and you dont even get a fucking discount for owning the original

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Other urls found in this thread:

At one time that was the worst Assassin's Creed game. Just play 2 and forget the rest.

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why the fuck would you want to play 3 anyway

It's free for people who own the Odyssey Season Pass. They obviously want to encourage people to buy Odyssey and get AC3 for free. It's overall a really good remaster. Looks fantastic for the most part, and plays a lot better than the old version. They even made nips and tucks to the flow of the game. (The opening sequence is a fair bit shorter, for example.) Just needs some more TLC to fix up fix visual bugs.

Game characters look like hot glued waifus in the remaster

>You know that franchise that's famous for climbing tall buildings in varied cities?
>Let's set the 3rd game in a setting where there are only two towns, which both look nearly identical, and the buildings are only 3 stories high at best.
>Also, let's put in an interesting forest section that you can parkour through, and then put nothing in it, so you have no reason to go there.
>Also, let's have multiple chase sequences where you're forced to chase someone down to stab them, even though you could just shoot them with your fucking gun.
>And remember how charismatic and smart Ezio was as the protagonist? Let's replace him with an autistic idiot, who keeps helping the Americans even AFTER he finds out they're the ones who burned down his village.
What the actual fuck was anyone thinking?

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Reminder that the AC Liberation Remaster is really good, and doesn't have the facial lighting bugs due to a different engine, but nobody cares about it. Digital Foundry didn't even mention it.

Attached: AC Liberation Remastered.jpg (1090x194, 36K)

>>You know that franchise that's famous for climbing tall buildings in varied cities?
>>Let's set the 3rd game in a setting where there are only two towns, which both look nearly identical, and the buildings are only 3 stories high at best.
It's called a change of pace.
>Also, let's put in an interesting forest section that you can parkour through, and then put nothing in it, so you have no reason to go there.
There are animals to hunt.
>Also, let's have multiple chase sequences where you're forced to chase someone down to stab them, even though you could just shoot them with your fucking gun.
Fair point. Mind you, has anyone checked whether these are the same in the remaster? They changed a lot of subtle stuff in the remaster.
>And remember how charismatic and smart Ezio was as the protagonist? Let's replace him with an autistic idiot, who keeps helping the Americans even AFTER he finds out they're the ones who burned down his village.
Na, that's perfectly fine. The whole point of Connor's character is the realization of the Native American that white men are evil fucks, but there isn't a whole lot you can do about it. There is no future worth fighting for. There's a sense of futility to it all. What's Connor gonna do? Stab every white person?

>It's called a change of pace.
It's called "the idea sucked ass"
>There are animals to hunt.
And what do you use the pelts for? Trading for gold that you almost never use? Or gun holsters, which can be unlocked faster by just buying the skins at your homestead in less than a minute?
>Fair point. Mind you, has anyone checked whether these are the same in the remaster? They changed a lot of subtle stuff in the remaster.
I was actually shitposting about this. I only remember it happening with Charles Lee at the very end, and only because of how fucking ridiculous that entire scene is. (You shoot him in a cutscene by the end anyway, after which he runs away, and you teleport to some random inn in the woods, and then kill him there? What's even the point?)

The multiplayer was great, though.

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Like always remasters are for consolefags which have no backwards compatibility except the Xbone if the game in particular does have support for it but who actually owns an Xbone. Most last gen remasters are pointless on PC except in the rare case like Dark Souls where the original port was so bad (or the game was never on PC) and mods couldn't even fix all the problems it had a remaster might actually be worth buying. In consoles case your basically paying for the ability to play a game without needing to get out your old console and play it at a higher resolution/framerate a feature that the vast majority of PC games do not have.

>a feature that the vast majority of PC games do not have.
Should clarify I meant that most PC games can already run at 60FPS or higher and adjust resolution.

>Like always remasters are for consolefags which have no backwards compatibility
Are you forgetting that the old PC version of AC3 is a broken piece of shit?

