..unless you are in favor of the government to abolish private propriety; confiscate 90% of the wealth from the top 10%; have total control over the education, health, financial and economic system (for the greater good); ban all guns (except those in the hands of public officials); limit free speech to control hate speech; soften privacy laws to detect enemies of the state; impose secular morality; and substitute the system of individual justice for social justice. If that's the case, welcome to Vampire: The Masquerade and enjoy the game!
Vampire The Masquerade
Other urls found in this thread:
Billionaires are a policy failure.
Take it to /tg/
t. Under 25 spaz
I guess it's just a G
Instead of an RPG
Nice strawman, faggot.
Fascism is bad though, they just fail at recognizing it
These days they call themselves antifa funny enough
>have to ask for the human's consent before you feed on it
Werewolf: The Facade is not a socialist-friendly game. If you are a pedophile, "SJW", or whatever gender you're calling yourself nowadays, we urge you to turn off your Kindle and tweet someone you trust to talk about where you went so wrong in your life.
>be nazi
>play it anyway
shut up, cripplechanlet
I fucking hate the media
Somebody post the full page. I especially like the paragraph where they say that it’s okay for your character to be a neo nazi brujah or something, but only if the gm makes sure they die/get a redemption arc.
What game is this from
>want to fug romero
>high appearance
>option isnt there
Mummy: The Deception
Fascism does not mean "thing that I do not like". Antifa aren't fascists. They're communists.
With all this said, it's a shame the VTMB2 devs decided to doom all discussion of the game to political shitflinging by filling their reveal with political elements while hiding all gameplay footage and details so we have nothing to go on but the politics they mentioned. We know more about the politics of the game than we do about the gameplay. I don't think we even know what engine the game uses.
Ghost: the Obfuscation
Manual of Exalted Power: Abyssals
I remember the time antifa killed 50+ people
real fascism are indeed pretty bad though
I don't know what is the worst in that book, the "you can't play a facist because we say so" part or the "tap the circle if the story hurt your fee fee so the GM as to stop the story that needed our of writing and planification" ?
Fascists can be either far right or far left. Why do you think these SJWs never condemn left wing fascism?
They think fascism is about being racist. Nah. It's about total state control over society. No individual freedoms. Exactly what the so called anti-fascist support. Be smart, unless you are antifa, then you can go kys.
fascism is suppressing other ideologies with violence, thats all.
read a book.
VtMB was always a game for anarchists and libertarians. Fascism doesn't float with either of those parties.
Barbra Streisand is writing romance arcs for this game. This is beyond based.
>racist guy with gun = fascist
Libertarians are aligned with fascists now, whether they like it or not.
When fascism goes away, antifa go away.
Fascism doesn't go away. Fascism is like Ralph.
Antifa are communists
And fascists are based
google "Fascist manifesto".
Read it.
It just communism.
They are the same.
Stop watching CNN FFS.
According to who?
Not much difference between communism and fascism.
America crushed both ideologies for a good reason.
is this mutt education?
Read my book.
Hello discordtranny
Is this jew education?
When facism goes away, antifa finds something else to call facism.
We're going to get so much dick in this game, it's going be awesome.
THE Barbara Streisand or someone with really cool parents?
Actually, most fascist movements rose in response to Antifa's bullshit. Of course, they weren't calling themselves Antifa back then, but they were basically the same thing and used the same symbol.
According to the fact that fascists will tolerate and deal with libertarians whereas commies will put them in gulags.
Nigger, get a grip. You are literally the same retard as antifa, labeling things you don't like with terms you don't understand.
Fascism is a specific ideology/system and authoritarian commie larpers don't fall under it.
What's with millennials being obsessed with dead ideologies?
And why do they call themselves part of those ideologies when all they do to bring them back is talk about the amount of minorities in blockbuster media?
Frankenstein's Monster: The Big Trick
>..unless you are in favor of the government to abolish private propriety; confiscate 90% of the wealth from the top 10%
it's funny because the people saying this shit are always from the top 0.1%
how are sjws ultranationalist and hierarchical you dipshit
point out the part in the manifesto where fascists want to abolish private property
>ban all guns (except those in the hands of public officials); limit free speech to control hate speech; soften privacy laws to detect enemies of the state; impose secular morality; and substitute the system of individual justice for social justice.
