Halo Killer

All Halo Killers seemingly failed. So what did ultimately kill Halo?

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specifically modern warfare

It’s still pretty alive m8. 5 was the best selling game in the series and Infinite will probably be even bigger.


Halo killed itself.


>It’s still pretty alive m8.


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Seriously though. They changed up the formula too much. No longer huge open maps with a strong art direction. It just looks like another generic shooter these days. The story has become fan-fic level. Not forgetting the blashemy that is no couch co-op on 5

>What killed Halo?

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CoD, but indirectly. Halo tried to copy it and killed itself

>5 was the best selling game in the series



Microsoft accidentally gave Bungie a sock, granting it freedom.


Bungie going full retard and going to activision didn't help either


KEK Killzone fans didn't actually believe this right?


>a strong art direction.
Strong art direction in a Halo game?
Are you people... actually fucking braindamaged? Look... I understand that Halo games can be fun, if you absolutely do not know any better. But for
Have some basic fucking dignity.

No but I wish it were true. At least it would be a more honorable death than crashing and burning.

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Although I think reach was the beginning of the end, halo was literally made by a bunch of angry feminists and halo hating cod fags, and I mean LITERALLY.

let that sink in.

>So what did ultimately kill Halo?
343 Studios and Greg Bear

the covenant are fucking kino, kys.

That... that is hard to look at

Get fucked nigger.

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Killzone 2 was their one success and now the multiplayer servers are shut down so it's dead too. Is Killzone PS4's multiplayer any good?

Imagine being this delusional about your shit game

>halo was literally made
I meant halo 4, fuck!

>What killed halo?
Bonnie Ross

That game was so awful. The story was completely illogical and they just went and butchered the gameplay the series was building towards.


why are you trying so hard to fit in, relax my nigga

>5 was the best selling game in the series

>those deflated balloons

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It killed itself, but CoD is responsible for driving it to suicide.

They butchered classes and gameplay the series was becoming known for. So you only have 3 classes now and the game while still somewhat feeling like old Killzone feels much more like a variation on COD instead.

No idea if it's even still kicking. But a reeeeal hot minute since I last played but I had a blast. They made player movement slow with a lot of choke points so teams tend to stick together more out of sheer coincidence than any planning; but this has the effect of most games turning into actual meat grinder kill zones and they're pretty fucking great.

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It's literally a fucking Saturday Morning Cartoon, and not one of the good ones. You are not fucking twelve anymore. If there is an area in which Halo games have always been fucking PATHETIC, it's art direction. They are and always were, fucking, laughable. Explicitly designed with really dumb american kids in mind.

So why don't you name a game with good art direction then?

Your taste is worse that the poo poo platter in my toilet bowl you room temperature IQ faggot

>So why don't you name a game with good art direction then?
Homeworld? Pathologic? Bastion? Half-life 2?
Plenty of games with good art direction out there. Halo is just some exceptionally bad, even by average videogame standards.

Microsoft and 343i. Thats what happens when you hire people that dont like Halo.

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The fact that it sucks dick.

Halo's art direction is better than Half-Life 2's though.

Don't they ban tea baggers now and it is directly thanks to her?

343 era sure I agree, its a fucking disaster with no cohesion, just dude lmao fantasy sci-fi slapped together in hopes of getting new younger blood on the saga because Microsoft wanted it

Bungie era? thats good ol' hard sci-fi, there is a reason why spaceship spergs and autistic space fans always have an UNSC ship or vessels in high ranking

but i know whatever I tell you won't matter because you are just shitposting

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Ew, he said GOOD art directions user

The Helghast did nothing wrong.

>Make Spartans the MC characters.
>Give the best armor to the ODST's.
>Aw fuck what the hell did we do.
This is the only feasible reason I can imagine they made ODST a game and it wast the right fucking decision.

>Halo's art direction is better than Half-Life 2's though.
Have. Some. Fucking. DIGNITY.

>thats good ol' hard sci-fi
"Hard sci-fi"? Do you know what those words mean? Because a retard in a bright green pyama's, a motorbike helmet and alien ships being bright purple because PURPLE IS LIKE AN ALIEN COLOR is not hard sci-fi.
It's J.I. Joe shit.

>Nicea the princess to invite us for a Halo tournament, gay Luigi?

Jesus that looks infuriating.

Unironiu enjoying shitty medieval symbolism bbbut with aliens!
It's literally schlock that takes itself too seriously. Don't delude yourself into thinking it's anything more.

Brainlet response. Go play Halo 1 and 2 right now and tell me the art direction and setting is anything other than great. Fucking kill yourself.

mcc day 1 edition

>we will never ever get to play as the real good guys

Fuck SNOY and Guerilla.

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I do, I'm not some retard that praises Half Life 2's artstyle which was a huge downgrade from the first game.

He's right retard it is better. Bungie era Halo was god tier with that. Even people that hate Halo often at least praise the artwork.

>people defending halo
simply ebin

There's many factors but the biggest one had to be that Microsoft couldn't fathom the fact Bungie was ready to jump ship.

They put together their own studio, the studio was composed of a few ex bungie employees but Microsoft hired people that hated Halo so that they could change up the formula and make it more CALL OF DUTY like which is why its fucking trash now.

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>Half Life 2's artstyle which was a huge downgrade from the first game.
He's being a contrarian faggot but shut the fuck up you contrarian retard

they're not really comparable.

No thanks, I made the mistake of playing them already. They aren't much fun, but above all, they are fucking HIDEOUS. They fucking steal designs from fucking SW Episode 1 for fuck sake. "Hard-sci" that steals design from the bad Star Wars movies, let that shit sink in.
Seriously, again. If you want to argue gameplay, then... while I did find them immensely boring, at least they are not completely incompetent. Decent A.I., mostly functional mechanical design.
But art direction has EASILY been the weakest part of the games. Well, maybe writing was equally as atrocious, but it's a dumb shooter game so that is largely to be expected.

No, it wasn't. HL1 you could argue was more fun, and had some more interesting tech behind it. But it sure as fuck wasn't better in terms of art direction. HL2's art direction is some of the absolute finest shit ever produced in the industry. If nothing else, that is the ONE fucking thing the game cannot be criticized for.

>Even people that hate Halo often at least praise the artwork.
Show me a single person who isn't a Halo-nursed retard who thinks that shit is in any way good.


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>Halo's Art style

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343i absolutely had a huge role to play, but they just hastened what was already underway. CoD4 knocked the crown off of Halo's head, and CoD's yearly release cycle meant that every year after 3 CoD continued to grow and sap away Halo's playerbase.

By the time Reach came out, CoD was already well ahead of Halo in influence, and Reach being polarizing only worsened things. 4 and it's utter codification in a desperate attempt to keep up was the final nail in the already mostly sealed coffin.

Even if MCC wasn't buggy, and even if Halo 5 had been well received 5 honesty gets more shit then it deserves: I never rec peoplkre buy it because fuck no splitscreen, but mechanically it's really solid and finally figures out a way to add new mechanics without breaking what makes Halo Halo, unlike Reach, 4, and even 3, Halo would still be a B list franchise, not an Industry leader. Hell, even had REACH been universally praised, Halo might still be in the position it's in.

>greg beare
the forerunner triology is fantastic, have you actually read them?

Eh, sort of

Reach changed the formula a little., but had the best art direction in the franchise ands had the biggest maps. 4 changed the fomrula a LOT, and di have shit art direction, but had average map size for the series. Halo 5 still has shirt art direction and is more focused on smaller maps, but it's mechanics, despite being new, largerly fit into the design framework of classic Halo gameplay, retaining both even starts and the golden triangle.

Reach actually sold very well, and just so you know 343 IS Microsoft.

All the Halo 2 anniversary cutscenes did was made me wish the Halo movie came to be. Forward onto Dawn and Nightfall don't count. I didn't mind Forward onto Dawn honestly but it is nowhere near what I wanted.

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>the forerunner triology is fantastic, have you actually read them?
They're fucking awful you brainlet. They butchered the lore just so that they could set up their awful plot for Halo 4

wew lad, Bungie's main inspiration for everything Halo was Starship Troopers (the book) and Aliens, with a lot more bauhaus, brutalism and modernism style in mind, the fact that you just compared it with Star Wars says how much a retard you are


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Halo has the most iconic artstyle in video game history, what are you on about?

People often overlook this guy and the influence they were taking from the flop that was shadowrun, but it was the beginning of the end. It was the moment where they had no identity and started pulling from outside to put together what would ultimately be a trojan horse for 343i and Microsoft to be handed over.
After which, they still couldn't figure what they wanted to do, claiming they didn't want to continue making Halo but instead wanted to go on to make NotHalo. Even worse, the company as a whole suffered from Stockholm syndrome and went from one company that was keeping them in line to an even worse, far more abusive company, purely because they wanted to 'give them a chance'.

Sorry but Half Life obliterated Gaylo before it even came out.

I wasn't at all talking about sales, just reception in terms of prestiege and the halo community.

They didn't butcher anything you retard, again, have you actually read them or are you the same whiny shitposter who always bitches about them despite having only read wiki summaries?

They literally completely altered everything about the Forerunners, faggot.

Are you the guy who only played the altered MCC versions of Halo 1-3 and thinks those are canon?

Yea thats why no one remembers it? hows that third seque- OH NO NO NO

To be quite honest, being a marine on the ground fighting the covenant let alone the flood would be terrifying as shit, especially if they are packing needlers
>tfw that one book describing the sensation of a needler crystal in that one marine's body

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I'm replaying Halo 4 and honestly it's soundtrack and atmopshere is really fucking top notch

It's obviously not up to par with Marty's work nor is the atmosphere ODST level, but it's damn close at times and had 343 been able to execute on a lot of their ideas a bit better, or had they been allowed to be even more experimental and not had this sort of wierd hybrid of Halo and other influences and just totally went for their own thing, 4 legitmately could have been an utterly fantastic game.

The forerunner ruins in particular and the vocal and synth tracks are really good. I wish that 343 took a more open world or even metroidvania-esque approach to level design, withj you and a increasingly rampant and psythcotic cortana stuck togethener alone having to explore and survivie on this utter alien forerunner construct.

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>I'm replaying Halo 4 and honestly it's soundtrack and atmopshere is really fucking top notch

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But TF2 is still going strong.

Halo: Legends is the only good halo movie I'd say, I watched The Fall of Reach last night and jesus christ man, I could feel the claws of 343i in every scene lmao

I'm kinda glad they are going back into the old art style, 4 and 5 are ugly as sin, The Package and Reach is peak halo and I'm glad they are taking them as inspiration for Infinite, pic related.

I don't dig the hair and facial hair but armor is on point

I don't know about the needler but plasma guns are fucking terrying, there is no real body armor or protection that stops them, just some coating here and there to mitigate the heat and pray that it works, everything just melts away, skin and organs alike.

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ah, so you are the same retard, got it.,

They didn't alter anything because nothing was fucking actually established with any certainity beyond that forerunners were super advanced, built the halo array to stop the flood, and had a special connection to humans, all of which is still true in the forerunner novels and said novels execute and explore and add onto those things in extremely creative and well written ways; that's a extremely satisyfing blend of classic sci fi, classical epic, and cosmic horror.

>b-but 343 made forerunners seperate from humans!

The IRIS campaign for Halo 3 and Halo 3's terminals already did this, among the fact that bungie themseleves hadn't even come to a consensus on what their relationship should be, see haruspis.blog/2017/10/30/you-are-forerunner-a-complete-history/

I don't know what user you are talking about, but no, I played CE, 2, and 3 at launch. That being said, I don't know what the hell you mean by "altered". the classic graphics builds in MCC are identical to the originsl others then CE and 2 ussing the PC builds as a base, and the annivsrary graphics don't really change anything of note to the forerunner novels either other then the terminals.

Halo Legends was all over the place in terms of quality. Saying that though, I did enjoy the japanese cheese that was The Duel.

>Killzone 2
God I miss it so much

>Bungie created one of the greatest video game franchises ever to exist
>now subjected to making awful MMO trash pay to win games with terrible writing

What went wrong?

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In Halo 3 there is no mention of humanity predating Forerunners and it's specifically stated that they weren't even evolved when the Forerunners were around if they weren't just devolved Forerunners outright (the terminals leave that point open because it's not relevant to the story and doesn't need to be explained). The books turn them into a generic big bad evil race for no reason other than 343 being completely incompetent and unoriginal and unable to come up with a plot better than "AN ANCIENT EVIL AWAKENS"

Call of Duty.

after Reach the story ended .

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>Bungie's main inspiration for everything Halo was Starship Troopers (the book) and Aliens
Yeah, that explains the wacky alien retards running around talking like children, and the bright purple fucking alien ships, and the scantily clad bright blue computer lady.
No you fucking retard. This is beyond pathetic. Have you ever fucking READ starship troopers? Have you ever fucking SEEN Alien? Do you have the faintest clue what Bauhaus is? Because I think you literally copy-pasted those words from some random site.

Yes, I can see the Bauhaus, Alien and modernism REALY seep in from this shit. Because this totally does not look like something from a SERIOUS SAM game.

What the fuck is wrong with Halo fans, really?

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Halo was never good.

Humans = Forerunners
343i Lore = Trash

Guilty Spark literally calls you a forerunner at the end of Halo 3.
>Humans are the only race that could access Forerunner technology, enter Forerunner facilities without restraint and activate the Rings
>The portal to the Ark is located on fucking Earth
>The Prophets are aware of this but deliberately ignore the idea and even go as far as to genocide humanity because of it
>there are several instances throughout the trilogy that heavily connects Humans to being Forerunner
>penitent tangent (another Oracle) also calls you a reclaimer
>A couple throw away terminals make the insuation that you might be two different races
>343lets cling unto this to try and shit up the lore with their crap

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The worst part about 4 was the writing and load out system. The music was pretty good.

>DUDE there was a race that existed before the Forerunners and they were EVEN MORE ADVANCED and BIGGERER AND BETTERER than the Forerunners but the Forerunners were big meanieheads to them because they liked humanity who somehow were an advanced spacefaring race tens of thousands of years ago in spite of there being literally 0 indication of this at all in the series prior because the Forerunners erased all evidence of that with SPACE MAGIC and then they betrayed the biggerer betterer race and destroyed them and their angry dust was turned into the Flood by the BIGGERER BETTERER gravemind (who was the one that talked to Mendicant Bias in the terminals in Halo 3 even though the terminals indicate that it was just the gravemind but ignore those they're dumb and bad like the rest of Halo was before we fixed it)
You're literally defending this garbage right now.

It's left open as to whether or not humans are literally Forerunners or if they were just the ones chosen to be the Forerunners' successors. You're right though that 343 fucked this up completely by retconning everything and introducing retarded bullshit like the human-Forerunner war.

All the games you mentioned are not good or even close to Halo.

Why is it every time we talk about Halo some old fat ugly nigger has to come in here and shit up the thread with their pseudo opinion?

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The funny part is that the terminals are so incongruent with the 343i lore it's actually "canon" that the H3 terminals are purposefully lying to you as some kind of elaborate ruse.

The reason Gravemind and others either call you forerunner or heavily imply it is because Staten was the cut-scene director/mission writer for the trilogy. He also wrote Contact Harvest, where it is basically explicit stated that humans are forerunners.

