The Granblue anniversary is over. Post your damage report.
The Granblue anniversary is over. Post your damage report
imagine if you combined the scent of her armpit with her butt
Never spent a dime. Got wind yuel, wind jeanne, yuisis and her swim costume, light zooey, vampy, vaseraga, clarisse and some more I don't really care about
Sorry, I was busy with Dragalia Lost. We're currently having our half-anniversary!
Who did you get during this roulette?
Three pages worth of free characters. And like three vampire loli swords on the final day. Kinda waiting for the next rise of the beasts. need nuggets for the final step of my eternal weapon.
I tried Lost Dragalia but after spending every bit of currency I had for one char and got 20 fucking books I uninstalled this stupid game.
Meanwhile in Granblue I have literally every single character I have ever wanted for free from this roulette and the last one.
Got 3x d. jeannes on super mukku lol
i did alright i think
I just want one more Lucifer or gorilla summon
Who else hyped for April fools?
april fools lyria costume please
I'm not sure if I got Petra before or after free rolls started, but Monika is the sure cutoff point when I started actually getting things from the roulette, S.Grea was bought with anniversary ticket and I used about 40 rolls worth of crystals
I want skins that make potatoes tall and lanky.
>SSR Rosamia
Based, I only got the R and SR version.
>Release one of the best wind characters during the event
>Then release an even better wind character after free rolls
Im fucking mad is what
I always wanted Hallessena and Chat Noir, plus Altair is really strong, so it's not too bad I guess.
>wind vira
are you retarded
I was more referring to Summer Yuel, who is a great damage dealer in her own right.
No, I did not expect them to release a unit literally made for Wind GW right after Yuel
>tfw wanted to try Granblue
>tfw it didn't work on my phone
they're decent at best, fren
yuel could take a spot in a ultima sword party but vira wouldn't even fit into a melee party, heles blows them out of the water
Should have used the website. It runs better and doesnt load as slowly.
first roll was Sen with gachapin on the very first day and that was the only roll I was happy about
had to annitix Jeanne
I was using the website on my phone.
Holy shit I forgot about Heles
Fucking Zodiac level powercreep, doesnt even need Data in the Grid to cap
>not using water vira
You are the big gay.
Why is Ponytail Anthuria so beautiful?
she's not real bro
Started from Aniue, annitixed Annes wife and decided to spark monkey this banner but got her in 15 rolls with wind Vira and the new fish. Great way to wrap up a productive magfes.
I want to protect this smile bro
I like my current water team. Though i do sometimes think of replacing Silva with her sister.
hey so...Is CheVira actually canon? IN the ending to the new event she seems pretty, for the lack of a better word, normal
apparently. i got a good chuckle when they mentioned Vyrn's gearcycle as well.
Why couldn't he be the boss of the event?
Why does this species insist on showing their back 24/7?
>sell R weapons
>reduce gacha SR weapons
>fodder other SR weapons
>stash gacha SSR weapons
>fodder other SSR weapons
What do I do with summons though?
The same unless it's a carbuncle.
If you like him, then you are a faggot
Favorite gacha SSR summons
Reduce SR summons other than buncles
Sell R summons
Dont be mean to uncle cog like that.
danke bros
should I reduce the hundreds of SSR tiamats, colossuses, ifrits, etc as well
I got all these.
Still making basic grids.
>monkey fpr wind GW
>sheep to complete my shiva team
>pig because she's hot
Help who do I spark
If youve already uncapped each of those to 3* then yah. Quartz become super important when you start uncapping M1 and M2 stuff even further later.
just reduce the extras, you only need 1 at 3*/4*
Ifrit and other showdown summons you can reduce all, they are all pretty shit
>reduce SR weapons
Nah no reason to if you already uncapped those respective summons.
A faggot with moderate taste.
? YOu need weapons tones, a lot
what's a good template for team and grid composition? right now I'm just using whatever works for my teams and following the Basic Grids guide from the wiki, but I just hit HL and I feel inadequate
Versus fucking when?
>Just pulled light clarisse
Feels pretty good.
>those BELTS
Horry sheet it's like I'm back ten years.
You feed SR weps to SSRs for skill levels the fuck are you doing reducing them?
The basic grif section is good, you just want to replace weaker ex modifier weapons with xeno ones, unlock row 4 classes and start uncapping your magna weapons since you can do that after hosting the respective HL magna boss, raising level and skill caps on the weapon
Chevira is a Grand character, she's pretty much canon.
Because gacha srs give a lot of weapon stones which you need for uncaps andnclass weapons?
Different user, I already have skill fodder shortages levelling skills to 10, getting it to 15 or 20 sounds awful. Is there any better way to level skills?
Iirc the joke is that Katalina's ass is so fat it cant fit in the standard female armor, so she needs to hold things together with belts
shouldn't I have a normal modifier weapon in my grids? most of them are 6/7x magnas, 2x EXs and 1x Bahamut Dagger. should my mainhand be a skilled up gacha weapon?
Feed SRs, reduce gacha SSRs as needed. Each gacha SSR wep yields 200. Or just buy them in shop.
You only want lots of normals in your grid if you whale for Grand weapons and Primal summons in the gatcha. Normal grids are normally whale grids. The idea of having lots of magna weapons is that their power gets a massive boost from the magna summon. and mainhard depends on the weapon, the best Fire mainhand for example is the Xeno Ifrit Axe, and for Water and Earth it's the Unsigned Kaneshige, a CCW.
Nope, angel fodder is actual cancer to collect(you will know true pain when you try to max out a class weapon) but skill fodder is pretty easy to gather, since you can do showdowns for the shitty ssr weapons(better yet, the xeno showdowns because they have good chance at dropping the non xeno ssr weapon) and same goes for arcarum if you get a bad weapon drop there
The damage calculation goes Normal x EX x Magna. The idea is to boost one damage multiplier massively with a summon and it's multiplied by the others.
Annitix and Gentiana Blue.
I'm gonna need photographic evidence of that.