I've never touched AC outside of a few hours of AC1 which I thought was garbage. I was making a general statement on remasters on PC but people tend to give even justified remasters like Dark Souls bad reviews on PC because they would rather have the original port patched them being charged to fix the actual game.

>no multiplayer
why the fuck would a person buy this shit

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not saying this game is any good but why you buying ubi games on steam??? you get 20% of on uplay which you have to use anyways, why you want double drm?

>playing any ass creed game top kek

>use AI texture upscaler on a popular old game that costs 5 bucks
>resell it for 40 bucks
genius. why didn't I think it first.

you had 5 chances to spell "forty" correctly

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jesus christ those buildings look like something straight out of hl2

This isn't some resolution boost remaster. They altered missions. Redid all the texture work. All the lighting has been replaced. Water has been completely redone. You can free aim weapons now. They've basically backported AC4 onwards mechanics to AC3 and then reworked as much of the game as they reasonably could. They even revamped crafting.

Attached: AC3 Remastered.jpg (1357x577, 88K)

I'm 34 and I never understood why AC never clicked with me. When I saw this
It had no impact and it still hasn't to this day. I've always found it weird.

is it actually decent now?

So liberation got a proper remaster? i thought the version included was the hd version but i wasn't quite sure.

>but nobody cares about it.
Wasn't really advertised that much compared to 3s remaster i guess.

Did they remaster 1 and 2 already?

1 no
they did ezio trilogy for consoles, pc doesn't really need a remaster except maybe to fix 2's lod distance being so tiny.

>and you dont even get a fucking discount

I didn't enjoy AC3. I loved AC2 and AC:Brotherhood. I really enjoyed AC4. I really didn't like Rogue or Unity. I was about to give up on AC but I can't help myself. I tried Syndicate and felt meh about it. I fell for the hype with Origins and I absolutely hated Origins. I hated it. I was done with AC. But then Odyssey looked and sounded great. I tried it. I absolutely love Odyssey. Love it.

So, if you were going to do a remake, why AC3? It wasn't a very good game. I would much rather they remade AC4 or AC2. I will most assuredly not be buying the remake of AC3.

I got it for free :)

Im one of them who only likes Assassin Creed games simply on the setting.
Loved AC Odyssey, hated Origins. Hated 3.
Will probably get the season pass and cant wait for the next game set in Rome under Marcus Aurelius HOWEVER still not playing 3 again.

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If you own the original, go play the original. This is for people who never played before, why would they pay less?

It has a unique historical setting that few games are set in. You get too fight the British redcoats, surprised the game wasn't a bigger hit in the USA. They also did a lot too change the mechanics / combat which laid the foundations for the renowned Black Flag. That's how I always view games in a series, without the previous "underwhelming" titles we wouldn't get the sequels with their more sophisticated mechanics.

>you share a planet with people who actually like assassin's creed games
How the fuck do you people love this shit? Same exact boring ass "open world" formula used so much it turned into mold and even the mold get moldy. It contains every single bit of what is wrong with modern gaming.

dude check this out:
assassin's sneed

Yes, but I want to climb up tall buildings like a monkey. In this game however you're only a monkey

>buying asscreed games
>playing asscreed games

God damn you retards are the worst.

I see you haven't played them yet still have an opinion?

Odyssey Gold Edition was on sale a while ago and I picked it up for $34 so I got that for free :)



I did and I regret every single moment of it. Zoomer trash and the equivalent of comic book movies pumped out each year. If anyone wants to make a good video game just look at this franchise and do the exact opposite.

which is what?
and which games have you played? there is about 10 of them now with at least a couple changes of story/combat/physics

Wrong, play 1 and disregard the rest.

Not that nigger but the main issue with the ac series is the combat being boring shallow garbage. Also you cant just go around killing random niggers on the street because it 'ruins the timeline' or whatever fucking garbage the game says. Its a trash series with small improvements every year but its still trash. Its like cod where it appeals to retarded children.

why remaster 3?

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>Also you cant just go around killing random niggers on the street because it 'ruins the timeline' or whatever fucking garbage the game says
I see you haven't played the recent ones then?

