Ayyy yooo what's with MK11 not having hot slutty outfits?

I loved MK9. I loved how Jade had huge tits and look like a stripper in it.

Why the fuck did they tame it all in MK10? MK11 looks even worse.

Did the big boobies seem more controversial than the violent grotesque fatalities?

Attached: jade_mk9.jpg (1920x1080, 280K)

Other urls found in this thread:

boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero/

western game devs are all lame fags now

They wanted to pander to all the 18 SJW's that wont buy their game, for good reviews of course!


You faggots are insufferable.

fuck you dude. MK9 was the best. I'm not buying another mortal kombat until they bring back big tits.

i would rather have fatalities with no blood/gore than prude outfits for the female fighters.

big back the milkers

bring back*

limpwristed pudgy sperg calling anyone a faggot

You can make female characters look cool even when they are fully clothed.
In MK11 they are all ugly and have some kind of boring generic "armor".
Its also funny how all male characters are basically naked with visible nipples.

>playing as any of the female characters

Suck a bullet, fag. Play as a real man's character

Attached: Noob.jpg (640x360, 43K)

>Generic looking ninja that looks like scorpion #78 telling anyone to man up

MKfags are so cute.

Virtue signalling, they're literally doing it to comply to newish media standards. Which is what Mortal Kombat used to be the opposite of.

Attached: 1553844520_111.png (761x913, 428K)

You're going to have to buy them. This is a DLC ploy

Who's this autistic to give a shit about a 2 second animation?

Who's this autistic to change a 2 second animation to appease the newish media?

If you need to jack off this much just go to pornhub.

Attached: 123.jpg (599x559, 30K)

>playing as a character that is literally called “noob”

But Scarlet, Kitana, and Jade do look cool.

Cassie and Jacqui look like dog shit and Sonya is bland in her default but the non military girls look perfectly fine.

What is this fag shit?

You're the one taking away the fun. You're insufferable. Civil war now.

DLC for what? More Sexy in this game. Yeah, that's not going to happen.

Just dont buy it. If you have any integrity then dont give them your money.

hello piece of shit

You know this is fabricated right?

Fucking what?

this is a strange thread of SJWs false-flagging as horny gamers and other SJWs calling them incels
I suppose it's probably a shill thread created to manufacture outrage and generate buzz, but it's still just strange

if i wanted to see some ugly bitch I would look at your mother, I don't want to see her in my videogame.

Is it not more worrying that hes dead serious when killing females? is kabal an incel?

Attached: 1553330856152.png (600x547, 335K)

user you can complain about "MUH SJWS" all you want, but I'm pretty sure they arent causing outrage over 2 fucking seconds. Why does it matter if he's in anger or if he shows no expression,literally no one wins except for some autistic kid

You're getting mad because female characters arent dressed in g-strings.

Like fuck, they look fine, two of them look bland but the rest are fucking fine. This isnt "SJW" shit, Injustice 2 was just the other year and had plenty of T and A, this has nothing to do with "da libs".

You people are paranoid as shit and looking for ghosts.

>Sonya is bland in her default but the non military girls look perfectly fine.
Models look fine, not sure what everyone problem is with them, but all of female costumes look very bland.

I won't be mad in 1 minute but you will still be stupid forever. Get a brain shithead

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Kitana, Jade, and Skarlet look pretty good i think, i like their designs.

All the ninjas look really good in this game.

user you are clearly very stupid.

mad about shit that was already fixed

Attached: danefef.png (794x116, 18K)

Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters

Attached: 9rl2.jpg (465x391, 28K)

they all look very neutral, I'd say they have a mens bodies with female heads. Completely not femine

you're the faggot for not liking tits faggot

>fuck you dude. MK9 was the best

I am serious you are a stupid mother fucker. Why do you parents hate you so much?

the retard is back
boards.fireden.net/v/search/text/Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero/

>he does not like titties
>calls others faggot
lmao what a faggot

I think that's a pretty neat character trait to put in, Kabal is just ugly guy in mask in most of the games he's in, so if they want to give the dude some depth saying he's not a sociopath who likes to kill women or he's a misandrist who loves to kill men

as for the women, they're WAYYY better that MK10 so I'm not complaining. MK's 4-9 were comic books and 10 and 11 are shooting for a realistic look

You are absolutely fucking delusional.
Dont even for a fucking MINUTE pretend MK9's women looked like women.

you like man bodied ape faced gorilla looking brazilian trensexuals with orbular bolt ons. Please stop.

This is phonepost samefagging right?


Attached: 11arefu.jpg (1288x640, 163K)

>This is phonepost samefagging right?
nah you're just a faggot lmao kill yourself

>everyone bitches about the manjaws
>now it's the hottest shit ever
Okay hear me out on this one. What if they had titties but also faces that didn't look like they had a brick implanted in their chins?


Is you posting a heavily edited Rule34 blender model supposed to prove me wrong?

Her default is cool too.

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man whats with this guy and his mk11 spamming

Attached: mfw slut show up.gif (353x597, 150K)

look at the little homo who wants dicks in his game but not women
I bet you like to suck cock little aids faggot

These threads are so fucking embarrassing

Attached: 1551356264911.png (544x749, 333K)

they do but this retard is shitposting hard

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11 Online Beta_20190327090222.png (1920x1080, 1.64M)

Okay thanks for confirming, samefag.

They do have titties, they're just not universally e or g cups.

You heard me, faggot. People SHOULD complain about SJW's. People like you are taking every opportunity to censor anything you don't like. You're turning in to those faggot conservatives that used to do the same shit.

Gotta pander to those who won't buy your game, fuck those people who do

Except they said there won't be bikini costumes/items

Gobble more cock, pussy.

What possesses you to behave like this for months at a time?

Its concerning.

man billy is going in hard

you sure about that pal?

Attached: 1111sdfs33333.png (1024x576, 352K)

Not him but all the default costumes look like shit, dude. They remind me a lot of some early super hero movies where they wanted the "costumes" to look as realistic as possible because they were afraid to make anything to comic accurate.

they literally confirmed there wont be any bikini. get fucked shill

ok you dont need a bikini to be sexy how old are you kid

>Kitana, Jade, and Skarlet look pretty good i think, i like their designs.
Honestly, I've seen people on Twitter come up with better costume designs that pop more than what I seen from the actual game. Jade disappointed me greatly by how they committed the sin of covering up too much of her most defining feature which is her dark skin.

Yes and?

Actual character design is more important than "muh dick", and it seems like they're actually treating the character designs seriously this time around. Not in the sense of skin covering or that shit but in terms of making strong designs that look good, which they mostly do besides the Kombat Kids.