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Oh look it's this dumb nigger that never read the Halo 3 terminals again and thinks 343 never retconned anything

>CoD4 knocked the crown off of Halo's head

Think again. Actually it took 3 COD games to finally topple Halo 3. Halo 3 was the dominant XBL game for 3 years. COD only ultimately won due to over flooding the market with COD games and because it was multiplatform. People were not sick and tired of Halo. The only thing that truly did end up killing it in the end was Microsoft and 343 themselves. Bungie somewhat helped though by making Reach way too casual friendly which led to MLG dropping it and armor abilities making things way too random rather than skill based.


>All the games you mentioned are not good or even close to Halo.
>Homeworld, Pathologic or HL2 don't have good art direction! They are shit compared to our child fucking crayon paintings!
>Why is it that people keep making fun of us! Stop it you meanies!

Dude... you are just the most fucking pathetic, fat target in the universe. You literally fucking paint the target on yourself actively.

Reach was the true beginning of the end though.

He's right though, Half Life 2 is shit.

>My subjective opinion is superior to your subjective opinion because I say so!

it was the fact that they had new mechanics like running, kill streaks and faster time to kill. I remember world at war becoming very popular because of it and thats probably why we saw spartan abilities and running in Reach.

This. I have zero faith in the next game.

Sprinting isn't a new mechanic and it is objectively a bad one.

Why are you so persistent?

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This. Are you faggots seriously not old enough to remember how Cod 4: MW literally stole players from Halo 3? It dethroned Halo 3 as the most popular game on Xbox Live. You can draw some parallels between Halo/Cod and Quake/Counter-Strike.

please someone tell me this isn't true

Well at the time it had never been incorporated into gameplay so well. And yes that shit is trash.

There was literally nothing special about the sprint in COD4 though, it was just like every other game with the feature.

Wrong, it was actually World At War that blew up in popularity and Battlefield Bad Company.


jesus christ this guy again

nope, name one other game that did it just aswell as COD at the time.

Previous COD games

Until 343 made them all look the same

You post this shit and you wonder why people constantly keep making fun of you?

Enjoy waiting for literal hours of unskippable cutscenes next time you replay your physics simulator.

user, I get it, 4 fucks up a lot, I say as much in that post. but 4's atmosphere and OST in it's isolated moments in ruins and shit are insanely atmospheric.

twitter.com/BaileyJIII/status/1108149922686218240 is a good example of this.

It's actually a lot similar to how CE handles it's atmosphere: Both use a contrast between familar naturalistic areas, acompanies by orchestral tracks, alongside alien, mysterious forerunner ruins which are associated with synth. Both also have the same setup of you being stranded on this ancient forerunner construct. The main difference is just that 4 also does a lot of tracks that blends both the synth and orchestral elements and has outright almost glitchy, dissonent elements to show how intergerated the forerunner shit is into requiem itself and how somewthing is "off", alongside a really different sort of use of vocals: Instead of chanting monks,, you have female humming and I guess what i'd call "Shrieking" that gives a more unsettling and threatening then epic.

Shows what I mean with synth/electronic elements and dissonce and blending it with orchestral shit

Has that + vocals
youtube.com/watch?v=ctZhKWviOuc (this track can be sort of generic but it has elements of what I mean as well)

The issue is that 4 then just has YEAH BRO FUCKING UNSC BADDASSES UP IN THIS BITCH that interupts this, and Cortana and MC's cringy relationship shit also ruins it.

It's honestly really fucking sad, because while I hated the game on launch I can actually see what 343 were going for and had they pulled it off it could have been legitimately incredible, and I think the emphasis and theme of the "return of the forerunners" and the idea behind the Didact were good ideas, just not the execution

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it didn't work as well as it did in those games than it did in 4/5. Bro I played these games when they came out

I put that specific image to point out the different art styles that you can find in the games and concept art, and yet you keep trying to move the goalpost further and further, this time by getting a pic of a multiplayer map that its only purpose its gameplay and doesn't shows anything else. I mean for fucks sake I googled it up to be sure about my post and I found a Quora post saying the exact same shit, with even more examples but yet the mighty patrician user remains in the truth at matter

you aint here to debate or have a healthy discussion about what is and isn't, you are here just to flame and stir shit up, you are non-ironically the root of whats wrong with video games nowadays, kill yourself contrarian turbofaggot

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All the nu gamer fags need rpg and shooter looter elements to give them a little dopamine happiness.
Its a pity.
Also they have no actual friends so they took away split screen.

Sprint doesn't work well at all in any game where it isn't just a speed boost because the concept of "trade off playing the game for a slight speed boost" is an inherently garbage one.

>replay your physics simulator.
>but posts half life 2 when it was NOTORIOUS for this


Time killed Halo. Just like it's doing with other franchises. Overwatch died faster than Halo for example.

Yes but WAW never even got more popular than the MW1. As those links show it actually took 3 COD games to finally dismantle Halo but by then I'm pretty sure they were feeling scared for the future of the series a bit since before Reach you pretty much had 4 games actually that didn't stray far from the formula at all. Its safe to say they thought critics would rip a fifth game apart if it refused to change since COD had gained popularity and that is why Reach was made to be so different.

I think this is an example of why companies need to not put so much weight on critics either. I guarantee fans would have been fine had Halo Reach or 4 stuck to what worked well. Reach could have even kept armor abilities but toned that shit way the hell down and maybe made them more like perks from COD instead. They could have even made it based on what armor pieces you equip instead which would incentivize people to play around with that a lot since most seem to think Reach actually had the best armors which I actually agree with. Just imagining what could have been instead though is always so sad because hindsight often proves things could have been done way better. COD's perk system was way less obnoxious than AA's from Halo.

wait wait wait i fucking love the h3 terminals, what do you mean they are apparently 'lying' in 343 canon?

Me too man, such a great underrated and underappreciated multiplayer. Story was fun to but fuck Rico like always.

I still stand by this opinion that MS should let Platinum develop a hack n slash Halo with Arbiter as main character.

I like these kinds of posts

Halo had more copies sold than MW on Xbox, however MW was the first game that beat Halo 3 in terms of concurrent players.

>That entire post
Jesus, I didn’t even know it was possible to be this wrong in one post

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The first Halo book, which predates even the first Halo game, nearly copies the plot of the Starship Troopers novel for the first half, only diverging in the second to focus on action instead of political philosophy. Hell, even MJOLNIR armor is reminiscent of the Power Armor from the Starship Troopers OVA, pic related.
Just because there's a difference in power level and tone doesn't mean there isn't and influence.

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343 should have just started the new trilogy with their own spartan, why the fuck did they grab master chief and fuck his personality/character design in the ass?



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It's one of the most coherent Sci Fi franchises I can think of. I wish Metroid has the same consistency.

post proof, Halo had over a million concurrent players during its golden age.

That was the game I was talking about, moron.

>post proof

oh, sorry about that.

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Because Reach and ODST underperformed. I think they did about 7 and 5 million sales respectively.

>All Halo Killers seemingly failed

Metroid Prime shat all over the first Halo title. Didn't have multiplayer, but it didn't matter. The solo campaign destroyed Halo. This is an irrefutable fact. And yes, sometimes the single player experience is better than putting holes in noisy 14 year old spergs online.

I always assumed Forerunners were some ancient mysterious alien race that we would never truly find out who they actually were or looked like. I figured they disappeared somehow and that was just that. They were always meant to be a mystery and their technology was always supposed to be so advanced that it was far above what any current species in Halo was capable of.

Of course this is just what I always assumed playing the games and I liked it a lot this way anyways. Human's being Forerunners though sounds a lot better as well than what 343 did.

No, Kiki Wolfkill and Frank O'Connor made some retard statements about how they're going ban teabaggers before Halo 4 came out. Microsoft quickly told them to shut the fuck up and made them backpedal hard. In hindsight it was pretty good warning sign of things to come.

Yeah, I am, because unike you I've actually fucking consumed the media explaining and handling that shit, vs you who haven't and are intentionally making it sound as stupid as possible.

You do realize BUNGIE is the one who introduced the precursors, right?

Except it's not just the H3 terminals, it's also the IRIS campaign (and i'm willing to bet you don't even know what that is)

Putting that aside, EVEN if you don't wanna interpret the "them" line to mean humans and forerunners are completely seperate beings, it still, at most, just means that humans are closely related to forerunners or are suspsoiciously similar, IE the forerunners came across earth and humans were there but humans are suspsicously similar to forerunners; but that's still not "the forerunner empire was built by humans" and isn't even contradicted by current lore, which you'd know if you read the fucking books

You are basically just fucking tactfully admitting that it's your own headcanon you are autistically sticking to: None of that shit explictly confirms humans are forerunenrs, it just indicates there's a special connection, and then Halo 3 comes around, and then you have the Terminals and the Iris campaign giving a heavy, heavy, damn near explict confirmation that humans ARE NOT just forerunners. At fucking most you can say that the evidence is "contradictary", since spark calls you a forerunner and contact harvest sort of suggests humans are (and even these are explained by spark being metaphorical/insane and the prophets being overly literal with the "reclaimer" title); and that exact contradiction is exactly what I am saying and what the Haruspis article points out:

Bungie LITTERALLY didn't have an agreed upon lore answer for what the human forerunner relationship was, with each memeber of the team havintg their own personal headcanon, so depending on who was in charge of what media you had contradicting info.

You don't believe what you're saying, not fully. You're only acting unbelievably butthurt about Halo to rake in the (You)s.

Damn you're right, halo had a little over 1 million if I remember correctly, funny enough I owned both and never thought call of duty surpassed it until 5.

It's ok, user.
>You do realize BUNGIE is the one who introduced the precursors, right?
Nope, if you hadn't played the MCC versions first you'd know that.

I believe Reach sold just under ten million, and ODST sold over six.

well, thats kinda the point of the Covenant no? it was a pact to unite all the races for the great journey, it makes sense that it looks samey if they were united by a single species

but I find the covenant kinda goofy, even in the bungie games, humanity is way more interesting to look at

I really like their ships tho, the super carriers and stuff are pretty cool, and the Unyielding Hierophant station is pretty spooky for some reason

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>Bungie LITTERALLY didn't have an agreed upon lore answer for what the human forerunner relationship was, with each memeber of the team havintg their own personal headcanon, so depending on who was in charge of what media you had contradicting info.
How does this mean that another race that was never previously mentioned existed, as well as another being who never previously existed, and that humanity was spacefaring eons before the games started?

Here is a pretty fitting thing: every single one of you idiots praising Halo's Art direction, does not use any in-game screenshots.

>I mean for fucks sake I googled it up to be sure about my post and I found a Quora post saying the exact same shit,
What shit? The shit about Alien and Starship Troopers? Because yeah, I'm not surprised, that sounds like drivel someone copy-pasted from Quora.

>you aint here to debate or have a healthy discussion about what is and isn't
Well, I will admit I did not expect this discussion to be actually functional, because this is is A HALO thread, you idiots are absolutely legendary for being the most pretentious, insufferable cretins in the entire universe, so yeah. I was just kinda curious in how fucking low will you steep this time. It is fascinating every time to engage you morons.

The last time I did this, I got some of you faggots claiming that THIS:
(particularly what starts at 2:50) is "the most generic Hollywood shit pseudo-classic orchestra music". It's pretty hard to resist trying to test how much lower you faggots will go in defense of this shit.

But really, I fucking want you to actually explain any of that. How is anything in the screenshot that I presented related to Aliens, Starship Troopers, or Bauhaus?
Or how is pic related not just the fucking DULLEST shit in the world?
How are the pew-pew bright-green blowing strips weapons firing slow-moving blobs of fire-work-like particle effects communicating the cruel sobriety of ST's pseudo-fascism or Alien's blue-collar grime, or the insane oddity of it's rare organic horror?
For fuck sake, make an argument, actually provide a single fucking example, a point, SOMETHING. I might be an asshole taking advantage of the cognitively impaired here, but I am also fucking right.

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No instead you're the retard that shits on HL2s art direction.

>COD only ultimately won due to over flooding the market with COD games
That's what I said

HL2 is objectively better than Halo because there's no regenerating health

Shitposting and lore faggotry aside, whats your guys favorite spartan generation?

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I always thought Forerunners and humans were separate species but always viewed humanity as the people to take their place if the threat of the Flood ever rose again. It may be totally wrong if I actually devled into the lore, but that was the impression I got from the main story of the original trilogy and Halo Legends Origin.

Bro, the Prime series can be seen as the 343 take on Metroid. Half of the fanbase didn't like the transition. Also I love the first game but the backtracking absolutely drags the experience down.

Probably but not at the time. The main line always sold better.

>Metroid Prime

And that was the last good game that ever came out of that abomination, call me when they do it again otherwise get fucked by Halo 2, 3 and ODST.

2's and 3's every day. I might lean towards 3's a little bit more because I really like the idea of the UNSC using orphans of war to create el cheapo versions of Spartan 2's to show how desperate humanity had become to just survive.

Being a civilian during the Humanity-Covenant War must've been one hell of an experience.

Metric fuckload of timeline and character inconsistencies with 343i's lore, to the point of in-universe suggestion that the terminals are horseshit/unreliable because Mendicant Bias is insane.

I highly suggest you actually give the forerunner novels a chance rather then just listening to shitposers who never read them posting info from them out of context from wiki summaries; I think you'd like them

There's an insane amount of worldbuilding. with tons of time establishing the nature of forerunner society, technology, and how those interact; and he does a fantastic job of making the technology not just feel futuristic, but actually novel: It's not just "modern tech, but way better", there's actually really far out stuff that's just got no analogs to modern day technology that their society is built around, which just further stresses how advanced they are that this esoteteric, out where tech is still something they've had for so long theyr society is built around it

There's a palatable sense of timescales and distances as well. The characters in the novels are tens of thousands of years old, and the events and things being referenced are even older then that, as old and ancient to them as forerunner shit is to the UNSC and covenant

Theres also a really, really strong Cosmic horror undercurrent to them, which gradually becomes more and more prevelant. It goes from a sort of dry look at forerunner society, then all hell breaks lose as it crumbles, post apocalyptic elements are introduced, which eventually devolves into body horror and psychological horror as the flood becomes more prvelalant, and then the entire last book is more cosmic horror then sci-fi. All of the stuff about the precursors is handled extremely well in terms of suspense, buildup, and payoff for the revelations, but outside the context of that buildup they sound lame and stupid (people often cherrypick the sillier sounding stuff as well or ONLY talk about the red herrings and not the actual payoff/relavations)

The whole thing feels like some sort of classical or biblical epic, you have legendary, ancient heros, and even older, otherworldly forces beyond their comprehension

A shitty book that rips off POORLY a plot of a better book does not actually mean that a shitty kiddie game that came it later and has little to do with that book actually has art direction that correctly conveys the ideas from the original ripped-off material.

Also "only diverging the focus..." in this case means LITERALLY MISSING THE ENTIRE POINT of the book to begin with.

>Just because there's a difference in power level and tone doesn't mean there isn't and influence.
"Just because it's completely missing the point, tone, and only incredibly poorly lifts of ideas like LOOK, A POWER ARMOR it does not mean it's bad or lacks impact"!
Jesus. Fucking. Listen to yourself.

