your game or savegame though.

> color coded damage types

But as spin inquisitor ok be running like mad

They didn't. They buffed it from bad to eh, it works ok. Recently they added a adcth modifier on a green off-hand to help with sustain. Problem with that is now that item becomes mandatory for your off-hand if you want to leech life.
>Pretty sure you can melt bosses faster than anything else
Nice joke user. Cause if you're actually serious then i can't imagine you've played this game for more than a few hours. Cause it's hilarious how wrong that statement is

Best monster infrequent

thank you based crate

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What's a good mastery to synergize Shaman totem with?

Occultist for vitality, Inquisitor or Demo if we're talking lightning

Inquisitor for lightning
Necromancer for Vitality

Anyone else here doing a grimarillion run? Is it working correctly with the new expansion?

where is my grimtools reeee

What caster class goes best with Nightblade?
I wanna be teleporting glass canon

download the offline version bro

though its not completely up to date with equip (still has crest of the black legion giving pierce retal isntead of phys, for example)

I run a totem Vindicator. I just drop an Inquisitor seal, park my ass and drop totems/storm shards from Light's Defender set/lightning RR until everything dies. Very effective.

>download the offline version
>you need to go to their site which is down

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>4 different options
That's what I love about this game

Like this one?

>Witch Hunter

the game already had a lootfilter by color, it just now has more specifications

I can see Occultist and Necro synergize well with Wendigo totem but how does Inq and Demo synergize? Through AoC?

Thermite mines, firestrike, stunjacks etc.

do i have to follow some kind of build? or just plaay

Meteor shower from ulzuins torch worth it or should I just go with fissure for a melee fire/phys character and invest points into defense devotions?

Inquisitor has great defenses and that lightning tether skill

use graceful dusk lol

Are resistances better than damage while levelling in elite? Level 75 first character blademaster and some bosses seem unkillable (last secret quest boss especially)

based Crate

Attached: Grim Dawn Screenshot 2019.03.31 - (324x588, 513K)

The original animations weren't bad for an indie game made by like 10 people.

Looks similar. Can't compare builds until grimtools is up again.

Pick a damage type and either melee, ranged, or pets.
Pick two classes that compliment that damage type
Pick devotions that compliment that damage type
Don't neglect resistances/defensive ability
Enemy resist reduction is an important stat
There you're all set

Just play user
>(last secret quest boss especially)
you mean the hidden quest. Cause secret quest bosses are ultimate exclusive

If it's your first time, just do whatever you want and try stuff out.

Follow a build, specially if it’s yoir first time
Fucking around will make you have a non optimized character that will lack damage and survival, you will die, take long time to kill stuff and eventually get bored

I would, but it's boring as fuck after a while and it lacks things that make other games like Diablo 2 good. It's even inferior to D3 in some parts.

> double shields

Shield that looks like a sword when?

Make the story show for co-op players and I will buy it fags.

You can already dual wield swords, so that would be kind of pointless.

The sentinel is the one I can't kill

Is shaman Primal Bond aura worth it for the 20% damage absoprtion? Combinded with Maivens for 40% sounds good.

post your grimtools ;))) i know it's down

Oh fuck I thought they were still under maintenance - I downloaded it earlier today when the actual calcs site was down but i could access their DL page still

sorry bro

>the map is down too
>can't for the love of me find the hive in the rotting craplands
Just kill me

i have 3 hours in grim dawn. i lost interest after left clicking a monster with me spell for the 1000th time. how do people play these games?

if you want fire then get eldritch fire on solael's witchblade assigned to at least a secondary skill so you can spread it easily

meteor shower is shit in my opinion. Fissure is awesome.


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Usually it feels more satisfying when other devs do it


nigga it takes a minute at most to check all the spots

Attached: Grim Dawn Screenshot 2019.03.31 - (996x711, 256K)

>Grim Dawn devs try to rip off Diablo 3 rifts
>it ends up being boring as fuck

how do you level fast?

I was interested in that, because its a 4 sec duration and its -fire res, guess I will go with that then

SR was the feature i was looking forward to the most since i'm burned out on crucible. What fucking garbage it turned out to be

exp tonics and shattered realm

Depends on whether you're starting from zero or not.