The soccer moms from the 90's finally won.

what possesses you to take dicks up your ass freak

yep, not getting the new mk. ed boon can go fuck himself

>moving goalposts
thanks for confirming that you're a faggot shill. kill yourself you son of a whore

>sjws ruin MK
>chris evans is a huge sjw
like pottery

>MK9 was the best
The game was so bad the game wouldn't register inputs if you held down for too long.

Are you a porn addict or something?


MKX had really bland overly busy kind of shit designs. Kitanas is one of the better ones but her MK11 one is cooler.

This costume has more personality and pops more than the default MK11 one. If this was on the new model in MK11, it would make it even better.

>no bikini to make me pp hard i hate it

fuck off zoomer

mk9 was the best mk since UMK3. even MK4 was better than deadly alliance, deception and those other shitty games on PS2

Are you a child? How old are you?

>If you have any integrity then dont give them your money.
Actually the other way around. MK11 is polished and gets all the gameplay and coding right. They deserve all of my money if an era where everyone is releasing games with broken online and dumbed down gameplay.

Honestly I want to buy this but its so gruesome that I literally cannot stomach it, pretty baffling that they're okay with taking away the bikinis which I dont really mind since I never cared about outfits but those fucking fatalities are fucking ridiculous.

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>MK11 is polished and gets all the gameplay and coding right
>LITERALLY uses the outdated unreal engine 3

This costume design still needs more improvement.

they said there wont be bikini's in the game why the outrage again or did you guys find anything to to latch onto to hate this game

>pretty baffling that they're okay with taking away the bikinis which I dont really mind since I never cared about outfits but those fucking fatalities are fucking ridiculous.
What do those two have to do with eachother?

They're completely unrelated, frogposter.

you have to work on your argumentation.

I see you, chris evans.

I like sexy women and I can not lie

>turns on TV sex appeal everywhere and innuendos galore
>Open magazine tips on how to make ur breasts bigger, dieting for sex appeal and tips for having amazing sex
the absolute state of America

looks good to me

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11 Online Beta_20190329172230.png (1920x1080, 3.1M)

>we're not trying to take your games away!
>okay, maybe a little

Example of this in a fighting game.

Why do you faggots pretend to know a single fucking thing about video games at all when you clearly know nothing?

What fucking argumentation? You faggots are thinking with your dick, you have no argument. I'm just saying i think the new designs look cool.

Masturbating is healthy, masturbating 9 times a day is not.

Video games are supposed to be for children bro

>they said there wont be bikini's in the game

Yeah where the fuck did this Ed Boon guy come from? He's cucked as fuck.

Its more about the fact that they're toning down the nudity but going full force with the gore.

Are you really going to tell me that nudity is worse than gore?

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Taking MK photo realistic was a bad fucking idea.

I think they overdid with 11 and how covered they are. Muslim Kombat indeed. They need to be ridiculed

Attached: gum.png (557x442, 326K)

Masturbating is NOT healthy you don't even know wtf you're talking about

because you're a shill. it does not look impressive at all. look at that clipping, that low res texture on his chest armor, no AA.

Again what the fuck do those two have to do with eachother you retarded amphibian.

One is character design, the other is violence, they're not related.

>but her MK11 one is cooler.
Looks very basic and very bland buddy.

nice assblast retard

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11 Online Beta_20190329172218.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

>Why do you faggots pretend to know a single fucking thing about video games at all when you clearly know nothing?
>To whoever keeps changing the Mortal Kombat 11 Wikipedia page to claim the game uses UE4... while I appreciate the intention and while we take this as a compliment, MK11 is built on NRS's custom UE3 version. And yes, our ver of UE3 is radically different from Epic's at this pt.
— Jon Greenberg (@Jontology) March 5, 2019
kill yourself you son a whore.

I don't like 3D shit, but I acknowledge MK9 was a mess and was a chore play beyond brainless mashing. Also the women looked like trannies, MK11 Jade>>>>>Tranny Jade

Attached: original.jpg (426x577, 24K)

Ah yes like batman Arkham Knight one of the best looking videogames ever.

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Boon is just another casualty of the sjw infection. I'm reading interviews with his employees talking about how much more mature and respectful they are toward female characters now. Cucked as fuck.

why do you care about my dick?
It's clear MK11 kitana looks like crap compared to even shitty MKX designs

>Taking MK photo realistic was a bad fucking idea.
What the fuck did he actually mean by this?

Attached: ee796d8022ae724ec74c07a3c058a64f.jpg (208x500, 21K)

>y-y-y-y-y-you are a shill
no retard the game runs fine and you dont know what you are talking about

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11 Online Beta_20190328133411.png (1920x1080, 2.18M)

>Rated M
Requires the age of 17 to buy
A magazine that show you tips on twerking anyone can purchase.
and we have sex jokes even Disney movies

UE3 isn't outdated. Yea Forums's favorite, Guilty Gear Xrd, uses UE3. UE3 is better for fighters because you can get less latency.

>open world, multiple characters vs two characters on a small level
nice damage control shill.

>Taking MK photo realistic was a bad fucking idea
nobody can be this retarded

Attached: fgnsfjsfyhj.jpg (678x644, 147K)

Mortal Kombat is the tutorial of fighting games anyway. You're supposed to grow out of it. I realized it wasn't fun to me anymore with MKX after being exposed to real fighting games. Nothing of value was lost.

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They should just go back to digitized actors, honestly.

So it's fine to have half naked men fighting but fuck no cover the women up

Double Standard Kombat

Age ratings doesn't really do a damn thing.
When I was 7 I wanted tekken 3 so i just had my mom buy it for me

>UE3 isn't outdated. Yea Forums's favorite, Guilty Gear Xrd,
>using Yea Forums favoritism as an argument

Yes it is, it stimulates your prostate and helps prevent prostate cancer. Are you stupid?

Good job completely missing the point you fucking moron. Thanks fo poving me point.

Are you autistic?

lmao hahahaha

good one. this should trend on twitter. Muslim Kombat 11 hahahahahahahahha

no stop it !

It sleek, simple, and clean. I like designs like that, sue me.

What do you get out of this? Why do you keep doing this? How empty is your life that you spend months on end, every single day, spamming this stuff?

I'm sorry my opinion offends you, shill.

>the game runs fine
of course a game on 10+ year old engine would run fine.

MK11 is more engaging than modern Jap fighters simply because there is actual neutral.

YOU'RE stupid, when masturbating you are wasting seed that should be going inside a woman to impregnate her

Attached: gwrgwrg.jpg (380x211, 16K)

Why do they all HAVE TO HAVE big breasts for? Can't some of them at least be allowed to have smaller more realistic breasts or are you guys all just perverted incels?

>specific finishing moves, unique to characters and embodying their personality or background
>MK is fucking famous for these moves
>this is not character design
OK retard

Every game, NRS slowly gets better, prettier faces on the women models.