Halo is still alive though, it gets pop every time a new mainline game is announced.

The 1s gave us Johnson.

Nice job missing the entire point of the Forerunners and thinking a book that shits on that is good because it shits on it in a really in-depth way.

I always appreciated the difference between II's and III's. I'm torn on the IV's though. They make sense in context, but being as good as they are still feels like something of an ass-pull, like 343 wanted their own super cool spartans.

>Starship Troopers
>A shitty book
I've been following this conversation and you make some good points throughout it all but this is the one statement that has pushed me over the edge.

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Spartan 3s had more major victories than any Spartan 2 save the chief himself. If only ONI's plan to make thousands of them hadn't been cancelled, but now we're stuck with Spartan 4s.



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>making Reach way too casual friendly which led to MLG dropping it
>He thinks Reach is more casual friendly than your average CoD [insert number]
Fucking hell, the absolute delusion. MLG operates like any sports organization: they care about viewership and profitability first and foremost, the reality is that by the time Reach was out - Halo was already waning in popularity, which means that the viewership for it was also drastically falling.

>343 should have just started the new trilogy with their own spartan

This or continue what Reach did. Let players self insert and make their own Spartan.

Is Halo Evolutions any good? I usually like short story collections.

He was calling the Halo book shitty.

If MLG actually cared about how competitive a game was they wouldn't have picked up console FPS in the first place.

No, the first Halo novel was a shitty book. ST is a pretty damn good one. Shame that Halo never actually drew on what made it good. Or any other medium (including the other ST-franchises) did.
Also, learn to fucking read. We were talking about the pathetic first Halo book, which ripped off the worst parts of ST book without understanding any of it.

It was never sold to people as a Halo killer nor did it even directly compete with Halo.

My mistake, I just had a Yea Forums thread in the back of my mind saying the movie is better than the book.

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It's pretty nice. Mona Lisa, Heart of Midlothian, and Headhunters stick out to me the most. Also, the one detailing Cortana's time stuck with the Gravemind, fighting off its attempts to corrupt her is real interesting read.

I forget, was there anything advertised, like by the actual developers, as a "Doom" or "Quake" killer? I know this shit happened a lot with platformer mascots, but it seemed to me the "killer" advertisement for shooters didn't start until Halo dominated the market.

Bungiefags are as mindnumbing retarded as Yokoifags, I wouldn't be surprised if most of them are furries and trannies hiding out here since resetera is dead as shit compared to neogaf and they're running out of ventures to force their mental illness on. It's one of the reasons they keep posting twitter posts here.

skub did it

>I just had a Yea Forums thread in the back of my mind saying the movie is better than the book.
The movie is for the most part attrocious, but it had SOME elements that... at least were interesting. It's art direction, actually, may have been the only thing saving it. It would be fine as long as nobody talks, or no plot events take place. I mean it mostly STILL misses the point of the book, but at least it does pick up ONE idea from it and kinda-sorta runs with it...

Defend this skub fags.

Prime couldn't even kill the 2D Metroid let alone Halo, go back to waiting on your sjw Prime 4 while Halo Infinite and the non-sjw Metroid 5 gets released next year.

Reach is more casual and random than COD. Its why it was popular despite being shitty. Halo 4 was killed mainly due to those stupid ordinance drops.

Mona Lisa and headhunters are good, but on the flip side you have Dirt which is about as good as it's title.

IIs are the only good Spartans, the rest are gutter trash.

Tell them to release this shit already

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absolutely based and redpilled, anybody who doesn't believe that Martin O'Donnell is the Mozart of our time is a retarded nigger.

Have you anons seen Raycevick;s analysis of each game? what do you think of them? They are pretty much the only in depth anaylsis of the franchise i've seen that's actually interested in being critical and in depth


>sjw Prime 4
Huh? Did we get Prime 4 news that was shit? Or are you going off of ACfag making Primefags look like shit?

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You throw around "missing the point" a lot. What exactly is The Point then?

And 343 fixing and adding shit late.

spartan IVs could have been neat if 343 hadn't wrote it

Fuck you, skub is the only thing keeping Halo alive. Anti-skubfags are subhuman.

Shit custom games in reach and 4 and then I didn't bother anymore, did 5 have custom games?

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>using Reach as an example
Why is it so hard for you faggots to just use Halo CE, 2, or 3? I swear you fuck bags show your underage.

Not him but the movie did miss the point of Starship Troopers by a long shot by misconstruing the type of society Heinlen wanted. Didn't help that Verhoven read the first two chapters and just handed the book to his writers.

Texas is SJW now, I fear Retro slapping agendas in the game.

He's spot on with ODST and Reach, why I didn't like them, I also agree with him on Halo 2, 4, and 5 as well.

you sound like a massive faggot with all this inflated ego and arrogancy, but this is the first time you posted something more than bullshit.

>every single one of you idiots praising Halo's Art direction, does not use any in-game screenshots.

shit, I don't have an xbox with me right now, I cannot capture the games so google is the only thing I have right now, but I get it

>The last time I did this, I got some of you faggots claiming that THIS

that ain't me nigga, If you ask me Homeworld is at the top ranks of sci-fi, in both art style music and history, but you didn't asked because you are so far up your ass you can't see shit

>But really, I fucking want you to actually explain any of that. How is anything in the screenshot that I presented related to Aliens, Starship Troopers, or Bauhaus?

I think pic related (ingame, a MP map) does a good job showing some signs of Bauhaus and modernism, I'm not expert like oh your Majesty here, but I see some of it here and there, its not just >generic sci-fi city

Aliens you got the Flood, which is just body and organic horror, that's a big inspiration if you ask me, and you can see a lot of ST influence in the UNSC, heavy militaristic, not much tho, I will give you that the ST bit is just the whole space marines themes

you are focusing a lot of the colors, can you tell me why? its having bright colors boring to you?

and by the way, I have yet to see an argument from your part, you talk this high and mighty but I have yet to see you saying something else than insults

>I might be an asshole taking advantage of the cognitively impaired here, but I am also fucking right.

see? all talk no bark, if you know so much why don't you educate us nigger

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Nothing. Infinite will sell 10 million.

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>When the original Killzone was announced and the hype was growing to ridiculous levels, one specific term seemed to regularly pop up in the gaming press -- "Halo Killer." Since then, the franchise has been unable to shake the image of being Sony's answer to Microsoft's premier series, and that's not an image developer Guerrilla Games has been keen to propogate.
>"We generally don't mind [comparisons], as I can think of worse franchises to be compared to than [Halo or Call of Duty]," explains GG managing director Herman Hulst in the latest Game Informer. "What I don't like is being labeled as the "killer" of franchise X.
>"We've set up Killzone as a universe and an experience in its own right, without wanting to benchmark it against any one particular game. We're, obviously, gamers ourselves and we play anything from World of Warcraft to LittleBigPlanet to MotorStorn or Guitar Hero, but there isn't one title that has been the biggest influence."

I don't think any one company tried to but it was most strongest during the pre-release hype for Killzone thanks to the gaming media itself over hyping the term Halo killer. I'm guessing this was because PS2 at the time would have been getting its very own FPS to identify Playstation with just like Xbox had Halo so it was just natural console warring at the time.

Probably more than that.

The point of the book is pragmatism, and all of it's various implications. That is what the book is about. It INTENTIONALLY strays as far away from a spectacle as possible. It makes it's political stances very difficult to actually properly identify. It intentionally uses a half-wit as a main character. The point was - from the start - to make you consider all the good and the bad results of where our society may end up if we limit ourself to purely pragmatic reasoning.
Which is something none of the follow up works really picked up on. The movie did pick up on the fascist undertones and then basically did nothing but exaggerate those (plus added a lot of sick shit because the director needs to be sectioned), but misunderstood why they were in the book, and why the book used them sparsely and never tried to draw too much attention to them. Pretty much everything else was trying to draw from the "spectacle" of the power-armor aided combat but again completely and utterly failed to understand why it was described and invented the way it was invented.
Halo... did not take ANYTHING from it, actually. Not even the combat armor, which is really, really absolutely fucking NOTHING like SC. Nor the space opera politics (because again, they are extremely different in the books, being about the over-arching cynicism that a pure-pragamatism-oriented philosophy has driven humanity into). Not even the bugs were ever properly translated from the books. In the books, they serve as an even more exaggerated MIRROR of humanity.

Forgot to also mention that as for DOom and Quake killers I doubt it. Doom-like games were often seen as Doom-clones for awhile. Then again I was a kid through the 90's so I can't recall marketing jargon for sure back then. I still doubt anything was marketed as a killer of Doom or Quake though. Halo it was because it was so associated with Xbox and was absolutely massive in popularity during its time. So as I said prior, Sony getting its very own FPS exclusive sci-fi game was very exciting for many at the time.

Not to mention only a few adaptations of Starship troopers managed to include the Skinnies which also played into the socio-political point of the book.

What's his general consensus? Is he a classic fan or a nu-fag?

but the entire point of the terminals was that Mendicant was attempting to make amends via helping Master Chief survive the ark. If 343 made it that he was lying again then the conclusion to his arc is worthless.

dude the blue of the br ever since halo 2 early footage makes my DICK SO HAAAAAAARD

Halo legends starts out fucking amazing but the last two parts with the "self insert cringey ghost soldier with a troubled past who can't love himself," and the stupid fucking starship troopers mars tier fight at the end with the a10 motor bikes was awful.

>I think pic related (ingame, a MP map
If you told me your pic related is from ME, Brink, Time Spilters or a discarded level from one of the Unreal games, I would believe you.
There is ABSOLUTELY NOTHING distinctable about it. Having basic geometic shapes is not Bauhaus, it's just basic level geometry. It's as indistinct, boring and uninspired design as sci-fi design can get.
You know what makes good art direction good art direction? MEANING. Art direction is just another way to COMMUNICATE a point to a player.
That is why HL2 uses post-socialistic east Europe as the base template for it's environments. It uses a relatable, and understandable image of neglect and discomfortable decay that inevitably stems from poorly or pathologically managed society. Then, it uses CONTRAST: military technology used by the opressor vs. what civilians are allowed to use.
At virtually EVERY SECOND OF THE GAME, the environment reminds you: of how easy it is for people to fall into opression (the east-European elements), of how superior the opressor is (the glaringly contrasting advanced technology and materials), and finally how little we actually mean to us, (how light and clearly temporary, mobile most of the combine elements are).
It's a CONSTANT communication with the player. Using easily recognizable, relevant notions, but without treating the player like a complete idiot.
Plus, the shapes, colors, symbols: EVERYTHING about it is distinct. You never mistake HL environment for another game, it's a unique combination with further use of unique shapes and elements.

Now fucking show me where and how does Halo do any of this shit.

>its having bright colors boring to you?
No. It's their use, not their brightness.

yeah like the other user said, the quality is all over the place, gave us The Package tho, with the best armor design, surpasing 3 and Reach imo, love how bulky and wide it is, would look even better with a realistic palette

Attached: HaloLegends-MasterChief.png (520x660, 607K)

Whoops, forgot to reply to you

>there is no mention of humanity predating Forerunners
There's nothing that contradicts this, though. Is 2 introducing Brutes and Drones "retconnning" CE since CE never mentioned them?

>they weren't even evolved
Not sure what you mean. You mean how in the Halo 3 promo comic you saw african tribes witnessing forerunner machines building the portal to the ark? I mean, yeah, but this too isn't contradicted by the forerunner novels: Ancient humans had already been long gone by the time the forerunner books take place, with human society having reverted to tribes, and many human populations, such as on the Ark, not even knowing they used to be spacefaring.

if you think it's a little TOO out there, then I finee, but claiming it's a "retcon" when no information is actually retconned, just re-framed, which every Halo game has done, is what pisses me off.

>generic big bad evil race
This isn't true though: Forerunner society in the novels is EXTREMELY fleshed out and mutli-facted. They aren't evil, but different forerunner factions have different interperations of their pihlosphy of the mantle and what it means to be the galaxy's stewards, and some had their own machinations, such as the builders wanting to ususrup political power from the promethians, or how some forerunners became hubristic and prideful, and used the mantle as an excuse to justify their own supermacy, but they were still at least OSTENSIBLY trying to lead and steward galactic peace and prosperity.

It's fleshing them out, but it's not retconning or even thematically changing what bungie establishefd for the forerunners: The idea that the forerunners hubristically underestimated the flood and had to build the Halo array and sacrificed themselves to atone is something introduced in bungie era lore: this just expands on that.

see above, it doesn't shit on them at all

Will reply after this

>see above, it doesn't shit on them at all
Yes it does. The entire point of the Forerunners were to be an ascended, classically heroic type of race. Adding in a bunch of retarded politics and big bad evil guy Forerunner as the villain of your shitty COD knockoff goes completely against that.

i didnt read any of this post because its so obvious just looking at it how autistic the poster is

He thinks the 343 games are good, he's brain damaged.

>military dictatorship controlling earth fights external alien threat
>armored marine grunts and power-armored supersoldiers
the connection might be as surface-level as it gets, but it's still there. besides, if they were gonna go to the lengths you're describing of taking inspriation from ST, then they might as well have just made an ST game.
>Art direction is just another way to COMMUNICATE a point to a player.
>Now fucking show me where and how does Halo do any of this shit.
from the screenshot the previous user posted, I can tell that the structure in question belongs to a high-class, technologically advanced society, which is now empty and deserted due to some not-pictured catastrophe

not everything needs to be on Yea Forums's top 10 list of super deep and introspectively challenging books for it to be a great, fun, and beloved experience. calm down user, don't get so sweaty over video gaems

There are you just need to go to one of the health regen vending machines that are plastered every five feet in City 17. Also in the last level you are basically fucking invincible.

True. The Skinnies are actually a lot more important than the Bugs in the book. Though I would argue they may be one of the weaker elements of the book, because they feel a little TOO obvious as a stand-in for developing nations in a book that is otherwise quite subtle in it's alegories and satirical motives.

Reach has excellent art direction though.

Anybody other than bungie developing it. There, solved it for ya

>Will reply after this
Yea Forums isnt your personal blog faggot, stop making huge walls of texts that reply to multiple people, or atleast adopt a trip so people can fucking filter you

Pretentious faggots like you should be gassed.

>I might be an asshole taking advantage of the cognitively impaired here, but I am also fucking right.

That we agree, HL2 is very unique looking by the reasons you exposed there, I will always remember City 17 for those reasons.

>Now fucking show me where and how does Halo do any of this shit.

Thats a big question because Halo does not touch themes that deep, it touches xenophobia , religious fanatism, fatalism and militarism/military glorification, and even with that it doesn't dive as hard as it should.

I think the biggest thing the art direction communicates is the way Humanity is the underdog in the war. and they are losing, bad, and you see it everywhere, the ships interior are spartan, only the necesary to fuction, same as the military hardware, everything is rugged, like its being actively retrofited because they couldn't afford to make something new, the humans keep using gunpowder and kinetic based weaponry because it does the bare minimum and its effective, the ships are basically giant coil guns put together in a superstructure, it feels like everything human related its designed to do a single purpose, nothing more, nothing else.

