What's the most pretentious video game that you ever played?
What's the most pretentious video game that you ever played?
Nier Automata
go back to Yea Forums you homosexual
Bioshock 3
What's the most pretentious anime/manga that you ever watched or read?
The devs dedicate everything to the player and even thank them in the canon ending for giving them your time to play their game. I don't know if that qualifies as pretentious.
Yea Forums and Yea Forums have been fuckbuddies since their creation.
Lain. I still like it tho.
Anything by foddy
Ergo Proxy
Ergo Proxy. I liked it though.
You’re a bit confused on what pretentious means. It’s not like, arrogant, it’s more like acting deeper than it actually is, behaving with pretense.
isn't it faster to wait 2 or 3 days for merchants to restock than quicksaving, killing the merchant, and quickloading
of course assuming this is on consoles since you can just install a mod that lets merchant restock in an hour or even instantly on pc
>What's the most pretentious video game that you ever played?
Dark Souls 3.
DaS3 isn't a bad game. It's just a game trying too hard to be DaS1 and failing at it in every regard but combat.
The Stanley Parable. I still enjoyed it, but a lot of it was eye-rolling.
Probably TLOU, shame cuz I actually enjoyed aspects of the gameplay but naughty dog really huffs their own farts now
The Witness
I like artsy games, but the philosophy was a joke
Spec Ops: the Line or The Witness
Bioshock Infinite. Ending was OK, nothing groundbreaking, but holy fuck did it suck its own dick about it.
>What's the most pretentious video game that you ever played?
Ignoring all the hilarious flash shit like "Every Day the Same Dream", I'd say The Witness, Braid, Bioshock Infinite or Limbo are really bad.
But the absolute KINGS of pretention really have to be the Tale of Tales studio, and every single piece of shit those idiots produced.
Probably Ergo Proxy or RaXephon.
some game that was cell shaded and in a car
Yiik but it’s so pretentious that it loops around into being enjoyable and unique just for taking itself so seriously.
hey look, normalfags still on it with punpun n shit like that lol
>Larian on the verge of bankruptcy
>government doesn't help them at all
>Tale of fucking Tales got funds from the Belgian government
>still fail miserably
That's not what the game does either. You haven't played it, have you?
what type of RPG was this anyway? Is it like FF? or Disgaea?
Might be a bit off topic, but what the fuck is Tale of Tales and what makes it so bad? I did a quick search and all that came up was a movie.
You do realize that Tale of Tales got government support precisely because it was obvious to everyone that their games could never make money in the first place. Larian makes games as a trade. Tale of Tales is a community support program for mentally challenged. It's only natural the government is charitable to those with special needs.
I don't know, probably some sloggy animu cutsceneshit RPG for PS2. I didn't play it for very long, whatever it was.
Spec Ops
I usually have a good filter for these things but Yea Forums shilled those up and down so I had to check for myself.
They made this.
Very bad walking simulators with zero gameplay.
Then when Sunset failed miserably, the dev went on a rant on twitter telling people how gamers are disgusting and so on.
Spec ops
Hard to say.
MGS2 and Bioshock Infinite both drowned in Pretentious Bullshit
>what the fuck is Tale of Tales
It's an "arthouse" belgian studio made by two people who wanted to "elevate videogames to an art" by making some of the most laughably bad and pretentious indie shit that has ever graced the surface of the earth.
They eventually became legendary for being an INCREDIBLY sore loosers and insane drama queens after their last project flopped really hard.
They made a name for themselves with a game called "The Path", which was merely bad, but at the time (2008-ish?) it was at least... an interesting take on things. It was one of the very first "walking sims" and a pretentious "dark" retelling of story of Little Red Ridding Hood (because, you know, that is super original) that did such original things as putting Rape themes into the mix. Riveting, never-before-heard shit, surely.
Their follow up titles included shit like "Graveyard" in which you play an old person walking very slowly through a graveyard for 15 minutes (but it's in black-and-white!) or "The endless forest" which is a multiplayer game in which players are deer that wonder around a procedurally generated flat forest and have no means of interacting with each other or the environment.
Eventually they complained that they are not getting enough money for their garbage, and somebody suggested that is because their games aren't political enough, because that is where all the traction in art is today.