MK has to be one of the most pathetic vidya series right now. The games have strayed so far from the soul of the series, and cuck fanboys defend it.

Man unreal 3 is way better that Unreal 4 my man in terms of how textures and geometry do there thing, anyways i dont even play MK im just saying an old engine can be very good for modern applications
Such as Titanfall 1 and 2 being on SOURCE lmao
I mean fuck look at this pic its the definition of Unreal 4 not that KH is bad but still

Attached: 1552197529297.png (703x385, 344K)

>What do you get out of this? Why do you keep doing this? How empty is your life that you spend months on end, every single day, spamming this stuff?
>p-p-please no bully

you just said the game would run bad dumbass

Look im not going to fight you on the character design but you're obviously avoiding my question, are we really going to prioritize censoring nudity over photorealistic gore.

Are you 12?

Once we reach the point of in game graphics looking like a AAA cutscene where do we go from there?

Have sex

Injustice 2 was good in that regard, which makes MK11's utter failure so mind boggling. So far, cassie is the only one that lookes good.

I said it looks like shit. You cant read? Lmao maybe you should buy a dictionary with your pajeet money you 3rd world shill.

I guess you have nothing more to say since It's so clear from image how MKX Kitana design is superior and all you do is trying to offend me with some dumb shit.
Now be quiet nigger

It isnt.

You dont know what "Character Design" means. It isnt "characters personality and history", its "Character DESIGN".

Their DESIGN, retard.

Jade is actually hot in MK11. Other games this gen have extra large eyes that look like they have some sort of cancer and no lips or cheeks.

Attached: D0cgXG3U8AAbrAv.jpg (1200x1200, 136K)

yes conservative american culture is more scared of tits than of violence

user those two have fucking nothing to do with eachother and arent related in the slightest, i cant answer your question because there is no question to answer, theres no correlation, theres nothing connecting those two, its two entirely completely different things you're trying to tie together.

you haven't looked at anything from the game have you

fuck america and fuck california



You're in middle school, yes or no?

You're arguing your subjective opinion as objective fact, are you autistic?

At first at was with you guys, but seeing how much butthurt has come out from the lack of boobs I got to give it to MK11, it's so hilarious read you every fucking day with the same topic

You already lost the battle. The tits and ass are out of the game, accept it or gtfo bitches

Attached: freddie mercury eating a cherry.gif (320x240, 2.09M)

>It sleek, simple, and clean. I like designs like that, sue me.
All they did was add pants to her leotard and shoulder guards. That's it. Again, the last default costume had personality and popped more. But then again to each his own.

That's being generous. She doesn't look like a tranny, at least.
Feel free to prove me wrong.

World is being overpopulated so murder=good sex=bad

You don't have sex, do you? You wouldn't be this obsessed over defending your masturbation habits if you did

>The tits and ass are out of the game
They arent, really though. They still have tits and ass, they're just not showing as much actual skin, but even then some of them are clearly showing skin.

Sonya has an outfit showing midriff and is all skin tight, Jades one outfit is about as revealing as MK2, Skarlets commie skin has exposed thighs.

>accept it
Have I accepted if I haven't played a mortal kombat game since MK4?

you can tell she has big tits under all that clothing.

it looks like jade converted to islam

No, she's the hottest character model this generation

Attached: jade nipples.jpg (417x671, 47K)

>theres no correlation, theres nothing connecting those two

Alright, they're both taboo. Now answer my question or are you continue ignoring it? if you are I can just leave.

yeah we know that gays like you hate titties.

snoy boys be all like
but then they be all like
>mm yes more male muscles

they already changed her face retard and didnt you retards shit all over injustice 2 now they are cute you fags cant make up your minds

>Have I accepted if I haven't played a mortal kombat game since MK4?
Then why do you even care? Is your hobbies gossip and whining like a little girl?

What ethnicity were they even going for? Poo?

user you have been bitching for months about the attire of digital women because they're not constantly exposing their nude bodies because thats what your dick likes.

You are clearly either severely autistic to the point of not being functional in modern society or you're an actual underage middle school poster who thinks he's being cool or smart or some shit. I know you're samefagging, i know its just you, i know you think you're smart using your phone and tapping the airplane button, but you're not fooling me.

Attached: 1527225608542.jpg (500x386, 60K)

jade reminds me of vanessa morgan and kat graham

so half black half white?

>so half black half white?

That's a long way of typing "I have never had sex"

Why do I care about identity politics infesting every facet of the video game industry? I think that question answers itself. Ignoring it doesn't make it go away.

Reminder kringeoid kuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until SJW Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters

Attached: 4sol5Dw.jpg (465x391, 65K)

and you care enough to defend digital women on anonymous Taiwanese board. For months. Out of you two you sound like the biggest loser

user you are fucking stupid. There is no correlation, i cant answer your dumb fucking question because theres nothing to fucking compare between them. I'm not IGNORING your stupid fucking question, i am incapable of answering your retarded dipshit fucking question because it fundamentally makes no sense.

One is character design, art style philosophies and art direction, the other is just the level of violence they want to have, theres no fucking comparison or correlation between them. Its like asking why the sky is blue if your hand is blistered, what the fuck do those two things have to do with eachother?

They're "deemphasizing sexuality" because thats just the art direction of the costume design, it has fucking nothing to do with the gore. How fucking dumb are you?

fucking retard

Good model, with lack luster costumes.

>they already changed her face
I know, which is why I said she's the only good one. Unless you're talking about Jade. In which case, OOF!
>you retards shit all over injustice 2 now they are cute you fags cant make up your minds
They did look like shit prerelease, then they fixed them.
>well don't you think that'll happen with MK11?
Maybe. I'd hope so, but I've learned to never give devs the benefit of the doubt.

I havent been defending them for months, ive been in like two of these threads.

You are clearly samefagging, you're spamming the same faggot pictures and repeating the same faggot copy and paste shit.

you sound like a fucking retard good job

>Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters
Is it confirmed you can't? Legit question.

There is not an ounce of white DNA in her. She looks more like native american.

They already have been doing that you fucking turbo spastic faggot, holy shit.

yes i am talking about jade you shitposting retard and they fixed the mortal kombat girls you are bitching about fucking nothing

Attached: Mortal Kombat 11 Online Beta_20190330234747.png (1920x1080, 1.53M)

>i am incapable of answering your retarded dipshit fucking question

i've never seen someone get so worked up over a question

Attached: 1393871231120.jpg (419x480, 81K)

Because you're fucking stupid.

Damn, so even girls in Nintendo games show more skin than in MKXI?

Attached: 250px-Palutena_SSBU.png (250x264, 78K)

there will me multiple costumes and shit in the game

Is there no way to make her human in that outfit?

Jade and Kitana show more skin than her.

Because you're dumb puppet that sounds completely controlled

you might be able to

Fag, use a better example.