Even the Mjolnir (Spartan, MC armor) takes a lot of inspiration from modern tanks, look at the chest of Halo 1 Master Chief, is basically the turret of an M1 Abrams, you can see how the designers knew about the concept of shot traps even.

And you have the contrary with the Covenant, everything is ostentatious, Elites decorate their armor because they are proud of them, not because they need it, everything transmits and communicates a feeling of royalness.

>its having bright colors boring to you?
No. It's their use, not their brightness.

but this, I heavily agreed, I really think they are goofy looking, like I said in another post, humanity is way more interesting too look at.

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>but this, I heavily agree, I really think they (The Covenant) are goofy looking, like I said in another post, humanity is way more interesting too look at.

fuck I'm tired


Stinkles need not reply.

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Compared to Halo CE-3, nah, not going to get into this with you.

At least they don't hire, trannies
Bungie needs to be gassed for this shit.

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>the connection might be as surface-level as it gets, but it's still there.
In the same sense there is a connection between Odyssey and The Lost in Space movie from 1998. It may be there, but it's so fucking thin and shitty that it sure as fuck does not serve as a point in the movies favour.

>I can tell that the structure in question belongs to a high-class, technologically advanced society
What elements communicate that, exactly? What kind of symbolism is present? This is pathetic stretching and you know it. Yes. We identify those are homes. And yes, we identify by the fact that there aren't any people, that there aren't any people. AMAZING art direction there!

>not everything needs to be on Yea Forums's top 10 list of super deep and introspectively challenging books
Sure. We have plenty of space for shitty genre fiction for children. That is fine. I mean: it's not, it's lazy, but it's a necessary evil in a market-driven economy.
But DON'T FUCKING PRETEND IT'S ANYTHING MORE THAN THAT. My issue is that the art direction is shit. And it is. It's shallow, uninspired, ugly, lazy, boring. In a dumb shooter for particularly dumb children it's sufficient. Fuck, I love Shogo and Serious Sam games and they are ugly and boring in terms of art direction too.

My issue was not that people play these games, but that people PRAISE THE ART DIRECTION. Actually claim it's better than most of the best works in the medium. When it's one of the by-far weakest elements of an already sub-par game.

Enjoy what the fuck you want, but don't be delusional. Have some dignity. Don't make up idiotic and pathetic praise for shitty elements of your games just because you need to justify your fondness of it.

Thank you. Again, Halo fanbase is an ENDLESS and fascinating source of human trash. It will never cease to amuse me.

Time. Just like everything people move on but Microsoft are still trying to milk a dead cow. Let Halo die, it had its moment in the sun.

>Halo fanbase is an ENDLESS and fascinating source of human trash. It will never cease to amuse me.
this isnt even true wtf, everyone was friends on halo, you could stay up to 4am playing custom games with complete strangers multiple days in a row

Not him but as a Halo fan, I don't like talking to the Halo fas on Yea Forums, they're shit, I rather spend my time on reddit or waypoint than this shithole talking about Halo, every one of them have some sort of mental illness here.

Put your trip back on, Echi Diaper Sniper or whatever the fuck you were called.

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>I rather spend my time on reddit
Stay there

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So what happened to Thorne? Killed in one of the terrible new books or something?

he's a classicfag, 2fag in particular, but he takes a critical eye towards each game, and is pretty good about seperating his own feelings from stuff, even though I don't always agree with his opinions.

Off the top of my head, I recall that he dislikes 2's use of setpieces in it's campaign and it's more linear levels, but it's reduction in rcopy pasted envoriments compared to CE, and that he thinks 2's MP is the best in the series, building on CE's and fixing most of it's issues (opther then making the token precision weapon even more OP), with the best map design and physics, and that 3 is a step down in terms of map design and equipment breaks the golden triangle. He thinks 3 has the most consistent campaign without the lows of 2 and 3 and has the best campaign in the series as a result. He thinks ODST and Reach are solid, but that ODST doesn't go far enough with trying to be it's own thing and that the narrative of the rookie just roaming around the city looking at clues is sort of dumb once you think about it outside of the context of the flashbacks, and that the squad characters are rather one note; and he has a lot of issues with reach's narrative in general, and thinks reach's map design is bad.

For 4, he thinks the AI in the campaign is trash and that the promethians are shit enemies,,but basically says what and do regarding the atmosphere/music, and that the cortana/MC relationship is really well written; and that the core movement, aiming, and shooting is the best since 2's. He obviously thinks that loadouits were a bad idea but that they could have been less shit if they went further with it rather then half-assing it and that the killstreak shit is the bigger issue


>he is about to make a 2 part analysing on a literally-who's opinion on a video game on Yea Forums

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you either die a hero or live long enough to be turned into a villain by faggots and greedy dickwads at microsoft. Master Chief finished his fight a long time ago.

>Thats a big question because Halo does not touch themes that deep
Actually, the themes that HL2 touches on aren't that deep. Opression, rebellion against a totalitarian regime, evil super-powered alines: it's all VERY vanilla stuff. Hell, Halo has pretention to touch upon more serious subjects.
The thing that separates the two franchises is in how they communicate the points. Which is why I started this discussion: to demonstrate that when it comes to communication of themes - which is what art direction is for - it's actually really weak. Because none of those subjects are ever properly conveyed in any interesting fashion. You talk about how humanity is an under-dog. But how is that conveyed exactly? Not only does it make no sense mechanically (Master Chef is literally the strongest thing in the universe), but NONE of the environment communicate any of it. The human weapons FEEL AND ACTUALLY ARE far more powerful than the alien ones. Faster projectiles, greater kinetic impact, aliens die a lot faster than humans. They are more "sci-fi" and have more randomly placed glowing lights. That is the LAZIEST way to communicate any of this. Absolute majority of the environments are random landscapes that feel neither alien nor familiar: they are just random ruins and random trees, or random large geometic shapes that serve no apparent function.
Or you have the space ships which are as vanilla as it gets with humans, and just laughably re-collored purple and given more glowing lights for the Aliens.
Nothing makes any sense. Nothing has any symbolism to it. There are no sharp contrasts because everything feels so indistinct. The super structures are just another lazy way to to save up polygon count and put effort into making the environment feel purposeful.
If the covenant are supposed to feel like a threat, why do they look like barbie dolls. Why do they constantly draw attention to the HORRIBLE goofiness of it? Why do they use fucking SWORDS?

He also thinks that 4's patches have made it a lot less shit over time by improving balance and toning down loadout/killstreak shit; and that sprint made it too easy to run away from battles and that no-descope was a huge balancing issue

For 5, he thinks the campaign is trash but that the MP is really responsive and well designed ,further improving on 4's tight movement and aiming and that the abilities are finally an evolution of equipment and armor abilities that don't harm more then they improve (with sprint being a lot less shit in particular since tying it to shields means you can't use it to run away) since they preserve even starts and the golden triangle while augmenting halo's normally somewhat weak movement but still aren't quite perfect; and in general he's a big fan of 5's MP

I'm cutting out a lot of shit though, the vids are well worth a watch

I ran out of space, cut me a break user

Halo is too big to die.

>autistic lorefags derail another thread
Yea Forums - video games
talk about fucking video games

Attached: this thread rn.jpg (400x300, 37K)

>I ran out of space, cut me a break user
that means you're talking too much hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

>is isnt even true wtf, everyone was friends on halo
Yeah, I remember the days on the good old XBLA. All the friendly banter, the 11 years old voices screeming NIIIIIGGEEEEEEERRRRRRRRR was the epitome of kind, friendly user base.

I don't know how you do not know this, but Halo was LEGENDARY for how obnoxious, "toxic" and all around insufferable the userbase was. From the start, or at least DEFINITELY from Halo 2. It was the poster child of bad community. Even back then when nobody gave two flying fucks about political correctness in gaming communities, nobody wanted to be associated with Halo twats. Hell, even CoD had better reputation for it's users than Halo did.

>those legs
I want to fuck an elite so badly.

wow so you're saying 11 year olds in early 2000's are edgelords?
WOW you are completely blowing my mind!
>I don't know how you do not know this, but Halo was LEGENDARY for how obnoxious, "toxic" and all around insufferable the userbase was. From the start, or at least DEFINITELY from Halo 2. It was the poster child of bad community. Even back then when nobody gave two flying fucks about political correctness in gaming communities, nobody wanted to be associated with Halo twats. Hell, even CoD had better reputation for it's users than Halo did.
literally just swap Halo and COD in this and you are closer to the truth
Maybe i am lucky, not being american, but i only ever encountered retards in cod3/4 and the occassional matchmaking on halo, but when you start stomping them they dont have time to be, ahaha, "toxic"
Maybe you were awful and just got shit on all the time, but the halo community has pretty much always on a majority been pretty good, especially with the invention of fileshare and party chat etc etc


Homecoming > Origins > Odd One Out > The Babysitter > Prototype > The duel >> The Package

Anyone who uses the word toxic has automatically invalidated their argument

Not him I'm glad I stuck with the campaigns, and I'm glad that most of those faggots fucked off to COD or PC.

nah dude I've been poking my head into most halo threads since the announcement and it's literally the exact same guy every time.

First he mass replies and posts something like this and sadly it's not a copy pasta between a bunch of people as all the other replies follow the exact writing structure and arguments he had in the last halo threads. He is particularly autistic/defensive of the Forerunner trilogy of books, so that's the big give away whenever he pops up.

He does nothing in these threads but go
>guys y-you gotta trust me 343 lore isn't that b-b-bad
and is very clearly willing to die on that hill, do not engage with the 343Lore Fag in any future threads because he will be there.

If you weren't an absolute retard, you'd notice the quotation marks.

>wow so you're saying 11 year olds in early 2000's are edgelords?
I'm also saying that the game was purposefully designed specifically to attract the most insufferable 11 years old edgelords and appeal to them as hard as possible.

>literally just swap Halo and COD in this and you are closer to the truth
I'm not going to pretend like CoD userbase was good, but it was second to Halo. And this beautiful tradition continues even today.
Just look around. Were Cod was dumb, Halo was dumb but also pretentious. CoD users were mostly dude-bro's who barely even knew the game has any campaign and narrative intentions, they just unwinded by getting some of those sweet, sweet killstreaks.
Halo, meanwhile, targeted idiots on all levels. The world was expansive. Terrible, but consistent and detailed, which is basically the skinner-box device for narratives. It also target MUCH younger audience, and slowly indoctrinated them into being obsessive fans. And as the fanbase grew increasingly insufferable (and the franchise wrecked damage on the whole industry), the polarization and dismissal of the series from older or smarter people just further pushed the Halo fanbase into even more extreme, obsessive state.

By the time Halo 3 was out, Halo 3 may have been second only to Sonic in how fucking weird people it attracked, and how fucking surreal reactions it inspired. And it still continues, even today.

OH you know i think he might be the cunt in a thread a few days ago, yeah i think i saw him in action then, yeah he was autistically drooling all over the thread in the same fashion

>My issue is that the art direction is shit. And it is. It's shallow, uninspired, ugly, lazy, boring.
that's entirely your opinion, which I do not agree with
>but that people PRAISE THE ART DIRECTION. Actually claim it's better than most of the best works in the medium.
spanning from CE to reach, halo's art has a clear distinction between the four general races shown in the games - human, covenant, flood, and forerunner, and we see these designs continue on throughout the games, and even evolve. they're all unique, they all reflect the roles they play in the story, as mentioned, and to most, they're extremely memorable. the art direction is actually quite present, far moreso than other popular shooter games within the medium. let's take for example halo's rival, CoD. up until it started delving into sci-fi themes in the more recent games, the CoD series has mostly just had a generic, realistic military aesthetic, which they've changed into generic, modern sci-fi designs that we see shared by other modern shooters, such as titanfall, destiny, ect. none of which are very distinguishable from each other.

halo does in fact have a clear, quality art direction that is better than most recent works in the medium

>The human weapons FEEL AND ACTUALLY ARE far more powerful than the alien ones. Faster projectiles, greater kinetic impact, aliens die a lot faster than humans.
did you like play the first 10 minutes of the first game on easy or something? your human allies drop like flies on greater difficulties, and most of the human weapons don't do shit against the stronger aliens. spraying an elite with an AR won't even break it's shield, but meanwhile magdumping a needler into it will pincushion him with explosive shards of crystal which detonate within moments. it's basically the only way to kill them in the first game on legendary
>Nothing has any symbolism to it. There are no sharp contrasts because everything feels so indistinct
this is untrue, as the post above you explained
>If the covenant are supposed to feel like a threat, why do they look like barbie dolls.
post one of these barbie dolls for us then
>Why do they use fucking SWORDS?
because they're space samurai you dweeb

maybe you should like play these games instead of complaining about them

honestly i enjoyed Origins the most. Homecoming was excellent, but it takes my second place because i'm still traumatized from that awful film Halo Forward Unto Dawn and it put me off for anything with kids in the Halo media.
For me Halo is about blood, guts, and that rush you feel in your bones when you come over a hill in a warthog guns blazing mowing down filthy aliens to Warthog Run, and when the Pelican pilot says, "HIT IT MARINES"

>I'm not going to pretend like CoD userbase was good, but it was second to Halo. And this beautiful tradition continues even today.
>Just look around. Were Cod was dumb, Halo was dumb but also pretentious. CoD users were mostly dude-bro's who barely even knew the game has any campaign and narrative intentions, they just unwinded by getting some of those sweet, sweet killstreaks.
>Halo, meanwhile, targeted idiots on all levels. The world was expansive. Terrible, but consistent and detailed, which is basically the skinner-box device for narratives. It also target MUCH younger audience, and slowly indoctrinated them into being obsessive fans. And as the fanbase grew increasingly insufferable (and the franchise wrecked damage on the whole industry), the polarization and dismissal of the series from older or smarter people just further pushed the Halo fanbase into even more extreme, obsessive state.
not only is there no source for any of this and its just autistic rambling, but, AGAIN, you seem to have gotten Halo and COD mixed up. So much so that the phrase dudebro practically originates from xbox live couch gaming and halo (dudebro, XBOXHUEG etc).
dont get me wrong Yea Forums is a great place to be autistic, and you will find nowhere else where people like you can type 300 words and yet say nothing in their posts. but dont just lie user. lying helps nobody

i mean comparing halo 3, the most successful console game of all time, to sonic.
>the entire xbox community are autistic furries! i love cod btw
my posts are beggining to look like autistic rants simply because of your shit i had to greentext. how unfair is that? :(

most of the issues here is that Bungie went with gameplay first, in absolutely everything, campaign mode too, everything was made to follow the rule of Rock, Paper Scissor so each weapon was balanced accordingly to the rules, the Magnum was the designated Jack of all Trades, Master of None, the AR the designated close quarters utility weapon etc.

>Or you have the space ships which are as vanilla as it gets with humans, and just laughably re-collored purple and given more glowing lights for the Aliens.

Cmon man, thats a big stretch, its often said that future spaceships wouldn't need to be aerodynamically efficient because they would't fly in orbital spaces, (and Reach communicates this well, the Pilar of Autumn cannot take off without solid rocket boosters) so square shapes are the most efficient, cost and complexity wise, IE pic related.

why is long? because it has a spinal gun.

