Kill Em All 1589
I am tengu man
410,757,864,530 DEAD RATS
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I like it.
>A person showing a pic of deus ex as their avatar talking about the importance of e-peens.
That person wasn't interested in deus ex. They are a phony. On the plus side, they will realize only too late that they spent the better part of their life on things that don't matter.
Hius fight was kino as fuck
>ywn be Isshin Ashina
Anyone else love the little cinematic touches they add to fights without actually cutting away from gameplay or doing QTEs like shitty western games?
>if Genichiro parries all your attacks, followed by your parrying all his attacks, you both end up doing a cool anime pose
>if you're holding block while Owl does a heavy sprinting swing, it pushes you back while you anchor your sword in the ground
>final boss probably has some, but I'm not there yet
It's fucking cool as shit bros
>5 stage final boss
the literal definition of artificial difficulty.
The anchored sword pushback actually happens on any super-heavy blocked attack even if perfect parried, by the way. It's not overused enough to be not-cool every time. It's always fun, but you get used to it by NG+ with bell demon and no kuro charm.
Most of the major bosses have at least one attack that causes this animation to happen if you parry/block it.
I still don't get why exactly he attacks immediately upon appearing. He has no interest in having Kuro, so why the fuck would he fight us, doesn't he have more urgent matters to attend, like invaders burning down his fucking castle and taking away his land for example.
Or was he merely embarrassed about his retard grandson putting up such a shamefur final boss fight and having only 1 hp bar?
It’s not even purely cinematic, it has gameplay consequences. You want to avoid the mid range with Owl because you don’t get shit for blocking that attack.
Who was more kino, Isshin, Gwyn, or Gael?
Gael is anti-kino
>test of endurance
>artificial difficulty
also is there a single 5 stage fight
most is 4 i thought
This applies to everything honestly.The stakes are higher in Sekiro because you know what the fuck is going on.
In Dark Souls and Bloodbor e you're just "linking the fire" or "ending the night/dream" and killing bosses to achieve that
this guy is still wrong and here's why:
I can just get my big brother who's better at videogames than I am to play it for me and beat the boss for me whenever it's too hard
>old, reached the highest levels of skill, no one can match him but Wolf-kun
>only heir went nuclear, no family
>country surrounded by enemies
>countrymen all gone full retard with centipedes and other vile heresies
>only had the country in the first place because of a briefly successful rebellion
>country is poor as fuck, can only even afford proper armor for a handful of generals
>barely any usable terrain in the mountainous country anyway
>era of war and samurai is ending and he's becoming obsolete
>wants to die
he had nothing left
>stage 1 minibus
>stage 2 just parry
>stage 3 ohfuggin shit
>stage 4 lightning
>the final boss is a nobody, born from nothing, with no special powers or weapons, who makes it the end of the world and overcomes every obstacle through sheer determination
>the pure unadulterated kino of fighting a mirror image of the player on top of the ashes of civilization is lost on the brainlet
Sword saint has a secret stage if you kill him before he pulls a spear
>Isshin the Sword Saint
>fucking shoots you with his gun
What the fuck, From.
>artificial difficulty
>I am tengu man
I don't know why this specifically made me laugh but it did
Even having a direct, personal connection to Isshin makes it so much better. When you finally beat him, and he kneels down and says 'Do it!' Even if you were dying to him for days straight, it makes you respect him, it feels good.
it would have made it kino if you actually saw Gael or see him mentioned throughout the whole series
unless he was and i just didnt pay attention
throws me off a bit as well, you'd expect he would be more about "honor"
>Get his first HP bar down
>Oh yeah, let's do this
>Stomps the ground and start dual welding a spear
And then I knew why people have been crying about the old fucker
He is the one who starts the 1st DLC, and you can summon him for 3 different fights. You also see his soapstone messages everywhere in The Ringed City, and they have this weird demonic glow to them unlike other messages.
Him whipping out his big throbbing spear is one thing, the moment he pulls out the glock18 though, that was some truly next level shit.
Japanese "honor" has always been nothing more than "just don't lose", doesn't really matter what you do.
Kinda like "chivalry", Knights are expected to be pious noble warrior defending their kingdoms when in truth 90% of them were pillaging assholes.
"Honor" has always been bullshit. No warrior has ever been honorable when their life is on the line. You kill or you die, nothing else matters.
Honestly it felt really good to push genchiros shit in that first round flawlessly and then have old man absolutely BUST me over his knee afterrwards
Isshin realizes that Ashina is a lost cause considering how fucked everything is and did not agree with Genichiro's methods either.
The reason he fights in Genichiro's stead in the final boss is because Genichiro's mortal blade can actually summon the dead from the underworld, so he summoned Isshin because he wasn't weak unlike him. Isshin clearly didn't agree with Genichiro, but fought for him anyways out of obligation and honor for him bringing him back and fulfilling his wish to save Ashina, even if the wish itself is a fruitless one.
i'll never understand this joke and i don't want to it's fucking cancer
phase 3 is incredibly easy with the lightning though
Even if it was a 5 stage final boss, that has nothing to do with artificial difficulty
im still confused as to why isshin decides to kill you at the end. he doesnt believe in using Kuro to restore ashina and killing you wont bring his country back from ruin.
>Hurr fight the boss for 10 min just to die in 1 combo
Fucking retarded shit with broken hitboxes.
dude probably just wants a good fight
Who even know. From dropped the ball hard with the story for this game. Why do you as an immortal lose your arm? If its that easy why not just slice up all of the immortals without even bothering with the blade.
how were Isshin's hitboxes broken whatsoever? I could understand Demon of Hatred but his hitboxes were pretty fair. If you weren't parrying at all then that's probably why you'd think like that.
Just use the umbrella, ghost monk was harder.
What does parry have to do with hitboxes?
It was his grandson's dying wish, so he had to take the fight.
>get hit
>Fucking retarded shit with broken hitboxes.
you wouldn't know (:
I am at the last boss right now, beat the Demon of Hatred. Any reason or good reward to kill all the Headless? Only killed one or two and the reward didn't seem worth the trouble
Nothing but just finishing this trash game is worth it. Exploring side areas rewards fuck all
>From apologists
Every time.
>tfw you're so beta you have to call your grampa to fight for you
they all just give you items that you use one of the candy buffs for spirit emblems
takes an apologist to know one, apologist (:
Thought so. Pretty underwhelming, would have prefered Spirit Emblems
Go back and beat them. Reminder if you didn't beat every optional boss and mini-boss then you didn't actually beat Sekiro.
Doesn't really matter cause you aren't on here to hear anything beyond what you already believe so its a waste but here you go.
fuck all you fags that think this
hes twice your fucking size
he shoots crossbows midair
he has what, 3 phases? a cape that hurts you?
hes not your fucking equal, hes literally just another big armored dude with a sword and delayed attacks. You faggots prop this shit up because DS3 was a garbage game
Trying to get all the skills, what's the best place to grind that shit?
>big red kanji symbol appears
>still doesn't press the jump button
You can be straight in front of Demon of Hatred and if you jump his charge you'll completely avoid the damage.
He probably wanted to die a Samurais death and not on the deathbed. If you look at his corpse at Ashina Castle he died just there without any blood (probably got a heartattack trying to fight)
Sekiro basically gave him what he longed for.
What the fuck does the tengu guy who asks you to kill rats have to do with the old decrepit ishinn guy ?
If you spoiled it for me thanks a lot shitbag
Listen to their voice and how the call you, you shmuck. It's not a spoiler if you have an ounce of awareness.