So they made Sunset, their final game, poured a lot more money into it. It was a walking sim in which you played as a poor south american housekeeper and you tidied the home of a rich writer.
It was pathetic and nobody gave a fuck, and it lost them a LOT of money again.
So they went into an INSANE meltdown on social media, literally screaming how this is all an evil white man capitalism ploy against them, and ending with posting just "FUCK VIDEO GAMES, FUCK VIDEOGAMES, FUCK YOU ALL!"
It was all... a rather fascianting shitshow.
Also they paid Anita to market their game.
She didn't do a good job doing that. :)
Animefaggots fuck off back to your containment board. To answer op, MGS5.
Yes it does. It tries this "waaaaah so sad" shit that I see so much in anime as if I give a fuck about the characters.
Fuck not Anita, but that other journo Leigh Alexander.
I assumed the joke is just that the player decided to kill every NPC for fun before reloading so he doesn't get any consequences
>Their follow up titles included shit like "Graveyard" in which you play an old person walking very slowly through a graveyard for 15 minutes (but it's in black-and-white!)
You left out the best part. In the full version of the game, there's a very small chance that the granny dies during her walk.
The pretentious one is you user.
That's not how words work user.
You're just baiting for (You) user now.
Probably The Witness and it's a shame because I otherwise really enjoyed it.
You could've made several valid arguments for how pretentious the game is; like the game making a bunch of arbitrary references to Western philosophers. I'm not sure if a game with Japanese tropes qualifies it for pretentious.
Dededede destruction > Edgelord Punpun
Fuck gotta reread dead dead demons dedededededededededededede
Oh! Fascinating! I guess I'll need to replay that game a few more times!
The worst part is: I'm a MASSIVE "games are art fag", the kind of people I assume they made their games for... and I hate them even more than any other developer. It's just... they were SO. FUCKING. BAD.
And they managed to stay afloat for like seven or eight years. It's absolutely mind-boggling.
Their whole history and their whole rooster of games feels like something straight out of a satire. Like, you read the shit, you play the game, and you feel insulted - if this was in a book or a movie, you'd get mad at how flat, one-dimensional, and cheap these parodies of a "pretentious art faggots" are. And yet these... creatures were a REAL FUCKING DEAL.
How is it even possible to be this fucking deluded?
Also i was just shitposting expecting someone to fall for the bait, the game is legit.
Also, the game remembers me of disgaea but i really like the orbment mechanic, also aside from combat the story is pretty nice too.
Started giving this a read awhile ago. Needless to say I'm not even finished with it and I'm already depressed
fuck off
The Witness.
>I'm a MASSIVE "games are art fag"
Have you played The Void then?
That one is always recommended on Yea Forums.
It is unironically the most pretentious garbage I have ever had the misfortune of watching.
It was practically unwatchable, I could practically smell the sweat the writers emitted from trying so hard to be as pretentious as possible, and my eyes hurt from endless rolling. It was embarrassing to watch.
The fact that there are people who eat it all up is even more embarrassing.
>Have you played The Void then?
Yep. IPL is easily my favorite studio when it comes to creative aspect of game development. I finished Pathologic 2's Alpha just yesterday, and I'm literally counting the days to the first chapter's release.
The Void is amazing, though I am more of a Pathologic guy. I played every game the studio made. They are what I would want and expect from an "Games are art" focused studio. Again, watching Tale of Tales especially when you know shit like The Void exists makes it all the more... fucking sad.
So you didn't watch it.
D2 on Dreamcast no memes. Pretentious liberal eco-feminist cuck shit. I kind of like it. It's a must play.
And you don't seem to understand
Sure buddy, whatever gets you over the cope phase.
Your favorite show is pretentious garbage, deal with it.
My favourite show is Trapeze though.
It suits you.
How is Punpun pretentious? I can understand not liking it but there's nothing 2deep4u to it, the plot is very easy to follow
The objectively correct answer is Ergo Proxy
To a lesser extent Evangelion, since
>muh religious symbolism and references
doesn't even make any sense within the context of the anime
If you can't relate to it at all for whatever reasons, I can easily see why those would call it pretentious.
Madoka, monogatari series.
So, like Evangelion?
