There is no way the Witcher can fail with this talent writing it

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Other urls found in this thread:

netflix is cuck shit, lately they were going after japanese. making movies how jap men are cucks and betas who dont deserve their women.

What is the problem this time, incel?
Have sex.

>unironically paying for and watching netflix
Is this bait?

I seriously want to know how you become a writer on a panel like this.

Like fucking seriously I could probably do a better job than these lesbos

Gotta have a deep throat and a lot of enthusiasm

Clare's cute.

Affirmative Action.

hey tranny,sucking your own dick doesn't mean you have sex

No like for real, what qualifications does one need to get to a position like this. Because it doesnt look like much.

sharks are pretty cool, honestly

>all white people
Typical racist scum

It'll be shitty imperialist western propaganda as usual

Exactly what kind of retard unironically thinks that videogame adaptations are capable of being good?
Even more, one based on some slav ripoff of LOTR that the only people who ate it up were players because the videogame industry has the lowest storytelling standards of all.

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seething incel

>netflix show
>videogame show, not even a movie
It was going to suck from the moment someone suggested it.

Well none of them says she/her on it even the one with the muh patriarchy so I'd say that's as good as you can get.

Seething that I don't suck my own dick? Are you mental?

>"Have sex" wont be wordfiltered because the mods probably reply with it themselves

well they already made slavic characters black so it already failed.

remind me again why aren't twitter screencap threads permaban on sight

Anything that shines our allies in a negative light must be censored, comrade.

>no pronouns

Who are these fascists?

1. Reason previously stated (see: Harvey Weinstein, et al.)
2. Be related/good friends with a show producer
3. Begin writing for some tiny pilot show that has no real standards (see: Basically anything on Netlifx Indie) and have the show "blow up", as in get any views by pandering hard to the liberal college and under audience.
>but user, what about people who are actual good writers and work hard on developing scripts and series
They don't go to netflix


>He's never had sex


>Game is based off novel
>Could get writer for novel to write for a show and keep characters as they should be
>Get 4 whos instead

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The writer is a white male. You can't get a job in a left-leaning industry as a white male.

This thread reminded me to get to work on that GOAT short story idea I had earlier. First bit of writing I'll finish without giving up this time, wish me luck bros

You have to suck cock, every single one of these hoes sucked cock to get where they are at, to get grades, to get shit.

They all sucked cock.

Other than "patriarchy smasher" what's the problem?

women shouldnt be allowed to have jobs

While I agree the writers for it are terrible, most shows/movies based on books don't retain the original book writer as the show writer due to inherent differences in the types of writing such as having to have the timing, concerns of visual effects, etc. Most good ones will retain the originial writer as a producer or such to help edit and guide the main writing

The writer doesn't know english.

I just want to talk about fucking video games user but keep on shitposting

"Have sex" wont be word filtered because it's what everyone but you does

>Jenny Klein
Marvel's cloak and dagger, Jessica Jones, Facebook show, The Tick, All the worst Supernatural
This one is bad
Patriarchy smasher. Actually believes in the patriarchy and wants to destroy it
This one is bad
>Clare Higgins
Aspiring Cat mom. Sad existence, bitter in her own life
This one is bad
>Lauren S. Hissrich
Quite possibly a witch. Lol so quirky and funny like a 14 year old girl but still a mother
This one is bad.
Pull up the rest of the writers, 4 of them are bad.

fuck off roastie whore

If you ever want to see what horrors occur when a book author with zero screenwriting experience jumps right in and has a go, try suffering through the Fantastic Beasts movies.


The Witcher 3 was written by two Yentas + 3 white boys. So the show will be mostly the same, but with ugly actors.

Which sums up pretty much everything wrong about this adaptation to begin with

>seething incel

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Sapkowski is an old fart that is also a fucking cunt, fuck him for what he tried to do against CD Projekt. Fuck him,

>someone scoured twitter for 4 female devs at CDPR just to post them here for epic (you)s
holy shit

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>I could probably do a better job than these lesbos
go for it then

The problem is none of them are great writers.
All of them range from bad to mediocre.

>from bad to mediocre
Perfect fit for a mediocre ripoff of LOTR.

You think those women are devs?


>when you are a millennial so desperate for outrage that you think the ones in the OP are working in videogames, and not in that shitty Witcher netflix show

At least pretend you are not here just to be outraged.