I think I'll rather have fascism desu.
I dont much care for jews, blacks or arabs
They're commies, but not like you care for the difference when you're being sent to the camps for wrongthink.
Guess which manifesto this is:
a) Communist
b) Fascist
Apparition: Absolution
Journalists like to project hard, I see. I couldn't give a shit about there being a gay vampire or whatever. Maybe they should go on a hotline and figure out how they became so offended at everything that isnt a demitransrainbowhaired faggot
This women is certified academic on Sex in video games. You will learn to fill out those consent forms, bitch.
Is there some new law I don't know about where all americunt developers are legally required to say racism is bad before releasing a game?
Trannies: The Passing
Yes, that guy was a fascist, unless you have a definition of fascist so narrow as to be useless.
Setting up for the "our game flopped because of a far right conspiracy" narrative early I see.
Fuck, how do I cross over?
Tranny spotted
Been setting it up since the 90's. Clever cucks
Antifa is a paramilitary arm of the feminist state, dummy. Being anti fascist is merely a facade.
>i-i-if you're not our extreme then you're the other extreme!
>if you're not fascist you're communist
You are politically illiterate.
why do white people come up with such terrible ideologies (fascism, communism)?
I want to play the tabletop
start in the dark ages
then when that wraps up, play as my vamp's childe in the 1600s or whatever
and then their childe in modern nights
would be neat
Well for starters the fact it calls for abolishing the Italian senate dates it to any students of history but the reorganization of the rail sector should be a tell for anyone with even cursory knowledge of Il Duce's public rhetoric.
It's always been for edgy kids. In the area I grew up in (Western Sydney, Australia), the goth kids would literally hire old houses and visit parks at night to larp VTM. I tried to play a whitewolf game once (The Reckoning I think), and it was lame as. GM wore some edgy death metal t-shirt.
Ask Mao
>national militia
really sounds like a stateless, classless, moneyless society
Was italian fascism even racist?
did he talk about corporatism in his manifesto? not about to start reading loonie ramblings.
Trying to increase their social standing and reassuring their friends they're still believers so they aren't victims of a Stalinist purge.
Hunters >>>>> filthy bloodsucking monsters
Antifa are communists, you politically illiterate retard.
>Italian Senate
durrr I fucking wonder what it could be
Fascists use force to suppress opposition, which is what Antifa does. The bike lock thing isn't a meme.
this is the galaxy brain take
It would be cool if government sent gasmask soldiers to sweep up the parasites there. Kill on sight!
still trying to figure out how a journo gets to be a narrative designer and writer on a major game
Do you honestly believe the only options are Nazi or Commie? Are you that delusional or just trolling?
You missed the point.
They call on fascists, which basically don't exist in America and most of western countries, but never condemn communists, who are as authoritarian as Nazis and other fascists.
>b-but right wingers are fascists
No they aren't. American right wingers are not in favor of minimum wage, seizure of private propriety, labor unions, nationalization of the industry. The Democrats are.
Narcissists have an invested interest in magnifying their enemies because it elevates their social status at no personal cost. If fascists and racists are everywhere then not being a racist / fascist is a triumphant act of heroism, it doesn't matter that there are probably like 20k legitimate neo-nazis in america today.
The Unabomber's Manifesto is an unironically good read. I recommend it.
I unironically fell for her pretty hard after watching the new interview.
Everyone uses force to suppress opposition. It's the way of the world. You use force or it is used against you. Even if this weren't true, and only those two groups used violence, they still wouldn't be the same or believe the same things.
Dilator: A Trial of Passage
No, Mussolini didn't believe in Hitler's idea of ethnic nationalism. Racist fascism was an exception because of Nazism.
That description was literally taken from Wikipedia.
What the fuck is it with tankies and their insatiable desire to play semantics games? Do they have something to hide?
What's your dilation routine is like?
"Neo nazi" and" alt righter "are a way of pathologizing mainstream views.
Besides that I agree morally to take 90% from the richest but that might be impossible as those people can simply move. Also I do believe that if you are rich or whatever it is always 99 % luck and 1 % hard work- I think only cucks believe that the rich "deserve" their wealth cause of muh hardwork>>
I don't expect people that learned about fascism watching MSNBC to be able to make that connection.