Yeah one primal modifier weapon helps actually, some good ones like parazonium can serve as your mainhand as well but these days the best MHs are xeno and maxed class weapons, people often stick a Gisla for dark and Durandal for water, but anything at SL10 would help, other than that you are doing fine, uncap your shit and get tier4 classee, they can do a world of difference, Chrysaor is the latest hot shit
SR's give 20 which is plenty
if you actually fodder instead of reducing gacha SR's you are a brainlet or a whale
>tfw newfag
>seeing the raw power of the True Infernal Flamescythe
Jesus Christ, are the other Xeno weapons this powerful or is this one just really good?
is Relink actually dead
I haven't heard anything about it since Platinum left
i want to fug the cug
Cygames Osaka is working on it still according to them. Who even knows now, Platinum has been really screwing up lately, most of the games they have been working on have been cancelled.
I also got monki within 20 rolls when the banner came out.
>tfw newfag
>spend a whole day getting it
>don't see much improvement
They showed relink on their cygames ad video just some time ago so its not dead, you wouldnt show dead project on company ad
You are supposed to mainhand it
And level it to 120 for the echo skill, also throw burn debuff on the enemy
but didn't they show Uma Musume on that too
>0.5% featured character rate
Fuck that's worse than FGO.
How's your Oracle grind going?
Equip it and ougi with it. Are you using it with the Warrior-classes? On top of it's ougi hitting super hard, it gives a 3-turn 30% DATA buff for the team and a chance to burn the enemy, and when burned you do 20% more damage against the enemy.
Well horse girls isnt a dead project either, its slowly coming out at least for now
They said the dev slowed down and then pucked up when team expanded, its not dead but now I think the game has much bigger chances of being just mediocre, as opposed to great, it all depends hiw much faith you have in brand new dev studio
Actually user, xeno fire axe was the first xeno, and arguably the weakest, the xeno fire katana is considered by many to be stronger than axe, and all xeno weapons are pretty amazing, earth sword gives you a flat damage increase when you get hurt, dark katana gives you mirror image and boosts your stats when its active, the new wind fist on ougi gives you a cooldown decrease and if you do a full burst, everyone gets guaranteed triple attack
Xenos are a bitch to farm but amazing to use
It will probably be a while before I get one, I don't even have an Eternal yet. Though then again, at this rate I'll probably get the oracles first since Eternals need gold bricks.
Jesus christ, the Fire Axe is supposed to be the weakest? God damn, I can't wait to get the others.
>Earlier last month it was revealed that PlatinumGames finished its contract on the development of Cygames’ Granblue Fantasy Relink, and we got an update for its development in this week’s Famitsu magazine. [Thanks, Ryokutya2089.]
>Here are some highlights from the magazine:
>Development is taking place at Cygames’ Osaka studio.
>After taking over development from PlatinumGames, its development speed slowed down a bit, but after putting together a development system using the same number of people as it had with Platinum with the Osaka staff, things are going smoothly.
>We can expect to see an increase in staff, which also means an increase in development speed.
>Cygames has a good feeling that fans will like the game and hope everyone is looking forward to it.
Jesus CHRIST that ass is like... 25-50% thicker than her waist.
Astra and ideans need a drop rate increase but other than that is...manageable, I guess
How long would it take to get 20 gold bars? I have literally 0 right now and I want to get the eternals. I just joined a crew for the upcoming guild wars.
I missed flashfest
What rank should you be to start grinding your first magna grid? I've been doing it for a while but I feel like I'm not being effective enough when I cant MVP the bosses.
You need to get like maybe 3 wins in tier A guild wars and rank high enough to get 400 valor badges per gw. There are only a couple of gws per year. You can also get them through ROTB but you'll cap out on shop, forgot how many you can exchange.
So yeah, 20? Maybe a year or more.
ASAP. If you can't MVP, focus on hosting and leeching.
Was W.Heles and Ferry before or during the Anniversary?
To unlock them all you will need 10, if during next rise of the best you focus just on barsz you can probably grab 3 or 4, but only assumi g your grind your ass off and never got bars from there before
19 SSR character haul.
I don't really play this game except for free draw celebrations.
I'll try my best, never been in an actual GW crew so I don't know how I will do. Been trying my best to build up my Wind grid for it at least. I don't mind if it takes like 1/2 years, but more than that and I'll be a little worried.
Nice, that's more than I expected, good to know. Last RoTB I was still starting out, now I have full M1 grids in every element though my Light grid is lacking because FUCK Chev.
Fair enough. Leeching has been my ownly option anyway. Unfortunately its the dark grid that I have to grind.
If you're just starting your grids then there's no way you'll be invited in a tier A guild user
What are good EX weapons for Water and Earth?
As long as it's not Light you are fine. Though Dark is the 2nd worst because Celeste has a fucking massive HP pool and incredibly rare drops for the weapon you need. Make sure to save up renown pendants and buy claws from the shop. Do you have SSR Yodarha? He makes early game grinding a joke because he can one-shot the starting two tiers of raids. Only once you hit Magna raids he can't one-shot anymore, but he still does a good 10-15% HP on it.
His charge attack does a fixed 999,999 damage. He's the fucking best when starting out. And you can farm every basic element raid with him.
Crap, too bad then. Ah well, I'll farm my ass off during RoTB then and see how well I can do in GW.
I havent entirely grasped how you farm renowns, though I somehow had enough to buy one claw for 5000 and then another one for 2500. Wish I had waited a bit longer so I could have got one more claw with the reduced prices.
I actually got Yodarha from the free rolls, though I havent used him due my dark team being Orchid, bikini Zooey and dark Jeanne.
Which elements use 2 EX weapons and which ones use 1 EX weapon? I tend to see Fire with 2 and Wind with 1.
Just ignore the obvious not from the gacha characters.
You get renown by fighting raid bosses. Make a strike time team with Yodarha, an SR character and an R character. SR and R characters give a bonus to renkown if you win with them alive on the front line. During strike time, fight all 6 starting raids, both Normal and Hard, and have Yodarha one shot them. Only Celeste (Hard) will survive, so be prepared for that. Use this team to farm the starting raids fast and easily while you build your grids.
>h*ws h*ck
Use Yoda for your daily Strike Time grinding. He hits 1m guaranteed and will carry your shitter ass even off element for many early fights.
Also you should feel proud. S.Zooey, D.Jeanne and Orchid are pretty much every Dark player's dream lineup. I recommend using your Damascus bars on Parazonium (Orchid's weapon) asap, because it is literally the best mainhand in the game due to its ridiculous charge attack that gives Double/Triple attack as well as Bonus damage.