Meanwhile Covenant ships are very
voluptuous, they have a lot of curves, they were made with travel in mind, they are carriers first and foremost.


Now that you have calmed yourself and we are talking like normal human beings, I see your point, and I partially agree, the things I'm exposing here aren't communicated that well ingame, I know the purpose because I'm a massive shipfag and a tankfag, so I can connect the dots easily, but that is just another question, did Bungie made it that way on purpose to make it subtle? or its just a coincidence?

and again, I agree on the Covenant goofyness, I think Reach is peak Halo art direction because it toned down the colors on both sides, not just volume but use, I really liked seeing more polymer-like materials on the Covenant in that game

>Why do they use fucking SWORDS?

Honorable race that thinks spilling blood is a shame on oneself honor, so they use energy swords that cauterize the wound so nobody looses their honor.

Attached: UNSC_Savannah_over_Reach_2699743.jpg (1280x960, 84K)

This post screams of jealousy and denial

Except i'm not the one who brought the issue up, YOU are, and always do, and you copy paste the same bullshit in each thread.

No fucking shit i'm going to bring up the same counterarguements to dispute the same points you post every fucking thread

You faggots just want to be able to shitpost and spew your opinions all over the thread without anybody disputing you or trying to get you to back your arguements up, and then call people like me who actually want to have a back and forth conversation "autistic" for daring to want to have a disscusion about things rather then just having a circlejerk.

>343Lore Fag
The fact you are calling me this is hilarious as fuck considering how often I fucking shit on 343's awful, dogshit writing in 4 and 5 and how they can't advance the state of the universe to save their life. I guess according to you litterwally anybody who praises anything 343i has ever done is automatically a 343 shill? Do you not realize hoiw retarded that is?

If somebody points out how Reach has shit map design, does that automaticall;y also make them a bungie hater even if they praise a bunch of other shit in the bungie games? Because that's essentially what you are doing.

While you have your issues, you can't fight the mental illness of Yea Forums you have to praise everything Bungie makes even the shit after 2007's Halo 3 just in case some of these guys gets that mixed up with that other game that has Halo 3 in the title.

>he still doesnt understand
i am guy 2, the bottom reply.
please PLEASE read what you just posted (this im replying to right now) and try to detect WHY i think you're autistic
go and read it NOW and then come back, and i have some hints below:

>No fucking shit i'm going to bring up the same counterarguements to dispute the same points you post every fucking thread
>You faggots just want to be able to shitpost and spew your opinions all over the thread without anybody disputing you or trying to get you to back your arguements up, and then call people like me who actually want to have a back and forth conversation "autistic" for daring to want to have a disscusion about things rather then just having a circlejerk.
>People ignore me so i keep repeating my opinions often and loudly
>Im not the one circlejerking/echo-chambering though

this is just 1 of like 20 behavioural ticks in your post

He is so autistic he spread his Forerunner trilogy cock gurgling into a Cyberpunk thread at the mention of Greg Bear. He has been doing if for months too, with little change in the structure or points of his argument.

Compare his post in our thread and this one from February this year.

Fuck off 343-kun

eh to be fair while he is definitely autistic for seeing "greg bear" and being unable to contain his "passion", the posts arent too similar.
just an autistic guy obsessed with something. sorry my friend but i have to mock you for being autistic enough to track him :^)
in seriousness though why cant people like that, who obviously really really care what people think, get a trip?
they can try and beg for attention easier AND we get to filter him

I'm not denying i'm a mega-autist, i'm denying i'm a 343 shill

Also, maybe you anons should partake in your inner autism as well? These threwads would be way better if people tried to engage with each other in depth rather then just posting about how much they hate 343 or how much they miss [their first halo game] and actually tried to have disscusions about what was good or bad with the series, where it can go from here, etc

I'm guy 1 you replied too, 343Lord Fag isn't an accurate name I'll give you that much, I've seen enough of your long winded posts to know that's not true.

However you're not having a back and forth with anyone at all, you're just yelling about the Forerunners Trilogy going
>fuck this guy read the wiki outline and not the books themselves

Plus honestly I need something to call you so I can hopefully one day filter out your copy/pasted posts for when I get in a Halo thread.

>that's entirely your opinion, which I do not agree with
I dont give a fuck whenever you agree, I made my reasonings.

>they're all unique
They are color-coded, and as bland, vanilla and boring as it gets. Covenant is purple and whacky. Forerunner is grey and big. Flood is green and icky. Humans are... brown and boring.
That is literally the full extend to which it goes. That is not unique, or strong.
And yeah, CoD's sci-fi art direction is attrocious as well. It's basically identical to Halo, except it has ONLY humans so there is nothing really to contrast things to, but that does not make Halo's art direction good. It just means other people can fail at the same task as well.

>your human allies drop like flies on greater difficulties
Inflated health pools are not art direction. A regular human can OUTRUN a Covenant projectiles, and as for Flood - they are slow-crawling cockroaches or brain-dead zombies. Really FEELING the originality and dread there.

>this is untrue, as the post above you explained
"Purple means ALIEN" does not constitute symbolism. Doing things stupidly and being whacky by a foe that is supposed to be the superior fighting force means sending precisely the exact opposite message than you were trying to send.

>because they're space samurai you dweeb
Why are you making my point for me? Also, I'd like to point out that not long time ago, one of you idiots talked how Halo is totally a HARD SCIENCE FICTION inspired by ST and Aliens!

The glowing laughable space samurais really make that point, I guess. )

Learn to fucking read, you idiot.

>most of the issues here is that Bungie went with gameplay first
Most of the issue is that Bungie went with MARKETABILITY AND MARKET RESEARCH first. That is the entire extend of any thought put into the Halo. Since Microsoft basically bought out Bungie quarter-way into CE's development, that has been the SOLE formative force beyond everything Halo related.

>Also, maybe you anons should partake in your inner autism as well? These threwads would be way better if people tried to engage with each other in depth rather then just posting about how much they hate 343 or how much they miss [their first halo game] and actually tried to have disscusions about what was good or bad with the series, where it can go from here, etc

>hi everyone! i am from reddit and do not browse Yea Forums
this will unironically be my 5th time telling you this, but this place is NOT for big walls of texts and blogposts and "in my opinion"isms
this place is to get a consensus and to get the biggest mix of opinions possible, so that, if you're above 100IQ, you can determine what is PROBABLY true, or atleast the least bullshit

very loose example
>[thread]: opinion on halo 3?
>reply: halo 2 campaign is better (x20)
>reply: halo 3 is shit (x5)
>reply: fuck off zoomer (x50)
>reply: best art best custom games best fun (x200)
>conclusion: old cunts hate halo irrationally, halo 3 is the benchmark, and i must check out halo 2 just incase
it is NOT for you to get unironically UPSET when people keep calling you out for shitting up threads

Attached: 1523043956983.jpg (1446x1080, 343K)


>I dont give a fuck whenever you agree
that's weird because you reply to everyone who disagrees with you, which is most of the thread

Check the last 3 digets of my post for the answer

How do you fuck up that badly

The mocking could be warranted, I tracked it just now because I'm tired of seeing his copy and pasted posts in each Halo thread.

However I'm convinced the fireden guy and guy in this thread are the same, words are slightly different but points are the same between the two in the same order.

Taken from the fireden
>does a really good job making the technology feel actually novel and futuristic and showing how said technology impacts and shapes society and their culture, rather then everything just being a more high tech analog of an existing technology

and our thread now
>he does a fantastic job of making the technology not just feel futuristic, but actually novel: It's not just "modern tech, but way better", there's actually really far out stuff that's just got no analogs to modern day technology that their society is built around,

It never needed to die though. They just fumbled with the IP after 3. Hell even arguably during the production of Halo 2 which Bungie intended to be the final game, which thankfully didn't happen btw since Xbox wasn't strong enough to give the series the finale it deserved.

ODST was pretty good but was meant to be a side game more than anything. I think Reach should have been a lot better. It could have told a much better story and maybe even been expanded into more than one game. As someone earlier mentioned, Halo 4-6 should have just had its own Spartan and never revived Chief from space. But then issue of Halo's story and lore going in a bad direction is still a problem so idk. 343 has just sucked handling the series.

kekked hard

Actually a reasonable explanation on how discussion on Yea Forums works.

i dont doubt they're the same guy im just like dont care
woah theres autistic people on Yea Forums
i mean literally the only reason i ever came here way back when was to laugh at autistics
just because in 2019 they are like 14 and full of shit doesn't bother me, its just a different flavour of autism i get to point and laugh at
and we can share it together merrily

So this entire thread was one guy sperging about games he doesn't like?

what is the name of that law, where every sequel runs a higher risk of being complete shit? thats the reason, with one sequel you have a chance to improve some things, maybe do some things you didnt have time for, take feedback into consideration, with a third game this is somewhat true, fourth time around you are releasing the same game again or changing random shit for the sake of it, and needlessly dragging the story on rather than letting it reach its natural conclusion. That is why long running games like FF reset the story everytime and do constanf full on different combat systems. Because 15 ATB based games that take plce after the events of the first ff and each other, would be dog shit.

>and that the core movement, aiming, and shooting is the best since 2's.

I felt something similar when I had played it. It seemed better than Reach at least. I never played much of it but what I did play the shooting at least felt solid. Now I know that H4 isn't liked though and again I didn't even really play much of it at all so couldn't say for sure.
Appreciate the summary btw. I'll give that guys videos a watch.

This. Waging a one-man war against Halo on a late night Yea Forums thread isn't doing anything.

you could say this about 90% of threads but yeah

thats Yea Forums for ya

Roughly 60% of it, yeah.

My bad misunderstood your other post then. hey so long as someone's laughing can't be too bad.

You could sum this all up with just a sentence by simply saying you just really dislike Halo. All entertainment in media has flaws if you dissect it enough without question. Fans learn to appreciate the good.

I give a fuck about their arguments, not their pathetic insecure opinions. That is how arguments actually work. You make REASONING beyond your posts. I'm half actually curious about some actual arguments that may challenge my position, and half just looking forward to the new depths of stupidity some of these replies open up for me.

It's fun. That is literally it. Halo is already dead and has been for a good while - literally the second someone discovered a slightly more lucrative cheap way to exploit dumb children with expendable income, Halo immediately died.

>and half just looking forward to the new depths of stupidity some of these replies open up for me.
oh dear, i remember being 15 too buddy just relax, its a slow burn but you get there in the end

It's actually really comical to see
>I'll go into this thread for games I don't like
>Then I'll sit here for hours arguing about a game I don't like
>Even though I refuse to be convinced and I'll never convince anyone

Attached: 1553021018539.gif (128x128, 11K)

I get the sprint thing in 5 being for balance but it still just seems weird in practice. Why would they ever make such a glaring design flaw? Being so advanced its easy to assume there is no possible way such a design flaw would be a part of the spartan's design.

>this is untrue, as the post above you explained
>"Purple means ALIEN" does not constitute symbolism.
oh no I meant the post you replied to, my bad.
>>most of the issues here is that Bungie went with gameplay first
what an informed and intelligent stance to take on this subject, you have very clearly done your research
>Inflated health pools are not art direction. A regular human can OUTRUN a Covenant projectiles
nobody said NPC health was art direction, no idea where you got that from. no human NPC runs faster than any covenant projectile either, you'd know that if you've actually played these games

>Covenant is purple and whacky. Forerunner is grey and big. Flood is green and icky. Humans are... brown and boring.
excuse you, flood are brown and humans are green
>That is literally the full extend to which it goes. That is not unique, or strong.
you just listed how unique they all are from each other
>Why are you making my point for me?
a race of aliens being inspired by samurai, and doing things in-game to reflect this is a clear indication of an art direction. was that the point you're trying to make?

Kys mate

I mean we all came here to talk about a game and in the end we got an angry sperg talking about why he dislikes the art and other sperg talking about the lore

Attached: 1552258736290.png (257x529, 169K)

>You could sum this all up with just a sentence by simply saying you just really dislike Halo.
No, I could sum it up by saying that Halo has a shit art direction. Which is precisely what I did at the begging of this thread.

I hold very little respect for the franchise, true. Though I will happily give credit in the few areas where it does deserve it. Emotions aren't interesting to me: I like to discuss how things work, and what is valuable and what isn't.

If I just wanted to inform you that I love HL2 and dislike Halo, I would not talk about elements of HL2 that aren't great, or give credit to the few things in Halo that aren't trash.
I want to understand and discuss what is it that MAKES the differences.

Because unlike most of you here, I'm not an insane, deluded fanboy who only cares about validating identity, and cannot comprehend a discussion could be about anything else but that.

tell me about it, how long has Yea Forums been around? and autistic people still never think "oh, maybe IM being autistic"
15+ years of evidence of their behaviour and they still dont realise

>Emotions aren't interesting to me

>oh dear, i remember being 15 too buddy just relax, its a slow burn but you get there in the end
While I mostly find it just kinda funny, here is a recommendation:
Outside of the cesspools of Halo threads, the whole "you are young" argument really does not fly well here on Yea Forums. It's generally the most immediate way to prove you are absolutely out of arguments, and generally a twat. I guess you are new here, so consider this a fair warning.

>I hold very little respect for the franchise, true. Though I will happily give credit in the few areas where it does deserve it. Emotions aren't interesting to me: I like to discuss how things work, and what is valuable and what isn't.
imagine typing this and then posting it
really, i mean really think about that for a second
>Because unlike most of you here, I'm not an insane, deluded fanboy who only cares about validating identity, and cannot comprehend a discussion could be about anything else but that

>Outside of the cesspools of Halo threads, the whole "you are young" argument really does not fly well here on Yea Forums. It's generally the most immediate way to prove you are absolutely out of arguments
>he thinks this is in any way an argument
>he thinks we are discussing something or are on equal levels
im laughing at you man, im straight up plain as day laughing in your face
also, considering 80% of Yea Forums's population actually IS underage since 2016, i dont know why you think "you are young" is an invalid argument

> Emotions aren't interesting to me

Attached: 1529702170959.png (1361x911, 1.14M)

>the whole "you are young" argument really does not fly well here on Yea Forums
And an entire meme formed around agewars

Attached: 1526762243182.png (1410x1733, 789K)

>excuse you, flood are brown and humans are green
Kinda making my point for me here as well.

>you just listed how unique they all are from each other
Look, if that is enough for you to consider something "unique", then fine. Just keep in mind that normal people have SLIGHTLY higher expectatins when somebody fucking claims "This is amazing art direction".
Because if you keep saying this is an amazing art direction, or even solid art direction, in front of people who aren't absoute retards: you'll get laughed out. This should also explain to you why so many people find it so absoultely irresistable to make fun of you morons.

>Emotions aren't interesting to me
okay this is epic

is this why video games tend to have universally garbage art direction?


Chief is still sleeping for me. Waiting to be woke up. Everything else after this is not canon.

Attached: 2D86E622-03EE-C8B9-5A88C2FB237FB8F5.jpg (415x276, 22K)

Folks, this might be shocking to you - but this is how normal discussion works. I don't care what you like, and you should not care what I like, those are things that are absolutely worthless in a discussion.
Reasonings, figuring shit out, that is why people actually challenge other people through a discussion. The fact that this seems UNNATURAL to you is... HORRIFYING.
What he fuck have they done to you, people? You might be actually mentally damaged.