Dunno which one of them has this?
>open world meme
>said open world is filled with bunch of shit nobody cares about
>main content is mediocre at its peak
>bad as fuck mission design
>immersion is as deep as a teaspoon of water
>hamburger helper levels of writing
>shit and uninteresting cardboard cut out copypasted characters you can't give less fuck about
>handholding piss easy mashing combat, where its impossible to lose if you have above 60 IQ
>rehash upon rehash
>new mechanic being hyped up as the next sliced bread which is revealed to be a lackluster mediocre feature
>some kind of collectible "hidden" around the world you can't give less shit about.
>lel perks

Oh wait I just described as every single one, to milk turd zoomers, who got hungry for some tech demo crappy unreal engine and co. sandbox adventures being sold as full games. All garbage made by c*nadian fucks who like gaming as much as your 85 year old neighbor who is munching werther's original while watching TLC about the adventures of mexican women going to abortion clinics, what is infinitely more interesting than any single assassin's creed game ever made.

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Double wrong, play 4 and forget the rest

>remasters are just a cash grab
what a suprise

>>open world meme
stopped reading there

Literally why would anyone want to replay this game in any form, its easily the worst in a series with some real stinkers

would honestly say the only stinkers are 3, Syndicate and Origins.

formerly Charles Lee's

Ubisoft are putting this one on Steam? I thought they they were epic boys now

>So liberation got a proper remaster?
Yep. I mean, it's still a Vita game underneath but visually it's way better than the old HD version.

I'd enjoy a remake of AC2 though. Not AC3.

only certain games at risk of being a flop like Division.

there is no 4 nigger.

assassin's creed should have just been like a hitman game in a historical setting

>Literally why would anyone want to replay this game in any form, its easily the worst in a series with some real stinkers
Assassin's Creed 3 is the Red Dead Redemption 2 of AC games. It has its issues, but the story is really, really good. And the atmosphere is comfy. The animation is amazing and the guy behind AC3's animation left the company after AC3 which is why later games aren't as fluid looking.

>game comes out
>a few years later
>same game comes out with light graphics tweaks
>it's a remaster now at full price!

Why do devs and publishers keep doing this shit.
Are consumers really such drones that they keep throwing money at it?

>but the story is really, really good. And the atmosphere is comfy.
Story is good? Jesus fuck, did you even play the game?
Atmosphere is nice, that's true, but you can't say the game is good on atmosphere alone

The one i played was with the dude in egypt or whatever, so last year's game i think? It felt like a very shitty game. The last ac i played before that was 1 when it was brand new and i wasnt impressed then either. If i didnt pirate either game i wouldve been pretty upset, especially with the new one since it looked like it was selling xp boosters and shit if i remember right like the fuck and different colored camels? Fuck out of here. The bad part is that they probably made the game more grindy to try and convince people to buy that shit.

Unity was peak ac animation though

AC3R is overall a significant improvement. It plays better. It looks mostly way better. But it has some bugs that weren't in the original (while fixing the game breaking bugs from the original, granted), and it has strange lighting on character faces in cutscenes. The facial lighting is the game's blemish. With luck, however, Ubi will patch it. Ubisoft are basically industry-leaders when it comes to fixing their shit post-release instead of abandoning it.

The real stinkers in this franchise are Brotherhood, Revelations, and Syndicate. Odyssey too.

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It's "forty"

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Next asscreed game will be set in Scandinavia.

i wish they were industry-leaders when it comes to fixing their shit pre-release

>Odyssey too.
get fucked my man

Has anyone here actually played the first one?

It was god awful boring. Fuck knows why they made 17 more of them.

2bh I enjoyed Brotherhood simply because you could explore Rome. Revelations was... average, the siege mechanic was fucking boring, but still playing as old Ezio had some comfy feeling to it.
2 should be in top tier, odyssey in mid, 3 should be in low.

defend your bad taste, user

>the realization of the Native American that white men are evil fucks
yeah sure, like other indigenous tribes weren't killing and burning each others' villages in the first place.
Connor actually realised that things changed and that there is something to fight for even if it's personal revenge driving him. like Ezio at first he's a young dude filled with anger and confusion.
Altair and Edward ar probably the only two who didn't have that problem at the start, they're just very cocky.

