Sterling is so fat he lacks the reaction times to play Sekiro

Should obese people be allowed to critique games if they don't have the 'stamina' for it?

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Stamina and reaction time have nothing to do with each other you retarded faggot.

From literally admitted the game is meant to incentivize memorizing instead of reacting. Fat people do tend to have lower cognitive capabilities though.

he is retarded stop this shill of literally who

He's perfectly fine in what he dislikes about the game. Not everyone will like any game. Why make a video about it though, defending the game while stating it isn't for him? The video could be replaced by a sentence-long Tweet.

user how is reaction times tied to fat?

So just like every other souls game then?

>From literally admitted the game is meant to incentivize memorizing instead of reacting
Yea Forums will defend this

>reeee he doesn't like the game I like


To FROM, its the equivalent of being able to play dragonforce, through the fire and flames in guitar hero.

Why are people like him afraid of admitting that they suck at the game?
"Game is not for me, I don't like it" - you'll almost never hear this from someone who beat the game, its always some spergs that show the footage of game's beginning
Just say "i suck at the game and its not for me" instead of trying to act you "dont like it".

Same reason for every video, money. You're standards are too high for what's basically a clickbait channel.

Not sure how this can surprise anyone. Jim is famous for being bad at games and for disliking difficult games.

Because you can get good at any game. Doesnt mean that every game is something your gonna like enough to put the time into getting good

time required to get good at sekiro (good enough to beat it) is nowhere near time required for any multiplayer competitive game
and no, not everyone can get good at any game
the reason this fat fuck likes souls is because he can cheese everything by grinding or equipping op items, no skill

Didn't he say that he doesn't like it, but actually thinks the game is great?

>Should obese people be allowed to live?

yea, he's just afraid of uttering the words "i suck at it" and replaced it with "dont like it"

jim sterling proves that the people seething at sekiro are soulsfags

Some people want the reward achievement brings but don't want to invest, they just want it for free they're called communists

He readily admits he is bad at it though, he said he sucks at bloodbourne and souls too but those were more to his taste, personally I didn't enjoy sekiro as much as dark souls st first but it's rapidly growing on me

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I watched the video. He says he sucks at it but respects it and thinks it's a great game.

So why is this place making it look like he said it differently?

nono, those were not more of his "taste"
he was able to beat them by cheesing such as overleveling, putting on op gear and weapons etc
which you cant do in sekiro, if you want to cheese you have to understand the boss
i enjoyed sekiro at start but the difficulty killed my enjoyment, So I decided to stop being a little bitch and beat it (at final boss now, beat demon of hatred last night), best game from From

Because he's a big fat faggot.

but he does say he sucks at the game

but he never outright admits he sucks at it
"dont like parrying, cant parry" etc, going around it
"Its not for me but its a great game" is what he said

I literally never bothered to learn parrying in dark souls and yet I have no problems with this game at all so yes he's a fat cuck that can't play games just like the rest of all the gaming """"" journalists"""""

fuck this fat faggot i fucking hate him

Because his job is to make videos. His audience pays him to make videos about his impressions of video games.

>"I'm terrible at Sekiro."

You people are absolute children and I'm glad nobody outside of these threads cares about your thoughts.

Oh so basically it's just because you don't like him. I get it now.

He outright said "I'm terrible at Sekiro". Then says it's not for him but it's a great game.
I don't understand, what else should he be saying?

Are there not other topics and games to cover instead of this abortion? Movie critics don't review every single movie.

In the video he stated that he wasn't sure about even making the video, because it'sa good game that isn't for him, but he is known for having Bloodborne as his favourite game ever so people that can relate to his taste may want to hear that Sekiro also might not be for them. He explained why he likes Sekiro much less, even though "it'sa great game" which is valuable information to those that share his tastes. That's what critics are suplosed to do. Not just report ablut movies or games they like.

For a lot of people, it hurts their pride to admit they're not good enough at a game. Though I think failure and learning from it is just as a valid way to enjoy a game.
I enjoy fighting games and I overall suck ass at them. But once I stopped making winning the highest priority and focused on learning and trying new things, fighting games became really enjoyable for me and I stopped getting upset at most losses. Then again, I don't enjoy Souls games that much because I just really hate having to backtrack back to the boss after each death. Just something I don't enjoy but if others do, that's cool.

>beining triggered over someone not liking a game you like
>obssessing over eclebs

Yep, OP is a faggot. Cringe.

Critics make an informed decision about what to review. You review the material you have something substantial to say about it. He made the wrong choice.

>eceleb thread
go fuck yourself

Just killed Owl and haven't booted it up in 3 or 4 days. Game's not for me.

Got to admit i'm not feeling the game either and I love the souls games. It isn't the difficulty, I like a challenge. If Sekiro had armor sets and different weapons and builds you could use it would be much better.

Code Vein will save soulsborne.

I just watched the video and I agree with him 100%, I think I'm going to get fit first before picking up this game again.

I like the game a bunch amazing enviroments. But the fucking bosses are all so fucking cheap and bullshit it gets annoying

People still watch Jim?

You can aknowledge that a game is well made and have appeal to people outside yourself. Im really not a fan of RDR2, think it's too focused on being cinematic and railroading the player, but I wouldnt call it a bad game cause I know people really like linear, controlled story games

>one of the few people who legitimately enjoys Musou games
>absolutely intolerable otherwise

What a shame.

