Seriously from all the games Sony could copy, Sekiro, Ninja Gaiden, Technu...

Seriously from all the games Sony could copy, Sekiro, Ninja Gaiden, Technu, NiOh they decide to go for the Arkham combat. What the fuck were they thinking?

Attached: 1553737686571.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Good gameplay isnt top priority like most Sony exclusives

oops just dropped this my bad

Attached: 1553993521095.webm (630x354, 2.09M)

you sound like a fucking retard

its ok when japan does it

Attached: Devil May Cry 5_20190314143904.webm (940x450, 725K)

They have to aim for that "cinematic experience" so brainlets can actually finish their games.
They can't help themselves.



npc responses

i don't know what you're talking about, i just posted a webm by mistake, my bad. could you explain why you think i'm seething?

A single mechanic doesn't make out the entire combat system. You are not saying that dark souls copied morrowind combat just because it had blocking, do you?


Attached: reality.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)


Sorry that I was applying logic. I guess I shouldn't even give you a proper response and just type "seething" or something like that, right?

what's this webm trying to convey?

>Implying Arkham Combat wasn't fun

Attached: 20190319_204559.jpg (640x458, 111K)

You could always go with the latest trend

have sex

no, the latest trend is to ignore vagina so that you can spend an extra three hours on that one soulsborne boss

Do you find Bamham combat fun? I enjoyed the bamham games as distractions when I bought them at 90% off, but the combat is the weakest part of it.
>not even the hateful poster from above, your post just mystifies me that people actually like bamham "combat"; kind of like how some people claim to enjoy ff15's "combat" (press one button, you win!)

Attached: xv combat is so fucking complex.webm (640x360, 2.66M)

I guess Sony just hates fun. Why can't their samurai game be like this?

Attached: sekiro.webm (1280x720, 2.87M)

>actually spent 3 spirit charms to kill one basic enemy

>spent SIX spirit charms just to get him to half health

It might have been because you played it on soft-brained infant mode. The Arkham brawl combat was shallow but flashy enough to be satisfying, and the stealth segments were fun as hell to play in, especially in the challenge modes where you had to use all of the tools to get a good score

>try to do anything interesting in this game
>remember that spirit charms are an actuaal resources for some retarded reason
and of course people will defend this

Attached: snoy.jpg (188x268, 9K)

nothing i just wanted to made this one guy mad

>using a ninjitsu technique in an area you already beat to get the ninjitsu technique in the first place which is also specifically designed to allow you to train in the use of it

>using spirit emblems to kill average low-tier grunt

I can tell these posts are made by someone who has absolutely no idea of the context of these webms

>Spend six emblems on a grunt enemy and still not kill him
>doesn't just mikiri counter the spear enemy that uses telegraphed thrust attacks constantly
You're doing great, user

Is this gonna be a good movie

You do know Sekiro is multiplat, right?

This is how a real samurai game looks like

Attached: Nioh.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

>Brand loyalist


Attached: 1553235969187.jpg (719x832, 110K)

so since no one knows the context of a scene from a trailer, you agree that the OP is bullshit, yes? awesome

Notice the icon on the bottom right going red after this shit happens? That means the person on the webm wasted all their uses of smoke bombs (or any other prosthetic for the matter) to kill a bunch of trash mobs.
He can then either not do it again and get killed by the boss or rest on an idol to recover uses.

The hypocrisy of weebs

Attached: 1468490599628.jpg (800x1011, 109K)


>Borderlands: Samurai Edition


oh no it costs me some random resource that can regenerate, it's totally different!!! shitty argument fag, try again

>playing fair builds
lol Nigga just 1shot it

>Oh no I have to manage my resources!
The game doesn't even have stamina and you're complaining.

Yeah probably. I don’t judge until something’s out.

Ninja Gaiden>Sekiro>NiOh>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Red Steel 2>>>>>Movie of Tsoyhima

Arkham combat is pretty fun, just overused. Doing shit like explosive gel into multi-ground takedowns is great.

bamham yum was a really fun game, because the gameplay was complemented by fun level design, a great map, and metroidvania style exploration. every game after that is pure asshole because the level design and maps fell into the open world meme, and pressing the x x x and the y y y gets old when you have to do it to 9 billion grunts every time you walk 5 feet.

>want to experiment
>need to worry about resource management
into the trash it goes. i'd rather play a real action game

If the goal of your video was to make me want to play this more, then it worked.

You're spending even more with the blood smoke method you retard

is this literally 540p
i cant see shit

Yeah but Arkham is a detective and a stealthy game, taking that combat into a samurai game makes no fucking sense, well it really does because Sucker Punch is putting no effort whatsoever on this piece of shit.

