Yakuza Kiwami 2 confirmed for PC
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God damn I haven't even finished Kiwami 1 yet
I only just "finished" 0 like two weeks ago.
When do you all think it'll release?
>The words "f**k," "sh*t," and "a*shole" appear in the dialogue.
What is it with Americans and swearing?
yooooo sega chan about damn time!
God Bless SEGA Europe
>predictable thing that makes someone money happens
everything about your thread is unnecessary.
simply make a yakuza thread.
>kiwami 2 but no 6
holy shit they're actually releasing them in order
sasuga sega (of europe)
One of the most common autistic complaints on Yea Forums I've seen are weebs crying about how much cursing is in western games. I remember several threads getting mad about the use of "fuck" in RE2 because they saw it as a westernization of the writing.
Yeah no shit it was going to come out eventually, the question is when. Kiwami 1 took a million years to finally release after the initial announcement at E3. Still, the wait is worth it because muh autosave
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