Clare a qt
>aspiring cat mom
w-well it's not as bad as the others

Jenny "The Herpes" Klein writes for terrible cuck/feminist shows such as Jessica Jones, Sacred Lies, and Cloak & Dagger
Hailzor's twitter is nuked afaik and a lot of people aren't even sure if shes a writer for it
Clare Higgins doesn't seem to have anything too bad on her twitter, besides being a typically millenial post-college student
Lauren HerItsHissrich is just a feminist mom
Overall people you wouldn't want writing for a show like "The Witcher"

he was initially asked to help. he flew in for 3 days, got disgusted by the writing staff and left.

they dont seem any different from cd projekt writers

What, you actually expect them to get talented writers for some shitty videogame adaptation?

First season of Jessica Jones was fine. The second one was a big fucking train wreck mind you.
I especially like the logic of trying to do a Mutant Growth Hormone plotline when you aren't allowed to use mutants.
That's really smart.

Imagine being so addicted to outrage that you pretend a Netflix show based on a videogame had any chance to be good in the first place.

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sad but witchercucks deserve to one's gonna care about the show either way

>get paid 15k
>game makes millions from your work
>uses your characters, the backdrop you worked hard on, the politics of the world you made etc
>think 'huh maybe i should get some more money'
>cdprdrones literally lose their shit and pretend he's some evil faggot
Suck more corporate cock shitlord.

>be offered royalties
>say no and demand 15k instead
>be mad when your stupid gamble backfires

Why not? The witcher is a cuck IP that condemns white males and praises witches, dwarfs, elves and monsters, and of course the Divine Feminine™.

>endlessly praise a shitty "RPG" that holds your hand through the entire game and that is pretty much just a refined Ubisoft open world game, all based on the drunk ramblings of some slav that really liked Lord of the Rings
This is exactly what you deserve.

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Never said that, just responded to user asking for clarification beyond "patriarchy smasher", 95% of netflix is trash writers
First season was mediocre, decent enough for a new marvel tv series, too slow paced and"Im sad but can do whatever", couldn't even bear to do the second season

>get offered two deals from a poor super small no name slav dev
>Either less money and Profit sharing or more money and no risk
>take the no risk option
>cry about it later
Yeah, no. Fuck off.
He's a bitter cunt who had no faith in CD Projekt, he does not deserve a single cent.

Just because they're women doesn't mean they're gonna write garbage it depends on what they've written before, for example the new bumblebee movie was written by a woman and it was pretty decent.

The writing is going to be garbage because it's a videogame adaptation.
You could get Shakespeare himself to write a videogame adaptation and it would still be trash.

>get offered Royalties
>have no faith in the project so ask for immediate payment, so no royalties but no risk
No. Fuck him. He rolled the dice and lost. That's business, baby

>the drunk ramblings of some slav that really liked Lord of the Rings
more like
>reads elric of melnibone once

the old mega man cartoon was good

Shakespeare was an idiot and probably a plagiarist who was promoted by corrupt nobility

As a man he would stand no chance because of the patriarchy.

Also, shut up lesbo.

It doesn't matter, the point is that videogame adaptations can't be good because the stories are made for videogames.

have friends in high places, a vagina or skin that isn't white

>have sex

Sex is not the same as sex. If you fuck someone who has std (like most sjw), you are even worst than the worst incel.
Only if you fuck 10/10 or your wife, you have real sex about which you can brag. But if you fuck women above 30 or sjw, you are just a loser who only gets shit no one wants.

Thou is simply frazzled that thine collar is of higher esteem than thous

Shakespeare wasn't an idiot, his audience was. He openly mocked them in his plays and went down as one of the greatest writers in history. Next level shitpost game

Yikes, spoken like a true unironic incel. Good job?
Did you think you would come off as anything else but a seething incel before sending this post?

stop projecting

Yikes fag bitch nigger.

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Don't forget!

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>everyone but you does
dilating your wound isn't sex
trannies can't have sex

>Its ok if a corporation steals your life's work because you signed a paper 15 years ago.
Look at this faggot

>Just because they're women doesn't mean they're gonna write garbage
name 1 good woman writer

He gave it up.
That's business.
At the time CD projekt was smaller than him. He had no faith and DEMANDED instant payment over Royalties.
Fuck off, retard.

t. Retard that doesn't understand how contracts work

Ayn Rand

He didnt know what he was getting into faggot. cdpr was a small no name studio back then, taking an upfront payment was smart. That doesnt make it right that the author doesnt get paid while a corporation makes 500 million.
But by all means keep fighting for a corporation im sure they appreciate it!

