Are gaming laptops a complete meme? What if you just want a portal PC and are too lazy to build a full machine?

Are gaming laptops a complete meme? What if you just want a portal PC and are too lazy to build a full machine?

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There's nothing "meme" about them, they are just expensive. They serve a totally different purpose than desktop PCs. The giant double-digit pound laptops are stupid though, unless you need that much power and also have to move around often.

This isn't about video games!

>too lazy to build
translation: im a fucking zoomer and have no idea what im doing

the hardest part is picking the parts, and there are entire websites dedicated to this. actually building the thing is easy. read the fucking manual

laptops in general are a meme

>can put on desk to play games
>can bring into bed for comfy browsing

Wow epic meme I guess.

Have sex.

Fine I’m too lazy to read all the sites. Also I’m nearly 30, I don’t think it’s hard to put the shit together, but right it’s literally only for one game so I don’t wanna spend more time leaning the best construction than I spend playing it

Imagine buying a PC just to play Portal. Yikes

They're a "meme" only because heat throttling will always be an issue and laptop heat buildup will always be a problem no matter what marketers tell you. Their batteries last only three hours at best during intense gaming too, so if you actually intend to use it for gaming, be prepared to have it plugged in near constantly and treat it as a desktop. It's still a good solution if you want a powerful computer that needs portability, if you're constantly on the road or are a student at university or something.

Laptops are not for gaming
I have a PC + PS4 for gaming and laptop for shitposting from my bed

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>literally only for one game
Why would you buy a PC or laptop at all if it was only for one game? Broaden your damn horizons, dude.

Get laid bro i mean seriously lol

If you need a laptop and can play games on them why wouldn't you? Stop listening to retards here.

Last time I bought a gaming laptop was when I had to travel for work. It was nice since I mostly played PC games.

>company calling a laptop a "gaming laptop"
Absolutely a meme
>Are there laptops that can run games effectively
Yes, look at the specs of it, not at a "gaming laptop" label

>decent enough performance at games


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ok now post the portables

>the portables
What do you mean?

except if you want to play games that demand a lot from your gpu you HAVE to choose a "gaming laptop" because other normal laptops have either a shitty dedicated gpu or none at all. because thats how laptops work, they focus on processing power not graphical power. retard

I just buy a cheap but OK laptop thats quick to fix up and expand and then stream my games from my main PC over the 5ghz WiFi connection or just play it on my GPD Win 2 if its a low-end title or on the laptop itself if its an adventure or turn-based game.
Gaming on the go I use hacked handhelds so I don't need carts.

I have a laptop because I can’t fuckinf browse the internet on my fucking switch, Jesus Christ. Sorry for trying to playing games on it I can’t on the switch

You know companies label something as gaming laptops because regular laptops are unable to play many games due to lack of dedicated GPU, right?

NUC is better

whats ligma?

Do they build gaming laptop that aren't edgy looking? Every gaming laptop I've ever seen looks really cringey and embarrassing to own.

I'm not saying avoid laptops labeled "gaming laptop", obviously a laptop with those capabilities would be labeled as such
What I am saying is that many companies, primarily if they are selling through the internet, will label laptops as "gaming laptops" even if it is integrated graphics, just because they know they can prey on tech-illiterate consumers who see "gaming ready" and believe it to be good and worth it

Okay so what’s a decent brand for gaming laptops that isn’t bullshit overpriced shit like Alienware

They are good if you don't want to pay for a gaming station bullshit.

Yes. They are expensive though. MSI GS65 is inoffensive.

They are expensive for what they are but Triton 500 or MSI GS65 are decent if you have money to burn.

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No one with a "gaming" desktop has sex. No one. I can smell you both through the screen.

i dont think brand matters. just look at the specs then compare prices. this will be difficult if you dont know much about pc parts as youll be doing a lot of internet searches to compare parts. building a pc is just much easier if youre going in blind

Acer or Alienware, unironically. You won't get anything better. Lenovo thinkpad memes need to fuck off, their laptops are only good for business, sure they are cheap, but they won't even run League of Legends well.