Because it means admitting your taste is not the final arbiter of quality. It's why bandwagons are a thing seeing as people can't admit to liking a poorly made anything thing it reflects on them somehow.

"people" that get their stupid and regurgitated opinions from influencers shouldn't be allowed to pollute the internet

>stops halfway through the game and posts a video on how the game is "not for him" but he totally respects it
>finishes the game with all optional content, get's the best ending, still leaves a negative review calling out artificial difficulty and lack of content compared to other souls games


it's a fucking video game. what's next? someone taking "pride" because they watched a movie in one sitting? fucking retarded.

Learn how to play video games

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why do I care what other people think about a video game?

>someone taking "pride" because they watched a movie in one sitting?
They call that marathoning a movie, apparently. People these days can't watch shit without taking breaks to check their social media.

We're already at the point of people taking pride in sticking things up their butt, so it's not like the word can devalue even more from here.

>imagine being such a sperg you get violently upset when random reviewer doesn't like a difficult game

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daymmm son if wish i was as c00l as u

Stop shilling some random faggot video bloggers

fatty spotted
Also, the more exhausted you are, the slower your reaction time.
Thus they are linked.

>got to SS Isshin
>though to myself jesus christ won't beat that, but hey, I got this far at least
>feel real bad about not finishing the game proper, watching ending on yt is disgracefur and I just don't like to quit
>2 hours fight him defensively because until then I still got away with it with other bosses
>actually start improving and learning to be more aggressive, ridding myself of the fear of death
>in 2 hours he's down
Could have saved 2 hours and had it not been 9pm and had I not been so tired after playing for some 10hours non-stop basically I could have defeated him in 1 hour or sooner.

People are weak, pathetic bitches who just don't want to push themselves.

>Game is just not for me
If you have something to say just fucking say it instead if tiptoeing around. I hate cock teasing faggots that are so concerned about being inoffensive like this.

I still love you, queerbo Jim!
Notice me senpai aaaaahh~~

Jim's a faggot
Stop making these threads
Nobody cares about him

Why do you souls retards get so defensive and anal all the fucking time?

musous and mmos will turn you into a lazy braindead idiot. the only skill musous take is mentally building a priority list of places you need to fuck shit up.

If someone sucks at something that doesn't automatically mean they dislike it though you retard.
I suck at EVERY fucking game I play, and I still love video games, if I don't like one it's not just because I suck at it, and it hardly ever is the reason for people to dislike games.

You assuming that someone must hate it only because they suck at it is ludicrous and childish thinking.

Imagine being so fat the amount of mass your chunky sausage fingers makes it so they can't physically be moved by your abused muscle and skeletal system at a sufficient speed to play a video game.

fatty here, I beat the game no problem, Jim just sucks at vidya

Is this the standard way of deflecting criticism the? Knowing you're going to get flak for your opinions so you stick those three fucking words at the end of everything?

I weight 115kg and still beat the game.

This was a surprisingly reasonable video. He basically said he doesn't like it and is bad at it, but doesn't think the game is poorly made, it's just not for him. I'm okay with people that approach such issues in this way.

That's Jim Sterling in a nutshell. The fucker talks for 10+ minutes about something that could be stated within a couple tweets. But tweets don't bring in the Youtube bux

ahh the tower shield wielding help summoning havels wearing shitter cant play sekiro. i wonder why

>he took our anime tiddie games from us
>from took his game from him

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Watching you fucking beta faggots foam at the mouth over somebody not playing the new chink toy is hilarious. Do you think every person needs to share your interests?

Grow up you silly cunts.

>big enemies you just poke down
>parry enemies literraly just tap parry button randomly and it works

how the fuck is this too hard?

>Jim Sterling WILL die in your lifetime

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This. Difficulty modes won't change that either because it hurts people's pride to lower difficulty. So they'll bitch that "Normal" is too hard. We going back to the Era where Japanese "Easy" is our Normal bros.

>incentivize memorizing instead of reacting
This. Why some fat slob isn't very good at the game though? Probably because he lacks the energy to care enough about it to keep on playing and master/memorize each npc/mini boss/boss timings and attack patterns. It's the same nonsense with the souls games. They are purposely designed to fuck you over until you memorize and come up with a proper strat. Fat slobs don't like to put so much time and energy into getting good, but that doesn't mean they lack reaction time or are "bad gamers". Many such fat slobs are great at mastering things that don't require time and energy to memorize; you could say they are natural "gamers", just lazy af.

Why was that a thing?

yes, water sipping vegans are prime examples of gargantuan intellect

But he isn't afraid of admitting it and actually says it on the video? More than once, too.
You are one stupid and buttpained souls-tard.

Sterling should be allowed to critique games and people should be allowed to read them and people should be allowed to post about them.

It lets us know who has a sub 90 IQ.

Wait drinking water is now bad? Says fucking who?

Ummmm how can he be fat if he's a pro wrestler?? Checkmate Yea Forums

>why yes, I drink water, how did you notice?

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Can't believe impressions are reviews now
Let me try
My impression of (you) is that you can't read
5/10 at least you tried

Agree, it was similar to me too. When it finally clicked, I almost no damaged him with only losing health in the last phase. I learned how all his attacks worked and what I could do to counter them. It became really fun to know what to do against his attacks.

Literally the definition of 'git gud'