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That seems like something they would actually do.
Christmas season. This year.
This game is better and actually looks cyberpunk:
Also its a side scroller so you can actually see your character, unlike that janky gta fps game CDPR is making.
It says it right there, dingus.
Holiday 2019 or Q1 or Q2 2020
I want it bad myself.
I hope they use shittons of neon and I know you're going to hate me for it, but it's easy to process graphically and it makes things look awesome.
That's probably what's going to happen. I'll have to upgrade the ram on my laptop and maybe even solder to use it on my laptop but I love this case and I don't care. This i5 is actually pretty beefy (actually more of an i7 series given the architecture) and I think it can chief it.
We'll know at E3.
>inb4 it's just Gwent relaunch and more Witcher card games
If they are at E3 it's going to be Q4 2019. If they are there and don't talk about it it's going to be Q4 2020
If it's a Gwent card game I am going to meme it into the next universe. Not even a slav but I KNOW that shit is going to be funny. Gwent cards with dudes in track suits incoming.
>when its ready
>stale memes
give up, it's not funny anymore
He's right though we need some fucking night footage
why? it looks cyberpunk unlike cyberpunk 2077
Yeah, you're not wrong. Rainy, atmospheric, polluted night city is something I also would very much like to see.
it looks outdated already.
I don't think that's how it's ultimately going to be played. That megacity thing was extremely depressing and reminded me of a soviet block. It definitely still has the soul of cyberpunk. Or at least, reminded me of the recent Dredd film.
They're eastern europeans, they're not misguided, and they not unaware of what's actually happening in popular media. If anything, they're probably more aware of it than most people. That megablock sort of reminded me of Dredd. If that's the angle they're going for, it doesn't bother me.
I also noticed that the devs have clarified that it's not our timeline. It's an entirely separate one. Where there are entirely different drugs, people, or anything that you can draw comparisons with. So shut the fuck up, sit back, and wait. Which no journalist (blog poster with a possible bachelors degree from the general car insurance or whatever) is apparently capable of but, calm the fuck down.
I think this could be really good. My instincts are usually pretty good, right up until something becomes popular enough to gain hate. For example, the vtmb sequel is going to shit itself.
at sunrise
This but unironically
also this
This but literally unironically
2020 is highly plausible based on the very high end specs that demo last year required. By targeting 2020 7nm GPUs will have bridged the performance gap by then.
A July release date is a bit unlikely for such a big game though.
Why not holiday 2019? This game could break records if it launches then.
Attacking a game that offers a total player experience with no loot boxes, or bullshit? I'm no shill for them, and I will attack them like a hornet nest if they behave like Bethesda or Epic BUT-
This may very well be the last fine adventure, single-player game we get, finely packaged without lootboxing or bullshit and you want to attack it? How dare you. Tar and feather you and drag you from a rope by horse for that matter.
Not him but. That's great and all but it would be great if they fucking released the game.
>how dare you attack my generic shitty fps
If the last singleplayer game is an fps with awful gameplay and bad writing, then let it BURN
we've got ton of singleplayer games this year tho, most of them great.
When its ready.
Didn't you see the reveal video?
That's possible, but I have a feeling the game won't be ready that soon. 7nm GPUs won't be in full swing that soon either.
Holiday 2020 seems the most likely.
All I'm saying is- what the fuck do the graphics matter if they wish to deliver us a great, independent single-player experience? That seemed to be their intent from the 48- minute demo and hell, I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt.
Lashing out has just become too common and I have no patience for people that want to badmouth a dev based on absofuckinglutely nothing. Maybe they really want to tell you but they want to surprise you?
I don't need anymore surprises and neither does anyone else looking forward to this game. This E3 better have a launch date and a pre-order demo.
I think that's what we're all after. The Witcher 3 however is EXTREMELY stable on PC and if that's what they're shooting for? I really don't know man, I don't.
I miss the days where they shot for a PC release and just told everybody else to fuck off until they figured out how to port it. Late 90's, early 00's and such. If that was their way of doing things we wouldn't probably be fucking around so much. Suffice to say, this shit will only come out on Switch in another timeline where the console is just called the Solid and is the dominant console, shaped like a rounded rectangle.
They already said it's going to be the "most important E3 ever" for them. So I think a release date is a safe bet
Why bother releasing anything less than what they feel is ready for release? They can hardly leave in placeholder assets and unfinished areas and quests and gamebreaking bugs. I'm no expert on gamedev but I doubt the final year/and a half is spent obsessively polishing graphics and visuals to a mirror shine. Maybe adding finishing touches and those little details that often go unnoticed by 80% of players sure, but more often they simply finishing the game.
Considering the thought of optimizing the game hadn't probably even entered their minds at that point in development it's pretty dumb to draw any conclusions from the demo specs.
>Aaah CyberPunk city, why did i move here ?
>I guess it was because of the weather it seems.
>it's a tuesday
Aww fuck, date confirmed.
Is this Nioh 2? Definitely the game I'm most hyped of for the decade.
>is better
>Shitty sidescroller is better than rpg
May I suggest Bloodlines 2