>being this gay
what do I use now? the lovelive dagger seems like a pain in the ass to get enough copies of to unbind and I only got one copy of the cat staff from the cat event
I was hoping they'd let the 100 drop on the first day of legfest, but of course they rused everyone with vampyfiesta. Barely scraped up enough crystals to run my spark anyway today, so at least Anila finally came home.
My free hundred + super mukki was fucking nothing but azoths and soul eaters, with only one god damn bonito to show for it. I wanted to be pic related and instead I ate shit from straight from Ippatsu's ass.
I had no idea that SR and R boost renown gains. I'll have to mess with that. Does strike time depend on your crew? I never seem to catch it so I'm getting the feeling that I'm opening the game at wrong times.
Yes i'm mega gay because I don't like shit art.
Check your privilege.
Yeah, I understood that my dark team is very good, thats why I've mainly focused on grinding dark for now. Is damascus on Parazonium actually a legit thing to do? I've been scared shitless of using those bars thanks to lot of people saying that those can be used wrong so easily.
Strike time is set for the crew, yeah, so you should be able to check. There are two times per day for it.
>shit art
Homo confirmed
Strike time is set by crew, yes. And SR/R renown don't worry about with the higher level raids, you need to be able to beat the raid first and foremost. Yodarha allows you to farm SR/R renown stuff due to him being able to one-shot the starting raids.
user is playing it straight, but you have to uncap it's four star to get the upgrade for multis, and if you're new enough you may not have the mats for it.
Yeah I found the strike times, though I'm not sure how it translates to my local time.
Looks like I somehow have 7 damascus ingots, so I think I should be able to uncap it pretty high, right? Though I dont know if its going to asks for things other than ingots.
The four star takes mats, yeah, not just ingots or another copy.
See also
>chose a Wind atma sword from WTMSB3
>realise my Dark team is all swords while my Wind team is mixed
Ah fuck, is it worth disassembling it and remaking a dark atma sword for mainhand?
So are elemental treasure quests and showdowns all going to be available from here on out?
Yeah I am not even near to getting those materials yet. But I'll keep it in mind that damascus can be used on Para without worry.
Is it gay to fuck girls? they have like inside out dicks
no, because the moment you hit HL you will go and get hermanubis axe with pendants and never use that atma sword as mainhand on dark again
The reason you pick wind one is that wind is the only element that doesnt have a better sword mainhand most of the time unless you meme it with GAO ccw or have snap blade from AOT collab
or Windhose
is there a trick to sliming? I have disparia and I hate slime swarm
Nice, I'll save up my pendants for a Hermanubis then, I think I have 1100 prestige pendants so I'm 1/3rd there already.
Depending on what you got during rollapalooza, you may have other gacha weaps and summons that can get you the quartz and stone quick. In most cases, you can look up weapons in the wiki, and someone will have made a note if there's a reason to hold on to it or if it's "safe to reduce"(not all, but most. Summons you should probably hang on to SSRs until you're well sorted, but most SRs other than carbuncles aren't needed.)
Blue sky can be salvaged off daily co-op mission clears and some other places. Merits from lesser merits you collect on side-stories or drops, and urns almost always turn up on current running events of whatever element the bosses for it are(so keep an eye out for another one with dark). That just leaves the primarch anima, which can be leeched when available(and get you some merits and possible blue skies while you're trying.) Sand bricks I suppose you just have to get the hard way - I don't remember if they're in the store, and wiki says they're not, so.
Is Dark really no good without S. Zoi? I like my Dark team but getting everyone to low health without dying is a pain in the ass
Fuck. I forgot to trade in my treasure for WMTSB3. Well, there goes the crystals and fodder I needed.
I got Dark Zoi recently and Dark went from being my worst team to my best team. If you have Beatrix and Dark Jeanne as well since they are enmity-based characters, holy hell is it fucking great.
bros why are the angels so gay, i'm feeling sort of faggy after playing the events
It's not that it's "no good" - you can put a functional dark team together any old way, really.
It's just that Dark has a lot of shit that's really friendly to enmity, and WhoreZo is the flame and the fuse to that particluar bomb, so it may be harder to put together something that makes you content in the long run.
>monkey puts hinged conductor in smaller ungrounded receptacle slot (neutral)
>has ~120vac cycling his entire body at 60hz
>pretends to get shocked to ‘prank’ ‘friends’
>hinge drops other half of conductor to metal (grounded) duplex faceplate, completing the circuit
>he’s still holding it
watch how fast boy folds and stows that smile, it was too fast for his friends to see he ate some shit. but you know boy. you know.
t. 277vac ten second survivor
hot, not neutral.
>Anniversary finishes
>Cygames decides to kill VM and close down the game
Why did they do this?
So I suppose (pure speculation) they hired Platinum to invent and perfect the combat and once it was done the contract was fulfilled
guess I'll save up for her then
red health DJeanne is great
>ah hell, welcome to my feast, time to start the hedonism
Belial is fucking great. I wonder if he's the reason why the Seraphic Gran/DJ looks so fucked up.
too many faps to count
>selling Rs
don't do this
I don't play Granblue, but I want to smell that armpit and bury my face in it
I just finished cleaning up my inventory, should I've used those as fodder for SR fodders instead? That sounds like a pain in the ass desu, I have plenty of SR fodders as it is.
literally just dump 8/16 of them at once for ssr sk2/3
>I have plenty of SR fodders as it is
you really don't
alright then I'll take your word for it, won't do it again next time
>was so busy with completing my M1 grids, sliming, rushing the story and Arcarum and farming xenos that I only SSRed two of the six Seraphic weapons
>tfw several months since Kumbira came out and I am still rock hard
I never knew what a powerful effect a modest, demure acting gyaru would have on me and my dick.
Just leave everything in your crate, it's free infinite inventory space
pull out gacha SRs, bar them, and reduce them when you need the stones
dump Rs with skills into low skill ssr weapons
pull out ssrs to reduce as you need but make sure it has it's flb and it's shit before you do
SR summons from gacha should be reduced for quartz and preferably saved to be stoned and then reduced
R summons are worthless, do whatever is most convenient to get rid of them
Reduce useless SSR summons for quartz
>need quartz
>no money
Newfag here, anyone wanna suggest parties?