>pressin button
>not holding it

doing it wrong

That's implying that you remember where the spots are, I always forget with those fucking caves. And they're not even marked on the map too.

explain both

I was going to buy Grim Dawn, but I abstained because I have to buy miniatures and tools soon. The game looks nice though. I'll wait for the next sale.

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SR is literally a more interesting crucible

>Forbidden Realm
>Armored and Resistant


If you're on your first character (or you just have no late/endgame characters yet), the easiest way is probably to start the campaign and play for a couple of minutes until you get a decent weapon and a level or two. Then switch to Crucible and grind the first tier for a while for quick levels and devotion points. Once you hit level 20 or so you can either return to the campaign and blitz through since you're overleveled, or just keep grinding the Crucible.

If you already have one or more endgame characters, you can do stuff like buy merits to unlock higher difficulties right away, twink out your dude with some strong starter gear, buy lots of XP potions for him, etc.

All the armors look horrible, and you can't even find a set to look like the qt necromancer loading screen lady, stop trying to scam us

What kind of miniatures?

just pirate

superthanks user

That's your opinion. I found it infinitely more boring than crucible

which ones?

resistance reduction is really important in GD.

You'll notice it even in Veteran difficulty, Especially against those fucking elemental skellies or fire/acid aetherials

If fire is a component of your damage then its a good bet. However there are other options; you have several skills that reduce elemental resistance (which would include fire) that are relatively easy to get; Rhowan's Crown constellation has elemental Storm, which is probably the most popular elemental debuff; lasts long, high chance on attack, relatively short cooldown.

IIRC the Viper constellation also now gives -20 elemental resistances for 3 secs to attacks; meaning any attack using main hand damage will apply the reduction (at least in part). So if you're spamming forcewave for example, at max you still deal over 100% main hand damage, so I believe viper's debuff would apply.

Somebody correct me if i'm wrong with viper, please.

tfw I find these games kind of comfy, but only for a few hours

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>XP potions

Not that guy but holy FUCK i completely forgot these existed and have been levelling with base exp like a fucking chump for hours.

Kill me.

Normally I just use one at the start to level faster in Act 1 and then don't use them at all until Ultimate, where I'll have them on constantly.

>IIRC the Viper constellation

In a previous thread, somebody said its one of the worst reduction devotions because how it works, I dont have the GDforum post with the math anymore

I like how neatly you can use up the hour long duration with the potions, 1 for pine barrens/tyrants hold + fields etc


I thought it would just be applied to actual weapon attacks, so that any skills dealing 100% or over main hand damage would apply it in full?

>It looks better than it actually is. The calculation of % reduced target's Resistance comes after all other Resistance reduction and it's multiplicative, not substractive like other resistance reduction. It can also not go into the negative. So it's only worse it if you got barely any Resistance reduction, as if you got a lot then it either does barely anything due to Resistance already being close to 0 or it does nothing at all, since Resistance is already 0.

>Calculation of Resistance reduction:

>-x% y Resistance (stacks, and number gets substracted)

>-x y Resistance (does not stack, number gets substracted)

>x% reduced target's y Resistance (does not stack, multiplicative, does not go below 0)

Still seems pretty good for the investment really, but I wouldn't go out of my way for it.

The pacing of the game's areas is actually pretty impressive
Except Ugdenbog

Definitely worth it if you're building for elemental damage and need some Blue or Red points

I liked the AoM expansion, but it has noticeably worse pacing then the main game across the board.

First expansion. Guess they thought "bigger is better".


I'm no big ARPG enthusiast, but when I play them I want cool armors. Diablo 3, even though everyone hates it, at least had cool armors for the dudes and sexy/cute ones for the gals.

I've been looking through dozens of Grim Dawn and Path of Exile videos and none of the armors look appealing at all.

god i think ive tried every possible build. dont even know what to shoot for anymore.

So if it's already in the negative, does it actually IMPROVE their resistance?

Surely it should just do nothing?

I actually like how chunky the GD armor tends to look compared to the cartoony WoW look of stuff like D3.

>sexy cute for the gals
why can't they put normal armors on females too? I'm tired of this retarded bullshit

there are some stuff that don't need SEXT CYTE LIKE IN MY JAPANESE ANIME

stuff like grim dawn, darkest dungeon, baroque, and so on

Gimme a reason to play this over sticking with PoE.

No seriously, everyone says good shit about GD but i haven't seen a single reason to pick it up.

