On my first play through, why is MGS4 so fucking horrible?

On my first play through, why is MGS4 so fucking horrible?

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They tried to make a greatest hits game but made a movie instead.

You barely get to play the game between all the cutscenes.

> The story is incoherent garbage
> All of the returning characters are bland pieces of shit devoid of their charm & character development
> Constant nanomachine retcons
> Actively ruins everything that was built up in the original Trilogy
> Ocelot’s character is uttely destroyed
> Literally spend 90 % of the game watching cutscenes for a story ypu don’t give a shit about
> To many segments are copied straight from Assassin’s Creed
> No reason to do Stealth because of the enemy spam & horrible level design
> M4 Custom is utterly broken & there’s no reason to use any other weapon
> Entire game is just designed for the sole purpose of fanservice, as a checklist of what Kojima thought people would find cool
> Anti climatic as fuck, constantly builds up shit, with absolutely no pay off. Playing it to the end isn’t worth it
> Literal 1-1 rehash of past MGS games, except worse
> Absolutely atrocious bosses, even worse then RE6 or DMC reboot
Sunny & Drebin are the sole good things about this game

Because you're a fucking pleb. I loved 4 when marathoning the series before V came out. Besides if you think 4 is bad, the series is only downhill from here, because nothing beats V in terms of awfulness

It's a terrible story that ruins the previous games story and it has 1.5 hours of gameplay.

V is at least a game so its automatically better than 4.

Because you're an absolute brainlet who probably asks dumb questions like "should I play them chronologically or release order"


MGS1 > MGS4 > MGS5 > MGS:PW > MGS2 > MGS3



Reminder that MGS4 was literally made for the mouth breathing retards who didn't get MGS2 and sperged out. Liking it in any capacity is an announcement that you're mentally feeble.

I'd rather watch a literal moviegame than play a barebones anygame with all logical story ripped from it.

Solid gameplay isn't a saving grace for all video games.

Retard horrible taste.

MGS2 > MGS3 > MGS1 > MGSV > MGS4

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It was good for its time, it was one of the best third person shooters out there at the time and the graphics were top notch, of course it aged like milk.
Also you need stealth on higher difficulties.
I agree on the bosses but i thought the game had a lot of soul, definitely more than MGSV

extrapolate your brainlet pseudo-intellectual shit opinion

This is the state of MGS4fags. This is all you need to know to understand how dumb they are.

>Anti-climatic as fuck
Nigger not even movies can compare to the ABSOLUTE FUCKING KINO that was the end of this game, fuck you and fuck your neckbeard opinion you fucking fuck. MGS4 #1

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I felt that I had more than enough time to play between the cutscenes... Besides, the first time I played this game I played it on big boss hard and beat it. Stupid libtard beta male cuck.

Nah even Journos admitted that this game was garbage and they only reviewed it high because they were paid to do so.

this is the truth

only libtard beta male manchildren love their anime mgs3 and hate sophisticated mgs4

Even at the time it was awful. Just admit you're one of the retards who thought that mgs2 needed a sequel and that you enjoyed the fan service.

Patrician taste

mgs4 only exists because people cried to kojima that the Patriots needed an explanation and that the story was unfinished at the end of mgs2. These people are retards who didn't get mgs2.


You can skip the movies, you know? No one is forcing you to watch them, retard. Play the game if it's fun and watch the cutscenes if you feel like it. They even have a thearter mode iirc, so watch them after you have fun playing the game if you want. Just don't be a little bitch trying to shut down a decent game with your rectal cancer.

It is, no amount of jaded nostalgia bias can change the fact that everything i said was correct. It if it wasn’t then you would easily be able to refute all of my points like a real MGS fan, instead of using meme images, buzzwords & saying “Ur wrong” simply for having a different opinion

Haha yeah mgs4 is so sophisticated especially when the funny man does the poo

>skip the movies
Oh boy cant wait for those 1.5 hours of gameplay.