Attached: samus_costume_smash_bros.jpg (864x486, 184K)

this thread is infested with faggots and SJWs defending no milkers in MK11

Why are you retarded?

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 125K)

no we are just calling you a samefag retard

Attached: 1534783949896.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Let me know how I'm wrong instead of just irrationally attacking me. You can't do it because you know I speak truth.
I know it's frustrating how you can't seem to escape politics, even in hobbies meant for escapism anymore. Believe me, I fully understand, but that's the world we live in now. Just like you have to constantly be on guard against jewish tricks from AAA publishers, you have to be on guard against sjws trying to force their way into everything.

Attached: 1324879866596.jpg (499x382, 45K)

>Did the big boobies seem more controversial than the violent grotesque fatalities?
You know damn well Boon probably still loves big titty girls but he's getting older and is likely under the impression that the young people talking about "muh objectification" are actually his consumer base.
threads like this might be bait threads for harvesting bad think reactions from Yea Forums to support the idea that those damn-dirty-gamers are all misogynists or what not as well

Attached: leon phone.jpg (400x400, 16K)

/pol/ I want you to understand why we hate you.
We dont hate you because what you say is "offensive". Remember where the fuck you are, we are each about 1 click away from watching women with 12 inch cocks fucking each other. And at one point this site even had guro and loli boards. Oh my god you said nigger! This totally shocks my unenlightened sheeple mind.

No, we hate you because you are the new furfags. You see, the problem with furfags, wasnt that they jerked off to furry shit, it was that they were so fucking obnoxious about it. Everything had to be made furry. Every forum avatar had to be a fursona. They had to constantly broadcast the fact that they were furfags to everyone, and when this was met with derision, they doubled down on their effort. They labeled the rational reaction to their faggotry "fursecution" and actively set out to be the biggest faggots they could possibly be to combat it.

Stormniggers are exactly the same. I have yet to see a single board on this site that doesnt regularly have off topic derails about niggers or jews. Always with craftyjew.jpg and A Wyatt Mann cartoons. It doesnt matter how off topic it is, /pol/ users cant help but broadcast the fact that they are stormniggers.

What does the average IQ of blacks have to do with this thread? I mean, really what does it add to the conversation about the movie? Jack shit. All it does is send out a big loud signal to everyone in the thread that LOOK AT ME! I AM SO RACIST! YOU SHOULD BE OFFENDED!

TL;DR Stormfags are just the same as furfags only their "fursecution" is called "political correctness".

all this retarded shit over a dev saying there wont be bikinis in the game you need help

Attached: 1516780671740.jpg (554x362, 86K)

But specifically sexy outfits, have they been ousted completely?

its always funny looking at 16oer kids like you parrot opinions that you literally dont understand

*goes back to jive, a REAL fighting game for REAL fighting game players*

Jesus christ how fucking old are you, seriously faggot you have to be 12 or 13.

Feel free to post examples then.
>cleft chin
That's a big oof from me. But unjustice 2 did have catwoman so maybe jade will just end up as MK11's stinker compared to the others. Assuming they get fixed, of course.

no who said that some retard here why believe them

>Y-YOU'RE /pol/!

Every time

Attached: 1539717983200.jpg (572x549, 37K)

>I havent been defending them for months, ive been in like two of these threads.
lmao nah you did. cuz you're either a shill or a soiboi cuck white knight. either way kill yourself

>i-i-i-i-ts bad
look at this fucking retard

A totally of like 4 or 6, though it just looks some of the "Costume Sets" are just sets with slight changes with one another. Example of this is Skarlet. One of her sets is just the desert raider outfit without sleeves and a boob hole.

*lootboxes and season passes
I see you shill

>you're just mad because you won't get your titty armor
I know you're frustrated because you can't escape the culture war no matter where you go anymore, but don't take it out on me just because I'm within striking range. When the lead artist is talking about being more mature and respectful in MK of all things, that's a red flag. You can't ignore it, and take what you get, but you're only hurting yourself in the long run.

Got ya, good thanks for the clarification.

how the hell do you know have you played the game

Oh so the faggots screeching
ARENT /pol/?

Wow coulda fooled me, so you're just giant fucking losers!

Literally post any other example. I haven't completely written off these supposed fixes yet over one character.

Remember to respect women

Attached: mature and respect.png (1920x1080, 1.62M)

they already said there wont be lootboxes in the game retard


Sonya, Cassie, Kitana.

And that's the only midriff you'll see in the game. Also, would it have killed them to just let her have her halter top from MK4? Looks way better than the tank top IMO. Was showing a larger midriff too sexy for them.

I play ST though. Not particularly well compared to the guys who have not stopped playing it all these years that can still body me, especially since I main a low tier in a game where doing so is a death sentence, but it's better than cleaning lobby after lobby in MK with its braindead playerbase and complete lack of tech and many fundamental concepts.

ok retard now what

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You're a fool if you don't think the culture war is here and sjws aren't trying to destroy everything you enjoy so they can rebuild it in their own perverse image.

You love the /pol/fags NPC meme but the irony is you act just like one.

>they already said there wont be lootboxes in the game
yeah call of duty black ops 4 initially didnt either. then 4 months after activision added lootboxes. all WB games have microtransactions and multiple shitty lazy dlc and season passes including mkx. I see you shill. Kill yourself

yes you can kill them just like them men

Imagine it being a dick going right up in that.

Im not saying that, if anything Im fine with them bringing the female characters to a more appropriate level in terms appearance but they'll censor side boob before those disgusting fatalities?

Good. Injustice 2 was awful with that crap.


only good MK games were 1, 2 and3.

everything else sucked and MK9 was only worth playing for the big boobs. now that the big boobs are gone ill just go back to playing old school UMK3 when im in the mood

Post pics please.
I'm gonna be a doubt on that one. I did see a pic and she looked bad. Unless they fixed her in record time.
I already said new cassie looked good. Show me another.

what a fucking retard you are you are doing anything to shit on this game

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You're no different from the faggots you claim to despise, faggot.

You're just as bad as the worst of the left. You're the same form of cancer, insufferable fucking retards who cant stand anything that even remotely could be construed as not fitting their own political ideology.

You're just a little worker drone in a giant machine of shit.

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I rather her wear the MKX outfit on the new model. On the old engine it didn't look so good but on this new one....

Thank goodness her torso isn't anywhere in the shot. I might've been able to see some tiddy.

Noob looks like shit

and you are doing anything to defend this shit game. maybe because boon and WB pay you to? thanks for confirming faggot.

ok retard now what

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Its not fucking censorship you god damn idiot, holy fuck. Thats not what censorship is.


>"This isn't my anal gape" - Skarlet

oh the irony

It's just a game.
Or The Game.