My current laptop has a similar spec to the GPD Win 2 (it has a i3-7020U), has a 500gb SSD+ 1tb HDD, and 12gb of DDR4 ram, and a 1080p TN panel screen.
Cost me about £150 because all it needed was a plastic piece of casing thats easily found, and two small scratches on the screen. £130 laptop and £20 in parts.

I've been in the PC space for over 20 years and have gone through various phases of snobbery and detachment, and at this point I would just say, do whatever the fuck makes you happy. I built multiple PCs in my life and I've owned a couple laptops, and you know what? My favorite PC I've ever had ended up just being some Alienware I bought because I could get it with financing, which fit well into my current financial situation. I love all the custom software it comes with, and I love being able to push a button on my phone to have some wage slave come out to my house within 24 hours and fix my broken shit for me any time I have a problem.

If you don't want to build a PC, if having a laptop sounds nice to you, if you just find a good deal, do whatever you want to do. Never succumb to peer pressure or listen to people that tell you "LOL BUILD UR OWN" especially since the crux argument of those people, the idea that building your own PC is cheaper, is no longer the case in many circumstances.

look at it this way, imagine your job is to travel around a lot and you have nothing to do in your hotel or the place you're in

Building your own vs. buying a laptop is much cheaper this isn't even up for debate


Some people need portability for work / school and lots of people get laptop costs covered by their jobs. In these cases higher performance laptops can be good. Otherwise it's hard to justify spending near $2000 usd on a laptop.

i need a gaming laptop because my power goes out often and takes a few minutes to come back

are you ok

>w-why would you need portability lol j-just stay at home DUHH

They used to be, because they were bulky and the battery lasted a hour while gaming
But now aslong as they dont look like "gaming" shit they're okay
I only really use whenever I go places but I dont really game on it besides to take VR to a friends place

Have you heard of a battery backup? They aren't expensive

>Buy a cheap laptop with an SSD;
>buy an external cradle for a GPU;
>buy a decent GPU, configure Windows page file on SSD to be 16GB+ (or alternatively, use USB sticks to boost RAM -- there's guides for this).
>save $300-600 depending on the kind of deals you find.

Thats what prositutes are for user

What? I said some people need portability. I'm using a laptop right now.

Imo it's better to learn how it works incase there ever is an issue. You can take it apart and troubleshoot instead of tossing the whole thing or getting scammed by pc repair shops
It's difficult as hell to talk someone through fixing their comp when they have no basic knowledge

Many laptops/GPUs do not fully support external GPU's yet, while you can put externals on most laptops, the majority will be limited in bandwith to be the same or worse quality as integrated
You must be careful when going the route of external GPU to make sure the laptop actually supports the high bandwith

Fuck laptop users lol, when I travel I just ship my entire monitor, keyboard and pc there and back just cos I can

Dont you need to have a thunderbolt compatible laptop? Plus most Egpu cases are expensive aswell, like 200-500? Though it's been a year since ive looked at them

I was talking in a more broad sense, not really about laptops, but you'd be pretty surprised with how expensive building a PC is these days. Most these companies get good deals on GPUs, whereas paying out of pocket for one yourself becomes quite expensive.

I just did some quick math comparing building a budget PC with similar parts to Alienware's $1300 laptop, and it came out to around $1000. The laptop comes with a screen, which would cost $100+~, is portable, comes with Dell support and on-site technical support, and that's without applying any of Dell's deals they offer every week. Could probably get a free TV out of it or something.

Not much of a price difference from building it yourself, honestly. Obviously get better performance out of the desktop, though.

>constantly need to play vidya where ever you go

get a real life

Ask someone who has a laptop with a 1080GTX anything

I regularly stream with it also runs Sekiro at 200fps on ultra.

