What do we think of it, Yea Forums?
I want bushido blade. Not more 2d fighters.
It's really cool, liking the supers and the whole meter stuff, character design is also based, all and all pretty kino, definitely buying
It will perhaps be the first video game I will buy in this millennium.
Stop tying to fit in so bad, god damn. I got fucking embarrassed reading that shit. Type like a real person, you dork.
I'm waiting for the maid to be announced.
Bushido Blade was trash
I'm really liking what I'm seeing. The game has a chance to do pretty well, it seems to be grabbing a lot of attention in the FGC and it is the perfect game to pick up as your side game.
Sorry but the objectively superior waifu is here now
because it was unique, it was different. It wasn't the same 6 button 2d plane fighter we have literal HUNDREDS of.
But it played like dogshit
This design is too busy for SamSho, she belongs in a different series like KoF or Last Blade.
Nobody wants your kusoge.
Have sex
Trash design, laugh at everyone who approves of it
>but Cham Cham
Cham Cham also sucked, fuck off
Who else is still listening to that banger of a theme?
I really hope they do an edition that comes with the OST
sounds like shit
I want to see how they will handle Galford's theme
I believe you can hear it here
>Enja DLC reveal
>Lani from FFIX made it in
It's not Samurai Shodown 3 so it sucks.
Holy fuck, fuck this electro-techno nu-male shit.
Just give me classical japanese samurai music ffs
So only the chinese girl and tengu/angel to be revealed
Waiting for Shizumaru
You can't get any more American than Earthquake.
Thanks God they fixed the horrible graphics KoF 14 had.
Have they showed any Hanzo gameplay yet?
Another Neo_G game, which will mean it's above average but will probably have some glaring flaws if they don't patch it. Not really a fan and the SFIV look is just off putting.
I think Hanzo wasn't playable in the PAX build
dirty bird
>superior waifu
I think its fucking stupid that it only releases on consoles, on the other hand it means that the PC version will be better on launch..
what matters is if galford will manage to tap nakoruru this time
Shill alert
SNK still hasn't given any info on netcode, so it's a no buy until I get rollback
Pretty excited. If the game goes well, we might get more revivals and shit, making SNK even more popular which is nice.
My IRL friend is probably going to make me play with him, but SamSho doesn't really appeal to me. KOF is infinitely better.
I hate Charlotte's redesign but I forvige them because they gave me a new brown waifu
Still waiting for my man Kazama (no homo)
it'll have shit delay netcode and a tiny playerbase but i'll still buy it like a retard
Nakoruru is cute and I love her.
Enjoy a baren single player, no offline scene, and dead online scene. Good netcode is pretty much a must for a healthy offline scene since daily training has taken up online for practicing for offline weeklies or monthlies
Imagine being this insecure with yourself.
>mfw this played
What the fuck, the theme is a trap song? I honestly wasn't expecting that.