Risk of Rain 2 Thread

How do I get this open?

Attached: chest.png (1920x1080, 2.5M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Look at the timer on the box, notice that it is now counting down into the negatives. Now look at how long your run has been going. You should be able to solve this.

bash your head in till it opens you stupid fucking nigger

Hey that's kind of rude

>your clock says 18:07

Get there before the 10 minute mark next time.

where is the r34 at damnit?

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Is there a Wicked Ring item? What's the "crit lowers cooldown" item in this game?

Wait Risk of Rain 2 is an actual game, I always thought it was a meme whenever I was in Risk of rain threads since it was 3D.

I'm a fucking clown, going to buy it now

Huntress is unfinished

Artificer is poorly made

Why make porn for these abominations?

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Because fanart always looks better than the source.

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She thicc

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Artificer feels like she's in her very, very early stages. Like they were thinking
>Fuck Q1 is almost over but she's not done yet shit just give her a flamethrower and we'll fix it later it's early access after all
But what's wrong with huntress?

Does this game have a server browser/matchmaking or do I have to actually have friends?

The only restricting thing about artificer is her skirt. If that was out of the picture, people would have dropped huntress a long time ago.


You can get matched with anybody

>gives you the best character right off the start.
Seriously none other can compete.
Prove me wrong.

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Fuck me I could only play Hand D, sniper, and Bandit worth anything in the original and I still suck.


Guys instead of leaving the teleporter for the end pop it early and use all the money you get killing mobs after the boss to open chests. Have 1 person stay behind for the last 10% who can grab the close chests.

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They really need to do something about his M2, and his dodge should get some i-frames back.

>He doesn't have iframes

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>Five feathers
>Hard Light Afterburner
>My face when I didn't touch the ground for a full boss fight

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My saves keep disappearing every time I close the game, how the fuck do I stop this

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I want Sniper for crowbar stacking memes

>have enemies continuously spawn until all the chests are open and then teleport for extra exp from the spare gold
>pop the teleporter early and be limited on enemies, meaning a decent chance of not getting all the chests and not getting extra exp if all gold is used
Use your brain dude

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But what if it doesn't give me enough and I find a succulent golden chest.

>and be limited on enemies
the fuck you talking about?
you get loads of enemies when you use the tele.

>get sequenced
>13 energy drinks
>zip off a ledge and ramp into the sky

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I need someone to do me a favor for a filename thread. In the first episode of Sword Art Online Abridged there's a bit where Klein tries to logout and sees HAHAHAHAHAHAHA scrolling across his screen. Can someone make a WebM clip of that?

Why do people like Mul-t? high attack speed good for leech seed?

How the fuck do you farm lunar coins in this? I've done several 8+ level runs and no coins drop at all.

it's random
just edit the save file dude

Once you kill all the bosses, enemies stop spawning.

I like him because he's tanky and needlegun does silly damage with items that proc on hit

Doesn't it stop spawning enemies after its charged though?

He's a retard, when you finish the teleporter enemies stop spawning, but you can just leave the teleporter at 95% or something while you make sure you have enough gold from the increased spawns.
>B-but what if you miscalculate

All of his weapons have the potential to be really good with the right items. You can't go wrong with MUL-T.

Mul-T is fucking fantastic. Had a 70 minute run earlier where I had enough sustain in tandem with some absolutely insane DPS so I could just throw myself at bosses and just shred through them.

>Mul-t charge shot
>get lucky and find crowbar 3d printer
>Get crits
>one shot bosses
I like him cause he can scoot around real quick ;)

anyone hosting?

yfw he's put in next update.

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he has double the health per level than every and higher base health
he has 9 speed while everyone has 7 and the best horizontal mobility skill
he has two item slots
he can swap between close range dps/proc and long range ohko wisp popper

bandit is pretty shit, his primary fire isn't very accurate and his health starts at 100 which seems pretty low.

literally (literally) (not figuratively) would not work in 3D.

Thanks for reminding me to do a MUL-T sniper build.

Reminder to E yourself

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>mfw getting back up magazine on bandit

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Once again OP proves himself the dumbest mother fucker of all

NA West

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>multiple Elder Lemurians as Mercenary

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Enforcer is in the game kinda and so is bomber, both are incredibly basic, enforcers moves are just default and bomber is a rocket launcher and homing rockets and nothing else

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Anyone know what happens If you don't "Choose to obliterate yourself" at the end of the game and take the portal instead? Is there a final boss in this game yet?

>your teammates are dead
>you haven't even touched the teleporter yet

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>Le proc on hit meme
>He has a .4 coefficient on all proc items

retards fell for the meme, he only procs reliably with 6+ syringes and at that point ANY character procs reliably

>is there a final boss
have you not read a single post in the previous 6000 threads

hate to shatter your dreams user but the odd of him getting into the game are low. 6/10 slots are taken and sniper/bandit are confirmed which leaves us with 2 slots only left and

Loader , Acrid , miner , han-d , enforcer are still missing aswell

My friends having crashing problems on launch, anyone else having similar problems?

>blazing anything but especially flying things as mercenary

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Not that impressive of a run but it felt really good to play. Didn't get outscaled and had 3 BFG charges for when shit got nasty. The key to merc is to go FAST

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who cares about proc when it still has great base dps. just spam syringes.

There was a portal?
All I saw when I went there was a darkish landmass off in the distance that I didnt go and check

han-d enforcer and acrid have in game files, although only han-d is functional

>Every hit explodes lel

When they put in riot shield man? When they put underwater level? When they put ship? When they put acid dog? When they put workshop? When they put optimization? When they put loader man? When they put friends to play game with me? When they put good game?

Who is this

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I seriously doubt hopoo is going to stop at 10 characters. Maybe if the game was less successful but with how many copies it sold he's gonna keep the updates coming for a while.

verify game cache
if you got cucked on some unlocks you can manually unlock them in the files I guess

>no end game
>just looping levels
What's the rush to get to the next level?

