Who was the shittiest most boring and uninspired boss/mini-boss in sekiro?

Who was the shittiest most boring and uninspired boss/mini-boss in sekiro?

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all of them

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This cunt with her unblockable attack


All of them but Ape Guardian (and only for the gimmick before the 2nd phase) and the Folding Screen Monkeys.

That awful centipede boss, fight is over in a minute, easiest boss from as ever made that is supposed to be an actual fight. Its easier than fucking pinwheel.

Probably headless. It just feels like someone made a shitty and easy boss, then layered annoyances on top of it until it was more difficult. Fight ends up being 50% item management.

But he was spooky and that throws you off.

you mean the mini boss?

Attached: GuardianPeep.png (1233x1357, 390K)

Snake eye mini boss in front of the gun fort

How was she boring? Op didn't ask which boss you hate the most because of how many times they handed your ass to you.

Demon of Hatred. Goes against everything the game teaches you when all you do is sprint in circles smacking its ass till it dies.

The bull mini bosses teach you that though

owl 2
>locks you out of boss fight unless you follow some guide
I will never not be mad

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I beat her first time she was just the same as the basic enemies around her so it was pretty boring cause I was hyped to fight a mini boss in front of Buddha’s head but it just turned out to be a basic enemy with two health bars and a boring amount of posture with the same move set of the other enemies but with the pull attack that isn’t very well telegraphed but I guess youre supposed to jump on her but I just used fire crackers every time the kanji popped up I’ve fought her 4 times since I did a second playthrough and she was the most forgettable and uninteresting to me

Fire bull

This guy right here. Depending on a rare drop item that last for 1 minute on use is completely stupid. The boss is pretty simple but it was made hard by divine confetti.

I didn't even use Confetti to defeat her. She takes the same damage values as any other boss, she doesn't even work like an Apparition type enemy like Headless and Shichimen that barely take damage.

Have you seen the difference with confetti on?

This piece of shit nearly made me uninstall the game. Luckily I stuck with the game and am now enjoying it again.

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That works the same on any boss ironically. It's like the Darkmoon Blade buff in Dark Souls.

To add, if you get the Divine Flame prosthetic you never need to be Confetti again since paired with Living Force it buffs your weapon with magic fire that works the same as Confetti on Apparitions.

The headless because of limited confetti until near the end of the game.
The underwater variants are a breeze compared to the regular ones

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Which boss are you talking about?

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