All gooks sound the same to me you cocksucking nigger
only because you're a retarded autist
Yeah and what if all 5 of those stages were easy? What a fucking retarded argument you moron. Try talking about what actually makes it artificial like tanky health bars.
swords are getting obsoleted by gunpowder. he only shoots after the first deathblow, because wolf can go toe-to-toe with him after all. the gun seemed like dirty desperation to me, and it made the fight even more kino.
>the gun seemed like dirty desperation to me,
I swear it's like people lack self-awareness. Sekiro has prosthetic tools. His gun doesn't even level the playing field.
Since when were you under the impression this game was fair?
The Ashina combat style is all about doing whatever it takes to win. Why else do you think Genichiro was such a cunt?
>A shinobi would know the difference between honor and victory
>isshin brought back to life in his prime
>except he's still missing an eye
It's fair because Isshin takes both heavy posture and vitality damage. I was surprised how fast it filled compared to something like Owl.
>"stolen valour"
>summoning is equivalent to pretending to be a veteran
>it's fucking cancer
I disagree but
>i'll never understand this joke and i don't want to
Am I just lucky if I never had any problem like that?
Where did he get his helmet from? His attire doesn't really make that much sense if you think about it. Why would he still run around in a Yukata but wear his helmet? I'd expect him to at least wear his prime armor just from a logical standpoint if he has access to a helmet.
it has four stages though
I hope the DLC has a seven stage boss.
I like how when you actually manage to counterattack them you suck your own soul out of them.
>Tips purple gourd
That's not the terror bar
This boss is proof Miyazaki has lost it. The brilliance of Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 storytelling was that the final boss was one of the weakest. It was a brilliant subversion and one of the most powerful bits of storytelling in those games.
We'll never see a game that good again.
It's hard to do but when you kill the one that sucked your soul out of your body and deathblow him you fall over him and suck your soul out like those Noble at the Palace Grounds in that dark building eating other Nobles.
>Muh subversion
I wish twelve year olds would fuck off
Gwyn was not the weakest, the fuck are you smoking? Dude can wreck your shit harder than most of the bosses. He flies across the screen to hit you.
>inb4 muh parrying
I am shit hitbox man
12 year olds weren't born when DeS came out
Git gud. Should dodge later.
Isshin stabs his opponent in the foot to win in the opening cutscene.
He doesn't give a fuck about honor.
How do I know you only played for 20 minutes?
Cuz he's the bad guy.
>thousands of anonymous online people will be exposed!!!!!
get the fuck over yourselves, jesus christ
Whilst I too enjoyed what he did with the True Allant and The Old One in DeS (although Gwyn is only really easy if you know you can parry him, so I'm not sure that counts), two things:
1: This game wasn't written at all by Miyazaki if my understanding is correct.
2: Not every fucking game needs to have that same flavor of final boss. Isshin is an entirely appropriate final boss for the game he's in.
Probably not. Only fucky hitboxes I encountered in the whole game were a few of the grab moves and it was easy enough to learn that grabs are fucky just like in every other Souls game and account for them.
There's absolutely no emotion in the Isshin fight. It's an absolute waste.
Ninja Gaiden would have been crucified if it had this shit. Why does From keep thinking they can make real action games?
Nice projection faggot.
You probably watched those MatthewMatosis videos and think that makes you an expert on Souls.
>he doesnt believe in using Kuro to restore ashina and killing you wont bring his country back from ruin.
Isshin at his height was able to create Ashina from the ground up, and now he has the ability to take both mortal blades and immortality.
He absolutely could save it from ruin if he wanted, but he probably fought you mostly for the sake of fighting you.
Didn't his memory say that he basically only ever wanted a good fight as well?
>perfectly parry his quick-draw shit in phase two for solid posture damage
There's just something so satisfying with putting muh iaijutsu weebs in their place like the Ashina elite.
Just cause you can memorize what stuff sucks doesn't make it not suck all of sudden. Faggots like you keep letting From get away with this shit. How many fucking games have we had?
You didn't get it.
Clearly not since I'm not so fucking bad at videogames that I think Gyobu is anything but a joke
he's right.
His iai faggotry in phase 1 has a gay 50/50 lunge/sweep mixup you can't read.
Iaishitters win because it's a From game.
>Isshin probably only ever wanted to defeat Tomoe in his prime
>she died before he ever had a chance and took 20 years until he found his match in Sekiro again. Imagine your spirit burning but you are caged in.
Read your own post again >the final boss was one of the weakest
Gwyn is not "one of the weakest" bosses in Dark Souls by any means. He definitely puts up a fight and is not comparable to Allant at all. Just because he can be cheesed a bit with parrying doesn't change that, there's plenty of cheese in Soulsborne in general.
.. what? I'm not the faggot whining about muh weak final bosses
Not my fault that you didn't read the reply chain you stupid fuck. God you people.
I noticed he only does mixups if you're close to him.
If you keep some distance, he'll always go for the draw.
Read the reply chain before replying to someone you braindead chimp.
isshin's gay ass son can draw and fire his bow in the time it takes for Sekiro to his quickest attack because Sekiro is such a slow shitter
there's no way in hell Sekiro is anything close to a match for Tomoe or Isshin
Why does Wolf think getting in a swordfight with an immortal guy is going to help his cause at all?
Obviously he is as evidenced by the fact that you beat Isshin at his prime.
>there's no way in hell Sekiro is anything close to a match for Tomoe or Isshin
That just proofs that Sekiro is Quality over Quantity. Genichiro spams his moves but gets blown the fuck out while Sekiro does the opposite
Isshin didn't care. He was just here because it was an obligation and he wanted to get back to the grave as soon as possible.
isshin was the hardest boss from all of froms soulsbourne games prove me wrong
>protip you cant
Why does sekiro not canonically die when he dies to the final boss?
>Sekiro dies in 1 or 2 hits
>quality over quantity
I dunno I'm pretty sure Genichiro has the right idea. When you only need to hit once, quantity is its own quality
Ludwig and Orphan were harder
who needs depth perception anyway
I wish Isshin had some post defeat conversation with Sekiro.
Of course it doesn't help that Sekiro's quality is just chip damage AT BEST.
Man I need to play Nioh again.
Why would you dodge when you could just parry? It's more reliable, and the timing is easy to learn
>die to one combo
>use your free retry button
Are you stupid? The man lives to fight and progress his skill, and has always sought out strong opponents. When he first died it was a pathetic death from disease, but sekiro gave him a chance to die in a duel, and you think he just wanted to go back to the grave?
Where are you people getting this? If he were excited about having a good fight, he would SHOW IT, even a little. He's more excited about you chopping his head off than he is about the fight.
I don't care what the lore says if it can't explain his actual observed behavior.
when i first saw isshin on the ground i thought he tried to kill emma for some reason
Fuck the troops
Why does Sekiro say Emma is good with a sword when he never saw any of it?
Gamers are braver than the troops.
I hope we get a DLC boss fight against Masamune destroying Ashina now that Genichiro is dead.
>If he were excited about having a good fight, he would SHOW IT
Does he need to behave like an anime character for you notice that he feels happy to fight you? Him going "Come, SEKIRO!" says more than a thousand words can. The further you proceed into the fight the more he accepts you as a worthy opponent climaxing in him using Way of Tomoe in his final phase.
>Why does Sekiro say Emma is good with a sword when he never saw any of it?
It's a popular anime trope where a character figures out another characters true nature and capability on their posture and the way they move and shit like that.
