Apologize, Yea Forums

Apologize, Yea Forums.

Attached: randy-badass.jpg (768x1024, 151K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Colonial Marines
Duke Nukem Forever

Share me you're cunny porn mr randy

Randy is unironically based


haha i clapped because battle royale bad

Those glasses looks pretty cool desu. I would buy and wear it if it costs less than $10

Our guy Randy is back. Remember when he creamed Blizzcuck Jeff in a Quake tournament?

Neckbeard games. The smelly axe body spray, flaming silk shirt with jnco jeans type. The guy who listened to nothing but linkin park and slip knot in high school. The guy who thought Aliens vs Predator was better than Alien. Fuck off back to your early 00s shithole of a time period. And Duke was the original meme game. DUDE HE SAID TITTIES AND FUCK THAT SO OUTRAGEOUS AND CRAZY MOM WOULD BE SO MAD IF SHE CAUGHT ME PLAYING THIS HIDDEN GEM.


t. Cliffy "KEK HATE" Bazooper


What was his name again?

Attached: 20190325_090703.jpg (1016x533, 197K)

I am actually sorry to Randy, I only knew him from what you clowns always say about him but he seemed like actually a cool dude during the conference and BL3 looks sweet

>Apologize, Yea Forums.

Attached: Shrug.jpg (554x439, 106K)

Alright, what the fuck happened this time

Randy "little girl ass is pretty badass" Pitchford

he left a usb drive full of "company secrets" and barely legal pornos in a public place and somebody found it lel. the fact that he stores those things on the same device is a source of great mirth, and people were questioning if he's a pedo, but I guess he is not in any trouble

I'll apologize if you put your game on Steam day 1.

No, Borderlands is fucking shit.

Randy " The Human Urinal" Pitchford


Attached: C9EnxGwXoAAUhUZ.jpg (656x874, 87K)

What the fuck was he thinking

About how much he loves being a cuck

>Haha my wife took this picture of me as a joke
>I thought the bathroom was cool
>Did I mention my wife guys

The first Borderlands was the only good one, so nah.

post yfw


What kind of myopic cunt would be excited for a Gearbox game in this day and age?
Boring and bland, even when it came out.
>Duke Nukem Forever
No comment needed.
>Borderlands 2
Boring and bland and horribly balanced.
>Aliens Colonial Marines
No comment needed.
>All that shit fucking over modders and rights holders

The fact that Randy is a piss fetishist pedophile doesn't help matters.

>The fact that Randy is a piss fetishist pedophile doesn't help matters.
That is exactly why some Yea Forums people love him

What the fuck are you on PCP?

as long as it isn't furfaggotry, a foot fetish or cuckoldry I doubt Yea Forums gives a shit.