Oh no! You were exploring a dungeon when suddenly a group of fairies attacks. Will you

Oh no! You were exploring a dungeon when suddenly a group of fairies attacks. Will you



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hopefully this is a porn game so I do nothing until I am defeated and raped

>Question why while two of them are different, use the same exact fucking pose and bodytype but with extra stuff added onto it like if it was a paper doll
This is not OK.

Try to barter for their fairy charms with beads and a lock of my hair

I hope you like lifestones, user.

>Rape select this.

But how are you gonna defeat the succubi if you already got drained by the fairies?

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the faeries already beat me

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*unzips dick*

Probably because they all use the same animation rig.

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>Rape harder
Its like you know nothing. The one who cums first loses. That is what Raping Fucks is.

first id change that shit party

Hit weaknesses for more Press Turns.
Alternatively buff up/debuff and burst damage with timed Force Breaks
If all else fails, Demon Co-op.

I wish there was a porn game that didn't have opposing incentives.

Murder the everloving shit out of them, grind them into fae dust, concoct a potion of healing with said dust, sell it for copious amounts of money.
I fucking hate fairies, little shits are like fruit flies that talk.

Any party with Libra, Capricorn and Pegasus is perfect, shitlord.

That may be true but they scream gooooooooood

Hey I was actually thinking of buying this shit. Is it any good?

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>literally onahole sized
the fuck are they gonna do to me?

Yeah, it is. Very solid overall.
Has a lot of equipment checks though, as in you'll have to make sure that your gear is up to date, which can be a bit of a grind sometimes. Also, very buff/debuff Orientated.

2 is a vast improvement in all areas except party customisation.

Any advice I should know before buying then?

>the fuck are they gonna do to me?
Ride your cock till you fill them all the way up that they're nearly drowning in cum.

You mean like gameplay advice?


imagine them linking arms and rubbing their bodies up and down your stiff cock till you shower them in semen hahahaha

Umm, get a tank unless you're an experienced dungeon crawler. The tank should do nothing but shield the party, at least until you're comfortable enough to go without one.
Dual Wield skill is very useful for DPS, but requires 25 agility to get the full effect of your second weapon.
Always have buff and debuffs ready for boss fights.
Do not use God Hands unless you absolutely cannot beat a postgame boss at all, no matter what.
Make sure you set the game to show you everything that happens on each turn, at a pace you can read and understand. Failing to do so results in confusion and likely death.
Farming weapons/equipment is both your primary source of income and progress, XP can be farmed by repeatedly walking through the same door.
Perhaps most important of all, NEVER use an artist gem without at least a +2 gem. You won't screw it up if you do, but it's annoying if you don't.

Sorry, I haven't played 1 in a while and I play many dungeon crawlers. Gets a little jumbled, especially when some games use slightly different versions of the same thing.

Thanks user I wasn't actually expecting a reply at all, I guess im too jaded. But that all sounds good. I'll go ahead and pick this up asap.

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>artist gem
It's a fucking word, why would you autocorrect it into something else?

I just want people to buy it, because I really enjoyed the game and also so that maybe I will get Demon Gaze 3.

Oh also, if at any point the boss stops taking damage outright then remove his buffs. This loops back to making sure you're reading what they do.
Do not neglect Minions in the boss fight either, since they can push the boss out of your attack range. Always keep the field clear if possible, at least until you can get the skill that eliminates the maximum range of your attacks for your main DPS units.

Last question, are there any characters I should avoid using?

The first game is an Etrian Odyssey style party build, user. You make your own units, standard RPG party (warrior, mage, healer, MC, wildcard) will work fine. Mage/Wizard style class will feel useless in the beginning, but they are incredibly useful for support later on.

In 2 it's a (fairly) balanced selection of pre-made units, though there stand out ones that are just better and they're all slightly affected by your alignment choice.
You shouldn't have a problem choosing who you like, provided your party roles are varied.