Attached: guess they never bargin huh.jpg (600x849, 342K)

It's just a solid Diablo-clone with a lot of potential build options
It's not owned by chinks so that's a plus I guess.

It's an actual game with a beginning and an end instead of a Chinese grinding contest.

>i haven't seen a single reason to pick it up

Its an ARPG with a class based system with traditional levelling, stat and skill point investment.

What do you want it to do, suck your dick? It does what it does well. What more do you want to see?

Multiclassing, mods, no chinese overlords, updates dont ruin your builds every month, easier leveling, rerrolling items and drop system not based on jewconomy, works fucking offline

Probably the strongest class that i have. I just shit lighting everywhere and everything fucking drops with no struggle.

Might pirate it.
I just remember trying a few years ago and not liking the leveling system, and a few other things I can't remember.

its a mostly single player arpg with all of the content accessible right in the game and many build options

seriously considering fevered rage for that 40% modified damage to pox, lads

>150% total speed

scares the shit out of me desu

Who needs Drain Essence

Attached: file.png (486x472, 239K)

What's the rest of your build like?


level 51 sentinel on ultimate at the moment, only have points in pox (all maxed) and posession (maxed in occultist, then powered through OK to get to the guardian modifier and celestial presence.

Devotions are okayish, i may tweak them slightly; i could probably drop manticore (didn't realise how shit the devotion ability actually was) and go chariot for a second heal (already have giant's blood). Have Rumor tied to pox.

Wish I could link you to the fucking grimtools but its down

Someone who wants to hit more than a single trash mob at once

Dunno if Bloody Pox is all that great for a Sentinel. I'd probably use it as an easy way to trigger devotion procs, rather than something I'd actually want to DPS with.

That's what Devastation is for

First character was a conjurer who is long since abondoned. What do? Thinking Obliteration build since I have vitality ritualist I already play a lot

And, like, other spells. AAR spellbinder was first character maxed out. Unlocked gladiator crucible, clears all ultimate content and can kill nemesis. Leave my spellfu alone

>Play Grim Dawn
Not on consoles, sorry

> lvl 50 oathkeeper
> have yet to pick a secondary
I’m doing the whole physical damage eye of reckoning, so far I’m leaning towards soldier but some anons have also mentioned inquisitor or demolitionist
Any recommendations or tips? I would appreciate a tentative grimcalc link

>clears all ultimate content
really now. so you killed both mogdrogen and ravager huh?

>physical damage eye of reckoning

Solder with warborn set or gutsmasher

Inc or Demo are better for elemental damage, Soldier is better for physical damage.

I could also go physical/fire or just fire, just asking for recommendations

do you like seasons and character resets? stick to PoE
if not, stick to GD
I really liked PoE until I knew how the seasons work and how cancerous the trade is

Does inc work? All o see worth taking is that crit passive and rune of renewal or whatever that heal is called
Runes are static and for the most part, I’m spinning around and not staying stationary
Demo has blast shield and that fire weapon aura but not sure how good they actually are compared to soldier shit

all right faggot I meant all 3 expanions and the dungeons with whatever legendaries were scrounged up along the way. I'm not sure there is a bad spell in the whole game if it's such a reputedly poor one to use

Well I have the groble MI that adds poison damage AND converts all vit damage to acid. Also combining that with a boneblade which adds more VIT damage to BP (which is then converted into acid thanks to the 100% conversion). Its doing okay for me so far, just a tad slow on bosses. But i'm used to playing a very inactive retaliation build, so it doesn't feel too bad.

Is there even any trading or ladders?
it's the only thing putting me off.

My PC crashes every 10 minutes or so when playing Grim Dawn :(


Attached: choo choo motherfucker.webm (480x480, 287K)

What are some of these Diablo-like isometric ARPGs that don't have end-game RNG grinds for loot items that have single digit or lower drop rates?

Trading is a bit awkward but possible.

No ladders.

LoL wasn't

> tfw anons from previous set gave me a full perdition set
Though i do agree that unless you are playing with friends, it will be mostly a solo experience and shouldn’t consider trading a thing

the game is fucking dogshit at explaining its mechanics and skills to the point i can't even make basic decisions to my build as a casual player.

i wanna make a build about rightous fervor.does the burn damage over time stacks with itself, making me profit from more attack speed?

i see i can convert the fire damage to vitality damage ith a skill point on that tree... will that convert the burn damage to vitality decay? finally the last skill point increases % fire damage, yet nothing in the skill tree deals fire damage...will it increase burn damage and carries over to vitality decay?

i am trying to cross occultist with oathkeeper buffing up righteous fervor attacks.