So? In my experience he still out-damages Huntress and Commando, which are the only other characters I've got unlocked

Just unlocked Artificer, what items do I want to get with xer?


>stages completed: 8
>40:15 on the clock
step up your game mate, that's not very fast at all

bragging rights just like in the good ol days

No I just bought the game for me and my buddy and this is the first time I'm playing it.


>I seriously doubt hopoo is going to stop at 10 characters
this tbqh
I am predicting at least 12 if not 14 plus mods if those get made

Has anyone gotten the elemental treasure shit yet? I assume there's one for each element ingame, I got Ifrit's something or other, shit is overpowered as fuck.

I could have gone FASTer if I didn't loot almost everything on each stage but i'm paranoid about not being prepared

Nope. This is my first risk of rain thread

it's me
fuck off and leave me alone

>I seriously doubt hopoo is going to stop at 10 characters

Well they said that they aim for 10 characters right now before anything else and after that they work on the end game. Im sure that they will add more characters in the future like DLC or something like that

backup mags

her rmb is mini-BFG

To keep ahead of the increasing difficulty slider.
>after AHAHAHAHAHA difficulty
No rush at that point I guess.

1 more

I'm not downloading lostboy.exe to test an incomplete character.

user, I love him too but he doesn't work in 3D.

shoot it, pussy

Someone datamined this from last thread
>the colour
>the claws
>the hunched over posture
Does this mean our boy Acrid is confirmed?

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to be fair he also said he wanted 10 characters whilst he was under the assumption the game would sell under 10k copies and now it's top 4 on steam

>last man standing on AHAHAHA
>kiting hordes of enemy while trying to charge the teleporter
>o shit o shit o shit the whole time
>clutch the round and save the team
Might have been the most intense vidya experience i ever had. This game is fun as fuck.

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tried to join but getting a invalid ID

You're spose to hop between those land masses and at the bottom there's some shrine and a portal. The shrine asks you to "Obliterate yourself", which will end the game and unlock enforcer. I have no idea what the portal does

So bomber is a more fun huntress?

>think his R is unfinished and shitty
>realize it procs stuff
>tag it on a boss and watch lightning arcs, flame tornadoes and ice explosions
i think bandito is gonna be my boy

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how do I go about doing that? I lost the merc and a bunch of other shit

But it jumps up a few ticks every time you teleport anyway.

>it's in the game files therefore it will be in the final game

please dont telll me you believe this

>Higher health
>Higher speed
>2 item slots
>Nail gun is great for close range and proc items
>Rail gun is great for long range
>Grenade does great damage and stuns
>Very fast escape

My friend is having problems with launching the game and it instantly crashes, anyone face similar problems?

Pic not related.

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My index finger hurts

>we all die like little bitches
>last one alive
>kills the tele boss
>4 ukeleles spawn
>he gets greedy
>goes to pick them up and dies

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the visual for it is definitely unfinished but
>tfw it procs bleeds and can crit too

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Just hold down the button dingus

Does difficulty keep increasing as AHAHAHA lengthens or does it plateau there?

It's clearly Steve.

>spend 40 minutes looking for the second button in abandoned aqueduct
>bite the bullet and find a few guides
>search every location in them and it's nowhere to be found

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>no beetle queen porn yet

try turning on compatibility mode, launching as admin, reinstalling, or getting a not shit computer. and what's the point of censoring swimsuitsuccubus' eyes?

Holy FUCK merc is fun. I thought this game was decent, but after unlocking this merc this game has been elevated to god status. The most fun I have had in gaming in a very long time.

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That just makes it even more important to clear stages efficiently. The increase is a fixed amount so you don't want to add unnecessary difficulty by spending 10 minutes on a single stage.





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I just want sniper and enforcer but any meele characters are welcome, a character that could switch between meele/range would be fun

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you need friends for the ultimate multiplayer experience

otherwise, stick to single player unless you want to deal with niggers stealing the shit you have worked hard to earn

>not having this play at all times

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just wait until you have to fight a blazing boss

to bypass some copyright shit when I went to original post it.

we already knew this

you forgot

>ram does 10million damage with enough fast

>no porn period

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Steam -> userdata -> YOUR ID -> 632360 -> Remote

items are near the bottom for example Items.Infusion if you wanna add infusion

not sure how to add characters though but you can

Bettle Queen porn when?

>But what's wrong with huntress?
Her utility ability has no stats at all, it is JUST a teleport. Other characters have similar or better abilities + damage and or effects.

That is not a full outright ability on her.

The only thing she can really do is throw glaive or hope she gets a lot of buffs for autoattack.

I'm honestly disappointed there isn't a thunderstorm level

>crowbar printer on mult
>slamming into bosses for 2 trillion damage

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there is lizard porn on e621

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That's an excellent point. I dumped 8 things into a 3d printer for energy drinks and just chunked bosses

when's El Based Bandito?

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>main gun fire is limp-dicked pistol fire
>right-click is a flying ghostly paper bag that tickle enemies it goes through
>Shift is a dodge roll that has no iFrames
>R is more limp-dicked pistol fire, but with a stun that lasts about as long as it fires

>Main gun fire is either a spray gun that melts enemies/bosses in close range or a hitscan piercing sniper that can one-shot wisps across the map
>right-click is a stunning cluster grenade that can crowd control whole groups
>Shift is a glorious ramming mode that can oneshot mobs if you get fast enough
>no real R, but instead he gets TWO equipment items. His mom is great!

It's a shame Mul-T is getting nerfed. I'd much rather they buff everybody else up to his level.

this guy gets it

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Bring him back

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Also friendly reminder to say thank you to Hopoo games for being based and supporting Yea Forums

right now if you feel like drag and dropping a single file

Commando bros where you at?

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Wait he's getting nerfed?

bring him backas a playable character

It doesn't actually rain though
>it doesn't rain anymore because providence is dead

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pls respond

Thanks for hosting the ass squad, user.

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I was kind of hoping he'd be a playable class.

Yeah Hopoo confirmed it.