Gotcha. I'm big into EO so I'm looking for more in the genre to try. Demon gaze 2 looked fun. Downloading it now.

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Fuck fairies

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Pretty much any individual class or character can be useful, especially later on when you get more customization options. Your overall party composition is much more important, especially in Demon Gaze 1. In DG1, I advise prioritizing offensive power over survivability. You need some survivability, of course, but there are fights that you simply cannot win by just outlasting the enemy.

Also, I advise playing on a higher difficulty than the default. You can change it pretty freely, so experiment and see what feels right.

That's a Faerie Queen, escape and combat are non-options. The only thing to be done is to appear an interesting toy that you are not instantly turned to food or replaced with changelings and hope to survive as long as you can on the Queen's nonsensical whims.

If you go in thinking that it will not be better than EO and you can look past the mostly generic storyline, then you'll find a very enjoyable game. Music is great too.
Personally it'd be in my top 30 games, but I am biased.

>tfw getting the itch to map maps, but my 3DS is dead and I can't find my vita charger.

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Whats this? It looks cool.

Mystery Lad in Pointy Object Village

Stranger of Sword City

Dumb question, does this advice apply to Demon Gaze 1 or 2?

>dat feel when improved version is still not on PC

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anyone else surprised how many of these dungeon rpgs ended up on pc?

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It applies to both games, they have pretty similar mechanics.

Cool, picked up DG2 a while ago so thanks for the tips!

So, fastest crash course to give someone on DRPGs?

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>That is what Raping Fucks is.

I got that reference.

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I thought user was asking about Demon Gaze 1, but everything there either still applies or should be taken a heck of a lot more seriously.
Tank you may want to try going without though since while they are very helpful and you will be able to win using one, the DLC bosses require a lot of DPS.
You should not be wasting God Hands until the DLC. Postgame is as hard as 1's bosses, but you'll want to save them regardless. Man, the DLC is a trip.
In 2 you farm regular spots for equipment to sell for money like the first game (money isn't needed that much, but you'll be farming those spots at first anyway), but for progress (as in better to best gear) instead of regular spots you should reload areas and aim for the Star Spots once they are available.
Pay MORE attention to the enemy's turn in 2, since later bosses are a (welcome) step up.
I don't remember the deal with Artifacts in 2, but I know that they are arguably more important this time. At least they're a huge help.

And yes, you just repeatedly enter the same door to farm enemies for XP. It's kinda relaxing, to be honest. Just forward, 180, forward, 180, forward, 180, forward, etc.

This any good? The multiclassing sounds kinda fucked up to me.

Etrian Odyssey is a good choice if you subscribe to sink or swim approach which is too hardcore for most people. Remake was made for such pussies.

Eternal question - old or new artstyle?

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Thank you for the thorough advice. My only prior experience with DRPG's is Labryinth of Refrain, so the tips really help!

left: soul
right: soulless


It's not bad, but I ended up being slightly disappointed with it. It uses largely the same formula as Demon Gaze, and I think it was better executed in DG. It does have nice artwork, though.

It's really not that thorough, user. General at best.

Speaking of Labyrinth of Refrain. I am 60% sure it also has a mechanic similar to LoR where AOE attacks always originate from the left, so you should put your tank at the furthest spot left, but I wasn't sure so I didn't add it to my tips.
I'd like to be more help, but I usually feel my way through games rather than learn the mechanics in-depth.

You crackas need to play a REAL dungeon crawler. Original is also a valid recommendation, but Gothic is probably easier to get into.

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Either way, I appreciate it. You could of told me to just google tips and to fuck off. LoR's AoE attacks were obnoxious when you had a full 15 units on screen.