>tfw friends with Grim Dawn don't actually play the fucking game

if you are a pirate remember to copy the content of CODEX directory into the game's directory. worked for me

I play Fevered Rage, with a vitality to acid offhand. Stack your DA, find ways to lower their OA, and you should be able to tank them going berserk on you.

It's not bad, it's just that it's underwhelming compared to the other rooting channeling spells. It can barely get by on its own and needs devastation to supplement it. Drain essence and FoI can all get by on their own, have aoe, sustain and kills single targets faster than AAR

nah I bought the game and the first expansion

Playing on i7 8700k and GTX 970. Tried setting to dx9 and some other shit but it creeps crashing. Not just the game it crashes everything. Got orange/grey screen some time even, so its probably the graphics card

do pirates get to play online?

It was over 400 hours before I reached level 100 on a second character after my first one. So GD is pretty entertaining besides farming, I guess.

you could try ssf, it has a steep learning curve at all stages of your progression, but if you enjoy arpgs, and frankly I think most people who do will say that poe is just the best gearing experience out there, its hard but totally possible to clear all content yourself, albeit a lot easier if you go for meta builds
tradeleagues just speed up the process just like you could get a full legendary character in GD at 50 if the game was fully online with trading.
I"m more knowledgeable in poe than gd so I just find the latter to be too slow and boring to really get going unlike poe where you get a nice power boost as soon as you pick that first ascendancy at ~30.

>does the burn damage over time stacks with itself, making me profit from more attack speed
DoTs only stack if they come from different sources, so no.

>i see i can convert the fire damage to vitality damage ith a skill point on that tree... will that convert the burn damage to vitality decay?

>finally the last skill point increases % fire damage, yet nothing in the skill tree deals fire damage...will it increase burn damage and carries over to vitality decay?
Damage type conversion from skill transmuters is calculated after the skill bonuses are applied. Basically, righteous fervor will benefit from the +fire/burn damage provided by the skill's nodes before its damage is converted to vitality.

Honestly, I would respec to drain essence if I ever get any Ourobook pieces


How does damage conversion function for types which have no associated DoT, such as chaos and aether?

So after reading all the lore from the expansion, I can safely say Korvaak did nothing wrong.

The flat damage is converted, but the DoT stays the same type.

What's our opinion about Mogdrugen?

what are good pairings for oathkeeper aegis? i was thinking either going soldier for physical damage or demolitionist for fire damage

somebody wrote here you should take demo with grenades and rotate grenades and shield

He's a prick, but not enough to hate him. He's just there.


What's your opinion on those sphinx tiddies?

Here's mine. It's good but I'm lacking gear atm so I've been farming wasps which takes no time at all. Nothing is optimised. Sand devotion skill is ridiculous. 0.2s cooldown with 52% chance of activation each time the shield hits. Avenging Shield passive gives +1 target at level 20 or 22. Not worth it past there. Assassin's mark on Guardians of Empyrion but IDK if it actually does anything with their aura. Image is probably too big for Yea Forums. Build really needs life leech but I have so much survivability the soldier burst heal and health pots are always off CD before I need them again.

why is summon's heat aura and this rose buffs are op?

Gave me the confidence to go with it. All that happened is that things die much quicker.

Cheers dude

Attached: 20190331204329_1.jpg (1920x1080, 546K)

I want to try 2 builds:
Shield + Pistol Chaos/Phys build
Panettis Replicating Memes

How viable are they?

Attached: 1530067759559.png (923x713, 16K)

Panetti's is a popular leveling build for casters so I'd imagine it would be plenty viable.

where do i find cool builds?

Pistol+shield is kind of awkward. Dual pistol or 2h rifle will be better in most cases. While a tanky build will benefit from the shield, most tanky builds prefer a melee weapon instead of a pistol. It's definitely possible though, and I think a Pistol+Shield Shieldbreaker might be fun.

Haven't tried Panetti's in forever so I have no idea what its current status is.

Note that this list hasn't been updated for the expansion yet.

I've been considering trying Grim Dawn again. I bought the original on release and played it for 3 hours and haven't touched it since. Would I be getting the same experience without the DLC but just missing content/additional levels? Or would it be in my best interests to buy the DLC?