The first episode of Texhnolyze was pure kino. No bullshit exposition, no excessive dialogue, just pure visuals to communicate the tone and the world. Unfortunately everyone went
so the rest of the anime couldn't follow suit
Evangelion is kinda pretentious for using religious symbolism, and even the director admitting to unly using them for cool factor.
It's still good, but definitely pretentious.
I felt the anime was great till the final arc. Everything that came after that psycho from the class comes was a train wreck clusterfuck.
Yea Forums
Shame you seemed an honest man
I felt the whole anime was a train wreck clusterfuck, trying its harderst to appeal to the edgy teenager angst deep audience, and judging by this thread, it did reach those people to some extent.
>doesn't even make any sense within the context of the anime
It actually kinda does. Just... not on the way most people expect it to work. Eva has good ideas and multiple levels, so I would not call it pretentious.
Ergo Proxy has good ideas (some of the episode concepts are fucking brilliant, and there is some really, really good work with forshadowing there too), but it does not add to consistent whole. There is nothing to tie the episodes together, no great underlying theme. And the use of references to real world stuff, namely philosophy and art, is absolutely pointless, far more so than in Eva.
But I would still argue that RaXephon is even worse.
i think if games are art, they are art because of wat they are anyway.
Nothing ever became true art by attempting to be "Art".
but by attempting to do whatever the goal of it is.
All that amazing buildup of factions and characters for fucking nothing. What the hell were they thinking after that yoshie guy arc, especially when the MC goes to the surface ? Did the writers just start snorting cocaine in the middle of writing the script ?
Ironically, I think that is one of the most "pretentious" parts of the game (it doesn't make the game bad though, that one part of the game is just badly executed).
What I mean is that the whole ending E business is too detached from the rest of the game and the meta player interaction doesn't tie into the rest of the game at all. It's a good experience when you play it, but when you think about it afterwards, what the hell was it? Is the player some supernatural entity in the Nier universe that the pods managed to detect and then ask for your help? I mean that'd be just corny and cliche as shit so I'd rather it be just forced pretentious meta gameplay instead of gay shit like that.
Also to make a comparison to the original Nier, here the meta "delete your save file" thing is nicely tied into the universe itself, since you're literally deleting the MC's existence. In Automata, again, it's just there for kicks and doesn't bring anything new to the table except you, the supernatural entity, helping other supernatural entities to get the happy ending for the robutts. It's just too random.
I don't think that in itself is pretentious, but the fanbase sure is by creating narrative where there is none.
I liked everything about the game except for ending E.
It was way too cheesy, and as you say, detached from the rest of the game.
Punpun can come off as pretentious sometimes but it's also genuinely depressing.
Honestly I came in here to put The Path and The Graveyard on blast but I'm glad someone beat me to it. That studio dragged the reputation of artsy games through the trash and spawned a generation of hollow content masquerading as thoughtful art.
OFF. Fuck that game and fuck the Tumblr fags that used to shill it.
ehh it's s good enough JRPG and OST is godlike, story was nonsensical without a wiki though
came in here to say this
>The objectively correct answer is Ergo Proxy
Are you retarded? There can't be an objectively correct answer to that question. What if I've never watched Ergo Proxy? How could it possibly be the most pretentious anime I've watched? Explain that smartass.
The ending in Nier 1 may be tied to the actual plot, but that plot comes out of fucking nowhere and makes no sense within its own context, seeing as you have to be aware of obscure Drakengard shit to understand why Nier suddenly has the option to erase his own existence. Regardless of even knowing that, once you get past the novelty it still feels like a last minute idea that they quickly pulled some shit out of their ass to make possible.
Between the two I'll take Automata's detached version any day.
spec ops:the line
gameplay was fun but the story made me laugh. i literally cannot progress unless i throw the WP grenade or get into shootouts and then you tell me "can you even remember why you were here?"
Ergo proxy, lain
I've watched Lain about halfway through twice before dropping it andI still don't get it.
>t. 9 INT
>his iq is probably the same
Is that the series about 10 year olds who fuck
I bet he thinks Bioshock is deep
A fucking men.
Evafags are the worst.
Lain isn't really pretentious. It has a point, and not a bad one, too.
Only thing more insufferable than Eva fags are Eva haters, to be honest.
