Updating UBlock origin filters break Yea Forums (not 4channel)

Hiro back with his attempts to undermine the users. Unless if you have Yea Forums X, all of the pink boards will be broken. Have a try after updating your filters, you'll see soon enough.

Attached: UBlock_Origin.png (1200x1200, 60K)

>pink boards
And nothing of value was lost

not sure if I should update ublock. Should I go for it?

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You want all that shit coming here?

Awww shit

I'm already here.

why the fuck would anyone not be using the ccd0 release of Yea Forums X? You're telling me people use the native extension on purpose?

>giving a fuck about nsfw boards

I've spent more time jacking off on Yea Forums lately than on the pink boards, it's already here

Works on my machine.

video games

>You're telling me people use the native extension on purpose?

Attached: 30 years old.gif (301x353, 1.56M)

works fine on my machine

Why would I need pink boards when I have Yea Forums waifu threads?

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I don't know if you're the same user who warned about powerad.ai then that other thing but thank you for posting these threads on Yea Forums
Fuck Hiro

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I havent seen that one yet

Attached: ubo.png (520x384, 17K)

>website doesn't ask you for monetary compensation
>serves ads as a results to pay bills
>fraudulent users act surprised when their almost illegal access to the site is restrained

Who do you think is more wrong here?

Attached: Kirby.gif (310x266, 132K)

>works for m-
>(unless you have Yea Forums X)
oh okay

Attached: 1545218059560.gif (540x540, 168K)

pretty sure that nigga hiro injects malware into the ads

In my case, AdBlock Plus wasn't working, so I had to uninstall and get origins

If only those ads wouldn't potentially compromise your system security and add more load to a simple website.

So what happened to that vtuber thing?

>unironically was still using adblock plus in 2019

Attached: 1530770486759.png (800x800, 57K)

The chink that allows scummy ads with viruses in them.


banned for hate speech

Can't believe a chink will make me migrate to infinity chan

It blocks some ads uBlock can't block

Eternal reminder.

Attached: DO_NOT_TRUST_HIRO.png (2000x2200, 935K)

What did she say?

Also this.

Attached: DO_NOT_TRUST_GOOKMOOT.png (1402x3892, 2.21M)

like what

you better give some limitation of ublock as example because you can use the same filter lists if you want resulting in the same things being blocked

I have both uBlock Origin and Yea Forums X installed but the pink boards have been broken for me since yesterday, what do?

perpetrated the "old Yea Forums" myth

I updated everything just now and pink board works fine with Yea Forums x + ubo

or is it a problem with posting? I didn't bother trying

nothing seems wrong to me. Latest update on ublock origins and whatever is different from blue boards is blocked nor are the red boards broken.

its been working fine for me but this image was posted in /g/ see if it works for you

Attached: 1554013464718.jpg (2234x818, 386K)

>why would person do thing? you're telling me that persons don't do other thing?

is there a more reddit fucking thing to say?

unless youre a total newfag why wouldnt you be using Yea Forums X?

Why don't you just use noscript?

that did the trick, thanks mate

what should I be seeing? I have another problem with the site now, though, so I'm not surprised something else is happening
my problem is, after clicking on a thumbnail, then minimizing the picture, the site just skips up to the place where the pictures original resolutions top was

The only problem I have is the tab icons not updating

reminder that if you block ads you are literally PIRATING WEBSITES

you need to support web developers, servers aren't free

just temp allow 4channel and Yea Forums through no script and you dont have to fuck with the ubo settings

nevermind, I updated. Everything's doki doki.


>le newfag XD

please reddit, stop

what happened to the Virtual Idol thing?

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Adblock is theft but also fuck Hiro.

>step 4

Attached: 1541261866488.jpg (774x850, 197K)


Dont mind me, i'm just pirating your post

Attached: SmartSelect_20190331-120303_Samsung Internet.jpg (713x291, 90K)

>d-do i fit in yet g-guys?


As long as people hide malware in 3rd party adverts then I'm going to continue blocking them.


it's like reddit made your personality. fucking yikes.

this is not true.
advertising is designed to grab your attention but it doesn't force you to see it.
You are never obligated to pay attention to advertising.
If you are blind you aren't cheating by not looking at billboards, you are not stealing television by turning off your set for a few minutes between breaks.

