Attached: Sekiro 31.03.2019.png (1920x950, 2.43M)

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Git gud

learn to parry

Cheese him with Shadowrush.

i beat him easy even with the bell demon, you just have to parry

The only way to beat him is to learn the systems of this game. Be able to deflect, know which attacks to dodge, know how to counter and jump kick, use block to regain posture, don't get greedy. To put it another way
Git gud

What exactly does the demon bell do?

enemies do more damage and bosses attack more frequently in turn you get better loot

more than 25% of players who have started the game have killed him

cyka blyat


I forget my exact strat, but he uses a lot of thrusts so try and bait him into doing more of those while chipping away at his HP and deflecting when you need to.

Alternatively, just use firecrackers to lower his HP and work on deflecting from there.


Yeah, well, they paid 60 bucks. It's not like they'll just give up.

What the fuck is wrong with your letters man.

Stop falling for memes like this
Genichiro can be made substantially easier (though still hard) if you attack him until he deflects, dodge step his counter, then spank his ass when that counter leaves him open and repeat. Basically be really aggressive, but dodge instead of parrying. Parrying is extra difficult on him because his normal strike is really fast and can be chained into a string of practically arbitrary length, and the orange flash from blocking his jump hinders discerning what unblockable he's starting after it in the second stage. Also, attacking posture before doing serious damage to vitality gives you less room for error, if you miss one parry, you have to start over.

take your time, stop Russian.

>dodge instead of parrying
Completely wrong. You lose nothing by attempting to parry. You will still block the attack at the loss of some posture if you don't time it right. Dodging has almost no i-frames. The only attacks that you can effectively dodge are his arrows.

>hinders discerning what unblockable he's starting
He always thrusts in the first phase and always sweeps in the second.

>He always thrusts in the first phase and always sweeps in the second.
not him but while that's generally true, I've seen him do both in the second phase

Attached: btfo.webm (994x560, 2.87M)

This. He always thrusts in the first phase, but can do either in the second. If you suck at reading the move, always go for the mikiri, because you still have enough time to jump if it's not a thrust, you won't get any hits if you do that, but you won't eat shit either.

>You lose nothing by attempting to parry.

Except up to 70% of your healthbar.

>You will still block the attack at the loss of some posture if you don't time it right.

Or you will get hit.

>The only attacks that you can effectively dodge are his arrows.

Wrong. The only attack he starts after a deflect that is more difficult to dodge than to block is the running spam combo.

>He always thrusts in the first phase and always sweeps in the second.

He alternates in the second.

parrying lets you kill him when he's 50% health

Don't give advice if you don't understand the game correctly because you've been cheesing everything. If you knew how to parry properly you would know that you can still block even if you get the timing wrong. You will not lose any health.

Need some advice guys. Hit a wall on the last boss. Cannot even get through the first phase... and ive mastered genny and owl so idfk

Attached: 1548000204001.jpg (200x200, 19K)

Where the fuck I need to go in Kongo?
Dead ends everywhere.

Attached: Sekiro 31.03.2019 15_16_04.png (1920x950, 2.25M)

did you ring the bell

Attached: feels.jpg (839x942, 41K)

that's a dead end until you kill genishiro

Yes. They give me some Demon item and what's it.

What a stupid faggot

Attached: amp-quot-dark-souls-has-artificial-difficulty-amp-quot_o_3228583.jpg (698x4352, 459K)

Did you find the Main Hall idol? Interact with the bell below the Buddha inside the building. If you can't, talk to Kuro until you exhaust his dialogue then try again.

no not that one. the one with the monks sitting down with centipedes in their vaginas

not that bell. You gotta find a hidden path that leads you to that long bridge



If you can't beat him, then Sekiro is not for you.

So I need to kill him first on the roof?

Who are these poor guys?

Attached: Sekiro 31.03.2019 14_46_14.png (1920x950, 3.54M)

Genichiro seems like he's meant to be a tutorial on how you should never ever stop attacking

The majority of bosses become easier if you attack as much as possible as it narrows their moveset options.

Attached: Genichiro.webm (720x404, 2.89M)

Eбaть дeбил
Oднoгo из лeгких бoccoв yбить нe мoжeт

Git gud, pidor. Killed him on second try.

Those are children that the monks fucked and then discarded.

гит гyд

>playing with buffs

Attached: 1547105329710.png (368x394, 293K)

Oh (You)

Attached: kirbylaugh.png (455x455, 285K)

>Main Hall


How the fuck guy in the video got so much health?

Пoшли нaхyй, пидopы.

Attached: Jesus Christ!.png (1280x720, 1.04M)

>How the fuck guy in the video got so much health?


Ктo ж винoвaт чтo ты блядинa тyпoгoлoвaя нe мoжeшь в pитм yдap, peфлeкт, yдap и caйдcтeп oт aтaки в пpыжкe.

Did you not know you could double jump to punish sweeps?

>ako sugar isn't balanced by both bell demon and no kuro charm
yea ok buddy

I'm pretty sure those icons are bell of demon, the hard mode icon and the third one is the candy, he's obviously on NG+ too

>not punishing sweeps with High Monk

Attached: Bounce vs High Monk.webm (900x506, 2.88M)

>wasting skill slot when the passives does the same shit

Do I kill all NPCs before going into NG+?

bounce does like half as much posture damage

Attached: lone shadow vilehand.webm (650x364, 2.89M)

style points though

Mikiri avoid

barely any of them are damageable

>can't tell the posture damage difference
>doesn't know you can change skill slot literally anytime.
literally braindead

>on a fucking axe drop kick

Attached: 1552136113643.gif (532x295, 2.08M)

Pezdos. Motherland is ashamed of you.

desu didnt see the posture bar and thought you asscreed falling killed him carry on

beat him on my first attempt, you're never gonna be good at vidya accept it.

i beat your mom on my first attempt

How do i deal with his third phase?