>Thread about gaming laptops
>Not video games related

Sometimes I wish responding to clear video game threads with "not video games" was a bannable offense

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you know you can take laptops apart as well, it isnt even hard. one youtube video and you know how to do it

Look how thick this is compared to the GS65. Surprising how thin these have gotten in the past couple of years.


>I just did some quick math comparing building a budget PC with similar parts to Alienware's $1300 laptop, and it came out to around $1000.
Yeah I don't believe that. List specs of the alienware laptop

its more so I can game in my bed

do you wipe up and down or left and right

1080 cannot play sekiro at 200fps ultra

How is the battery life when straining it, I never trust when companies claim how long a battery lasts but doesn't detail what the laptop is doing during those hours

The thing about "gaming" laptops is that you cannot play intensive games without having the battery plugged in and charging. Laptops are portable but for gaming they're not THAT portable, you still gotta sit down with a wall socket

Yeah but they're more advance and it's not like you can replace any part if it fails
Besides the ssd/hdd and the ram if it's not soldered on. Though most of the time laptops issues are HDD failure, dying batteries, or cracked screen and those are pretty simple to replace

they aint too bad on a surface level, but their price/ performance ratio is god awful and they are unable to be upgraded, so unless you REALLY REALLY want the portability for whatever reason, dont bother. hell i'd get a fucking shitty tablet or chrome book for actual laptop work and get an actual desktop or even a console than a gaming laptop, if you want to game on the go just get a switch

literally the only people that ever gets gaming laptops are teens going off to college getting it so they can game without shipping their PC while pretending like they need it to do work and parents are more willing to get a laptop because every higher education snob has one.

> What if you just want a portal PC and are too lazy to build a full machine?
Then buy pre-built office pc from Dell, HP or Lenovo, and a graphic card

I've been meaning to get a Laptop for quite some time now because Uni has ben forcing me to move to various cities every few weeks and playing vidya only on the weekend feels kinda bad.
Friends told me to get an Acer Swift 3 with the money I'm getting for my upcoming bday but I have no clue where to start to get a decent portable so I can at least play autistic shit like EU4 or the occasional dungeon crawler without too many issues.

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they have extremely cheap ram and PSU and sometimes the insides have weird metalic frames that screw parts into place, a 1050 might be ok but anything more and its problematic

Yes, something in a similar price range for 2019 weighs half as much now. The GT73VR is a big chungus. It was top shelf at the time in 2016, no regrets. I am a big boy at 6'1" so weight isn't a big deal for me, however this fucker weighs 10lbs so for someone with a smaller frame might be an issue

This new MSI model has the RTX 2080, weighs a little over half the weight of my old one, has 24 more HZ as well as mine is 120HZ. Also, 6core instead of quad. I love how they state this one has 20% more CPU performance, realistically it's like 10. My laptop has the i7-6820HK

What do you mean wipe

1080p 200 frames per second on a laptop. Twitch only shows up to 60 though. Keep in mind I have my CPU overclocked and using Xsplits new NVENC encoding to keep stress off my CPU for maximum fps

Battery life is non issue plugged, unplugged since it's a little over 2 years old lasts 20 minutes on high performance mode. This is because I usually have it plugged in 90% of entirety of its life so constant charging weakens internal battery. They are replaceable

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you dont need a "gaming" laptop for that shit

i7-8750H, 8GB ram, GTX 1060 6GB, 1TB hybrid drive.

Assuming a comparable, around $250 for i7-8600k, $50 for 8GB ram, $300~ GTX 1060 6GB, $50 for HDD, $100 motherboard, $70 case, $50 misc parts, fans, etc, $100 windows 10, $50~ for a decent keyboard, $20 mouse cost, $30 for a comparable webcam, $100~ for a comparable monitor, and you're looking at around $1200. then you have to add taxes and other fees to that as well, which is included in the alienware price, and the fact that dell almost always has sales on their site. Last week they had a sale for 17% off sitewide, which would have brought this price down a couple hundred more.