It's boring because how repetitive it is.
>need to kill someone
>do several quests to get some information
>unskippable cutscenes that bore you to fuck
>compared to 2 and beyond, really stiff movement and climbing mechanics
I finished the game but it was a huge pain in the ass.

>Has anyone here actually played the first one?
>Fuck knows why they made 17 more
because of the ending of one caused a lot of discussion and hype for what is next
AC2 was great along with both expansions. AC3 was fucking shit
Black Flag was an actual great game that made me think it could be a good franchise again.

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just an ancient greece fag desu
personally think its the main reason people put up with these games i.e. they love the setting

Yes. So did old Yea Forums which is why there were like zero threads on the series pretty much its entire lifetime. AC is a zoomer series where they dont know any better as children that its mediocre as fuck and keep playing them because theres a new one every year. I would know because i stream and one of my viewers is 13 and loves AC.

First Asscreed game was more TECHNOLOGY and story than gameplay.Shit looked like a true next gen game at the time.

>i wish they were industry-leaders when it comes to fixing their shit pre-release
They mostly are. Ubisoft tend to nail their PC ports at release, for example. When you buy a Ubisofy game on PC at launch, you can typically expect all the bells and whistles, and very importantly you can expect a user interface tailored for a mouse and keyboard. They generally don't ship a game with a stupidly narrow FOV and then patch in FOV sliders three months after release and shit like that.

In that light, the rough state that AC3R released in is kinda eyebrow raising. Most modern Ubisoft stuff is pretty polished. So why would they release AC3R in this state when it clearly should have been delayed? They've delayed the Switch version to May. Why not delay the other versions to ensure first impressions are as good as possible?

>Black Flag was an actual great game
>tail the man
>tail the boat
>tail the man out of the boat
game's only good when you're not playing it and instead fucking around on the sea
and the setting was wasted on crossgen capabilities


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bait of the highest order

Y'all niggas don't even remember the fact that Asscreed wouldn't exist without Prince of Persia

It was an excellent starting point and people today don't actually realize how mindblowing it was with crazy number of NPCs, seamless city, etc. PC version was improved with more missions but yeah, it was basic.

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but so am i user, and they butchered the shit out it

Second Syndicate was meant to be Odyssey.

Black Flag was a HORRENDOUS Assassin's Creed game, though. Way too many eavesdropping missions preceded by trailing someone all the while keeping track of synchronization meters. Fuck that shit. Sailing aspect was great, but that's not what AC is about.

The first one has incredibly comfy Jesper Kyd music.

Also, the game itself laid the foundation for a lot of sandbox game design. Stuff we take for granted nowdays was pioneered in it. It also had a FANTASTIC narrative hook in the form of Desmond and Abstergo.

>In that light, the rough state that AC3R released in is kinda eyebrow raising.
not really, the original on pc is a broken mess you still have to fix yourself to get it to launch properly

>Black Flag

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asscreed games could make much more of a mockery of their setting and they'd still sell, so it's hard to get too mad at them.

no, putting syndicate twice was the right call user

Unity deserves to be way higher. It got shit for technical problems and bland protagonist, but is a good AC title that actually tried to do more stealth and make combat at least somewhat not a complete faceroll.

Yeah but all that shit you listed isnt important. Gameplay blows major fucking dick. You can be surrounded by 100 people and enemies engage 1 at a time

you probably know more than me about it. I enjoyed it. enjoyed going around the islands on the boat and fighting the (too few) mythical creatures

I tried playing Assassin's Creed 3 three times, but I dropped every playthrough because I would get bored
I've replayed the ezio games multiple times, and haven't bought a single new Assassin's Creed after 3, are any of the newer ones as fun as the ezio games?

