What's the videogame equivalent of this?

What's the videogame equivalent of this?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>edgelord who revels in peoples hate, not because he actually likes it, but because he’s incredibly insecure and doesn’t have any personality
>shilling his shit tier edge art on Yea Forums


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DaS 1 & Bloodborne players
DaS 2/3 players

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These posts as the feet quasimodo.


>revels in peoples hate
>because he’s incredibly insecure
literally makes no sense

>Yea Forums - youtube, webcomic, e-celeb shilling

ntr stands for nigger faggot retard

Belly was the better edit of this. NTR is for fags.

PC/Nintendo/Microsoft shaking hands, and Sony being the retarded guy

>it's a bubble

what is it with you trannies and saying yikes?

Replace the two handshake dudes with PC & Console

Replace the trogledyte with mobile

Does anyone else think Redpanels had better art?

I want /trannytourists/ to fuck off to the gaping asshole of a site they came from.

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>hey guys! i think edgy comedy by itself is funny and i also get my memes off 9gag!

>ntr portrayed as anything else than a sad faggot

why does stonekino make trannoids seethe?

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Most people's immediate reaction to seeing a tranny is to say something like "yikes" or "ewww" so this is just normal osmosis and trannies using what they know.

>gotta try and blend in so i don't show these fags i'm from reddit


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Keep crying tranny. You should cry about never again being able to have sex though, it is a more dire problem :)

>Being a footfag

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That describes literally every child who acts out. Negative attention is better than no attention for someone with low self esteem.

You are really knowledgeable about that. I wonder why.

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Hit too close to home for you?

You described someone that's an attention whore, not someone with low self esteem.


A lot of edgelords tend to be kids or manchildren because they love getting attention + have no personality or anything that distinguishes them from anyone else

They're not mutually exclusive.


begone cuckoid

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There is absolutely nothing wrong with feet or NTR.


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You're right, they're not. But people with low self esteem generally get hurt from criticism and hate. An attention whore will get attention any way he can. A masochist actually revels in the hate.

Patrician fetish list:
>mind control
>breast expansion

lmao why the responses of your kind are always no u when you are are obviously the ones annaly devastated?
Do they program you to project as a defense mechanism?

The only good loli is an oppai loli

they hated him......... because he told the truth...............

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>Jack it to ntr
>Think its okay so long as i self insert at the bull
>Have to skip the cuck shit
*sweating intensifies*

A game where only 0.000000000% of the population enjoys, but 50% of the population pretends to enjoy for (You)s


>not a cancer tumor

double cringe

>self inserting as the cucked and not as the bald fat ugly bastard.

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>Ass: Digimon
>Boobs: Pokemon
>Feet: Yokai Watch

Seriously, why does the average nobody consumer care so much about how much money Sony is making/makes?

stop posting my image

Blue - Third Person
Orange - RPG
Green - First Person

All of these things are gay

wrong, futa is disgusting

>t. sex doll fanatic
Kind of gross dude.

>tomboys are gay
>but musclegirls aren't
t. faggot

This is meant to be a burn but it's great and i laugh everytime

>smug /pol/ shmorky

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Based and sadistpilled

t. enlightened grown-ups

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t. ranny

You're describing someone who's timid and unlikely to act out. A lot of people are self deluded and take pleasure in offending others, because they think it means they are superior and only those with inferior world views would get offended.

TLDR, most attention whores perform a lot of mental gymnastics to fill a hole in their heart.

Tomboys and muscle girls are okay, but futa/trap is legit wanting a dick up your ass gay.

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Fuck, meant to quote

futa with balls > futa without balls

if you dispute this you're mentally ill

>guy doesn't understand the meaning of white privilege
>meanwhile, Yea Forums often brags about how easy it is to fuck asian women and be respected in society because of white skin

shut up tranny

why do you come into every stonetoss thread and spew the same shit about shmorky? not even remotely the same artist.

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Based futafag.

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If you unironically like futa, you are also mentally ill. Hope you will get better, user.

What are some games that let me BRAAAP on libtards?

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>just usually aggressive/fit looking women
fuck off tranny

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futa without balls is the only choice. Liking balls is the mental illness here, faggot.

mad because it's true, lmao

you simply lack the taste and understanding to truly partake in the genius and sexual eroticism of futanari

futa with balls = futa without balls < literally anything else

kek, not me mate. Looks like I'm not the only one who thinks this hack's art sucks? Imagine the odds

>So bad that Vanilla is mostly in Incest stories now
What a timeline

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Yes, that's what all mentally ill fetishists tell themselves. It's called a delusion for a reason.

>me in uni
Man, I'm glad I voted Obama. Republicans are either out of touch or evil.
>me after traveling out of country for over a decade and living abroad
Actually, both sides suck and we're all a little bit racist.

Either I'm growing more moderate with age or the US is becoming way too polarizing/radical with its politics. Pretty sure it's both though.

