What went wrong with Miyazaki?

What went wrong with Miyazaki?

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sekiro is among one of From's best action games

Sekiro > Bloodborne

He decided to stop pandering to anglo casuals

>Demon's Souls is God tier
>Dark Souls is shit tier
>Bloodborne is God tier
>Dark Souls 3 is shit tier
>Sekiro is God tier

Ir's a clear pattern. The numbers don't lie.

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>bloodborne to dark souls 3
you are a retard. bloodborne and dark souls 3 are extremely similar to eachother. they are both mediocre games for from soft.

Well it is one of thier only true action games not that arpg shit

They got good.
Sekiro is the best from software game.
It has the least content but it has the most solid experience.
>The plot is better
>The combat is better
>The bosses are better(you can't cheese most of them + summon)
Gives you alot of options as far as progression goes(go stealth or go full rambo) and let's you skip mobs to go to bosses while in DeS,DS and BB you have to go through hordes of mobs before reaching boss door
>The characters are better and actually fucking talk now instead of giving halfassed "read from the script" dialogue
>Actual main character is much better than "muh self-insert" or "goofy character i made for fun" that doesn't talk

Shut the fuck up faggot

Sekiro is pretty decent but yeah DaS 3 was trash. Hopefully BB2 is the 3rd project from is working on.

please stop putting dank souls on the same level as BB and DeS, thank you.

Yea Forums is the only place DSIII is considered a "bad" game because this board is overrun by contrarian faggots.

>let's make a Soulsborne
>but you have to play it specifically like this
>and there's fewer overall options
>and far less replayability
>and most of that is replaced with "muh jap OC story" and a set-in stone character

Nothing wrong with it, From just needed to be and likely were prepared for everyone getting mad about how it's not like Souls despite looking exactly like one. It's essentially a Soulsborne that wants you not to play it like one, and some people just don't care for parrying and shit. It goes beyond the "git gud" mentality and crosses into "yeah, I can do it, but it just doesn't feel right for me compared to how varied my playstyle could be in the other games."

Not to say that it's a bad game, just that going into it expecting certain things based on and treating it like From's previous work will likely end up disappointing you more than anything else.

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DaS1 > DaS3
Sekiro > Bloodborne

sekiro is bb2. its fast paced aggressive combat but done 100 times better than bloodborne which was just souls but a tad faster


Sekiro isn’t a souls game. Get that through your head butthurt anglo.

I hope their next project is Sekiro 2 with more spooky Shintoist vibes. Maybe kappas and forest spirits and more Japanese mythos could be incorporated. I hope From continues to celebrate their own culture with love and passion.

There won't be BB2.

Top and it's not even close.

Only shills saying Sekiro is better are the same fags who said Dark Souls 3 was better (only for it to be dead tier within a month). Sekiro has literal Dark Souls 2 bosses. Don't believe me? Post your favorite Sekiro bosses and give me a few laughs as they all show you stand still and spam LB against some boring/bland looking human character. Here's my favoirte BB bosses







Sekiro is probably the most boring Fromsoft game i've played to date, only surpassed by Dark Souls 2

Bloodborne > Dark Souls 1 > Dark Souls 3 > Demon Souls > Sekiro > Dark Souls 2

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i wanna get into the soulsgames where should i start
dont have a ps4 so bloodborne is out of the question, sadly. although if i end up liking the games i might just pick one up for it because its aesthetics look really cool

theres not fewer options. sekiro just makes your options more clear so brainlets like you think it has less options than souls when it actually has more. you can creatively use dodges and jumps on top of doing things like opting to counter after a parry instead of continuing to parry on enemies with slow attacks like two handed attacks from the red guard.

>muh builds
>muh armor
>muh play style

just admit you would rather play dress up in a video game than actually play the game

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What is really going to blow your minds is when I tell you that Demon’s Souls became Dark Souls and all you normies are it up. Demon’s Souls was a PlayStation exclusive. You know what is PS exclusive? Bloodborne. You know what games are multiplatform? Dark Souls and Sekiro. Demon’s Souls is to Dark Souls as Bloodborne is to Sekiro.

Cope.Git gud.

*Coughs loudly*

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dress up is a legitimate video game genre

>Dark Souls is shit tier
no need to read any further

No, u git gud. But first you need to own a PS4 before you can git gud at the best Fromsoft game ever made, PClard

2 point difference is nothing, especially considering sekiro has pretty unconventional combat.

Kill yourself faggot

BB> DS2 >NIOH > DS1 > DS3 > SHIT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Sekiro.

unironically this

the user score proves sekiro is the better game

>implying you need to git gud to beat Sekiro
DSP is tearing through the game.

