Dad walks in

>dad walks in

Attached: you_winning_son.webm (960x540, 1.75M)

Other urls found in this thread:

japanese "humor"


best thread on Yea Forums right now.

>dad takes a seat
>dad watches me play, showing me he cares about my interests and reinforcing our relationship
>later go out to a sportsball game w/ dad and get drunk on his favorite beer

>mom walks in
>starts to imitate the dance.
>i turn off the console and never play japanese games again.


I want to fuck every single one of those females.

is this from some sfm hentai thing?

>all those people just watching deadpan
pure cringe

no, its a MAINLINE Nintendo game, made by a AA team.

>Still post this

This is fucking sad

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Jokes on you faggots, my dad watched anime before I was born. He's used to this kind of bullshit. We'd just laugh at it together.

Absolutely seething

>dad walks in

I'd be saying "Hey dad, what are you doing in my house uninvited?"

i've seen this so many fucking times now
I'm just gonna ask
what the fuck is this and where is it from

Based af

Xenoblade Chronicles 2

In this scene these girls lose a bet and they have to make a fool of themselves in the bar.

It's only 10 seconds of bad jokes, but some autistic people do their best to throw shit into the game using this moment as an excuse.

wow almost looks as dumb as humans who dance in real life

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My dad still makes fun of me for liking anime, I'm 30 years old and own my own house.

Your dad is a fag

Is this actually a good game though? I'm used to the JRPG slog, is it playable without a switch?

>this fucking webm again

I wonder if Eric is actually a bot.



you know they are weapons? robots?

And? They have vaginas, don't they?

>dad walks in

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why is the blonde bimbo's hair levitating?

If my son liked korean caricatures I'd also make fun of him

>Is this actually a good game though?
>I'm used to the JRPG slog
You better be.
>is it playable without a switch?
I don't know how far along emulation for this game is. Besides that, it's only on Switch

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>sup dad, can you grab me a beer since you're up?

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Explain this sequence. I don't own the game but I need to know why it exists according to the story. What's happening and why?

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I'm here to finish what I started.

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optional sidequest you only get if you get the one specific blade from the gacha system and stopping at this one inn.

Pah, how boring.

>well son, at least you like girls
at which point i start dancing too
>son no
he says, as I gram his hand alnd pull him in.
>daddys love for mine, we share
i take his hand and make him do the danve, us together
>as anime girls

it's a for fun, cute little sidequest for a character you may or may not ever get

The guy who keeps starting threads about Xenoblade 2 is weebtrash using the webm in the OP.

Oh god this looks awful
How do people watch that shit

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>Haha good one son, reminds me of my days in vietnam

Don't you dare!

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>dad walks out
>never comes back

Is that real? Why are they pushing this interracial shit in video games now?

Xenoblade 2 is still in Eric's head rent free

Based mom

So, did you get her Yea Forumsros?

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Wow, your mom has a lot of girl power.

Yes and I wish I didn't.

It's real. It's from Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus.


Well it worked.

Thanks to that I'm never buying that pos.

This piece of shit has gacha?

>dad walks in

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Yes, it's one of the more annoying mechanics in the game. There's actually an in universe reason for it.

>living with your dad

>What's happening and why?
shitty Jap weeb humour for neets and losers

This is going to get shitposted forever and it's worth it. Xenofags aren't even going to be angry about it. It's the other weabos seething.

>you winning son

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shit thread

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It's from Cuckenstein 2, which was made in Sweden. There's also a scene where a pregnant woman takes off her shirt and clears an entire room of enemies about to kill the MC.

Those boobs are at least 2 sizes too small for Pyra.

I didn't think it could get even worse... but the dub... and the music even sounds like it's farting in my ear as the scene is ending...

>dad starts flossing

Why is Eric so sad he posts this webm every day?

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Its to trigger racists who get upset about pigment.

Works like a charm.

That's a pretty soft Pyra.

>Race is skin deep
Could have fooled me.

It fooled the ones who got upset about polygons rubbing together. Racists are that stupid.

>tfw never experienced anything like this

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Can someone link this whole scene on YouTube ur something so I can finally see why they're dancing like retards in a basement

>ones who got upset about polygons rubbing together
Much better. Like people who get upset about loli or shota on paper, those people aren't the smartest.

Who was in the wrong here

>dad starts beating off
>dad ejaculates on me.
>it's Monster Energy Zero Ultra
>Boomer juice seeps into my skin
>body contorts, flesh wrinkles
>Monster appears in my hand.
>Immediately start playing Quake with dad

You're a retard, but you have good taste in boomer music.

no LARPing

cringeblade chronicles 2

That makes it better

You'll actually have to play the game.

You're STILL posting this?

Did this game kill your dog? Steal your girlfriend? Piss in your cornflakes?

What is this garbage and why do people eat this shit?

Pyra is cute as heck

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is that knuckles

go to bed

Your dad sounds like a fag until the third greentext. The way to wrote the third greentext seems like you're a fag.

It's good wholesome entertainment and people like it because it's fun_

anime should be banned

Geez, what crawled up your ass and died?

Oh my fucking God, I can't believe this is an official dub of the game.

based and nice

what the fuck
is this supposed to be funny in japan?
weebs are a lost cause

based and agreeablepilled

The absolute state of weeb games