Your water is pretty fucking great, you have Meme Grea and Altair. Dark too with Jeanne, Orchid and Zooey. Wind too, Scat and Jurius are great as well as Kokkoro, Heles and Jeanne.
tsubasa/S.ilsa/Theresa, use Athena instead ofTheresa if you die alot and need some survivability
Water is your best one, play glasses guy/S.grea/yuel
Sandal/Lucio/zurisisters, use Vira instead of sisters if you need a tank
Veight/vampy/zoi, replace Veight with shirou if you need an actual damage cut tank
>make Belial scythe
>get mindraped and bow chika wow wowed for all eternity
im gonna buy andiras costume and none of you can stop me!
Go for it user, I bought Zoi's Duel Cosmos one since I use her in both my Light and Dark teans.
How much of a nightmare will it be to actually unlock the skin thought, is the question?
In that order?
I got the new vira with the 10 draw ticket
Didn't they say the prerequisite is SSRing all 6 Seraphics? That's not too bad, just a bunch of elemental quest grinding and primarch grinding. Now the requirement to start the quest on the other hand we don't know. 4* Eternal outfit is 5 damascus crystals, 5* Eternal outfit is a shit ton of blue sky crystals.
Nice. As much of a Virafag as I am, I need to save for Anila to complete my Fire team.
Well i just put them on random orders but the general rool for team order is that you put characters with more DATA or ougi buffs that affect the whole team to first row
So for example you would but Heles on the first slot on wind because she has pretty much permanent TA so she will always have the most charge bar for 4chain ougi
Fucking fuck. I was prepared to buy her CD for that dress but they didn't even throw in the skin.
I'll probably suptix her in three months.
>3 zodiacs in a single spark
I never knew I could be this much of a luckshitter
>tfw really want Sheep but only have 2 10-rolls and don't dare try and use them
>5* Eternal outfit is a shit ton of blue sky crystals.
The blues crystals are the least of our problems.
How long does it take to save up 300 rolls? I started playing four months ago and blew my load often so I can get SSRs to play around with, now I have enough for each element but no crystals.
I want dark Zoi.
Yeah, I meant that's a pre-requisite to start the quest itself. To even unlock the quest you need all that fucking bullshit. Thanks KMR.
Around 6 months if you really play the game and get all crystals you can
If you still have side stories and other quests undone then those speed up the process
Nah, it's less nowadays thanks to roulettes n shit.
I sparked all my crystals away at December, sparked again two weeks ago and I already have 200 rolls saved up for my next spark.
Only the insane of the insane will probably get this skin. Like he was thinking "If you were crazy enough to actually 5* all the eternals, this should be no problem to you, right?"
but roulette season is over right? kinda wish I didn't use them willy nilly but if I did then I probably couldn't have got to where I am right now
wish I started earlier
How's my account overall? it's gonna be three different screenshots
Thats because this time of the year is the time where KMR gives out most free shit
After anniversary it always dies down and summer is just small amount of free rolls and less free crystals, after that it dies down even more until december
Bought Medusa with the annitix and ruined my spark this legfest trying to get Monki (and failing) but other than that anni went decently well.
How about you sort these by element so it's less of a clusterfuck?
Anyone have advice on how to beat the slack Jeanne quest? I get the monster to around 50% and then it knocks out someone.
MVP your IQ.
>roll for Valentines Dokkan
>get Valentines Melisabelle
Use dark jannu fourth skill and don't waste the CA and use the jannu's general buff skills
If you have enough characters to build a decent team for each element, I think you should start saving up.
Hit monster until the other jeannes come
Pop their skills except Dark Jeanne's 3
Hit monster until d jeanne gets low
Pop her 3
Hit monster until sleepy jeanne comes
Pop her skills
You should have ougi for chain burst
Monster dead
>challenge quest
>DJeanne S3: hostility up
bro wtf why isn't this actually her S3
Light jannu also has echoes
Yeah, I really should save. I hope I can save up a spark for when Sheep next comes up next time, especially since I need Dog afterwards too.
I want her to yell at me
Rebalance patch soonâ„¢
Light Jeanne still won't get sword prof
Based event, comfy event.
Ilsa therese athena
yuel grea romeo
ilsa soriz halle/arulu
heles kokkoro yurius
lucio vira juliet
jeanne orchis zoi vampy
I'm a newfag so forgive me if I get shit wrong, but aren't Heles and Kokkoro's passives going to be a bit unreliable if my only source of wind atk up is from ougi? And I've tried Vira but she seems clunky without a way to feed her DATA to keep her bits up
do they do rebalances often
hostility for djeanne would be sick
>ywn have bros like them
once or twice a year from what I remember
Korwa is my wife.
Vira can only keep her 3 up for 3 turns even if she ougis for more bits anyway
>all these just for fucking skin telling people how much of a no-lifer you are
I thought she's Silva at first.
I only rolled like one day.
Got Dark Jeanne, Vania, Cagliostro and some other stuff tho. So I'll take that.
I don't actually play this game, I just roll in case I ever pick it up
Pretty much. It's specifically for people who have literally nothing else to do.
Even then the quest you have to do to get it is balls to the wall bullshit hard.
>hit rank 101 in four months
so does progression get significantly harder and I'm stuck here until next year? what do people who've been playing four five years do?
looking at all these materials I need to uncap magna, replica and seraphic weapons makes my head hurt, can someone just tell me what I need to focus on or do for now
You can also play with Selfira for a more reliable wind atk up in that case, point is that Yurius is extremaly popular and Kokkoro is pretty much a must, feel free to experiment with other slots
Rank 1 - 101 total RP combined is literally just less than 2% of actual total RP to cap.
>looking at all these materials I need to uncap magna, replica and seraphic weapons makes my head hurt, can someone just tell me what I need to focus on or do for now
You can tap on the item to see where you can get them, also check the wiki.