Game is easy as fuck and boring as fuck too

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Dark Souls is Demon Souls because they couldn't use the demon souls name anymore.
Sekiro is clearly not a bb sucessor It was developed as a Tenchu sequel.You do know that they used to make Tenchu games right?

Can you make it any more obvious you don't own a PS4?

imagine being such a faggot you think bloodborne is the best from game because its ps4 only and you can't see past your nostalgia googles when looking at demon souls. its sounds like you haven't even played sekiro either or you'd know that boss fights are much more interesting than that.

>but you have to play it specifically like this
not really
>and there's fewer overall options
the sheer amount of weapons and armors in souls didn't really matter as most of one type acted almost the same, just some were better or suited to certain builds. i've played all the souls game with different sets but the games feel the same each time
>and most of that is replaced with "muh jap OC story" and a set-in stone character
i don't see anything wrong with a game trying to have a story with characters in it as opposed to the same "metaphor of world eventually dying souls game but we did it 5 times"

xth post best post

Cope. Get gud.

It's a fucking Soulsborne game.

You know what 90% of the control scheme is going to be before you pick up the controller. You hang back and heal up with your not-Estus as you wait for the boss to finish it's combo so you can go in and get your posture/HP damage. You sit there and enemies on the way to the fog door, watching as their souls/echoes/sen/etc. float off their ragdolling bodies into yours. Literally everything about this game is Soulsborne, and throwing a hissyfit about how "IT'S NOT SOULS IT'S NOT" will not change that, nor will it stop people from pointing out the obvious.

It has advancements in combat and movement mechanics. There's Tenchu-esque stealth. The game expects you to play in a very specific manner focused around parries during fights instead of the freedom of other Soulsborne titles. That's all well and good, but to cry about how it's not part of that same family is disingenuous as fuck. It's a fucking Soulsborne.

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>You do know that they used to make Tenchu games right?
They don't. Tenchu was done by Acquire (Shinobido and Way of the Samurai). From only published them. From has never made a Tenchu game at all.

What the fuck are talking about. In sekiro you literally have to wipe a gang of mons before even attempting some bosses. Never has been the case in any previous games

But I don't think Bloodborne is the best Souls game only because it's on PS4. I think it's the best Souls game because it is.

>best bosses
>best lore
>best weapons
>best setting
>best art style
>best combat

Literally the best everything.

Sekiro, like Dark Souls 3, like Nioh, like every other "bloodborne killer" that PClards have been so desperate to have before it, will become irrelevant within 1 month. General over on /vg/ is already dead tier.

Meanwhile Bloodborne is still chugging alone, 4 years later. It's a genuine timeless masterpiece whereas Dark Souls 3 and Sekiro are just "decent".

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I had more fun playing Sekiro and BB over DS2 and DS3. They should keep making games with different settings instead of sequels.

That's not what they mean retard. They're saying you shouldn't be playing it like a Dark Souls game.

>actually cares about users scores
>a game is either a 0 or a 10 depending on which console you own
fucking lmao i knew this board was full of retards but this is a whole new level

Anyone who makes a post collecting YouTube videoslike that instead of talking about their own experience playing the game has clearly not played it and is just angrily trying to shit on it with whatever material he can find

>good boss fight

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every bloodborne fight is just dodge attack dodge attack against epic fast enemy
you're a moron

yeah, Dark Souls shitters tend to be illiterate lmao.

>dodge attack dodge attack against epic fast enemy
Replace that with parry and you've got Sekiro.

Thanks Scotty

every sekiro fight is deflect deflect deflect deathblow
you're a moron
see how stupid you are?

>You hang back and heal up with your not-Estus as you wait for the boss to finish it's combo so you can go in and get your posture/HP damage
you realize that most action games have heal items that work this way, right?
>watching as their souls/echoes/sen/etc. float off their ragdolling bodies into yours.
again, lots of games have you take money and xp off of corpses. fucking minecraft has it.

if you wanted to call it souls, you should've pointed to the bonfire mechanic. that and some of the npc interactions are about the only souls-y things about the game.

I know what he meant you inbred. You don't play it like a Souls game. Doesn't make it not within that same family of Souls games. Why are you faggots all acting like this is a bad thing when it's very clearly true?

Imagine attaching yourself so much to one game like an autist that it prevents you from enjoying others.

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>. its sounds like you haven't even played sekiro either or you'd know that boss fights are much more interesting than that.