-37% physical resist when 99% of your damage is phys and internal trauma. You could perhaps drop a few points in it

This. I mean the other 90% of the games content is decent, but this leagues mechanics were fucked from day one, plus like the user said, i have no idea why they dont let their players have fun sometimes

Unless you really want to play one of the expansion classes (Necromancer, Inquisitor, or Oathkeeper), you should definitely just get the base game and see if you like it enough to justify buying the expansions. If you buy the expansions later on, the content just gets added to the game and you can access everything from the same character you were already using in the base game, so you won't miss out on anything.

What item(s) do you need to complete your build?

Pistol+shield works fine with the right set or the right shield, there's at least two sets and 3 shields for it.

How long is Ultimate FG compared to Ultimate AoM? AoM gets pure fucking SHIT after you enter the big cthonic rift. I did FG on normal and found it a bit short.

I found it easier than AoM

do not open

Attached: cursed image.png (350x408, 187K)

He's a big guy.

sticking? you can beat these games user. i beat shaper hardcore and felt like a good point to be satisfied and play a different hack n slash rpg. ofc uber elder but that on HC is like... RF build only


Spec exclusively into soldier, have fun

LoL was pretty fun and comfy, with a good lore and world building.

Look at FG being one overly long Act while AoM is two Acts.

How do i not get bored playing this

>tfw finished the game when it came out
>read the thread
>have literally no idea what the fuck people here are talking about

I don't even know where to start

Attached: 1554025717222.jpg (640x541, 40K)

I really wish the shield throw ability's cooldown reset thing would be like 75% chance if it only hits one target

the single target is so bad

>grimtools is still down


Is there a way to farm those new lotus materials?

I read they spawn from chests that are rare and random akin to exalted chests. One always spawns at the end of the first Korvaak kill though

Use Grimstash and keep trying new builds/classes.

Shorter but is packed with a shit ton of stuff to do. Tons of secret areas and I'm still trying to figure out where to get some of the quests. Plus the final area looks gorgeous unlike malmouth's ugly af city ruins

So I took 2 items from that pay denbts guy. When's he gonna come knocking?

>i could probably drop manticore (didn't realise how shit the devotion ability actually was)
No, it's excellent for -resistance

Never got anything else from him.
Probably going to be part of something later


can i get a quick rundown on the classes?

Finally got a piece of the Vanquisher set to drop. Must be a 10% drop rate or something at the end of each roguelike.

For my sentinel bros

Attached: Grim Dawn Screenshot 2019.03.31 - (1920x1080, 1.61M)

Based Russians have the GOG version

the rest

No thank you. I can't deal with aRPGs and their godawful combat.

Implement mechanics more engaging than 'Hold LMB over enemies until they all die', and 'Look at how big your damage numbers are getting'. Then I might give a shit about the genre.

Attached: 1536710735057.jpg (497x576, 75K)

>0% poison & acid resistance


he probably doesn't have dreeg up at the moment

his blood of dreeg ability gives mega poison resist when activated

>stealing from based Crate
You should be ashamed.

blood of dreeg gives him like 100%, it just isn't up in that pic

>50% of retal to dreeg's evil eye

What the fuck

give me this NOW

>entering a thread about a game you're not gonna play just for that
End your life

What do you want from the next expansion, anons? I want either 2 new classes (pure aether and void themed) or them to expand the current classes 2 up and 2 right. More devotion points would be nice too. Like +4 or so.

But you are always mixing soldier with one of the other masteries. Does that mean you are a fag?

>implying I pick another mastery

Pretty sure this was the last expansion.
The developers in their stream said they might want to take a break from the ARPG genre for a bit.


Attached: the great thing about having a shield isn't being fucking invincible, it's telling everyon (584x622, 118K)

I want them to make a new game. Hopefully something different, but good and successful.

The OP did not specify whether they only wanted people who play the game/genre in the thread. If anything, they are exhorting all readers to play the game. Its an open invitation.

Grimtools is back, bitches.

Soldier is tanky sword n board or beefy 2hander, generic and kinda boring but extremely tanky and strong. Lots of physical damage, lots of passive tankiness. Goes well with nearly any class.

Oathkeeper has lots of fire, acid/poison, and retaliation. Its only been out a few days so who know how well it pairs with other classes or what the meta will be.

