Make a wish, Yea Forums.
Make a wish, Yea Forums
Other urls found in this thread:
no one lives forever 3
stadia exclusive
Make the world like 1999 again. Focus on single player and no micro transactions
Granted, but it's a telltale games styled adventure game.
I wish everyone in my house was immortal
Granted, but you have to leave your house.
Open world mmo with souls combat
I wish that the prime US arcade scene came back in full swing, something similar to modern day japan, instead of only seeing them at casinos
granted, enjoy your blackholes
I see three fingers.
1. New Chromehounds.
2. 2020 release for Bannerlord.
3. Sakura Wars gets ported to PC.
I wish for Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2
I wish I could have literally every console (including PC) and game made in the best condition
Make CCP release that dust 514 sequel they've been promising for 6 years
Prototype fucking 3 please
Granted but your immortality is through ressurection, you can still be killed like any other human. But when you comeback to life you & your family lose all of your memories
granted, but your mom hides every single controller until you do something with your life
Congratulations, you are now one of the founding trustees of the National Video Game museum.
And your name is Randy Pitchford.
It’s a slow paced medieval battle Royale
It’s all VR shit and costs 5 bucks for 1 30 minute play session
I want Persona 6 within the next 3 years
quake remake
It's those modern touchscreen arcades that just play iPhone games on a big screen
everyone that's ever posted on Yea Forums is magically summoned inside of the largest sports arena in the world and we're forced to spend the next 24 hours locked inside of it together. also, everyone is equipped with pic related, it's the hottest day on record and the AC is not working.
Relic make Dawn of War 3 please
I wish for Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines 2.
To be a cute twink.
>the degenerate era
>the BLACKED era
fucking jews
granted but you start to be heterosexual
an actual ut2004 improvement and not the utter shit that are ut3 and 4
I wish that every game that has Real-Money transactions also has a version that has them entirely removed released simultaneously to the original game for the same price, and automatically updated when the first version updates.
1. PC Smash Bros with constant updates and freedom to mod
2. Jazz Jackrabbit 3
3. Crash the video game industry so hard that not even Mobile games survive it.
The magic fucks up and we all get set on fire upon arrival.
Nintendo tier online.
>3. Crash the video game industry so hard that not even Mobile games survive it.
Granted. Just so.
>rocket league
>no buying keys to open crates
>no DLC vehicles
>game is released at same price with a ton of shit missing
>each update that adds new maps and shit is $19.99
>community destroyed because too many update maps are not free and match making suffers
>devs/publisher making far less money because the majority of people not interested in paying $20 for new map and vehicles that they won't use
For Nintendo to go third-party, so they stop hoarding their IPs. That way Microsoft can combo them into their first party line-up.
Granted, but all gaming infrastructure goes back to 1999 levels. No more Steam or GoG, you have to go to Fucking Gamestop for every video game.
Granted. The insects and their spawn are also immortal.
Granted. Enjoy your Paradox level DLC and microtransactions.
Granted. It ends up being a quick cash grab worse than Saints Row 4 or Crackdown 2.
Granted. It's basically the exact same game only runs more easily on modern hardware. You pay $40 for a decades old game.
Granted. However, as a result of the news coverage following the event, Yea Forums because world famous and fills will millions of normalfags and so facebook type posts drown out all existing content, and Yea Forums is nothing but farmville discussion.
Granted, but you have herpies so no one will fuck you.
Granted. The 2nd version is filled with unskippable ads suggestion you go play the 1st version.
>1. PC Smash Bros
I'd probably play this shit if it was on the PC. I have a 3ds, and still haven't touched it. But if could use my arcade stick, I might give it a try.
Yea Forums in it entirety just dies off
Muddy Mole in Smash Bros
Along with Reddit, Facebook, and Twitter, for the love of God!
>It's basically the exact same game only runs more easily on modern hardware
you described a remaster not a remake
also ports that already exist
Everyone just goes to cripplechan to continue the cycle.
I wish for a genie lamp that still has wishing power
I just want a gf before dying
Gimme a gf with a fat brapper pls monkey man
epic store blows steam out of the water
I Know That Feel Bro.