I played through Original a little while ago. Pretty fun, also a lot of potential to straight up break the game in a number of ways, especially once you can steal monster equipment.
>make a debuff-focused devilish alchemist
>steal an alraune's flower crown which grants like a % chance to proc a sleep and confuse effect on a regular attack
>steal a succubus' dress which grants another % chance to proc a charm on a regular attack
>steal a willow wisp's weapon and enchant it with infinite range for a % chance to paralyze on a regular attack
>craft a philosopher's stone and enchant it with whatever other on-hit effect
Fun times.

I hear Gothic is a lot harder. The consumable map thing sounds pretty harsh.

>LoR's AoE attacks were obnoxious when you had a full 15 units on screen.
It was manageable until Overlord Furfur though, then it gets a bit obnoxious to the point that you question why you still have them in your team.
Still trying to beat her myself, come to think of it. Thanks for reminding me.

Anyways, have a good time. I hope you enjoy the game like I did and join me in the Demon Gaze 3 threads later. Well, I will still be lurking about though.

Do this of course.

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The hell is he doing

What does it improve upon?

Thanks, I hope I enjoy it too. Also, a LoR tip I can give you is if you're using Peerless fortress's, you want to put them on the Far right. I believe they only have a limited number of Intercepts per turn, so if they're more towards the left they end up wasting intercepts on each other.

new, left looks too realistic for being an anime game

Yeah, I know friend. You've got like 9 intercepts (3 each fortress, I think) though, which isn't enough for a full party AOE. Thanks for the tip though.

I haven't tried Gothic yet, but I did really enjoy Original.

It has been too long for me to remember the specifics, but I seem to recall my brawler somehow being able to completely disable foes when she attacked, including the ridiculous post-game bosses. I think brawlers scored a ton of hits with every attack and status ailments had a chance of being inflicted with every hit, or something along those lines.

Ah, alright, I wasn't sure. Have a good one user!

Brawlers get like a 50% chance every hit to follow up with another. They can perform excessively long combos, which makes enemy brawlers pretty dangerous too. They also get some pretty decent weapons if you steal them from enemies, though they're usually also cursed so you either need to make a devilish brawler who's immune to curses, or have an alchemist decurse them. I wanted a brawler in my party, but didn't have the slots to spare.

>too realistic
not when the entire game looks like that. fuck the samey modern anime look.

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Left is the new art style.

Oh, right, I remember now. They can also reduce enemy resistances when they hit, so a long combo could inflict poison and paralysis and such even on enemies with 100% resistance.

One thing I did like about Elminage Original was just how powerful a lot of the passive class and race abilities were. Some of them were a bit overpowered and abusable, but they did a great job of making everything feel distinct. Brawlers aren't just fighters specializing in different weapons, for example; the two classes have very clearly defined strengths and serve different roles despite both being beefy front-line damage dealers.

>get demon gaze on vita a long time ago
>best girl dies within the first hour of the game

fuck you guys

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Keep your Eyes on Fran, idiot.

nah man fran is cool but lorna is still better

Is there a list of what the best DRPGs/Blobbers are?


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This one needs to be updated, most of them released on pc and are localized.

So it looks like Experience and Sting generally make the best ones? how does EO compare to these?

I remember Jesse Cox ragequitting Stranger In Sword City because he fought a group of little fairies that he could hit and had a total party wipe because he was too full of himself to run away.


The Lost Child was the best of those recent low-budget DRPGs Kadokawa put out.

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>kage bunshin no jutsu.jpg

>Dungeon Master
>Not Dungeon Master 2
But whyyyyyyyy

Should I do it?

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The thing that pisses me off the most of that list is that the only "fanservice" game that has been ported to PC is the first Moe, and it's relatively subpar compared to DT. Other CH games have been ported at times, but most were very grindy and had shitty gameplay despite having good characters *ahem* Monster Monpiece *ahem*

Disgaea games are top notch, but I can't vouch for Labyrinth and its 200 DLCs. Maybe some other user can suggest it, but all that money for additional content seems kinda fishy.

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Maybe i'll hold off for a while and wait for a sale and get more for my dollarydoo. I am a patient man.