Post things you want to protect.
Attached: 1553974963822.jpg (827x1169, 870K)
I love Reisen!
Attached: 52223388_p0.jpg (960x1320, 820K)
Attached: cp.jpg (750x600, 54K)
I want to protect big anime tiddies from current year's western mindset.
Attached: 1553668364200.jpg (1776x1000, 287K)
Attached: 66084580_p0.jpg (1650x2550, 2.04M)
Attached: underage consumption.gif (540x304, 1.76M)
Attached: Best_Boi.png (1280x1280, 435K)
The white race
based and redpilled
I'm still mad she didn't become a loli warrior. Completely ruined.
Patrician taste
Fuck off shit
Attached: il_794xN.1705943718_2jxy.jpg (794x801, 110K)
I love my gorgeous wife!
Attached: Mahiru (65).jpg (768x1024, 135K)
Attached: yarnie.jpg (1280x720, 58K)
this, protect my smug nep
Attached: 1547107926830.png (512x512, 83K)
>Tfw you realise she ages rapidly and dies very soon
Attached: 1553891987036.jpg (986x797, 51K)
She does not. Demi-humans age faster when they level fast as kids, but once they reach physical adulthood, they age like normal humans.
Attached: d82.jpg (680x1148, 100K)
*Sets up sticky mines*
Back the fuck off?!
I wanna shoot the white sticky pee in Sion!
Attached: 593be3213a3497dceac0c0db31021510.jpg (600x750, 79K)
I love Kass!
Attached: My_Husband.jpg (2978x2978, 3.54M)
Attached: tzitzi.jpg (711x1114, 419K)
>I love Reisen poster even more!
Attached: 1545707485268.png (720x719, 707K)
I love Aya Brea!
Attached: Aya Brea black dress 2.jpg (502x575, 44K)
Attached: sent.jpg (1280x720, 90K)
we must secure an existence for our people
Attached: 12788938954.jpg (420x600, 40K)
This show plummeted in quality when she aged up. I can't watch this isekai trash without a cute loli
Oh thank god
Attached: 1544388479280.jpg (681x633, 69K)
I love cute user!
Attached: 1547921155102.png (707x1000, 1.33M)
I love my pure and teeny master.
Attached: 1542475565965.jpg (2560x1440, 372K)
Attached: nm.jpg (835x487, 18K)
My wife :)
Attached: IMG_0015.jpg (1099x1683, 1021K)
>makes sticky rice with semen and gets a fat chub in his boy pants when you eat it in front of him
Attached: 1542153940125.gif (540x540, 2.36M)
One of these days I'm going to fucking neck myself. Caring, wholesome and cute women don't exist.
Attached: Curly.jpg (350x450, 96K)
My wife Kasumi and the family we will raise together!
Attached: 6967f9d409ac5024775d2c992208f5c8.jpg (3470x2458, 2.04M)
Kuro made his rice balls with love.
Attached: 1534974822850.jpg (2127x3031, 879K)
Attached: SoS.png (1280x720, 1.49M)
they exist, but don't give a fuck about you
Attached: 1547390710179.jpg (1200x960, 189K)
fuck you user you cant just post shit like that
Attached: 1549153669157.jpg (428x424, 16K)
shut up angry roastie nobody asked your opinion
Attached: miserable.jpg (1135x941, 332K)
Attached: neko.gif (441x498, 283K)
Attached: vvbh1ey18ar01.png (1024x1486, 682K)
>Caring, wholesome and cute women don't exist.
very rare
found myself a caring, wholesome, and cute boy though and I'm quite happy
Attached: 1537214822870.png (1280x990, 553K)
I love Ion!
Attached: 1550954622826.png (1280x1138, 1.52M)
My right to keep and bear arms.
Attached: armalite_ar18_l4.jpg (1024x768, 65K)
I love Ricotta!
Attached: Ricotta 102.jpg (780x1050, 1.04M)
Attached: gold.jpg (2000x960, 320K)
I want to protect her smile
Attached: e69ba68bfb829bb3779998455ff9b2bb.png (800x978, 414K)