But I've been having sex for the past 15 years

t. 30yo boomer

You're right. But it's definitely going to be garbage. Hollywood wouldn't pass up a chance to drag a franchise with an all white cast through the mud. Justice must be served, you know.

literally gave you an example in the post, you want something video game level how about Amy Hennig if you want some books how about K.A. Applegate?

applegate did have most of the last 30 books ghost written but they were all written by women

Really? You have to post proof.

Netflix isn't really like traditional hollywood it's far more faggoty and tryhard than regular hollywood

Witcher netflix isnt backed by Disney dumbcunts, even if it fails Netflix can still make a season 2. Just like yhe deathnote movie will get a sequel.

But it does make it right, he gave them permission to use his books in exchange for 15k

Yes it does make it right. He had the choice of taking a lump sum or a percentage of profits. The lump sum was less risky at the time and he took it. Considering most creative endeavors fail, this is not an unreasonable choice. It ended up being successful though and he got burned. He's not the first and he won't be the last.

>female writers
come the fuck on on

Lmao are you seriously defending Sapkowski? Dudes a real cunt.
Lack of business acumen is just a coincidence.

Yes it makes it right. It was the author's fault for not negotiating a better contract when he had the chance.

>literal jew loving faglords LMAO
Last (you) from me you are getting brainlets.

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overrated anti-communist marxist

Having a twat would be a good start. All those discord trannies that started to be a frequent topic here probably figured that one out.

I don't fight for retards. He took a gamble and lost, he doesn't deserve shit.
I despise sore losers like him and you.
This has jackshit to do with corporations you fucking retard.
Every creative business venture is a gamble. Many others give out for Royalties and their projects fail.
He took his bet and he fucking lost.
Cry me a fucking river, bitch WAH WAH WAH WAH

>Like fucking seriously I could probably do a better job than these lesbos
You and anyone else who has ever heard of Witcher before this Netflix shitfest. But you miss one crucial thing these ladies have: connections to the lead producer and a feminine set of lips to suck someone off.

>Netflix isn't really like traditional hollywood it's far more faggoty and tryhard than regular hollywood
It's all the same shit. Captain M*rvel was regular hollywood.

>he didn't know what he was getting into
Then he shouldn't have been signing contracts
>taking upfront payment then was smart
unless he had other offers for game development for the property then no it wasn't, ask any business lawyer investor etc and most would say royalties over upfront unless the upfront is huge
>doesn't make it right that he can't get more money from someone he thought would fail
It doesn't matter what you or he thinks is right or wrong, if he wasn't coerced or lied to about it at the time of signing then there is no reason for the contract to be changed
If he was smart he would have requested a clause to be added in about contract renegotiation over a time period of say 2,3,5 years etc

Daily reminder

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If he would've asked for Royalties instead and somehow the game would've failed I'm sure he would have sued for the 15k, lmao.
He is a fucking cunt.

He's not an infant. He signed a contract with them and got what he asked for. At some point you have to take responsibility for your decisions.

What did she mean by this?

Would you say the same if the Witcher games were a serious flop, never took off, and CD Project Red were trying to sue the author to get their 15k back because they couldn't have known that the Witcher games were going to fail?
Are you starting to see now how utterly ridiculous you are being right now?

>taking an upfront payment was smart

Not so much as it turns out. But it's the deal he negotiated and it shouldn't be altered because he had a change of heart 5 years later. It's the "it was rape because I decided I didn't like it after the fact" mentality.
I really hope he doesn't see an extra grosz from them but unfortunately it looks like they're going to settle.

Its these two, nepotism and affirmative action working in their favor, everyone knows its going to be a hack job so they don't give a shit who they hire, so they just hire their friends so they get to talk all day long and maybe spend half an hour writing some half assed shit.

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>defending the "I changed my mind so I'll accuse him of rape" mentality
Fucking libtard.

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Based and redpilled

Netflix is subversive programming


Eh, close enough.

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Witches were and are ugly in real life, and they must be ugly in the show. The "beautiful witches" thing was always a trick, a conspiracy to ensnare white men.

I did, however your mum didn't want the abortion and now here you are.

Mr. Schlomo Shekelstein appreciates this. Keep up the good fight goys!