Pic related, breezing through this snoozefest of a game right now with the only interesting boss so far being the giant ape, which ironically is closer to a Bloodborne boss than the other boring parry fests before it.

Now's the part where you prove you've played Bloodborne

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well for one, he doesn't like making sequels

i'm saying they're the same so saying one is better than the other just makes you an idiot


>all of this strawmanning

That's a big yikes from me dawg

>can jump
>can swim
>can dive into water
>can pause in the middle of a fight
It's not a souls game

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They didn't do the original tenchu but they did some of the tenchu games

>best combat
opinion discarded. sekiro has way better and more variety in its combat. play the fucking game before criticizing it.

>best weapons
yeah, thats why everyone used saw cleaver

everything else is subjective and I in fact am someone who thinks that the bosses, setting, and art were not the best. lore was good, but thats it. i literally had to force myself to finish bloodborne to see if it got good. not with sekiro though.

All of those games are good stop acting like a baby you stupid bitch

Yea sure, except if you go bloodtinge builds and turn into a Van Helsing tier clint eastwood who only uses guns. Or you know, the fact that you have parries and huge fucking canons to play with. Or the plethora of weapons that spice the game up.

Whereas Sekiro has what? A katana with a swiss army knife tier robotic arm? Kys PCtub

I do own one though, I literally haven't played anything but Bloodborne and Yakuza 0 on it. I still prefer Sekiro to BB. The bosses in Sekiro feel like actual fights not spastic dash fests. BB has better atmosphere though.

Sekiro would be a much more enjoyable game if there was a better incentive to explore.
>explore every nook and cranny of an area
>99% of what I find are crappy buff items
Shit like that is kinda boring.

>can read yet is illiterate

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>can dive into water
blew my stupid little brain away. i started going back to every single area i can swim in and started diving for secrets and wasn't disappointed.

you don't have to parry constantly you know. guardian ape can be dark-souled in fact.

replace the word "best" with the word "worst" and you got it 100%

>explore every nook and cranny of an area
>find hidden minibosses
>find hidden buffs
>find hidden NPCs
>find hidden items that lead you to the best ending of the game

Don't try to pretend the game doesn't reward you for exploring.

opinion discarded. sekiro has way better and more variety in its combat. play the fucking game before criticizing it.

Objectively false. A single weapon in bloodborne has more combos/movesets than the only weapon Sekiro has, the katana. Even with combat arts included (because you can only equip one at any time).


Not to mention buid variety, gemstones or the fact that you can go full blown ranged if you want. Sekiro has none of that. You're objectively wrong

>yeah, thats why everyone used saw cleaver
You mean, Moonlight Sword, right? Jesus, you even have shit taste in the weapons, no wonder you liked Sekiro

Fucking this. The loot game in Sekiro is fucking shit.
Its not as satisfying as find a silver serpent ring or an armor set.

Literally the only game they developed was the puzzle game for the 360. Every other game they have been involved with was made by someone else and they published it for them.

DS2fags should be permanently purged from this board.

Changing gameplay elements while keeping 75-80% of the skeletal structure of the old games still makes it a Souls game. I don't know why the fuck everyone is acting like that's an insult to this game; it's a Soulsborne that demands certain things of the player the other games don't, that's fine. People aren't necessarily going to like being pigeonholed, but that doesn't make it a bad game, just a new spin on an old formula.

exploration is definitely one of its well agreed on weak points. that and music.

And ironically it's the only boss I found even remotely interesting/engaging. I actuallty had to learn its movesets, when I could jump in for a few quick attacks and when I couldn't.

Every other boss has been, tap LB when I sense an attack coming to get their posture up and hey, if I fuck it up, who cares! I'm still in block anyway! Fucking trash

Screencap your copy of bloodborne with a timestamp

he's laughing all the way to the bank while you're crying all the way to pornhub. I wouldn't worry about him

Every game in that image is great. Literally the only Soulsborne that isn't great is DS2. I don't know why Yea Forums hates DS3 so much.

All of that shit was already in other Souls games you fucking retard. Sekiro doesn't even have a secret level (yet?) Achdragon Peak or Ashlake.

white power MAGA

>All of that shit was already in other Souls games you fucking retard
So you're saying it does reward you for exploring.

for girls, yeah. took the hint yet, faggot?

>A single weapon in bloodborne has more combos/movesets than the only weapon Sekiro has
i can't believe you are unironically using this argument. you are a living meme. at least combat arts are useful unlike any button that isn't r1 in soulsborne games.

also bloodborne has essentially two builds. r1 spam and ranged r1 spam. get fucked. with one "build" sekiro gives you way more options and variety than both those builds combined.