Holy shit my fucking dick yes

Is this the best ever 2D > 3D jump in gaming history?

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I want to like commando, I really do. It's just that every class other than huntress is so much more fun.


Well fuck

ever so slightly yeah. the crit bug is getting fixed and his stats might get something like a 5-10% cut. no details on actual numbers but hopoo knows gutting him will do no good

someone host

god tier design but he is no fun to play

>Engineer turrets just stop shooting shit after a while
>enemy 5 feet away from turret
>Doesn't fucking shoot
>Place one right next to it
>it shoots for a while before stopping

have you heard about grand theft auto?

That title is tied now between this game and Metroid Prime.

No because the Titan's aren't a 1:1 remake of the giant golems.

It's probably up there with mario in terms of how well they transitioned. I was honestly really worried it would be like Trine 3

I think hopoo copy and pasted the mob AI for the turrets which is why they're so dumb.

>Everyone thought it was going to be shit at first
>It's fucking even better than ROR1
I don't know how they did it but Hopoo pulled it off.

i don't think i like this game


What about cars?

Also anyone want to fuck around using these characters in MP?

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Can you have more than 2 turrets on engineer. I just kinda assumed If I place a third one it replaces one of the other 2

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You rang?

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There is a way but I think it's a glitch. Check the archives, I don't remember the details.

*teleports behind you 15 times*

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mario party?
yes absolutely
You sorta can but it requires you get the resurrection item
>turrets copy item
>let turret die
>turret respawns and doesnt count towards total
Definitely a bug but hard to pull off so who knows if itll be fixed ever

give everyone an innate passive ability. y/n?
proc effects have a chance to trigger twice, chance increases with level
chance for the basic attack to chain to another enemy on kill, chance increases with level
already can hold two use items
using equipment has a chance to be also used by your turrets, chance increases with level
attacks infuse enemies with their corresponding elements detonating in icicles, sparks or fire explosions when killed
attacks have a chance to apply bleed effects, damage over time effects transfer to a random nearby enemy when killed.

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i wouldnt say its the best, but it certainly is fantastic since its effectively 1:1 to ror

Where can I go for info on future updates to the game?
Like I know Hopoo has a twitter and I think a Tumblr or something.
Should I just check their every now and then or on Steam or what?

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>Is this the best ever 2D > 3D jump in gaming history?
mario, metroid and megaman

Why the FUCK doesn't he have iFrames?

You rung?

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merc already has passive he can double jump

They're releasing a patch this week, in case anyone was unaware.

Now this shit is getting crazy.

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merc needs burning resistance

I think you're right, the only time they start shooting again is if they're hit by something

oh yeah i forgot about that.

merc already has free double jump but i do think the other classes should get juuuust a little something. i'd rather eng's passive increases his turret count after x levels or something

Huntress should be
>Can sprint in any direction and use skills while sprinting
Merc already has a passive

a lot of these items have really esoteric names, is there anyway for me to see the IDs I'm supposed to enter?

Was going for a 20 stage run and ran into a level with no teleporter. Ah well, early access I guess. Had a good amount of fun flying into the air and one-shot stomping those god damn jelly fish though

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>thinking artificer is shit
git gud. the only real problem she has is that there aren't enough ability based items. by extension, attack speed is terrible for her, just like how it was for Merc in RoR1. Just get her the same adjustments Merc got in RoR2 to fix that.

Absolutely yes because MUL-T and Mercenary already come with unique passives of their own, so the rest should be brought up to speed.

just me and the homies

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what items do you need

anybody else find the music forgettable this time around?

I guess it's just really hard to top the first one in that aspect, but still

>Can sprint in any direction
This should apply to everybody
Would be a minor buff for merc too

>ran into a level with no teleporter
No, its there, probably submerged in one of the deep water areas, finding the teleporter in that swamp map is mega cancer.

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there's a really difficult to spot cave under the structure you're standing on and the teleporter can spawn halfway in the wall of it

there's like one good track and its the one that plays on the forest level

would you, Yea Forums?

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the preon accumulator, the berserker thing and the mercenary is all that I've lost

Are you mad? Mercenary and syringes in RoR 2 plus Wicked Ring and 14 sunglasses was a fucking tornado of death. Artificer has no equivalent in that regard. Also, I didn't say she was shit. Just very clearly unfinished. The flamethrower is proof of that.

I also found the music to be just, bad.

Bit sad desu.

Is that big ass drone in the snow level worth it at all

Commando is here too, ID 46, incredibly busted though

post ID

There's a lot of really wacky shit

Sniper is here too ID 51

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>no one hosting
Then I will host.
It says "Friends Only" in the top right. Should I be concerned about that?

how do i get good
furthest i got was summoning a boss in the third level

>Mercenary and syringes in RoR 2
I meant 1, fuck me.
No. It gets destroyed in the Abyss canyon level nearly instantly.


I want to bury my face in there and die.

jesus, I can barely survive one hour

What do you even do at that point? Rush to the teleporter once you spawn?

How do you get to the portal to obliterate yourself?

I've had it glitch on the fire level after the ice level, it is worth it though if they fix that honestly. The thing fucks shit up.

It'd be nice if artificer got a passive that was a long the lines of boosting attack speed increased cooldown speed.

i like the one for huntress but it should be on hit and not on kill. i think hopoo said in discord he plans to make it so the dash doesnt cancel running yet and is debating weather or not to also make it so glaive doesnt stop her. i think that should be huntress thing. not stopping whatever. i do like the chain though. that be great and fits the auto aim gimmick.
the commando passive seems a bit op. i guess it depends on the proc chance. but yeah all huntress really needs is for dash and glaive to not stop her from running and shed be perfect.

I did it guys.

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not sure what those items are called but


you can get merc this way

Move fast
Pick items carefully

Singleplayer. You'll know when you see it.

His AI is a bit fucked but it really blasts everything out of the way when it works.
I don't think it's worth it in single player tho, only with 3+ people where you can pool gold into a player.