Just mod them in once they become available

>wanting to see tits
>an ideology
nah, fuck off cunt

their faces look like shit except Cassies
their costumes are largely unidentifiable messes of random crap glued together without any visual direction whatsoever
they have hilariously unfit bodies with literal normal-tier proportions which start to look goblinoid in a still unrealistic fighting game and especially compared to the men

these are the worst female characters i've ever seen in a fighting game

>muh horseshoe theory
Nah. If some sjw wants to make a game for themselves, then by all means, go right ahead. I just want them to stop destroying anything they don't like because they believe that if they don't like it then no one should have it.

no guy you just just sound like a fucking retard
>t-t-t-tt-t-they will ad them later because this other game you are a shill
did go away fag

seething shill

I can see this being an Alt for Cassie and Frost since they both fought each other in that underground cage fight. Sadly I doubt that will happen.

Does anyone here honestly give a flying fuck about the nudity? Im annoyed that they're glorifying gore but trying to keep this whole innocent persona.

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is this the only thing you can say retard

>and complete lack of tech and many fundamental concepts.

thanks for confirming exactly what I said, name all of the "fundamental concepts" that its missing outside of crossup (and im not even going to get into what it has to replace it, ill just let you hang yourself here)

What fucking irony?

Im not a seething incel nazi nor am i sex prude totatlitarian commie, i fucking hate this "Culture War" shit, you're ruining everything, both of you faggots, SJW's and Alt-Right faggots, you're both ruining everything.



You faggots are too cum drunk on faggot political koolaid to realize you're a fucking retard and just as bad as the people you hate.

You're destroying shit just as much as them when you do this fucking horseshit. Fuck off.

>the left before
>sexuality is health and nomal, we shouldn't be hiding the bodies of women
>the left now
>muh male gaze, this is so misogynistic omg, the half naked male characters are hot though

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s e e t h i n g

See, now this makes me optimistic. It's still a shame the art design is cucked and bluepilled, but at least they're not doubling down on their ugly models. Maybe they'll even fix jade for real.

what did they mean by this

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Can I defecate as her on the arena?

>Mortal Kombat
>For children
They LITERALLY destroy dudes' balls all the time, break their necks, impale them with sticks and shit, behead people with lots of blood.
But oh my fucking god, how DARE they show a little bit of a character's leg??? Think of GOD and THE CHILDREN.

Why do you people even decide indulge in commenting? You know that's what they want right?

You obviously haven't played much fighting games if mk11 has the worst
I'm mostly mad at the day one on disc dlc and shitty designs for most of the characters

>The right

this is some sad shit

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why is this retard not banned yet FUCK OFF WITH THE CLOTHING FAGGOT WHO CARES

>that its missing outside of crossup
Can I be honest? You eliminated my easy shitpost opener and while I could pick out other things and bicker with you about their importance for an untold number of replies, I'd rather just call you a faggot if you're so intent on holding my big ammo hostage.

Its... Its a knot.

user you know what a knot is, right?

Have sex

>29 matches
seems like MK11-kun is at it again

go back retard

>You're destroying shit just as much as them
user, I literally do not care if some hardcore sjw wants to make a game. In fact, I far prefer they do that instead of taking over an already existing property and twisting it into their vision. I know you're frustrated by how inescapbe the culture way is now, but I'm not the one calling for certain games to be censored or outright banned.

Iam mad about the removal of colored blood

no, but if her model is ported I'll make her poop strawberry cream for you.

You first, my man.

>shitty designs for most of the characters
Same here, but apparently we're incels for not liking them and just want to get your peepee hard or whatever.

>muh serious designs for muh serious game

people like you should stick to smash with all that faggotry

This guy has gone off the rails. The fuck is he talking about?



MKX is the highest selling entry since they left the arcades, so clearly, they're actually buying the games. Meanwhile the retard who won't even take the time to pirate the game and only care about SFM porn are bitching.

I didn't want it first place but alright.

>samus and splatoon girls get sexualized in smash
>bayonetta ffs
>people actually worried MK won't have titties
it's gotta be viral marketing

You have actual trashy taste, OP

>18 matches

Attached: do it.jpg (356x197, 15K)

Good job not understanding words and completely missing what i was saying by being borderline illiterate.

Oh no, he's having an autistic fit.

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Is this user for real? dude get help

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Yeah, I never used fatalities in MKX outside of the klassic ones. They're way too gross now. The over the top cartoony shit like punching someones head off, pulling their heart out, burning them to a crisp is fine, but I hate this visceral shredding of skin layers and organs bullshit

Cringe but also correct

Good, im glad you're not denying it. Own up to it, dog fucker.

Be a piece of shit retard, but dont you try to fucking trick me.

You faggots cant deny it.

People who want to argue with those who do apparently.

>ctrl + f viral marketing
>0 results other than my post
y'all cannot be serious, these threads have been popping up daily for at least a month now, even if it's unintentional, viral marketing is still viral marketing.

viral marketing

To what, a time before multi million dollar companies got the bright idea to both hire and try to pander to sjws? I wish I could.

user, news flash:

Video games were always liberal.

its really time for you to go back

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Yeah, me too. It sucks, but it's what sells these days. I hate it, but that's just capitalism.

I deny this
I denied you a when you said I couldn't deny it
I won the argument you lost take the l you got btfo

You're out of touch with reality m8, and possibly a schizo.

>viral marketing
its so obvious. notice how there was a beta recently but shills dont talks about gameplay. hmmm almost like shills have nothing to show or be proud of but burkas.

Not india related tho,i'll pass

Literally every thread I make to talk about gameplay in the beta gets derailed by people crying about burkas and SJWs

Liberalism was different back then. Conservatism was what prevented media like Mortal Kombat to be made. Conservatism was what opposed the media portrayal of half naked women.

Nobody can talk about the gameplay because of you faggots shitting up the place.

Also nobodies wearing a fucking burka.

It still is retard

Popular culture has always been on the progressive side, yeah, but sjws don't have progressive values. Remember, we're talking about racists and sexists who hide their bigotry behind so call progressive values.

I understand that, but /pol/ doesnt.

I hate this culture war shit so much, i want both sides to knock it off, its exhausting.

>>people actually worried MK won't have titties
I mean I Doubt we'll see any of the female characters wearing short shorts and Sports bra in this game.

Customization exists. You can rip the burqa off Skarlet, give Frost her hair back or give Cassie an undercut.

then why did you make separate animations for male and female fatalities
if you dont give a shit, why do you put so much effort into changing it

What are the sides here?

my bait on shills worked. GOTCHA. mods ban these two shills.

>I loved MK9. I loved how Jade had huge tits and look like a stripper in it.
i'm so sure you not being a faggot at all user

>that's just capitalism
Oh, but it's not. sjw stuff doesn't sell, not when they go hard in it. Just look at comics, IDW went from being a healthy publisher to desperately looking for a buyer in just a few years because they kept doubling down on their sjw hires.