>Trying THIS hard.

Playing the game right now, it's boring as fuck. And the youtube videos I got were of bloodborne, not sekiro you dumb fuck

Nothing. One of the reason why Souls started feeling a bit stale to me is that the enemy design started feeling less and less inspired, probably in part because of all the dodge spam.
Sekiro marks an appropriate evolution in the combat department - every minor mook you come across has a unique moveset, not unlike Souls, but you're actually encouraged to learn to deflect or dodge all their atacks. And I think the enemies are more memorable as a result. Also, the added mobility and stealth make it so dealing with mobs isn't a total pain in the ass.

But not as much to an extent as previous Souls games because guess what you fucking stripped 90% of what made the other games repayable. Come back when Sekiro lets me have a paladin build.

Why are you guys so butthurt about sekiro being peak from now?

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>screencap a physical item
how completely not unexpected. of course the bloodborne fag is a literal retard.

user, it's ok to not like things, all you have to do is stop playing.

This isn't a Dark Souls game. Get it through that thick skull of yours. God, you fanboys are pathetic. Stop being so damn cynical.

Sekiro and DS1 are better faggot

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>i can't believe you are unironically using this argument. you are a living meme.

Feel free to prove it wrong!

>at least combat arts are useful unlike any button that isn't r1 in soulsborne games.

Funny thing is that Bloodborne has an R1 AND R2 attack, Sekiro is the game that ironically only has an "R1" attack, lmfao. You haven't even played bloodborne you fat pcshill, stop typing @ me you salty loser

Sekiro will be forgotten by the end of this week

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I just killed Corrupted Monk, no major boss has taken me more than 4 attempts
Half of the mini-bosses feel tougher than the major bosses.
Progression of difficulty is all over the place in this game

>bloodborne only has R1 attack
>ranged R1

Nigger wtf am I reading? At least google Bloodbornes buttons before you pretend to have played it.

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Do you blame him? Here's a PCfriend pretending to have played Bloodborne right here only to completely get the button inputs wrong (and completely forget that R2 has attacks as well).

The people saying Sekiro is better, are the same people who said Dark SOuls 3 was better. Bitter PCplebs desperate for a "Bloodborne killer". Sad!

If this game came out and was called Dark Souls: Sekiro, nobody would question it. They'd call it that Soulsborne game set in Japan that tried some new stuff.

It's a Soulsborne game. Stop being so goddamn defensive.

You people seriously don't get it?
Demons souls>Blodborne>Sekiro is his main trilogy.
Dark souls is literally a cash grab spinoff with all of its core mechanics hamfisted in once from software realized they had created lighting in a bottle with demons souls. The fact that the series is published by bandai namco should be evidence of this.
Not that dark souls is bad, but people seriously overrate it because memes and literally never playing video games before

Can you make it more obvious you're ok with shit framerate/gameplay?

I hate everything about it conceptually aside from maybe the music
>Wolf is fucking boring not even as charismatic as Rikimaru
>no character creator
>the music isn't as grand as previous soulsborne games
>NPCs and bosses talk WAY TOO FUCKING MUCH
>so much human enemies;I miss my undeads
>bosses look boring even compared to Nioh
>Isshin (True End) is just an old guy with a samurai helmet and Genichiro's cloak

Bloodborne Metacritic - 92
Bloodborne User Score - 8.9

Sekiro Metacritic - 90
Sekiro User Score - 8.0

Whelp, guess it's settled. Maybe next time, PCbros

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>arab copy
they're in denial

>The bosses are better(you can't cheese most of them + summon)

What? I cheesed like, half of the bosses by the time I finished the damn thing.

Miyazaki designed a single character for Sekiro.
The Pot merchant.
Outside of that he had no involvement with Sekiro.

Sekiro is god tier, right up there with Bloodborne.

>post my copy of Bloodborne
>i'm still a "PCbro"
you faggots really are delusional

i think the little guy enemies are more memorable in sekiro because you beat each one in a different way than just wait for them to finish their attack and then move in while they are recovering. like the purple ninjas are attack until they parry and then you parry their 4 hit combo followed by a mikiri counter, and the blue ashina warriors have that thrust/shoulder bash situation that really tests your reactions because you have to time the parry to catch a shoulder bash and still be ready to mikiri if they went for a thrust or parry if they went for the rare normal sword attack.

