Complains about Steam being a market monopoly

>complains about Steam being a market monopoly
>buys out games to make them exclusive to the epic games store

What do, Steamlets?

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set sail for the high seas of course seeing as tim went though all the trouble of paying for my copy.

Fucking Christ this guy doesn't look human

Yeah and I'm pirating it all, thanks faggot

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Getting a foothold against steam by incentivizing.
Devs are perfectly free to say no to epic's offer, but they're not. It's not a monopoly, they're creating competition to steam that would otherwise not exist.

>giving developers a fair revenue share is the same as buying them out
steamcels at it again

Would you let this guy near your children?

>devs make games exclusive only because of 18% more money per unit sold
Imagine being this retarded.

Just buy the exclusives there if you can't wait I guess. Or pirate.

OP is literally samefagging his own thread

>Gaben wanted to fight piracy so he made a platform for ease of access
>Tim doesn't care about it
Back to consoles and PC piracy for me then.

I'm a consolebab, but is Gabe really that much better looking?

At least he doesn't look like a serial killer

I stopped paying money for video games this year.

Being the only provider of a service/product != monopoly.

Gaben is just an ugly lardass, aside from that he at least looks like a normal human

Just watch them become as relevant as Origin is.

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Gaben doesn't look any better, no

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Shoo shoo

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I'm putting my game on EGS and selling it for $8 when it becomes available to all devs as opposed to $10 on Steam because their share per sale allows me this
what now, faggot? you going to pull some more retarded arguments out of your ass? this competition is good for everyone in the long run

none of the games on epic are worth it
so no harm done

>EGS and selling it for $8 when it becomes available to all devs as opposed to $10 on SteamRead the steam ToS to realize why it won't work, brainlet.

Gaben looks like a fat neckbeard (i.e. the image of a trustworthy gamedev)
this guy looks like a psychopathic venture capitalist that got his MBA on his daddy's dime

>this is your stupid fucking brain on Steam
Oh no no no

This is why I hate steam, they are forcing developers to be anti competetive.
What if wallmart were to say that you can't sell your products at a lower price in another store? That shit would not fly

>Implying your game will even make it past their "curation"
If your game actually makes it though, good on you. I don't think people would be complaining if this was their method of competition instead of well, everything they're actually doing.

guess I'm selling it for $10 on EGS too and getting more money per each sale, then!
thanks, EGS!

name one (1) good exclusive on the epic games store, and don't bother with exodus, im towards the end (dead city) and this game is marginally worse than its predecessors

Your game is probably not getting on to the EGS, they curate their games, unlike steam.

"Thanks for your interest in the Epic Games Store, we are overwhelmed by the response!

The product lineup for Q1 and Q2 2019 is nearly complete, but we are actively building tools and technology to ensure developers have a path to the store later in 2019. As we release more features, we will be able to support more titles.

This email is not a rejection of your game, just an update on timing. We look forward to talking more with you in the future"

nah, right now EGS is just not available to every single developer out there, and they're building their product line up out of AAA games/very popular indie games

>The next 3 months of exclusives are nearly finalized
I hate this ebin bullshit but I feel like I should buy popcorn in bulk

>when there are hundreds of games and mods exclusive to steam because of the insane market position they have
>but you're too busy complaining about the new store trying to carve out a cut by achieving the same thing through money

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it's better for everyone in the long run desu
best case scenario? steam lowers their cut per sale for everyone, and not this gradational "decreases as you make more money" bullshit; games sold on Steam and EGS are available for less
OK case scenario? developers move over to EGS and sell their games for less
worst case scenario? developers move over to EGS, sell their games for the same price as they are on Steam, but make more and ultimately can spend more of said money for game development (this only applies to passionate devs though, publishers in most cases don't give a shit about making more good games, they only care about making more money)

I fucking loathe epic but I honestly can't blame the actual small Indies who get bought out. As a consumer, I'm fucking pissed that what they're doing is going to hurt smaller platforms like gog/itch, but if I was a two person team being offered millions to piss off my fans for a year, it'd be hard to turn it down. That's a home in a nice neighborhood, and if you play your cards right you might be set for life.
Fuck the big publishers who sell out their games without developer consent though. From what I've gathered, Obsidian had no say in TOW going exclusive, and I think 505 sold out remedy too.