>i-it's SJWs making us /pol/tards look stupid

Totalitarian Woke Twitter Commiefornians and Sub-60 IQ Dipshit Stormfags. Aka sjws and /pol/.

Yep, its disgusting and I didn't buy MKX and Im not going to buy Mortal Kombat 11 because of this.

Everyone is crying about the nudity and agenda but in my opinion they should nerf the gore too while they're at it.

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>i want both sides to knock it off
The only side I want to knock it off is the one actively trying to ruin my favorite hobby.


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It does sell but it isn't sjws buying it

>Customization exists.
When the lead artist makes it a point to mention how much more "mature and respectful" the new game is toward women, I don't have high hopes for any alt gear.

Could only imagine what current Jade would look like if the MK9 Outfit was an option. Think there will be costume Mods for this game? Maybe all this shitposting would if there was.

Why should anyone care about this shallow fighting game series. MK you used to be cool but all you do now is chase trends to promote your game instead of making them.

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i see you are suffering from trump derangement syndrome


I always thought that the whole place was just a bunch of people larping as terrible people.

I'm gonna post something that guarantees at least 5 butthurt anons replying to me

Obviously the 'too big to fail' phenomenon factors in. Normalfags who lack principles will buy whatever the latest hype release is. But when the publisher goes hard in on identidy politics, that's when even the normalfag says, no. i,e. BFV. Turns out it's not a good idea to double dog dare people to not buy your game if they have a problem with how sjw pandering it is.

I don't care what anyone says, brainlet wojaks have evolved into the realm of surrealist art pieces.

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MKX is the highest selling console entry in the series. It's only beaten by MK1 and MK2, and MKX was the start of this trend.

Man, wouldn't it be great if classic- I mean, klassic costumes were an option? I can only assume either the new cuck artist wouldn't allow them, or if he did, they'd be preorder bonus fodder.

/pol/ and 8gag need to leave because they are too retarded to play games

Except the majority of surveys said people were uninterested in BFV because of the shitty WW2 setting and no battle royale mode

it's almost like shitty games no one wants sell bad, regardless if it has niggers in it

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I want it to be cool again.

Why are the MKshills so aggressive?

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What went wrong

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>people were uninterested in BFV because of the shitty WW2 setting and no battle royale mode
I'm highly skeptical.

because WarenerBros has no other AAA games coming out in the nearest future. They go all in.

jade's outfit is so shit.

Questions for the people who actually play the games and are interested in MK11
>Favorite fatality
>Favorite Fatal Blow
>Characters/guest characters you want as dlc
for me its
>Kano's or Johnnys
>Reptile and Ash Williams

Attached: file.png (1200x674, 575K)

based neckbeard dc fan. cringy soiboi mk11 dev

It was, at least from E3 surveys. That's why they rushed out the battle royale mode that released this last month to try and save the shitty game.


Are we ignoring that MKX had similarly covering outfits and that came out before Injustice 2?

Are we ignoring that you faggots did this shit with both of those games?

>Ash Williams
I'd actually love this.

I think Brutalities are cooler since you have to land the last hit a certain way. I like Skarlet's blood ball that explodes people
I think Jax's looks the coolest
I want Smoke

>Are we ignoring that MKX had similarly covering outfits
not even close

Yeah, you know damn well this is about identity politics and pushing propaganda. No anti-shill in this thread actually plays Mortal Kombat.

>this entire thead
fuckin lmao
But really, what is the actual problem with showing some skin? Everybody likes it. Back in the MK9 days, people certainly didn't complain about the female characters showing a lot of skin, people just liked it. It added Flavor. The one thing people complained about were the faces, but that's it.
So, what's the problem today with a bikini armour or two? MK is not a serious hollywood franchise, it is a silly stupid gorefest with hot chicks and dudes. Why aggresively attack anyone who wants it?

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I fucking remember you faggots bitching incessently about Sonya, Jacqui, Cassie, and Mileena.

Dont you rewrite history you little bitch.

bros made a video about it you know what this means right get woke

it's actually more a shemagh, but honestly i'm more mad at the color scheme. who's idea was it to put that awful washed out brown/red on an EMERALD GREEN outfit, ffs just use more green. the covert look doesn't bother me but the colors make me want to vomit.

>MKX had similarly covering outfits
MKX did outfits right, you had something for everyone, now they all look like nuns and astronauts

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Because they're being fucking faggots thats why, retard.

Ironically, She looked better in the last game. Her redesign is terrible.

>>Favorite fatality
Tie Between Noob and Johnny's
>Favorite Fatal Blow
>Characters/guest characters you want as dlc
Kenshi or takeda and Spawn

Pissed that Takeda didn't make the opening roster. Found him more cooler that Cassie.

I want Reptile, goddamn it.

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Because its an alternate color scheme and not the actual color scheme which is predominantly green with some blacks and yellows?

fuck master chief

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Sjws did this

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how do you know there wont be any in mk11 but i know you will just post that one angry gamer bullshit

man Jade was pure sex in 9

soiboi's got stuck in the friendzone so much they made themselves believe they don't even wanna see hot chicks in games and media anymore.

Why are we pretending Skarlets MK9 design wasnt dogshit?

Because of this interview

Honestly most of those costumes don't look as good mainly because of the engine of the game. Now them on the new model on the hand makes them way better than what we're getting from the base game of MK11

why do you only post that one

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t. Incel

Are we really pretending 11 Scorpion isn't the fucking shit

>man Jade was pure sex in 9

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That's a nail in the coffin there. Can this game be modded?

Because "boohoo she doesn't show off her tits anymore"
Her new design isn't perfect,honestly I don't really like the default hood thing she has on,but overall it's a hell of a lot better than her MK9 design.

ok that just said there wont be bikinis in the game you have anything more or is it the only thing you have

I like the one that shows her hair.

She's more like a vampire now.

no its not retard

Put a bag on that face. Outfit is inferior to her MKD Default but still pretty good.

Sjws need to be shot along with the shills defending sjw lombat 11

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One is capeshit, the other is mad max

and the man body is good to?

wow a guy is shirtless so new

Are we gonna get stuff like Injustice? Hot pants and leotards for the female?

Despite of the character model, that you may like or not, Sonya is unironically the only female character done right costume-wise lmao

>general outfit
>casual one

This is what outfit variety looks like, so far Skarlet and Jade have the same outfit with 3 slightly variations, Jacqui and Cassie are just bad and Kitana is not looking too good either.

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So we're ignoring that all of these characters have alts and like half of the males there are wearing alts, right?

get over it incels you are not the audience anymore.
Blacks and muslims are.

why not

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I'm talking about outfits Buddy.

damn i actually like all those outfits on the top
oh well i haven't played mk since n64 anyway

Damn, look at the burka Sonya is wearing, so progressive.