>can't cheese most of them
>literally get free stealth attacks on most of them


>Feel free to prove it wrong!
i already did. r2 and l1 are useless in bloodborne.

i ordered it online and just clicked the cheapest one on amazon i saw

You just know that Yea Forums is going to be filled with "remember me?" threads when Sekiro finally dies

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doesn't matter what button it is. you are still spamming one attack button. its all the same, whether its r1 or l1

R2 literally transforms your weapon dude, it's the main part of Bloodbornes weapon systems, same with L1. Jesus christ dude, just google the buttosn next time you want to shitpost against Bloodborne my dude.

It's not hard

If Sekiro wasn't a part of the same family of games as Souls and Bloodborne you faggots wouldn't constantly be comparing them and their gameplay differences. It's Tenchu meets Souls, and there's nothing wrong with that. It's a good game. Stop fucking starting shit just to start it.

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See you when DLC releases.
Git gud


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This but it'll be
>20XX, I am forgotten

>you can't cheese most of them
You most certainly can

But R1, R2, L1 and L2 are all completely separate attacks for separate weapons (e.g L2 is for your gun/torch, essentially your off hand)? Google is your friend, PCbro

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>R2 literally transforms your weapon dude, it's the main part of Bloodbornes weapon systems, same with L1
it was a gimmick. you just picked a button and spammed it in reality, and r1 spam still beat r2 spam because it was faster. sekiro realized this and did away with the bloat of having two attack buttons. instead we got the prosthetic that actually provides useful options.

>PCbros still desperate for a game to topple Miyazaki's magnum opus


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you don't get it do you. it doesn't matter if its r1 or l1 you are spamming. if you are spamming one attack button its basically the same thing. ranged builds spam their shoot button. melee builds spam r1.

There are also Owl's follow-up slashes that can seriously catch you off-guard, even once you get a good rhythm going


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Is this your first Fromsoft thread? You couldn't even discuss Dark Souls 3 when it came out because butthurt DaS2 niggers kept comparing it to that game. Theres a reason why there are three Fromsoft generals on /vg/ because the fanbase is literally bound to engage in tribalism over each title.

2bh I used R2 in Bloodborne bosses about as much as I used combat arts in Sekiro which is to say fuck all. I think the only time I ever used R2 is for the longer reach in dealing with some random enemies in the levels. It really doesn't add as much variety to the game's combat system as you guys are implying it does.

i forgot to mention combat arts too. you know, the alternate attack that actually is useful, unlike your transformation attacks in bloodborne.

but that's EXACTLY what you do in Sekiro

How do I beat blazing bull

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>DSP is tearing through the game

I will be legitimately surprised if Demon Of Hatred doesn’t Ludwig him.

Tone was the best part of DS1. Bloodborne is obviously the best but Dark Souls 3 has underrated gameplay imo.

He is realizing that RPGs are trash and their fans are cringe so he is slowly distancing himself from all of that cancer. Good on him, most devs aren't that lucky and are forced to cater to those subhumans for easy money.

It's optional.
And Isshin will sit him down

sekiro has mostly garbage combat arts but ichimonji or however its spelled is actually really good fully upgraded. i think its under the ashina skill tree. i think i heard that shadowrush wasn't awful either, and the end of the tree stuff in the last skill tree aren't bad either.

use firecrackers to stun it and just sprint around the entire fight and he can't touch you

Jesus. Somehow you managed to get it completely right.

Git gud

i wasn't arguing that. i was proving the bloodborne retard wrong because he things bloodborne had more detailed and intricate combat than sekiro when its literally r1 and dodge spam. at least certain combat arts in sekiro are useful and prosthetics are actually useful.

Run after him, slice his butt, jump away, run after him...etc etc

Why does firecrackers stun a fire cow, he should've been immune, from my personal mental logic.
Gonna try that now, thanks.

>prosthetics are actually useful.
Useful in very situational ways yes. Fuck off.


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My favorite souls game is ninja gaiden 2.

it works on all animals in the game. has a short cooldown for it to be effective on him though so don't just spam it

shield can be used any time to learn a boss's moveset. fire prosthetic and even more so shurikens are good general use ones. shuriken + followup when you see an enemy open themselves up is something a lot of people do.

the fan + ninjutsus is also great in group situations that you can't really stealth through without lots of trouble. whistle also works here.

Bloodborne is a slower game than Sekiro. Stop being mad that you can't handle the faster combat.

Run in circles, dodge into the horn, fireworks good. He’s WAY easier than he initially seems.

Firecrackers are overpowered
Prove me wrong

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>game with no block system
>slower than a game designed around its block system

Git gud

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I like Sekiro but there's no way it's From's best game. It's an attempt for them to get the souls fan base to play future Tenchu style games.