When you factor in portability + Dell support and 24/7 home assistance, I'd go with the Alienware laptop over building a similar PC.

storage drives and memory are never soldered on. cpu and gpu are so those arent easy or advisable to replace unless you know what youre doing. but if your cpu or dedicated gpu have trouble chances are the entire laptop is done for and its better to buy a new one. with laptops you can replace failing parts just as easily as you can with pc as the failing parts are the battery, storage, keyboard or screen 99 times out of 100

depends on your budget. for small budget get a laptop with mx150 (gtx 1030), 8th gen i5. acer swift is good choice.

>witch only shows up to 60 though.
yeah so does your laptop lol. but like i said gtx1080 is not powerful enough to play sekiro at 1080p 200fps ultra

For the love of god buy MSI, do not buy Alienware

MSI cooling is 10x better than Alienware

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paying for a prebuild is paying the idiot tax and chancing getting a shit unoptimized build
laptops cost twice the same computer in a box, they overheat and have a shorter livespan

Some manufactures do solder the ram to the board
I wouldnt say they're just as easy to fix. Especially for someone who is just going off videos or Ifixit. I do wish there was a way to upgrade laptops tho

Does anyone have an average failure rate of "gaming" laptops?
About 10 years ago I used to own one. VGA died in a little over 2 years, just around the time the extended warranty ended. A friend got an Asus ROG about 2 years ago and one day he woke up to artifacts.

On the other hand, I first bought the CPU on my desktop PC 9 years ago and 2 VGA upgrades later, it's still kicking.

>$50 misc parts, fans, etc
Define misc parts. 3rd party fans absolutely not necessary with a 70 dollar case
>$100 windows
>$50~ for a decent keyboard, $20 mouse cost

Yeah I knew you were full of shit

Two years strong on my problem. If you aren't building a PC then the best prebuilt is the one you can't build; a gaming laptop

The new ones weigh a couple pounds with the RTX2080 are future proof for atleast minimum 5 years

I have a non-gaming dell laptop from 2009 that can play Sekiro and not drop below 30fps

you'd be surprised how much excess there is in modern games that you can cut with zero issues.
I can get a steady 60fps but it turns everyones hair off. for ????? reasons.
and I can't take the game seriously when wolf is bald and the kid is bald and the girl in the shrine is bald too.

laptops are in no way a meme. you just can't reasonably upgrade them, but if you became a poorfag that doesn't really matter.

I'm a web developer and everybody in the industry that I know of uses a laptop. Literally NOBODY uses a desktop. And it's the same for my brother who is a software developer - he has always used a laptop at each company he works at, and so do all his co-workers. A laptop means you can take your whole development environment with you, it's just easier. It means you can work remotely too.

In short, you're a dumbass.

which manufacturer? i have never encountered soldered on ram, my job is fixing up computers
but yeah the rest is easy enough. its not as easy as pc obviously but its not far off. youre just dealing with smaller parts and more screws

EUIV gets surprisingly CPU-heavy with a couple of mods and after some turns, and I would like to play the occasional shooter every once in a while (wanted to try the "new" Insurgency but my current PC is too shit for it)

I assumed Acer was a meme because I rarely see people bringing it up when discussion laptops (thought it was one of those super expensive brands that don't actually offer shit, kinda like Apple)
Honestly I'm probably gonna get some good money out of it and I'll be using it for the next 4/5 years, so I don't wanna get a piece of shit that's already outdated.

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Gaming laptops are people who travel a lot but still want to play at their destination. If you don't travel, the pros of a small desktop outweigh the cons of a gaming laptop by a huge margin.

It's Yea Forums what do you expected?

Not recommending it over another brand at all, just saying that the guy was wrong about the cost of building a PC being much cheaper than buying a comparative gaming laptop by an established company.

I've never owned an Alienware laptop, nor a MSI laptop, so I don't know anything about which is better.