Because that's how you'd do it in a normal game, and because big attacks like that eat your stamina and shove you back so you don't get any benefit for parrying them whereas dodging is a far smarter play allowing you to steal a counter slice or two.
>how was he excited
>"How my blood boils! Face me Sekiro"
But please, explain that it actually means that Isshin wants to go back to being dead or that he is just angry. Explain how all his dialog is about fondly remembering fifths, or how texts describe him as always fighting to improve his skill and techniques
>The brilliance of Demon Souls and Dark Souls 1 storytelling was that the final boss was one of the weakest.
>Him going "Come, SEKIRO!" says more than a thousand words can.
From apologism is one of the strangest things I've seen on Yea Forums and it has always been so for the last decade.
t. brainlet
stick to fortnite
What if an expert swordsman and spearman with wind and lightning powers...
Had a gun?
He's a stoic old man who has killed hundreds, you think he's going to be bouncing off the walls like a child because he gets to unsheathe his blade?
He's clearly very happy about the whole thing, just like Owl is in the dream. He chooses a dignified death when he knows he's beaten, it's not like he wants to die, he wants to save Ashina.
>a fight with no stakes
>with no reason to happen
>with no emotional buildup or payoff
>at the very end of a franchise where every single fight is literally in the ashes of a lost civilization
look up what kino means before you continue posting this fucking garbage.
>look up what kino
It's the german word for cinema
>is your sake drinking body that you exchange stories with
>is on your and Kuros side
>helps you out throughout the game giving you the style he developed and the Mushin scrolls to make you stronger
>his last moment was him drawing his sword but dying of old age before he could fight
>having so much autism you are incapable of grasping that Isshin might be happy to fight you.
feel bad for the anons who went shura and missed out on so much content
>he didnt obey the Iron Code
I actually envy them, this way they have a reason to continue NG+ since there's some new content left.
>doesn't show even the slightest concern about you rampaging through his city murdering as many people as possible
it's the best end though or at least the least crap one
They got to kill Emma whereas you got cucked out of stabbing that slut.
>doesn't show even the slightest concern about you rampaging through his city murdering as many people as possible
He probably didn't even care anymore since Ashina was fucked from the get go and he was on the brink of death anyway. Genichiro was pretty much leading Ashina at that point and Isshin felt like he was kept on house arrest with the Tengus guarding him.
Mods please ban this underage. It's blatant as fuck
He is the tengu you fucking retard
wonder how this guy would feel about kuro
I'm talking about the Tengu Shinobi all over the roofs and the tower floor you double retard
He's sympathetic to him since he helps Sekiro and Kuro time to time like when he ordered his Tengu to put incense all over the place that would lead to Kuro.
>tfw a manlet
>man so badass, even though he's old and sick, he solo kills 5 lone shadows when you barely can kill one
>in his youth, he lead a successful rebellion, and took back his country
>Helps you in your journey
>his bitchass grandson fails like faggot to defend their country,at the end all he could do was to find a sword that can open gates to the underworld, so he could get his badass grampa back from the death
>Grampa retuns from te underworld, makes fun of bitchass grandson, and just decides to have fun with sekiro
why is Isshin so fucking based?
this part actually made me jump
also the fucking giant magikarp
>standing blowjob
>stabbing that slut
What’s wrong with Emma? She’s clearly concerned about your well being and only wants the best for both Kuro and you.
Give me your tax dollars.
Did Owl have sex with a dwarf?
>somehow missed a Gourd Seed
Fuck, where do I know where the last one is?
not biological father
>can't even count
Try missing a couple of prayer beads. I'm not looking forward to looking through every nook and cranny
About the rumors from a while back about some aztec mayan From game, could they have been talking about Sekiro DLC? Pic is the description of the book Blood & Bones from Deracine. Kind of looks like wolf with a new type of prosthetic arm. The true ending has wolf and the fake divine child heading west across the ocean to return the power of the divine dragon to where it came from. Was reading about aztec dragons and Tlaloc is a god linked with water and lightning. His water could bring sustenance like the rejuvenating waters in Sekiro maybe. Anything else in the game about the western land that could link this?
based and chadpilled.
I love it.
Some of the coolest boss fights I've seen from From Software.
>Anything else in the game about the western land that could link this?
It's clearly either Korea or China. The dragon looks like a chinese dragon and the weapon he wields was crafted in China and then gifted by a Korean King to a japanese Empress.
I have no idea what to do in Phase 2 against Isshin.
>t. faggots who never played Megaman or Ys
South America is east of Japan brah
I didn't have that much trouble with the game, or at least I didn't get stuck on anything for TOO long, until that guy. Took me like 5 fucking hours and I legit can't remember the last time a single boss fucking stonewalled me that hard. Great way to end it though.
He is right. You know that?
There's still lotta cheese involved though
the samurai loved guns
I actually cheesed her by dragging her back towards the idol, and when she was backing up to try and get back to her spot, she got stuck on a rock, so I could just constantly hit her for posture damage.
>Phase 0
Literally just run to his side and then keep on attacking and when he sweeps do High Monk. Easily beaten in under 30 seconds.
>Phase 1 (proper)
Literally just stay in his face and when he does the sweep unblockable, do High Monk. Repeat another time. Easily beaten in under 1 minute.
>Phase 2
Literally just do proper defend and attack while keeping in mind when to Mikiri Counter and High Monk to counter. Easily beaten in 3 minutes.
>Final Phase
Same as Phase 2 but easier because you can Lightning Counter.
The only time I was dying was because I didn't know what to do, and most of the time, I was greedy as hell.
I don't know about that one, seems like proper ninja tactics. Fitting as you are a ninja
Fuck off already nobody wants to play as a shitskin wearing loincloths
Try using the umbrella shield.
>Don't talk to me or my son ever game
Talk shit get hit
>Emma says that she'd like to kill a demon
I'd like to see you fucking try bitch
Just a reminder that cute loli does NOT have centipedes
>can't stab her with Mortal Blade
Man From needs a better composer, Yuka Kitamura really phoned it in in Sekiro
You killed Hanbei and the monk assholes. The big carp and guardian ape were immortal as well.
i listened to the whole soundtrack and at the very least theres a definite theme with the drums
>feed the fish hairy slugs and it fucking dies
Hey I'm going to be that retard but where did that meme in the OP come from? I've always wondered.
>tfw I had more trouble with old busted Isshin than Saint Sword
Was I not meant to kill this guy?
He died so easily I am wondering
I love how even the game itself knows Genichiro is a jobber
It is fair because you got a checkpoint next to the boss and Genichiro is fucking easy.
Just for you. Whisker description
>A priceless white whisker taken from the great Colored Carp. While the great carp is naturally immortal, if killed, its whiskers can be plucked.
Immortal in this setting just means they can only be die to very specific things
He's just a spook
Daily reminder to stop playing on easy mode after your first tutorial playthrough of the game.
Old man does chip fire damage, so you can't just L1 him to death safely.
Beat him on my fourth try blind, and the first time I had even gotten him to his last phase. The game is very straightforward, it’s not like you have to specifically memorize how to properly dodge roll everything like dark souls
This, literally made me git gud with my spam-block-parries, now my L1 presses are exclusively for parries and it fucks human bosses like no tomorrow
>playthrough #7
How? I'd lose all motivation after playthrough #4 once you got all Endings.
“Wow did my grandson really just do that, what a retard”
“Hey while I’m here Sekiro let’s fight, you seem like you’d actually give me a run for it”
Isshin is my favorite character for this reason alone. He’s a shonen protagonist only as a side character.
Perfecting parries, bullying human bosses, sprinting and treating NG+es as glorified boss rush helps.