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He's right, though

Pure unfiltered truth

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My fetish are long black hair and hime-cuts.

why is this straw-vegan even in a butcher?

Are you implying this is not funny? Because it kind of is lol.

>its a kraken!

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good Video Games thread

>I prefer men, so the dick should always be attached to the male form
Why are you talking about mental illness when you're clearly a deranged faggot, user?


i'd bet on the odds that its just a single autist that only mentions "shmorky" whenever he sees stonetoss

the same reason any brand loyalist does, the better the console sells the more they think the company will treat them better

If they think they're superior then they have too high of a self esteem though. Someone that gets hurt from hate and criticism i don't think has any correlation with being timid and unlikely to act out. Pic related is usually what I picture as low self esteem.

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Can I get sauce on that?

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>I can't defeat the argument so I will construct a complete strawman out of my ass hairs


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>Oh shit I got called out
>Better launch a random insult to use as a smokescreen
Wew lad.

They both have low self-esteem, one of them is just more honest about it, lol

>inceltoss got btfo by Yea Forums so now he's shilling on Yea Forums

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good taste

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I didn't give you permission to speak

sounds to me you don't understand what is means to have white privilege. is like complaining why japan has asian privilege

Why is Yea Forums so liberal compared to other boards?

DMC 1 and 3 vs 2.

It's both.

I wish.

I didn't give you permission to stop sucking my cock

Why yes, my fetish is 「おねショタ」. What gave it away?

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you mean compared to /pol/?

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Tranny board.

What argument son? You're just calling people names.

>A complete strawman
You're literally advocating more masculinity in a sexual interaction, which is either gay as fuck or you're literally a kid who still self-inserts into the media he uses. Why the fuck would you want a naked dude on your screen faggot?

I guarantee nobody cares about which way the book is facing except some SJW with a vendetta

It's just a couple of screeching anti-whites.

Do you even know what it means or are you using burger logic?

>how come whitey "random stranger because he got his shoes stepped on"
>gets to brag about "be responsible for more crime despite making up less of the population"
>being so "manage to murder more of your own race of people than white people ever could and still blame white people"
>privileged "manage to screw up africa so bad that china has to neo colonize you for UN support"

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based and /ss/pilled

Senpai Oppai I'm Lovin Her Hip

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>Futa is only in gay light
>He doesn't know the real chads are futa on girl
I fucking wish 90% of futa wasn't some shota taking a dick up his ass.

RTS and resource management sims on ASSFAGGOTS.


The absolute state of these manlets.

what really works is that this is something in character with stone toss but what fails is that he won't take offense of this drawing but instead will have a laugh. i just think people probably take his comics way too serious, they believe he has the power to turn people into racist but what really happens is his comics either will make you chuckle, roll your eyes and ignore it or be used to become someone's meme

>adds dicks and balls to a girl
>calls other people fags

Nobody on Yea Forums is getting laid, retard. Especially not by whatever made up pure Japanese traditional waifus they are telling you about.

Anonymous legion the alt-right and gamers should join forces to destroy libtards once and for all.

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vegans always go where they're not wanted

Monster girl fags are literally just furries in denial.

then you're a fucking delusional fanboy, which is likely; based on your words you're in every stonetoss thread too as this other guy, presumably whiteknighting for stonetoss. Imagine being so pathetic you have to whiteknight for some guy who doesn't even know you exist because he makes mediocre comics that agree with your politics.

I like both

Make the boobs guy Asian and it'll be perfect

What monstergirls are we talking here? Plebeian sluts with animal ears/tails, or patrician monsters like hot deathclaws with tits?

A liberal is someone who:
>Hates whites
>Want kids to be trannies
>Wants the destruction of western culture and society

Yea Forums seems to fit at least 1 or 2 of those

why do you assume it's supposed to offend him
it's just funny

Yes, we know. You're hardcore.

Yea Forums is the frog of chaos, nothing less, nothing more

Both of those illustrate shit taste.

Futa with balls is just a dude with boobs.

i never go to a butcher because there's nothing for me there

>we've reached the point where we're triggered by fucking stonetoss
It really is over. 4channel is officially the end of Yea Forums. May the fabled SJW equivalent finally take its place.

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why does everything make tranny seethoids mad?

Stay away, normal

>Caring so much about dicks it's all you end up thinking about despite it being the only masculinity present rather than an actual naked dude
Yup, you're clearly the faggot here buddy.
I mean it's simple maths
>2 girls
>1 girl + 1 dude
If you pick the second option you're clearly more of a faggot than anyone who picks the first.

>there, NOW it's art

As other user said, a fucking tranny board. And on top of that we /Nintendo/, my nigg.

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>gets called a fag
>stops going to Yea Forums
>"heh, i didn't get mad, i just grew up"

People are just sick of him shilling here constantly

No, it's a dude with a vagina you dumbasss, it's literally just a reverse futa.