I can deal with the first two easy, but this lightning shit is evil

what the fuck dude

t. skips text

R1 when i hit the ground?

dodge shock arrow, jump and hit attack on shock sweeps, meekeeree his thrust, everything else is normal 1st phase

where do i go after killing him? I told to go to a bunch of different places, which is the easiest?

Explore, bro

In the air, just mash R1 and don't jump too early

I beat him and i still don't know how to deflect plan on completing the entire game without it

brought genchiro down to the second phase in under a minute and then lightning reversald for the victory not bragging just sayin it was based

Just be yourself :)

should I go to the temple, sunken valley, or the dungeon thing

Attached: Ashina Elite.webm (750x420, 2.91M)

>playing with buffs

Attached: 1553264876376.jpg (468x571, 57K)


is the umbrellas counter another button or does it do it automatically after blocking?

>buffs, plural
it's one buff and 2 debuffs

after the first upgrade it's your guard button to spin (costs another emblem to do so)


Also if one boss is impossible to kill despite you beating him honest: Try exploring the other areas

what did you guys do first?

Yeah definitely, you've got the right idea

>high monk can activate in air to leg drop on landing

Why is everything in this game so excelent?

It’s the same button, you just have to time it like a deflext


>spirit emblems

Attached: BOTHER INTENSIFIES.gif (320x287, 982K)

>fighting Shichimen Warrior
>one shot his ass by accident with an anti-air deathblow
Cool, I'd forgotten about that

He's one of the easiest bosses. Just get in his face, parry and cut him. Sometimes he'll try to jump with his bow and get cut down lmao
Piss easy.

>>one shot his ass by accident with an anti-air deathblow
Y-You can do that?

No i wont fuck you

Sure, naturally it needs to be his last health bar but the amount of health/posture doesn't matter

Uninstall the game

Im in endgamae the now, when I run out of emblems trying to fight owl 2 or the demon of hatred I kill redhats for XP and fulminated mercury and spend any dosh I get on spirit emblems, that seems to do me fine.
1 run gives about 30ish emblems.

>naturally it needs to be his last health bar
That isn't a "one shot"


>playing with debuffs

I beat the game with like 700 in the bank. So I can't complain that them being a consumable is a problem, but at the same time I don't think it adds anything of value to the game.

Thats more like the first general miniboss. Only way I could kill the fucker is by realizing I had to burn through his guard

>it needs to be his last health bar

Attached: anti-air deathblow.webm (1000x562, 2.47M)

Does work on Bosses too? Like Genichiro doing his jump attack.

I wish Living Force lasted longer

Гит гyд, дeбил eбaный.

I just got to the Fountainhead Palace and have 976 of them.

yeah man, that's what I did. it made the fight real easy :^)

Paccлaбьcя, бpaт.
Дaвaй лyчшe хлeбнeм пивкa вмecтe, бpaт.

Attached: 15495965889950.jpg (1280x960, 245K)

Lmao he's Gascoin equivalent of this game, you fucking дoлбoёб. Imagine having trouble on a tutorial boss.

Does it gives any better loot from bosses? I like that debuff but i turn it off on last boss.

The fuck is that thing in his right hand?

>get better loot
it's just a higher global drop chance for items

Third stage?



>unless you suffer like I did, you do not understand the game correctly, even though your method is so obviously better I'd call it "cheesing"

Based retard.

Я знaю.

Пoйдy yмpy.

Attached: 15538583657170.jpg (600x589, 86K)

look at that, an animeposter who is shit at everything in life.
why do you try to talk down others while being yourself unable to finish the game and having obviously no idea about the game?

I could never do this move, do you have to be confetti buffed for it to appear?

He's easy as fuck
Don't be a pussy go aggressive
Watch out for sweep or thrust counters just be patient don't rush it

On his lightening faze do the same as mentioned above and always jump to the left when he jumps does the lightening attack

pyccкиe впepeд

First time coming here in about a month to avoid spoilers and here's what it's been like
>get assraped by a boss
>learn it
>beat it
>rinse and repeat till I'm clearing bosses that have single digit clear rates
>beat Owl (father) last night
>2% clear rate on PSN
>near perfect fight
>tfw get to the Demon moments later
>mfw people say he's way easier than the final boss
How the fuck

Attached: kenny.jpg (600x335, 21K)

Demon of Hatred is a marathon boss. It's tough because he has three HP bars, and you can't parry 75% of his attacks without getting burned.

Final boss is a lot more aggressive.

Only took me 16 attempts, get good you fucking shitter.

Attached: sekiro_2019_03_30_23_00_16_645.png (1920x1080, 2.51M)

He is easier because he doesn't have 17 phases

>Demon of Hatred is a marathon boss.
Yeah I feel like I'd lose my shit if I hadn't filled up my inventory with all the excess sen I earned because half the fight is staying topped up on heals and buffs. It doesn't matter if you're solid on 90% of the shit he pulls because the faggot hits way too hard. All it takes is one slip. Owl father had similar shit with some of his slices but at least he wasn't a bullshit giant in a massive arena.

Maybe they're talking about the Kuro ending. I found Isshin way tougher than Demon, and I found Demon tough

Are you doing a challenge run? The bosses take way longer to beat without parry meaning you have to survive them longer making EVERYTHING harder.

I had trouble with him until I decided to just be extremely aggressive and just attack constantly

>I found Isshin way tougher than Demon, and I found Demon tough
Same. Toughest bosses in the game are
1. Last boss
2. Owl
3. Demon

Once you know his pattern and learn how to parry it properly you can make it to the third phase with most of your healing and revive.