Which vidoegame character have you shown your appreciation to the most?
Which vidoegame character have you shown your appreciation to the most?
I love and appreciate my wife Kasumi!
Your wife cheated on you with me
you already posted her. she's killed many, many
I love Reisen!
Gordon Freeman of course.
Sorry but she and I have been faithful for over 20 years!
Biggus dickus
Booker Catch
biocock intimate
Anna DeWitt.
Pharah r34 is actually GOAT and I dont even play Overwatch
this since I find her hot by association since that's my gfs (female) main who I healslut (male)
is this code for jacking off
Probably The Last of Us Sarah at this point desu officer.
What's the deal with that scar on her abdomen? Almost everything featuring her has it.
I love Kass!
No, it's code for masterbaiting
I've got a thing for jackal ears like you wouldn't believe.
My wife Hina-chan of course
Captain John Halo
I'm obsessed with Lara.
Underrated. Deserves more semen tribute.
I don't know why but ear fluff pisses me the fuck off. I think it's because it looks like they've just left cotton balls in their ears and I just want to pull them out.
Imagine the wax
oh my god the horror
I love cute user!