I can't.

Post a video of a single boss in Sekiro more fast paced than these:




>>Demon's Souls is God tier
>>Dark Souls is shit tier

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i hope the dlc is actually hard. once you figure out the game its not hard, just like souls isn't hard once you figure it out. sekiro seems to teach you better though and holding block before parrying is a fantastic cop out. endgame enemies seem to capitalize on you being posture broken more though instead of just backing off. hopefully they they take this further. enemies should have special high damage moves for when you are posture broken.

sekiro's bosses are actually weak as fuck desu

are you memeing? i opened the middle one and its actually slower than sekiro.

Why are Bloodbornefags so insistent that their game is better? Is it because Sekiro is on platforms other than PS4?

Imagine having to decide on whether or not you like Bloodborne or Sekiro when you can just not be poor and like both.

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because sekiro's existence as the best from title threatens them.

Sekiro is designed around it's parry system though, not the block? It actively forces you to progress from being a pussy hiding behind guard to completely stomping down everyone's throat in 30 seconds because you nutted up. Bloodborne revolves around the iframes.

Once you realize that you just never stop attacking, they go from long and hard to over within 20 seconds




>boring/bland looking human character
>Half of his list are human

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Can we end this meme that a boss being harder makes it better?

nah man you are supposed to hold block and then release and press to parry. this is what they told reviewers to do. if you fuck up you just get a normal block and you are good. most of the time you won't even get properly punished for being posture broken, so holding guard is fine. only certain endgame enemies are agressive enough and high damage enough to punish you.

NO! Souls is not about difficulty but thats actually all people talk about

>When you realize that timing blocks and dodges are the same thing but just have different pictures on screen

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They’re all really good. I never understand this shitty bickering but then again we wouldn’t have really much to talk about if it wasn’t like this now would we?

Nice example
The 2nd boss is literally you standing still spamming LB like oyu do with 99% of the bosses in this shit game. Lmfao. you really trying to compare that to how hectic and fast paced Ludwig and Orphan were?
What's even funnier is that the first boss you posted, is much closer to a traditional Soulsborne boss than what you find in Sekiro, hahaa

Looks like a typicla Soulsborne boss (see Amelia/Ludwig/Cleric Beast etc)
>youtube.com/watch?v=Q5CIgeh-0vQ [
You're kidding right? Is this meant to be fast paced? LOL

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It looks like it takes more skill to me, so Sekiro is better then. Have fun being mad, you won't change my mind

Bloodborne Metacritic - 92
Bloodborne User Score - 8.9

Sekiro Metacritic - 90
Sekiro User Score - 8.0

Git Gud

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>It doesn't look fast paced to him
You're kidding right? LEL


>game with block+dodge+jump+grappling hook+infinite stamina+refillable potions takes more skill than a game with no block, no jump, no grappling hook, finite stamina and finite healing sources

Sure thing buddy

BB is not even 60fps, like who even cares.

If there wasnt any bickering, then people would forget this shit game in a week. Sekiro only exists because its a From game riding on the legacy of Dark Souls which changed gaming forever.
Come back in 10 years and see if Sekiro is still on the lips of millions of people.

If you think standing still and spamming LB is fast paced then hey, more power to you.

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Did you complete the game with one of the 3 starter weapons?

Wow its almost like a simplified list of things doesn't encompass the whole game. Really makes you think.

It’s pretty obvious this game was a B-team side project that Fromsoft sold off to Activision.

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Congratulations. This is the most retarded post I've seen all day.

I would love to see some gameplay from you user

The PCplebs who still SEETHE over it to this day.

get gud

Of course. Why would i gimp myself. Every other weapon sucked because bloodborne had shit weapons.

Just gave you a bunch :^)




Go back to your "infintie stamina, blocks + jumps + refillable potion" blocking simulator. Leave the game that require actual reflexes to the MEN.


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>Wasting time getting gud at something at 30 fps
Christ. You do you m8

You can do that if you want to lose sure. The hold down block strat is great if you are encounting flurries but you should be jump kicking, stomping stabs and jumping from grapples and charges. There is a way to counter every attack in Sekiro.
Bloodborne doesn't have that, so you end up just dashing around because your kit is limited. The only difference is soulborne games throw much more different types of loot at you, so you end up buffing the shit out of your weapons. So Sekiro creates a game where you can always react with offense. Bloodborne creates a game where you have to bounce around with a limited kit.

>4 years later


>He thinks people will believe this is him playing

>Dark Souls 3
>That high
You are have a taste problems, aren't you?