Ah, I see you've been watching PragerU videos again.
Try to spend some time off YouTube once in a while friend ;)
>all these people unironically replying to a /pol/ crossboarder thread
>announce game
>virtue signal as hard as possible to ensure 50% of anyone who hears about it wont buy it
Jiangshi: The Subterfuge, an Epic exclusive
Antifa are ironically fascist, just like many fascist nationalists are in fact socialists. They are all part of larger concept called totalitarian collectivism.
literally all political ideologies try to suppress opposition besides liberals and libertarians. The difference is leftists can actually justify their suppression where nazis can't
Liberals do it too. Libertarians are the only ones who don't, and that is part of the reason why libertarians are utterly powerless and always lose.
why do leftists claim to hate fascism while being fascist? fascist doesn't just mean hating browns and jews.
neo-conservatives are absolute trash
European style populism is the way to go.
>game developer shoves politics down your throat in context of video game
>people talk about it
>"Ugh, why does /pol/ do this"
you know honestly it is weird that i'm a nazi now but talking to my mom or something about it would be pointless
>leftists can actually justify their suppression
if you see something like this and your first thought isn't "well I'm not a fascist so this isn't directed at me", aren't you admitting you're a fascist?
>just want to talk about WoD
>most threads get shit up with politics
I just read it on Wikipedia, the leftist progressive Marxist globalist encyclopedia. :^)
>actually means "someone who doesn't agree with my extreme views"
>the person they're referring to has no actual ties to nationalist socialist resurgence movements
>they just doesn't like games with extreme political pandering
Just because I don't wanna read your little red book doesn't mean I plan to be goose stepping to the fuhrer's marching chants.
>leftists can actually justify their suppression
Leftism defines itself as being for the good of everyone, then when it gains an inch of power immediately begins suppressing groups it doesn't like (which is nearly everybody.)
right: hierarchy based on race, capital, gender
left: wtf no stop
>Nazis can't
If the Nazis couldn't then they wouldn't have succeeded in taking over Germany as the ruling party idiot.
So could somebody explain this chechnya business to me?
thinking that you're not a fascist is classic symptom of being a fascist, you silly goose
>This game in which you play as a clan-devoted godless ur-predator who believes themselves superior to the rest of humanity (from whom you must distance yourself from, except to feed, and with whom you are forever at odds with, with no possible hope of reconciliation) is not fascist-friendly
>This game in which a significant part of the appeal (both implicitly and explicitly) is playing a ridiculously evil vampire, already a thinly-veiled metaphor for murder, rape, and trading your soul for power
well if they just said facist that's one thing, but then they go on to define fascism as a"alt-right" or "whatever you're calling yourself now days," whatever the hell that means
well it depends. Saying there's 2 genders and you don't agree with affirmative action and feminism makes you a nazi to some retards.
libertarians are the laughing stock of political ideologies and it's hilarious
winning and being justified are two different things
Only in the US, where the right has been twisted by usury in action, capitalism, the great enemy of conservatism
Didn't EA also tell customers to not buy their game and then it flopped?
leftt: hierarchy based on race, capital, gender, LGBBQ
right: wtf no stop
>it's okay when we do it
Fuck off, pinko.
>dude neutral lmao
When culture becomes so polarized it's governed by far left and far right, everyone who isn't somehow allied with or approved by one of those 2 groups is just chaff waiting to be cut. No amount of moral high ground is going to save you from Nazis or Soviets who have decided to militarize.
"Being justified" is overrated. History's written by the winners. Winners can justify ANYTHING.
How many points in this image are defended by Republicans?
How many are defended by Democrats?
Enjoy the free redpill.
Not really, at least internally. The party drew on Evola's concept of "spiritual race" to sidestep questions relating to racial purity/composition, mostly for convenience while the NSDAP chose to take the hardline and then ignore obvious inconsistencies in their policy in theory and then in practice. While obviously you'd be in for a relatively bad time as a non-European in Italy, it wouldn't be any more so than any other European country or especially the United States at the time.
why the fuck wouldn't you suppress dumbass ideologies that are ideologically opposed to you. Nazis get the bullet LOL
Im not a fascist the people against fascists are the real fascists how dare they oppress my trying to opress others and do a fascism on my fascism.