I was in a game with a guy that was playing as the Beetle Guard from the item the Beetle Queen drops, is how he did that common knowledge here? He said he just modded something.

He could jump around and use its attacks and everything. I dunno if he could collect items

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>Standing between your turrets under the shield, while getting 700 health per second

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huntress runs at all times. pressing the run button should lock onto a specific enemy.


Weird, that's VERY similar to the run I did earlier where I got both macho and the artificer unlocked.

Any way to stop the sensitivity from changing when you sprint?

Anyone with a working mouse 1 toggle macro? Mine either fucks up the huntress R so it shoots where I'm aiming without showing the aoe or breaks the robot laser, which doesn't shoot at all.

>died in the 19th stage
Fuck this game, I bet that item sucks anyway

I had the radar and ran around the map looking for a long ass time, it might have been in a wall idk. I ran into a bug in multiplayer where the other player could see the tele and it didn't even exist in my game, so I think a non-existant tele is possible.

I was practically invincible at this point. I could only die if I made a dumb mistake.


It's the clover

clover increases item rarity yeah? makes greens and reds spawn more frequently out of normal baby chests

After you beat the teleporter on the third stage of the first Loop a portal will appear next to the teleporter. Just take that. It doesn't have to be singleplayer, but people might get pissy if you use it on a multiplayer match for reasons you will understand when you get it.

sucks to suck

its different now. though. now everytime something with rng happens if it would be bad it gets rerolled with a higher chance to be good. for example rng shrines and crit chance.

>get to stage 3 fast
>but no chests
This is the kind of rng I don't like.

How has anyone ever beaten this game on the high out of game difficulty? Even on the medium out of game difficulty and easy there's more enemies than a 1990s doom custom map and more framedrops than a ps4 exclusive

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Clover makes every rng check roll twice and takes the better result, +1 more for each extra clover.

Don't talk to me like that you fucking nigger retard you think I won't fucking spread your brain across your cum stained carpet you fucking incel retard you probably did it on drizzle you fucking pussy

ESL detected

shame about the items, but I appreciate your help anyway

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>playing engie
>press tab
>merc has three fungus
I have never been so fucking mad in my life

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>not doing it on drizzle

every character needs burning resistance
>you get tagged by a burning golem laser beam that does like 20 damage but the burn dot does easily over 2000 and you die

i found a gold orb but before i could enter the gold portal, a shitty fire elite killed me

what's in the gold portal?

The sheer amount of enemies isn't an issue when you have stacked AoE, chain lightning, and mobility items. It's a bad run if you aren't killing hordes of mooks with every shot by the second half of the loop. The only real problem later on is getting 1-shotted by big boys.

>walk backwards into the boss spawned infusions when i have ci i mean transcendence
big fucking whoops lmao

>he actually played on drizzle for 20 stages for a mediocre item

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A hidden boss with unique mechanics. Probably going to be used to unlock a character later on because right now it only drops a single item and isn't worth the time investment

>>Shift is a glorious ramming mode that can oneshot mobs if you get fast enough
Wait does this mean movement speed items buffs its damage? I never even thought of that

a cool gold golem that kicks your shit in

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>Clover is mediocre

The timed chest always spawns, it just has 4 spawn areas.

>Below the peak, exposed
>Below the peak, covered by a container
>In the elevated container closest to the water's edge
>At the top of the peak

anything that buffs movement speed increases its damage

literally git gud. the original risk of rain was harder and had funballs. those were a base requirement to fun. basically pick items that allow you to kill faster. the best defense in risk of rain is killing things before they can do anything.

How do I get the console open?

sucks to suck

Yeah like dodge roll that does nothing else. Her dash is a blink, it has i-frames, its distance scales with how fast she is moving, again its a blink. Its a whole ass ability and it's good.

It literally says that in the skill tooltip.

Don't bother there's nothing interesting you can do with it other than turn anisotropic filtering on.

>double chances of succeeding at a shrine and pretty much nothing else because lol who doesn't have 10 glasses isn't mediocre


Join for cheatengine fun times

>Transport Mode
>Zoom forward, gaining armor and speed. Deals 250% damage to enemies in the way. Deals more damage at higher speeds.

w-what is it v, it's bigger than any other 'ambient ' flying thing in the map

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1 shot me.

Attached: FUCKEM.png (1146x641, 802K)

Anyone knows a way to improve fps? My computer is bad but not so much and it should be able to at least have 30 fps with low settings.
Are there any editable .ini files or something?

>find some secret teleporter
>leads you to the planet where the cargo ship in the original game crashed after you beat providence
>tons of nods to the original game,
(the escape pod all the survivors with in the first game with is there,along with items that belonged to the survivors.)
>entering the crashed ship you find providene laying seemingly dead on the floor in the final room
>revive him with gnarled woodsprite/bustling fungus
>he gets up. stares at you.and teleports away
>achievment get: He is risen
>providence unlocked as a character

Attached: 1479277294036.png (708x986, 136K)

Her teleport has a long ass range and you can teleport upwards. It's by far the best ability when it comes to actually traversing the levels and take shortcuts and what have you.
Teleporting behind enemies is also actually really useful.

The arrow rain is also easily combos with things like the dark hole item to suck everyone into the rain of arrows. You can activate the arrow rain ability, and then send the dark hole flying while you're aiming your arrow rain, and then send the arrow rain down flying afterwards From this angle you'll also easily suck in even airborne enemies.
From that airborne position you can also blink to pretty much wherever you want. Your elevated position even allows you to take on entirely new environmental advantages that you might not have had from your previous position.