Unlock tier 4 classes by upgrading ONE class 3 weapon to...4th step? Im sure wiki says it better, but do that first, when you do that you can just buy 20 class distinctions for each class and do a quest that will unlock the respective tier4 class, they change a lot, you can also go further and try unlocking EX2 classes like Kengo or Glory(fofr EX2 you need to upgrade each class RESPECTIVE weapon until the element change step, most suggested element for kengo katana is water and earth because of how well the maxed out kengo synegizes there, you can also safely use Kengo in fire and dark using the respective elements xeno katanas
farm at least mlb grid for every element, farm chev swords, unlock all t4 classes, ssr all your seraphics, unlock the t2 ex classes you need, start farming m2 when you hit r120, there's plenty to do, ranking up will get alot slower now, I'm rank 184 and I'm usually stuck a month with each rank, though I don't play as much anymore unless there's something I have to farm
Why is there so much armpit in Granblue?
Is Yurius as simple to use as he looks? Just spam Discover Truth until capped, and using the delay and buff removal as appropriate?
yes, he's kinda bad for racing but you wanna get to a good amount of truth seeker stacks for ougi cap up
Finish up any M1 grids and start hosting/leeching HL raids.
Work on Row 4. Pick one CCW and work on that since you only need to ele change one to unlock the quest to get all of them. EX2 classes need their specific CCW though so it's best to work on one of those since it will still unlock row 4 as well as your EX2 class.
Finish your seraphics
Prep for the shit that is M2
Ranking up should take a while from here on out so go at your own pace.
>farm chev swords
pls no, i want to die
it's way easier than it used to be, fren
What do you mean? Did they increase the drop rate or something? The only 2 swords I have ever got were from Apollo and Arcarum.
Well that's kinda bad. I'm working on M1 right now and it seems like that's going to take quite a while if you don't MVP.
>SRs get better uncap art than SSRs.
>racing M1
Just do dailies solo and one punch shit. Don't bother racing with m1.
So just hope for flip chests then?
Also, does getting omega animas ever speed up a bit? Hosting 3 magnas a day isn't completely sustainable for me so far.
>Rank 116
>about to hit 120
>remembering all the horror stories about M2
RNG, but should be.
You can get up to 6 omega animas from 3 daily hard (or 1 hard+, which you unlock at 101). You can also get omega anima from the omega raid itself.
redpill me on racing, does it only matter if you get mvp or vice-mvp or should I bother getting some points/not being last
the droprate was increased a long time ago, i remember chev and celeste used to have way lower flip rates than the other magna raids, they're about the same now, you can trade alot more swords from the pendant shop (which has also gotten cheaper) and leeching metatron (which you will have to do anyway) will also drop swords
it doesn't matter for m1, just equip summons that boost droprates, activate droprate journey buff and whack the boss once
not much else you can other than do the hard raids everyday, you can also trade them in at the casino
try to get top 6 in m2, the chance to get a good drop from just leeching is very low there, otherwise it's not really that important
Do people still say to go for bolts before swords or do you start with swords straight away now?
imagine the grind for chev swords, but now its all elements.
swords are useless until they're flb, so you will have to use guns until you reach HL, you'll get tons of gun drops anyway, so you can use those to clear content while you're finishing up swords, they're decent enough
I still can't believe I fucking got Monki with 100 rolls.
Blessed rate up.
>you'll get tons of gun drops anyway
>tfw been going for 3 months without a single gun
alright I'll just hit and run everything from now on
thanks amigo
>only have 3 chev sword drops so far
Can you just have the journey drop buff constantly active later on? Right now just enabling it for a few hours would cost me all of my drops.
Now imagine that except in 9/10 cases you don't even get a chance at a drop because the boss dies too fast for you to get minimum contribution. And you can't host your own because the costs are completely unreasonable.
Actually, make that 10/10 now because Viramate is dead.
Nobody does that, but yes, you do get a lot if you keep playing.
Most people just activate for an hour then reactivate as needed.
Fuck, wanpan doesn't even work? That is brutal. I already have enough problems getting nothing from stuff like Twin Elements.
Nope. Also, your odds at a blue chest increase directly with the amount of Honors you get.
Basically, the only people who get drops from M2, are the ones who already have them, or a full Primal whale grid. Neither of which will save you as a gaijin, mind you, because ping means it's physically impossible to get enough contribution anyway.
I'll record you a video showing the M2 experienceâ„¢
Give me a moment.
Everything down to Percy. So not much
iirc they're gonna implement a new system to not make you use journey drops for those buffs later, I don't know when but you'll have alot of drops if you play enough
are you using your journey buffs, rabbit summon, how many raids do you join per hour? i always spent about 180 berries per hour while farming for chev swords
your best bet is farming a bunch host materials first (just leech a bunch of HL magna raids of the respective element) and joining 6 man train raid lobbies for the m2 raid, you'll be doing 12 runs everyday and you'll always be in in top 6, your odds for a drop are decent that way
Nevermind, April's fool event is starting. Maybe later.
All Korwa's art is amazing, SSR or not.
>some weird puzzle thing
Whoa what
Okay, I guess I have to hear Katarina 3 times, but how?
Put her in your party, go to the first island and click on her on your home screen, my dude.
What the fuck are the arrows, though.
better tell me what the fuck this is
only Dark and Wind m2 have it easy, the rest are pretty infuriating. Better start doing your daily omega HLs to farm host mats. Since trains are unreliable for underpowered newcomers, the best would be to host your own at the start, hit minimum contribution for blue chest, and open it to the pubs, and pray the host chest gives something, until you can MVP on your own. Just don't give up.
How much time should your first magna grid take you these days?
I'll definitely take it slow then. I don't even have any stuff like Eternals anyway, I rushed to get to the mid-game content, it's time I slowed down for a bit.
Casino, bet 10 chips 34 times in the slots.
i love armpits
Everyone after Narmaya, not the best luck but I got SSRs in all elements now and a few elements with full SSRs so I'm happy. I'm still so low on crystals though, only got 35k and I haven't spent any. I stopped doing the main story once I hit chapter 25 to do my m1 grid. I just need to get through some damn main and side story so I can roll again one day.
ilsa ass
Can someone fucking explain the thought process for me.
lmao your right it doesnt even do anything until it touches the thing
I got Dark Jeanne d'Arc and Jeanne d'Arc (SR), so I'm happy.
Just two more Jeannes to go.
I was finally able to destroy V (proud) this year!
I am growing stronger.
Everyone got Hallessena except for me, also the new vira is actually good or just meme tier?