Wow, you sure proved yourself correct. Even if you want to write off that $200 for whatever reason, the Alienware would still be a good deal for not much more money and getting many perks. I promise you, hop on Dell's site on most weeks and they're throwing good deals out like candy. As I mentioned, just last week they had a 17% off sale that would have brought the laptop I am talking about down to $1100, which is completely comparable to a budget gaming PC.

Let's see you build a comparable PC with those specs and what the price comes out to, you elitist rodent.

6 core cpu, gtx 1060, 16 gb ram, 144hz monitor, ssd 1000 dollars. i doubt you can build similar desktop for 500.

only BUSINESS CLASS BULLS get to upgrade

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>he thinks the notebook version of a 1060 is comparable to the desktop version

prebuilts arent horrible if you do it through a dedicated company. nowadays they usually come down to you paying for them to assemble it which is like 50-100 bucks. its not terrible if you just dont wanna learn how to do it and they do good job at cable management

I bought a Dell Inspiron 7000 during the Bitcoin meme era for gaming in Hotels and it works absolutely fine.

I wouldn't recommend for people just sitting in their homes because a PC is cheaper, but with GPUs at the moment I'm not even sure of that.

Previous IT here, some companies do solder ram as well as sometimes even things such as wifi adapters. Can't remember specific brands but typically i'd see it on older laptops meant more for a business or school environment, basically for people who would have no idea how to fix it thus forcing it to be brought in for repairs

Isn't that a so troublesome tho
Your mobile development environment can also easily disappear to unexpected mishaps accidents or thefts

if its mostly older ones then that probably explains why i havent seen any

it has same number of cuda cores and slightly lover core speed. it is only 10% slower.

>he fell for the gaming laptop meme

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It's getting more common with laptops that want to pack alot of power into a small space
I believe Razer's laptops do, the lg grams, and I think my dell xps 15 does but I havent opened it
I dont like it, it makes it harder to fix or upgrade

Yes it is this isn’t 2010.

EU4 only runs like shit if you go meiou.
for shooters or modern games, nvidia inspector is your best friend.
if you're not a graphics whore you can just get an average laptop and force downgrade any graphics.

They talk about how great the laptop and such is for their job, but typically will still have a desktop or atleast a company dedicated server to backup their information to

>web developer
>Literally NOBODY uses a desktop.
I can imagine you with you fagbook pro copy pasting some css with your faggot buttbudies and their fagbooks in some starcucks.

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A similarly spec'd Alienware comes out to nearly $1900. All that's missing are keyboard, mouse, and speakers. Unless you actually need to be able to play while traveling or in public or whatever it just doesn't make sense to pay ~70% more for something that will be less easily upgradable and will run hotter.

>spent a year at an engineering college for my degree
>75% of newbies fell for the Apple meme and bought macbooks for engineering classes
>They all got told they should get refunds because they are relatively useless and can't run any of the software needed

GTX 960 vs 960M

960M in laptop was 40% worse. My times have changed

nVidia dropped the M all together. Laptops are 5-10% worse than their desktop counterparts now, due to heat and power mods. Hardly a sacrifice to be mobile if you ask me

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>using allowance from work to buy a gaming laptop
>how to broadcast LOUDLY that you don't take your job seriously

>Yea Forums still missing the point where people need it cos they TRAVEL or MOVE a lot (whether it's family/work/other things related)

>arguing about specs

keep it up guys

What the fuck are you talking about? What kind of bloated web that need desktop to be built?
Dankpad + ssd is all you need. Desktop is literally only for gayming and 3d rendering.

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If you travel a lot for work or school or something they do their job.

Don't expect them to be that portable though. Under heavy load they drain power like crazy, and ventilation is a huge issue (laptops get hot as fucking shit). Like you're not going to play games on your bus ride, but you are going to be able to sit down at a table and start a game in like 5 minutes.