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He loooks llike he has a gun pointed at him


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he cute

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Steam isn't at all pressured to lower their cut because no one's going to EGS for the lower cut. If that's what it was all about, and Discord store would have put Steam out of business years ago.

>Tim Sweeney BTFO by jewish tranny cabal after he told twitter to fuck off
>They made a show about being gay/retarded/celebral palsy and the guy looks exactly like tim sweeney.

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He looks like a serial killer in the 90's that kills teenage girls because when he was still in highschool they'd always make fun of him.

Stephen King looking ass

>go to Torrent Store
>buy games for $0.00

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Unfortunately, most people aren't smart about money. Chances are these guys are going to blow it, try to make another game, then panic when Epic doesn't hand them another several million because their first game didn't actually sell and Epic certainly isn't going to keep throwing millions are every exclusive forever.

And then they still won't be able to sell their game because they tanked any goodwill they may have had from their fans by telling them to fuck off when going to Epic.

He looks like he fucks black guys

Jesus fuck, he looks like he has both Downs Syndrome AND Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. And Epicdrones are willing to turn to him calling him a Chad while based Gaben is a virgin in their eyes.

how is that the best case scenario when I don't benefit? also guaranteed sales will always beat a lower cut

Wasn't this guy saying exclusives are bad a few years ago?

Gabe is cute and handsome. Id suck his dick if I was a gay, unfortunately I'm not.

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>Jesus fuck, he looks like he has both Downs Syndrome AND Fetal Alcohol Syndrome. And Epicdrones are willing to turn to him calling him a Chad while based Gaben is a virgin

>pay for internet, power

He looks like your average coder autismo who obsesses over a 20m wide toy train landscape in his basement. It's hilarious that they push his face everywhere, personalising the epic store.

He lived in his parents basement for many years until his breakthrough with epic.

Why did they hire an actor to play a gay cerebral palsy retard when they could've just hired Tim Sweeney who's all of those things by default?

>"I care about consumer choice"
How many games are even available on more then one store?
I'm not talking about keys, I'm talking about the download client/drm/store.
Regardless if you look at pure number of games or per ownership it looks to me like you're stuck with one source for most games.

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>he doesn't steal his neighbour's wifi and electricity

Reminder that all DRM is bad and it's time to boycott all launcers including Steam

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Tim thinks he's winning because steam has actually managed to reduce piracy over the years. But that won't last for long.

>pay 35 euros total for internet and power each month
>somehow this is comparable to buying 3 games for 60 euros each in a single day

he looks like a fat old man
the thing in the op looks like a freak serial killer

Gabe is a vidya santa, this guy looks like John Carmack's lost serial killer brother

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I haven't bought games directly from steam for years, I buy them 30-90% cheaper on sites like gamers-outlet and
Does that mean I still support steam? I am not sure if these cd-key sites pay anything to steam

He looks like the bastard child of Stephen King's parents

When Gabe smiles, he looks genuinely happy
This guy just straightup looks terrifying

Epic intrudes by going to the distribution business. Valve retaliates by making an engine that challenges Unreal. Maybe not.

The big three

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Carmack is based

Left to right, normie, Chad, Virgin.

Pirate every game they pull this on out of pure spite. Fuck epic and fuck chinese bugmen.

Gog-chan dont use protection and allows to use herself for free. Do you know what it means?

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>That awkward smile
He has a basement full of dead bodies, doesn't he?

He sold his soul to the Zucc. How is that not the definition of a normie?

Gab is fab

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it's not competition because I have no choice

>What do, Steamlets?

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