Her blink is far from shit.

don't respond to me drizzle baby lmao literally playing on the difficulty for children fucking rofl pic related it's you when thinking about playing on a difficulty where you can actually lose

Attached: ZdorovKirillVladimirovich_0.jpg (1624x1080, 113K)

literally nothing atm. u can shoot them out of the sky :)

just some birds
you can shoot it and kill it with MUL-T railgun

It's a known issue, just give it a few days.

rapid fire sucks ass now

FYI when you have no idea what the fuck something does, you just look like a retard when you make something up.

i guess it really does suck to suck

Anyone playing babby drizzle mode to unlock shit should just kys immediately

in fact translating his kit directly to 3D without change just makes him suck ass

i dont know what made me do a 300k max hit

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-03-31_04-55-02.jpg (2508x1321, 355K)

yes I will kiss your sister

W-what's the obelisk?
Is that some stage 20 thing or something? Have I just been too shit at the game?

Do you still need to unlock every character aside from Commando on RoR2? I liked that. Ended up making me play all of them one at a time.

I got 5 feathers on the huntress.
Permanently flying while shooting everything and glaiving with 7 ukeleles was insane.

How do I play huntress? I'm getting 1 shot a lot. This kind of garbage doesn't happen with commando.

I can confirm her blink is shit

Actually good with Mercenary and not an idiot > Huntress

>mfw chasing my first hermit crab off the cliff

Attached: 1538242000617.jpg (500x500, 37K)


>little baby just repeating himself
aboo boo boo
aboo boo
bloo boo bobo

after level 7 (second time u go to rally point delta) and complete level , celestial portal will open up. entering that lets you end your run in exchange for unlocking mercenary.

You literally just need to beat stage 7.


Attached: file.png (1442x932, 1.73M)

Extra magazines
Energy Drinks

>9 goat hoof
>4 energy drink
>4 crobar

"its the beep beep motherfucker I'm coming for your ass" move

Always be moving, get movement items

I don't have any basedboy wojaks saved, but know that it applies to you.

Attached: concerned anime girl.jpg (750x714, 40K)

imagine being this mad over other people playing a difficulty lol ya got yourself worked up mate go drink some water maybe go outside lmao

what the fuck did you do

This item better be worth it.

Attached: crabs.png (202x110, 16K)

cwy more little babby
abloo bloo bloo bloo

Attached: ZdorovKirillVladimirovich_0.jpg (1624x1080, 156K)

This is how you play huntress. She had mobility on par with mercenary once you get a few feathers. Using glave mid-air stalls you and rain of arrows lauches you straight up. Combine all this with her blink and you should basically never touch the ground.

Implying my sister wouldn't deck your faggit drizzle playing ass for trying to get anywhere near her

Try now user


keep running and jumping
get speed items and hoppo feathers
get on hit items
know when to use your blink
use arrow rain to check your position

Rocket launcher is 300% AD per stack+ 4x crowbars. You probably activated rocket that hit something with >90% health.

So there’s no way to get 16 player lobbies right now?

>4 fuel cells
>literally become attack helicopter

US East

just use the cube

Not that we know of.
You can change the maxplayers cvar but if anyone tries to join it gives invalid id error.

can i pirate this and still play online like the first one?

you can play as any npcs via cheat engine and just about all of them are fully functional as if they were playable characters. could see them adding a boss mode down the line where you play as and against only bosses

I tried editing assembly but I couldn't get it to work

>little baby just repeating himself
sucks to suck , like user said maybe get gud at fucking game and u will not complain like child?

Attached: 1478248384958.png (256x256, 6K)

Mult gets infinite crits with ocular hud forever as long as you don’t cancel nailgun, stack scythe, soldier syringe, and effects like sticky bombs etc. and you melt bosses while completely facetanking because of the constant healing. There is absolutely no class that comes close to his OP’ness but once ocular hud/nailgun is fixed it will be more even.

There is a gamemode cvar that seemed kind of interesting. No way to tell what the other IDs are though.

Where's AU user? How to boss via ce?

I'm sort of interested in giving RoR1 a try to see what a completed game/all the content looks like. How much stuff is new/exclusive to 2? If I only played 2, will I have trouble with 1 if I understand the core mechanics and available characters?


New cheatengine lobby, join for fun

Probably not, but they gave out a free copy to everyone who bought it before March 30, lots of Anons will give one away if you ask properly.

it reduces equipment cooldown and auto uses it when available. synergizes like bonkers that reduces usable cooldown on enemy kill.

Man imagine if this game had an end...

Attached: Risk_of_Rain_2_2019-03-31_04-50-21.png (1600x900, 1.67M)

I hope next update changes up map generation somehow. Anyone know anything about new maps or random generation stuff for that's sprouted up anywhere?

a-user I'm scared

Doesn't it have to be gifted through steam? Why would you put your profile on 4chins?

Attached: 1552837902222.png (1280x720, 2.65M)

Maps are always the same. Chest spawns are randomized.

Mage character is exclusive to RoR2

Attached: 248820_screenshots_2013-11-09_00001.jpg (1920x1080, 630K)

>the everything glows red level
what a fucking eyesore

There's a handful of randomly generated elements but it's in it's infancy. Several paths on the first area(s) can be opened or closed depending on what you get
see above

I'm literally 0 IQ retard, can barely breath,109775240984995515 new ID

if you're that much of a nigger, you could beg using a temp email, but that makes it even less likely you'll get a copy

for the most part 1 is much more difficult than 2 early-game because of the inflexibility of character movement compared to two, but the difficulty starts nosediving once you collect enough items and by the time you reach the contact like you are basically a god. the character sets are a little bit differnt and most of the characters cant actually attack while moving so theres much more strategy involved than just strafing and attacking,.

how does this run on an intel 3000 HD?

What's the address for character selection?

Attached: 20190331002838_1.jpg (2560x1080, 434K)

Deleting the save in the UserData folder means all your progress ingame gets deleted

10/10 coding

What the FUCK man I was loving this run! I don't even know what got me, all of the sudden I went from like 600/1100 HP to -200. FUCK that was my best Artificer run yet.

Also Brittle Crown sucks.

Attached: 20190331054339_1.jpg (1920x1080, 213K)

>Have an extremely good run going, getting near towards 20 stages
>Tesla coil, Behemoth, drones out the ass, even one big one, a beetle guard, all kept alive by turrets more mushroom than machine
>Finally got artificer so can spend lunar coins. Out of curiosity hit a new shrine I hadn't seen
>You have been sequenced.jpg
>Die ten seconds later
At least I could have jumped out of there and let it all burn, had I realised a moment sooner.