Adblockers make ignoring ads too easy which hurts websites but it's their responsibility to find a source of income that users don't block out.
Sponsorship, premium services and donations are all hugely successful.

big oof

bigger failure than Canvas

Stop stop stop why are you trying to explain this shit to these people? if they think like this they are already too far gone or they're the same people who started this line of thinking.

Mine works fine. What are people on about?

What the fuck was Canvas again? Some kinda tumblr alternative?

based tbqh

says the cuck.
fuck you.

I thought it was a draw your oc adventure app game

Why don't you faggots just block this shit with noscript and avert the crisis?

Last time I check, hiro still hasn't found a va.

I use adblock because the only viruses I ever got on my computer was from ads.
Once I started using adblock I haven't gotten a single virus since.

teach me how senpai

You don't even need to. You can do it with fucking ublock origin itself.

Pink boards are just the NSFW ones, right? Ive been using tomorrow everywhere for too long to remember.

Implying I give a shit about your morals

I don't remember it's been forever. I thought it was like a reddit, facebook, tumblr alternative or something? Normalfags were raving about it but that was it. The only thing I can find now is something about like online schooling.

i use both ublock + umatrix, havent updated them, and i can still see the nsfw boards without ads

Where does it say I am obligated to accepting any ads?

There's a difference between ublock and ublock origin

pretty sure i have malware/spyware on my computer but malwarebytes hasnt picked anything up been 3 years since ive installed windows probably just gonna wipe it and do a clean install soon

as one of those people, I need to inform you that you are mistaken

I wrote entirely ironically and didn't mean a single word I said

Yeah but noscript is still better for just blocking particular domains and sites to ensure a much better and faster loading site in general and be relatively secure.


Welcome to the botnet.

>"serves ads as a results to pay bills"
>"ads" in question are actually malware that serves to collect user information

bootlickers are the worst.

am i no scripting right guys?

Attached: noscript.png (527x195, 40K)

>website says you have to unblock ads to view website
>do so
>website has virus riddled and invasive ads
>your computer is now fucked
But at least you got to visit the website! I've made it a personal rule that the information isn't worth getting if I have to unblock ads. 100% of the t ime they are dangerous to my computer and they will not offer to fix my computer because of their shitty ads. I'm not gonna let them fuck up my PC just because they need "revenue."

I have same fear too but i hope it is not true.

Attached: kuumotus3.png (400x400, 166K)

>website says you have to unblock ads to view website
>leave and never come back

>block website just to be sure

>website has no ads whatsoever even without blocking ads
>browse normally
>suddenly asks you to subscribe along with payment plans if you want to continue

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i meant ublock origin, thought it was obvious

Oh I agree. Everybody should be using noscript too.
Seeing some of the garbage on sites is crazy, news sites are nearly always really bad for it.

Oh, I actually just learned there was two of them a half hour ago.

You for thinking I care even one fucking iota. My hatred for all things online advertising is strong enough that I'd rather watch the internet at large shrivel up and die due to unprofitability rather than deal with the total asscancer that is online advertising. You can shove that morality whinging where the sun don't bloody shine, your tears sustain my blocklists as I enjoy a much more usable internet.


doesn't work sadly, Yea Forums for example is still a mess

It's more like a light orange or am I going blind?

and if there's no s.4cdn.org entry?

Last I heard it was just piggu proxy. Its blockign this one as simple as making a new rule?

>I'd rather watch the internet at large shrivel up and die due to unprofitability rather than deal with the total asscancer that is online advertising.
Finally, a kindred spirit. I can rest easy knowing that I am not alone in this line of thinking.

>nsfw boards
yeah we don't tolerate that kind of hate and bigotry on our subs

I call them piss yellow

>outs himself as phoneposter

There's two?

Attached: D1n9K51U0AgiKr0.jpg large.jpg (2048x1152, 192K)

i take comfort in knowing that this website's existence will most likely end through the incompetence of its owner.

i don't really care about this place, it's like a tv i turn on for entertainment and then turn off again. when it dies ill just go to another website.

I can't believe there are fucking redirect ads in the phone app. Reading a thread? Fuck you, here's an advertisement to get a free Amazon gift card and you can't even use the back button to go back.
I barely phonepost, just when I'm taking a shit at work or something, but it's ridiculous. I actually unblocked ads when Moot was in charge to support the site, I'd never fucking risk that nowdays, Hiro will probably start installing bitcoin miners on our computers off the desktop site.

doesn't work when in the catalog mode

How exactly are the pink boards 'broken' though?