>Emotions aren't interesting to me: I like to discuss how things work, and what is valuable and what isn't.
why are you sitting here getting salty and typing in all caps in a thread about a videogame you don't like? are you not able to handle people liking things you don't like? are you too emotional to accept that people like things that you don't? why are you still here, if not for the fact that you're too emotional to understand people have different opinions, and you have to prove yourself right because of it?

you're not the fact-giver here user. if there's any 'fact' on the quality of a work of art here, it's in the general consensus of the thread, and the general consensus here says halo has good art direction

I dunno about the rest of y'all, but I for one am very glad we're talking about halo, and not having another goddamn political argument

>is this why video games tend to have universally garbage art direction?
Low expectations? Yeah. But the word "universally" actually means "without exceptions"

says the guy that literally said
>Emotions aren't interesting to me

You might be on the autistic spectrum

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holy fuck

I forgot cortana says "I'll miss you."

Attached: IsZF8pX.gif (435x248, 496K)

Because it's such a generic, boring archetype from a place like this, the "I'm a pseudo-intellectual no emotions sociopath-wannabe" as you're somehow stuck arguing about video games instead of something meaningful
You've seen it once, you've seen it all, and they're all just carbon copies of each other


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Please don't tell me you're actually getting this upset over video games.
>Emotions aren't interesting to me but I'm horrified anyway

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>tfw no biologically enhanced super soldiers to just place everywhere around earth with the soul intent to protect us and look after us, but secretly hearts of pure gold

what's the point

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Will Halo ever get Killzowned bros?

the saddest part is that we all know you arent pretending

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You're the mentally damaged one. All you've done is sit here yelling about how Halo's art direction isn't "DEEP and MEANINGFUL" enough for you. Halo is not very complex. Humans are rough and make things to work. Covenant are full of themselves and plastered with gaudy shit to show off their egos. It works, and it doesn't need to be some deeper symbolism to justify it.

>>Just keep in mind that normal people have SLIGHTLY higher expectatins when somebody fucking claims "This is amazing art direction".
>normal people
>having expectations
where do you get this stuff dude
>This should also explain to you why so many people find it so absoultely irresistable to make fun of you morons
and who would those people be? you're like the only person here trying to shit on halo. hell, the only discussion about halo that happens here boils down to some moron trying to claim 4 & 5 have a right to exist

look user, I'm sorry nobody cares about half life any more. it's a tragedy, we know. if it's any consolation, our thunder got thrown out the window by microsoft

343i and Reach

>You might be on the autistic spectrum
An autist is precisely INCAPABLE of this, kid. Literally one of the most important symptoms of autism is the inability to form what we know as a third-person perspective: the ability to separate his immediate mental states from the actual state of the world - it inability to comprehend that other people may see things differently than you do, and understand there are other ways of reasoning than subjective reports.
Ever heard of the Sally-Marry Doll test?

I'm not saying that I don't have emotions you cretin, merely saying they are irrelevant to THIS DISCUSSION. And you can save notes about how bad it is to discuss videogames because you are here, doing precisely the same thing.

Again: are you people ACTUALLY clinically retarded? Is it really impossible to comprehend the context of this discussion?

You are actually getting confused about the notion that a discussion should not be about irrefutably subjective feelings, but rather about constructive or challengeable arguments.
That is where we are right now. That is how fucking LOW you people have fallen.

holy shit

>>it inability to comprehend that other people may see things differently than you do, and understand there are other ways of reasoning than subjective reports.
>'I think halo's art design SUCKS'
>'I CAN'T BELIEVE halofags could even TRY to claim otherwise'
sounds like autism to me hoss

>inability to comprehend that other people may see things differently than you do, and understand there are other ways of reasoning than subjective reports.
You're a shining example of this.

No, I've been "Yelling" about how you people should stop PRETENDING LIKE IT'S GOOD.
And my argument is based on the fact that the very PURPOSE of an art direction is to communicate tangible meanings to the player - the more effective and elaborate and creative it is in the process, the better we consider it to be.

I've even made it extremely clear that it's not about the subjects, but merely about the execution, even noting that HL2 has extremely vanilla themes, but they come across very strongly due to the fact that someone actually invested extra effort and talent into the art direction. And showed how Halo lacks that kind of effort or talent.

How this difficult to comprehend? Are we reaching the point where you'll argue that investing no effort or talent into something does not mean it's NOT GOOD?

>you're like the only person here trying to shit on halo.
There is like eight people in this thread. and about fifteen people bitching and whinning how this happens ALL THE TIME. Do I really need to go back and waste my time quoting posts in this thread bitching how horrible it is that there are always people going to these threads taking potshots at you retards?

Fuck, six years ago, you faggots would be innable to have this thread, because the entire BOARD would fucking swarm it to make fun of you, because back then, we had some basic standards for the shit we want to discuss.

The fact that it wasn't anything revolutionary.

Just yet another generic fps, maybe it was innovative for consoles.

So... yeah. You post this shit, and you accuse others of being bad at arguments or being autistic.

How do you live with yourself again?

I dunno, I MIGHT be clinically RETARDED, it's just a SMALL probability though, a very small PROBABILITY
I mean if I have to take this seriously, maybe you've got me confused for another guy but this really doesn't mean that much to me
At the end of the day video games are basically just the junk food of entertainment and FPS games are near the bottom of game genres as it is, you pick it up, play for a while, and put it down once you no longer need a time waster
I'm sorry, but maybe you might find someone that takes video games as seriously as you do

Isn't that exactly what you've been doing for the last four hours?

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i just dont get it guys. its 2019. everyone here has encountered a poster like this. why do they lack the self awareness to read their own posts? why cant they learn from all the other threads ruined by spergs, and realise they're doing it?

Halo Reach was last good halo game.
Also ebin to all who say " HALO5 ARENA WAS GOOD belive mee !!"

no it was terrible cod clone.

Alright Yea Forums, name three (3) games with good art direction right now

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>All Halo Killers seemingly failed
They failed because Halo is an inherently shitty formula.

Movement in Halo games is slow as molasses, weapon diversity and control is extremely narrow, rocket splash is so huge you only need to lead on vehicles, and the crosshair magnetism is way too heavy-handed and not in-line with advances in manual gamepad aiming since 2001. Things like the BR and removal of health packs took the game backwards after CE, and yet the fans still argue for a Halo 3 clone.

The thing is, Halo isn't just slow compared to arena FPS; it's slow compared to other console shooters. Everything from the movement speeds, to the physics, to the ultra-heavy crosshair magnetism, is all a relic of a by-gone era where no one knew how to make FPS control smoothly on gamepads. By the 360 era, things improved enough to support the much faster gameplay of later COD games, BF series, UT3, even some Quake 4 console tournaments in France, etc.

So yeah, you can call Halo whatever you want, whether it's "tactical arena FPS" or whatever, but it's really its own thing which bears limited appeal either to PC arena FPS players or even people used to the later console military shooters.

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ori and the blind forest (shit game)
metro 2033

>Do I really need to go back and waste my time quoting posts in this thread bitching how horrible it is that there are always people going to these threads taking potshots at you retards?
please do because all I see is some fool talking about the books
>And showed how Halo lacks that kind of effort or talent.
we've proven you wrong like at least three times but your clinical autism prevents you from being able to register that
>Fuck, six years ago, you faggots would be innable to have this thread
maybe you should go back to six years ago instead of sitting around here complaining about games you don't like

get a life, dork

Atelier Totori
Jackie Chan

At least it's coming back though. Fuck I'm so hyped about halo infinite I'm probably going to buy the infinite bundle xbox two day one.

>At the end of the day video games are basically just the junk food of entertainment and FPS games
So we are reaching that point where you go "everything is shit so that invalidates your argument anyway I don't have to listen to you I'm too good for this anyway" route.

No. There are plenty of games that do put that extra effort, at least into some of the elements. Sure, there is a lot of crap out there, but the same is true about any medium, and that does not change the core facts:
A) the art direction of Halo is bad. It's not a sole ground on which to condemn the series, but it's by no means good.
B) It is actually good to expect more from time to time, or at least not to be deluded and have some kind of external standards and understanding of what is a mark of quality and what is not.

Which was from the start to finish, my entire point.

If you think all games are just junk food, then you have a shit taste and are very poorly informed about the medium, but fine.
But next time, just don't try to pretend like McDonnald is somehow a haut cuisine. Just admit that Halo is shit (at least in regards of art direction), and then happily keep enjoying it without delusions. That is what I asked you people to do from the start.
Have some dignity. Don't delude yourself. Enjoy what you want, but don't lie to yourself or others to justify your likes. Don't try to pass shit as "good" or even "exceptional" just because it's vaguelly related to something you have nostalgic memories for.

A dignified person can say "yeah, I enjoy this, even though I know some parts of it are shit".
Learn that fucking skill. It's expected of any grown fucking man that wants to be treated with respect.

zoomers don't care for brand loyalty, they're waiting for fornite replacement. oldfags stopped caring for xbox long time ago. and fuck dudebros, they're the worst kind of audience, probably on smartphones now.

You are literally the only person who actually thinks Halo has a bad art direction though. Nobody else on the planet shares the same sentiment about it as you. From your posts, it's painfully obvious you haven't actually played the games and are basing your judgement entirely on random screenshots.

The point is you can't comprehend that we find the art style good in ways that you think are bad. A classic difference of opinion you can't get past.

star wars republic commando
fallout 1
40k dawn of war

>everything is shit
Video games are the lowest common denominator for entertainment and will never be a meaningful art form in any way so that sounds pretty accurate
>If you think all games are just junk food
They definitely are
>Just admit that Halo is shit (at least in regards of art direction)
And it most definitely is, congrats

>You are literally the only person who actually thinks Halo has a bad art direction though
I'm not sure I'd call halo's art direction bad, but it is fairly generic, as is the music.

I never understood all the praise for both those aspects when the average fps in the 90's and early 2000's had far more distinctive art direction and music than halo.

art is subjective. you are wrong
go away you big smelly idiot

Eh, see so I'm not even the only person in this thread.

>From your posts, it's painfully obvious you haven't actually played the games
Yeah, keep on piling up delusions that TOTALLY excuse you not having to acknowledge my points.

I did waste quite a lot of time on the games. It has been a while, and they were so utterly unremarkable that I did forgot a lot of it, but that does not change my point.

The whole problem, just like with this post is:
I make reasons and provide arguments, which NONE of you idiots can in any way disprove or counter.
You screech "JUST YOU OPINION MAN". Which goes back to my previous point: your subjective feelings are worthless.
Like it, but don't pretend it's good art direction. Because to be a good art direction, something more than a uneducated, brain-dead consoler pessant says he likes it. That is my point.

Get some standards. Like what you want but learn the difference between how you subjectively feel and what is a normative system of evaluation and reasoning.

Nobody cares for your pathetic "I'm so above you all" wank. Dismissing an entire medium with no arguments isn't going to make you look smarter, and it's not going to draw attention away from the fact that you lost the previous argument either.

You are out of arguments, just admit it or leave silently. This is just sad.

>go away you big smelly idiot
Again: you people are SURPRISED that people keep making fun of Halo fanbase?

It just faded, now its just another fps series

What's there to dismiss? Video games are all the same cheap tripe in the end, you throw some cash to entertain yourself for a short time, then you put it down like nothing ever happened
There's nothing meaningful to it, there's no substance, as its core is the exact same slop game after game
Sorry if this gets you upset my guy

>go away you big smelly idiot
>taking sarcasm seriously
Don't do that.

Art by definition is subjective numbnuts. Just because it doesn't meet your idea of good doesn't make it trash. Your standards are not the golden bar to meet.

>4 hours
can we make it five? this is true comedy

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I don't think I'm the one upset here, considering you started posting this tripe the second you run out of arguments about why not to criticise Halo's art direction.

Also: Pathologic, Silent Hill 2, Factorio, The Void, SotC... there are plenty of games that offer a lot of substance in all kinds of ways: you are just either too dumb to know them, or too lazy and cowardly to try them. It's just your ignorance of the medium.

These kinds of angry rants about how the medium is bad are really among the most pathetic displays you can see around here. I guess your anger over not being able to defend your favorite shit game kinda explains your behavior, but I don't think it's enough of an excuse.

>I make reasons and provide arguments, which NONE of you idiots can in any way disprove or counter.
we've disproved it several times and you have not addressed any of them.
>your subjective feelings are worthless.
your subjective feelings on how this game's art direction is not good is equivalently worthless to my subjective feelings on how it is good
>Nobody cares for your pathetic "I'm so above you all" wank
did you just quote that sarcastic post as saying he agreed with you, then proceed to rag on it?

we'll hit the bump limit or die trying

>Pathologic, Silent Hill 2,

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>CoD4 knocked the crown off of Halo's head, and CoD's yearly release cycle meant that every year after 3 CoD continued to grow and sap away Halo's playerbase.
Halo 3 was the top played 360 game until Halo Reach's release.

First of all, we are talking about ART DIRECTION, not ART, and second of all, no.
You are literally reaching to the point where you have to say "you can't JUDGE things, saying something is good or bad is JUST AN OPINION MAN" just so that you don't have to admit that art direction on a single franchise KNOWN for being extremely mediocre in all respects, may actually not be good.


we told you it was good, you just don't want to listen

maybe you should get some better opinions if you don't like getting called out so much

>a single franchise KNOWN for being extremely mediocre in all respects

>on a single franchise KNOWN for being extremely mediocre in all respects
t. assblasted Snoyboy.
Halo's art direction and music have always been complimented even by the PC mustard race who will always compare the damn games to Quake or UT.

not the sperg, factorio has good art direction, its unironically meant to look shit, so that when you have a fuck off huge base, its even more of a disgusting blob on the planet
also if you're a lazy cunt who doesn't make concrete to atleast shape your base then yer opinion is trash

>we've disproved it several times and you have not addressed any of them.
Except most of you actually ended up agreeing with me. We literally reached a point where you agreed the the entire fucking extend of effort put into Halo's art direction is basic geometric shapes, absence of people indicating absence of people, and aliens being fucking color coded.
All of those who actually ATTEMPTED to reason with me ended up confirming every word I said, and usually just saying "OK so there is no depth but that does not make it a terrible game" or some shit like that.
Show me the effort that has been put into the art direction. Show me where it gets in ANY way close to what I described as the functionality of HL2's art direction.
I'm still waiting for that, you idiots.

>your subjective feelings on how this game's art direction is not good
They are not subjective. They are normative. Learn the difference, it could save your face.

Factorio is a fucking amazing game, even if in a VERY different fashion than the others I listed. I included precisely to illustrate how hugely varied and different types of "substances" can games provide - from actually valuable narrativity in games like Pathologic or The Void, to exceptional mechanical complexity and lessons in how emergent structures work in Factorio.

>we told you it was good, you just don't want to listen
You did not make a single argument that would explain why you think it is good. See Are you serious?

Actually assblasted PC boy who had to watch this trainwreck of a franchise lower the standards for an entire industry for ten years.