Sekiro's bosses are just that fun to fight, especially when you can skip worthless mooks now that you've collected any other essentials
>tfw still wants to fight SS Isshin again
>tfw still wants to fight SS Isshin again
Me too, I wish there was just a mode that lets you fight the bosses only.
the curse of being a protagonist in a 3rd person over the shoulder action game
bosses just have to be much taller so you can still easily recognize their moves when facing them with such a camera
(!) Sura...!
He feels obligated to at least attempt to fulfill the wish of his grandson, pathetic jobber as he was, as he literally summoned him from hell to do so.
Really he just wants a good fight. That’s honestly it. He never gave a shit about anything else, which is also likely why Ashina is such a shithole. He’s a conqueror, not a ruler.
>Made it to monkey boss
>beat him in 2 tries
>wondered what the big fuss was about him
>2 monkey
It's really annoying trying to avoid the side monkey while attacking the headless one.
>my risk was calculated
>but man
>am i bad at math
Focus the black gf first
You need to do Shura anyway if you want the final skill
>tfw someone saved my OC
Well I eventually beat him by using some blue orbs.
just deflect the sword attacks and he gets vulnerable easily.
What? You should have so many spirit emblems that anymore is fucking useless. Sugar s that cost spirit emblems are way more useful.
Killing the 2nd monkey is easier though. I don't know if I was lucky or it was designed this way, but on 2nd phase the headless one was using his terror scream at least once every 20-30 seconds, it was pretty easy to run away and focus on the other one
Cause it’s a video game
I loved Sekiro but From needs to stop with this whole ‘oh there’s an ingame reason for why you respawn’ as it ends up just being the central plot point of all their new games and is getting old
Why Sekiro kills the Owl in the Shura ending?
The effect is short as fuck, normal sugars are way better.
You became a Shura
firecrackers, nigger
Transforming into a demon that kills just for the sake of it
Because he becomes an incarnation of Shura, a mindless killer
Yeah but why? You just followed the owl rules.
Sekiro remembered that time Owl stabbed him in the back.
So he stabbed Owl in the back.
Also, Shura.
>haven't beat BB without summoning once yet
this guy is 40 hours in and has not killed gargantuan ape yet
I need more sekiro memes
wat do
saved my ass on like 4 different occasions on DoH or SS Isshin fights, always made sure i did Sakuza's questline every NG cycle
>fucking "sword saint" unloading a mag on my face with his fucking glock on my very first time starting the stage 2.
Where's the Headless Ape version?
The only good track is the demon of hatred track and that's probably because it's a reject from old hunters with weeb flutes added.
Once you do enough bad things, you turn into Shura. Betraying everyone he's been supporting up until now was apparently enough.
>Playing the game in a language you don't understand
How do I trigger more rice from loli? She keeps telling me the harvest is not ready and I'm literally right before the dragon fight, which locks me out of the ending
great shinobi owl is an homage to onikage's theme in tenchu which was god-tier
You just murdered in coldblood two innocent people just to follow that evil fuck of an Owl's orders
But how is it different from any normal jizz statue?
From the man isshin himself: the Ashina style has no rules, just win
I don't see you complaining that the "sword" Saint uses a spear as well
you can only get one at a time
>"there's this one faggot shinobi who keeps kicking my ass, get inside me gramps"
Divine dragon
Eat it
She can only give one if you don’t have it in inventory
You’ve played videogames before I’m sure
So what should I do in Lady Butterfly's second phase when she does those butterfly projectiles and then slaps you with that fast combo? I can block her moves but then the butterflies eat up my health.
Just call it difficult like a normal person. No need to attempt to make it sound like a design flaw.
I like to imagine Isshin laughs at all the blue shirts in the castle tryharding the same two strikes day in and day out thinking they’re ‘mastering Ashina style’
absolutely based and 100% true
>final boss has some actual buildup and doesnt completely come out of nowhere
is From learning?
Oh I know that, I just laughed because I didn't expect a gun after he pulled out his spear.
It allows you to essentially have 5 (FIVE) rez nodes
>1 standard
>2 on deathblows
>1 from Bundled Jizo
>1 from Jinza's Jizo
Keep in mind the last two are exclusive out of the 3 standard, so even if one are crossed (dying in one phase) you can reset it with a Jizo and should you die AGAIN, you can reset it again with Jinza.
Makes sense how it's limited 1 per playthrough with how OP it is, one-time too.
If she summons four butterflies while going horizontal on her wire to wind up, just unlock and run clear away, then jump on her head when she does the final perilous sweep for posture damage
Just spam firecrackers on the brown ape and her stance bar will fucking melt. You can kill her in like 20 seconds.
yeah and Owl did it because he wanted to rule the country. who says you didn't want a piece of that action but without that old fuck telling you what to do.
>I can block her moves but then the butterflies eat up my health.
just deflect the butterflies
How do those items even work? I tried using a statue once, but it was greyed despite me dying just now. And then there are also the dragon tear things you can consume. What's the difference?
Who's this qt?
I find it very amusing how Isshin made a secret identity just so he could do cool ninja shit and kill rats
just spam spiral spear charge
Great owl is a great theme fuck you
dragon tears is basically statueless dragonrot restoration
found a similar case with mine, you have to exhaust one of your two leaf rez nodes (the ones you gain from DB) if it's on cooldown, even if it's crossed out it's refreshable by the statues
Fun fact: Suzaku Lotus Umbrella absolutely wrecks his shit
>absurd posture damage with lots of parry windows
>the subsequent R1 not only stores the damage you parried, it also makes him scared since red eyes= afraid of fire
We just don’t know
The cute feet woman
Popular theory is that its Lady Tomoe
Wait for the DLC, maybe it will shed some light into it
It only works if you don't have a black strike through your resurrection nodes, and it basically just fills up a used one you have to refill by earning enough Deathblows. Say you die in Phase 1, you get a Deathblow on the boss. Then you die in Phase 2 and get another Deathblow so the black strike is gone again but your nodes aren't filled. Phase 3 comes around and you die, you get fucked. It's basically just a free refill of a node you used up.
Will we ever see him smile?
Because if you read the description of the second mortal blade, it states its possible to open a door to the underworld. Genichiro used this as a last effort to pull back this younger rage-filled Isshin who slaughtered throuthands to kill you.
Deflect twice once you see his sword shine.
He almost cracked a smile after he fucking stabbed Emma through the neck
The dragon's "wife" offering
He does crack a smile according to Blackhat Badger if you use Puppeteer on the guy who works the shinobi kite on Mt. Kongo
I know pals im just dumpin images I have
I hope that we'll get more creepy levels like the Fountainhead Palace or Mibu Village
no MLGS for you
>defending that shit
I love the game but you need to stop swallowing From's cock
Isn't the final boss of Sekiro subversion of a typical FROM final boss like Allant and Gwyn?
I rip Genichiro and Isshin in P1 apart without losing any HP in 2 minutes max. P2 is slightly fucked up tho, but it is manageable however a fuck-up is punished fairly hard and I was stuck on this phase for quite a few tries. P3 was easy as fuck with lightning reflection.
Anyone has a good screenshot of this scene that is not blurry youtube compression cancer?
That trick was nice in Des and DS1 but loses all impact if you repeat it ad nauseum
SOunds like you just want Des and DS1 again, play them again
>professional Souls jewtuber
>spams dodge, gets hit, lets the enemies regain posture
>whenever he encounters the next (mini) boss thinks he's gone to the "high level" area and backtracks in a different direction
>picks Sura ending on the first blind playthrough
How the fuck are these faggots so popular?