That was then, this is now. Old Ubisoft used to release some shocking bad PC ports. The PC version of Splinter Cell Double Agent is basically unplayable without extensive modding. AC: Unity's tech issues were the straw that broke the camel's back, and forced Ubisoft to re-evaluate how they made games. As a result, modern Ubisoft stuff ships in generally good shape. AC3R is a strange aberration where it has a glaring issue smack dab in the middle of cutscenes that would ordinarily cause a delay.

>Black Flag was an actual great game that made me think it could be a good franchise again.
I will say it again, I loved I and II. And I mean I really did. At the time I would say I was a huge AC fan. But Blackflag is not good as an AC game. it is good IN SPITE of being an AC game. if they forgot to put in the assassins creed part it would only be better. I dont mean mechanically, the combat fits well, the climbing is fine, I just meant when they went "oh yeah enough pirate sim we are supposed to be an AC game" it really weakend the overall experience. Now they have this pirate game that is coming out that is not AC in the name, but it is stripped down to shits and basically a downgraded version of AC IV instead of an upgraded version.

>remastering the worst assassin's creed game
for what purpose?

Switch sales.

I may or may not hold being the 8th major installment in the Assassins creed trilogy against it.

I knew it so much I'll get a shit reply like this.
Which automatically means I'm right when I call out the western game design being one of the biggest cancer. Why do you give me a large playground when I can't do what I want in it, and what I can do other games can do a ton better? Its like you put a kid in a sandbox but remove every single tool and the sand too.

Its the same exact thing as capeshit movies. You invested in them because everyone else does, but you don't even understand why you do so. You lack critical thinking, you never question things because your brain is so underdeveloped, that you are unable to pinpoint bullcrap, yet you signal the dev with your buying habits you want more of awful games. Anyone who likes this series is a NPC.

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yeah, but shouldnt they put AC2 on the switch first at least?

Reminder that there are "people" right now on this very board who grew up playing assasin"s creed, and unironicly feel nostalgic for asscreed

Let that sink in

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stopped reading there

Rogue was better than Unity

in what ways?

World goes forward, time passes and people grow up


Gross. Who the fuck plays assassin creed?

>buying western EA, Ubishit and Activagina games
just lol

>poster with shit taste can't into images
How shocking.


That's an impressive amount of work into a game that's shit even by AC standards.

>played Unity at Christmas after its release
>all bugs and whatnot resolved by then since months since release
>get good game
probably best way to play these games

Well, every AC game set in America is shit, because their history is boring. For example I thought that the Wild West era was cool and shit, with all those outlaws and sheriffs. But simply reading a history book quickly disregarded my opinion

for one the story and it wasn't full of bugs and glitches and stayed true (to some extent) to the formula that was Ass Creed. The free running/parkour mechanics in Unity are moronic and the only interesting thing were the crime/mystery solving. Ubisoft were morons to release it a day apart from Unity.

This promo was actually quite awesome, love me some Massive Attack.

What I noticed about (early) Assassin's Creed that it had a very sanitized look and feel for a game about murdering people. The first game had the building blocks for a really good stealth game, what could have been a medieval Hitman. Since 2 only unnecessary side stuff has been added and AC became part of that amorphous Ubisoft open world blob for casual gamers. The plot would've been better off without aliens and left a few things ambiguous. A damn shame.


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>Prince of Persia died for this

shut up incel
now buy product

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For all the good additions AC2 did turning you into a walking armory was not one of them. First game gave you all the necessary tools.

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I got it for free with the odyssey season pass. Stay mad you cunt

>it wasn't full of bugs and glitches
they've been fixed so no longer an argument
>The free running/parkour mechanics in Unity
best in the series by far, only bad thing about it are the moon jumps
and unity is a massive improvement in the series for having proper assassination missions, it's not perfect but it was a step in the right direction
rogue is the revelations of the kenway games but even lazier due to reusing new york while failing to build on the two previous games, rogue is even uglier than them ffs

>Assassin's Creed

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Good. I don't want nu-Ubisoft's filthy incompetent hands anywhere near muh boy Prince

I literally played the game last year and had several bugs that forced me to restart missions or restart the game completely, not mentioning falling through the floor into the void which has been a staple of the series.