All of them look good besides Jacqui and Cassie, whats the problem?


someone post the rejected mkX concepts.
If that doesn't turn you rightwing nothing will.

God, MK9 Skarlet just looks so... unfinished. It looks like they had no idea what to do with her outfit or her character and just went "Put her in a bikini and be done with it, we ship her tomorrow". Love it or hate it, at least they gave her some character in MK11.

Reminder cringeoid cuckoldfags were okay with big boobs in MK until Boon told them they couldn't and now are trying to pretend they're better than that by loving cringe ultraviolence

Reminder MK11 shills were saying you could get sexy equipment items for your characters

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Baraka being is most definitely new

You didn't see any hot pants in MKX and they said they wanted this to be more realistic. Not going to happen.

I tried three times and failed each time

>cringe ultraviolence
You...You're not aware of this series' roots, are you?

Wow you're so cool such a big boy hacker hitting the airplane icon on your phone so many times!

Yes, we know that you are tranny incel from resetera, who can't into greentext

Mk11 skarlet has no character

what a retard you are

is it just one guy making this thread over and over its the same shit

shows what i know, i don't even play MK, but i happen in these threads every now and then in disbelief they still occur

Irks me how they could've given a halter top for the middle costume. Would've been better looking and a great Klassic costume from her MK4 days. Guess too much of a midriff is comparable to porn or something I guess

She's got this whole bloodmancer/mage shit going on. And she acts more hoity/toity than the rest of the girls.

Sometimes it's the shill sometimes it's the retard saying everything is censorship

just say "have sex" and btfo them forever

didn't doa6 claim the same shit and it's basically like before

Who do you think is going to wear that?

Mk9 skarlet was a cool blood ninja who loved bathing in blood

Yeah but that's DOA not Mortal Kombat.

>revisionist faggots now saying MKX wasn't SJW

top fuckin KEK

Considering that we got all the women fully covered and flat-chested while all the men are half-naked, I'm guessing the devs are just gay or women.

Go away bizzaro user

even worse nation of islam

MK9 Skarlet was just "I like blood and I've got big tits" and thats it. She was so bland that the comics had to make her more interesting.

The slave princess outfits make sense for the outworld characters, on Sonya it was a bit of a stretch.


Thats a funny way to say non social grunt. Tell that bitch to stop flirting with Bi Han little brother.

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was hyped for mk11 after the first trailer, but that hype has died with every new sjw change they put in

not getting my money boon

And what is MK11 Skarlet but a huge contradiction since covering her skin so completely is detrimental to her own fucking powers. Just because she's a tumblrina in a burka now doesn't make her an interesting icharacter

MK9 Skarlet was fucking nothing: the character.

Honestly, None of the girls wore anything like Harley's costumes in MKX, what makes you think there's gonna be any in MK11




How did Sony's belly get in if they're so intent on covering the other girls up?

If they gave all the kharacters the outfits from MKX with the new kharacter designs Id be happy

under progressive law boobies are banned. You have been warned

How is it detrimental when she accesses her powers from her own blood or blood elsewhere as long as it exists? You're now telling me how Magneto having an armored suit is going to be a detriment to his magnet powers.

Mk9 skarlet was a awesome bloodthirsty assassin who became stronger by absorbing blood through skin contact with a design that fit what she is unlike mk11

im glad for threads like this it keeps you outrage fags out of real mortal kombat threads

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It would be if he could absorbed metal through skin contact to become stronger

Take your own advice. Not all women IRL are ugly and flat-chested.

>power channels her own blood
>blood comes out through her skin
>skin is fully covered
That's not the same as Magneto you dumbass.

And even if we ignore her power, explain why she and every other girl needs to be covered nearly head-to-toe while every other guy can get by with at least a missing shirt? No really, explain why it's only ok for men to show skin?

it is but faglords spill into other boards

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>shes just as covered in the comics
>she has magic and the ability to pull it and manipulate in a bloodbender-esque way.

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>market the game progressive and respectful as possible towards women
>put some skimpy outfits to unlock in the krypt
>sell skimpy outfits as dlcs so the incels can buy

sounds based to me

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How am I hurting myself if I couldn't care less about this shit? Honestly the only problem I have is that it's fucking impossible to talk about games anymore because it's "SJW SJW SJW SJW". How hard is it to talk about the G A M E part instead of whatever horseshit is offending you faggots today?

Yeah Id love to see new Cassie in her MKX outfits, or Sonyas

You have never met a woman if you think the MK11 women are "flat chested"

Are you literally retarded
Learn to read

>clothing can't breathe or have any imperfections if I can't see skin, thus blood wouldn't be able to escape
You're just mad she isn't Slave Leia #37 anymore.

can someone please explain why it's still okay to sexualize men to a comical degree

They arent.

woke generation. american identitarian leftism mixed with puritanism. the decline of american power. take your pick.

>can see her bare hands
Jesus christ cover those lewd things up!

who aren't? the men or the sexualizers?


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They are

The men.

They're just shirtless. I mean MAYBE Baraka or Kotal sure but Johnny and Liu and Kano and Geras are just shirtless, its not inherently sexualized.

I haven't seen a single dick out unless your stipulation for this argument is silly.

I did read. She doesn't need to do the whole "absorption through the skin thing". She has fucking magic.

its so tame lol. Its like a tumblrinas design.

Makes no sense for her to be covered up like that still since she also stabs herself, notably in the in abdomen, to preform her other power. cloth and armor would just get in the way of that. I mean at least a ab window would be reasonable or a two piece costume similar to Mileena.


Something something you can't objectify males, so you can have men with perfect bodies parade around in metal thongs all you want, but women must wear as much as possible and cannot.

Really they will always dance around this issue just because they are fucking hypocrites that have been brainwashed by modern society to think what SJWs want them to think. And those SJWs would cry if they didn't get their man-candy.

in video games in general it's totally cool to have a shirtless man with six pack abs, visible nipples and a nice bulge to top it off.

Moderate Kombat.

Jade IS pretty fucking hot, but her other outfits suck dick in the beta

user you obviously can sexualize men but men being shirtless isnt inherently sexual.

Commits the sin of covering up her most defining feature her dark skin too much.

Oh so a person or character needs to have their genitalia to be sexy
Okay dude

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rein in your power level, you're trying too hard.

>outworlders wear revealing outfits as befitting their savage culture.
>earth realmers wear more modest. protective clothing
Could this dichotomy work?

Mild Kombat

I agree with you. Men without shirts aren't normally sexualized. Even flamboyant gays think so. But, on the other side, you could see this as a cultural thing. Shirtless women in a videogame would be unimaginable (at least in the west and in a mainstream game). Again, it's a cultural thing. USA were founded by puritans after all.