Is this an accurate depiction of buddha? Including the ones holding on to dead snakes as sacrifices. I wanted a buddha boss fight but the closest we got was fighting THE divine dragon
Hesitation is defeat faggot
>Popular theory is that its Lady Tomoe
It's a retarded theory by dumbasses that don't follow the game, Tomoe is buried in Ashina Castle and the game implies that Mibu used to give bridal offerings to the Fountainhead Palace (Notice how it's called Mibu Village and there's a part of the Palace called Mibu Manor)
She's probably one of those poor bridal offerings sent by Mibu Village to stay in favor with the divine dragon and the nobles.
>red eyes
Wat, did he always have that?
i don't know, but i want to fuck her
Do you think he'll do the same to Tomoe in the upcoming DLC?
No. Keep progressing in the story.
What's the kite for in the monk temple area?
>Being a retarded American
So what was going on with the Interior Ministry?
Are they just the Tokugawa shogunate rolling up to Ashina to get that sweet sweet immortal dragonblood? Or maybe Hideyoshi's boys?
I liked how the game kept things purposely vague in general, it never tells you the exact year and it's not like Nobunaga is behind everything. I liked Nioh but it really beats you over the head with the historical context (which can be fine but I got a bit tired of it). Sekiro was a nice fairytale with an exaggerated setting that was still a bit grounded.
Also isn't Ashina a real place in Japan? what's it like? Mountainous and forested right?
>gitto gooodoo
I already killed SS Isshin and got the Return Ending. Is that from the Invasion Phase or Shura Ending?
Now go below Isshin's room in the castle.
Invasion, he's there after you grab the gracious gift of tears. There being the area under Isshin's hanging out spot.
>Are they just the Tokugawa shogunate
Not even remotely possible. By the time Tokugawa Ieyasu usurped Toyotomi Hideyoshi Japan was already clearly split in two.
It's most likely either the remains of the Ashikaga or Hideyoshi since Mt.Kongou lies in his historical territory.
Stage 1 is EZPZ dabbing on Genichiro again.
Phase 2 is similar except he now has a few more dangerous attacks which do chip damage upon block, but are easy to just run away from and get right back on him.
Phase 3 is actually difficult because he’s using a different weapon and has more hyper armor. If you stay on top of him though he can’t use a lot of his dengerous shit and you can use the umbrella if you’re unsure about timings.
Stage 4 is just lighting reversaling him until he dies. EZPZ.
Ashina was a clan not a place. Also the ministry was like the government in general. They saw Isshin and his land as a place of military threat considering this small piece of land and its people managed to hold back every invading force for a long ass time. Plus you know, the whole having an immortal that can turn their army into more immortals shit probably raised Ashina in the ranks of caution.
usually i dislike people saying stuff like this, but knowing this game is solo, only like 9% of players have beaten the final boss (normal endings anyway), and knowing I'm part of that 9%? It could be 50 or 90% in a year, but goddamn, does it feel good to be in that 9% right now. It wasn't easy, but it was fucking satisfying.
>get to final boss' deathblow finisher
>tfw DO IT!
I think they're some kind of union that used to rule over ashina until isshin rebelled
So now they're here to take ashina back
betray kuro or stay loyal to him? what should i do?
This seems most likely the case. Kinda like Akechi Mitsuhide breaking off from Oda Nobunaga.
Literally the best final boss From has done, even better than even Gehrman since the builtup for Isshin is crazy all over the place
>drink sake with him, actually converse
>helps you at various parts of the game
>approves of you, and wishes you well
>have to battle him at the finale at his peak performance, both you and him knowing there's no hard feelings and just a plain 'ol battle, therefore KOI, SEKIRO!
If you betray Kuro you get two bosses (exclusives to that path) and the game ends
If you side with him, you fight Owl, unlock a new area and get a couple more bosses and minibosses and return to Ashina Castle on fire
If you're not planning on replaying anytime soon I'd recomend siding with Kuro so you can see everything the game has. If not choose whatever
>Keep getting those red clumps that give you red eyes
Huh, I should try them sometime, from the description they sound like a decent item, anyone used them extensively?
Stay loyal to Kuro
Gael is actual garbage and a terrible way to end the series. It's not kino, it's another boss with super attacks you've never seen nor have access to, ie a rapid fire crossbow that shoots blood skulls that explode. He isn't a character we know at all and like what another user mentioned that I haven't actually considered before, there are no stakes. You aren't even lighting the fire or snuffing it out. The true kino would've been the spirit of Gwyn on the ashes of everything he tried to protect realising how pointless it all was in the end AND we could've fought the canonically strongest character in his prime.
What I really enjoyed is the camera angle when you manage to parry well any oponent and the last parry causes their stamina to break down. The camera gets close behind sekiro, a little bit down so as to look as if from the end of the blade.
Cinematic as fuck.
Not a QTE.
Not a literal cinematic awful intrusion as usual. No time slow down.
Just pure gameplay but that little touch makes it seem more cinematic than anything the "cinematic" game devs have shat out inthe last decade.
stay loyal to the shota
>imagine being an unironic epic gamer xD
fromdrones are the lowest of the low
>when you start a new save file and keep trying to do mikiri but you haven't learned it yet
Artificial difficulty is the definitive excuse of the plebs,get over it.
This is why i appreciate Isshin more and more.
The guy uses a few of the same moveset as you, best example would be Owl 2 though
>mfw firecracker into shadowfall
>mfw i did it to him in retaliation after mikiri'ing him
what do i keep on ng+?
>there are no stakes
DS3 is much more nihilistic compared to DS1. Everyone failed, everything went to shit, there's now only ash and nothing left
Two undead fighting for no reason at the end of the world for no reason other than one going crazy and the other just defending himself is peak DS3
Altough you can impart some meaning because the Dark Lord is something feared all throuought the series and Gael is probably the closest we'll ever get to that, since he's pretty much the incarnation of the Dark Soul
>still here?
>hand it over
>that thing
>your Dark Soul
I jizz in my pants every time. Goosbumps all over. So yeah, Gale>>>>Isshin/Gywn.
How the fuck do you manage to fuck up 2/3 names?
imagine being this fucking egotistical and entitled.
yup, looks and sounds like a real epic gamer to me. (tryharder) :)
Oh I know they're not explicitly any particular clan or Shogunate, I was just making the inference they're inspired by the Tokugawa Shogunate (crushing any more opposition in the closing years of the Segoku Jidai) and because of the Mon of the Interior Ministry forces has two Hollyhock leaves, similar to the Tokugawa Mon (but that one has three)
You can see the Interior Ministry Mon on their soldiers as well.
Everything except story related or quest related items
>go to play bloodborne for the first time, right after sekiro
>it's easy as balls
I never knew how much harder sekiro was.
I think it's also very telling how when you think about it, Ashina's military is a joke
Most of their warriors are very poorly equipped and only the generals have decent armour, they even have to strap a burning log to a fucking bull , they were probably drained by the rebellion
Meanwhile the ministry soldier are all slick as fuck, have amazing equipment, have gunpowder out the ass and shit ALL over them, ashina really was destined to fall
I wish the game wasn't vague about outside forces. At this point I don't actually know if it's mostly real life Japan or fantasy Japan with !Not Tokugawa etc.. The Ashina Clan is a real clan so it would be weird to not actually feature the real Tokugawa in that game or any other clan for that matter.
Why so mad bro
Bad at videogames?