>and Yea Forums is nothing but farmville discussion.
sounds comfy. like if we suddenly started talking only harvest moon and stardew valley all day.
granted but she has an end colostomy so that hole is sewn shut
I wish that the new Zelda game that's being developed by Monolith has Shogo mechas
I'm having an existential crisis at 5:15 am, thanks
Granted, they are purely aesthetic and cannot be piloted, combated and are never referenced in plot at all.
granted, each one of you is the other's girlfriend
I'd like the ability to change my size freely
>I forgot to account for ads.
Granted. And with Steam out of the picture, they use their monopoly power and control over exclusives to jack up prices many times their current level for decades to come.
4Channel still exists, though.
I wish Sneed's Seed and Feed was Chuck's again.
Groundhog day, so I can play games forever
overclocked n64 mini with Rare games and a nonretarded controller
SEGA makes the most perfect critically acclaimed 3D Sonic game with absolutely no faults with a price tag of $60
goldeneye remaster leaked online
granted, it's released on the sega saturn
Granted, something bad
the only rare games are starfox adventures and dk 64
unreal 3
>You pay $40 for a decades old game.
user, this is the forum where daily vanilla wow threads are made, this is not a downside here
granted, they actually do it based on their previous works, unreal 2, ut3 and ut pre alpha
I wish that sexual content in the western gaming industry becomes more tolerated to the point that it has at least as much leeway as violent content does now.
>Granted, but all gaming infrastructure goes back to 1999 levels. No more Steam or GoG, you have to go to Fucking Gamestop for every video game.
I see no downside to having to go to brick and mortar shops to buy a game. Imagine owning a shelf of boxes again.
i wish another great crash happens, like a forest fire that cleans out the dead brush so the forest overall can be healthier.
Granted, but you got caught in it.
I wish for the monkey paw's finger to curl.
Man, I wish we got a cool hack and slash action/adventure kill la kill game--
>it's an arena fighter game
1. granted, it's a souls game
2. granted, it needs 5 more years of bug fixes
3. granted, it's made by americans
I wish for some stupid mlp character to be featured in smash thus exiling all the shitty smash threads to that containment board hell.
i want another marvel vs capcom game that doesnt have a gimped roster
Smash Flash now features an mlp character.
The roster is so large the balancing is worse than melee.
granted, when your body is enlarged your penis becomes smaller and viceversa
im okay with this as long as vergil is still top tier
I want to be happy
Granted, but you have a week to live.
You go mad and cannot feel anything but pure joy.
Laughter kills you after years in a padded cell.
I want to have sex with Shantae!
Granted but Shantae turns into an elephant during the process.
Granted, but you have to pay child's alimony later.
I still die happy, haha, faggots, see you in hell
The condom breaks and you are forced to raise a child.
And the kid is fucking awful.
Right behind you...
I want a better TV
I wish I didn't have autism and didn't feel constantly compelled to browse Yea Forums.
Granted, you are now over-worked wagie with no free time whatsoever.
i wish for HL3
>its a battle royale
I wish nobody responds to this post.
I wish they'd stop shilling Isabelle so hard and give her a relatively unimportant role in AC Switch
Granted but AC Switch flops hard without all the dogfuckers so it's the last animal crossing game.
Granted but all sexual content is full of child porn made by Germans.
Granted but Smash games become the only thing Yea Forums ever talks about to the point that Yea Forums becomes a Smashboard.
Granted but Nintendo will be involved in a scandal involving the Yakuza leading to all of their IPs being discarded and forgotten forever.
I want a remake of Blast Corps
That'd be sad, but it'd be a far better way to go out than the franchise's current course of devolving into Isabelle Crossing
I really want another Vampire the Masquerade: Bloodlines game.
Its made by a useless developer who’s never made a good game in their lives and is written by SJW cucks who push 2019 American political outrage to virtue signal for a group of people who were never buy their game in the first place.
I wish I could travel to any video game world whenever I wanted
i wish for a sekiro edit of this image