Sexualized men are like Metal Gear. Mortal Kombat men are just action men.

>using smash as an example for showing skin.

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I'm still waiting for your stipulation.

She doesn't need to do it but it helps her a lot and you better not be talking about blood magik because that's completely different from what skarlet does and was temporary for her

Modest Kombat

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A woman showing a bare shoulder or a slight bit of midriff shouldn't be considered inherently sexual either then.

Why are boobs evil again? America is the most degenerate place on earth and yet all these degenerates try to make themselves look good by acting hyper puritan, they pretend to rebel against the establishment but lick every boot in their path. Every male sjw turns out to be some sex crazed kiddie fucker and every sjw woman a cock gobbling black hole. America is just a den of hypocrites and liars these days. Its crazy

Reminds me of a character from a Magic the Gathering.

haha exactly this nu-mtg

It's silly and impractical to be fighting in a outfit like that.
What does this have to do with Americans?

A woman showing everything except her private parts shouldn't be considered inherently sexual

a woman being a woman should be considered cisgenderism.

>3 slots left
place your bets
Mileena, Shinnok and Rain

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why did they muttify the ninja girls? they are supposed to look attractive

Nah, I know what "blood magik" is, i'm talking about the blood bending shit that she does now. Like making blades and controlling people with their own blood.

Something like pic related is probably as close as you can get without being overtly sexual yet having a more or less shirtless woman.

I also think its a cool look and i wish it was more common

Men and women are sexualized differently.

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And this is why we should enjoy every day we have left before California demands we declare war on Japan to stop them from 'corrupting' the world with stuff like this.

>it's silly and impractical for women to be fighting in revealing outfits when female MMA fighters do
>but it's perfectly fine for men to be fighting in their undies

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Where my nigga Bo Rai Cho at?

He ded

There isnt a single thing in mk thats realistic or practical. There new costumes arent practical either.

According to some, and streams, the game play is boring. The fighting over muh costumes are from /pol/faggot types who don't care about or play games.

>>>it's silly and impractical for women to be fighting in revealing outfits when female MMA fighters do
>>but it's perfectly fine for men to be fighting in their undies
Do you know what the term "sexual dimorphism" means?

Stupid idea, but i'd love to see the Leprechaun in this game, if only because I'd love to blow the little shit to bits.

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Its mk, everyone knows the combat is ass dude lmao you think anyone plays mk for the gameplay?

Your perception is being skewed by extremely online partisans. Most normal people aren't that militant.

why is this game's music so awful and bland?

boring gameplay is just incompetent devs, whereas the other is actually a worrying trend where female characters showing cleavage is apparently more offensive than them getting literally split in half length-wise.

Do you know what the term "blind eye" means?

what is wrong with wanting to see sexy grills?

Okay just completely ignore my point then.

Yes, and I learned this the hard way when I met one of my little brother's friends that played MKX who was legit the third best Sub Zero in America. He showed me his placement in the leaderboards and everything and he apparently had been holding it for a good part of the game's lifetime.

Way to prove my points. You dont even like the games but you want to insert your political bullshit. You are discord trannies in all but name.

It's a shitty point designed to ignore what is inconvenient for you.

I don't know who keeps making these and frankly it's pretty sad somebody takes any time of the day to make it, but at the same time I agree a little bit.

What would his fatalities be?

Motherfucker it is a perfectly valid point if they're going for realism.

Men and Women are built differently, men arr stronger, men are heavier, men are larger, men have denser muscle and bone. Women in MMA fight in those outfits because they're fighting OTHER women, they dont NEED armor or padding.

It can lead to gratuitous fan service like pic related that doesn't fit with the character in question, though the opposite is true when you completely cover up a character like Mileena.

Attached: naomi.jpg (640x360, 25K)

True its worse online but people are fake as fuck everywhere you go in this country now. Between my pretty social job and doing volunteer work every thursday for the past 4 years ive come to realize how dead and morally fucked the people are in this country. Its only gonna get worse as all these corrupted boot licker hypocrites continue to slowly decay this country while all the decent people slowly die

Mileena, Reptile, and Shujinko
Smoke will be DLC

>Esports advertisers are more adverse to tits than they are blood and gore
>bikini battle babes are a relic of the 90s that died out with Lara Croft, people would rather have fully clothed women who look respectable than strippers
>anyone who wants T&A in their games flocks to Dead or Alive, and judging by their shitty sales those people are far and few between

archiveofourown org/works/9800783


Google "Mortal Kombat: A Forced Hero". It's a futa on male story and I'm currently writing the sequel, (but I'm polishing and uploading my story The Long Weekend 2 as we speak)

everyone is ugly and a weird faced, ambiguous skin colored mutt because that's what americans look like
I don't think you realize this is what you see when you walk outside
everything about the game is like it is because they've brought their own realism into the game, american kombat
this is not a troll post, I hope you understand

No please , look at what they have done to the other females

lol how sheltered are you women often dress like that irl.

If they were going for that sort of realism then it wouldn't be possible for the women to be fighting men in the first place. And i'm pretty sure the reason they fight in those outfits is because they need to be able to breath with all the physical activity they are doing, same as men.

Also let's address this other misconception that pretends women or gay men are never attracted to the male body, so no amount of exposed male skin should ever be considered as such.

I wouldn't even care so much about that in itself if their own words weren't contradictory and they weren't going out of their way to 'de-sexualize' all of the women.

Hateful people like yourself aren't helping matters any.

then why are skimpy outfits the most popular ones whenever you goto a convention ? are those cosplayers a relic of the past ? are they too immature ?

>people who won't play the game for more than a month vs people who won't play the game at all

What's the purpose?

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Not buying MK11 but these threads are utter embarrassments from both sides.

tthey do it for attention

You could ask the same question for anything else in this board. You will get naught but confused screeching and people like me shrugging helplessly.

and that attention comes from ?

You're being intentionally obtuse.

Its ironic if you are aware that MK was always supposed to be the equivalent of those cheesy erotic b grade movies where women got naked and there was lots of gore.

they have taken the good looking female characters , i wonder how happy you faggots are going to be when the violence becomes the new "problematic"

Attached: Skarlet-mortal-kombat-24043689-1398-1080.jpg (1398x1080, 281K)

thats already happening see the mass screeching over doom.

Thats a shit design though. You only like it because it gets you hard

What the FUCK are you talking about?

Mortal Kombat was inspired by Big Trouble in Little China and Bloodsport. This is public knowledge.

Being against Doom in any way is hilarious considering it's about ripping the legion of hell, the literally most evil you can get, to shreds with your bare hands. To take issue with that is picking a fight for the sake of fighting itself.

holy shit the level of fucking retard in this post.