Switch really needs a pro version

switch really needs a pro version

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graphicsfags need to kill themselves.

Your blind lust for screen resolution is why Stadia will destroy gaming. It's your fault.

Hardly a difference.

If it destroys shitendo, then so be it

>being a graphics whore

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Idk I never expect excellentl graphics from nintendo, they just have a good atmosphere

I play on PC for third party games and on my Switch only first party

The only time I ever undocked my Switch was for Octopath, and that's only so I could plug my headphones in.

I always thought two tier specs was dumb, but whatever.

I want it just for peformance upgrades. Imagine shit like BOTW at 60fps

>Imagine shit like BOTW at 60fps
i can barely tell the difference anyways

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*can't, i can't tell the difference, you get the idea

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The switch "pro" will literally just he a switch but not underclocked like it is right now.

It will get a small boost at best. Hackers can already access this. You can get stable frame rates in games where shits wonky. And it helps maintain higher resolutions in games with variable Res drops.

Anyone thinking it'll make shit like BotW 60fps is crazy

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wasnt overheating issue with dock mode?
I cant really tell if its a meme or not

I stronger Switch would be cool. That said let me just remind all of you that 720p on a 16cm screen is better than 1080p on a 120cm screen.
These comparisons really aren't fair for this reason.

I wish for nothing more than Nintendo to SEGA itself out of the console business. If they can't make hardware to compete with multiplats, they don't deserve a console. Who knows, maybe they'll actually start putting effort into their graphics.

kiss me cutie

I'm not seeing a difference whatsoever. Maybe I need better glasses.

I love all the Island and Story callbacks Crafted has, like being able to choose any color Yoshi and the Spear Guys returning.

I'd rather not see Nintendo working on a Sony console, especially now that Sony is telling Devs how to make their games.

also, why wish this from Nintendo when they are the least likely of the big 3 to walk away from hardware making?

then they might start making mobile games
mario adyssey 2 on android
maybe even nintendo phone

it's called yuzu

no, you're a faggot x 10

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why the fuck do people care about graphics so fucking much, whatever happened to bad graphics = soul? or does that only apply to very old games?

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Fuck women, I'm going my own way, MGTOW all the way, gamers!

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wouldn't the latter matter since it's in a smaller screen

low quality image makes them both look bad. bad thread.

Doubt that its very noticeable when playing on a small screen vs a TV

That being said a Pro version would be nice for more ports that aren't as butchered as Doom was.

I think it needs some games first

Does Nintendo even make challenging games anymore?

>a physical paywall to play up-ports and sequels whose main benefit is more active online play
Nintendo's worthless for anything but their portables these days. When the Switch fully succeeds the 3DS and starts getting the sort of support it did, then we'll talk.

Doesnt have to destroy Nintendo, you can just avoid them

Never ever faggot. If the fucking Wii U couldn't kill them nothing will.


Tropical freeze, XC2, the splatoon dlc expansion.

Because you're never going to get ports of RE2make if your console can't handle it. And if it does, it's laughable. Multiplats play a big role in which consoles I buy. Gamecube at least tried, but they gave up on keeping up with gimmicks I don't care about.

>g-graphics don't matter
>btw can the 3DS die already? why are they downgrading all those ports on the 3DS when it could've been on the switch

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Yeah I'm not going to lie Tropical Freeze was so good and it was challenging at the same time I was actually surprised that Nintendo could still make challenging games

A pirated the game on my modded Wii U but it was so good I want to support it

So the PS4 port ends up being inferior. Big whoop. At least the PC and Xbone ports will be there.

Nintendo didn't make it. Retro (westerners) did.

It's more about simply having all games in one console, the 3DS is obsolete, since the Switch is also mobile.

To be fair, Yoshi's resolution is noticably low for a Switch game. Apparently the docked version is only 720p or something.

>This logical leap

Graphics don't really matter but the focus of new games shouldn't be on a dead 8 year old handheld. The 3DS was good but it's time to put it to rest.