Attached: sequence.png (295x96, 24K)

Imagine playing on drizzle LMAO

Is there any enforcer hidden in the files?

>deleting the save deletes your progress

is this getting released the Nintendo Switch?

>delete save file
>wtf do you mean my save data is gone???

yes but there's nothing but the name

most likely with how succesfull it is so far.
the original risk of rain is already on switch so its possible it might get 2 anyway

Seriously, has anyone seen this shit? Ifrit's Distinction is what it's called. You basically become a Fire Elite type monster and get stacking defenses and offenses on hit I think, and get a fire trail behind you.

People die when they are killed user.

I've been finding it manually pretty easily, search for the currently selected characters ID, switch, search. Might make a table or something/get the actual location

Yes, most are playable too, there's sniper, HAN, commando, enforcer and another one I'm forgetting

Attached: 20190331171946_1.jpg (1920x1080, 104K)

Holy shit never really look at it up close but imp overlord's death animation is pretty metal
>literally got eaten by your own portal

Attached: 1495765745061.jpg (394x251, 22K)


based retard

Well at least that gives me a sliver of hope. Thanks user.

How did you get it?

user was probably referring to eviscerate/massacre builds since attack speed in that game would lower your i-frames for your dash and ult, not the meme spin2win build
both had their uses though

It's so appropriate for the screenshot.

Attached: 1549828592122.png (166x166, 13K)

>we get new characters before we get bigger size lobbies
what the fuck bros


Man, if they don't add some progression / permanent unlocks the game will get stale fast.

Attached: thicc.png (1900x1080, 1.18M)

Attached: 1553997168972.jpg (960x540, 29K)

Will you two retards stop being such fucking children and just play the game or something jesus christ

Attached: 1535339306230.gif (170x170, 1.69M)

based retard

I honestly wish you'd get an achievement when you start a drizzle game so everyone would know you suck dick

you mean like the characters/items you unlock?

so how long should I stay picking items in each level? or should I just pick 2-3 items and go to the tp

Until it's out of EA, expect it to get a bit stale after awhile.

>12 AtG's
>shit proc rate because Mul-T
why do people like him again

No, something more than characters.

There are some files
But i think RoR2 will rape Switch`s CPU

Attached: 1111.png (303x162, 7K)

Apparently it has too much progression as is because the absolute memes in this thread feel the need to cheat in lunar coins because they think getting ten (10) to unlock artificer is a "grind"


Why did you commit Sudoku though instead of going all out

overtuned stats and crit bug

US West Rainstorm

Attached: 1553199828627.png (600x450, 263K)

>4 imp overlords
I'm guessing we weren't going through levels fast enough

Attached: 20190331150228_1.jpg (1920x1080, 304K)

>the fucking enviornment logs

Attached: spooky.png (730x763, 140K)

like items?

he could work in 3D
only thing that'd need a rework would be amplified cleaver

I honestly have no idea, I saw it dropped in the swamp area while looping and picked it up. It takes up a use slot but the effect of it is totally passive, I don't think actually using it does anything. I'll try posting a picture of it I took here in a minute, though fair warning it's going to be in potato quality.

It ends when you die, which will be literally never because you picked the easiest possible difficulty.

that's a new one

Attached: file.png (1442x932, 1.46M)

Item log says AtG doesn't gain chance on stack, only damage.

enjoy the secret boss.

>be lilttle huntress
>having a good old time
>hit the gate
>a great imp spawns and bring 40 of his buds
>dis to a firing squad
good game, Hopoo

>tfw we found one & none of us had the money for it

There's no real consensus yet, just try not to waste time. Pop the teleporter as soon as you find it and leave it at 99% until you've farmed enough money. Then hit 100% and open all the chests you want before leaving.

need 1

>700 ping to any lobby i connect to
what the HECK

If you randomly go back to the main menu mid-game does that mean you got votekicked

>living in thirdworldia

your fault

I forgot the obelisk portal doesn't let you continue in single player

We have internally finished a patch to address a lot of initial feedback and critical bugs - it is in QA and hopefully available to everyone early next week.

===Minor Points===
>Happy with progression rate for classes - a touch faster than intended but still OK
>Happy with Rainstorm difficulty - haven’t seen much of Monsoon content to know. Drizzle is very easy but also fine.
>Pleasantly surprised with people saying performance is good - have to narrow down why it runs poorly on some high-end machines
> Happy with in-run decision making (3D Printers, Mountain Shrine, Order Shrine, etc). Should try to brainstorm more big decision points like this..
> Happy that new teleporter event rules don’t seem upsetting to RoR1 players
> Curious about content distribution - are players progressing through unlocks too fast? How long do the more difficult item unlocks take?
> Very happy with secret progressions - players are finding it at the ideal rate
> Noting lots of feedback about 4+ player lobbies. Have to consider best way forward - most likely would be a private game only option with a disclaimer.
> Noting sometimes monsters get stuck behind a closed door on Wetland Aspect
> Noting people like going fast
> Noting a lot of Quickplay Lobbies have an insane time to launch of 4000+ seconds
> Noting people like ruining their build with Shrine of Order or 3D printer
> Noting people want to be able to automatically continue sprinting after rolling
> Noting people don’t enjoy getting blasted as soon as they enter a stage


New cheaterman lobby

Attached: 20190331164939_1.jpg (1920x1080, 284K)

there's a votekick in this game?
i've only played a game of multi but is there even a way to be a nuisance in this game

===Stuff we are working on===
> Corrupted save file preventing people from playing is very high priority to fix - this is addressed in the Monday patch.
> Happy with (mostly) class balance outside of MUL-T being a tad too strong. I think it’s worth noting here that we have a stat per attack called it’s “proc coefficient”, and it essentially defines how strong or frequent procs happen on an on-hit basis. MUL-T’s nailgun has a low proc coefficient per nail of 0.4 compared to most character’s 1.0, so he isn’t proccing stuff a ton faster than other characters.
> Very happy with Discord community aspect, but may need management help as it grows.
> Imp Boss is a bit grindy, same with Worm
>Some concerns about cheaters in Prismatic Trial. Excited for when seed rolls over.
>Hearing loud & clear about Teleporter being hard to see - want to make it still an aspect of the game without it feeling like a mistake. Players are not really noticing the passive particles - will start with a soft approach first.