Yeah same here, I got both her SR and Dark SSR in my last anniversary roll. I miss rolling daily, I could be such a whale if I ever broke I do like gambling.
9.0 (average)
How do you beat the event fight with Kat/ Ferry/ Eugen?
Use your damage/status mitigation right before he ougis, then just ougi with katalina.
Here's your M2 experienceâ„¢ bros.
Why do you faggots bother with this shit and not just jerk off to the porn?
it's fun
It's actually a decent game. I started playing it during off time at work and I think some of the systems are pretty fun.
I was so close, I was betting on poker.
Fug, looks like I'll have to hoard mats and host those myself then. Oh yeah, could I have some advice on my Wind grid in preparation for guild wars? I just SSRed my Seraphic, levelling it's skill now. Do I have too many normal mods? I need a dagger mainhand since I'm using Chaos Ruler.
i understand completely
But why
>have like 20 EMP
>still no row IV classes
Of course. Which means she's gransexual too, and now nobody can deny it
Make Water Kaneshige or Earth Kaneshige. It's not too bad, the worst part is the centrums and the co-op shit.
why are you using zerker, use chrysaor
Chevira is Chev giving up it's life to fix Vira due to it's powers driving Vira insane in the first place.
When should I decide on something to use my anniversary weapon ticket on?
Do you use Wind or Water? Grimnir Harp and Europa Harp are great choices.
I'm new, so still a bit unsure, but Water is my strongest element right now.
Ilsa is a fatty.
With such gigantic boobs and ass she'd weight TOO MUCH.
if water is your strongest element rn, then get the harp
Got these and a bunch of moons. I have the majority of the regular SSRs at this point.
>it's real
Did you get the anniversary ticket by any chance? Water Grea and Europa Harp would be a really cool investment.
The ticket doesn't expire for a year so there's a lot of time to choose.
What should I get with Vyrn's drops? A meme outfit or the weapon?
All of it.
I already have Summer Grea, enjoying her a lot also because she makes my dick hard. Just hesistant to use this until I REALLY know what I'm doing.
all of it, doing it is easy anyway
In that case, I would highly recommend the Europa Harp, but only if you decide to go Water. Try out the different elements first and decide which one you want to focus on.
go to the wiki
God, I fucking love Erunes.
Which characters are especially good paired with her anyway?
I'm using Silva right now since she's an ougi-centric character.
Thank you Cygames
Vajra but shes gone until next year, she also does FUCKING WONDERS to Kengo MC, she will generally work well paired with anyone who has super beneficial effects on ougi by letting them ougi more
>these april's fool's Darkness fight
Don't even want to see how stupid Proud is.
trips of wisdom
I just want to jerk it to cute big titty animal ear girls
>wanted to get into granblue
>just found out about this event an hour ago
Come back next year
>Sir Chained-a-lot
Fucking amazing.
Are Lowain and his friends footfags?
So I was foolish/newbie and didn't drop all these tickets when the summer characters were available. Should I just drop them all now on this banner?
Who can I pair S.Grea with?
wtf I love the niggercats now.
I feel like I'm doing something wrong for the enigma quest
I got Kat in my party, clicking on her to get her voice lines
Doing this 10 times just to be safe and it just won't go, is there anything I'm doing wrong?
Go to Zinkenstill, and then do it.
You have to be in Zinkenstill.
Are you at the first island?
Could anyone help me with my grid? Do I have too many Normal modifiers?
First island
Zinkenstil, tutorial/prologue island
All but 2 of the characters I pulled are low tier trash. Pulled 1 good summon. This was definitely the shittiest roulette event for me so far.
Oh fuck me I was doing it at Port Breeze since that was the one that had the first Chapter.
thanks lads.
It's like the game knows I'm mostly here to learn about the character who'll be in Versus. Keep em coming KMR. Where's Lancelot?
You can use 1 Elixir in Blackhole.
>Persona 5 Theme starts playing
>that hp
Yeah, I'll pass.
>dumb user first grid
am i doing this right
>not autistically arranging his grid
No, you're not doing it right.
Nigga, it took me like 15 minutes and I used Magna.
You did get her, right, Yea Forums?
Her skin is pretty cute, but it doesn't have her 5* so it's shit.
Wondering this myself, this is basically the lineup of water characters I have too
How do you get your characters' HP that high anyway? All of my characters only have around 5-6k
kengo mc obviously
Rank, EMP, HP modifier from sword(ssss).
it's not even that high for light, chev swords have the majesty skill on them (med hp up + atk up), so you get tons of hp on light magna
Not that user but how can I beat him without having full damage cut? Last time I tried I failed at 3% even after used an elixir
>(med hp up + atk up)
Imagine being in this deep and still don't know majesty is small+small.
my mistake, small + small then. it's exactly because i'm this deep i forget about shit like that, i've had 7 sword grid for a long time
3 years ago, yeah.
wtf i love rosey now
Just started before the anniversary and this is what I ended up with post anniversary. Any element where I have some sort of synergy going on? Currently working on getting to chapter ~50 of the main story to play WMTSB I and II and my m1 basic grid.
>dat narmaya ad
Your Fire characters are good (Magisa+Athena+pompadour) but don't share weapon proficiency, so it would be a bitch to use an ultima weapon with them.
All of your Dark SSRs are great
other elements are meh
I did it bros.... I did it...
fire: athena, magisa, the biker guy
water: cucuroux, romeo, izmir/yngwie
wind: nezahualpilli, lennah, helnar
earth: arulumaya, gandalf, bea
dark: vampy, naru, djeanne
light: sandy, de la fille, the SR harvin that is crying
they're not optimal parties/characters but that's what I'd run until I get more characters
Started playing about 25 days ago
My teams are:
Fire: Therese, Lancevane, aquors love live
Water(my best, I think): Silva, Yngwie, Charlotta
Earth(my worst): Siegfried, S Rosetta, Melleau
Wind(2nd best): S Yuel, S Jannu, Yurius
Light: Sandalphon, Seruel, Clarisse
Dark: Dark Jannu, Bampi, Wulf and Renie
Summons: Europa, Varuna, gabriel, other stuff
Overall I think I knocked it out of the park, other than removing melleau for something else I would probably not change a thing for a long time or if I get something really broken
fellow waterbro, if you ever consider dropping any $ on this game, get summer grea now while you still can. she's absolutely broken absurd and you already have a breddy gud team to put her in. especially with varuna.
actually Dark is your best, just get Six from the upcoming Guild Wars and you can make a god-tier Dark Fist team with Wulf/Six/Vampy
Vampy isn't fist but she does god-tier damage anyways and gives charge bar which Wulf/Six need really badly
Do you get a notification that you solved the riddle? I think I did the first one right, but nothing really happened.
actually you'll wanna replace charlotta asap
you get a popup, set katalina as your home screen character, go to zinkenstill island, go back to homescreen and click on her sprite 3 times
yeah, trophy pops up immediately. protip: make sure you're going to the right island.