How have we reached this point in the timeline where remasters are all that some companies shit out.

Man this game was hype. The fifth Assassin's Creed game was finally gonna be the heavily anticipated final game in the trilogy.

made a couple of playthroughs on both ps4 and pc, never encountered anything like that
was pissed at the 25gb ps4 installation update though

ubisoft just had minor studios do that in the background to occupy space until the next big game, harmless cashgrab for them and an excuse to have a game on switch

It's all well and good making the game look better but if the gameplay and writing is dog shit, who cares?

My issue lies with the fact that none of these 'remasters' warrant their respective price tags. Texture improvments used to be something modders did in their spare time.

Assassin's Creed would've honestly been better off being a more niche series for true stealth fans. It being such a mainstream success never felt appropriate. It's like if Hitman was like AC and had annual sequels, DLCs up the ass and was popular with even the most casual of gamers (I know most people are also familiar with Hitman but it's certainly not a very accessible franchise).

true, specially on pc where if you own the original, you don't get an update, a free dl, not even a discount
if you already have the game there's no reason to get the remaster

ehh. I see it like a say 4k bluray release, or a bluray release of an old movie etc. If you already have the bluray you hardly have to run out and buy it day one, you can just live with what you have or buy it when it goes on sale. There is no real hard and fast rule. And while I wont pay $40 for it, I am really glad lots of games are getting remasters from gen to gen now. And not in the Silent Hill trilogy way. I just dont see anyone preordering this to replace their current copy of ACIII

I don't think the film industry is something that Game Devs should aspire to emulate. Shame they don't seem to look at it that way.

Why is the combat so slow?
If it was a bit faster I would enjoy it but as it is now it feels tedious.

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what an outrage for a game that sucks dick

You now realize there has been as much time between Doom and Doom 3 than between Assassin's Creed 1 and Assassin's Creed Odyssey.

>Why is the combat so slow?

Too much choreography at the forefront. Yeah, executions are cool but they tend to get in the way.

Everything wrong with Western devs in one picture

How can you shill this obviously?

Maybe they should've actually put that on the box.

What does it matter if what he's saying is true?

>boring charisma vacuum protagonist with done to death origin story
>godawful main villain
>endless tailing missions
>retarded modern day plot
>prologue protagonist far more interesting than the main game's

what a horrible disappointment this game was

Attached: Ass sad.jpg (736x761, 45K)

unironically the only ac game i actually LIKE. i loved black girl protag, she was kickass without being a preachy sue retard fuckface.

>prologue protagonist far more interesting than the main game's
what a kick in the balls the swap was, specially when it comes with another two hour tutorial

I only play them for the setting now. I couldn't finish Syndicate despite loving the setting. I waiting for Japan setting, but I'll likely try the next Rome one.

3 blows, the whole AC story arc became dogshit because of this game. Oh and it’s not fun either.

Learn English you piece of shit

Well.. It is still ac3 the most boring, bland ac game there is.

>no multiplayer
i didnt realise this, so there literally no reason to own it then. thanks ubisoft

1 is the worst by far. No contest. It has the worst gameplay and hasn't aged well. 2 is the true classic. 4 is the most fun. Odyssey is technologically best and a pretty fun "RPG"

2 is horrible to play on PC with a lot of suttering and frames issues even with high specs

this better be bait

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>being this poor

i seriously hope you guys don't do this

Where's Revelations?

ironically, it was forgotten

Do they added new content, especially for the Homestead. I really like upgrading things in homestead.

Move AC 1 to top, Unity to low, Rogue to mid.

>Isu actually were on Earth before mankind, and were terrans as well
The Messenger speaks, you're a retard.

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crazy man

I love steambabies, i agree it should NOT be $40 but this "i dun bought a copy 10 years ago gib discount" is some pathetic shit.

Low effort bait. 3’s story is atrocious.

Is the multiplayer redone on this game too or just single player. That's the deal breaker for me.