But I like Eva, I just hate the fans.
Probably Dear Esther.
Whatever anyone thinks of the writing, it's a not-game that pretends to be a game. And I paid for it.
Shit like it need its own category, like (Barely) Interactive Experiences or something; it has nothing to do with videogames.
>Shit like it need its own category
They have and it's called walking sims. See: gone homo, firewatch, tacoma.
Most are from the same brand of faggot devs too. Bunch of lazy fucks and failed novelists. Dear Esther gets a slight pass from me - at least the original release - because it was an experimental free mod.
I would say Witcher 3 but I never played it
>But I like Eva, I just hate the fans.
I'm not accusing you. I'm just making an observation: I've had my fair share of dealing with obnoxious, pretentious Eva fans, but I also had FAR worse experience with people who hate it. The worse that an Eva fan may do is exaggerate some element of the show, or present a fan-theory that is build on a really wonky grounds. And praise something that may not be worth all that praise.
Eva haters on the other hand just argue from ignorance and insecurity. And hating things that deserve some praise is always easier, but also more harmful, than overpraising stuff more than it deserves. At least the obnoxious Eva fans usually show SOME effort and some attempts at thinking, even if mostly misguided ones.
But to blindly throw shit requires literally to shut your brain down in the process, most of the time.
If movies count, gits innocence
Thanks for the recommendations faggots I love this shit.
Oh dear god I nearly forgot about that.
Yeah. That was just... awful. I actually completely blocked it out of my memory.
Actually pretentious instead of "deep thing I don't like"?
Psycho-Pass, FLCL, Kite, Patlabor 2, Angel's Egg, Ergo Proxy, Harmony, Boogiepop (2000), Key the Metal Idol, Now and Then Here and There,
>"The Path"
Interesting fact, a former band member of swans did the soundtrack for the game.
kingdom hearts
how even do you fuck up final fantasy and disney shit so much?
>Patlabor 2
suck on a fuck, brainlette
How is FLCL pretentious?
Every fucking browser game?
They all pose as something that bring the sence of wonder and adventure, but they are clones with a combination of soulless grind, gacha and gameplay worse than Kongregate flash games.
because in that weeb's mind anything that's not waifu bait moe-shit, is 'pretentious'
"they're fake."
i can hear it in my head. should i watch the sub? and should i even bother with the newer shit that came out last year?
What the fuck do you consider good anime?
The dub and sub are both good.
>should i even bother with the newer shit that came out last year?
Absolutely the fuck not
damn i was afraid of that. i was a little excited when i first heard about the new shit but knew deep down that it would be trash.
i've seen the dub so much i might as welll watch the sub next time i watch.
>Oh no he attacked my favorite franchise
The few stuff I consider 9/10 and 10/10
Patlabor OVAs, VOTOMS, Irresponsible Captain Tylor, Gasaraki, Fafner, Captain Harlock, Heroic Age, Crest of the Stars, Galaxy Express 999, Towards the Terra, Samurai Flamenco, Future Boy Conan, Rose of Versailles, Shamanic Princess, Texhnolyze, Beast Player Erin, Simoun, Honneamise, Rescue Wings
>Evangelion is kinda pretentious for using religious symbolism, and even the director admitting to unly using them for cool factor
That is the opposite of pretentiousness
most of these fit into the category that you labeled as pretentious
you're a fag
>likes patlabor ovas
>hates patlabor 2
You need to remember Anno wish severely depressed when he was writing it and might have just said that because he hated his work.
Yes, I despise Patlabor 2. It's tonally and thematically nothing like the previous movie, OVA series or TV series. Oshii took a lighthearted police SoL and turned it into pretentious schlock while canonically ruining a major relationship and multiple character personalities to tell an overdone commentary on terrorism and war while having its head up its ass trying to be profound.
I feel like you deserve a good beating irl
Everyone in this thread is a german japanese neurosurgeon?
A good beating won't get rid of Patlabor 2. Pretentious garbage.
Ghost in the Shell: Innocence or Mouryou no Hako
>Yes, I despise Patlabor 2
I honestly thought I was the only one. My reaction after finishing the movie was pretty much "I didn't sign up for this shit".
I/O is the Ergo Proxy of vidya
>I desipise patlabo-
How about you shut the fuck up, bunch of useless, abject cunts.