>My game is harder because I have no input controls

Gosh sounds like artificial difficulty to me

Sekiro doesnt have soul. Its the same boring samurai bosses and japshit you see in anime. It was obvious that Tanimura directed this game.

>You are only allowed to like 1 From game

>You can do that if you want to lose sure. The hold down block strat is great if you are encounting flurries but you should be jump kicking, stomping stabs and jumping from grapples and charges. There is a way to counter every attack in Sekiro.
I don't think you understand. I didn't say to try to block unblockables. Yes you can counter every attack in sekiro. I didn't say you couldn't. I said that the game gets a LOT easier if you do the hold block thing. They told the reviewers to play like this for a reason. Its not so you lose. Its so you win. If you are late on a parry because you just aren't that familiar with the enemy yet then you just get a normal block which isn't actually punished in 95% of the game, because you don't take damage and being posture broken doesn't matter.

But souls is literally just a souless berserk.

Genichiro fight, beats your post.

>People pretend that we do not have these same threads any time the next From game comes out
No wait you are all probably zoomers who found this site this year. Well welcome, we do this every time.

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Bloodborne fags are the absolute worst. The rest of actually enjoy playing them all.

>Looks like a typicla Soulsborne boss
So you are saying that fight is comparable to the classic soulsborne fights. Great, sounds like it is just as fast paced. Now add that your kit has more options in Sekiro it's much more fast paced.

>You're kidding right? Is this meant to be fast paced? LOL
The first two phases are better than maria's whole fight. Phase three it ramps into having more shit than koz or ludwig.

>the game that require actual reflexes
>mashing your single iframe button
>not the game with 4 different reflex tests mapped to different buttons

child please

>4 reflex tests

it's often 5-6 because you have moves you need to grapple out of or completely nope away from.

I think ludwig and kos are a poor comparison because the boss is nothing like them but ok

>DS and BB
>R1 spam

>L1 spam
Which is more kino?

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I understand completely what you are saying. The game does require you to use the hold block tap parry system. There's bosses in the game which just spam flurry attacks so you need to parry them or your stamina/posture gets toasted and they will follow up on it. I'd say you are punished outside the 95% mark. It's just that most players didn't bother with trash once the interior ministry invades. All souls games follow the same thing, the trash is pretty much meaningless and once you clear it you might as well just run past it.

Can you explain why people never get bored of Souls despite having got one Souls every 1.5 years from 2009 to 2016?
Is it because they can't powerlevel or magic spell through the game and pretend they're hardcore anymore?

No, I fucking hate Sekiro because it's not like Dark Souls at all.

Because Dark Souls is literally the Berserk of video games. The atmosphere and worldbuilding was fucking excellent, something I cannot say for Sekiro.

Holding block greatly reduces your posture buildup shitter

You can totally think that but it's wrong. Those fights might look different but once Isshin pulls out the spear his move set gains huge ranges and sweeps. The same happens in the other games, problem is in bloodborne you have no tools to deal with it.

Why so angry though? Most mentally balanced individuals just don't play something cause they don't like it. Hate is a super strong emotion to have did the game rape you?

Oh I get it, you are just trolling. Well ok faggot

Yeah... If you aren't being attacked. If you just continue to sit there with guard up the AI will punish you for it. The AI freaks out if you attack them constantly and then spam L1.

Because Sekiro existing means I have to wait 5 more years for the next one. Sekiro just isn't my thing.

>I have no argument because my game has lack of input

Enjoy no controls fag. At least you got that lightning paper to zerg the fight.

>it's like Souls!
>it's not like Souls!
You fags need to make up your minds.

If all you want From to do is make souls games, then I feel bad for you.

Pretty sure they've said Dark Soul 3 would be the last.

You might be the most retarded person on the board at this time, congrats. Sekrio actually has combat mechanics past spamming quick attacks and abusing i-frames which have absolutely ZERO place in an action game. You're a nigger

It obviously shares a lot of surface level mechanics with dark souls like limited healing, bonfires, etc, but the gameplay itself can hardly be called souls-like. The fighting dynamic is significantly different for 98% of the fights.

I just want a From game with a character creator. Wolf doesn't interest me at all and it sucks that is has absolutely zero fashion outside of modding (aka one of the reasons to keep playing the game outside of NG+++ runs or PVP)

And that's a good thing.

You stupid motherfucker everything they removed is why it's a better game, there's not nearly as many ways to cheese encounters, you can ezmode the game with magic, instead of having 200 weapons with 5 attacks, 3-5 of which are completely useless they actually fleshed out one weapon.