>this thread

What's with that jump why not use the chase slash

Instead of Samurai Souls, we gettin Samurai Soulless. This thing will be forgotten in a week, just like God of War.

sekiro players don't actually know how to combo since they don't play actual action games

So, are you going to acknowledge the items that were used, or are you honestly pretending it's remotely similar to Ghosts? Imagine being this much of an imbecile sony fantard.

sekiro players don't actually know how to combo since they don't play actual action games

>This thing will be forgotten in a week, just like God of War.
God of War won more GOTY awards than Bore of the Wild. How does that make you feel?

The situations presented aren't similar. Are those self-defeating posts?

Atleast it's better than Sekiros rehashed gameplay

Attached: 32151516.png (811x451, 645K)

Attached: 1450271979104.jpg (557x822, 92K)

Well, no, shithead, because King's Field had it before Morrowind. I've never played Arena but that was some months before the first King's Field.

sony is japanese as well dumbass

Oh wow, he didn't do any damage. Great display.

Attached: w.jpg (640x360, 39K)

as someone who tried arkham before, the combat sucks. the animations are real nice, but losing control of my character as he literally glides across an entire room to hit an enemy I didn't even want to target makes it trash

also I think batman is a shitty character so that doesn't help

Isn't Ghost of Tsushima a western-made game? Seems a little silly to expect good combat.

Breath of the Wild is just as bland, shallow and forgettable. It's funny to me that I'm a console warrior lardass like you.
GOTY awards equate to how many journalists you pay off and not much else.

>Isn't Ghost of Tsushima a western-made game? Seems a little silly to expect good combat.

And that attitude is exactly why Cyberpunk 2077 and Bloodlines 2 are gonna be shitty generic fps games instead of proper 3rd person action games with well crafted combat.

If I was Sony I would stealth release that piece of shit like days gone or delay the movie for a couple of years.

Attached: more sekiro.webm (1280x720, 2.86M)

Eow some items were used so its great gameplay now!!!!!!!

You can't use them indefinitely, at some point you have to rely on your skills. Ghosts' gameplay is broken by default.

Me thinking western combat is shit is magically going to make those two games generic FPS? I didn't know I had such incredible power.

Nah honestly even at their worst Paradox and CDPR can make bettter games than snoy.

Here your Westernjank gameplay bro

Attached: GOTY.webm (720x580, 2.88M)

It's captured on PS4 so it's probably 720p or lower. Nioh does have a problem with clarity. The HUD is awful, there are too many effects, and on PS4 at least the aliasing is terrible so every fucking line shimmers.

No, its the fact that people pretty much expect western game devs to do shit combat, so they don't even try, since no one ever puts pressure on them to do better. Sort of like how there's no incentive for a politician to not be a lying sack of shit, since so many are people just figure that's how they're supposed to be.

Sekiro is the best fromsoft game so far and fuck cuck of tsoyshima

Attached: done bullying sonyroaches.webm (1280x720, 2.66M)

Lol yeah samurai DEFINITELY move like that

Exactly, it's extremely skilled when renewable resources are used! It's completely different!

this beautiful scene with all the autumn leaves blowing around, this is gonna get downgraded like crazy isn't it?

good game journo review scores

What with the shitty animation? its like 2 autismo trade hits with each other

Yeah except I'm not buying those games so I'm not supporting their decision to make bad gameplay.

Oh, immensely. And they'll call you entitled for it.


Yeah and stealth takedowns arent something you do in every battle in Ghosts so kys moron

>10 spirit emblems
>no even 1/4 of his health
>not even half his posture gone

Attached: 1461445821625.jpg (350x392, 15K)

Instead you will do clunky westernjank combat like this...

Attached: 1553945716155.webm (1280x550, 1015K)


You dont know what thay word means

The MC is white

Threads over. Everyone go home.

Nice webm though.

You do know how petty spirit emblems are, right? The game shits them out everywhere and they are pretty cheap. Bulk buying the emblems before a boss you think will grind a lot of deaths out of you will solve any issues with scarcity.

What is this even mean? its from the trailer you know?
If this isn't clunky then i have no word...

I've played it and I enjoy it. I just wouldn't call it a REAL samurai game while saying Sekiro isn't

>block for millennium
>slow slashes all over your shoulders
>*back the fuck off*
>Patin all over the garden
>slash steath kill qte
>truly the Sony Corporation™ experience i shealth my katana

>What the fuck were they thinking?
They were thinking about journalists who can't even finish Sekiro

>in feudal japan now
God dammit enough with this idol obsession, it's really time for an intervention. J-pop a shit. A SHIT

Sony isn't in the business of making games. They make interactive movies.

How is this remotley the same? Bamham does everything for you with one button press. In Sekiro you have to do every movment manually and the blood mist which makes it possible is limited to three.

Yes, it's gameplay since you have t oclose the distance, use items, and deliver the attack, and not half a movie where you press a button and something awsome has to happen as in bamham.