Neither was Yoshi if we're going to be technical.

But Yea Forums said west cant make good games?

I mean, if you dont like how Nintendo handles their consoles/hybrids, you can skip them and play something else.
It's so simple and I cant believe people here cant seem to comprehend that.

>If it destroys shitendo

Every day must be a trauma for you lmao


Literally a grinding simulator

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At least they added all these difficulty options and sliders. So you can make the game hard. 99% of other ninty games are built around 8 year olds being able to finish them

If you're buying a console for the graphics, you just might be underage or poor

Just build a PC retard.

>difficulty options and sliders. So you can make the game hard
>The game says its hard so surely its hard now!
Naw, It just becomes more tedious.

It looks great portable. Unfortunately it's boring AF.

nintendo will keep the 3DS as a failsafe and there's nothing you can do about it

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>nintendo will keep the 3DS as a failsafe

LMFAO yeah that Switch is gonna flop any minute now.

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Atlus is the only company still supporting it because they're too cheap and lazy to move on to the Switch.

The 3DS is uncomfortable to hold, has bad controls that tend to break after extended use (most people have had their circle pad fall apart already), and it can't be plugged into a tv or monitor to avoid neck strain from looking down all the time. Switch is a better system for more reasons than just graphics.

A Switch Pro would mean there'd be at least 3 possibly 4 render targets for Switch developers: OG portable, OG docked, Pro docked, and possibly a Pro portable (possibly same as OG docked). Will they put up with the complexity?

I suppose they'd have the option of forgoing the Pro featureset.

Did the 3DS variants actually allow games to run at higher resolutions? Would Nintendo actually give us better graphics on a hypothetical Switch Pro?

It's 640p, 720p would be a marked improvement

The 3DS has a 240p screen, and a basic CPU that doesn't allow dynamic scaling. No, the N3DS doesn't allow higher resolutions. It does however smooth out framerates and allows higher quality textures.

>Did the 3DS variants actually allow games to run at higher resolutions?
No. Better framerates.
>Would Nintendo actually give us better graphics on a hypothetical Switch Pro?
Due to the way games work on the Switch, there would probably be more headroom on a hypothetical switch pro which would allow games to run at higher framerates thus dynamic resolution doesn't kick in as harshly.

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>Nintendo is dying!
Sure thing faggot

There have been a few switches with heat problems as is. Dunno how they're gonna manage a more powerful version

I din't get it. In both pictures it seems to be a cup.

Given the vast majority are fine, a more efficient GPU would probably do it

>I din't get it.

There's nothing to get. OP is a mentally ill Nintendo hater who has been in meltdown for more than 2 years straight now.

One is a fuzzy cup ax the other is a really fuzzy cup, brainlet

But there still both portable? So why does the image imply only the right cup is portable.

even if we got a switch pro, xenoblade 2 probably wouldn't support it
its like when ps4 pro came out and bloodborne was too old to be updated for it

Framerate matters too.

lmao, have a You baby

Bratt Watson

I really hope there's a proper successor to the 3DS. There's a ton of handheld franchises that benefit greatly from dual screens.

Framefags should die too

>Left image shows a cup with a big red arrow pointing towards it
>Op says its a dock
>It's obviosuly a cup
>No dock in sight, image shows grassland
>Right image shows a cup with a big red arrow pointing towards it
>Op says its portable
>Well duh, since it's a portable cup

Don't act like OP isn't the retarded one

The power of unreal engine 4

How’s the new yoshi game? I just completed wooly world and though it was very mediocre, thinking of skipping this one since it’s also by good feel

why not just an option to turn off all its battery saving settings?

Actually replacing the maxwell cores with turing cores would make way more sense, as turing has a way better perf per watt ratio so they could actually increase performance without sacrificing battery life in any way, probably even increase it.
But nintendo are cheap fuckers and will probably either go for buying x2 stock or overclocking x1.

Stop playing video games to fit in and find another hobby

>Graphical comparison thread
>34 KB

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Good Feel shouldn't have used Unreal.