He still makes kino

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Oh well too bad my dude. I enjoyed they mixed it up this time by presenting a proper story. Everyone makes out the souls games have amazing story because of all ambiguity and lack of direct storytelling but it just ends up being annoying. Bloodborne is much different because that's critical to the presentation.
Sekiro was nice this time round because it introduced me to non western themes and seemed to have it's own ideas.

>You stupid motherfucker everything they removed is why it's a better game
No it's fucking not you fucking retard. Outside of Dragon's Dogma, Dark Souls was one of the only moder games that managed to replicate that Dungeons&Dragons feel about going on an adventure as any of the standard fantasy archetypes. Sekiro removes all those options by forcing you to play as a fucking generic as fuck Shinobi

>Sekiro was nice this time round because it introduced me to non western themes and seemed to have it's own ideas.
Then just play Nioh. The bestiary even has detailed descriptions about youkai and how to pronounce their names for people that are just getting into Japanese mythology.

Demons Souls: 6/10
Dark Souls: 7/10
Dark Souls + DLC: 9/10
Dark Souls 2: 5/10
Dark Souls 2 + DLC: 7/10
Bloodborne: 7/10
Bloodborne + DLC: 9/10
Sekiro: 8/10

For me, Sekiro represents the strongest release From's ever put out. A game that introduces completely new ideas, and changes things massively, without falling into the typical traps of From games like losing steam in the second half, losing all challenge and pacing like Bloodborne after Amelia, or having a shitty final boss.

wow it is just spam block to win,how we never though that

Good taste. I don't agree entirely but I respect it and you seem reasonable.

nioh is just grind to win,don't play it user

Youre a fucking retard and I hate every thing that you stand for.

I don't want to play Nioh though. Everything about that game felt like a cash grab on the soul franchise. I'd rather play the game by the original guys and have fun with their new take on the combat. Sekiro exists and I'm fine with it. I'd love for them to make a Tenchu game next.

Don't know about Sekiro yet but I've been playing DaS3 for the first time lately and it's freaking great

Imagine being this upset that a developer decided they wanted to do their own thing. I hope they don't make another souls game for 10 years just to trigger your autism further.

The duality of man.

I feel like I'm cheating when I play Sekiro. Barely use the combat system, I just spam stealth attacks because they're so effective.

Isshin is the best Fromsoft final boss hands down. Cool as fuck, and satisfying to beat.

Good games to more good games? What went right is the real question.

Random youtube comment on a no damage boss fight video
>This game looks so cook. But no armor or weapon customization or coop or pvp so ill wait for a price deduction

I'm playing Dark Souls remastered at the moment and honestly there's so much stuff that the later games improved on. I remembered it being so much better than it actually is.

Sekiro is by far the best Fromsoft game. After playing it at 120fps I would rather eat shit than touch BBC again, not that I even own a PS4 anymore...

I hope you fucking choke on those words when From finally makes their next Soulslike game and everyone fucking forgets Sekiro because guess what it has NO FUCKING REPLYABILITY
See you in 2023.


As usual, nothing

>The bosses are better(you can't cheese most of them + summon)

I cheesed most of them. Especially the mini bosses, you can get most of them stuck on a pert of the environment then use the Nightjar strike over and over.

>Actual main character is much better than "muh self-insert" or "goofy character i made for fun" that doesn't talk

He has so little personality that it doesn't matter. I can't think of any character in the game with an interesting personality besides the guy that was stealing shit at Hirata and becomes a merchant.

I'm not even sure whether Emma and the woman in the cutscene at the top of the castle for the mid game boss are the same person, or what the fuck was even going on with the characters besides wanting immortality (despite already having it?)
Was there a civil war going on or something?

I don't care if people forget Sekiro. It's a game user, honestly I'll forget Sekiro in a month or so unless someone brings it up. Like most games. But yeah here's hoping for the next soulsborne in 2029.

>I can't think of any character in the game with an interesting personality

That's because Japanese people don't have personalities user. They aren't allowed due to shame culture. That's why the story is perfect.

thank you based big poppa pump

Are people still mad that "Shadows die twice" didn't turn out ro be Bloodborne 2?

You can cheese (mini) bosses and enemies with stealth, no game is free of these cheese tactics.

I'm mad that it wasn't Kuon, which is even more disappointing considering one of Sekiros directors was the one who made it and a bunch of From's old japanese themed games like Otogi and Ninja Blade.
I just want From to do a horror game for once.

It's souls without builds. Literally 90% of the design is the same.