Easy don't watch or play sjw shit. You can already tell this will suck by
>Patriarchy smasher
>Aspiring cat mom
>A witch
Only the first girl seems reasonable

We're past that phase of the cycle:

Affirmative Action > Nepotism > Hate Crimes > Repeat

Yikes. You got BTFO and you have no comeback. Thanks for conceding.

It's a book adaption.

Yikes, spoken like a true unironic incel. Good job?
Did you think you would come off as anything else but a seething incel before sending this post?

go to bed stary pijaku

>defending the "I changed my mind so I'll accuse him of rape mentality"
Good liberal man! Dont forget BLUE WAVE 2020!

>replying to that post
You are 10 times worse than that shitposter, niggerfaggots. Unironically kill yourselves.

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which were video game adaptations. witchcucks BTFO

>Be literal boomer
>Completely tech illiterate
>Offered royalties for game
>"Heh no thanks, games are for children and won't make any money, kurwa"
>15 years later
>"Why didnt anyone tell me kurwa :OOO"

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Is being proud of your STDs a thing now for liberals?

This one is true though.

Wasn't there a whole "I have aids and im proud" thing in california a few months back

cultural marxism

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incel was goon projection all along. have you seen those creatures?

>being anti-semitic in 2020
Didn't you get the memo? It doesn't make you cool or funny anymore

Cyberpunk 2077 is going to bomb so hard, I can't wait.

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yes, because only people who have sex have STDs
if you dont have STDs, you're an incel and probably voted for drumpf

good thing it's not 2020.

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This is why I hate modern media.

real thread here

>It doesn't make you cool or funny anymore
It does though. In a world where it becomes increasingly harder to even mention someone is a jew, it's that much more cool to have the guts to name them.

Can't even tell if this is ironic anymore.


Shit writes itself

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kikes can't into irony, only deceit

Another settlement needs your help

I feel sorry for /ourguy/. He deserves better.

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>all based on the drunk ramblings of some slav that really liked Lord of the Rings

It actually has some really good depictions of medieval life here and there. Like the depiction of a court feast was done extremely well, with the manner of eating, seating and etiquette shown properly. I've never seen that in a novel.

>sign a deal
>"wait I don't like that deal anymore"

>he actually thinks this is how contracts should work

>Henry Cavills wikipedia page
>Cavill was born in the neighborhood of Sheepshead Bay, in Brooklyn, New York. His parents are Rose (born Regina Brandes) and Mortimer Julius "Morty" Cavill, a men's clothing manufacturer, and he has an older brother named Ken. David's family is Jewish. His father's side moved from Germany to the U.S. during the 19th century, while David's mother was born in Ternopil, then Austrian Galicia, now in Ukraine.
Holy shit it gets even better

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>the only fan of the IP who actually cares about it is going to get totally reamed by the incompetent cuntwad fucktards in charge, and only get to see his efforts turned into shit by the editing room

>Seeking asylum is not illegal
>Let everyone come over the border without vetting or proper documentation

The books are incredibly inconsistent, they vary wildly from above average to fanfiction tier as does Geralt's personalty. I've wanted to get into the franchise multiple times through the books and games but this constant variation has frequently pushed me back. OST is god like at least.
>Pic related has been my wallpaper for six months.

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you can see the old guy in the back wants to end it

it’s fucked up but he actually did it a few weeks after this picture was taken. the show runner made a big sad post about his family

Look at this retard

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Get woke, go croak

>Amy Hennig
Meme "writer". Note the ND games she didn't work on are better written than the ones she did work on. Makes you think why she's so acclaimed doesn't it.

>The books are incredibly inconsistent

This is true.

absolutely based and repdilled

>Game with 10/10 gorgeous white women
>lmao let's cast goblina shitskins instead

What's the thought process behind this?

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>any naughty dog games
>being even above your average marvel capeshit

I just can’t believe we are going to be forced to watch this

>patriarchy smasher

You just can´t make this shit up.

That's why I don't want adaption these days. Imagine what they will do with amazon LotR series....
To think I had hope about fantasy novel adaptions in the past...

Reparations for being white

ITT american/western faggots that know EVERYTHING about Witcher. I mean, damn, you couldn't even translate the fucking title properly, not to mention the horrific translation. It just doesn't fit english. And now you make another superhero shit. How far does your shit taste goes, burger? Just how far?

If anything Polish deserve reparations more than american nigs.