I'm pretty sure he did it like that so it couldn't possibly look like he's taking the book off the shelf and potentially confuse the reader.

I was here first. Gb2Gaia.

vegans also always make everything about themselves as you can see here

You have any statistics on the races of domestic terrorists in america? It seems like every mass shooting or timothy mcveigh-type shit is some pale incel.

because whoever did it was probably the intention in mind but backfired because if he enjoyed it, then it didn't work for the person who did it

Why would the Atheist be sweating over putting the Koran in the fiction section.

Can't toss the stone

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will you give me a grunny

So burger logic then. Ok.

but there's no joke

look, as a dude if you enjoy watching dicks and balls bounce around, that's not what one would call heterosexual. it's very simple

that's too fucking hilarious

>That "crescent" moon

>boobs guy
Why? His """""women""""" don't have any.

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i hate this thread tbqh

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>2D fighters
>3D fighters
>Arena fighters

Who the fuck shakes with the left hand?

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we like to have fun here

Kid, I was here since 4channel was first created.

I am somewhat in the business: it's actually the opposite, vanilla sells -at least- twice as much. It's like blacked spam: you'd think it's everywhere and then it's nowhere near close the top searches. Logically so.

When you think about it, shelving it wrong could add to the joke.

No quit begging it didn't work 15 years ago and it still won't work.

next level nitpick

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Are you just posting the response you've been conditioned to respond with by Yea Forums?

See Hiro conspired to sell our traditionally anti-PC anti-censorship and anti-Westcuckery community out for more adbux.

If you don't like futa you are mentally I'll. It's the hottest shit ever

hand/gloveniggers are much more obnoxious than footchads though


Everything looks liberal if you compare it with /pol/.

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i like people who knows how to laugh at every side


Because Asian guys like boobs. Whites seem to be more into traps and cuckshit
t. Asian guy

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well I do have some crime stats we should be worried about

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When are we going to see PROPER jiggle physics?

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Actually that doesn't work because the comic is in sequence. The guy on the left appears in the middle, and the middle guy appears on the right.
Do it the other way around and you have to read the panels backwards for it to make sense.

see Everything gets tiring after seeing it being spammed non-stop. Spam absolutely anything for weeks and you'll see how people starts to hate it.

Let's listen to the guy who hates whites on what whites like.

My man, he's wearing diapers.

>Doesn't know about the likes of Fuko/P-chan, Julia, or many others with blessed chests

Haha video games

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I believe that the boobs and the ass should be in a matching proportion.

>everyone who doesnt like this retarded /pol/fag is an sjw
go back

Yes. YES! We got him bros!

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Based and redpilled.

>White frenchie makes Blacked
>White men eat it up
>"We don't like cuckshit"
Okay bud.

ntr came from asia just saiyan

Yeah, someone's more likely to notice it and pick it up to correct it.

>it seems like every mass shooting is a
mass shootings is the only proof of white privilege because the media cares more about showing how violent white people are compared to what they could get in detroit instead. but seriously, what you're describing is exactly what the media wants you to perceive based on what they choose to report. school shootings happen because of incels but compared to say, before columbine when we didnt have so many shooters get so much coverage, movies, and media attention, we have the media to blame for inspiring more trouble teenagers to kill their classmates because they knew they could get coverage.

oh but what am i saying, you're just a fucking cuntrag more than likely and im wasting my time responding.

Literally me

I don't get this comic. Haha one guy looks stupid, the thing he represents must be bad!
Like where's the humour?

I don't hate whites. It's just that whites are pretty much anti-breasts these days. Just look at the games and media the west is churning out. MK11 is pretty much anti-cleavage, and a lot of guys here are talking about futa while meanwhile Japan has stuff like Senran and DOA that has to be censored for your market. How am I wrong?

Atheism is unironically just a code word for anti-Christianity.
Try shitting on Islam among those fedora fags and you'll be surprised how quickly they get all sweaty and defensive.

this reach

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You hopefully joke but this is the legitimate mindset of some people in here

>Jap makes NTR
>Japs eat it up
>"We don't like cuckshit"

Hahahaha oh god. And they don't eat it up, it's actually a moneysink.

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fuck off stonetoss. shill your garbage back on /pol/

This is 100% accurate, but the people in line are the artists and the people at the booths are us.

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>Mexicans aren't the highest

pick one and only one

Unless that white guy in the pic is European, then he should be Asian.

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not vidya, fuck off shill

No it's not.

same thing with western 3dpd porn, front page is all "blacked" or "stepmom/sister". I wonder what's driving it.

tfw titchad

So why do you want more male parts than just the dick?

Trust me, if Asians were on that graph, we'd be number one.

Same as youtube with tranny shilling. Agendas.

>ntrfags easily self insert as a fat balding ugly motherfucker

t. Seething christain

This but unironically

>tfw no one has made a wholesome vanilla doujin where the female has insomnia and the male uses hypnosis to help her sleep

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Seethe harder trannies

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