If you're used to max aggression Bloodborne really isn't hard at all
There just a couple of tough bosses
It's because every landed R1 brings you closer to victory and that's not always true in Sekiro. You can build some posture damage, eat shit and then it's gone, because you had to heal.
Nioh will give you a fix for Tokugawa era contentif that’s what you’re after.
I'm glad I never had to deal with that bullshit. On the other hand I notice hitboxes going all over your head and hitting your back and shit. It was especially annoying at Corrupted Monke hitting you from behind despite blocking.
ouch someone sure got offended by that quickly enough to hand out a reply
Of you’re that late in the game the reward for killing headless won’t do much for you.
I'm not really here for it. The interior ministry or who they belong to is pretty vague and the mon of the Ministry Forces don't fit any known Clan Symbol. It's more of a situation where I want to know who the Ministry is if it's not the other part of Ashina.
>Ishin is the old asshole in the castle who dies near the ending
>kill Sasuke
>all of a sudden, Ishin bursts from Genichiro
>he's young and wants to kill my ass
So, call me retarded, but why the fuck did that happen exactly? What the fuck was going on there?
Also how come his retarded grandson is using a bow when his GRANDfather had a bitchin' pistol that can fire five times in rapid succession? Is Genichiro retarded?
I just think it's funny that people are actually upset over games filtering them
Genichiro's mortal blade can open a portal to the afterlife, he sacrificed himself to save ashina
Also yes, Genichiro is very dumb
The game takes place in the final years of the sengoku era.
The land of Ashina was taken over by some other samurai lord (the guy he kills in the intro). Isshin restored Ashina (his uprising is called "the rebellion") 20 years before the events of the game and overthrew the previous lord, freeing the people of Ashina (I think giving him ashina sake tells you this).
Which faction in the sengoku era Isshin exactly aligned with is uncertain, but that faction seems to be one of the losers.
>So, call me retarded, but why the fuck did that happen exactly? What the fuck was going on there?
The second Mortal Blade opens a path to Yomi, the japanese Underworld. There's an note in Isshins room talking about how there's a second one and what it does.
Basically Genichiro used the blood of Kuro to cut himself and allow Isshin to leave the Underworld in his prime.
What are you talking about? Did you expect some 100% Western style Bloodborne Music in a Japanese setting? They wanted an authentic score. They gave us it. It's different, as it should be.
Red mortal blade = death. Severs even immortality.
Black mortal blade =life. Brings back even the deadest of the dead.
Genichiro wanted Ashina to be restored, that was his dying wish. Isshin had to go through Sekiro to fulfill that wish so they had to fight.
Read the description of the scroll in the chest next to Isshin's room
eavesdrop on Emma and Isshin after Owl's fight
These two provides you with an answer if you bothered to explore
Did anyone else notice how in the opening the way Isshin executes the big samurai general, he essentially does the same thing Sekiro does to other big enemies? (putting him in the crumple state and climbing up on him do a shinobi execution
Also other DEEP LORE:
All three adult main characters, Sekiro, Emma and Genichiro are all orphans (or abandoned kids) raised by non blood parents.
There's three different routes to immortality (four if you count the 'nobles') used in the game: Dragonblood Heir, Rejuvenating Waters, Centipedes
Then there's the three amputees in the game, Sekiro, Sculptor, Divine Dragon.
The game is fairly consistent with it's themes, which I liked quite a bit.
Black severs hurts the immortals too as seen by Kuro. The one Genichiro has is much better than we have since it does everything our blade does + more.
>repeating a subversion again
Would just be as hacky as not doing it. No ideas left.
Nothing wrong with an actually difficult final boss for once, regardless of plot shit
How did the dragon lose his arm? I saw some people suggesting Owl cutting a brinch of the sacred tree in the castle caused it but I'm more of a supporter of Tomoe fucking his shit up when she and Takeru went on the Quest to sever immortality.
Feels like a limitation of the style. If you're not really into the stuff (I'm certainly fucking not) it just sounds like a tornado of flutes, strings and taiko drums.
And this thing, whatever it is.
>the Ogre video
he literally jumped into his hand
just play the video at half speed and you can see it
it's actually amazing it works like that
>the last video
it seems the sword DID connect so git gut
desu Demon of Hatred is shit, it's a clear-cut Dark Souls enemy with all it entails in a not-Dark Souls game.
Look at the Guardian Ape - big enemy and seems dark soulish but is not, pure-cut sekiro-enemy.
Everblossom is the dragon
It's more likely that it was owl since the dragon IS the tree
I really did not like Ishin's second phase (the spear). He has super hyperarmor on some of his attacks, not on others. You are forced to eat hits repeatedly to learn which ones. The bigger problem I have however is that he leaves very few openings to counterattack in the first place.
I enjoyed his sword phase a lot more. That felt fair at least, with plenty of openings to get a hit in and none of that LOL POISED THROUGH UR ATTACK M8 bullshit
What if the Interior Ministry is actually backed up by fantasy Date Masamune
Then how did the dragon not die? The tree supposedly dies when it gets cut by a blade.
>>at the very end of a franchise where every single fight is literally in the ashes of a lost civilization
But the Gael fight is at the end of a world, not a civilisation. It is similar to Isshin - a battle of two for the sake of fighting becaue there is nothing else left to do but fight. Even at the end you perpetuate the circle of violence which had brough the kingdom/world to ruins so many times before.
Well it's the closing years of the rebellion so it's probably Fantasy Tokugawa or Fantasy Hideyoshi. But if they want to go historical Ashina would get destroyed by the Date. But hell, even ingame Ashina doesn't even share the same clan symbol as the real life one so whatever.
Lmao. I noticed he'll never grab you if you simply wait for a second when he's in the air and evade using circle right before he hits the ground. If you do it too early he almost always grabs you, and it's consistent with all the other 危 signs.
He just took a branch
Also it's a magic god tree
The branch is enough to make the tree wither according to Kuro. Also the point of the discussion is how just cutting a branch is like cutting off it's limb but the tree withering does nothing.
Unless Withering doesn't mean die and the Dragon Servants are supposed to reflect the withering of the tree
Is this even wrong? Based and redpilled.
Well they do puke fucking poison
Maybe it’s a reflection of the tree’s own spirit, how it’s less affected by the mortal world and can transcend physical damage to an extent.
Yeah, except Gael is a cryptic asshole whom you've met only a couple of times and eventually he grows up to be three times your size and just shits all over you with skills you'll never have. The stakes aren't there because giving the blood to the painting loli is purposefuly vague like anything else in a Dark Souls game.
The user is right, there's barely any build-up, especially not in terms of emotions and with a very contrived reason to happen
In fact, it's kinda frustrating because you finally get to the area where people are name-dropping pygmies and Gwyn, so you get hyped to maybe finally get some answers about three game's worth of lore, and as always it amounts to literally fucking nothing and more cryptic bullshit because From can't bother writing something with actual substance.
The enemy's spear is the same one Isshin uses in the final fight against Sekiro. Based Isshin took it as a war trophy
Rejuvenating waters ARE centipedes.
So what was going on with the centipedes? I know they represent corruption/filth (I think the word is Kegare?) in Shinto but what was the logic for them granting people immortality?
Also am I wrong or does the Demon of Hatred do a slight prayer/meditation posture thing with his hands as he dies and fades away while the sculptor thanks you? It happened too quick for me to get a picture of it.
Wrong. The waters eventually got infested by eggs of the centipides (there's a note in Senpou). Genichiro was immortal but didn't get a centipide inside, same goes for the Rice Loli.