I never said you couldn't judge things for yourself. The issue is that you're declaring your own judgment as fact and that anyone who disagrees is wrong.

Yeah, give me a website, reviews, something of its mediocrity, please.

>Factorio is a fucking amazing game, even if in a VERY different fashion than the others I listed. I included precisely to illustrate how hugely varied and different types of "substances" can games provide - from actually valuable narrativity in games like Pathologic or The Void, to exceptional mechanical complexity and lessons in how emergent structures work in Factorio.
what the fuck are ye talkin about exactly

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>Halo's art direction and music have always been complimented even by the PC mustard race who will always compare the damn games to Quake or UT.
Music... I kinda get that, though it has been somewhat overhyped by Halo fanboys, it's still arguably the best part of the franchise... but art direction?

Yeah, it may have been compared to that of Quake, I can see that happening. Because Quake is commonly made fun off for being visually fucking hideous. There is this entire fucking running joke about how ugly and indistinguishable Quakes environmens are, even.

20 minutes to go lads

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>Except most of you actually ended up agreeing with me
nobody's agreed with you, we've been calling you an idiot this entire thread
>They are not subjective. They are normative.
the normative here is that the art design is good and you are dumb
>You did not make a single argument that would explain why you think it is good.
we have, refer to these posts:

>Actually assblasted PC boy who had to watch this trainwreck of a franchise lower the standards for an entire industry for ten years.
Always love this retarded argument. No, no, it's not the fault of every single developer out there being creatively bankrupt and unable to come up with their own ideas instead of just copying Halo. No, it's Bungie's fault for making a game people liked.

Kind of like how it's PUBG's fault every retarded publisher/developer out there wants to make a Battle Royale game, and not because they're hacks without an original bone in their body.

until what?

>Yeah, give me a website, reviews, something of its mediocrity, please.
This pretty much summed up the feeling of most people who came from pre-Halo era PC environment.

>what the fuck are ye talkin about exactly
Factorio's use of emergence and self-regulating systems. Also known as the "OH MY GOD I BUILD THIS?!" feeling. The way the game allows people to create extremely complex systems without realizing that is what they are doing. I actually use it as a teaching tool in some of my lessons.

Again: it's not about story, but about understanding the very principle of emergence and seeing it function right in front of your eyes. How simple blocks and simple task - if conditions are right - spontaneously do give birth to remarkably orderly and complex systems. And being part of that process is quite a valuable lesson.

It's also just a software-engineering miracle, that game. And a great learning tool for optimization, and even basic programming.

well we've got a guy angry enough to argue for 5 hours straight
if we're slow enough we could even get it to 6

fucking gross.

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Is that Double D and one of the Kanker sisters?

Well desu Killzone and Halo do both have good art direction. Besides that Dark Souls, Bloodborne, Castlevania, Metroid, I mean there are tons and tons.

>Zero Punctuation
>Mr. "If it's not indie or released after 2014, I don't like it."
You realise his whole shtick for nearly a decade was "rip into every single game no matter what."

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>rabid contrarian links up a famous contrarian

nice, confirmation bias

This is a copypasta

Literally fake news by gaming journalists. Killzone 1 was in no way supposed to be a "halo killer", they just put that line in to spice things up. The fact that people are talking about it over a decade and a half later shows how effective it was.

So I watched it, but he just tore into the story of the third game in an FPS series, and even remarked that the game was just average in the end, not even bad. I was hoping for more on multiplayer, art design, music, or what have you.

>nobody's agreed with you, we've been calling you an idiot this entire thread

I can't be bothered to search anymore, but there are quite a few others that conceded my points to me.

>the normative here is that the art design is good and you are dumb
The normative "here" among retarded Halo fans who simulataneously deny any possibility of a normative judgement?
Yeah... riveting stuff again.

>we have, refer to these posts:
You mean the posts that straight up says "YOU ARE RIGHT"?
Yeah. Brilliant. Fucking god damn fucking hillarious.

You literally say "NOBODY AGREED WITH YOU" and "WE MADE POINTS AGAINST YOU" and then literally link the posts that say "I agree, you are right".

I mean... how? How do you live? How are you alive?

Why is this autist angry at the art direction of Halo constantly posting these long paragraphs over and over? Okay man you made it loud and clear. You don't have to post 100 damn posts. You're writing a book at this point with your opinions...

that are shit I might add

Post one of THE most popular game critics of that time, and the guy who literally coined the term PC master race.

Dignity. Fucking get some.

For fuck sake. You are grown up men, right? You can't do this shit. It's... painful.

Fallout 1

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>a Yahtzee ZP video
His entire schtick is shitting on games while occasionally praising one to rock the boat. He outright admits to not having played any previous games, giving himself an incomplete picture of it. He even notes that many other outlets were singing high praises for it.

>Post one of THE most popular game critics of that time
Yahtzee isn't a critic, he's a comedian. He has literally no education or knowledge in the field of critique, and his only "qualifications" are an above average understanding of the English language and a fedora.

You type like such a fucking faggot, holy fuck. I'm not even part of this argument but you are so blatantly a tourist from some gay vbulletin forum.


I watched the video, and gave my honest thoughts on what was just a short review over the campaign. I asked for something that proved it was mediocre, particularly mediocre in every aspect as you say, and he says it was just average.

what are you DOING? three out of four of those posts are telling you how wrong you are. you literally linked the post I just called you an idiot in
>You mean the posts that straight up says "YOU ARE RIGHT"?
point out specifically where in those posts it says halo has bad art direction

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>5 hours
we did it lads

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I never knew a game could make someone this mad

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>thinks 5 is better than Reach
>likes the forerunner trilogy
Not surprised. I'm guessing you're going to say that Reach had no plot?


gg boys

say, what did you guys think about haah waaw 2? I thought it was alright, but I kinda got bored and stopped playing completely like halfway through the campaign. I guess the magic from the first one was just gone. Skirmish wasn't even close to being as fun as the first one, either.

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will LoGH ever stop being too kino?

oh my bad I thought you might of meant something else, but yeah talk about seething

Toddlers growing up and realizing that Halo is shit

You wanted a proof that people outside of the fanbase always considered the franchise mediocre or less. You got it. Now fuck off.

>That we agree
>Halo does not touch themes that deep
>I heavily agreed, I really think they are goofy looking

>you just listed how unique they all are from each other
(After I went into detail how uninspired and dull the design is)

>I'm not sure I'd call halo's art direction bad, but it is fairly generic

Again. What happened to you? I mean I know Halo fans are often... absolutely fucked in the head, but my god...
You did not dissapoint. You just added a new entry in "the fucking insane DEPTHS of how retarded Halo fanboys can get".

You are right there with a person calling Adagio for Strings by Samuel Barber "boring, generic uninspired Hollywood wanna be music" and another who denied existence of one particular encounter from Halo CE that I used as an example of bad encounter design, provided Aniversary footage as a proof, claimed "He finished original CE fifteen times, and the encounter has NEVER BEEN THERE", when it took me 10 minutes to find footage of the original CE with precisely that encounter.

Now, I hope you are proud of joining that company.

Same, I just kinda stopped playing after a fee missions. Tried a few rounds of that arena mode too. I'm just not good at RTS. I can't manage economy at all.

it really is a fun place when even the people who don't play the games are dedicated to discussing and arguing about them thoroughly


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I finished it recently, mind you I'm an absolute brainlet with rts, even halo wars, I'm not one for real time micromanagement. So I'll just talk more about story really.

That said I enjoyed the singleplayer for the most part, felt like a good spin off in that it's a mostly self contained story and tries to do something a bit different. The Blur cutscenes were great, after Halo 4 and 5 it was gratifying to have a Halo game with some actual thought put into the framing of the cutscenes. Ended a bit abruptly, I would of preferred a few more plot threads tied up but it wouldn't be a halo wars game without a cliffhanger not getting resolved for a few years.

It's good, I wish they hadn't thrown themselves into the mess that is Halo 5 narrative at the end there, so the Spirit of Fire plotline will be forced off into some book no one will read.

I'll requote:
>KNOWN for extremely mediocre in all respects
And I just got a video over an "average" campaign, unless average is supposed to be very mediocre by Yea Forums standards. I was expecting something a lot more sweeping, a lot more brutal; the concept of someone outside the fanbase considering Halo mediocre or less doesn't bother me as much as you might think, but I thought the narrative was that Halo was super overrated and people on Yea Forums saw past that, not that everyone actually thinks it's mediocre all along. Like, I'm literally just asking for more critique from reputable sources, you know? But if you say so, I'll accept it.

Do we think art direction fag is good enough for a screencap post?

How big is your Cringe Compliation by now?

I don't give a fuck what you expected, to be honest. You asked for this, and I provided. I don't give a fuck if it bothers you or not - again, I don't care for your feelings. The reality is: people outside of the franchise found it always incredibly mediocre, AT BEST. Hell, I know you are very, very new here, but Halo was never discussed here, because actually it was considered the embodiment of everything wrong with the main stream industry of the past decade. Calling it "Mediocre" would be still an incredibly careful and praising way of putting it.

I didn't even bother with that shit with the cards, it was just too damn confusing. At least the first one is on PC, so we can get some mods for it
I didn't pay too much attention to the story, could I get a quick rundown on what happened during it?
nah don't bother, if we screencap every idiot on Yea Forums they wouldn't be funny after like the first hundred

>non binary

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I think we have to archive the whole thread.

we hit five hours and 400 posts bruh, you can stop now

Halo BR when?

We're coming up on 6.


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The incel is strong with that one user haha.

how funny would it be if 343 announced a "BR mode" for Halo Infinite, waited until after the freak-out and then revealed it as a mode where you spawn with the Battle Rifle. they gotta act quick, tomorrow is April 1st.

>I don't give a fuck what you expected, to be honest.
I expected something a lot more in-depth and scathing, and all I got was a basic, rootin' tootin' shoot up space aliens campaign. Also, isn't it natural for people outside of a franchise to find said franchise anywhere from not suited to their tastes to mediocre? Legitimately the most anger I've seen over Halo just comes from the FPS community, and even then, they just don't care for the way it affected the gameplay of FPS games, other aspects of the franchise don't get hit anywhere near as hard. I mean, shit man, I'm sorry for my shit taste.



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in around another half hour we'll get up to 6 hours
we can make it bros

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>Halo was never discussed here
What are you smoking? Halo has always been an open topic.

He'll sperg out about how it was literally never discussed here while conveniently forgetting about CE LAN parties
I bet forty shekels

>imagine being so mad at vidya that you waste 5 hours on a Mongolian basket weaving forum

>Also, isn't it natural for people outside of a franchise to find said franchise anywhere from not suited to their tastes to mediocre?
No, it legitimately isn't. Damn, I will ABSOLUTELY NEVER understand the appeal of fighting games, grand strats or Tom Clancy stealth games, but I would never say Europa universalis or Mortal Combat or Ghost Recon are mediocre games. Hell, I can even recognise some of the qualities despite the fact I find them painfully unfun to play and completely alien in appeal.

Not to mention that Yatzee (and me) aren't exactly aliens to Sci-fi FPS games. It's not like we are talking about some absolutely strange, inpenetrable genre or something.

Most of the anger comes from people who have a point of comparison. It's really THAT SIMPLE. They find the art direction ugly compared to many games, the story horrible compared to many games, the gameplay subpar compared to many games... they just hate it because they see how it's not good in virtually any aspect - safe for A.I. some of the musical compositions, and coop implementation (those, I'm sure you'll find, are praised even by people who despise the games with a passion).

And that is the point. Having a point of reference, having an ability to judge from a more external perspective.

Saying "Halo's art direction is great, HL2 is shit" is the embodiment of delusion, of absolute intellectual dishonesty and lack of any dignity. And it does not matter if you prefer Halo to HL2 as a game personally. It's just... fucked up. Because HL2's art direction shows a heap of effort and thought, and Halo's shows zero. It really, really does. And even if you like the games - you should be able to recognise that.

>nah dude I've been poking my head into most halo threads since the announcement and it's literally the exact same guy every time.
He's also the incel that claimed Reach had no lore until it did.

Halo's artstyle was and still is generic 00s sci-fi. There is nothing notable about it.

The most iconic artstyle in any game is probably either Mario or Zelda at any rate.

>What are you smoking? Halo has always been an open topic.
Yeah, for fucking mockery. Again: why do you pretend like you've been here when you haven't? Haven't there been enough pathetic delusions and straight up lies in this thread yet?

Being the smartest retard still means you're retarded. Halo has a better developed universe and lore than most comparable sci-fi games of it's era (Half Life, Sin, Doom, Wolfenstien) but that's not much.

The gameplay is always what sold Halo, not the lore or story.

You're the one deluding yourself into thinking Halo is just a punching bag here.

so ultimately, what's wrong with the art direction here?
personally I like it because it reminds me of Brood War

Not better developed, just more of it. Halo bets on quantity, on the simple recognition reward. It's bad, but there is ton of it, so you begin to pick up on the cross references and you'll feel satisfied (it's basically your brain trying to convince yourself that all the time you invested into it was TOTALLY NOT a waste of time).

This is why consistency is overvalued in world-building: it's the easiest thing to make people like it (provide that you can make them cross certain exposition threshold) without having to put effort or clever idea in the actual content.
Halo's world building is silly at the absolute best, and horrible at worst, but combined with the power of the marketing of the franchise, it has a very powerful push. People are already invested in it. Every new piece of a puzzle is satisfying, just by the virtue of "fitting in". Nobody looks if the actual picture on a puzzle is interesting to look at once they already spend 50+ hours putting it together.

What are the biggest problems with Halo's worldbuilding?

Everything nonhuman is just a guy in a rubber suit.

It's not.
It used to be. Before this board was flooded with trash.

>so ultimately, what's wrong with the art direction here?
Lack of any effort, inspiration or creativity. There is absolutely nothing about it that would stand out or communicate any kind of interesting message.
It's also WIDELY inconsistent.

>personally I like it because it reminds me of Brood War
Interesting that you mentioned. I was thinking about making some comparisons between original StarCraft art direction (which was honestly kinda cool, if mainly by virtue of ripping off two other works - but I'm DEFINITELY not the one to critise works for ripping off other works as long as they are good).

It would be for a longer analysis: what makes SC work but Halo not work. A lot of it is again tied to more subtle elements of it. Like the use of redneckery themes to again, actually create some degree of flavor to the settings, the more subtle use of color, the fact that each race has a little more rounded visual and narrative theme to them that at least to some degree excuses some of the weaker elements.
And how INSANELY important is the fact that SC does not take itself so god damn seriously.

BTW, comparing SC1 and SC2 for is a fantastic excercise in understanding how more subtle differences can make a massive difference. Because where SC1 was miles above Halo in this respect, SC2 may be even worse than Halo, and that is fucking Achievement.

close to 6 hours neighborinos

Spirit of Fire arrives at The Ark from Halo 3, it's pointed out that apparently something sent the ship through slipspace to the Ark but that plot thread isn't brought up again so expect 2 books explaining it.

On The Ark, there is a faction of deserters from the Covenant led by a hardcore Brute named Atriox. Atrox's boys arrived at the Ark and killed the isolated human researches there, the portal at Voi was closed due to the events of Halo 5 but that's not explicitly stated.