There's nothing wrong with hierarchy. Equality is a lie.
As I understand it, they wrote that the gay purges in Chechnya were being organized by vampires as part of a psy-op or some shit, and this pissed off everyone with any interest in the subject. White Wolf was canned after that and is now an empty shell that handles licensing and branding only.
Most Americans, hell, even most Euros these days can't grasp that the Right has been dead for a long time and what they think is a conservative is actually an old-school liberal.
Dude, there's no secret police of EITHER side. Just a bunch of annoying LARPers and Twitter loudmouths.
Can we all just agree that all forms of total authoritarianism is bad
>my form of absolute state power good
>your form of absolute state power bad
oh okay so the game was written by complete brainlets
I don't agree to that.
Whoever wrote this needs to be publically hanged. This isn’t inclusive, it’s divisive and alienates people.
Absolute fucking shitcunt attitude.
>our rpg will have less options
>shits on the table
>proceeds to demand a civil discussion
Commies get the bullet
since when the fuck are muslims people?
>well it's just shitposting in obscure zines
>well it's just shitposting on a tiny forum
>well it's just shitposting on a huge, highly-populated forum
>well it's just 50 muslims
Yokai: The Pretence
yes to both.
I hate globohomo capitalism more than anything
wtf thought police get this user
If some politically driven war comes around I know full well what side I'd pick, until then, forcing extremes only serves to bring us closer to such an event. Just because someone doesn't swing all the way doesn't mean they aren't picking a side.
>Winning and being justified are two different things
They wouldn't have won if they didn't just justify to their populace their intended actions you dipshit.
Antifa? You mean anti-white terrorists? Just call things by their proper name.
>I'll bend over and spread my legs and get my ass fucked by political shitposters I don't agree with because I'm afraid their secret police will come and get me
>I’m not a nazi but I get unreasonably defensive/aggressive when someone suggest my helicopter dropping and holocaust joke are inappropriate in public discourse or points out the fact that nazis were violent subhumans with a system doomed to fail.
>point out thing is bad
>you didn't point out other thing is bad, you support other thing
grug quoting is poor form.
t. ESL retard
A multi-cultural society has no purpose from the perspective of the right, there wouldn't be a hierarchy.
you straight up get a game over if you do that too much. if you run out of humanity you get put down like a rabid dog.
and just blindly following the authority figures of yours or any other clan tends to get you thrown under a bus the second it would benefit their accrual of power.
>when the retard leftist can't separate meme from reality
That looks like it would go stale in a week.
I'm calling myself a freedom fighter. Fighting against SJW totalitarianism.
I pay for therightstuff.biz paywall and consume hours of racist podcasts every week and I think these threads are fucking gay and annoying
leftism defines itself as opposition to all hierarchies like wealth, race, gender, etc.
rich people are not inherently worth more than poor people, white people are not inherently worth more than black people, men are not inherently worth more than women. There is literally no way to justify placing groups on different levels
they were literally like "well we feel like certain groups are inferior" lol that's not justification
This isn't the actual game though right? It's just the TTG? There's no warning start up screen whining about "nazis" in VTMB2 that we know of right?
Whoa I thought breakfast cereal was diabetes in a box and should probably be illegal but since they show kids it's okay to be fags it's alright if they end up eating a stone age human's lifetime worth of sugar in one serving.
>Raisin bran
Oh the irony.
Modern progressives managed to equate Libertarianism as a form of authoritarianism. Do you know how they've done that?
By creating the ideology of social (group) justice. You can't just wish to be left alone, if you are part of a group (defined by them) you own something to people from other groups. "white privilege" is an example of a debt you have for being part of an arbitrary group, for things you never did.
The catch of social justice? The judiciary system can only promote individual justice, so it lies on politicians to enforce social "justice". How convenient right? You create a fake social theory, promote it to ensure chaos, and sell yourself and the solution.
21st century authoritarianism. No need for religion, gods, nation, racial tribalism. The catch is social justice. Geniuses!
They actually did it. They commercialized activism. Never have I see such a blatant display of it in action.
what's so dumb about "nazis" that doesn't also apply to commies
>Use violence to stop someone from beating someone up for their ideas.
>Use violence to beat people up for their ideas.