Isshin game where you play as him Miyamoto Musashi'ing his way around Japan until he comes back for the rebellion when?
Honor is for dead ones
If you're in a situation like that you'd play dirty too
I think it is funny that the only thing that you can count as an accomplishment is beating a "hard" game.
Hell, Isshin might even be aligned with the Enrijaku-ji (warrior monks) or just the Ikko Ikki (warrior peasant mob).
Demon of Hatred does all kinds of Kabuki/poses of gods like Raijin/Fujin
How the fuck do you evade Owl (Father) combo into firecrackers and slice? I can do it 70% of the time, but even the small amount of misses almost completely kills you. Even worse on phase 2.
Nice projection cuck
Why so mad, it's just a videogame
Firecrackers -> jump back
Wait for his stab and mikiri.
I'm a shitty player yet I've beaten every souls game.
They said it can't be done in Sekiro but I just returned to Genichiro with a fiery sword 8 estus and a health bar longer than his.. beat him 2nd try (L1 spam parry is the biggest crutch if I've ever seen one).
Just beat Owl, man double ichimonji makes him free
It's pretty funny to compare Isshin from the opening cutscene and his final boss fight
In the cutscene he was clearly overwhelmed by a large guy and had to stab him in the foot to get an advantage, in the final boss he can shoot fucking shockwaves from his sword and summon lightning
>parry spam
You better get good or SS Isshin will show you what happens when you spam L1. His attacks are so fast they hit the downtime between your L1 presses.
Wew, fucking neat
Isshin is the best foreshadowed final boss ever
Not that one. THe slashslashslash bodyslam, slash firecrackers into slash.
Prologue Isshin didn't have the black mortal blade didn't he?
Exactly, just a video game. Why are you acting like this is some sort of accomplishment?
>ou better get good or SS Isshin will show you what happens when you spam L1
not that guy but my only problem with Isshin was his 3-hit combo with very, veeeeeeeeeeryyyyy slow hits. I think he often does it after he parries you. It was completely out of sync with everyone in the game attacking fast as fuck.
Why is Ichimonji so god damn good?
why do liberals hate effort and hard work so much
you'll never learn anything if you just give up because it takes a little effort
if you think beating a video game is too hard, try learning to draw or something
you'll never make it
But why does Isshin want to kill Sekiro?
Did the Ministry's attack made him change his mind about the Dragon Blood? It's not like he didn't know they were coming sooner or later.
High Monk seems to outdo Ichimonji when you actually get a non-block hit (double the posture damage of Ichimonji Double)
He mastered the blade
He created the Dragon flash combat art without the mortal blade
>why do liberals
What a joke.
Genichiro's summons binds him to do everything to restore Ashina. So he has to go after Sekiro.
He just wants a good fight
I like this guy
He knows his position in the big picture, Ashina has fallen, but his grandson's last desperate attempt before dying he will still honor which puts him at odds with Sekiro despite his favorability towards him
That coupled with his inherent battle junkie nature (that has diminished in his old years) that came back with his peak performance body make it a "no hard feelings, let's just talk it out over swords" thing.
This is also why he looks satisfied as he lie defeated, forcefully sits straight up and says KOI, SEKIRO!
It was his grandson's dying wish
Plus Isshin was always duel hungry
He's like a mid-tier difficulty boss you'd find in Dark Souls. Even Ornstein and Smough is harder.
To be fair that has a wonky hitbox
Sometime you are super close and take no damage sometime you are 50km away and it gets you
The Centipedes are breeding in the Fountainhead waters. When people drink the water to become immortal, they're drinking Centipede eggs and becoming Infested. It's just another reference to stagnation, the water is impure.
How the fuck is the Divine Dragon doing fuck all in the game? You'd think the sorry state the Fountainhead Palace is in with Headless and Centipides infesting the waters you'd think he'd do something to get rid of the problem. Also how the fuck does a Shichimen Warrior end up in Fountainhead and not get raped by Okami Warriors?
That enemy general he fought in the intro must've been Guardian Ape size
I guess the dragon is a cuck, his bossfight is literally impossible to lose, too.
>How the fuck is the Divine Dragon doing fuck all in the game?
It's a fucking tree. It can't actually do anything.
Okami warriors are jobbers as are all women "warriors" the fucking nobles kill them regularly and eat them
Also I don't think the dragon really cares
>took back his country
He stole someone else's clay
>Okami warriors are jobbers
They are the most hardcore fighters when they are in a group. It's like fighting miniature Tomoes.
Positive reinforcement can work wonders. Like just shoot laser beams at Mibu Manor and blow it up, that should give the Nobles a hint.
>Wears the same outfit as the Nightjar clan who protects ASHINA castle.
>Is an old man
>Gives you the ASHINA secret techniques created by Isshin ASHINA. Which are samurai techniques even though he seems to be a Shinobi.
Gee I wonder who could that be...
They can't take what they dish out at all, they die in 2 hits
Is he the hardest boss across all the set of From action games? The only other boss that I had nearly as much trouble with was Ludwig.
What happened at Mibu anyway
>hidden forest
>Mist Noble
>scared guy in a handbasket say "the head priest feeds the water"
>is this Noble or Corrupted Monk (False)?
How come some of my idols reset? Occasionally I'll find myself teleporting to an idol and it'll act like I've never sat at it before and it'll tell me"Idol Found" when I sit at it. It's really weird and also seemingly random.
>Okami warriors are jobbers as are all women "warriors"
But Tomoe almost killed Isshin.
>How come some of my idols reset?
Probably a bug, had the same happen at the Poison Pool Idol.
So seeing how the Sculptor says that he can't die because he's a "special case" and that he used the shinobi arm before, does that mean he had the dragon blood too? Would be cool to play as him if they ever make another game.
How very Katanagatari
He was clearly distracted by her tits for the whole fight
I think it was Takeru, he brought the Sakura from the divine realm. And since the dragon is the tree in the realm, it is reasonable to think Takeru or someone with him cut off the dragons arm which became the tree, which Owl stole the branch from later
I mean Wolf is using a fucking gadget arm to fight, it's only fair.
Tomoe better be some top cute for the coming DLC
Demon of Hatred was harder for me.
Sword (Person) when?
>They show him fighting tomoe in a memory and go full Kubo and the two strings with him falling in love with her mid fight
If i have to guess the priest may be the guy whose O'rin is searching for.
He may be a noble that gone insane after his girlfriend died and he couldn't go to the palace through the "wedding" ceremony.
Just dodge through them and attack.
That the way true samurai fought, ultilize spear, bow, gun and tachi and everything possible.
As real samurai and warriors in general in real battle were equipped with both ranged and close combat weapon.
Katana fight only is a myth created in later Edo era.
>final boss is a Sword Saint of Japan
>its not Miyamoto Musashi
His special case is that he realized that Karma has chosen him to bear all the hatred of the war. It's why he's carving all these buddha statues in hopes to escape his inevitable future.
best from soft boss
Some nice detail is that the okami in the fountain head wear archaic genpei war era armor, so they must have been there for a long long time.
>dumb weeb can't even romaji properly
Miyamoto was still a kid by the time Sekiro is taking place.
You can complete 6 anal bead sets before fighting Genichiro.
wait till we get to fight Dogen or some more kino boss in the DLC
That guy is literally the niggersamurai, he's Lord Sakuza
I beat him in like 10 tries once I realized it's a souls boss
>to retarded to understand Ikuzo
Watch more chinese cartoons
Lol the first time you meet isshin he calls you sekiro (only tengu guy did) and wolf goes “you are....” you’re retarded if you didn’t get it, there is no spoiler if you have met isshin
FUCK that boss that spams terror balls at you. even with confetti, can't beat the nigga
>Miyamoto Musashi
Ashina was destroyed by Date Masamune when Musashi was only 4 years old.