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>Fuck you, here's an advertisement to get a free Amazon gift card and you can't even use the back button to go back.
That was coming from here?! WTF GODDAM IT HIRO!

Maybe that will teach you for phoneposting.

>removes comfy j list ads for spam and porn
nah, he gets no sympathy from me

The boards didnt work for me yesterday fr som reason
they work fine now

Yes, even if it's in a different tab I think.
I spend about 30 minutes a week phoneposting compared to my fucking 50 hours or so a week here for the past ten years. The phone site is just so bad that even in that short time you run into complete nonsense.

>website says you have to unblock ads to view website
>block it

Attached: 1553744448614.jpg (700x1138, 194K)

I phonepost with Clover app and I see no adds and it runs fine lmao

Yeah 30 minutes of phoneposting that could be better spent on things like playing VIDEO GAMES user. Hiro is only doing you a favour.

How am I supposed to play video games at work while taking a dump? Phone games suck ass, Yea Forums is more entertaining. Not bringing my Switch to work.

Remember: always attach images to your post so that, even in only a small way, you are increasing the site's bandwidth and storage costs. Plus the retarded gay archival scrapers that are always begging for cash lol

Attached: bO4oEKv.jpg (1200x1168, 199K)

Just use ff on your phone. Takes the same plugins as the desktop version so ubo, or tampermonkey/4chx etc

Same. The absolute state of PC faggots

Attached: same.png (1080x113, 16K)

I don't want to use Sorosfox. To openly admit that and be proud, it's not something that can be tolerated. I seriously prefer being lied to and having my info stolen by Google.

>How am I supposed to play video games at work while taking a dump?
Bring in a portable gaming device.
>Not bringing my Switch to work.
Understandable and that's fine but you could get a cheap PSP and softmod it to play a gorillion games.

Do you see a 4cdn.org entry or something similar? I disabled that and it worked.

You're wrong.

The web is a pull model, not a push model. I'm not blocking served ads, I'm merely declining to request them.

Based. Uploading close to the permitted limit as much as I can

Attached: grinch_leak.jpg (3208x4700, 3.88M)

hiro fucking rangebanned me from uploading images on Yea Forums to try and get me to buy a fucking pass


Attached: 1550078241630.png (968x789, 1.19M)

nope I'm simply declining to request ads since i'm not interested in them.

It happened to me as well. It was after someone or a group tried to spam a picture of nude Hiro in the catalog

>website needing money to run means it's acceptable to make your computer vulnerable to malware
Neck yourself bootlicker. I'll remove my uBO once Hiro removes all his malware and adds back J-List.

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don't ascribe to malice what could easily be explained by incompetence

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whatever you say im not buying a pass you bitch

Anyone know which uBlock Origin custom filter is responsible for breaking the nsfw board catalogues?

Reinstalled it and everything worked again, but when I re-enabled all the custom filters it borked again.

I don't need the pink boards.
There are enough faggots here for me to fuck

>implying I don't have 4chanX

how to block ads on mobile

browserposting is fucktard tier, get clover you stupid mong

not vidya

fuck those niggers desu get a real job

>get a real job
this. Learn to code.

Thanks lads

Attached: 1424061706245.gif (200x200, 1.16M)

Adblock is the same.


What video game is this

Brave, or ff + ubo

There are no ads on these Yea Forums boards anyway, just disable it there.

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your kind for ruining the internet

I've seen multiple ads on those shitty boards though.

I disabled adblock on those boards and I haven't, mainly cause nobody wants to advertise on them considering it's all porn, gore and shit.


Attached: Aw9s0EH.jpg (720x412, 37K)

I could swear I've seen some porn ads. Those fuckers have no standards.

It wouldn't have mattered that much if it wasn't for hiro's malware ads and forced trackers on monthly basis. Right now if you don't have uBO installed with up to date filters or anything similar, powerad.ai domain(which is loaded on every 4channel session) serves the purpose to execute loads of javascript that collects a massive amount of data from you and gives it to google. This piece of shit came out of nowhere a couple of months ago thanks to jewmoot.

I disabled ublock origin last night trying to get the site working and there were boxes where I assume ads would be but were blocked by noscript.



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I don't use any of the Yea Forums boards so it doesn't really matter

*pirates ur website*
nothin personnel

literally just blokada bro

I thought clover has ads? I never browse on mobile

go to settings and click the bit that says "I am an advanced user"

reload the page.

p.s. fuck mods and fuck jannies