Not all forms of opposition are the same. Not all uses of violence are the same.
>I get unreasonably defensive/aggressive when someone suggest my helicopter dropping and holocaust joke are inappropriate in public discourse or points out the fact that nazis were violent subhumans with a system doomed to fail.
I get annoyed being associated with actual nazis because I figure commies are retards. You don't need to salute a swastika to know how well communism's worked historically. You also don't need to have nerves of steel to not get upset when someone makes a joke about someone else
>leftism defines itself as opposition to all hierarchies like wealth, race, gender, etc.
except when they establish oppression olympics hierarchies based on wealth, race, gender, etc. and especially love to shit on poor people as long as the person in question is white and/or male.
hierarchy is also nationalism, aka us vs them
Literally false. Mussolini wasn’t genocidal like Hitler but he was definitely fascist and promoted laws to advance that. While he wasn’t anti Jewish they did put In miscegenation laws and punished soldiers for affairs in the colonies. Non whites were second class citizens but still better than germany
And yet all that together < Cinnamon Toast Crunch.
>"nazis were horrible, we should exterminate those subhumans if they refuse to obey us"
Or when they fuck over LGBT rights to please the Muslims like in the UK.
Now do Stalin, Castro and Mao.
I was enjoying the stream and game details before it got all political. It seems really silly now
The idea that rich people should have more power than poor people is itself a liberal idea. Back in the olden days of traditionalism the moneymen did not hold all the power. They were on the middle of the totem pole at best.
>white people are not inherently worth more than black people
Statistics and the state of different continents would suggest otherwise. Regardless, different races shouldn't occupy the same territory to begin with. All it results in is conflict, division and unhappiness.
>men are not inherently worth more than women.
No, but they do have different skills and are naturally better suited to leadership, both in organizations and in a family unit.
Times have changed. Now you're gonna fill out the questionnaire in just the right way to be able to play the game. And send out the proof that you've voted for Her.
>you straight up get a game over if you do that too much. if you run out of humanity you get put down like a rabid dog.
Correct, but that does not change the reality of your situation: that you do these things, want to do them, and in many cases must do them; just in controlled circumstances, you've got to be smart about it.
Vampires are by nature predators who typically exploit others without their consent. A smart vampire wont' do it willy-nilly, but they still want to do it, and will find a way to do it while being smart about it.
>and just blindly following the authority figures of yours or any other clan tends to get you thrown under a bus the second it would benefit their accrual of power.
As ends up true in most political structures. Still, better your clan than another.
It's okay user, the message of equality is never wrong,.now shut the fuck up and eat your goddamn kibble.
>only prove is the document's origin
So you admit he is right?
>I get annoyed being associated with actual nazis because I figure commies are retards.
Come off it, you'd get called a neo-liberal stooge maybe.
so i downloaded the gog version of vampire bloodlines the masquarde and i cant get this scene
does this mean im not playing with the unofficial patch or something?
Ahhh... Being 14...
>P.S: nazis are anyone who diagree with us!
You only get that when you are done helping her
Also you need high enough charisma and who knows if other requisites
Look it up, it has nothing to do with the patch
>implying communism doesn't inevitably lead to fascism
This thread is full of retards
I seriously hope you are pretending to be retarded
Imagine being such a coward that you'll let extremist groups decide what to think, do and feel, just because you want to be on the winning side.
You'll never be good enough for any extremist. They'll always will find some flaw in your thinking or your actions, no matter how much you try to please them. Make fun of extremists while they are powerless, kick them to the ground while they are in power.
Democracy leads to liberalism
Liberalism leads to conservatism
Conservatism leads to Communism
Communism leads to Fascism
Fascism leads to Democracy
inequality, especially the encouragement of it, cannot in any way be logically or morally justified and it creates a measurable harm to all people when there is massive inequality. If people are pushing for the eradication of people, like nazis, they are reprehensible and deserve the bullet
that's called capitalism. Business co-op anything profitable, and yes, that will be profitable to them
you mean absolute state power, not fascism. while fascism also reserves absolute state power, it's not the same thing
You'd be surprised, I live in Canada, most of the people here range from central to die hard commie and anything else is seen as downright demonic, if it wasn't for Alberta this whole country would be a shithole.