Sekiro probably take place in even before that battle.
This soundtrack is pretty great, just another pleb filter. Sasuga based From Soft.
Wait, so why would Sword Saint Isshin attack us or not be bothered by the fact that he has the immortality centipede?
I clearly remember the old man Isshin thanking us for killing Genichiro and hearing him be critical of Genichiro for lusting over immortality.
>so they had to fight.
>be brought back from afterlife
>be in your absolute prime after suffering from seniority for decades
>know that youre life cycle defying abomination
>a guy wielding mortal blade and capable of giving you warrior's death is in front of you
isshin just wanted to dance. IKUZO SEKIROO
He doesn't even say ikuzo, he says maire.
It's why I also believe that Tomoe is Tomoe Gozen.
>Isshin tells you whenever Tomoe fought it looked like she was dancing
>Okami Warriors are doing exactly that
>They also sport Genpei War era armor
Just think of Soul of Cinder as the end of the series because he's still the final boss of DS3, DLC or no.
I love the tidbits you can piece together as long as you pay attention.
>Isshin when given Dragonspring Sake says they were once a group of friends in the past, Owl, Isshin, Tomoe, Orangutan, Tomoe, Takeru, Dogen, and possibly Kingfisher
>Owl (EL GRANDE PADRE) says "That shinobi prosthetic is once worn by.... Interesting device you've got there!"
He says it when he pulls out his spear.
The fuck do you mean? You can have that authentic Japanese sounding music with the flutes and shit while still being memorable. Just listen to Okami's soundtrack. It's 100 times more memorable than Sekiro.
That's like my one criticism of Sekiro. The soundtrack, while serviceable, is not memorable at all. There isn't a single theme I can hum or sing to myself even though I just spent 89 hours getting the platinum.
It doesn't even have a fucking hub theme song for the Dilapidated Temple.
>the fact that he has the immortality centipede
He doesn't. Old man Isshin died and went to the netherworld. He didn't have any centipedes in it.
The black mortal blade can kill immortals because it sends them directly to hell. But it can also do the inverse and revive dead people. That's why kensei Isshin is younger and comes out of a cut on Genichiro's body. Because Genichiro turned his body into gateway to hell.
>Finally fight the corrupted monk that was in all those trailers
>has 3 bars
This is gonna be one of those fights, isn't it?
r/ing an edit of this timeless classic
A tip or the Sword Saints memory mentions that if when brought back from the underworld the person in question is brought back at the peak of their power
No. Kokujin-san's name is Jinzaemon Kumano, hes just a random dude lured by O'rin song.
it's incredibly easy
Okami warriors have cute feet
Just because someone doesnt jerk off over ds1 once a months doesn’t mean that he didnt play the game, the first time i finished the game it took me several tries without parry hes much harder than more than half of the other bosses
Forget all the samurai and flaming demon bullshit. This guy is the hardest fight for me.
You can cheese the second phase really easily. Just hop around on trees while the fog effect is active and then jump in for a stealth attack.
You can piss all over the first 2 phases.
phase 1: jump on top of tree and deathblow her from the air
phase 2: jump on top of tree and deathblow her from the air
phase 3: firecrackers + Ako's Sugar + fistful of ash for max cheese
How the fuck does ash even work on her? You throw it at her skirt.
Why did his questline end "properly" once you kill O'rin with his presence in Mibu village then?
Is the COrrupt Monk supposed to be Yaoi Bikuni?
>One of the most famous folk stories concerning ningyo is called Yao Bikuni (八百比丘尼, "eight-hundred (years) Buddhist priestess")
Hot black bull
Why are the fountainhead people shit-heads? sucking the vitality and mortality out of people.
Can't even be bothered to use the dragonblood when the dragon is right there.
O'Rin even says it's the wrong guy but accepts him regardless. Dude died in peace when she came to him and comforted him afterwards.
A fistful of ash stuns her for just enough time for you to do about 2 hits on her. You can literally stun lock her to death by doing 2 hits > firecracker/ash > 2 hits > firecracker/ash > 2 hits > firecracker/ash for the third phase if your timing is good enough.
See this. You can also do this to the real Corrupted Monk. The only thing that doesn't work on the real monk is Snap Seeds.
This game has everything
>Hot Monkey Dick
>Cute Shota Boipussy
>Divine Loli Centipedes
>Big Black Cock
No one knows how to use the dragon blood.
*Yao Bikuni
I have no fucking idea how I always end up writing Yaoi instead of Yao
>Wolf...thank you...
Fugg, that's some heavy stuff, hits me right in the feels
That was Yakuza Ishin, Sakamoto Ryouma reference. You can play as samurai Kiryu holding gun and sword at the same time. Even his name is ISSHIN
From are fans of Yakuza Ishin confirmed
Anyone got any cheese strats for the Headless?
I fucking hate practicing a no-damage run against it. The mobility debuff makes the game feel like shit. Worst boss in the fucking game.
Maybe sucking vitality out of people is how they remain immortal
Manicure ring stuns them.
Just parry and jump away when he goes for your ass for heals and buffs, it's not that bad
Lilac Umbrella or don't bother.
Stop fucking asking lmao.
They only have like two attacks nigga
It's good, but it's not the easy mode cheese strat I'm looking for. Purple Umbrella still will cause your posture gauge to go up when he hits you. It's not like the Shichimen Warrior where you can literally just hold up your umbrella all day.
It's so ironic that the headless guy is the only guy you can't sneak up on. They always become aware of your presence no matter how sneak you try to be.
Oh shit, forgot about that. I'll try it. Does it work all the time or does it stop working after a while like with Demon of Hatred?
all the time
yashakiri confetti
r1 him to death, reapply finger
takes like 2-4finger
someone can resume the story for me didnt understand half of the plot so i guess the plot is this from what i understood tehres inmortals in this world making a pact with them make you (DUH) inmortal genichiro kidnapped kuro to make a pact with the shota in order to protect ashina from the inmediate invasion//war with the ministery , is this the plot or just i understood badly?
Nice. I'll try that shit out. I'm trying to no damage every boss on NG+.
Yeah pretty much. Add to it that Genichiro wants to create an Army of immortals, not just himself.
I dunno, they die faster than I can use it more than 3 times.
>muh stolen valor
>over a fucking video game
and I thought screencapping your own posts was bad
kill yourself
gl user
there's one very nice youtube vid with very legit strats if you want to copy it, a 45minute vid one
>in the end, isshin died twice
>Ashina is losing to the interior ministry (whatever the fuck that is)
>Genichiro manages to hold them back but at great cost
>Wants divine dragon blood's blessing
>Kuro has seen that it turns you into a monster eventually
>Genichiro wants to force the issue, but can't without the mortal blade
>Sekiro saves Kuro
>Genichiro goes off on a quest to find the black mortal blade
>Sekiro goes on a quest to get one of the 3 other endings, or sides with owl and successfully becomes a Shura (demon of hatred is a failed Shura)
That's about it.
What's the relation between Juzou the Drunkard and Tokujiro the Glutton? both look almost the same
It's just From recycling stuff?
there are a bunch of recycled minibosses with different names.
Sword (lots of them) when?
>Ashina is losing to the interior ministry (whatever the fuck that is)
It's the ruling body of Japan, idiot. The Shogunate.
>eating centipede eggs
Get dabbed on