How is it the same? Are you fuckin blind? Oh wow one used an item, amazing!! Get over yourself Fromfag

How exactly could they copy Sekiro if it just came out a week ago?

>implying it's just an item usage
Your bait is weak, brainlet. Learning to read would improve it drastically.

L1 L1 L1 L1 L1 R1


B-But it looks pretty so that justifies the shit gameplay!

Nope It's gonna be shit the lack of style and those animations is aweful.

Sekiro is good, has some problems but overall still fun.
Nioh 2 will be amazing.
Ghost will be complete shit.

I hate it when developers copypaste Bamham combat, but I think fear takedowns are fairly well-implemented in Arkham Knight. They're a resource, you have to have a fear charge (gained from doing a stealth takedown). And you have to wait until they're lined up properly, and be ready to immediately deal with any enemies you don't take out. The enemy encounters (specifically the predator sections) are designed with it in mind. Though I played the game on hard, which felt like the way the game was meant to be played.

Of all the games with Arkham-style combat, Arkham Knight's is easily the best. Rocksteady is the only one that really understands that kind of combat, which makes sense since they made it. Though even in the best case scenario it still suffers from fundamental flaws.

Attached: lockup.jpg (1920x1080, 320K)

>blood smoke method

>those animations
I hope they'll be a lot better in the final release.

>literally every post in this thread about spirit emblems is about how you have to spend 10+ to get a trash mob down to 50% health
so we all agree that you get nowhere near enough spirit emblems, right?

Why not just make a movie? I'd watch that shit.

I like the Batman games. You feel like a superhero. They're more about stealth for me though, I enjoyed the stealth more than the brawling. I have no idea what game you're talking abot thought because I sold my PS4 early last year due to no games.

They should have given you the not-Bloodborne knife earlier and given it infinite charges (it takes off half your health so it's still balanced).

The fact the skills in the tree for spirit essence are literally +1s is a joke. A skill that gives spirit essence for successive deflecting/parrying would have been really nice to have

Fucking shit that is an amazing idea actually. Or maybe just a higher chance of them dropping on deathblows would be enough and raise the cap to 25 so we can actually use them more often.

>calling out "epic style" sekiro webms for the jokes they are
keep fighting the good fight

I have a lot of hope for NiOh 2, and I think it'll be pretty popular and sell well. The first was good but there were some obvious avenues for improvement, and it sounds like Tecmo knows exactly what to do.
On the other hand, its fucking Tecmo, and they've let me down more consistently than any company as of late.

>A skill that gives spirit essence for successive deflecting/parrying would have been really nice to have
this, or at least some of your sen should autoconvert into emblems.
either way, i had hundreds of them by the end. i found the prosthetics very very situational, and double ichimonji was all i needed.

the general idea is the same but the execution is different
in Ghosts once you do a fear takedown it slows down time and automatically locks the next targets for you (hell, in batman you need to aim at least) there's no input required from you only until the game asks you to

you actually have to walk over to the enemies to kill them, and you expend a resource by executing the special blood cloud
bamham just gives you magic rocket skates when you press counter
of course you already knew this, shitposting niggerfaggot

The MC is based on a REAL person as opposed to some made up shit in sekiro.

Sekiro's MC is clearly based on this samurai.

Attached: 5c3bbf01f74cc0a3b0d2c8c5c533dd0a[1].jpg (319x418, 31K)


Nioh 2 is confirmed to have a character creator so they've done a good job because that means people who dont like the lack of it in Sekiro will simply go play Nioh 2.

>sony is japanese

No. They are not. Sony is Californian.

To be fair the fear takedown is also a resource in Arkham Knight, you get it back by doing a stealth takedown.
No idea how it works in Ghost of Tsushima.

Fear takedowns should only work if you set it up before you drop in. The reason it's concivible is because the attacker has already decided on who to attack, while the victims are being taken by surprise. In Tsushima, it's only possible because time magically slows down. This means you can attack someone you didn't know was there, even though YOU are the one being surprised in this instance.

Attached: 1483520664300[2].gif (450x439, 1.03M)

can we get a virgin samurai vs chad shinobi already

Wouldn't it be the other way around?

I gave up on the riddler. Collecting all 200something trophies was just too much for me.

>ninja gaiden died for this

Attached: 1461944970791.jpg (1885x2339, 919K)

Complete your shitpost by adding a sequence from Bamham where using a smokebomb allows for broadly the same thing.
Or better yet, Assassin's Creed with smokebombs as well.

I think it's trying to say that Rebellion has a small moveset. But it's a tutorial weapon that you only have for a single mission, so...

>wastes all his charges on trash mobs
>can't do it again in the next toom
Y-yeah you tell them S-sonybro! It's precisely the same thing!

Attached: 1488667951487.jpg (558x845, 41K)

Bamham and AC killed action video game.
I told you.