Demo has lots of fire damage, gun focus, lots of active skills.

Arcanist is typical mage class, lots of active spells and abilities, emphasis on aether, cold, and generic elemental damage.

Occultist is mostly chaos, poison, vitality and pet damage. Strong buffs and debuffs as well.

Shaman is my personal favorite. Mostly lightning damage, with pets and vitality too. Storm totem is bae.

Inquisitor is heavily focused on ele damage, guns, and crits.

Nightblade is the dirty rogue, dual wielding, piercing and cold damage.

Necro is what you'd expect, lots of pets, vit/cold/aether damage. Necro+soldier is probably the best option for a first character because you can actually farm its armor set unlike other gear which is purely rng.

That would be a shame. I feel as if they've been going somewhere with the story at last but I've been ruined by PoE I forgot they could take a break and make a Grim Dawn 2 in the future, yeah.

>picking a mastery at all

See for the one true Chad of Grim Dawn.

>need Ashes of Malmouth to play Forgotten Gods
>no bundle deals
Way to be jews, guys.

They said they didn't want to release a new expansion without a new mastery, and they couldn't come up with a new mastery that wouldn't just cover the same things that other masteries already cover.

thank you


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Anyone tried poison dervish? I know sentinel would probably be better but I've levelled too many occultists already.

Yeah I'm not really sure why they did it that way. Surely if FG relies on some stuff that was introduced with AoM then they could just copy that stuff over for people who don't have AoM?

It doesn't matter for me because I bought both expansions on day 1, but it's kinda shitty to force people to buy both expansions even if they might only be interested in one of them.

>be unique, albeit flawed
>start being generic anime pandering trash and kill everything that was unique about it in the first place
Yeah, totally better.

but what about those big fat cat tats user

I tried it for a little bit, but didn't like it.

I'll probably give it another try later on once I'm more familiar with the kind of items that are available. Items can make or break a build in tis game, so it's possible that it becomes good with the right gear.

Theres the three gods set or whatever its called that gives a shitton of points for pox. Lvl 90 tho

When does this game get good?

Usually somewhere around level 20. Some builds get their fun stuff earlier.

What is a good combo to run with necro, occultist?

Because classes and items, FG is an expansion of both the base game and AoM.

Necro occultist is a solid combo yeah. One of if not the best combo for minions and pets.

Necro can work with a lot of classes.

Necro+Occultist is probably the best pet build in the game and also makes for a good Vitality caster.

Aight, thanks.

user are you ok? Viper and Manticore are not the same thing

Not sure who's making all these meteors

Attached: Grim Dawn 2019.03.31 - (840x472, 2.91M)

I really hope their next games setting is more akin to Titan Quest just because Korvan is reminding me heavily of it. Heck, I wouldn't mind if THQ worked with Crate to make it based on the new TQ expansion released a while back.

i think this is some devotionm it s on left side, "fire of somehting"

Ulzuin's torch, I'm not using that.

Attached: USA.webm (644x362, 2.66M)

They've already said their next game is a management/sim game somewhat akin to Banished. No more grim dawn or arpg's unless forgotten gods sells exceptionally well, which it won't.

fuck sake i missed that manticore didn't have a percentage

Post some gd stashed meme builds. All gear technically legit but good luck getting all health affixes. Very fun to run into a wall of bosses and afk through their damage.

Attached: HEALTHY.jpg (1920x1080, 514K)

Ah, I must have missed that, I only knew of an Xbone port they were working on. It's pretty cool to see them do something new but it's not a genre I'm into.

So, i have problem that bugging me long ago

My game stops when i alt+tabbing.

What do you mean stops? Does it just pause, does it freeze or does it crash entirely?

Either way, try running in borderless mode.

options > general, background fps slider

Does it freeze or stop working and have to close the game? In the settings there is a Background FPS option that's a slider, raise that to max?

I can't decide of summoning is the most fun playstyle or the least fun playstyle

looks like this works, thanks mates

where do i buy difficulty merits

Are Celestial Powers build defining? Some of them seem really strong and benefit builds that attack fast.

Conclave of the Three, vendor next to the blacksmith.

>download GD base game from gog, but not gog galaxy
>I'm supposedly downloading but game says I'm on
>can't install AoM
wtf is this shit

thanks mate

how hard is ultimate from level 1? Wondering if I should just do elite and skip normal