Dont reply to me ever again, faggot.

Can you link one of these websites? Im buildin a new pc and I have no idea about todays tech. My last build is from 10 years ago

If I work hard enough I can build a portal if I want to.

Unless you're staying at a different place every other night it's just not worth it. Any gaming laptop worth using is going to weigh about as much as a desktop. The only thing you're really saving is not having to carry around a monitor, and being able to run without A/C power for an hour or two at best.

I have an Asus k501u (i5 6200u, 950m 4g, 8g ram), what's your Sekiro setting?

Lol retard, here's your (You)

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>Visually no different from modern work laptops
>No more expensive
>Thinking no one has a job requiring a GPU


by travelling i mean staying at a place for a certain amount of time (1 week - 2 months) before moving to the next. you just can't do that with pc

Don't choke on a didlo ever again, faggot.

They're expensive but worth it if you absolutely need a mobile solution.

If you want a cheap mobile solution, build a mini itx pc you can carry around + an external monitor.

Worth it

I work as a network administrator and I have dealt with them before. They are heavy and bulky even if they look like normal laptops, the fan runs louder and more often than a normal laptop and they are also more expensive than something more suited to office tasks might be. For someone who needs to do graphical work, they would get something with a workstation GPU, which have compute hardware and features that don't exist in consumer GPUs. These laptops also typically have a more rigorous construction than gaming laptops.

Isn’t that laptop in the image an 8000 dollar prototype?

The only people I see with gaming laptops look like total spergs so yeah they're a meme

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>tfw windows 7 compatible hardware at semi-reasonable prices is going to disappear in 2 years
>tfw you're too poor to break in now, got shit all on tax returns

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>windows 7 compatible hardware
windows 7 is compatible with any hardware from this decade onwards. dropping support for windows 7 doesnt mean its not going to work on future hardware

Nigga you can install windows 98 on moderm hardware why wouldn't windows 7 work?

Triton 500 is 2.1kg.

He fell for the compatibility meme
They think that because it won't be getting constant forced updates rammed up its theoretical software rectum that means it will break and never work again

I'm considering buying one as I like PC gaming but I'm consistently on the move and not at home.
Useful for aforementioned purpose, but I remember my mate falling for the Alienware meme.


yea you can install windows 7 but what about drivers? cant use shit unless you want to pay someone $200 to code drivers for you. and the keyword is reasonably priced. what's coming out now is being made for w10 more cheaply and conveniently. they days where you could just clean install w7 and have it work seamlessly are gone. there's going to be a point where linux distros are going to be easier to use.

An exception for sure, but it has a price tag to match, and you still missed all the other points.

It's actually the norm with modern gaming laptops, but the price has increased to match. There are still "thicker" Walmart gaming laptops but the enormous desktop replacement style ones are the rarity nowadays.

"Gaming" laptops are a meme and are stuffed with shit that looks cool in the store rather than shit that actually helps it run games. Generally, manufactures attempt to appeal to the 13-16 year old demographic so you'll often get sharp edges and LEDs rather than modern hardware.

High-end laptops are another story, and fulfill several roles. They can happen to be also decent at gaming.

In both cases, there is not a lot of room for upgrades.

They have their purposes for some people who travel / university college kids / academics who do ai shit / render shit etc

Redpill me on dGPU

Laptops can't be watercooled, overclocked or achieve 144hz refresh rates.

Case closed.

>Laptops can't be watercooled
Asus actually made a watercooled laptop some years ago and watercooling is largely situational on desktops anyway, air cooling goes very far.
There are mobile CPUs with unlocked multipliers.
>or achieve 144hz refresh rates.
The new HP Elitebooks we've adopted as our fleet laptops actually have 120Hz panels. They're no-nonsense business machines too, it absolutely is within the realm of possibility to install some ridiculous ultra high refresh rate panel onto them.

There are a million arguments against gaymen laptops, but you managed to pick the non-issues. Try again.