All politics is suppressing other ideologies with violence, you're a fool if you think it's ever been a "gentlemen's game". Even the founding of this country is wrought in the blood of senators dueling each other and beating each other on the senate floor
that part that i linked happens before the gallery mission.
also i looked it up and some people said that they had sex with jeanette, didnt give her the amulet and save both the sister, how is this supposed to be possible outside of this scene
>Imagine being such a coward that you'll let extremist groups decide what to think, do and feel, just because you want to be on the winning side.
t. lowest possible chance of surviving any politically-charged scenario
>they were literally like "well we feel like certain groups are inferior" lol that's not justification
You missed the later part where that was leading to the main point that Germany should be well, German and rid itself of all the Wiemar bullshit. T
elling Germans they were "superior" was just one way of getting hyped up, same shit as Joan of Arc telling frogs that god was favoring France and anglos were shit.
Its funny, nobody really is given an understanding of the Nazi party from a political standpoint and only focus on the ethnic sugar coating Hitler used because that's all anyone learns about.
Nothing is really focuses on anything else, because those who want you to know about the nazis only want you care about one thing and why it's wrong and that's the very tool Hitler used to focus in on jews, because that's all jews care about. The idea of a homogeneous society = bad, because they have to exist in other societies.
I'd honestly prefer not to.
if it's a leftist game then I hope to be able to choose (((bad))) ending
Democracy is just a system of voting, of decision making. It isn't an ideology and it isn't inherently at odds with most of the views of liberalism, conservatism, fascism or communism. You are not the political genius you think you are.
Hopefully, they might have crippled themselves with this sort of thinking. Any socialist policy will have to give preferential treatment to minorities because of racism and sexism, and conflicts between the groups taken under their wing become much harder to solve unless someone pulls more weight on the oppression hierarchy.
stalinism = fascism
communism =/ fascism
>not an ideology
Maybe not morally justified, but the nations of the world are quite literally founded on genocide, war and conquest. The winners make the history.
>t. lowest possible chance of surviving any politically-charged scenario
I'd rather die free and honest than live a shackled lie.
literally all facts say shit's fucked, that's not oppression olympics dipfuck
Don't see how that's relevant to VTM though
nazi: kill blacks
left: stop
you: wHaTs ThE dIfFeReNcE
Modern antifa cucks has nothing to do with that.
It is when you deny LGBT rights just to please the muslim minorities.
>Conservatism leads to Communism
>small government policies somehow leads to the State owning everything
Go home, Yang
everything listed in that manifesto is at it's best capitalist reformism you stupid cuck
>it's not socialism if it did something bad or failed
Every time.
>I-I didnt want to survive anyway!
Okay retard.
"Extremist" is a meaningless term, because what is considered "extreme" depends heavily on the time and place. Universal suffrage and abolition of slavery were extremist positions during the French revolution , for example.
fuck off back to reterdera
Or I ignore the passive aggressive snark and roleplay however the fuck I want and my personal beliefs are none of your business whatsoever.
>"When the Nazis and Communists first came in to Czechoslavakia the declared war on pornographers and perverts. Everyone applauded: who wants perverts running through the streets? But then, suddenly Jesus Christ was a pervert, Hemingway was a pervert."
When you strip away they rights of one group of people, you open up the door to strip the rights of everyone.
We let even despicable people have the same rights as anyone, to protect us from people like you who would take the rights from everyone if they could.
stalin wasn't a fascist by any definition of the word, come the fuck on here
Fascism is a complex social and economical system. It isn't stuff the government does that you dont like. People who use it as such are retarded beyond repair.
I fucking hate that I got monkey paw'd on this particular game
Vamp Bloodlines is one of my top 5 of all time, and this fucking AIDS shit infested sequel I'm avoiding. It's not real bloodlines 2.
The fact that it's called "Bloodlines 2" was cause enough for concern. It should've just been "Vampire, the Masquerade: New Title" and I'd have been more hyped.
Then the fact that the game has clearly taken a step back in combat focus by being a fucking FPS instead of the natural progression in the Post Demon's Souls RPG World of having a good third person combat system, i'm fucking done.