You’re right user. The worst part of Black Flag was the shoehorned in Ass Creed bullshit, but was good despite it being AC. The plot is dead at this point, they don’t need the AC IP, just make hurr durr murder simulator in ancient city X without the absolutely retarded AC tie in. Just let the franchise die, there’s no reason to make more AC games.

>hated Origins.
Wow. Origins literally takes place in ancient. fucking. Egypt. one of the most mysterious civilizations to ever exist brought to interactive life for the first time. Undoubtedly original.

AC Odyssey simply rehashes every tired gimmick to exist in a 300/Spartan movie ever.

Your sir, have shit taste.

Black Flag so high yet Rogue aka Black Flag 1.5 with the only pro-templar protagonist (aka the right side) being so low.

>literally takes place in ancient. fucking. Egypt.
kek not even, it's in egypt alright, but not ancient

This, ac had the best mp and the high skill ceiling kept the shitters away.

>AC Odyssey simply rehashes every tired gimmick to exist in a 300/Spartan movie ever.
those are the high points of the games
the 300 intro was the peak of the game, all downhill from there

Egypt during times when pharaohs ruled is formally referred to as ancient Egypt.

Attached: D5A32F78-7035-4447-8744-381E8806E28A.jpg (1024x576, 65K)

even as a greek/roman proxy state?

the Ptolomean Egypt is still part of Ancient Egypt.
ironically they were the last rulers.
also they were extremely crazy, incest was a normal word in that family

family values are important

4 is genuinely fun as fuck dude

provided you don't play missions, sure

>even as a greek/roman proxy state?
The protagonist is an accurate depiction of the black, African inhabitants which made up a majority of Egyptian society throughout most of its ancient history. No whitewashing. No gimmicks.

It's ancient Egypt.

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Would I like it despite hating pirates and sailing though? That stuff is even more boring to me, and just judging from the trailer...

Yeah missions suffer the same faults as the others, too much walking and talking as usual, but the open world portion of it is probably the best in the series.

If there was a game out there to make you fall in love with pirates and sailing it's probably AC4, it's worth a shot mate

The first game aged like milk. There's nothing fun about doing the same shit every time you enter a new city. The collectibles grant you literally nothing, the cities all look the same and there's not much to do.
Anyone who puts the game above Low is just a nostalgiafag

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Downloading it now. Since I had season pass for Odyssey I could get it without paying.

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I spent $40 and got the super edition of Odyssey.

So, basically what I am saying is I got it for "free"

Origins > Odyssey

prove me rong

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I unironically enjoyed those Sparta vs Athens battles, especially after I became a walking killing machine. Shit was fun.

even 3 is better than 4
muh pirates oh so kewl!
fucking child


impossible to prove you wrong, bud

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You are correct because the first game was never good. Everything good about the series wasn't really there until the second one, which is also extremely flawed, but is an actual game people can stand to play through.

>What the actual fuck was anyone thinking?
amerimutts will pay for this

>that barely visible improvement to the graphics
why would you want it any way? this is clearly geared to be a cash grab from a few people who really liked AC3, rather than a sincere attempt to get normal people (in large numbers that would make a low price profitable) to buy it again.

>Assassin's Creed 3
>good story
literally destroyed the franchise

Why would you pay $40 for a downgrade?

1 is the only one that made you actually feel like an assassin. You have to research your target and get information before just running in there and stabbing him.

1 and 2 are the only ones where Désilets vision wasn't raped by corporate suits you fucking mongrel. If you like any game post-Unity I genuinely hope you neck yourself.

>still playing ass creed
literally the same game since ever.
well, its worse each year aswell.
no memorable moments anymore
just dull

>I would know because i stream
put that at the beginning of your post next time so i know to stop reading

Odyssey is the only good one in the series

Own AC3 on Uplay since they gave it away two years ago. The remaster looks worse than the old version so probably wont buy it. Wish AC Liberation remaster was sold separately

>wanting to play WHERE IS WALDO in 2019

No thanks.