>living in australia

Attached: australian sized meme.png (12x12, 687)

>Noting people like going fast

Attached: klgj862ct5p21.png (800x450, 942K)

>the aqueduct article

Attached: 1495532804060.png (131x184, 36K)

>he doesnt want a rematch with providence in glorious 3d to unlock him in one final duel

>risk of rain
>it doesn't rain

Here, this should be it.
Also, on another note, has anyone been to the floating island below the floorbox in the obelisk room? I saw the easter egg islands there already, but couldn't figure out how to get to the last island. It's pingable as well, so I think you can get there somehow.

Attached: Ifrit's Distinction.png (1366x768, 730K)

speaking of logs has anyone found the logs for the gold portal and the celestial portal?

>is there even a way to be a nuisance in this game

>go up to people when they're opening chests to nigger their shit
>going to the next stage immediately after the teleporter's charged, wasting everyone's money
>not standing in the red circle so that the teleporter takes longer to charge
>taking all of the boss drops even though there's a number per person for a reason

it rains rocks in hell

I literally have the greatest build any Engineer has ever had
What's harder, 20 consecutive floors or clearing the gold orb shit? I wanna go for the harder one while the game decided to let me win

We need Aghanim Scepter.

Someone fucking tell me the max stacks for items with a max

Attached: 20190331025834_1.jpg (1920x1080, 252K)

>Get hit by some fire damage on Hard
>almost dead
>get hit by anything else on highest difficulty
>nothing happens
This balance is so fucking trash

Anything I should know before jumping into multiplayer? Just want to make sure I'm not dead weight/ruining it for others.

Commando should be increase to chance of items proccing. so something like 25% chance would get 30% or something instead and slowly caps at 10% if you get high enough level.

I don't think any of them actually max besides the obvious ones like crit rate shit.
20 consecutive clears was more challenging for me so far.

Guy about to hit 1000 minutes

Attached: large nut.png (267x248, 114K)

still open?


Don't steal people's shit.
Ask your team before popping mountain shrine/teleporter.
Read chat.

Get as many items as you can.
You see a teammate opening a chest? Steal that shit right in front of his eyes.
You find the teleporter? Instantly activate it. And when it's charged, activate it as soon as you can.

Literally who cares, all this proves is he doesn't value his own time

Join up.

>Drizzle difficulty

Attached: Drizzle.png (1932x1084, 1.69M)

>Oi devs, ya games is broke
Damn, I can't believe they fucked up so hard when making the easy difficulty that it ended up being easy

Don't do the stuff in


What do the 3 difficulties at the start actually change?

Sounds simple enough. Thanks.

>me and a buddy go Merc and Engi respectively
>glasses printer and he gets 3 fungus on first level
>i soon get predatory instincts and become a crit god
>he gets a tesla coil and his turrets are now black holes that suck the life out of anything that gets close
>however we were yet to comprehend the true power of the engi fungus meme when he picks up a Khunaktas Opinion or w/e its called and starts shitting out 500 dmg skulls non stop
then an overloading magma word gave us his thoughts on the matter.

Attached: 20190331023216_1.jpg (1600x900, 248K)

Enemy health and damage
I think higher difficulties have more spawns too but I'm not sure.

>4 deaths on drizzle difficulty
why even bother?

Attached: Drizzle.png (1872x1070, 1.03M)


1 slot left.

One more lads.

Im fokkin laffin

Attached: 2017-10-08-2221-10.webm (800x450, 2.75M)

post region nigger.

so this is the power of hopoo programming...

idk man

>Risk of rain is now popular with normies
I don't know how to feel about this, I've been playing this for years

Attached: 1500171988217.png (476x421, 24K)

So? Do you think anyone is going to doxx you or what? People have been posting profiles and getting gifted copies for days now.

NA. Not sure if East or West, I'm kind of in the middle.

How many syringes does it take to reach max attack speed?
asking for... Reasons

>can spawn under the trees

Attached: file.png (653x233, 200K)

Having frames in 2 just doesn't feel the same.

there is no cap as far as i can tell.

I can smell reddit

Feel happy
the game you love is finally getting the recognition it deserves

Shit still one shots you on drizzle bro, especially when you get that high. Overloading Worms and Elder Lemurians dont give a shit what difficulty you play on.

Ignore the infusion, I got it from one of the roulette machines

Attached: De-wurming.webm (1080x720, 2.84M)

what are these for user

Probably near infinite. You'll get better luck trying for 100% crit rate plus Predatory Instincts stacking I think.

in addition to what the other reply said to you, it controls the rate at which the difficulty timer ingame goes up
There's larger jumps per level completion the higher the difficulty

You got blasted by one of those green spirits most likely.

How the fuck do i get good?
I get my ass kicked in rainstorm around 4th map

They put my nigga Simo Hayha in the game

Attached: S0UOZoD[1].png (1114x308, 429K)

>join a quickplay game
>defeat first boss
>grab my item
>watch one of our teammates sheepishly edge towards the other powerups after getting their own
I'm watching you, I'm always watching you

Attached: lain.gif (500x357, 115K)

Take a shower.

lmao wicked ring in RoR2 when?

he dabin

the underground lizardmen boss

>242 minutes

God I can't wait until we get command and I can stack ATGs like a madman

Attached: Missiles.webm (1280x720, 1.52M)

You'd be be a massive pedant to care about Infusion in 2. It's not the game breaking item it was.