For years I imagined some sequel to bloodlines with like jedi academy/bloodborne teir vamp combat with firearms and melee weapons, but telekinetic shit and bloodlust and beast transforms and all the rest, jumping, wall jumping, as well as extensive interconnected city world you progress though in real time as you pass through the night before dawn
instead we get this bullshit that will clearly be a 7/10 mediocre piece of shit focusing on politics and visuals instead of gameplay
>nazi: i dont like blacks because *citations from government document or major peer-reviewed study*
>There is literally no way to justify placing groups on different levels
Brain surgeons should be on the same level as janitors and Marathon runners should be on the same level as 400 pound lardo's who'd have a heart attack if they took a step.
>it's okay when we do it
>Vampire: The Masquerade is not a facist friendly game
>Game is about being a monster on the edge of becoming a mindless, pure evil creature and the conflict comes on how to keep being a monster while not going full beast
>While dealing with inter monster clan politics who do not operate like democracy or republics at all
WoD was always faggy, dumb shit but I love how they went woke on a game where you are supposed to play a person in a terrible situation in a fucked up world.
Stalin and Mao persecuted ethnic minorities in order to promote national unity and to crush dissent. Castro wasn’t quite as harsh as the others but Cuba like most of the new world generally favored european descent over native or African blood.
Also I meant to put racist in that first post.
>deny LGBT privileges
There, FTFY!
Fascism = no individual freedoms
Communism = no individual freedoms
Fascism = state controls society
Communism = state controls society
Fascism = police state
Communism = police state
Fascism = no democracy
Communism = no democracy
Fascism = defeated by America
Communism = defeated by America
Someone start dumping porn already, yeesh.
I don't think you could really have a coherent fascist vampire, they require a heterogeneous society by definition. I suppose they could be neo confederates.
>First read
First read how Stalin changed Leninism and then you may talk like a smart boy. He was literally a fascist.
Thing is that communism has the guise of one day abolishing government by making humana live in harmony and other fairy tale shit. Facism wants the totaltarian governemt as it's endgame.
Personallt I understand political extremes are horseshoes that always end up in utter garbage, so I'd rather democracy.
>"nazi": 2 genders
>left: reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
fascism is feels over reals. there's nothing complex about an autistic german man who flunked out of art school blaming jews for his hurt feelings
>germany should be well
>we're superior
>kill jews and invalids
shit's fucked which is why we must create oppression olympics hierarchies to oppress people we don't like. also get rid of free speech and the right to bear arms. btw totally not a fascist!
America = defeated by itself
Who's laughing now? :^)
>Okay retard.
>dieing for what you believe in is retarded
no wonder you're bearing the banner, you're just as weak as the rest of them, you'll die a broken man carrying the morals of other weak men because you were never strong enough to stand up for your own.
You have my pity.
leftist: kill whites #killallmen
normal person: stop
you: iTs oK WheN wE dO iT
it seems that malkavians are the only sane ones.
>inequality, especially the encouragement of it, cannot in any way be logically or morally justified
if i create more than you, i deserve to have more than you. if i create something and you take it from me without my consent, that's theft but you think it's justified because now we're equal.
anyway, i asked you for things that don't apply to commies. communism results in the eradication of productive and ambitious people, but at least we're all equally in the shit now.
you want to take away all freedom but think you're morally good. pretty funny.
You have any facts to back that up?
Yes, and? ;)
sounds great to me, aside from the gun ban which isn't leftist
Imagine living your life in such a black and white way. I wish I was this retarded sometimes. It must be nice to be a literal idiot.
Mussolini was a real dumbass to ally himself with Hitler. The west would have left him well enough alone like they did Franco,
except it was never about that
Jews were infesting all realms of influence, from media to politics to money and beyond
and guess what, fast forward nearly 80 years and it's true, jews are now fully entrenched in power and the world is worse for it
If Hitler won during WW2, despite it being bad for britain and france in the immediate term, I think england today would be better, I wouldn't exist though but I believe the entire world would be in a better place
America should've flown over and helped germany rid the communist scourge instead of killing what it perceived as evil instead of the true satan further east
>Muh ideology
You do realize its just supposed to be a front, a name that makes people feel good.
