So now that Shadow of the Tomb Raider was a forgettable flop, how can the series ever hope to recover?
So now that Shadow of the Tomb Raider was a forgettable flop, how can the series ever hope to recover?
Skimpy outfits
I hope it doesn't
Go back to tank controls + clastrophobic dungeons instead of wide open stuff
>forgettable flop
Fuck you I liked it, Lara looked better, it was way more fun than Rise and I couldn't get enough of the Mesoamerican imagery all over the place, I think it's nice, comfy, cool and super replayable
man feet
more butt shots of Lara. butt shots of Lara in plain white cotton panties
Are eels really that aggressive towards humans? Bitch gets attacked by multiple eels.
blacked by a shota
Lara needs to get laid. She was way to moody in Shadows
I’ve got an eel attack for you right here buddy.
Your pet eel is aggressive?
>more fun than Rise
Yeah all those boring ass puzzles and swimming segments in place of combat was great haha
lol, I just caught my dad watching the last movie and he asked me if she was supposed to be that big tits character from the videogame
When they release the 3 hour tape of laras va moaning in the studio and videos of her in a tight mocap suit in the next games collectors edition.
They were well balanced, I admit there was way too much swimming but combat can get tedious to the point I forced myself to get good at stealth just to not deal with certain sections, if you want to shoot stuff up like that play an actual shooter
she looks like she fucks black guys
did you dress up in your favorite anime girl cosplay and sucked your dad's dick after that?
It's your turn to suck his dick. tranny
NuRaider has always been bad and always will be bad.
NuLara is pretty hot though
She used to be.
I want you to stop for a moment and think what went through your head to need to post that
why are you still posting this shitty pre-release bait picture
good goy
You mean Samoan.
Inb4 Samoan = black
more tomb raiding less Uncharted knockoff.
you might not like new tomb raiders but it still isnt as bad as angel of darkness
The game released?
there were a lot of older TR games that are worse than the newer ones.
Exactly. Nobody should actually play these games. Just fap to porn using ripped models.
yeah but aod had stamina meter
>my legs feel stronger
by selling ip to sony
Just make it like the original games. Anniversary wasn't too bad outside of the shitty platforming (give it proper platforming) and shitty QTE bosses (just make the player dodge a lot and shoot it a lot - people like doing that, look at Dark Souls).
I played the reboot and didn't bother with any of its sequels. It was fucking boring. So bland.
>Lara looked better
looks fucking awful, they somehow reduced visual fidelity between games in not just that aspect, she was hot in rise
yes... so much this! uncharted... but female edition!! based based!! very based!!!
Ok I'm gonna be completely honest when I say this, but I literally bought the game cause of Lara being some eye candy, but I just couldn't finish the game. I almost always complete the games I buy. I think they should've gave her some kinda skimpy outfits and stuff like jesus.
Literally impossible. Do you realize the shitstorm ONE skimpy outfit would cause? This is about as much skin as you'll ever get with NuLara.
This. Also skimpy outfits and NO OTHER PEOPLE! Tomb Raider is about isolation, not about living in some hippie bullshit jungle village in harmony with the natives.
With shorts and dual pistols.
Why is she posing like she's holding a sword?
How hard is it for her to wear cargo shorts and roll her top a bit to show some midriff like the japs do it
Climbing axe, not sword.
Go back to the roots. Anniversary was the perfect TR game. Build up upon that.
Or bow and arrow
sexy lara has to fight off animals
ayo hol up
SNNIIIIIFFFFFFF... ahhhhhhhhhhhh......
Like horses
*fuck animals
>Lara looked better.
Stopped reading there.
Return to the first reboot trilogy.
No one gives a fuck about nulara, she might as well be fucking dogs and pigs and no one here will give a fuck.
She's posing like she's holding a fat cock.
What about horses though.
She's unfuckable. She sifted through a pool of blood that one time, and right after getting cuts and wounds. I would be surprised if she hasn't contracted numerous STDs.
Was a decent 7/10 game. Would be 6 if I didn't like nu-Lara
What? All of the classics have loads of human characters. 90% of the enemies in 2 are humans.
I wish she was more thicc
What do girls smell like down there?
Fishy roses.
GODDAM why do all these games have such realistic rendered asses? First RE2, then DMC5, now THIS? What technology has the video game industry happened upon?
It's mostly the physical based rendering making the lighting look right.
What's so hard about scultping two round featurless cheeks that cycle through 1 or 2 animations?
It's not like scultping a photorealistic face that requires insane attention to detail, and then mocapping dozens of unique expressions and animations.
>there will never be a dozen dots placed upon a plump posterior and the jiggle mocapped along with everything else in all animations
Reminder that Nu-Lara's next game is already in development.
_____________ of the Tomb Raider
What's the next title?
Impregnation of the Tomb Raider, by me
Bit the bullet and bought Rise on PSN this week. Haven't started it yet, did I make a mistake if I thought 2013 was just alright?
No, it's pretty good.
does she actually become the fucking tomb raider at the end of shadow or are they still gonna drag that out for another three games?
i want acrobatics back
i want lara's confident attitude back
i want to jumpkick dudes and crank out snappy and cheesy one liners
i want to go to more than one continent in a single game
i want the fucking pistols back squenix you fucking hacks
>i want acrobatics back
>i want lara's confident attitude back
>i want to jumpkick dudes and crank out snappy and cheesy one liners
>i want to go to more than one continent in a single game
Are you fucking retarded
I thought 2013 was pretty good given the current state of AAA, and that Rise was fucking garbage.