Infusion works differently than the first, he's only getting 300 more hp with those

I want my fucking WICKED RING goddammit. I was wondering why I was having no fun as the merc, and it's because I'm not zipping around at the speed of sound critting everything.

>friends played and enjoyed ror1
>none of them have any interest in 2

Attached: 1544434047471.jpg (941x1021, 367K)

thank fucking god. How much does it give now?

how long until hopoo stops visiting Yea Forums and cuts all ties with us to please the normie crowds

5 years ago

100 health per enemy killed per Infusion drop.




100 per vial, still have to kill enemies to get the HP boost too. so you need to stack them to get insane levels of HP

Lay off man, Infusion is practically a non-issue in 2, it's just 100 HP per stack.

this desu, wicked ring was my go to red item in RoR1
It turned miner into a B-52 just carpet bombing the entire stage
I want to spin2win as merc again

I met one of the hopoo devs on a /f/lockdraw like a year ago so they prob still here

Don't be a hipster faggot user, this is a good thing for all of us.

ER SHIT I mean 100 health per 100 enemies.

Attached: risk_of_rain_fan_art_2_by_kl0ckw0rk_d844e33-fullview.jpg (1024x1821, 126K)

Drizzle was because that run was originally meant for me to help carry my little brother's friend to get some achievements, fucker ended the game with like half of them done that run.

>my ms painting still gets some use even after all these threads
It's a strange sort of feel.

Attached: 1530329033001.png (146x170, 37K)

risk of rain 2 was a mistake

>Artificer on Monsoon
>get vagrant level one and double vagrant level 2
>deleted by AOE from full health just as I'm about to kill the third one
Why is Vagrant so fucking strong in this one?

>saw my shitty drawing posted earlier
truly a strange feel, I still even see some of my planetside 2 OC posted from like 2014

Attached: community_image_1391600907.gif (400x308, 1.17M)

>>deleted by AOE
you mean the blue extending shockwave? can this actually be avoided aside from running really far away?

Mul-T is comfy as fuck

>can this actually be avoided aside from running really far away?
Line of sight. Hide behind cover.

Not him, but you have a point.
I'm on EU region. If any kind user would spare a copy, we could play together.

the only way to deal with that blue aoe is to stand behind cover so that you don't have line of sight on the vagrant, or get under engi's barrier

get there before 10minutes you fucking degenerate.
look at the timer, moron.

Transcendence is fucking trash

is any blue item besides glass good?

>playing RoR without command

Yeah, that time I was just slow. Artificer really needs mobility early on, 2 Vagrants with base speed/jump is silly.

just buy it, it's a good enough game to buy for full price.

I hope they allow the importing of custom maps ala Killing Floor 2.
Nah he's infinitely less frightening since he doesn't spam balls every few seconds like the first game's vagrants do + all you have to do to survive the shockwave is hide behind a tree, rock, or wall.
>He died
The one that cripples anything that steps in it is good.

Attached: 1445990797841.jpg (680x497, 103K)

I'd argue that risk of rain, as an entirety was a mistake

Which one is glass?

How did you get command if you won't play RoR without command?

You can run away from it. Explosion doesn't go as far as the animation does. Much easier to just LOS it though

Gesture of the Drowned is pretty good depending on the active you have equipped

This game got no steam cloud save?
WTF? I was expecting some comfy run on my laptop.

Attached: 1239274360795.jpg (936x691, 206K)


it has one

Boring ass shit.
>tacticool roll

oh god only 10 posts ledt what do i say?

Wait then how that guy file was deleted then?
My laptop doesn't got userdata file in it yet,

It's pretty much impossible to die with mercenary on the first loop assuming you don't have your sensitivity turned so low that you can' turn around fast enough to dash on the same enemy.

>Maps always the same
Why are people saying this? Sometimes there's a ramp to another hill in roost, sometimes the door is open. The debris, fans, and mountains change on rally point, etc.

how do you deal with the worm using artificer

Tired of playing with idiots who loot everything and activate 3 mountain challenges on second level


>there's a fastometer
>it's not in game

Attached: GBVMN59[1].png (758x378, 22K)

I live in the midwest, when i host no one lags, its only when I join someone else.

>glasses and sticky bomb printer right next to each other
holy shit it's like christmas
>one shot the boss
>blue portal immediately after
>ceremonial dagger vendor

Attached: file.png (305x168, 73K)

>Noting people want to be able to automatically continue sprinting after rolling

>those fucking sound effects for Overloading Worm
jesus christ as if the worm itself was bad enough

Attached: fear.png (381x572, 325K)

Heh'd. I like ideas I read, I think in one of these threads, like:
>Making PEW increase in damage the more enemies it pierces
>Allow dodging into a sprint
But the real knock against him is the sound of his weapons. They're so lame.

Attached: mfw22.png (557x385, 321K)

spot again

get close and then bob n weave

Not him but I joined a Yea Forums game once and when I went back to single player it kept all the artifacts that were on on even though I didn't have most of them.

New thread where

the half your hp double your dmg i think


New thread

>need at least one hoof to avoid the spam orbs
>need to kill the big orb to "dodge" it or have several hooves
>"take cover or die" blast
Compared to
>orb spam that can be dodged without even one hoofUnless overloading then you're fucked without feathers and hooves


Attached: file.png (1442x932, 1.76M)

>sequence 15 extra mags
>never stop spinning

Attached: 1522198158893.jpg (424x542, 52K)

how the fuck are people getting bandit

get on my spaceman level

Attached: file.png (161x104, 24K)

Is there an efficient way to get many lunars and visit the jewish lizard afterwards?

>buy game
>get in lobby
>find and start the teleporter in the first minute
>"MAGA 2020" and leave
>do this for nearly 2 hours then refund
I enjoyed myself.

Attached: trump2.jpg (620x412, 36K)

Had the same experience but when I just had to land 1 more shot on the boss host left and sent us all back to menue

sucks as the whole boss was basically a 4 player solo kill by me

cheat, literally a textedit