>Real MGS fan
Lmao is that really what this is all about to you? Half the plot didn't make any sene to begin with in mgs 1 and 2, hell the main thing everyone loved about those games was the absurdly obtuse plot

This, Kojima stated that MGS4 was non canon & he planned MGS2 to be the final entry in the timeline. Everything was intentionally left as a mystery & unsolved so people could come up with their own conclusion. He only made MGS4 because Konami forced him too

you're fucking retarded

mgs 2 only exists because people cried for a sequel, same with 3 and 4 and 5.

this but unironically

you eat da poo poo

>making things up to avoid the reality mgs4 was made for retards

so stop liking mgs 3 then you dumb hypocrite

Seething, MGS3 was planned ahead of time while MGS2 was being made. Ocelot’s lines in the game blantantly referenced MGS3. The series was never supposed to exist past MGS3

Lol like you can beat the game in 1.5 hours. You're too much of a casual to even try playing the game on big boss. If your only argument about 4 is having little gameplay time, then you must have came from reddit. Go back there, newfag.

Nice room temperature argument ya got there buddy

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>there are zoomers itt that dont realise MGS4 only exists to satisfy the brainlet nerds who thought the Patriots reveal was a sequel hook and failed basic English lit

Kojima didn't have Fukushima to fall back on. This is the result of Kojima's genius writing, characters and dialogue.

literally wasn't you fucking revisionist retard

> Hideo Kojima: I was supposed to end this in MGS2, you know, originally (laughs). And then I created MGS3, and I said, 'Okay, this is the final one. It's over.' But fans said, 'No, there's still not enough answers (in that game)!' As a game design, the story was almost complete in MGS1, 2 and 3, or so I initially thought.
MGS4 is officially non canon & only existed because tons of autistic demand from fans

Pfffft get a Big Boss rank on European Extreme MGS2, then we'll talk

>only libtard beta male manchildren love their anime mgs3 and hate sophisticated mgs4

MGS games have anime?

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Might as well play it on youtube

>there are millenial anime club faggots in this thread right now who worship mgs3 just because it was their first ps2 game

Cope more
> Once again I'd intended for MGS3 to wrap up the series, but so many people wanted to know what happened after "2". Things like the identity of the Patriots and so forth. I had planned on leaving those mysteries as mysteries, but people weren't convinced that the series was wrapped up. - Kojima (2008)

MGS3 is officially non canon & only existed because tons of autistic demand from fans

You fucking illiterate retard.

>no arguments
That's what I thought

Keep crying & telling yourself that autist. I will continue to take Kojima’s word as a fact

kill yourself retard

he planned for mgs 2 to be the last game, only wrote mgs 3 because of seething autistic fans

You're the one desperately avoiding the fact that you think mgs2 was a soap opera or an anime

There are two sides to MGS4 threads
>It's a glorified fan service game (bad)
>It's a glorified fanservice game (good)
It's quite obvious which answer is the correct one, I'll give you a hint: You'd have to not be an incel to get it

kill yourself

kill yourself illiterate retard

The difference is mgs3 was a good game and the story contributed to the themes of the series. MGS4 was bad because it was pure fan service and plot and destroyed the well crafted stories from previous games

Good thread.

It’s a horrible game but contrarian faggots on this board will pretend it’s good while crying about MGS3 simply because it’s the most universally beloved one

It totally was though?

nah mgs2 was fine, mgs3 was saturday morning anime tier, only manchildren enjoyed that abysmal game and its horrible fanfiction non-canon story

It's bad fan service because actual fans didn't need it.

It’s literally just MGS4 kun continually spamming the same replies & seething about MGS3. Everyone else hates MGS4

Most people hate it because it retcons pretty much all of mgs2 retard

And this is why MGS4 fags are degenerate.

MGS4fag on cope watch

This is how you spot a 19 year old fedora wearing retard who thinks he's clever for understanding the spastic ramblings of an anime-addicted juvenile like Kojima.

Go experience a real narrative for once in your lives, like Demons by Dostoyevsky.

I'd be willing to take you seriously if you weren't trying to defend mgs4

Post the director pic

mgs3 has the worst gameplay in the whole series though

This. I look forward to when he starts saying that you weren't meant to trust snake in mgs2

>Taking the plot to mgs2 seriously

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yeah, thats mgs3

Literally the only good thing about MGS4 is the Liquid Ocelot fight

Everything else is fucking garbage

> Most people
You mean ONLY you? Everyone on the Internet including /Reddit & Yea Forums has always loved MGS3. Its been this boards favorite non nintendo game behind SoTC for well over 13 years

Just because MGS4 had better controls and mechanics doesn't mean it's a better game. You need to actually have a game for it to be assessed.