Alright thanks for the advice, I'll focus my efforts on fire and dark for now. I also got Shiva and Europa which I heard are great summons. I am thinking about dropping the money for one of those beginner sets, and I started my account in the middle of a month so I'd have access to that set as well. Any recommendations for who to pick through that?
it depends on what characters were available when you started your account, if you started your account during a flash gala, you could pick a grand character like alexiel
Shiva would replace Pompadour as your support, and also shares Spear proficiency with Athena letting you go Ultima Spear
Summer Zooey. Zooey would enable you to do crazy amounts of damage with Jeanne and Narmaya (or vampy) once you get some claws from M1 raids.
Assuming you have a flashfest pool then Shiva for fire or Orchid or S.Zoi for dark.
If not then look at your pool and pick who you like.
Are any of my other teams good? I'm just going by the tier list and not much strategy
Also, should I use a healer gran or defender gran or what? Something to compliment the team or just pick weapon master or something and roll?
I started my account during the gala in January (middle of the month one, not sure if it's different than end of month).
Today is the last day to get the Birthday Draw Set instead. Which is the only way to get Summer Zooey right?
Yeah I believe I have the flash fest pool.
then you have the flash fest pool and yes, it's different than the gala at the end of the month, get either alexiel/shiva/orchid/s.zoi, you can't go wrong with any of those characters
You cant get summer zoi with the birthday ticket
But if you started during flashfest then you can get it with start dash
S.Zoi isn't in the birthday ticket, but she is in the normal flashfest pool so she'll come back at least once every month. If you're committing to dark then you can grab Orchid with it and use your beginner's ticket on S.Zoi. Otherwise, get S.Grea if you have a modicum of an interest in water or pick another limited if not.
Your Wind is good as it is
Your Light would be good if you replaced Clarisse with a Light Eternal (or just an SR with sword proficiency, Clarisse sucks dick)
siegdaddy hits like an actual truck if you can get him up to lvl 100.
your wind team is solid, depending on how new you are s. yuel's charge attack plain damage can carry you through the first third of the game alone.
light is also p. gud, clarisse's charge attack does stupid good damage even with the worst of grids.
basically work on everything, there's events and shit for all the elements. but there's a wind-focused guild wars coming up in two weeks so maybe work a little bit on that one for now.
you won't need heals or defense until much, much later. just go all-in on attack and kill things before they can kill you.
Ayy lads, what should I get from the ticket ?
>finally get around building a (shitty) water grid
>decide to level up summer Grea for it
>spend half hour leveling her up
>get some EMPs set
>fight colossus omega to test
>she outdamages most of my other characters even they are on element
>her ougi does 3.3 million after some basic-ass buffs
Can't spell Great without Grea.
Wind is solid. You probably won't be racing with it though but it's a good team.
Light is also solid, but Seruel needs to be 100 to really shine. Clarisse is a one ougi nuke so put someone else solid in the first sub slot cause there's a good chance she'll die next turn unless you can protect her. Other than that her 1 is a good debuff.
Oooh I see. Alright I'll wait till my start dash is back for this month then grab S.Zoi with that. I don't think I'm down to also buy the birthday ticket but if I do I'll grab Orchid. I think I'll go ahead and focus on dark, Narmaya and Dark Jeanne are baes. But then there's Magisa and Athena in fire... So hard to choose, is Shiva a flashfest character. Thanks for the advice the wiki is down so you're all I have.
yes shiva is a flashfest character
Zoi, Naru and Jeanne are the staple dark team for the damage they deal and easy enmity
Yeah seems like going Zooey is easily my best option. Sounds good to me, I was interested mostly in Dark to begin with, BK's design got me interested in this game to start.
BK herself needs a buff but her sword is great on Chrysaor class
Orchid I guess
Worked. Danke.
How much do emps matter? I've been postponing them because I don't know what to put on them and don't want to waste points
grandbrap fantasy
Would she let me rub her tail?
I started playing after watching MF anime, got both Grea and Anne
I'm happy :)
it depends, for some characters they can make a big difference and even boost damage caps, if you feel you wasted points you can always reset the emp, though you won't get the points back
check wiki
generally you want crits, cap up, debuff succ for debuff characters, and double/triple strike. maybe the unique one if it's any good.
I think only Anne is allowed to do that
Depends on the character and the emps they get. Like SR Albert used to be better than his SSR before emps were a thing. Some characters get really bad ones though so you don't invest much into them.
when should I start grinding m1?
From the moment you start
Once you unlock them. I think it's rank 30? Either way start leeching them and then start hosting them which is rank 50 or something.
I'm rank 70 and I've been leeching and hosting for about a month now without a single weapon drop, I wondered if the drop rates were just too shit to bother pre HL.
Second best girl.
Jeanne is always the best, no matter what she's in
these puzzles are fuckin impossible
I'm just going wait until people post the solutions online. I dont care about 10k crystals so I'm not in a rush.
they weren't that hard
only place I got tripped up on was thinking the 10 bet meant GW at first, then I thought it was poker since it's called "10 chip bet". I was close, though
pretty sure the 10k is a lie
I can buy that. I love Scathacha way too much, though.
is spending moist of my gems on the premium gala the way to do it
It's fine, work on getting baha to skill lvl 10 so you can coda it.
spend most your gems on flashfest(middle of the month) and legfest(end of the month)
will I be able to get Ferry then as well?
Fair enough. I just absolutely love Jeanne.
So do i spark monkey or sheep guys. Also what's a good setup for wind?