That's not the Patlabor I love. Fuck Patlabor 2, and fuck the people who unironically like grimdark Patlabor that tramples on characters' personalities and relationships.
I liked it, but yeah it's pretentious.
>My game is popular!
>That makes me sad. lol
Fuck. Off.
Nier Automata.
What a snoozefest.
>inb4 fromdrones start defending
New Vegas, especially when you deal with Ulysses, still fun as fuck though.
Pic unrelated because Punpun is pretty straight forward. You have to be a retard to think it's pretentious
Corny narrative that people insist is deep.
>it's bad that a series matures as its creator ages
Stay infantile, brainlet.
Angel's Egg
Scaji shit
I'm never trusting /jp/ again.
The story is fucking garbage it's just flair and substance to the writing.
Ergo Proxy
>dude let's just name things after a bunch of philosophers for no reason
Also I love Texhnolyze but it's not as deep as everyone seems to think it is, it's my least favourite Konaka work
Automata or Undertale.
They are the kings of the genre. Both literally say nothing interesting and tell the same story that's been told a million times.
For some reason, weebs think asking DAE THINK ROBUTTS HAVE FEELINGS or ARE ANDROIDS HUMAN over and over without any resolution or twist is good.
Undertale is probably just actual autists trying to be contrarian and pretending a mediocre bullet hell with puzzles for 3 year olds and epic lolsorandumb humor is anything that could be enjoyed by people without brain damage.
>The Graveyard
No, it's bad because it's pretentious schlock. It took a series that was notable for being an optimistic, lighthearted and funny, while still relateable spin on the future (but still aimed at adults) from an era where most anime were getting into violent and grim, pessimistic settings, and fundamentally turned Patlabor into the thing that it was up against. Not only did it turn Patlabor into a pessimistic, grim and overly serious, its premise is larger than life while also trying to present its overdone story (for the medium) in a way that makes it seem more profound than it actually is. In the process, it ruins and kills plot threads and character arcs that were being built upon in the OVAs and first movie.
Patlabor 2 is not Patlabor. Patlabor 2 is just every other high-budget grim futuristic anime OVA/Movie from its era.
also, good Patlabor unironically handles mature themes better (pic related). Being dark and atmospheric isn't mature.
Underrated post.
>asking DAE THINK ROBUTTS HAVE FEELINGS or ARE ANDROIDS HUMAN over and over without any resolution or twist
You're just pretending to be retarded, right?
YES. Finally some justice.
Fuck the patlabor movies. Fuck em. They ruined any chance of getting a good one for the tv series too (the heart of the series)
You're a moron with no context for the series. It didn't mature at all.
The Witness or Talos Principle
The first Patlabor movie is fine. The second Patlabor movie is barely Patlabor.
Spotted the retard weeb.
The first movie was the start of the slip up. I can't forgive it for that. They already ruined much of it right there even if the movie is fine on its own.
He's not wrong, y'know.
Pretending Automata is just 30 hours of "robots... human??" is a less informed take than "you just played it for 2B ass"
Wanna say maybe We Happy Few.
I just generally hate symbolism so blatant if might as well be a political cartoon with every thing NG written on it.
>all his problems are that you don't like the type of thing it was trying to be rather than any criticism of substance
Based Monsterposter
Definitely Ergo Proxy.. still liked it tho
Oyasumi Punpun
Dear esther, although I don't agree that it qualifies as a game.
this, the path was a fucking joke
That's not what's happening
What's the worst symbolism in a video game?
Shut the fuck up.
Wow rude.
Okay fucktard mention how the game does anything beyond what I mentioned. Careful, try not to drool too hard and accidentally type anime ass instead.
I love FO:NV but Ulysses is one of the most horribly-written characters in any game I've played. He's needlessly cryptic, talks like he has throat cancer and 90% of his dialogue consists of the words "bear", "bull" and "flag".
What was the whole PunPun manga about again?
Some mentally ill woman hooking a clueless weak minded boy into dating for YEARS until he becomes just as mentally retarded as her to the point he rapes and kills her?
Was that it? Because I honestly don't remember more than that from what I read about it years ago.
There's nothing pretentious about Bastion, you just have bad taste.
