Putting people in their places

>Putting people in their places.
He was right, you know.

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>one person did something bad
>so no one deserves freedom

Boy I sure do love being punished for things other people that are not me have done.

He didn't take away freedom, he just wants order.

why does super have armor on his outfit?

No batman is always right because he's batman

Christ he is ugly.

Why was Batman so butthurt about him killing joker? he literally did the world a favor.

Gameplay-wise, Netherealms wants to make rpg fighting game.

>Joker and others kill hundreds
>Superman killed one who really deserved it

>one person commits an act of terrorism
>powerful force dressed in red and blue removes rights in an act to save everyone
Was it supposed to be political?

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t. Lucifer

t. not Batman

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Batman was suppose to rape Joker.

I miss Batman (Grayson) & Robin (Damian).

Guys, I think that reporter Kent is Batman.

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why do people insist on making Superman a bad guy, even fucking Garth Ennis got him right

>even fucking Garth Ennis got him right
Garth Ennis can be a great writer when he's not being an edgy retard and for all his crying about hating super heroes he fucking loves Superman.

>Superman killed one

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To make him cool, I have friends who say he's overpowered. For me, they just don't understand the character.

Mostly, he started doing stupid things though. Green Arrow and Lex knew what they were doing, even though I don't think he should have killed them, but he crossed a line with Billy.

Nah, he was a cuck that got BTFO by the Joker and Scarecrow's toxin.

BTFO by Batman villains so he got assmad and started killing people, including a kid when he said "lol, yeah no"

Plus, it wasn't even really him. Wonder Bitch is the true villain, played on his fears and turned him into a monster.

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>get fear toxin in you all the damn time
>don't kill people

>get fear toxin in you
>think you see Doomsday
>throw him in space
>killed your wife, brainlet

>Joker beats your son to death and blows him up
>hold true to your code
>Joker tricks you into killing your wife who is preggers
>rip his heart out


Injustice would've been way more interesting if it was Bruce who went nuts and instated the Regime

Welp, I guess I'm wrong but I'm sure Batman can't be Wayne, that fag likes boys.

I mean isn't he already cool because he's a good guy who can overcome adversity? Though I understand your sentiment.

It's hilarious too because Hitman was edgy as fuck but that short talk with him and Superman was very on point.

>ever being a villain in a product meant for mass consumption

oh user, even if they write him as some guy who dropped a space colony on earth they'd spin it around to make him a paragon

Nah, Bats is fag.

He killed Billy. Fuck Injustice Superman

Supes is low moral fiber bitch.

First time something goes wrong in his cushy Earth life and he turns into a psychotic dictator.

>Hal had to be rehabilitated by the Guardians
>he didn't follow Barry after seeing a kid get murdered

The fuck?

That's what a real man will do.

>Killed those who can oppose him
Based But yes, shitty writing

Daily reminder that Supes literally got his ass kicked by Alfred in Injustice canon.

Clark is fucking pathetic, as soon as normal humans with any type of skill find a way to match him on a power sense he gets fucking wrecked.

>b-but it's not real supes, it's injustice supes!

terrible excuse in an attempt to character assassinate a beloved figure by suits who don't know what to do with him and retarded mainstream audiences who can't tell good writing

these fags are ready to scream overpowered while willing to slurp batman's plot armor

He was holding back.

Even if Batman refuses to kill, the state should have executed most of his rogue gallery.

Scarecrow > rest

Annoying chain-spin attack

Killing Joker was just the tip of the iceberg, the domino piece that started it all.
The more the line is crossed, the easier it gets.

Why are all his outfits overdesigned trash? All the armor and headpieces look ridiculous. Pic related is all Supes ever needs

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Because americans love seeing the good get corrupted into the bad
That's why I want for Injustice 3 for a Superman from an alternate universe to ask for help to defeat a Batman that has gone evil

Anybody who would fucking kill Billy for any reason can not be called a good person or in the right

user, there's been many multiple villain Batmen through history, and I just don't mean outright evil like Owlman, but rather corrupted Batmen who just become extremists like Injustice Superman.

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What I don't get about the Injustice Universe is that there are plenty of people that can trap or imprison Supes.

Just get a magic user to throw his ass into a another dimension and you solve the problem. Why couldn't any one from the anti-Superman side find someone like that?

I was just going to bring this up.

Literally one of DC's more popular comic runs at the moment is centered around a villainous Batman

why would someone with near-impenetrable skin wear armor?

What would Bruce do if he were confronted with the Thomas Wayne Batman?

Protect himself from Kryptonite?

They do have magic users, Bats specifically targeted them for recruitment.

Zatanna, but I'm think something happened to her, Constantine is a big member, Kent Nelson wants to work with Batman, but the Lords of Order don't, so he settles for helping his allies, like Black Canary.

I remember for a time that the Spectre was with Supes, so that rendered this all moot, but I don't know exactly what's going on now.

>red underwear

never ever

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That already happened in the comics iirc and Thomas basically told him to stop being Batman and go be a Family Guy, I haven't been keeping up with the comics a lot but some other shit happened.

This user is a friend.

I think Earth-2 did this concept.

Bruce was openly against his father and opposed his actions.

Childhood is siding with Batman
Teenhood is siding with Superman
Adulthood is realizing Red Hood makes more sense

Most people didn't like the Dark Multiverse but I thought it was interesting, I really like messed up bad-ending-like versions of existing characters.
Even if something like a "Dark" Multiverse makes literally no sense, it's fucking comics.

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Earth-2 Batman is best Batsuit.

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If you don't think Superman would lead a world-wide authoritarian regime, you're living in a fucking dream world. You can say "oh my hero wouldn't do that"wake the fuck up

Red Hood is all talk though.

He harps on Bats for not killing his enemies, yet Jason has never himself killed a significant member of the Rogues Gallery.

i get that reference

Depends on which universe he's in.
In the Arkham series, Red Hood killed Killer Moth and Black Mask.
In Injustice 2 he kills Professor Pyg

>character who canonically loves, respects, wants to protect, and sees himself as a member of, the human race
>wanting to lead an authoritarian regime


you sound like the kind of person we should give full control over DC's movie universe

This version of Superman was a retard, Red Son was this trope done correctly.

Why did Doctor Fate have to job harder than Raiden?

>Arkham series, Red Hood killed Killer Moth
Barbara will be pissed

the flash batman is fucked up, barry allen is just trapped in there forced to participate in all of bruce's murders

we'll never get an evil batman

remember Justice Lord Batman? yeah he turned good