Following an ideologies principles to a T and never changing will always end in disaster
the truth is to be politically pragmatic, regardless of what its called. If it works and fixes the nations problems then it is good. Even if it hurts "muh feelings"
The U.S used to understand this, but have forgotten and now past point of no return on its downward spiral
China on the other hand has ingeniously, come up with the system of masking their government with socialism to make the masses happy, but they can implement whatever policy they like, not binding themselves to Socalism, capitalism, or fascism
Instead they have embraced all three and use them as they see fit. Once the idea has run its course its discarded for something else.
Funny how /pol/ uses the dehumanization of the Nazis in the media as ammo that they must have done something to make them scared, but ignore the fact that China is almost as vilified as they are. Hence the moronic and pitiful reeeing on this board whenever they hear or see the mentioning of the civilization that will take the reigns once the West collapses.
>No counter argument.
I guess if you believe so little in your own opinion, resorting to not even stating or explaining it must be pretty attractive.
>literally can't refute any line
Tell me how nice it is to be a literal idiot, you'd know.
Hitler wanted to deport them, but no one took them back.
you get the bullet ;)
anyone can help me with this issue please? did my gog installation come with a botched unofficial patch that removed this scene or somehow im not playing the unofficial patch version?
At no point in Stalin's writing does he declare himself a fascist you assclown. Cite this shit immediately if I'm wrong. He must use "fascism" verbatim to describe himself.
No ambition? The Soviets literally sent shit to venus in the 70s. They paved the way for modern space travel.
So sayeth General Patton, before his assassination.
God, I'm glad I don't care about western games.
>fascism is bad
You can tell how brainwashed the leftists have left you, when you willingly adopt their rhetoric that everything I don't like is fascism and evil. The leftists don't even care about their totalitarian impulses, they relish when you don't actually identify their real ideology. Far leftism/communism.
>dying for what you believe in
>centrist who wont choose a side
Pick one retard.
shiggy-diggy-doo ;^)
>confiscate 90% of the wealth from the top 10%
This always cracks me up. Don't these bay area snowflakes realize that THEY would be the ones wealth is confiscated from, since the actual rich just moved abroad?
Fascist governments use a guild system and allow for capital and private ownership of production. You're a literal idiot.
I don't like states either :^)
nazi: 13% of black people commit half of the crime and it's because of their race and culture
left: poor people commit crime. black people are poorer than white people this is because of the past 200 years of institutions literally built around oppressing them, like slavery, jim crow, redlining, gentrification, etc. we literally have a white nationalist in congress right now
nazi: nah it's their race lol I can tell because I've been around black people before
you: dude i can't tell who citing facts
Fucking hilarious I bet the people who wrote them though they were making a "villain with social commentary".
His quote is hilarious, his prelude is something I always found a riot about the whole Vampire experience, the idea of making a Vampire dude who thinks he has any morals/fights for a sentiment of justice.
"Equalizer" is a mystical parasite, a fucking bloodsucker. No mater ho many homophobes cocks he sucks dry of blood, he will always be a murderous monster creep who would do a world a favor for not existing at all, an unholy abomination that is canon in the setting, evil as fuck.
I will never get why one would try to play a heroic vampire. It's like trying to play a boorlicking wage slave in Shadowrun. You can do it, you just have to ignore the point of the whole setting though.
>Fascists can be either far right or far left.
There never was such thing as "far right" fascists. Both italian fascism and german nazism were merely the forms of left that decided to backpedal somewhat on implementation of socialism and radical restructuring of society after an attempt of such ended up with Bolsheviks killed several millions of people for shits and giggles, while fundamentally keeping the same core precepts.
You really think these people are going to spare you? They are going to kill or ruin you one day, just because they can. They can't help it.
That is why you shouldn't bend to them. Either you don't listen to them now, or you don't listen to them 50 years down the road after having lived under their boot for all that time.
What I personally see with the concentration camps was just a means to justify slavery. Germany was poor having to pay royalties of WW1 and they needed funds, so they justified stealing all the money, properties, belongings, etc. Of everyone who was rich (i.e. inmigrants and foreigners "non-aryans") and force those people into slavery so they can create weapons and resources for war without the government having to spend minimal money on sustaining their workforce.
Politics, ideologies, race puritanism, kamfs of mein variants were all just pretty words to gain quick funds for a big war.
it's almost as if... personal greed is a bad thing...
How the fuck is this still up mods?