>He actually thinks there is a "bad" doom game.
He actually thinks there is a "bad" doom game
Other urls found in this thread:
theres no BAD ones but there is some that are worse than others
looking at you doom 3
Doom 3 and D44M
nuDoom isn't Doom so yeah I guess there are no bad doom games
opinion discarded
Why is doom 3 a doom game but not nudoom?
Strife is better than Doom
Doom 3 still has the proper id shooter fundamentals
3 is mediocre at best. The rest are all great.
Doom 3 was regarded for the longest time as the worst Doom game until Doom 4 came out and delivered. now /r/v gets upset and has to defend doom 3 for no good reason against the newest doom games because contrarianism and tribalism is more important than trying to be objective
yes, modern Yea Forums isn't Yea Forums, it is infact /r/v because redditniggers infest this place.
yes that's why there are so many of you nuDoom shitters here
What specifically does it have that nudoom doesn't?
Final DOOM > DOOM > DOOM 2 > D44M > DOOM 3
Main DOOM games only.
Yeah, nuDoom is pretty awful.
Quit asking questions that so.yboy can't answer. He's starting to sweat.
Doom 3 was criticized for the flashlight and the fact that the game was slower paced.
Out-side of that, it wasn't considered the "worst". That was the Doom RPG.
Oh shit I forgot DOOM 64. It goes between DOOM 2 and D44M
>iq count didn't go up
what did you mean by this
d44m is considerably shit though
Doom 2016's multiplayer was great but the single player was so dull that I dropped it shortly after getting the machine gun
Doom doesn't count
As somebody who liked D44M, this chart is retarded.
>There is absolutely cutscenes in D44M. Although not plenty it still exists
>Snapmap is the worst way to go about custom maps. Modding is much better.
>Final DOOM
i dont think you actually play doom all that much famalam
Yeah that chart is completely fucking retarded. I don't know who made this chart but they have actually zero idea what they're talking about. And I liked D44M.
>nudoom shitter
>putting fast gameplay above slower dated jumpscares bad
ok retard
well in the spirit of the thread, no bad doom game (main), but 3 is definitely not better than 4.
Doom 3 is a more fun game than Doom 2016. And Doom 2016 was my goty that year.
it's not about specific things that are different the games are designed completely differently.
Doom 3 is old school shooter crammed into a survival horror body, half the game the enemy encounters and weapon balance is completely mismatched
Doom 4 is just neutered console shooter rubbish designed and balanced around gimmicks and more interested in giving the player a carefully curated experience than solid game systems
you have to go back
I unironically enjoy plutonia
The nu-DOOM is very good though. Not as good as Doom 1 and 2, but still pretty damn fun.
Can we agree that TNT Evilution is retarded though right?
Have you played community-made maps?
final doom, especially plutonia, is just a bad megawad
>it's not about specific things that are different the games are designed completely differently.
Doom 3 is old school shooter crammed into a survival horror body, half the game the enemy encounters and weapon balance is completely mismatched
Doom 4 is just neutered console shooter rubbish designed and balanced around gimmicks and more interested in giving the player a carefully curated experience than solid game systems
So you can't actually name anything concrete and have likely played neither game, got ya user.
I have. Favorite one is probably Valiant or Sunlust.
Serious Sam Autist should show up soon enough to answer all your questions.
serious sam is shit and doom 4 is actually a good game though
I love Doom 2016, but
>Faceless Marine
>No cutscenes to distract you
This artist is a dumbass.
Serious Sam is a fine game in terms of pure mechanics but suffers in a lot of other areas. What user is referring to is a particular autist who kept showing up in D44M threads talking about how Serious Sam 3 is what D44M should have been, saying how it is basically a "modern" doom.
Then why would you enjoy plutonia?
That's a spin off.
Doom 3 was lost potential to be a remaster of Doom64.
The only way to enjoy Doom 3 is to play it how it was marketed: a tech demo. The expansion (RoE) was nice even if the cutscenes and boss fights were difficult to enjoy since they were slightly half-assed. The main problem with the base game was not the flashlight, but the stamina gimmick that RoE expansion bypassed with the heart artifact.
Doom4 is just generic console shooter with terrible multiplayer and zero native mod support because they proprietaried idtech5. They should've just worked on Rage 2.
Bethesda is a hack of company and deserves burned to the ground. Tim Willits is a low-effort hack that waters down anything he touches as a warped way of taking credit just like Todd. The gull these people think they've created a successor engine to idtech5 when they're still abusing the same shitty bloated Gamebryo engine for all their main games.
Doom 2 just doesn't click with me.
Doom 3 is a bad doom game but it's also a bad FPS in itself so maybe we can agree to not even call it a Doom game I guess.
>proper id shooter fundamentals
Everything being slow like switching weapons and reloading ? reloading in itself ? having to chose between being able to see and being able to shoot ? the shaky cam when you get hit ? constantly being stuck on everything in small corridors and areas when trying to dodge projectiles ?
The lockdown sequences in D44M where a bad design idea but everything else was way more like a Doom game.
Doom 3 is boring.
D44m is not fast and hellish enough.