>How far does your shit taste goes, burger?
I'm looking forward to CP2077 o.o
THAT is how far

Why do they play on artificial turf in Poland?
To keep the cheerleaders from grazing.

t. Polack mad that netflix is shitting up one of the only things he identifies with

LMAO. newfag mods actually banned me for announcing it in all fields but left this off topic shit tier thread. I know the moderation is going to shit, but imagine thinking a /pol/post about the twitter accounts of random writers on a TV show based on a book is videogames.
fuck you all, I say it again. sage goes in all fields

>Be a bitter, grotesque, self-hating cat lady
>Get hired to write an adaption of a popular book/video game series
>Source material features very white, very beautiful women
>So petty and so bitter you cast dumpy looking shitskins to replace all of them

A reminder that this is what Jews are trying to destroy.

Attached: Yennefer of Vengerberg.png (800x992, 812K)

also you never announce a sage. that's why you got banned, ban evading newfag retard pretending to be oldfag.

I am aware faggot. That is one of the cancerous rules that is killing this site. My point was not that they banned me for it. My point was they saw this thread, said it was totally fine.

just filter it yourself with an anchor if you're worried about false-positives. Should do that with all the canned responses.
>pepes/wojaks/eceleb image hashes'
>text filters

Filters are for redditors.

Only the first woman doesn't have a cancerous profile bio. If you are a professional, make sure the profile bio reflects that


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of course it is, it has TITS in it. you are never going to win going up against BREASTS, fool!

progressivist nepotism and personal connections, netflix is a joke

By suck dick, how fucking else?

I've seen women offer executives a BJ just so they can be a manager at a call center. If they are that low then this doesn't surprise me.

I mean they're right in that seeking asylum isn't illegal but there are proper channels and procedures to do so. Skipping the queue by trying to enter illegally before others makes things worse for people who are trying to do things properly and correctly.

Spewing the same non-jokes for a decade is for redditors and I'd really rather not watch you do that.

this, nuchan mods are flagrant faggots that's why they swapped soi with based


no one has in inalienable right to asylum and asylum can only be given through proper channels

why is there an alien in his brain

anti white subtext of modern progressive ideology

Its what happens when the facehuggers get to you

I'd seriously mouthfuck Clare Higgins.
Apart from that, I'm sure the series will suck.

But who gives a fuck, the VIDEO GAMES are good.

Women can't write for shit.


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>if its slow enough it looks natural
Now do the one with Obama and Yoda

wow very diverse

the insane thing about this is that white europeans have way more internal physical variation than any other race on the planet lmao

>What's the thought process behind this?
Envy and virtue signaling.

imagine being so autistic that you took time out of your day to watch Yea Forums for threads you don't like and then to write all these silly filters

*takes your contract*

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Has there ever been a good female writer? I honestly can't think of one. Even "classics" written by Shirley Jackson weren't up to par. Some of the more famous ones write children's books, and that's not exactly high literature.

video games

where the fuck do you think you are you nigger? what comrades are you talking about? and how does that justify a twatter thread about writers for a fucking tv show being allowed on Yea Forums?

different audience?

western rpg game audience vs. american tv series audience.

>western rpg game audience vs. american tv series audience.

No one is going to watch this shit. It's about pushing Jewish subversion, not catering to an audience.

whats the matter, you not man enough to enjoy a show written by a patriachy smashing cat mum, huh?

Why do you even have a Netflix sub. All of its original programming went to shit ages ago

b.. buh.. buh. but muh stranger thangs and amy schumer specials

I honestly doubt that anyone who cares about the witcher has any hope of this being good. They already raped the lore and setting and we havent even seen the first episode. Having said that,im looking foward to hate watching this and shitting on it with friends

This board is for 14 year old edge lords man I really don’t belong here why do I keep coming back

>Women,niggers and jews

Netflix and the movie industry in a nutshell

The only thing they got right is the tits on Triss and literally nothing else kek

>Henry Cavill

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Same way video game companies like Bioware hire lead animators - affirmative action. They probably have friends inside the company. But it doesn't matter how weak their scriptwriting skills are, what matters to Netflix is how "woke" they are.
Netflix won't even lose any money from this. Doesn't matter how many views the show gets, everyone gets paid the same in the end, it's all just more cannon fodder. At best, we will get something like Altered Carbon - a show with an interesting plot and some cool ideas that constantly shifts between professional film writing and all out progressive pandering.
Meh... With Netflix, atleast you know there's going to be tons of sex scenes, violence and no black skinned vilans whatsoever.

Wojak just can't take a break