ITT: It's 2006
ITT: It's 2006
Youngfags won't understand this thread.
Just rented Ratchet Deadlocked from blockbuster on a snow day
Just got Melee! what am in for?
I stole every manual from Hollywood Video.
Is anyone else hearing about the new PS3 which costs 600 dollars? also Xbox 360 is still too expensive so PS2 and Gamecube it is.
Did you also steal it from the Game crazy stores often located right next to Hollywood video? (aka right inside of it)?
Please rate my AMV!!! ^_^ NARUTO IS THE BEST
One copy of Ninety Nine Nights. I need to show Jeremy how many units my brand new Xbox 360 can display at once.
LOL what if Popeye was in an anime!
Dawn of War and Guild Wars are just the best games ever.
Why not wait for brawl bro? Its gonna have ridley in it
New video guys! Also wtf is grametrailers and screwattack?
I saw this thread on reddit.
Yea Forums steals thread ideas from reddit. LMAO
>not 2003
fuck off
>writing "600 dollars"
>not writing "five hundred ninety-nine US dollars"
Ask me how I know you weren't actually around in 2006.
>Be me
>12 years old
>Go to a gamestore with dad
>Immidiately run off to the GC section
>Dad stays in the doorway, looking very awkward
>Decide to buy Metroid Prime
>Dad says no
>Leave store
>advent rising
Fuck. I'd completely forgotten about that game. Sequel never fucking ever.
Quality vs 2019's quantity
Holy shit. Look at these graphics.
>Batman Begins on PS2
And yet, games had already been shit for a long time.
Is that really from 2006? So the OG Xbox still had way more game space than the 360 in 2006? That's a bit crazy.
>pre ordered the Wii for Christmas
>went on a school trip to Germany to the Christmas markets
>played the shit out of Twilight Princess, Wii Sports and Excite Truck
>got a few more games then never played the Wii ever again
I'm sad to see so much Xbox game, that announce a sad generation of gaming leaded by shitty American games
Based family video, brings back memories
Can't wait for Halo 3 guys, it looks fucking epic.
World of Warcraft is so fucking good, holy shit, Blizzard is the best developer ever
haha wowie, I sure do love super mario sunshine. the graphics are out of this world!!!!
how many internets have you guys won last week?
LOL have you guys heard of boxxy? she's great
pools closed
anyone got a guide for Blood Money? I'm so fucking bad at this game.
Gayness and a fixation with an ugly as fuck busted game from a sugar series that manages to sell gangbusters is the best shit to grace the earth while being absorbed into toxic community of beta losers suffering from hair loss at 30 and edgy teens who are nostalgic for the 90s despite being born in 98
Anyway pass the cherry coke and pizza hut loser
Dude! swordcraft story is pretty rad. You guys should play it.
WTF bros? Why does the new Onimusha have a blonde haired chad protagonist instead of Samonosuke?
>counter strike source
I'm failing all my classes user
When's Duke Nukem Forever coming out????? I've been waiting forever
>Mortal Kombat: Armageddon
>King Hearts II
>Mother 3
>Neverwinter Night 2
>LoZ: Twilight Princess
>Tomb Raider Legends
Has it truly been so long?
Never ever
Wow, it's 2006! My best friend is alive again!
>ratchet and clank UYA
>everyone from the neighborhood coming over to my house
Take me back bros
>Hollywood video?
wew lad
almost forgot that was even a thing