SoF find the AI of the human researchers, she yells at them to run away, they don't. The rest of the game is pretty much SoF engaging with Atriox's guys for control of the ark so a handful of missions occur where they are just trying to fuck with Atriox a bit such as shutting down the Ark teleportation network and blowing up super carrier.

Eventually SoF gets a plan, build a new Halo ring (Installation 04C, since 04B was destroyed in 3) and use it to teleport the crew into UNSC space. When they get control of the ring the professor on board can't halt the jump so she is the only one who rides the Halo, promising to come back once she gets in contact with the UNSC.

Ending scene is Installation 04C being pulled out of slipspace early by one of the Cortana's Guardians from Halo 5.

This. But I'd also say just time in general. I was in middle school when Halo came out which led to hundreds of nights over at friends' houses playing vidya and eating pizza. I unironically thank Bungie for giving a shy kid like me with a bunch of loser friends an activity to enjoy. Halo 3 was just a great game when I was stoned all thru college. However, over time, all my friends stopped caring. The story starting in 2 started a trend of poor writing that maybe would have otherwise kept a lot of the fan base. Plus, theres too many options nowadays. Halo was THE console shooter when it came out, nothing else compared on consoles. Now its much different.
The final piece is the fact I would play any new Halo game but having to own an xbox one just to do so would be a retarded waste of money.

>SC does not take itself so god damn seriously.
I dunno, I'd argue that SC, at least SC1, actually did take itself pretty seriously - more downplayed on some Terran interactions - but primarily most if not all Zerg and Protoss interactions were pretty serious
Brood War is just one of those games where it carries itself in such a way, such as through great voice acting, that it works so well

do you think any other Bungie games like Marathon have more inspiration and creativity than Halo?

>Bungie going full retard and going to activision didn't help either
Are you ok? They went to Activision because their contract with MS was literally over.

>build a new Halo ring
haha what

Attached: 1540068388731.jpg (200x211, 7K)

>What are the biggest problems with Halo's worldbuilding?
Lack of a single actually strong idea or theme. It's literally just a collection of tropes. WH40K has the absurdity of it all, Homeworld (the first game, before it all went to hell) has the ambiguity and how it distances itself from modern western ethics - which plays into the strong essentially Biblical undertones to it. SC1 combined the absurdity of WH40K with the satirical pseudo-fascist elements of Starship Troopers the movie - often focusing on the dumb, the twisted, the redneckery - the murky grimy world, the retro elements.

Aliens (when they function) have the raw, undilluted horror of things unknown, of human inadequcy compared to what may be awaiting us in the stars.

Mass Effect... was honestly not that great. It had good production values, and the fantasy undertones that carried along from the SW universe it so clearly ripped off, I guess.

What does Halo world have?

>It's also WIDELY inconsistent.
That can be blamed on 343 gutting the established style to try and make their own. Everything from the Bungie era is largely consistent.

>I dunno, I'd argue that SC, at least SC1, actually did take itself pretty seriously
Remember the cutscene with the two rednecks running over a zergling? That scene with the soldiers carrying beers in a cooler with their nuke? Phoenix dying because his wrist-blade malfunctions? It was a comedy.

It's true that zerg and protoss campaigns largely took itself bit more seriously, but they were also a lot weaker for that. And almost always some human (usually Ryan) made his way through to lighten it up.

I haven't played MUCH of Marathon, but I can tell you even from the little I played: yeah. It was pretty good.
And as for Destiny... I'm gonna shit on Halo's art direction, but Destiny, at least the early development promo, was fucking great. I honestly believe they had something very good on their hands, and even though it did not live up to it in the final release, the good ideas still shined through.
The game, obviously was beyond redemption. But yeah. I honestly think Halo is the weakest of their works, at least the ones I know.

I have NEVER played a 343 Halo game in my life. I'm judging solely on Halo 1-3 and less on ODST and Reach.

I didn't wanna derail myself and I was trying to save some time but I'll elaborate now.
SoF didn't build the ring, after 04B blew up in H3 it was destroyed and damaged the Ark, so all the sentinels got to work on fixing the ark first *then* started working on the new ring and the SoF arrived just as work on 04C was almost finished.


>we dont have crysis anymore
>casual shit like halo still exists
kill me

343 Industries, also no PC release.

343 Industries is in charge of the PC release, and it's way too fucking late, so expect it to be a disaster.

oh, that makes marginally more sense. did they add anything interesting in that flood dlc?

Halo's art direction and general design is instantly recognizable. Yes, it's strong as fuck.

Now you could argue it isn't good. Okay. But there's one.

Yep. As illustrated by the two actual screenshots from the game, one of which could be mistaken for a Serious Sam game, and the other could fit in ANY generic sci-fi shooter released in past six years.
No. It's recognizable to you because you don't know any better and wasted a FUCKTON of time on it, so much that it's basically burned into your retinas.
But it's some of the most dull, uninspired, generic shit out there. And again: GROW THE FUCK UP.

Attached: this is how 343tards unironically think.png (2300x218, 70K)

Speaking of Crysis, I miss those times where it was the undisputed god of PC gaming and used to mock the graphics of every pleb console game for years.

>and the other could fit in ANY generic sci-fi shooter released in past six years
Which all largely copied Halo. Even the latest of all, Anthem, is a fucking clone of Halo and Destiny.

See, you can recognize it after all. The only thing is, you didn't knew it was Halo that started it all.

To be honest, as impressive as Crysis was on a technical level, mechanically it was an absolute mess. It had good ideas but my god the systems REALLY did not fit well together.

Artriox tells Two Brutes too loot around high charity, which is still on the ark but quarantined entirely, tells the Two to specifically not to go inside.

Two Brutes turn off the sentinels in the area and go inside the quarantine zone and let out the Flood because apparently a Brute who fought in the war believes the Flood are Covenant lies.

Two Brutes turn back on the sentinels and kill a proto-gravemind and Atriox turns up calls them both idiots but doesn't kill them because they at least managed to fix it before he got there.

That's all that happens.

>and used to mock the graphics of every pleb console game for years.
It still works actually. I'd post a screenshot but Yea Forums must be running on a fucking console considering it still doesn't allow pictures bigger than 3MB.

what kind of stupid fucking non setiquor is that? It wae explictly established what the Halo array did. It was never explictly established what the relationship between humans and forerunners were


I think 343 fucking sucks at writibng and moving the state of the universe foward. Me not hating litterally everything 343 does =/= being a 343 shill.

>Me not hating litterally everything 343 does =/= being a 343 shill.
It does. Only a retard would think they've done anything of worth.

and they don't let you play as the flood, do they?

It still had a ton of actual effort and love put into it though. I watched a good retrospective on it two days ago and it made me sad when the guy was talking about how you just don't see the industry create games like it anymore due to it being too risky.

Ironic.....he could keep others from killing him.....but not himself

Attached: ironic.gif (480x270, 1.19M)

Here is the video I was talking about. I want to go back so bad to those times god.


nope, just Atriox's faction.

OK, I misphrased myself: in any sci-fi shooter EVER RELEASED.
But yeah: you have a good point bringing up Anthem. Anthem is, as you correctly identified, extremely accurate clonning of Halo in terms of art direction and approach, with just a bit of Destiny mixed in.

And it's FUCKING HIDEOUS. You know why? Because it's copying fucking hideous game. No: Halo did not "start it all". Halo did not start anything because it was so god damn featureless that there was nothing to actually start. It had no visual identity: just LOW FUCKING STANDARDS.

Unreal had actual visual identity. Half life had, and HL2 absolutely shined in that regard. Bioshock, newer Deus Ex games...
But Halo is dull, boring and absolutely unremarkable. And always, always was. It copied it's visual identity - again - from saturday morning cartoons.

I can recognize it, because I - like everyone else, have been fucking over-exposed to it. But fun fact - let's look at this screenshot.

This fucking screenshot could have been in ANY sci-fi RTS since RTS went to full 3D. You could tell me it's an Anihilation game, or some forgotten later Command and Conquer, and I would have no problems believing you.
This is SO GOD DAMN DULL. SO GOD DAMN UNINSIPRED. Unless you can see straight up a character you have seen a BILLION TIMES because of the insane overexposure due to marketing budgets, you'd NEVER fucking know what this is from.

Just because you've seen it a thousand time does not make it distinctive.

Attached: images.jpg (300x168, 9K)

>But fun fact - let's look at this screenshot.
I'm not an ant.

Shit, low quality. And can't be downloaded in higher.
No matter, ANY other slightly zoomed out screenshot will do. Have this one instead.

Attached: vQ4vYrp.jpg (1646x868, 165K)

It's comprised of art assets.

Marathon still takes inspiration from shit like Heinlein and Asimov but it's comparably more original than Halo (this is in part due to Halo mining Marathon as much for inspiration as Aliens) It also has more of a hard sci-fi influence compared to Halo. For instance, the Marathon is a colony ship made from one of the Martian moons and took 400 years to travel to Tau Ceti. The aliens are the only ones that have FTL travel but even in a captured alien ship it still takes Durandal 17 years to go from Tau Ceti to L'howon which is located closer to the center of the galaxy.

Halo is more of a military space opera which is fine. Don't mean to knock it, though I do think I probably enjoyed Marathon's story more.

infinite will be big but Halo is still dead now

Ever wondered why ALL Halo materials always have to feature a Spartan in them?
It's because it's literally the only identifiable element in them.
And it's also hideous. Literally a dude in a kevlar vest and a biker helmet. They could have not been been arsed to actually use the suit to indicate what makes him so fucking special and powerful.
But we've seen him a thousand times, we somehow remember it, and it's literally the only way to let people know what game it s.

Attached: BurialMoundsBigger.jpg (640x480, 113K)

>It wae explictly established what the Halo array did.
wait, so how do you know that the Halo array actually kills everything? Where is your evidence?

Look, it's a grey concrete bridge and a sickly green-ish boxy tank. How could you ever doubt what franchise are you looking at!

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 63K)

>Halo's artstyle was and still is generic 00s sci-fi
no, it wasn't. Halo's sci fi elements are mostly based on 80s movies like Aliens, Robocop (for the suit) and on Syd Mead drawings (Blade Runner, Star Wars). in fact most of 00s game sci fi is like this because everyone in the games industry follows the leader and that was Halo. 00s sci fi doesn't really have an identity of its own, it's all based on Syd Mead and old movies. the only thing that was new in the 2000s was desaturating the image, blurring everything and being self-referential / pop-culture aware and in retrospect plain dated.
>weighty feel
these were the buzz words of the day and Halo dodged all of them. Halo is colorful, uses floaty jump physics and in an age where all other games prioritized close-up detail over scale it did the opposite, presenting vast landscapes and letting you see the horizon in great detail when other games blurred it away entirely, trying to get you to focus on the character models immediately in front of you. Halo is the very opposite of generic. Halo is one of the few game franchises that boldly stayed on its own path in the 2000s - until Reach when they caved in. Suddenly high poly characters, desaturated color palette, hitscan shooting, third person animations that interrupt the flow of combat etc. Halo 1-3 were beacons of artistic integrity in a blurry, desaturated world of samey shit.

Reach, and 343i

There is so much variety to it, too!

Attached: halo3.jpg (1920x1080, 979K)


You know why Halo happens to have really memorable locales.

Because when you are trying to beat the same arena on Legendary for the 5th time straight, things sort of start to stick out. You interact with arena's peculiarities, what if I do this, that and then that, will that allow me to

You remember Truth and Reconciliation? That hideously purple alien ship near the beginning of Halo: CE? The third mission? The one where the game motherfucking STEPS ON IT and kills you again and again and again on Heroic or Legendary until you start putting actual effort into learning to play it? Yeah, that's the one.

Or, better yet, remember this?

Attached: 0screenshot00-142.jpg (360x270, 24K)

>00s sci fi doesn't really have an identity of its own, it's all based on Syd Mead and old movies
Do you even read what you post?
Do you ever think about the shit you post?
>weighty feel
In 2001, when Halo CE came out, or 2004 when Halo 2 came out?
And are you telling me it did not jump the "gritty weighty" bullshit INSTANTLY with Reach and ODST, just as soon as the fucking idiots on the marketing commitee realized that the audience they originally targeted when they were 11 years old are now edgy 16 years old and that everybody really digs those CoD games now?

Fuck me. You are an IDIOT.

Look buddy I get Halo triggers you, but what I really don't get is you suggesting that Unreal or Half-Life has any more visual identity than Halo. Quake, sure, very strong art direction. Unreal? I love it to death but it's just as much generic sci-fi as Halo, you're just trading the generic grey alien monoliths for generic huts and castles. And Half-Life is also just generic sci-fi shit but set in a scientific complex. Xen was more out there but it's also the shittiest part of the game.

I'm not trying to suck Halo's dick here but I think you're going out of your way to suck the suck of literally everything else even harder without really explaining why. You're just falling back on the same platitudes and buzzwords over and over.

>extremely accurate clonning of Halo in terms of art direction and approach

Well actually, no, it's not. It tried to clone it, but as many clones, they fucked up big time. Well, one could claim that it is indeed close to Halo 4/5 artstyle, which itself is largely different from Bungie's Halo, because 343i equally fucked up.

Also great job picking the brightest and biggest maps of Halo which are nothing but wilderness as far as you can see, and watched from afar, surely you can't see any artstyle from up there.

If you can't see it, I can't do anything for it though. I won't even bother arguing whether it's good or not, that's beyond the point, it has a strong art direction, period.

Attached: re172.png (1920x1080, 2.89M)

>he thinks the first 3 halos didnt have hit scan

Network and engine lag =/= bullet physics

Also they all have magnetic bullet. Even 1.

>implying Halo's dead
You guys can't be this retarded

>Ever wondered why ALL Halo materials always have to feature a Spartan in them?
>It's because it's literally the only identifiable element in them.
Yeah, because most Halo environments take place on Halos, which are just pure greenery with nothing but the occasional Covenant building. You expect a specific wilderness artstyle or what? Replicating mother nature is not good enough for you?

Fortunately, there are more varied environments, but you're not looking at them.

Attached: halo reach covenant ship.jpg (1920x1080, 958K)

>The parts of Halo that have the most amount of personal identity to it, are the most distinctive, are the parts that are the least visually detailed.
They mostly all have precisely the same amount of detail to them: NONE.
And you are just proving my point. The game is hideous and dull, and the sole reason why you remember it is because you wasted too much time on it.

Fun fact: Halo CE was boring as all hell, so I never bothered to play it on Legendary: I could instead be playing a game with actual depth and complexity and speed in combat.
So yeah. I don't remember anything you mentioned. But that precisely proves my point.

Halo 1 didn't have hitscan at all, and the closest things in Halo 3 were the sniper and laser.

shiren the wanderer
ninja gaiden black

>those huge gray metal structures in a natural canyon
>that purple alien thing

immediately recognizable as Halo by anyone.

the hexagonal and octagonal shapes of the bridge walls, the lights, the tank and the (for its time) highly detailed skybox give this away as Halo as well. plus there's a purple alien thing in the crosshair.

more hexagonal and octagonal patterns in geometry and textures. if you put this kind of architecture in another game people would call it a Halo ripoff.