Are any of the other games in the series any good? Do any top this one? I really liked this one, it was really good. I was really interested in where the story would go even though the story was somewhat minimal and cheesy. The game felt like it was always mixing it up, I never really got bored or complacent. And I was really surprised with how Ashley having to be an escort mission was not a negative aspect of the game at all, I actually thought it made the game even better for having it. So it was a really good game, wish I played it earlier.
I just finished Resident Evil 4
Have sex
REmake 2 gets really close to topping 4 but doesnt succeed
Dead Space 1 & 2
RE1 remake and RE2 original are both better.
post your case
Ok, I will play that one in the future. Are you able to move while aiming in that one, or are you stuck in place like this one?
...with Ashley
you can move whilst aiming but very slowly
Ok, I have not played those games either, Ill give em a go later.
You can move while aiming, but it's an actual survival horror game, not a shooter like RE4.
>Are any of the other games in the series any good?
RE1, RE2, RE3, RE:CV, RE7, both remakes
>Do any top this one?
Both remakes
I was surprised why Leon didnt want to do some overtime with her, shes 20 so theres nothing wrong.
You will never experience re4 for the first time ever again
RE5 is literally RE4 but with co-op. People complain about ally AI being dumb but it's still possible to finish the game on hardest difficulties not using special weapons with it.
Ya, but it as great. Glad I decided to play it. The only horror type game Ive played has been Amnesia prior to this.
Lacks the campy charm RE4 had and doesn't have Attache Case HD
Ive heard people hate re5, are they just the minority, or it there something to it?
RE5 is good but only in co-op.
It has many shortcomings but I think the main reason it gets so much hate is mandatory co-op essentially. Other than that it's just too similar to RE4 but with a overly serious story.
Her ears are weird and Sandy Cheeks voice is a turn off and she's a fag.
Play Haunting Ground now
1. She is not Leon's type, nor I imagine most people's type
2. You don't shit where you eat
The first half is pretty enjoyable and the second half is a complete and utter trainwreck.
RER2 was pretty gud
RE4 is easily the best game in the series, but some of the others are still decent. RE1/REmake in particular is worth trying, though it's focused more heavily on resource management than action.
It also has worse enemies/encounters, weapons, and environments. Yes, the basic mechanics are very similar, but RE5 is nowhere near as well-designed as RE4. If you're playing alone, the AI partner is also an obnoxious handicap, because she's much more helpless than Ashley and she can't just be shoved into a dumpster until the fighting is over.
The AI on the Gold Edition PC release has been markedly improved but you still have to manage it correctly. Keep it in attack/offense mode by default and only on defense when nearby in tight spaces.
Defense mode behavior is restricted, preventing the bot from being proactive, but it'll be quicker to follow you. Offense mode by default let's the bot follow at a looser distance while going off on its own to collect items and keep itself supplied while taking care of stragglers along the way. It'll also use grenades under certain conditions only in offense/attack.
RE5 is the only other mechanically similar game in the series to RE4, Revelations and RE6 stray too far, and RE0-Code Veronica, and REmake 1&2, are different games entirely.
RE5 is really good overall but the last quarter of the game is weak
Probably just wanted to be straight laced about it. She had just escaped a traumatic horror fest, she's his bosses' daughter, and he was on the clock.
i.e. Leon's a good boy.
I'd recommend playing this survival horror masterpiece and its sequel
What kind of a retard plays games like that
The AI is only helpless if you keep it locked in its defensive mode and stray too far from it and leave it behind, isolated. Keep it covered and it'll keep you covered, keep it on the attack mode when you do want to move quickly so its behavior will be more independent.
The combination of the bad AI on release, coupled with the stupid fucking attack/defense modes confusing people, is what made the AI seem worse than it actually was, or even is now in the current PC version.
Also, when playing alone, you'll have to play Chris through the campaign first, before getting to play Sheva.
I liked the sequel and I can tell you in earnest it's RE4 compared to DC1, as in arcade mindless shooter.
Also, while I never had bad experiences with the AI when I played RE5, I only played on the hard difficulties, and I don't know if that affects the partner AI's stats as it does the NPCs.
Unironically REVII. It's got the RE4 goofiness but it's more of a classic RE game.
If you really liked 4 then 5 is more of that formula but not as nearly good. (but still pretty good)
Sitting upright hurts me back.