What made it worse than 2013?
Ignore the retard. Rise at least has tombs.
Retarded translation skill system, doubling down on collectathon, even more unnecessary skill and xp system.
Obviously linear, boring tombs, sure. They may have been bigger set pieces but they were less interesting to navigate and "solve."
I would just say boring environment. It's almost a rehash of TR 2013. Ugly, rusted construction yard and snow. Also, it's really easy. You can run through gun fights easily.
considering that literelly every female character has to be none sexy, man faced, small breasted and completely covered up tomb raider going back to it´s roots with the old lara would honestly be the most unique thing a game has done in the last 8 years.
>Retarded translation skill system
>even more unnecessary skill and xp system
That might be a bit concerning but I doubt it's that bad if one can stomach 2013's bullshit in the first place. Honestly, I'd be more concerned if the cinematic setpieces were more plentiful, those were the parts of 2013 that really made my eyes roll.
>doubling down on collectathon
This, however, is the part of 2013 that I liked. Well, that and the 30 minutes worth of tomb content it did possess. I'd rather run around looking for various odds and ends than engage in generic but competent action setpiece #3682. I'd rather be in tombs than all of that, though.
>but they were less interesting to navigate and "solve."
This retard actually thinks 2013 had better tombs. Jesus christ
>I'd be more concerned if the cinematic setpieces were more plentiful
They're dialed back. 2013 is by far the worst.
That's about the best thing I could hope for with these games.
is sex (with a girl) even worth pursuing in real life?
I still don't understand how she survived during all of the reboot.
>First thing she does is immediately fall on a rebar piercing her side.
>Then immediately rips it out.
>Runs around and jumps around after three minutes of shaking it off.
>Swims through stagnant water to reach Sam and Mathias.
>Passes out from blood loss.
>Wakes up just fine.
>Steps on a bear trap five seconds later and fights off a bunch of wolves.
>Recovers from the bear trap within less than a minute.
>Gets an arrow shot across her arm.
>Doesn't bandage it up.
>Spends the next several hours killing men in melee combat and climbing stuff with a climbing pick that causes massive strain on her body.
>Is constantly smashing her head or side against the ground or objects.
>Runs around a mountaintop where it's snowing in a tanktop and doesn't die of hypothermia within minutes.
>Holds a boiling hot pipe for several seconds.
>Climbs and rubs up against a bunch of rusty pipes and even has her hand scrape against one of the poles when it bends.
>Gets her face smashed in and gets strung up in that body pile near the Guardians.
>Literally falls into muddy water and I think sewage.
>Only after all of this does she even think of cauterizing her wound whatsoever.
Roth literally gets hit foot bitten once or so by a wolf and has it infected and he's shown limping for the rest of the game but Lara "I can do this" Croft just shrugs off blood loss and forces blood to circulate even with gaping wounds everywhere through sheer force of will.
The whole game is a slog that forces itself upon you trying to force-feed you historical/archeological bullshit you (or at least I didn't) don't care about.
Why did they make her look like a hapa?
user, you know it’s just a video game, right?
The problem is they show her suffering through it all constantly and multiple characters have to deal with injuries. It's just really weird how they can decide to add a bunch of wounds to her and play it up as if the stakes are raised before just forgetting about them.
just breath, it’s going to be ok, I promise
Just turn your brain off dude, it's a video game lmao xD
the point is the game throws all these horrific injuries at Lara but only in cutscenes, it never affects the gameplay so why even fucking bother
Make anniversary 2 and 3
The new devs are retards who can't get in their head that the reason the older Tomb Raider games sold so well was because she was a sex symbol. Take that away and of course the games will stop selling as much.
AoD is cool.
I want to cum inside Lara's ass.
>no source again
They're canadian soys.
She was an iconic badass before, but now she's the most forgettable and boring protagonist in all of AAA vidya.
>make it more like TR 2013
>cuter voice
>Rise model
>no DLC
They are actually americans
>make it more of a dumb action shootan with no tombs
Kill yourself
Legend trilogy was the right direction. and even if they went with uncharted clone, it still could have worked if they didn't change her character so much.
She just isn't a bad ass superhero anymore. So who cares. Underworld was so much fun. shame its over.
Underworld was unfinished trash
I'm talking about eidos montreal.
And? Only americans would come up with shit this bad
It were Canadians who started to talk about that there's something wrong with old Lara.
>Speaking of the trilogy, does it all end here?
>The trilogy yes. Not so the saga. It is a defining moment. At the end of the trilogy, the player and Lara will understand what it is like to be a Tomb Raider. Afterwards, I do not know what will happen, but forget about shorts, dinosaurs and twin pistols.
>The interview is with Daniel Crayer Bisson, creative director and Mario Chabtini, producer
Shadow was a huge step forward
Almost no fighting / shooting
More exploration and tombs
Also the jungle give me a huge TR3 feels
They need to continue like this skip shitty village and make Lara travel around the world
She need to stop been in one location for all of the game
obviously a reboot you sexy whore