Monki Metera(if 5*) Kokkoro
what's with all the new wind guys
I'm already so fucking loaded for wind characters
It's as if we are getting a wind focused guild war soon.
I guess but this is really starting to feel like overkill
Never spend gems until you have enough to spark
SR and SSR Ferry are regular gacha units so you can get then whenever. It's just that flash and legfest increase SSR rates to 6% so it's better to roll then. Grand Ferry is a legfest character though and only available during that time so if you want that version you roll on legfest.
How important is being in a crew? I don't feel ready for that shit yet
How did I do?
>Tfw cag fag now
They always do that, one element gets more stuff for a while and then its next elements turn
Wind also had very little SSR characters compared to other elements before and they still only have 1 grand character when every other element has 3
Also their last limited character before summer yuel was summer jannu year before
After the possible grimnir release i can see wind not getting any new SSRs for the rest of the year
>Grimnir redirects to Kokkoro
What was his fucking problem?
after monika, that's all that I got
except shiva, pretty disappointing desu...
He just wanted to live a quiet trouble free life.
they make up for it by giving you something like 15 times as many summons as FGO does.
>gets a qt knight to fawn over him every moment
>instead decides to go to an alternate dimension to fuck up the people there
Once again, what's his fucking problem?
>tfw want to use my first ring on kokkoro now
>Was originally planning on using it for jeanne
I don't know how to feel about this
I fucking love light charlotta
give your monies, love, and semen to lolis
Fire, Earth and Light are solid. Wind's ok too.
>pulled dark jeanne
>vampy uncap
are they worth using
Dark Jeanne is very, very good
Tyre SSR when
>t. 277vac ten second survivor
who get replaced
I'd say Vira unless you really need the Veil
I've found Vira to be thoroughly mediocre myself
Do you have lots of claws in your grid? If so Naru, Zoi, DJeanne front line. Vampy, Vira backline
never started
Is there any point to using R units once you get SR units to fill in gaps? I used La Coiffe for a lot of early Earth content but she seems to fall off really hard even if you max ascend her.
I get the sense this game isn't like FGO where lower rarity units can still work in a lot of setups just from the stat disparity and the lack of a third skill.
Also would appreciate any recommendations in team building still working on trying to figure out team synergy after starting about 2.5 weeks ago.
Dark is my worst m1 grid, those fucking claws never drop
You can use R/SR units whilst clearing magna dailies to maximise pendant drops. Some of the Arcarum maps can also impose a R-only or SR-only restriction on your party.
You don't really need them in actual battles though
Some quests plus arcanum can force you to use them
Bumping with Jeanne
Almost nobody would tell you to bring lower rarity units into end game content unless they filled a very specific niche like 5* Yaia. That being said a big part your damage output in GBF comes from your weapon grid and summons. If you have a fully built grid with powerful summons then a team full of rares will still do big damage and will be able to clear fights but will lack utility of a team of SRs or SSRs which can make certain content much harder
When he goes on a date with Vira
I think my collection is pretty nice.
If you don't have xenos then love live dagger is your best bet because it's a farmable SL15 EX mod, it's also a good MH if you don't have a GW dagger.
I'm gonna miss double weekly pendants
And half AP...
This is unplayable...
A few times a year. Light jannu is definitely due for a rebalance, her kit is incredibly outdated and there's basically no reason to use her over almost any other light attacker. Also its fucking 2019 KMR light sword isn't even the best way to play light anymore just give her the fucking sword prof
Dark Jeanne is great especially if you have Zoi
Vampy is very strong with her 5*, even when her 3 isn't up she hits hard thanks to the buffs from her vampyr drops, also her 2 gets around delay immunity on bosses like Metatron. Just make sure you get her EMP that gives her echoes against charmed enemies.
If you run both DJannu and Vampy in the same team then you don't need to use Vampy's 1 other than to dispel, letting you keep at least one drop and boosting your damage.
Wish I was at 115 just for closure
gachashit belongs in
Which class in EX1 is good for a newfag?
Drummer if you have a good harp.
Ninja. Spam Fire+Wind for free Paralysis, it trivializes pretty much every boss at rank 100 and below
Alright thanks.
>Vampy is very strong with her 5*
She's a meme
Bampi is fucking CORE, you nigger.
How does she compare vs Orchid?
Is my dark team good or should i swap out one for Cerberus
No. Cerberus is one of the worst characters in the game.
wtf do I do with the puzzles?
Who do you know that likes Vyrn a lot?
Can you see the arrows in the picture?
Your current team is good.
the only way you could get better is if you had Naru, but even with this you can do Ultima sword team
what do I do with those information
I don't see any arrows btw
Should have gone with dark cog
Who do you know that likes Vyrn a lot?
so am I supposed to do the first mission three times or something
what do the arrows lead to
that's who I thought first too
There are people that like Vyrn more than Jeanne does.
Remember that time Siero gave Vyrn that love potion?
Think about who it affected.
Think about a character everyone would have, so it would be fair
Do you know how to talk to your team members, user?
I really want that new Korwa, erunes are absolutely divine.
>Sword Korwa
Shes fucking cute too. Too bad I no longer use any korwas.
Wait to see what new additions have been made for GW. Supposedly they're including a faster way to get the evokers.
Yeah, sad to see the mighty fall. I remember when she was good even on non-wind teams. 5* might save her, but wind already has so many buffers.
Come on, anons
How are these bonuses?
Stamina kinda goes against Jannu's gameplan and heal is gonna be useless.
still better than just raw stats
>Stamina/Heal in DJannu
Literally some of the most useless rolls you could have for her
anything other than multi-attacks, crit, debuff success and c.a. cap up aren't really worth keeping, assuming you have plenty of rings to spare.
Got Monki, got Siete 5*ed, unlocked Tier 4 and leveled all the classes (elysian and chrysoar was a bitch), 100 leveled any stray level 97-99s I had lying around, I feel ready for GW!
>got magna 1 grid with leveled skills, bahamut weapon, xeno weapon and seraphic weapon
>still not doing any damage
Okay, what am I doing wrong
>Seraphic must be fully uncapped
>Weapons must be full level
>use better classes and characters
post grid
I knew about the heal being useless, but that's a shame. Are the health and attack bonuses okay? I still need to get her to max level.
Should I focus my farm on Fire, Water or Dark?