Pretentious is something that pretends to be deep, complicated or groundbreaking when it's actually not.
Pic related
None of that ever happens, what the fuck
Pretentious to me means over the top preachy, thinks its way more smart than it actually is, and its just plain obnoxious.
That would be the story from Ace Combat 7. I hated all of the characters and the nonsense that came out of their mouths. Game was great otherwise.
that flash game where you start from the left side of the screen and then just walk toward the right and as you walk, you get older and then die when you reach the right part of the screen
oh,oh wait, i got another answer, that game that's just an executioner screen and if you kill the guy in the middle, HE STAYS DEAD FOREVER EVEN IF YOU RELOAD THE GAME BECAUSE YOUR ACTION HAVE CONSEQUENCES
Haruhi doeant pretend to be deep, literally the entire story is "make sure Haruhi never finds out she's omnipotent" and later "make sure the cosmic entity doesn't delete Nagato by threatening to tell Haruhi she's Omnipotent"
Like bastion with the stupid narrator while the gameplay is mobile tier shit.
i know everyone loves naoki urasawa but he can't write an ending for shit
did billy bat even end? if it did, i bet it ended in a stupid manner
based and redpilled
attempting to impress by affecting greater importance or merit than is actually possessed.
Sundome is literally just cuckshit with a coat of pseud and a side of golden shower fetishism
It was shit user
It ended in a standoff between two no name characters in the future who are on different sides of a war and decided not to shoot each other
The moral was
Humanity still has a chance I guess
Legend of the Galactic heroes
don't talk shit about KITE faget
the only right answer, except for Now and Then Here and There
Lol wut
oh okay we're doing this on Yea Forums now
Ahhhh, "pretentious"... My favorite Yea Forums buzzword that basically mean: I didn't get it.
Now you only have to say "edgy" and you have a complete Yea Forums non argument!!!
I liked The Path. I was also 17. It doesn't hold up but it introduced me to other "walking simulators" that I still really enjoy. Yume Nikki, Edith Finch, Dear Esther. Detached and minimal gameplay can be engaging when it serves the narrative.
Sauce me on that image already tried google and saucenao
I know you're here Digibro, show yourself
Speaking of anime and "pretentious", how come so many video game web comic "artists" are so triggered by Evangelion?
Pretentious is good i feel, i mean most of the videogames stories are trash so by default when it takes itself too seriously most of it its pretentious.
MGS2 is the single most pretentious game in existence.
If you like it, I find it pretentious.
that should cover my basis, don't you think?
Just because some people don't care for your basic bitch taste in media doesn't mean they didn't get it.
I would agree with this post but I find it too pretentious
Played kingdom hearts for the first time 2 years ago after having it be hyped to me for years
Most pretentious underwhelming mediocre game I've ever played in my life
>how come so many video game web comic "artists" are so triggered by Evangelion?
Do they? What proof do you have?
How is pretentious a argument user?
Anything can be pretentious
How is edgy and argument user? If anything can showing violence can be said to be edgy.
Those two words lost their meaning a long time ago.
Pacing issues are a massive issue and almost the sole reason why I can't follow seasonal anime without wanting to die. It's legit as fuck and studios being forced to stretch their shows out well beyond the breaking point creates nightmares.
Nerf now and the white Korra comic have multiple strips they make fun of "Evangelion"
Nishigara Holograph
I bet Oyasumi PunPun (made by the same author) is the same pretentious nonsensical shit
So evangelion is pretentious cuz it uses religion for shows when the entire point of the series are the characters,their conflicts, relationships, etc and religion had next to nothing to do with it?
Not him but Automata is more than just "uhh androids = human?". That's been done before and would be boring
I think the questions the game makes you ask are more akin to consider differences, what separates androids from machines if an android made from machines is indistinguishable from an android? If gods created humans, and humans created androids, what are humans to androids, really? Did humans become as gods? It's an interesting allegory and despite hiw memed the phrase "become as gods" is outside the game, the humans really did do so in that they created intelligent life(?) And are nowhere to be found. And by what standard would these lives be considered to have souls? Is the standard different because they would not be the same gods creating the same thing? The analysis here is a bit rambly but yeah, there are a lot of things to consider that aren't le androids are humans