Like what?

It's not my fault you're too retarded to get a simple vidya story. Go back to bing bing wahoo

Means nothing when like Silent Hill 2 everything else is a near 10/10, so it makes it worth playing. MGS4 has absolutely nothing of value making you want to force yourself through it’s horrible story & game design

>19 year old autist

yup checks out

None, it was a simple love story & perfectly executed spy thriller. Easily could have worked as a stand-alone game

ironic coming from bitch niggas crying about mgs4 cutscenes being too long

>hey see that whole experience you weren't sure was real or a simulation well it was actually real lol wonder why those glitches walls appeared oh well
>hey see those mysterious evil world controlling overlords they're actually comedy sidekicks
Just for a taste

MGS4 is fine because it has 4 woman bosses hugging Snake and that makes peepee hard.
I still don't get what exactly is doing damage to Snake but whatever.

And the only effect it has on the canon is turn big boss from a Saturday morning cartoon villain to a sympathetic tragic hero turned villain.

They represent the spastic fangirls who demanded the game and are sapping the life from the canon

T. Never played SH2, the cutscenes are short & most of the story is told through gameplay & in game dialogue. Unlike MGS4 where i can literally make food, eat it & wash the dishes in between cutscenes and still not be ready to play the actual game

but youre fine with the magic fireballs and lighting shocks in mgs3

I have no idea how this a relevant reply. Did you quote the wrong post? Theres a fucking psychic in mgs1 that read my mind of course I'm cool with those.

>walks away from screen when there is a cutscene
ok now i understand why you cant understand mgs4 story

those 2 things you mentioned make complete sense in the mgs universe with psychics and shit

I dont think anyone itt has said they didn't understand MGS4. Its incredibly shallow and easy to grasp why it ruins the rest of the series.

Ah right you didn't get my original post

only mgs 1, 2 and 4 have any depth, but a faggot like you gushes over mgs3

Stop trying to slide into a discussion about mgs3. This is about mgs4 and how dumb and vapid it is. If you genuinely think it had depth then you're a drooling retard.

>it's dumb because it doesnt follow my subjective interpretation of mgs2
the game that had vampires walking on water btw

>campy spy flick has no depth
lmao imagine thinking this was a good argument.


Who cares about the rest?

I would also like to add, that most of the cutscene runtime is wasted on character walking slowly or action scenes, 60% of the cutscenes could have been edited out by simply having the player character actually walk into buildings and by shortening the exposition by removing obvious repetitions
Then again the game would have been 3 hours long if that were the case
You also forgot to mention the fucking atrocious chapter 3 that gets longer and longer if you crank up the difficulty trying to have any fun

>campy spy flick
you mean the naruto cross over?

What argument are you having? Nobody who likes mgs3 thinks its smart. People who like mgs4 think its deep.

The fact you're still fixating on plot events and think that's what I'm arguing about just shows that mgs4 fags are as deep as a puddle

mgs4 is basically real world politics and conspiracy facts being put into a game. its good enough. you want your brain masturbated with what if stories

so will you ever actually say what you think or will you make your 45th obtuse post about how stupid everyone else is

MGS2 is about themes. MGS4 is just a bunch of plot. That's the most basic difference.


>turning yourself into the I AM SILLY meme

metal gear in general is pretty terrible and cringe honestly

>MGS1-3 have 4/5+ hours of cutscenes despite being completable in under 10 hours, i.e. they have arguably more cinematics than actual gameplay, and what little gameplay there is much more simplistic than other contemporary stealth games
>Kojima's conclusion? These games needed even MORE cutscenes and LESS gameplay
And people still praise this hack.

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that's a doom map and mgs 1 is about as openas the first splinter cell


>mgs 1 is about as openas the first splinter cell
So not very open at all then. Splinter Cell is pretty much the definition of a corridor stealth game.

I just kinda sat back and enjoyed the story, honestly. Was it perfect? No, but it was some convoluted mess like some brainlets here are saying, it really wasn't that complicated at all if you just paid some fucking attention.

I don't really like stealth gameplay much anyway, so honestly it was kind of a plus for me to be able to sit back and just enjoy watching a movie.

yes, thieft 1 & 2 and sc chaos theory are just about the only stealth games with any openness. and some quasi stealth games like the original deus ex or splinter cell